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Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/21 20:44:28

Post by: Pyroalchi


I was recently browsing through a pdf of the Only War RPG rulesset which again sounded... kind of interesting?
Just wanted to ask if there are people around on Dakkadakka who are interested to give it a shot.

I have some experience with forum RPGs as player as well as GM in a fantasy setting (Das Schwarze Auge). From my experience the best chance to get this of is usually to have some very focussed scenario, more like a single scene or very clear mission to not get overwhelmed or bogged down to much. As I assume anyone interested would like to "build their own dude" what I could imagine would be something like:

1. a bunch of guardsmen from different regiments are hanging out off duty in their favorite bar/gambling den, but today... something just doesn't feel right. The bartender looks really twitchy and the once so chatty waitress has barely said a word today. Maybe it's just your imagination... or the bunch of burly dudes in slightly deformed trenchcoats that just entered and went straight into the storage rooms in the back of the hovel, who knows...
2. (stolen from one of Ciaphas Cains novels): A local sectorhouse of the Adeptus Arbites. A couple of garrison soldiers that seemed to have partied a little too hard last night are waiting in the arrest cells are waiting to be processed, some hopeful to get away with a warning and latrine duty, others dreading the arrival of their regiments commissar. All of a sudden shots ring from the plaza outside. What's going on? Why are the arbites barricading the door and why are the senior officers argueing so hotly? "... arm them? Are you insane?" "... only chance..." is all you can here from over there before one of them comes over with a determined look and the key to your cell in his hands.
3. The trenchline has fallen... to be more precise, the front has rolled right over it as well as the second line and is now 3 miles to your rear. By a miracle or the emperors grace the enemy seemed to have missed a handfull of foxholes, while some other Guardsmen dig their way out of a half collapsed trench. A rag tag group of survivors meets each other, realizing that not only 3 miles of no mans land but also some hundred thousand enemy soldiers stand between them and their allies lines... By the throne, what shall we do?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/26 18:25:01

Post by: Pyroalchi

In the vain hope that this just went under over the weekend: anyone interested? I would offer to be the GM, but prefer to let a character tag along for the party banter

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/27 15:07:10

Post by: Gurkhal

I could be interested but I'm currently a bit engaged with other PbP-games. Still if the scenario intrigues me I could be convinced to sign up.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/29 15:24:38

Post by: Easy E

I am interested and have some experience being a player in Forum based games, and in Dark Heresy. Never played Only War.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/29 16:02:41

Post by: Pyroalchi

Ok, great. I found a nice little scenario at the end of the pdf, that should fit our needs. If you want to have a look on the character creation rules and don't find it online write me a PM and I send it your way.

A word regarding my "game master style": As I always have to GM in my rpg group but at least want a bit of player feeling myself I tend to have a character of my own around. But this one is usually an NPC created for party banter who will only do stuff the players come up with to avoid feeling like a Mary Sue. I hope that is OK.
I'm also a proponent of "story trumps rules" so if you have an idea - be it in character creation or in game - that fits the character, go for it, even if it's not technically legal. We'll find a workaround

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/29 18:10:03

Post by: Easy E

Let me poke around and see if I can find a copy. I think a friend may have a copy.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/29 18:46:08

Post by: Pyroalchi

Here is a useful short reference for the creation of characters and regiments that is a bit more compact than the full pdf:


Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/30 10:36:00

Post by: OldMate

Yeah I think it'll be fun, I'm in.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/09/30 15:15:18

Post by: Gurkhal

Sounds cool. I don't promise anything but I'll try to get a definitive answer during the weekend.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 01:35:33

Post by: Gurkhal

And having look over my commitments, energy and such I feel that I must decline to participate in this. :(

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 05:45:40

Post by: Pyroalchi

It's OK Gurkhal,

In my experience these forum RPGs tend to take their time, so maybe if your freetime brightens up some day and you are still interested you can join in later. I'll ask some of the people on Dakkadakka with currently running IG projects including lore if they are interested directly. Maybe I can drum up some players more.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 16:04:59

Post by: Gurkhal

Cheers, Pyroalchi!

Best of luck to you and the rest of the guys involved with this game.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 17:30:44

Post by: Easy E

I do not feel comfortable enough with the rules to take the lead on character creation, but am willing to follow.

Do you imagine each player will be from a different regiment, or should the players work together to develop a regiment we are all from?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 18:02:11

Post by: Bobthehero

Mark me down as very interested. I've got some experience with Only War, as well, though it *has* been a while.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 18:22:15

Post by: osjclatchford

what must I do?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 18:36:32

Post by: Pyroalchi

Hi Bob, nice to have you with us.

So here is my idea currently:
I have the three scenario ideas I listed in the starting post but also a small "Adventure" at the end of the Only War PDF. As that one is designed for the system we will be playing in, I tend to try and choose it and then improvise from there.

In short (and without to many spoilers): the player characters are part of a reinforcement force on a planet where pdf and Brontian Long Knifes fight against a mid-sized ork incursion. We have the initial landing (obviously with some fighting going on), then the potential for some scenes in the baracks/garrison (for some social play, to get hands on equipment etc.), then a recon/attack mission and as a finish a defense mission.
All in all there are points in this adventure path where every character can shine - the soldier , the brawler, the sneaky guy, prince charming, etc.

As Bob mentioned in a PM: yes the system assumes that the characters hail from the same regiment, but I would find it more interesting if everyone was free to choose his own if he likes to. The easiest way to get this result (and also an easy explanation for very diverse Squad compositions) would be that all our dudes are in for one or the other disciplinary failure. Therefore we have been "volunteered" for the first transport down in a kind of "Redemption Platoon". Basically all the "baddies" from different regiments thrown together for the opportunity to redeem themself on the battlefield and return to their regiments afterwards.
Alternatively, if we end with a more or less limited amount of different regiments or something like soldiers from two regiments + a commissar, a Techpriest and a Psyker we can assume that those are two depleted regiments that have been put together to fill up the numbers.

Oldmate had the excellent idea, that we try and ... lets call it "knit together" a common story, how our characters know each other, which relations exist between them etc.
So just to give you an idea I'll tell you what my (half NPC) character would be like:
He is from the 2nd Thoth Askaris (my homebrew regiment that I present in my thread).
In short: a backwater planet with desert/jungle climate. A tribal society with strong Ecclisiarchy influence and quite little knowledge of the wider imperium (but a very idealistic view of it), bad standing with the Munitorum and therefore poor equipment. They have a reputation of being involved in all kind of at best half legal activities to improve this - black market, battlefield salvages etc. High Command and the Munitorum also deem their combat effectiveness less then mediocre. On the plus side they are considered very loyal, and quite able in wilderness terrain and operations that expect very bad supply lines, in some cases "living of the land" for years.

To reflect this the regiment is created as:
Frontier World
Maverick Commander
Light Infantry
Poorly provisioned

Favourite weapons: likely Lascarbaine and Grenade Launcher (sound like the easiest to get and find ammo for)
And regarding equipment an additional laspistol, a sling (cheap, you can find ammo everywhere and it is still good enough to hunt) maybe a sword, maybe trade flakvest for a shield, and besides that stuff that carries across that they are involved in some black market activity: LHO sticks, recaff, porn slates, ammo for weapons they don't even have, spare grenades...
The character himself will be an older common Infantryman. So not the grizzled veteran that can kill a Tyranid bare handed, but the strange old guy who has been on a dozen battlefields and... survived. Nothing more, nothing less.

Oldmate also already gave me some character ideas, but I would leave those to him.

@ Easy E: how about that: if you read one of the others character idea and feel "yeah, I could see me playing a guy from that regiment", than go for it. If instead you have a certain image in your head what your dude (or dudette) should be like, pm me and we puzzle something together.

Also a word regarding equipment: I have absolutely no problem with sidegrades or downgrades. So if you want a Lucius pattern Lasgun instead of Galaxy pattern, an auto- instead of a lasgun, or a Stub Revolver instead of a Laspistol etc.: go for it. As long as the replacement is equally or more common, go wild.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 18:40:23

Post by: Bobthehero

If we go the penal route way of things, I could fit in a Krieg Grenadier that spent too long with Catachans and his regiment booted him to the Penals because he was growing too much a personality for the rest of the unit, lol. I'll think things over.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/03 19:39:27

Post by: Easy E

Thanks for some guidelines. I think I can come up with something based on the rules you posted previously. Give me a day or two.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/04 06:36:01

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Bob: the Krieger that caught a bad case of personality sounds awesome

Should we go the penal route it would of course be cool if we found a player taking a Commissar as character. Lets see, I'll keep advertising around

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 01:25:00

Post by: Dekskull

I'm pretty active on these forums and the ork stuff was fun. So I'm in. Just roll all the dice for me. I don't have time to read rules.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 06:19:48

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sure thing, Dekskull.

Any idea what you want to play as a character? Any wishes regarding regiment? If you need any help, just ask.

@ All slowly making my way through the character creation rules: I would propose with characteristics we make a hybrid of rolling (the proposed "every stat = 20 + 2d10" =279 points on average rolls) and points distribution (100 points to distribute on 9 stats with 20 base = 290 points):
Roll your stats, than add/substract until your sum comes down to 290.
This way we have some variation instead of 20/20/40/40... characters, but everyone is more or less on the same level

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 10:38:42

Post by: Dekskull

I'll just be some scared White Shield conscript that has no idea what he is doing. You can do the character creation process for me.

Just give me a lasgun and something to point it at.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 11:14:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sure thing. In that case I mark you down as Cadian White shield and coble something together.

So, so far we have:
The inexperienced scared Cadian white shield Conscript (Dekskull)
The Krieg Grenadier who caught a bad case of personality (Bobthehero)
The old Askari Survivor with a bit of shady business going on (myself)
Either a Karsk Grenadier (not unlike a Krieger but different...) or a Medieval Soldier suddenly pulled off world to fight for the Emperor (Oldmate)
+ to be announced (Easy E)
=> sounds just like the guys for a redemption platoon

Now apart from Game stats, I would work a bit on how our characters got into this mess and how we all stick together (or not).
Oldmate also made me aware of this pretty cool video:
=> the interesting part I want to talk about is between 6:15 and ~ 17:00
This is in a way similar to what I tend to do with my pen and paper RPG group, just a lot more thought through. Basically we create our characters (not the stats, but who we are) and their relations towards each other together, as we are not in a vacuum. Quite likely some of us have already met each other or have certain expectations of each other. It starts with a rough description of what is your character concept together with possible links to another character.

Of course it does not have to be in depth or anything but in my experience RPGs run a lot more interestingly if there are already some relations within the group before we start.

One thing that immediately came up as an idea for me:
Tambo (my character) has found himself on the wrong end of the Commissariats attention because one of his dealings to improve his regiments equipment went awry. The guy in charge did not have the evidence that warranted an immediate summary execution, but enough for the redemption platoon. But here is the twist and potential relation: he is stuck in the classic prisoners dilemma with one of the other characters. Both have enough evidence to get the other into serious trouble. If only one confesses, he gets free, the other one gets shot, if both confess both get 10 years in the redemption platoon, if none of them talks both get 3 years. In a seldom turn of comradry both decided to keep their mouths shut, and are now sitting in the sh** together, torn between suspicion and gratefulness. Anyone who sees his char being that guy?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 15:26:03

Post by: Easy E

For these type of Play-by-post games, I do not get hung up on stats, more on "roles".

Trooper Njahl Pietrson will come from a Mechanized Platoon from a cold weather planet. Therefore, they spend a lot of time huddled up in their tin cans and then pile out for short, sharp firefights and breaching actions against enclosed, armored structures.

The character themselves will have seen some action, but did not like what they saw. As a result, they have lost their fighting spirit and shy away from danger, they prefer to find alternate solutions than fighting. This is what led them to the Penal battalion as their regiment prizes aggressive assault tactics and such "cowardice" as this character shows must be rooted out mercilessly.

Due to the mechanized and wintery nature of their regiment, it makes sense that this character has a bit of a mechanical aptitude to them for tinkering with heaters, hand warmers, stuff in the back of a Chimera APC, etc. Their home planet is a "blue-collar" place, so some mechanical aptitude is needed to survive.

So looking at what you sent over, I think the following:

- Class: Breacher (?) or Weapon Specialist

- Frontier World - St. Paulus
- Mech Infantry
- Breachers

Special Gear:
- 1 Krak Grenade
- Photo-Visor (to combat snow blindness)
- Survival Suit (For cold weather environments)

For a Tier 1 Talent 1 of the following (?):
- Technical Knock
- Initiated Maintenance
- Push the limit

Other than that I have no idea. What do you folks think? Is that workable?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 15:42:04

Post by: Bobthehero

It's interesting that we'd have a tech guy that isn't a Tech Priest. ยจ
For the Grenadier, I am using the Stormtrooper as a base class, for the gear. As far as special things, I am thinking he got himself a Catachan Fang from his time with them, and a habit of not wearing his rebreather at all times.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 18:42:33

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: sounds good so far.
Regarding class: Operator sounds also fitting for the described character with a technical knack.
Regarding the talents: I don't see anything keeping you from selecting multiple talents, if you like. Each Guardsmen has 1000 XP that can be distributed between talents and skills.
I should say that the adventure I'm planning is set in a jungle. But depending in how much we stretch it out, maybe the survival suit comes in handy (don't know yet).

@Bob: sounds cool. Would be funny if he has some identity number that the Catachans read as a name. Like 808 => Bob

@ Dekskull: As it looks that we have no shortage of "guys with guns" how are your feelings towards your Whiteshield being a medic? The planet we will land on has just been nearly overrun by Orks. I could see a young promissing med-student suddenly being drafted and thrown into the grinder. Specifically because this way he might have had only hours to wrap his mind around the situation instead of weeks on the troops transport but would be quite important as a local

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/05 19:03:23

Post by: Bobthehero

Well I already play a character called Bob somewhere, but that's neither here or there, lol, that's a good idea, though, let me see what I can come up with.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 01:10:31

Post by: Dekskull

 Pyroalchi wrote:
@ Easy E: sounds good so far.
Regarding class: Operator sounds also fitting for the described character with a technical knack.
Regarding the talents: I don't see anything keeping you from selecting multiple talents, if you like. Each Guardsmen has 1000 XP that can be distributed between talents and skills.
I should say that the adventure I'm planning is set in a jungle. But depending in how much we stretch it out, maybe the survival suit comes in handy (don't know yet).

@ Dekskull: As it looks that we have no shortage of "guys with guns" how are your feelings towards your Whiteshield being a medic? The planet we will land on has just been nearly overrun by Orks. I could see a young promissing med-student suddenly being drafted and thrown into the grinder. Specifically because this way he might have had only hours to wrap his mind around the situation instead of weeks on the troops transport but would be quite important as a local

Sounds good to me! Tithes must have gone up on his home world lol!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 04:09:58

Post by: H.B.M.C.

You can get multiple talents as long as you have the XP for it and any prerequisites.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2130/04/06 15:05:03

Post by: Easy E

 Pyroalchi wrote:
@ Easy E: sounds good so far.
Regarding class: Operator sounds also fitting for the described character with a technical knack.
Regarding the talents: I don't see anything keeping you from selecting multiple talents, if you like. Each Guardsmen has 1000 XP that can be distributed between talents and skills.
I should say that the adventure I'm planning is set in a jungle. But depending in how much we stretch it out, maybe the survival suit comes in handy (don't know yet).

Sounds like the Munitorium, send the guy in the cold weather gear to a Jungle. LOL.

My take was Operator was like a guy who drive stuff around. This guy is a passenger more than a driver. That said, for party reasons it might make more sense to have Operator than another dude with a Las-gun.

What does everyone else think?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 15:35:28

Post by: Pyroalchi

In my pdf the operator is described as
Wheter these men are piloting a mighty Leman Russ into the heat of battle, operating a Vox to relay a commander's orders, or performing litanies on jammed lasguns in the trenches, these men are indespensable to the Imperial war machine.

So pretty much a general "operator of technology" as you described him.

I'm also considering making my dudes a Sergant for some party variety. Regarding that a small question: in my image a sergant as NCO is pretty much still a soldier, not a tactical genius or commander. So would it Match your image of a sergant if he was not that into commanding people around and more like the dude putting his hand on the whiteshield shoulder saying "I've been around the block a few years kid, let old Tambo show you around a bit and we'll make a soldier out of you in no time. "?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 16:29:57

Post by: Bobthehero

It's a bit of both. They have enough experience to help the newbs, yes, but they have to lead a section around, so the handholding is usually done by more senior Corporal. The Sgt has a mission to do, and he'll prepare his troops for it, which can include giving tips. They're definitely in the field themselves, but they're the one being put in charge of a section of 8 to 12 soldiers, and it's up to them to make sure they do what the section is supposed to do.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 16:58:30

Post by: Easy E

That helped a lot Pyro..... yeah Operator seems like a good fit then.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 17:59:27

Post by: Pyroalchi

 Bobthehero wrote:
It's a bit of both. They have enough experience to help the newbs, yes, but they have to lead a section around, so the handholding is usually done by more senior Corporal. The Sgt has a mission to do, and he'll prepare his troops for it, which can include giving tips. They're definitely in the field themselves, but they're the one being put in charge of a section of 8 to 12 soldiers, and it's up to them to make sure they do what the section is supposed to do.

OK, good point. In that case I likely stay with the Weapon Specialist. I read up a bit on it thinking of my time with the German Bundeswehr and realized what I want him to be is what we call "Oberstabsgefreiter". It's a rank that does not really exist in the other Nato armies. Basically it's kind of a veteran private that is juuuust under a corporal, but can basically function as one. As they had 5 lines as insignia they were jokingly called "french fries general".
Fits the bill as he would be that kind of guy that has been enlisted soldier for years, but never quite made the cut to NCO.

But characterwise he will be the described dude trying to teach the newbies at least the basics.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 19:01:13

Post by: Easy E

As far as the party hooks in the background, Njal would be the kind of guy to get some contraband. Probably some cushioning or cover for his old squads seats to make it easier of a ride.

He may not be much for getting up close and fighting, but he is still a squad focused kind of guy and plenty loyal too.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 19:26:34

Post by: Bobthehero

 Pyroalchi wrote:
 Bobthehero wrote:
It's a bit of both. They have enough experience to help the newbs, yes, but they have to lead a section around, so the handholding is usually done by more senior Corporal. The Sgt has a mission to do, and he'll prepare his troops for it, which can include giving tips. They're definitely in the field themselves, but they're the one being put in charge of a section of 8 to 12 soldiers, and it's up to them to make sure they do what the section is supposed to do.

OK, good point. In that case I likely stay with the Weapon Specialist. I read up a bit on it thinking of my time with the German Bundeswehr and realized what I want him to be is what we call "Oberstabsgefreiter". It's a rank that does not really exist in the other Nato armies. Basically it's kind of a veteran private that is juuuust under a corporal, but can basically function as one. As they had 5 lines as insignia they were jokingly called "french fries general".
Fits the bill as he would be that kind of guy that has been enlisted soldier for years, but never quite made the cut to NCO.

But characterwise he will be the described dude trying to teach the newbies at least the basics.

In Canadian Forces term, that guy is a Corporal. The leadership starts when you get you Master Corporal qualification, though with shortage of personel, we might use more experienced Corporals. Weapon Spec with some fellowship talents to teach the newbs would work.

I'll probably make my Krieger a bit of a marksman, it's a build I ran often as a Stormtrooper, but you might as well go that route to fully benefit from the fact that you start with a Hotshot lasgun.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/06 23:51:48

Post by: Dekskull

Righto...let's get this fething party started!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 04:50:56

Post by: Pyroalchi

I'll write a starting post up soon.
@ XP: just checked, it's 600 starting XP for Guardsmen, 300 for support specialists.
=> pretty sure they will at the beginning not be able to do everything they should be able to do background wise (since that might only be enough for 2 or 3 skill points). Feel free to describe them doing it anyway, if it fails they just have a bad day. XP dir customization will come

@ Oldmate: haven't heard from you lately, mate. Are you still on board?

@ Easy E: regarding the contraband: if it's ok for you I will assume our dudes had been trading before

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 07:20:05

Post by: OldMate

Present and accounred for. Sir!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 09:58:42

Post by: Pyroalchi

OK, I wrote up something, that I might add on later:

@ Dekskull: I'll get to your dude later, he is planetside wating with other defenders on the new arrivals.

@ everyone else: feel free to position your dudes wherever you like in the drop ship. Would be nice if everyone posts a small description of obvious features of his character in his first posts and updates them there, so that we can just look it up if we want to know "how did that guy look again?"
It is pretty loud in there, but I assume if you shout, the guy next to you or on the other side of the aisle should hear you.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 11:39:11

Post by: OldMate

Should we put some character details here for easy reference?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 12:31:23

Post by: Pyroalchi

I would recommend to put character details in the first post you write in time and update it during the adventure. This way we should be able to find all characters on page one

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 20:44:56

Post by: OldMate

Just going to ask where everyone stands on correcting their story section s after the fact. I made a small fix to my character's perception of Bobthe hero's Kreiger. It does not change anything narratively speaking but it makes more sense after reading his intro.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 21:07:57

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sure, I also edited around a bit. Most notably I changed the time the battle rages already to just one year, makes more sense for Dekskulls Conscript to still be overwhelmed that way instead of the original 7 year battle.

Oh, and the Drop ship now also contains Chimeras and Horses.

Just as an info for you I rolled up my character sheet today and came to the point of equipment:
I have 3-5 points left and would chalk this up as general "amusement stuff for trading". So... chocolate, bubblegum, "recreational magazines", videogames... the typical stuff you would get to trade around.
I would also interpret "good quality lasgun" as something I imagine for my dudes: a kind of crude, ugly looking adapter that you can use in a pinch to fit different sized charge packs into your gun. There was a Gaunts Ghosts novel, where they ran into the problem of having lasguns needing size 3 but only getting size 5. Would be fitting for my dudes to also having experienced that a couple of time and fixed a solution. (Ruleswise it doesn't matter, but it would be a nice little personal touch)

I just mention that to highlight that you can feel free to include similar little customizations to your equipment if you like. Especially when you want to upgrade something to "good quality" and have a funnier idea than just "+ 10 to skill xy".

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/07 21:20:02

Post by: Bobthehero

Yeah, I've decided to be a bit cheeky with Poncho's gasmask. He's going to wear it more often than not in battle, but off duty, those damned Catachans influenced him in the worst kind of ways.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/08 07:10:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

The last post is the start for Dekskulls Character. I'll add something for the people on the dropship when I find the time.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/08 23:41:54

Post by: Easy E

Curious if everyone on this drop ship is a miscreant, and if our chain of command is Commissars or Officers on the outs?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/09 07:18:36

Post by: Pyroalchi

Good question. I would say your dropship is exclusivly filled with your regiments miscreants. Or rather "those that got caught or were in the wrong place at the wrong time".

Regarding Command structure: I imagine there being a Commissar and a Junior Commissar in charge of each platoon, so four in total. For now you don't have to function on a platoon Level, so you are just roughly divided into squads depending on where you are sitting. I'm undecided if one of you is the squad leader or if I come up with an NPC one. Lets see

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/09 15:59:16

Post by: Pyroalchi

The people in the lander still have a couple of seconds before the craft hits the ground.
@ Easy E: don't know how hard of a guy Njall is, but lets put it that way: whatever you do, nobody will ever know of it.

Edit: and don't forget that due to how only war works, each of you has a comrade, a kind of buddy running around with him. He/she is just an NPC, but I think they deserve a name at least. If you specifically don't want one, I will not force you, but this way we would sum up to a squad of 2x 5 = 10 dudes which sounds good.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/09 18:48:39

Post by: Bobthehero

Yup, except the Stormtroopers. We don't get friends. And I suppose it helps for the story, in that regards, Poncho's alone

Edit: Here's a quick and dirty Poncho's/5-6-56-5's character sheet. I gave him 700 EXP as per the rulebooks, as Specialists start with less EXP

W: 18

BS 41

WS 34

S 31

T 47

AG 31

INT 26

PER 32

WP 39

FEL 24

Talent: Rapid Reload, Takedown, Wpn Training Las, Low-Tech, Mighty Shot, Nerves of Steel, Unshakable Faith

Skills Awareness (+10), Dodge, Intimidate, Scholastic Lore (Tac Imp), Stealth

Upgrades: +5 BS (100 EXP) Mighty Shot (400 EXP) +10 Awareness (200 EXP)

Edit edit: Be sure to check out Hammer of the Emperor, as well, there are more classes and talents there that are pretty juicy.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/10 01:44:04

Post by: OldMate

as my guy is a feudal worlder he gets universal lore: war
So i have explained this by making him a 10 year veteran of the campaigns of his kingdom.

It might be a completely different type of war, but it isn't his first rodeo.

He's also the charming mixture of a braggart and a slacker, which I think is a good demeanor for someone in a punishment unit.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/10 05:01:41

Post by: Bobthehero

Remember everyone, your regiment of origin may give you a few more wounds to start.

Poncho is shaping up to be fairly tanky, between nearly 50 Toughness, 18 wounds and carapace armor. It'll remain to be seen if that is enough.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/10 06:09:18

Post by: OldMate

We know who to hide behind then

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 6022/10/10 06:35:35

Post by: Bobthehero

Hey he might get the Stormtrooper talent that allows him to bodyblock a shot that would kill a friendly, if you play nicely!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/10 08:12:58

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ All: yeah, thinking about it I would say we can start with 1000 XP for the normal dudes and 700 for the specialists (sorry for changing my mind back and forth).
@ Dekskull: this means you can give the char I send you a pip in Tech use and a second one in Medicae

@ my char (for if someone is interested:
WS 38, BS 36, S 30, T 26, Ag 37, Int 29, Per 30, WP 36, Fel 39,
12 wounds (not the toughest guy around)
Acrobatics, Athletics, Awareness, Common lore (War, Imperial Guard), Linguistics (low Gothic), Navigate (Surface) +20, Parry, Security, Stealth, Survival +10

Equipment: the standard pack + Shield and sword (both common) instead of Flakvest and helmet (both average)
change 2 Krak Grenades into 2 Anti plant
add 2 fire bombs
(=> so he has 2 each of: frag, krak, smoke, anti plant, fire)
Add stummer, LHO sticks, Recof, Grapnel and hook, various small trading items

He has 300 XP remaining where I'm still a bit torn as to what best rounds up the character: Commerce, Ears to the ground or surefoot wayfinder...

@ all: when we get out of the lander soon: remember that your equipment is stached under your seats. But bulky items like heavy weapons might have to be assembled.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/10 12:00:15

Post by: OldMate

@my character, his equipment is completely not of his class, as I just sorta homebrewed that up.

WS39, BS31 S38, T30, Ag23, Int33, Per33, WP31, Fel32
11 wounds, the pox and plague has left him ravaged!
Fieldcraft, defence+10 offence+20, Common lore(war), parry, furious assault, resistance
I think i have done a good job of descibing his feudal world kit. Also has 3 frag grenades and a pair of magnoculars. Although we will be deploying in a jungle so they might not be too useful LOL. Oh and a horse.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/10 20:12:57

Post by: Pyroalchi

Oh I forgot:
A roll on Tech +10 reveals that cutting/shooting through the hydraulic I pointed out for Dekskulls character would drop the ramp, but permanently.
To do this, the mentioned blow torch, a power weapon or an aimed shot (Ballistic +/-0) of Ponchos Hot-Shot lasgun should suffice, as would continous fire (6 Lasgun or 2 Hotshot Lasgun hits at +30

An Operate roll +10 is needed to hit the correct runes to open the ramp enough to get through. If you do it that way you still have the option to close it again.

The door at the side can be opened with security +10 or as proposed by Bob: a hot shot round through the lock. If no one else has the talent, Tambo would try opening it (but he'll stand back if someone wants to give it a go first).

Njall knows how to open a Chimera hatch that is secured for transport, the others should do a simple operate roll (-10 for Simond as this looks really strange for him, +10 for the others). The turret bolter will quite likely also make short work of the jammed hydraulic.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/10 20:37:20

Post by: OldMate

I guess Simond will look around for something to lever it with. He does afterall have 2 horsepower that he might be able to harness.
He's not about to waste a blasting egg by rigging it to the hydrolic and then remotely detonation via lanyard (a length of waxed linnen leathernworking string from his sewing kit(or more likely Baldwin's sewing kit...). Those eggs are too valuable.
But that's what he thinks the options are.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/11 04:23:21

Post by: Easy E

I have a las-cutter or Krak grenade to do the job even quicker and the tech use to possibly back it up?

Also, I only spent 600xp, so did I read I should be using 1k? Will need to upgrade my character.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/11 04:44:53

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: yes, I reconsidered the XP, you can upgrade to 1000.
And if you have a lascutter: sure, that's exactly what could do the job

Edit: @ Easy E: the Chimeras are uncrewed, but as you too should have a Comrad, he can drive the thing while you do your stuff in the back. Even if none of you is a designated driver, getting it out of the transport bay should not be that hard.
I do assume though, that they are really bolted down to the floor with some heavy clamps screwed to the ground. Just the Job for the lascutter.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/11 10:00:57

Post by: OldMate

My character can't read Low gothic

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 10:05:47

Post by: OldMate

Just inquiring, the vehicle loading ramp is forward or rear facing?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 10:27:58

Post by: Pyroalchi

rear facing, so away from the current fighting. See the pic attached in one of my last posts.

@ All: just wanted to say, I love the characters you came up with. One can really feel their different upbringing and different experiences with life, war and their role within it.

Edit: Oldmate: if you have any lances in your equipment, they will likely be stored with the horses somewhere. Maybe at the wall or so.
And you still have to open the ramp, as your horses will not fit through the side door.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 11:57:34

Post by: OldMate

@ Lances
I was just thinking the exact same thing.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 14:28:26

Post by: Pyroalchi

I realized that I have been pretty inconsistent with using past or present tense as well as watching between writing about you in third person (he) or second (you).
Any preference regarding that for reading flow?

Also: imperial or metric units when I refer to measurements?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 14:44:59

Post by: Easy E

In the Imperium, I imagine they use IMPERIAL measurements! LOL

No preference.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 15:39:49

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ all: feel free to roll the dice yourself. I use this diceroller here:

@ Easy E: if you have 56 in that skill you need a 66 or lower to succeed immediatly. If you fail you can try again next time where you'll need a 86 or lower.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 15:55:09

Post by: Easy E

Is that something you want us to roll, use a certain app, etc?

All play by posts do it differently, so I want to make sure I am aligned for what you want.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 16:29:29

Post by: Pyroalchi

Umm... I don't really care. You can roll yourself using dice at home, you can use any dice rolling tool you like or just tell me that I should always roll for you as Dekskull did.

Whatever floats your boat.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 17:19:50

Post by: Easy E

I think I would prefer if you rolled for me, as that will streamline game play.... I feel. We will see I guess.

That being said, I better update my char sheet with those extra 400 XP by tomorrow than! LOL.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 17:33:20

Post by: Bobthehero

On one hand I would like for Pyro to roll for me, on the other, I like to be able to roll and then write the story going from there.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 18:06:15

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: no problem: your Tech roll was a 34, so I will include the ramp opening in my next post.

@ Bob: how about that: You roll whatever you want to roll (maybe put the result in spoiler tags) and if you want me to roll you also put just a small "roll for me" in spoiler tags.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 18:07:40

Post by: Bobthehero

Works for me, though I used parenthese for my rolls on my previous post.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 18:36:25

Post by: Pyroalchi

So... just read up about combat in this system again. So technically we would now use initiative to judge who goes first. But I think this is kind of inpractical in this form of forum RPG. Therefore I would propose the following: each round starts with a post from me and then everyone else can act in whichever order the player posts. We assume that unless I present an extremely agile or veteran enemy (like an Ork Commando or Boss) ALL your characters have their turn before the enemies.

We start of fresh as the last round Tambo and M'Gele needed to draw their weapons (Tambo had the lock picks in his hands just before), Njal was busy with the ramp, Simond mounted up and grabbed his lance, Poncho and Teodore fired.

Each Grot has 7 wounds no armor, Toughness Bonus 2 (which is like armor, so try to do 3+ damage somehow or else it will be wasted). As soon as their wounds run out they start taking critical damage which will in the end kill them.
They might roll for dodge (which I will do) but are not very good at it.
They are weedy in size (-10 on your BS which have to be added to the modifier below)

In your turn you can choose to do either one full or two half actions. The most obvious ranged options are:
Aim (+10 BS for a half action, +20 for a full action)
called shot (-20 BS, full action, you choose the hit location instead of me rolling)
Standard attack (+10 BS, half action)
Semi Auto Burst (+/- 0 BS, half action, every two degrees of success = 1 additional hit)
Full Auto burst (only Teodors autogun, full action at -10 BS, every degree of success = one additional hit)
Suppressing Fire (-20 BS, uses up one the ammo of a semi-auto burst, Opponent must roll to not get to ground).

I have to read up how melee on horseback works, but I highly suspect Simond will need the first round to charge towards the grots.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 19:05:43

Post by: Bobthehero

Ack, I forgot they were weedy, and thought they only had 2 for their toughness bonus. Good thing I didn't write down the Grot dying, especially without considering all the critical damage side of things xD

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 20:53:43

Post by: Easy E

I do not think I have the necessary Trait to operate the heavy weapons on a vehicle right now? He has the Trait Weapon Training- Las so I think that means he can use the Multi-laser, but am not 100% sure. However, he would be "unskilled" with the Heavy Bolter? Am I understanding that right?

Edit: Nope, He needs weapon training- Heavy as well or takes a -20 when using them. I guess I know what to spend some XP on!

Is our Toughness Characteristic bonus also used to "soak" damage as well?

The initiative order you proposed makes sense to me.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 21:02:11

Post by: Bobthehero

Yup. You get both armor and toughness, and some things have Unnatural Toughness that adds further damage soak without cranking their Toughness to high heavens. That Unnatural Toughness can be bypassed with some weapons, though I forgot what the weapon's trait that does that is called.

Edit: What was the distance between where Poncho fired, and Theodore's position in cover? I went a little ahead of myself in my own post, so Poncho's decision to move to cover will be his action this turn, remains to be seen if it's a half or a full action, which will dictate if he does anything more this time.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 21:27:07

Post by: Pyroalchi

Uhhhmm... I would guess there are roughly 3 meters between Poncho and the cover of Teodore and the others. As I understood it, Poncho only went a couple of steps out. Or have I misinterpreted your post and you kept in cover? if so, tell me and I will edit my last post.

But generally: as the Grots are currently breaking and only two are left and running away from you, Poncho would likely not look for cover, as nobody is shooting at him. On the contrary you would be very much recommended to bring them down before they get to their friends.

@ Oldmate: just because I want to see it done: the Grots have been running a bit towards the others, so I would judge them to be just in range for you to charge one. Referencing Hammer of the Emperor page 133 this would be a full action ending in a routine (+20) WS test that can not be parried and might kick one Grot to the ground.
Alternatively you can make a survival test -10 to take over the Grots and cut their escape route by galopping towards the opening they are trying to reach.
Your Comrad can mainly support you (as to the rules as I understand them) in this case giving you +5 to WS.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 21:27:24

Post by: Easy E

Thanks, after a bunch of flipping through the book, I decided to spend my last bits of XP on Trained Dodge.

I did not have the right aptitudes to afford the Weapon Training - Heavy. :( Spray and pray it is!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/12 21:31:02

Post by: Bobthehero

 Pyroalchi wrote:
Uhhhmm... I would guess there are roughly 3 meters between Poncho and the cover of Teodore and the others. As I understood it, Poncho only went a couple of steps out. Or have I misinterpreted your post and you kept in cover? if so, tell me and I will edit my last post.

But generally: as the Grots are currently breaking and only two are left and running away from you, Poncho would likely not look for cover, as nobody is shooting at him. On the contrary you would be very much recommended to bring them down before they get to their friends.

Yeah, fair, he'll go to link up with the others, but seeing as there's a cavalry charge about to go down, I'll not ruin the moment by engaging too early

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 09:12:47

Post by: OldMate

 Pyroalchi wrote:
Uhhhmm... I would guess there are roughly 3 meters between Poncho and the cover of Teodore and the others. As I understood it, Poncho only went a couple of steps out. Or have I misinterpreted your post and you kept in cover? if so, tell me and I will edit my last post.

But generally: as the Grots are currently breaking and only two are left and running away from you, Poncho would likely not look for cover, as nobody is shooting at him. On the contrary you would be very much recommended to bring them down before they get to their friends.

@ Oldmate: just because I want to see it done: the Grots have been running a bit towards the others, so I would judge them to be just in range for you to charge one. Referencing Hammer of the Emperor page 133 this would be a full action ending in a routine (+20) WS test that can not be parried and might kick one Grot to the ground.
Alternatively you can make a survival test -10 to take over the Grots and cut their escape route by galopping towards the opening they are trying to reach.
Your Comrad can mainly support you (as to the rules as I understand them) in this case giving you +5 to WS.

Oh don't worry, this is sport!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 10:33:39

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: I forgot: the Chimera has a turret multilaser, a hull bolter and 3 lasguns per side that can be handeled by troops inside.
Out of personal gut feeling I would say as Njal is really used to Chimeras he only suffers -10 on using the Turret Multilaser and "only" -15 on the hull heavy bolter. So a bit less than usual.

On a personal note I would again ask for your opinion: My dudes come from a jungle region. So combat ranges are likely pretty short. Would a laspistol be more sensible than a lascarbine? Especially in light of them using shields instead of flakvests?

Edit: Oldmate: I thing you got it mixed up. You have to roll below the number in question to succeed. So if you needed a 59, a 91 would have missed. But I would say we let it stay that way. Didn't matter too much and we are all still getting accustomed to the system.

@ Bob:could you tell me your BS, then I can integrate your Overwatch shot in my next post.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 20:58:04

Post by: OldMate

Thanks for restraining from cutting the grots down with lasfire till after the charge Bobthehero very cinematic this way

I guess it would depend on the size and weight of the lascarbine, also they could loop the sheild over their left shoulder so it covers the side of their body(so its basically like a turtle shell)as they fire side on with both arms(this is also an effective way to use a spear 2 handed but still have some passive protection from the shield.) Alternatively their shields could jave a cut out or a simple protruding support to rest the las carbine upon.

Okay cheers Pyroalchi, well i guess we'll have another try soon enough. We want low WS high damage next time. I think we should make a roll to see if the lance is stuck fast in an adult ork when Simond charges one as this does make sense and he is carrying the javelins and chainsword for a reason.
I am glad i made a cavalry character I am really enjoying this whole zooming around the battle zone lancing folk, and it adds another dynamic.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 20:59:43

Post by: Bobthehero

There are items and talents to let you use full size weapons one handed, I would assume the Carbine also has less penalties for untrained/unequipped troopers.

Edit: Yup. They get -10 to BS instead of -20

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 21:12:03

Post by: Pyroalchi

yeah, I also thought about it a bit more and somehow it is fitting for the Munitorum to arm them with a two handed weapon while also expecting them to use a shield
But what you say makes a lot of sense Oldmate and Bob. So I think it comes down to either carry the shield on the shoulder and fire normally or use the Carbine one handed with -10. Likely the latter, even though that further worses their shooting skill.
But I guess shooting isn't their main role in the group anyway.

@ Dekskull: As mentioned, Teodore should also get a Comrad that supports him. But if you like her that could also be Wyona, even though she was originally intended just as some random NPC. I leave it up to you. She would definitly take a bullet for you

@ Oldmate: nice that you have fun

@ all: as I understand the rules, the stuff from your standard equipment pack gets replenished each time you "get to base" as long as you don't blatantly waste it and keep loosing your gun time and time again. So feel free to use your grenades and charge packs, they don't have to suffice for the whole adventure, just for this scene.
Also: instead of one big chunk of XP at the end of the adventure you will get smaller chunks after each bigger scene, the first being "survive the landing!" So if for example Njall wants to get Weapon Training heavy, he might still get it. Alternativly if you - Easy E - want to switch one of your weapon trainings for "heavy" because he knows how to operate a Chimera gun, feel free to swap it.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 21:20:46

Post by: Bobthehero

Yeah, I was thinking of switching the generic Krieg mono knife for either a mono combat knift or a Best quality sword (as per the Catachan rules), to represent Poncho's own Catachan fang, but I am not set on either weapons.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 21:27:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

As we are under us and this whole thing here is intended to try the system out: do whatever you like. You can switch between to combats and try out what fits better for you.
This is of course also allowed for the rest of you, if you want to try something.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/13 23:38:03

Post by: Easy E

Thanks for all the info Pyroalchi.

It makes sense to me that Njal is an infantryman first, and trained as a back-up driver for redundancy. He may have not been cross trained as a gunner. Other folks were trained for that.

Does not mean he can not throw some suppression fire!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 11:19:35

Post by: OldMate

The thought just occurred to me that Simond and Balwin will be crossing the field down range of said suppression fire.

That flamer is a scary unit to a guy who's longest ranged weapon is literally a javelin, so I guess good luck throwing those rounds out.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 11:31:16

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: as it just occured to me: you have three options for the Chimera:

1. drive along the blastshield like Simond did (with the option of letting Tambo jump of at the opening first)
2. just hit the gas and power through the opening between blastshield and rubble which I would allow with a simple (+10) operate test (use Njal's dice, they should be the same as his comrad's) => this might damage the lasgun arrays a bit
3. try and drive right over the rubble. Here I would say it is a -10 operate test, but the Orks would definitly be surprised and the tanks weapons are safe.

@ Oldmate: just for clarity: do you have Cavalry lances or something with an explosion tip on top?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 11:43:58

Post by: OldMate

Simond's lance is a regular steel pointed cavalry lance
rules from here: http://gagetowngaming.wikidot.com/only-war-weapons#toc1
which puts it at a 1D10 (rending type damage for criticals) Proven2(meaning it will do a minimum of 2 damage) unbalanced (-10 for parry)

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 12:36:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

OK, I read about it. It's one handed, so feel free to describe Simond using his shield.

Thought about it for Tambo, as I often model my dudes with spears, but it gets to much equipment fast

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 18:29:42

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: I might have missed it, but could you Post a summary of your stats, skills and traits so that I can roll for you?

@ Bob: are you in the Chimera or on foot?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 18:39:58

Post by: Bobthehero

In the Chimera after shooting the Overwatch shots, I was waiting for a write before adding my part.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 18:44:30

Post by: Pyroalchi

Ok, so I should set the next post, or do you want to add something?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 18:45:48

Post by: Bobthehero

Nothing on my end, and I'll be away for most of the week-end, so don't wait up. If there's combat, for, now, at least, Poncho would stick to aimed single shots, no telling when's the next resupply.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/14 21:34:28

Post by: Easy E

 Pyroalchi wrote:
@ Easy E: I might have missed it, but could you Post a summary of your stats, skills and traits so that I can roll for you?

I added to my first post of the Against the Savages Thread in spoiler tags.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/15 11:13:37

Post by: OldMate

Okay so how tough are these orks because I just landed a solid hit on the Runtherd with that sharp pointy stick!
There does not seem to be any rules on the matter, so I have arbitrarily decided that if it does more than 5 damage it is a solid hit that is being lodged in the foe's body. It just makes sense to me.

I just realised that I have not been using my talent: 'furious assault' which gives me another attack on a successful WS test.
Don't mind me over here lol.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/15 11:40:15

Post by: Bobthehero

Very tough. Not a lot of armor by high toughness and unnatural bonus, plus they get tedious to kill with the crit chart, to the point where our DM gave up on the crit chart for Boyz, we'd kill them when they hit 0 wounds.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/15 11:45:41

Post by: OldMate

Well I just checked and that runtherd is at -2 wounds then. Before we consider armour and toughnes...

I guess he could be considered 'furiously assaulted'

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/15 12:18:02

Post by: Pyroalchi

So here is how it goes as far as I gathered it:

Step 1: you roll your damage. If it is a 10, you get "righteos fury" (more on that later)
Step 2: the enemy substracts his armor and toughness
Step 3: what is left is reduced from his wounds, if he reaches 0 wounds, every excess damage and every following hit does critical damage. Critical damage does effects as listed on page 259+ in the core rule book

Now comes the catch: Righteous fury:
Step 4: if you rolled a 10, for damage you roll another 10 for righteos fury. This second d10 is for critical damage, regardless of the enemy still having wounds left or not (at least that is how I understood it).

So lets get to that runtherd: he has 15 wounds, Flak Armor (2) and total Tougnness Bonus (7). So he unfortunatly reduces incomming damage by 9.
So your 10 damage unfortunatly are reduced to 1 wound and he has 14 left. BUT: here comes your righteous fury which means I consult the critical damage (Rending) chart for body (rolled a 61 for the hit zone) at point 7:
The attack cuts open the targetโ€™s abdomen. The target can either choose to use one arm to hold his guts in (until
a medic can bind them in place with a successful Medicae Test), or fight on regardless and risk a 20% chance
each Round that his middle splits open, spilling his intestines all over the ground, causing an additional 2d10
Damage. In either case, the target suffers 1d5 permanent Toughness Damage and is now suffering Blood Loss.

So now the Runtherd has to do an opposed strength test (he has 46) vs. the horse (51) I rolled:12 vs 6, that means he is knocked prone.

Interesting result, and kind of fitting. So the Runtherd is such a big fellow, that technically, Simonds tiny lance should not kill him that fast (technically you can only do damage on a 10 to him). But Simond hit him perfectly, meaning that while his lance might have made just a tiny cut compared to his overall posture, it cut right between some big muscles along a long line, completely tearing open his belly and also knocked him right from his feet. Pretty awesome result and I have to think about what that does to the moral of his Grots. Nothing good I guess.

Edit: note that this means regardless on how well armored and tough your opponents are and how meagre your weapon: as long as the attack can trigger righteous fury there is at least a small chance to stack a critical damage result on the enemy. So even if you stand against a Swarm Lord with a knife, there is a minimal chance to stick it in his eye

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/15 21:32:34

Post by: OldMate

The cavalry lance is proven 3 though. So any damage delivered below 3 counts as 3 as well.

Should have probably went for a hunting lance with a poisoned head. That would have added firstly 'poison' and bizarrely 'razor sharp'. I guess Simond is a slacker so the process of putting poison on the spearhead before every battle and actually keeping the thing sharp might not have fully been in character.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/16 06:10:26

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Proven: As far as I understand it that mean that dice rolls below three are counted as three. So unfortunatly that is done before the armor and toughness is applied.

Don't worry, we'll get you some special tips for the lance later. Maybe even a poison dispenser.

On topic of poisons: has anybody stumbled upon the page in the books how these are handled? I found some mentions like tox dispenser, poison lance etc, but no list of poisons. So is this treated abstractly and each just has a "poison value" without any further details?

@Easy E: you can decided if you want the Chimera on top of the heap firing down or if it should drive right in the middle of the fight

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/16 09:22:54

Post by: OldMate

@Proven: Oh, ok cheers, makes more sense.

I think Simond will be commanding Balwin to sharpen that lance tip till he can shave with it if they survives this encounter at the very least LOL.

Yeah the book is a bit long and hard to navigate, I am currently using it and Gagetown Gaming's site which is much more slimmed down.

Here is the description for the toxins: Anyone that takes Damage from a Toxic weapon, after reduction for Armour and Toughness Bonus, must make a Toughness Test with a penalty equal to 10 times the number in parentheses (X) or suffer an additional 1d10 points of Damage (of the same type as the weapon which inflicted the hit) not reduced by Armour or Toughness. For example, a weapon with Toxic (4) would impose a โ€“40 on Toughness Tests.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/16 10:46:57

Post by: Pyroalchi

Yeah, its a lot of pages. But with asking around we should find most stuff we need and for the rest we will use good old handwaveium if we aren't sure with something.

@Poisons: I somehow expected there to be a section explaining how to get poisons/hallucinogens. Prices, difficulties to find them etc. But when in doubt I assume the chemyst profession of Teodore should help us out...

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/16 11:19:29

Post by: Dekskull

Toxins against orks, what are we dark eldar? Let's get on with a proper krumping of our foes now. LOL!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/16 11:55:53

Post by: OldMate

I was planning to see what Tambo digs up.

And presumably milks for its venom.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/16 12:29:40

Post by: Pyroalchi

I also thought about him hunting for some poisonous frogs or so. Definitly something he will ask the locals about.

And don't worry Dekskull, there will be enough krumping going on. But we will also be brutally cunning...

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/17 19:15:05

Post by: Pyroalchi

Short headsup: what is everyones Regiments favourite basic and heavy weapon? Just considering what the guys in the shuttle likely have at hand.

@ Oldmate: can you tell me again where Simond and Balwin are heading too? I though towards the three Boyz trying to storm the ramp?
@ Easy E: so suppression fire with the Multilaser. Sounds doable, as it has an effect regardles of you succeeding on your Ballistic skill roll, so even without Training at heavy weapons it should work.

@ Dekskull & Bob: if you decide to stay in the Chimera you should have small viewports at the lasgun array to look outside. There is also a hatch on the top of the troops compartment which you could technically open to look out and fire, if you prefer your own weapons.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/17 19:16:32

Post by: Bobthehero

Poncho will use the hatch, yeah.

For the 5th Krieg regiment, their weapons are Autocannons and Melta Guns

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/17 21:30:34

Post by: Easy E

Yup- Suppression fire for me, not really trying to kill anyone, just give time for the Guard to come out.

4th St. Paulus Arctic Wolves prefer the Melta Gun to bust the bunkers open, and Heavy Flamers to clear them out.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/17 21:38:26

Post by: OldMate

Yeah Simond recognises he probably does not at this point want to fight an Ork who is fully aware of his presence. So he's going yo do a ride past on those 3 orks and hurl a bomb at them. Then hopefully the runt herd will be distracted by the approaching chimera. He intends then to set about the beast with his chainsword if it is still standing.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/17 21:43:39

Post by: OldMate

Elendine Tithe's favorite weapons are flamer and chainsword.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/17 23:50:34

Post by: Bobthehero

Is the Chimera in a place to allow us to spot either the flamer-wielding Ork, or the Runtherd?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/18 06:03:59

Post by: Pyroalchi

You should definitly see the runtherd lying in the ground. The flamer dude is unfortunatly almost invisible still. Unless you look out of a lasgun array viewport and succeed with awareness-10, than you can catch a glimpse. But until you really look out, you will likely not see that he carries a burna

Edit: if Njals checks the turret periscopes he might also catch that glimpse

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/18 15:16:49

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Poncho:
I meant the hatch on top of the passanger compartment between the lasgun arrays:

The turret is likely too cramped to look out with Njal inside.

@ Teodore: even though Poncho closes the hatch, Wyone still gets a bit burned (or badly, if you choose to not pull her down). But less severe. Nothing that won't heal with time.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/18 15:31:29

Post by: Bobthehero

Oops. The only Chimera I own is heavily modified, I forgot about that hatch, will edit later, as I am not home

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/19 06:29:19

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: just to make sure: you stop supressing the Grots and turn the turret towards where the flames came from, right?

Edit: so the current situation should be something like that: (dead grots removed for clarity)

[Thumb - Bild.png]

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/19 09:04:22

Post by: OldMate

Okay so Simond is going to attempt a curving pass and will hurl the grenade at the two orks on the ramp.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/19 12:38:50

Post by: Pyroalchi

OK... that didn't went too well. But fair is fair, would be boring if everything went all to plan all the time.

Edit: messed up the frag grenade damage from Simond. I rolled 10 and 8 and thought like with the skill rolls that would be 08 damage. It's 18 of course and another Rigtheous Fury result on top of it. So the second ork is indeed wounded pretty severely and now has only one leg left.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/19 13:55:40

Post by: Easy E

Yes, you are correct about what I am trying to do.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/19 14:52:56

Post by: Bobthehero

As predicted, here comes the mirror of my good rolls early on, 91 to hit X.X

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/19 20:53:31

Post by: OldMate

Sorry guys you're going to have to deal with that flamer. Simond has a severe aversion to being roasted alive.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/20 10:23:40

Post by: OldMate

Well I really did not wake up this morning expecting to write a description for de-gloving an Ork's arm with a chainsword.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/21 06:34:18

Post by: Pyroalchi

Simond can filet a fish perfectly with that thing

Good job so far. Looks like you start to have the upper hand.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/22 18:09:24

Post by: Pyroalchi

I hope I don't put you under too much pressure, but as we had a pretty fast pace so far: Bob, Easy E: do you want to post something for this "turn" or can I prepare the next post?

You might also have seen my topic opened on the question of "how loud are lasweapons anyway?". As it might come up in this RPG I would handle it the following way with solid projectile and Lasweapons:
normal projectile weapon: firing one can definitly be heard and the source can be made out accoustically. If you look in roughly the right direction you can see the muzzle flash, but not the travelling projectile
+ Silencer of normal quality (automatic in sniper rifle): The sound is equal to a loud clap and usually not missed, but it is hard to make out the source accustically. The muzzle flash is not visible
+ Silencer of good quality: the sound is even more silent and might be missed on a busy road/in the jungle at night (which is pretty loud), even when heard the exact source can usually not be identified
+ Silencer of best quality: the sound might be missed unless you are within 20 yards of the shooter

normal Lasweapon: the shot itself and therefore its source is clearly visible, The sound is equal to a loud clap and usually not missed, but it is hard to make out the source accustically.
+ normal "Supressor": the shot is not that easy to see (very narrow, little scattering), but if seen, the source is clear (straight line), sound as above
+ good "Supressor": as above, but only visible in UV/IR light, so one would need preysence googles/nightvision (which Xenos might have...), the sound is even more silent and might be missed on a busy road/in the jungle at night (which is pretty loud), even when heard the exact source can usually not be identified
+ best "Supressor": as above, but unless you really know the exact wavelenght, you should not be able to see the lasbolt, sound as above.

I don't know if that is perfectly sensible physically, but I would handle it that way as it leaves interesting choices when trying to do things "the sneaky way". I also want to say this now, so you know what to deal with and what you can expect from the enemies.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/23 17:19:46

Post by: Pyroalchi

A question regarding reading of rules:

In the core book at page 243 on actions they write:
A character can take two different Half Actions on his turn instead of taking one Full Action.

Now english is not my mothers tongue. I read this as inclusive, so the two half actions CAN be different but don't have to. You can for example make two single, unaimed shots. Or do you think this is exclusive and both half actions MUST be different?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/23 17:55:26

Post by: Bobthehero

Check page 242, they specificy you can only take one ''Attack'' or ''Concentration'' subtype

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/24 14:44:20

Post by: Easy E

Posted up. Let me know if I did too much stuff.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/24 14:47:28

Post by: Pyroalchi

No, everything is perfect. I hope it was OK that I set my post instead of waiting for you?

Time to be a hero Easy E! We believe in you

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/24 14:58:39

Post by: Easy E

I have spotty access to the forum over the weekends. The family and all wants my attention.... or something! LOL.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/24 15:21:25

Post by: Pyroalchi

No problem. This "battle scene" is almost done and the next is more role-play heavy (talking, interacting with each others and NPCs), were it is less important for everyone to post an action every turn

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/28 10:37:00

Post by: Pyroalchi

I posted something for Njal, as he already is kind of in narrative time. The others can feel free to still hunt down the last fleeing Grots.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/28 16:38:55

Post by: Easy E

I will let a few others post before I add on to the cockpit story. Thanks!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/29 12:41:47

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ all: it might have been unclear: 3 Grots run to the lower right on my map and can be shot at without endangering Simond (and the troopers at the ramp shoot at those) one runs to the lower left and can't sensibly be shot at, but is well within range of Simond.

So I assume Teodore just targets the group of three where he should be safe

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/29 23:43:26

Post by: Dekskull

Yeah that is fine with me.

We just don't want to hit our own guy by accident lol.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/30 07:12:56

Post by: Pyroalchi

reminds me of this scene in Braveheart:

[Thumb - Archers.jpg]

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/30 09:44:47

Post by: OldMate

Well it would be the authentic Imperial Guard experience

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/30 11:51:21

Post by: Dekskull

 Pyroalchi wrote:
reminds me of this scene in Braveheart:

There was also a battle in Game of Thrones (Battle of the Bastards) where the bad guy did that intentionally (fired on his own troops who were locked in melee) killing both sides in the process, but he had more soldiers so he came out ahead. The first thing I thought of when I saw that was...why didn't I ever do that back when I played Warhammer Fantasy battles?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/31 15:44:16

Post by: Pyroalchi

Bob? So you want to add something?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/31 16:25:10

Post by: Easy E

I will be adding some stuff later today/early tomorrow.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/31 17:25:59

Post by: Bobthehero

 Pyroalchi wrote:
Bob? So you want to add something?

Sorry, long week-end with no free time, and I just slept it off, will read up to catch up

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/10/31 18:05:17

Post by: Pyroalchi

hey Bob,

no problem, I can wait. I just wanted to avoid us waiting for each other due to a misunderstanding.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/02 10:44:25

Post by: Dekskull

Sounds good to me. BTW I just got wrath and glory, when this game wraps up would anyone be interested in doing a game of that?

Looks very similar to only war just much more open ended frame work.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/02 15:37:15

Post by: Pyroalchi

 Dekskull wrote:
Sounds good to me. BTW I just got wrath and glory, when this game wraps up would anyone be interested in doing a game of that?

Looks very similar to only war just much more open ended frame work.

I'm all for it. Do you intend to GM yourself or should someone else?
This here is intended as an adventure with four scenes, the first is almost wrapped up.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/02 16:33:44

Post by: Dekskull

If you are up for GMing that's fine with me! I'm still getting aquainted with the rule system so I wouldn't mind going through the player experience first.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/02 16:38:00

Post by: Pyroalchi

I don't know that system yet, but I could have a look. As I'm GMing a lot with my PnP group at home, I'm always interested in trying out new systems, grab the rules I like and integrate them.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/02 21:22:36

Post by: Dekskull

I think it's pretty decent.

I hear you though, I'm already running a Warhammer Fantasy RPG Game on Roll 20. GMing is a lot of work!

You could probably get a group together from these forums to do something on Roll20 though. The connection is pretty decent. We haven't had any big issues with audio quality and it can automate some of the stuff pretty well.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/03 14:38:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: I will likely post later that day or tomorrow. Feel free to just roll a couple of Tech rolls (+10 easier everytime, so +0, +10, +20) until he succeeds. I just need to know how man tries he needs.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/03 19:42:49

Post by: Easy E

Woot, woot! We got through scene 1 alive, and I feel pretty good about the characters we made, the way we handled it, and system!

For the Emperor!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/03 19:50:38

Post by: Pyroalchi


Or as Blackadder put it:

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/03 19:57:01

Post by: Bobthehero

*Satisfied gasmask noises*

That was smooth!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/04 12:35:48

Post by: OldMate

Glad everyone got through that with all their limbs

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/07 10:05:00

Post by: OldMate

Time to put an awkwardly belated

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/08 20:52:22

Post by: Bobthehero

I am adding Lasgun Volley to Poncho, using 200 out of that 300 XP we earned. Right now, not a particularly useful talent for now, as it works off an order, but the trait tree that it opens up, Las Weapon Expertise (every degrees of success lowers the enemy agility by 5, up to -30 or -35) and Las Weapon Mastery (every 2 degrees of success adds 1 damage) are killers, later on, especially once he gets more BS and possible gun attachments to increase accuracy.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/09 17:26:53

Post by: Easy E

Oh man, I forgot to look at spending my XP.

Thanks Bob!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/09 18:07:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy: no problem, take your time

Bob: My intention was that the Microbeads are also on the list, not physically there. But OK, lets put it that way: let us all just assume that those parts of equipment you want to look at are physically present (as the stack of weapons Teodore was looking at) and the rest is on just mentioned on the list.

@ XP: I guess Tambo will use his for "Ears to the ground", as that would pretty much round up the character he was intended to be

@ current scene: the aim of this scene would be:
1. figure out how you will work as a unit (leader, roles, etc.)
2. getting to know each other (a bit of background etc.) and what each of you can and can't do
3. explore the garrison, meet the regiments (some opportunity to describe what wild ideas you come up with for regimental traditions etc.)
4. if you like, feel free to come up with some adventure, practical joke or heist you think your dudes would pull of while garrisoned. Like go gambling, try to get into the city to go partying in a club, break into the laundry room and dye all parade uniforms pink or steal some equipment you are not at all supposed to have! Whatever you need to have some fun before deployment

@ further equipment: I thought about how to handle it with requisitioning stuff. On the one hand I don't see anything explicitly forbidding you from just trying to get as many items as you want. Meanwhile I don't want to let it get out of hand. Also the mechanism for trading is really really wonky Therefore here is what I would propose mechanically regarding requisitioning stuff:

Taking everything into account you can automatically get anything that is ubiquitous or abundant. For everything else the Commerce test has a bonus/malus of:
+20 (plentiful)/+10 (common)/0 (average)/-10 (scarce)/-20 (rare)/-30 (very rare)/-40 (extremely rare)/-50 (near unique)/-60 (unique)
This can be modified by Craftmanship (poor +20, good (-30), best (-50)) => when you are willing to take a poor weapon, it gets much easier
Furthermore if the item is a favorite weapon of a present regiment it gets another +20
If you are willing to trade it for an item you get another +5 for each level above abundant of your traded item (so +5 for plentiful, +10 for common etc.).
Lastly: you or the guy trying to requisition stuff (I assume Tambo would be best as he has commerce) can make an opposed Commerce test and get another +10 for every degree of success. Tambo gets +20 on this commerce test if something is traded.

That sounds rather complicated, so I'll just give some examples:
A meltagun (scarce, but favorite weapon of one present regiment) is +10. a Chameleoline cloak (rare) -20 etc. Trading in some LHO-sticks (common) would give a +10 bonus.
=> just so that you have a rough idea what difficulties we are talking about.

Now, to not let it get out of hand I would say within the week you are there, each one of you can have 5 tries on requisitioning something (as I said, Tambo can do it for you, if you want). Which includes trying a second time for the same item. So as example: Tambo could try first to get a Camelioline Cloak and fail. He tries a second time, still fails, tries a third because it's important to him, succeeds. He would still have two tries to get something else
=> this should guarantee that you have a good chance to either get one seldom item you REAAALY want or 4-5 less seldom things. Your choice.
Weapons with upgrades would be two separate items, even though that might not always make sense (like a compact gun. Of course you don't just get a full sized gun and than magically make it smaller... some suspension of disbelief is necessary).

You might also be able to build some low tech weapons from scratch. Maybe not a sword or flint-pistol, but a sling, bola, blowpipe or maybe a bow should be possible.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/11 18:29:12

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Dekskull: just if you want to mention something for Teodore: the people of Skrynne have a centuries long history with Orks. So even from civilian life he should have pretty good knowledge about them, their abilities and even (to a degree) culture.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/11 19:21:39

Post by: Easy E

I think I want the following:

1. Good quality "Brontian Long Knives" knife (Which I think is available from the list)
2. A smoke grenade or two (To create cover if needed)
3. Dozer Blade for the Chimera

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/11 19:27:59

Post by: Bobthehero

Brontians, in the rule book, start with with a Best quality Mono Knife. You could get a ''Warknife'' as well, which has better stats than a basic knife, and could be ''Best'' and ''Mono''.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/11 19:34:40

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Brontian knife: if they have best Quality Mono-Knifes those would be definitly on the list. Also a best quality mono-warnknife, why not.

@ Smoke grenade: those are pretty common. Tambo has two, so if you need those they would be present. But you can of course later get some through requisitions.
Just like the dozer blade.

@ topic: of course you can also discuss in time what equipment you should/would get later on.
From Tambos perspective the most urgent points would be:
1. something that is able to kill an Ork or help you other kill it (therefore he takes the grenade cache now)
2. something to complement his stealth skill (so he'll try and get a Chameleoline cloak over the next days
3. something to kill an ork without getting to close (a long-las likely, as he at least can use those and ammo is interchangeable with his rifle)

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/11 19:37:19

Post by: Bobthehero

Longlas would freaking rule, to kill Orks, they have just a bit of AP, enough to ignore the Ork's scrap armor, and a property to ignore Unnatural Toughness and roll extra D10's of damage.

Edit: Triplex Pattern Lasguns are also pretty great

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/11 23:58:02

Post by: OldMate

I think a long las would be a great addition to the party, it would definetly add to the long range punch, which, well that's probably the best place to try and keep the orks.

Ironically the armour reduction that razor sharpness confers (a trait that the poisoned lance tip has, which potentially can double the penetration chance) would be pretty good, its a -2 to armour; so keep your weapons properly sharpened folks it'll make a difference. The effect of the poison which seems potentially pretty brutal.

The regular exploding tipped hunting lance casually does twice the damage of my cavalry spear and that is before the blast modifier.

I vote that if Bobthehero ever needs to use his shovel for whatever reason in combat, despite also having the fang, that it should definitely automatically have the 'razor sharp' trait added.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/12 00:00:56

Post by: Bobthehero

Well the Korps does start with an entrenching tool

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/12 10:04:56

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Happy to bring a Brontian to the table just wondering how the rules and character creation works?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/12 10:48:29

Post by: OldMate

 Bobthehero wrote:
Well the Korps does start with an entrenching tool

Gotta fortify the gang's abode somehow.

I mean you'd not feel comfortable otherwise.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/12 12:08:43

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Irish: I think you can find the corerules online. You might also check out this site that gives quite a good overview:


If you need any help, feel free to ask.

@ everybody else: I would propose Irishpeacockz creates his character and then our characters decide in game that they would like to requisition that character.

@ Irish: currently we have
A melee focussed cavalryman
A lasman
A stormtrooper
A medic
An Operator.
And the role of sergeant is already kind of taken fluff-wise

Of course we can always have a second of the same soecialization, but if you want to have something unique, we still lack a heavy weapons dude or a Sergeant ruleswise, who would have to live with being second in command (so corporal) fluff wise.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/12 12:41:30

Post by: Irishpeacockz

I will do my best to get back to you guys with a concept today. If he is a Brontian I would imagine a CQC character you shall check the rules. Not concerned about the Sergeant being taken that's fine

Actually caught up with the squad right now and I'm digging it.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/12 22:16:15

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Irish: you could also go for a Brontian Commissar. Those are also pretty good in CC

@ all: As it seems none of our characters has first hand experience with Orks, integrating Irishs Char seems pretty easy: we can just get to the conclusion, that we should ask for a Brontian that has fought them.

@ Tambo: now that I understand a bit better how everything works, I regret a bit that I took "Scavengers" as regiment trait as it seems to be more disadvantage than advantage. Would you mind if I switch this for "Chameleoline" as equipment doctrine?

@ Easy E: I love how you modify Njals language with Ice related words. It works excellent. As does Oldmate giving Simond a really conservative touch, Ponchos switching between being just a number and an individual and Teodores "I just want to get out of here" mentality. I'll try to give Tambo and the NPCs some more fitting quirks too.

@ Oldmate: stables for your horses should be on the ground floor by the way and some grazing grounds outside.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/13 08:26:39

Post by: OldMate

If I need to know where the horses are kept should we be worried
I guess Simond could try the jumping out of window gambit in case of an ork attak, it'd be cinematic and in character.

Or in the case that the Sarge might get a bit fed up with Simond's gak.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/14 15:06:48

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Dekskull: should I leave Wyona up to you or do you want to concentrate on Teodore and I should describe her actions?

@ all: feel free to add to the scenery as you see fit. You can always invent NPCs, buildings or things happening. Only limit would be that this scene should focus more in interaction and non-combat talents.

@ Irish: your guy is currently in that recreational tent. He and his battle buddy are the last two of his squad (so he would be free to join us). Introduce him as you like. Maybe he is just playing the good old "the knife goes chop chop chop" game...

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/14 18:05:56

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Forgot I had a buddy.. I'll edit my post accordingly.

Edit: Welcome to the world Adamo!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/15 11:39:18

Post by: OldMate

Welcome to the party.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/16 06:53:36

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Dekskull: I remember giving your character perfect memory as trait and logic as skill. So if you want to mention some incredible feat of recollection feel free to do so. He might also be able to be really good at playing (and counting) cards or for example notice how some of the dice at the gambling table roll suspiciously high over the last 100 rolls...

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/16 18:50:33

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Apologies upfront if people find Malakai irritating. Just wanna portray him as jaded.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/16 20:57:10

Post by: OldMate

Its all cool. Pretty understandable for the character. Especially in the circumstances, especially when meeting our group that has been in combat for like 5 minutes and have been treated like they single handedly fought all your guy's battles for them.

I could say the same for my 'party like there's no tommorrow' cocky little bantam of a feudal worlder, but I'm quite enjoying writing him.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/17 21:05:35

Post by: OldMate

Just a question on currency, what does the imperium/the planet have and how would it weigh against hard currency?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 03:39:36

Post by: Irishpeacockz

I believe the Ciaphus Cain or Eisenhorn books mention Thrones as currency which is where pyro got it from I imagine. Since he used it first I just followed suit.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 05:56:06

Post by: Pyroalchi

If you come up with an idea just write it and we others go with the flow. I guess a good coin buys a round in every bar...

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 11:07:31

Post by: OldMate

And some music

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 14:05:15

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Dekskull and all: You should have some days in the depot to get your stuff. As it would be a pity to break the bar-round up so soon I would propose you use this evening to get some contacts. From my regiments fluff for example I know there are some Askaris that would pay very handsomely for Ponchos Rebreather mask, that's why he carefully asked for the story behind it, to find out if he would be willing to part from it. Or knows a place where one could get a replacement - the receipients wouldn't see the difference...

By the way: nice idea with the music

@ Irish: good job on the jaded Brontian. I also like the contrast between both.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 17:01:11

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Adamo is the one to make sure thibgs remain somewhat civil and more importantly drag Malakai into situations he wouldn't tread on his own....such as a penal unit.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 17:40:24

Post by: Easy E

So guys, what do we want to do and get accomplished while we are "on base"?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 18:47:06

Post by: Bobthehero

Poncho's mask and rebreather are his war face, he'll never part from those, lol.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/18 18:59:38

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Waiting for someone with authority to officially ask/order the Brontian's to merge with the penals. Considering how they are the only two left in their own squad, consolidation makes sense.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/19 21:13:08

Post by: Pyroalchi

Regarding what you want to do: I'm open for your ideas. This second scene is a bit of a sandbox, where you can come up with all kind of mischief you want to do.
But if you don't have any and want to go on to the next planned action again, just say so, would be OK for me. In that case everyone should just say what his 5 tries for requisitioning equipment will be, what he is willing to trade for it and if he/she wants to try himself or if Tambo should do it. Then I'd roll it out and we could skip to getting your assignment and then diving into the jungle...

@ Integrating Brontians: Commissar Cole already said, the squad could requisition another soldier or two and Peabody mentioned how great it would be if those were Brontians. So I assume when Cole swings by the next morning to ask who will be promoted to Sergeant, the Squad will mention Adamo and Malakai. Maybe the two of them even already crash in the squads hideout after a long night drinking

@ Ponchos gasmask: I suspected as much. Which might lead to a possible mini-adventure: where to get a normal gasmask and how to fix it in a way that one could believe it is the original deal. Together with a bit of acting on Ponchos part to convince the buyers that this is indeed an original Death Korps Rebreather...

@ other ideas: as this would be a nice chance to use talents that might not come up otherwise I also considered if you guys might come up with some kind of heist, to get the credits/trading items to get the equipment you want. Stuff like staking out some kind of civilian building, breaking in etc.
Or maybe realize that Teodore is good at cards (Dekskull already set this in motion) and then try to get him into a high stakes game somewhere, selling his talents as pure luck?
We could also improvise some scrumball rules, if you want to measure yourself against others.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/20 12:48:41

Post by: Dekskull

You know as much as I'd like to try a heist, I don't think this group of characters would really be up for it. They don't know eachother well enough to trust each other to do anything too crazy. A fair number are from very different worlds and so it's difficult for them to even understand each other all that well either.

So I'd say let's wrap up recruiting the new character get those requisition roles done and then tee it up for the next scene.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/21 12:38:12

Post by: Pyroalchi

So, what does everybody else think? Cut it short and jump to the mission assignment?

@ Requisitioning stuff:
Here is what I wrote above again:
Taking everything into account you can automatically get anything that is ubiquitous or abundant. For everything else the Commerce test has a bonus/malus of:
+20 (plentiful)/+10 (common)/0 (average)/-10 (scarce)/-20 (rare)/-30 (very rare)/-40 (extremely rare)/-50 (near unique)/-60 (unique)
This can be modified by Craftmanship (poor +20, good (-30), best (-50)) => when you are willing to take a poor weapon, it gets much easier
Furthermore if the item is a favorite weapon of a present regiment it gets another +20
If you are willing to trade it for an item you get another +5 for each level above abundant of your traded item (so +5 for plentiful, +10 for common etc.).
Lastly: you or the guy trying to requisition stuff (I assume Tambo would be best as he has commerce) can make an opposed Commerce test and get another +10 for every degree of success. Tambo gets +20 on this commerce test if something is traded.

That sounds rather complicated, so I'll just give some examples:
A meltagun (scarce, but favorite weapon of one present regiment) is +10. a Chameleoline cloak (rare) -20 etc. Trading in some LHO-sticks (common) would give a +10 bonus.
=> just so that you have a rough idea what difficulties we are talking about.

But I misunderstood how trading works: It means Tambo would get the above mentioned Bonus on his opposed commerce test.

As Tambo has gotten a cache of 12 scarce grenades he would offer to use one each of those to trade for items. So one per player character and they increase the chance for Tambo to get a Logistic bonus from the opposed commerce test by +10. Also Tambo can get another +10 via "Scavengers" (I decided to keep it), but if he rolls a double, we might get in trouble with the Commissars.
So again what I would need from you:
1. what do you want for your five tries on requisitioning stuff
2. would you be willing to take it in low quality (which gives a +20 buff on the logistics test) or do you need better quality?
3. would you trade something for it?
4. Do you want to risk Tambo trying to get it in a half legal way?

Our basic logistic rating is 15 (being heroes must mean something), modified as above. So to get a better grasp on how this goes I'll just post for Tambo (skip if you are not interested, this was half for me to practice and keep track of):
1. try: get a Chameleoline Cloak (rare, -20), trade a Hallucinogenic grenade for it (scarce +10 to commerce, so Tambo rolls on a 29+10+20), opposed Commerce test against a requisitioning officer (I assume he rolls Commerce on 30): Officer: 95, Tambo 55. So he is 65 over, I'm 4 under. So Tambo has 1 degree of success more for +10 on the logistics test. He risks getting through dark channels (+10 Logistics) and is willing to take a bad quality cloak that only works in jungle (+20) => final score is 35
rolled a 20 on the logistics test. So no double, he didn't get caught.
2. try: a bad quality (+20) Long-las (-20). This time he uses some LHO sticks to trade (+/- 0, but allows Tambo to use his bonus from ears to the ground), opposed Commerce test gives: 68 to 5. So 4 degrees of success for him for a +40 on logistics. As that went rather well he doesn't risk scavenging something for a final score of 55:
Logistics test: rolled a 9. That went great.
3. try: some photo visors (Scarce, -10). They are in Njal's standard kit though (+20). Tambo tries to trade some miscallenous trading stuff he has (payed this as one common item). As above: commerce gives: 14 to 78, this time Tambo fails and gets no bonus. Final Logistic score: 25. Roll: 46, he does not get them.
4. try: red dot laser sight (Scarce, -10), Tambo is willing to part with one of his anti plant grenades (+20 to Commerce): 24 vs. 14. So he has 3 degrees of success more=> +30 logistics, and he is willing to risk and try scavenging again (+10)=> final score 45. Roll: 17, success and didn't get caught.
5th and last try: a blowgun (common, +10), he trades one of his smoke grenades (no bonus, but ears to the ground): Opposed Commerce test: 91 to 42, => +10 on logistics for final value of 35 (he skips the scavenger bonus to not get caught for something as basic as this...): rolled a 99. Pew, good that I skipped scavengers...

Final result: Tambo has given away one of his plant, smoke and Hallucinogenic grenades, as well as LHO-sticks and some trading stuff and got a bad quality Long-las, bad quality Chameleoline Cloak and a normal quality red dot laser sight. The other two items (Photovisor and Blowgun) were a miss.
Edit: sorry, I mixed up the sights. I meant a telescopic sight (which es even more frequent). So he has one of those, not the red dot variant

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/21 20:05:05

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Agreed best to move things along

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/21 22:56:48

Post by: Easy E

I am ready to move things along as well.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/25 20:34:45

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Damn Simond ain't messing around

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/27 16:20:36

Post by: Pyroalchi

So, I would jump to the mission assignment soon, but first we would have to wrap up some open points:

@ Irish: does Malakai "just" want to ask for equipment? Or in other words: are you OK with me wrapping this up narrativly in my next post, or do you want to write it back and forth between our characters? I'm fine with both

@ card players: same question: should I wrap it up narratively or are you interested in developing it? If so I could offer to shuffle a deck of cards, deal for each player and we see who wins something

@ Oldmate: I read your post and Wyona would agree to retire now. But I wanted to wait posting that until I know the answer to the above questions

@ all: I still need your wishlist what equipment you want? 5 tries as mentioned.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/27 16:31:39

Post by: Irishpeacockz

I don't mind about the card game, resolve it as you see fit.

Malakai was going to ask for stimms, low key if the Askaris could snuggle some in. In return he would offer service.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/27 17:30:15

Post by: Bobthehero

A red dot sight to go on the longlas wouldn't go amis. As would a normal quality longlas.

They're just superbly made for killing Orks as it stands

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 02:45:02

Post by: OldMate

I think I'd like the exsplosive lance head(i have changed my mind from the poison as havinghad sucsess with the grenades I think it'd be more in character). And some definitely spirits from the Askari camp.
Maybe try to upgrade his knife with one of those Brontian knives too. I mean if you need to go for a sidearm you want it to be able to do someting.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 02:49:01

Post by: OldMate

LoL i gotta say I was half expecting for Simmond to suffer from an impact induced nose bleed.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 05:17:33

Post by: Irishpeacockz

In terms of equipment I assume my two Brontian's have special warknives. Apart from that Malakai would carry a shotgun whereas Adamo would carry a basic Lasgun.

Apart from that I imagine a fairly standard guardsman kit with maybe an extra knife or two l.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 15:45:31

Post by: Bobthehero

Per DA RULES! Brontians start with a Best Quality Mono-Knife and 2 normal knives.

Mind you, this was before the idea of a Warknife was introduced, which I think is what they would have had otherwise.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 15:47:40

Post by: Easy E

I just want the following:

1. Brontian warknife (probably on the list of stuff all ready)
2. a Smoke grenade or two
3. Dozer Blade for the Chimera

Can I also use my XP to get Weapon Training- Las? Maybe spend some time in camp at the range with an instructor before we deploy?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 16:30:08

Post by: Bobthehero

 Easy E wrote:

Can I also use my XP to get Weapon Training- Las? Maybe spend some time in camp at the range with an instructor before we deploy?

Unless Pyroalchi has something in mind for that, you can, for 300 XP

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 19:04:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Irish: your standard equipment would be (from Hammer of the Emperor):
1 Lasgun, 6 charge packs, 1 best craftmenship mono knife, 2 knives, Flak armor, 3 Frag and Krak Grenades, 4 weeks rations, photovisor, microbeads + the usual stuff like uniform, sleeping bag etc.
You can of course exchange that mono knife for a (mono) Combat knife. Should not make to much of a difference.
My question was more aimed at what additional equipment your dudes want, as now is the stage in the adventure, were we can try to get some. As described I give you 5 tries on getting equipment, but rarer equipment might need more than one try to get it.

@ Easy E: sure, feel free to activate it. Might as well be that he learned it before and it was just on "stand by" due to XP shortage. That's what I think of regarding Tambo taking "ears to the ground" from his XP. Likely he had it before I just couldn't pay for it. The XP cost of Weapon Training depends on your Aptitudes, but it should be possible to take it.

@ all: I'll likely roll out the requisitions tomorrow and write the next larger post then. Hope you can wait that long

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/28 20:37:47

Post by: OldMate

As the exploding lance head is a single use weapon could Simond get Balwin to carry a second lance for him to use in combat?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/29 06:43:38

Post by: Pyroalchi

I see no problem in that. Purely for convenience reasons I could also live with the assumption that the tips are shaped charges and that the shaft of the lance survives the attack with the profile of a cavalry lance. This way it would be less awkward to switch between the two.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/29 10:42:30

Post by: OldMate

I'd be happy to have 2 exploding lance strikes and then to use the chainsword. But as I have already modeled exactly what you described It would be a shame to not show it here.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/29 13:16:20

Post by: Pyroalchi

Ah, I forgot something: I still need 2 more infos from you:
1. as I said each of you gets one grenade from Tambo for trading. Do you have any other items you are willing to trade to get your additional equipment? As long as Tambo has something he can trade, he gets +20 on his opposed commerce roll, so it is pretty worthwile. But of course this also means that item won't be there on the mission.
2. do you want Tambo to go the risky route (which gives another +10 on logistics, but might earn you unwanted attention), or should he play it safe?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/29 15:17:09

Post by: Easy E

 Bobthehero wrote:
 Easy E wrote:

Can I also use my XP to get Weapon Training- Las? Maybe spend some time in camp at the range with an instructor before we deploy?

Unless Pyroalchi has something in mind for that, you can, for 300 XP

Yeah, I am not super familiar with the system but it looks like I bought Weapon-training at character creation with the extra XP we got to spend, but I would NOT have enough to pick it up now as I do not have the right Aptitudes.

I guess I will grab Security at Known instead, and carry over 100 XP for later. Not great, but at least it negates the -20.

For Trading I have:
1 set of Cold Weather Survival Suit
1 Set of poor weather gear
1 rucksack
1 sleep bag
1 rechargeable Lamp
1 mess kit
1 set of basic tools
1 Infantryman's Uplifting Primer
1 canteen
2 weeks rations

Not a lot of things other troopers would not have all ready, or want......

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/29 16:09:28

Post by: Pyroalchi

Still, I can work with that.
It may surprise you, but specifically the cold weather suit is highly sought after by the Askaris as they deem almost everything as cold weather

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/30 11:13:49

Post by: OldMate

Okay so a handful of silver and five or so gold coins.
A knife
2 javelins if anyone wants them lol

I'm going to assume my guy got issued gear, on top of what he has brought. being a seasoned campaigner he has already packed his world's equivalent of these items
mess kit
sleeping bag
guardsman's uplifting primer

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/30 12:29:14

Post by: Pyroalchi

OK, @ Easy E, the Dozer Blade is a given, as that was your pick from the spoils of the first battle.

The other items:
1. try: a Brontian Warknife (Average +/-0, and it is likely in their standard pack: +20. Looks easy enough). Tambo tries to trade the Cold weather survival suit (Average) => opposed Commerce from Tambo (49) vs. requisitionsofficer (30): 29 vs 32, 3 degrees of succes. Final Logistics roll on 15+20+30 = 65: 61, success
2. try: Smokegrenades (Common, +10 and in multiple standard packs: +20), trade in rations. Opposed roll: 64 vs. 42, no bonus from the commerce rol
Logistics on 45: 82, nope. Which at least means the rations were not used
3. try: the same: 59 vs. 8, again no bonus from commerce, 39 on the logistics roll. Thats a smoke grenade
4. try: the same, but this time no sensible trading stuff: 93 vs. 84, but 18 on the logistics

So, Tambo used up the Cold Weather suit and the two rations, but got your Warknife and 2 Smoke grenades in return and you still have one try left. He also has not yet used the single scarce grenade (Hallucinogenic or Claymore [which I would tread as a directional frag] ) he offered each companion. So if you want I can try for something else or you can feel free to keep the scarce grenade or just switch it with any other grenade that is at least scarce.

@ Oldmate:

1. try: Hunting lance (Scarce, -10, but as your dudes are cavalry those should be in their standard pack: +20). Tambo trades in one of his scarce grenades as offered. Opposed commerce (Tambo has 29+10+20, the other 30): 38 vs. 25. So 2 degrees of success more. Logistics roll on 15+20+20 = 55: 19
2. try, the same, this time trading in a Javelin (why not): 88 vs. 89, no bonus from commerce. Logistics on 35: 93... not at all
3. try: the same: 12 vs 13: 3 degrees of success more: logistics on 65: 45
4. try: the same: 68 vs. 8, no bonus, Logistics on 35: 29, success
5. The spirits should be an automatic success, as those should be plentiful

Tambo used up the offered grenade and both javelins and got 3 Hunting lances (or their tips, whatever) as well as some spirits from the Askaris.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/11/30 19:42:39

Post by: Easy E

Thanks Pyro. I am good with what I got. Appreciate it.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/01 11:06:16

Post by: OldMate

Only thought of this at work today, did we get any training on the native dangers of the world, I mean Wyona should presumably have some training and knowledge in that regard.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/01 11:40:29

Post by: Pyroalchi

Yes, but there is only so much you can do within some months on the transport ship and a week on ground. Therefore it mainly boils down to heaving heard of the largest predators, knowing a hand full of plants that are edible and quite a couple of plants that are highly poisonous and being aware of the fact that drinking uncooked water or having untreated wounds is an open invitation for a fast and violent dead by plague.

Overall on a scale from todays amazonas jungle and Catachan, Skrynne scores somewhere in the middle. At least the plants don't actively hunt and the predators can usually be downed by lasgun fire (sometimes A LOT of lasgun fire).

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/01 12:31:10

Post by: OldMate

Ok cheers so not quite take a step off the path at your own immediate mortal peril sorta territory. Oh and don't forget the non predators, such as the really territorial herbivores. Rhinos and hippos are pretty frickin dangerous, as a re riled up elephants, they won't eat you but that's no comfort after they have ripped your arm off or jumped up and down on you.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/03 21:18:15

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Bob: so I'll try to add your stuff:

1. try: a Long las of normal quality (scarce, -10), Tambo uses the one scarce grenade he offered to try and get it. opposed Commerce test (Tambo gets +30): 57 vs. 64, 1 degree of success. Final score: Logistic 15. rolled a 47: nope
2. try: the same: 3 vs. 87 on commerce, for an impressive 6 degrees of succes. Logistics 75: 20. Hmm... so Tambo is 55 below what was needed. I would treat this as him getting a good quality Longlas (which would have needed a 45)
3. try: a red dot laser sight for the Long las (scarce, -10). I did not hear from you if you want to trade something for it. But as Tambo wants to make himself useful, he trades one of his own frag grenades for it (which gives him at least +20 on commerce). Opposed test: 43 vs. 81, 1 degree of success: Logistics 15 is needed: 29
4. try: the same: 67 vs. 8, no bonus from commerce. Logistics 5 is needed: 51
5. try: as it is the last chance, Tambo sets everything and tries illegal channels (+10 on logistics): 6 vs. 72 on Commerce for 4 degrees of succes. Final logistics score: 55. 59... Sorry, that didn't work out.

Tambo tried his best. He managed to even get a good quality Long-las, but he couldn't get the red dot laser sight, sorry. The scarce grenade from his grenade cache was traded for the longlas.
I would leave it up to you if you want to handle that as a separate weapon using the charge packs of a lasgun or if this is some kind of "long barrel and power modifier" that are fixed to your Hot-Shot lasgun and powered by your backpack. Option one has the advantage of more ammo compliability, option 2 is lighter to carry.

@ Dekskull and Irish: any bonus equipment you want? Maybe a power- or chainsword/knife for Malakai? Or an autopistol or refractor field for our marksman medic? (You seem to have shot more greenskins than most of us)

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/04 02:03:55

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Sure we can try for a chain sword, something to pierece the skin of tougher orkz

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/04 02:15:05

Post by: Bobthehero

 Pyroalchi wrote:
@ Bob: so I'll try to add your stuff:

Eh, the Red Dot was a cherry on the proverbial sundae, just having a not-Unreliable Longlas will work well. As for how it's integrated, I'll think of something. Carrying two rifles can be a bit of a pain, especially if one is cabled. Then again, I do dig the idea of long barrel swapping like in Republic Commando. And barrel swaps are part of how we do things with machine guns, it's *not* unlikely.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/05 10:32:03

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Irish:
As you only want one thing and we have 5 tries, I'll go for some high quality stuff:
1. try: Chainsword (average 0), good quality (-30), trade in one scarce grenade (Tambo gets +30 on commerce):
opposed commerce test: 25 vs. 26 => 3 degrees of success more => logistics 15: rolled a 9, great. You have a good Chainsword
2. some stims (average, 0): 65, vs. 69, no bonus, Logistics 15: 23
3. the same: opposed test: 48 vs. 80: , need 15 logistics, rolled 37
4.the same, 5 vs. 32, 3 degrees of success, need a 45, rolled a 1
=> I would treat that as enough stim to carry you through the month
2. Ok, as we still have one last try tries, lets try and trade that good Chainsword for a best quality one: (-50 on Logistics, but total +50 on Tambos Commerce test):
opposed Commerce: 27 vs. 69, 6 degrees of succes, Logistics: 25. Rolled 83

Tambo got a good quality Chainsword for Malakai (meaning +5 on your WS roll) and enough stimms to carry you through the month

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/05 15:21:24

Post by: Easy E

All right chaps, does that leave us good to proceed? Do we have other questions or need additional information before we load up the Chimera and head out?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/05 15:48:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

In preparation of that: Easy E, you can roll 3 rputine (+10 bonus) operate surface tests and tell me your outcome. Just to have a rough idea how well you get through the jungle

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/05 22:34:56

Post by: Easy E

Okay, my Operate skill is 38, so with +10 it is essentially 48.

I scored:
73 - Oh dear!

In case you need it, I also have Navigation (Trained) so at 46 base.

I scored:
69 - Oh dear!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/05 23:08:59

Post by: Bobthehero

Maybe we should have asked for a map and compass

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/06 04:39:47

Post by: Irishpeacockz

This jungle looks alot like the spaceport

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/09 15:22:34

Post by: Pyroalchi

Just to check: does anyone of you have the skill to use the heavy bolter you got? So weapon training bolter and heavy?

Edit: if not, that might also be an option to win the locals over or trade it for something more useful. Being only able to fire full auto (-20 in BS) it is pretty useless when shot untrained

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/09 17:18:39

Post by: Easy E

I do not, Las-Training only.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/09 18:38:34

Post by: Pyroalchi

just for reference: Tambo has las, low tech and launcher
And for planning: before you battle for the refinery, you'll likely be able to distribute another 300 XP. So you might be able to activate another weapon training or something if you want.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/15 12:47:30

Post by: Pyroalchi

Just a quick headsup:
I could describe 1 or two further scenes in the jungle, mostly to avoid the typical "boom, you are at your destination!" feeling. But if you prefer jumping right into action, I can also skip this, just mention, that you travel through the jungle some time, struggle with the local wildlife and maybe witness some dogfights overhead and then just let you reach the refinery.

What's your preference?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/15 15:39:05

Post by: Easy E

I would not be averse to some more encounters on the way to the Refinery and a chance to RP a bit.

However, I leave it up to the rest of the group.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/15 17:33:04

Post by: Bobthehero

I don't mind more encounters, either

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/15 20:06:39

Post by: OldMate

I dont mind more enocounters

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/16 06:02:13

Post by: Irishpeacockz

I don't mind more encounters

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/22 09:04:22

Post by: Pyroalchi

Just to check back: are we in the holiday slump or are you waiting for input from me?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/28 11:23:45

Post by: Pyroalchi

I haven't forgotten you, I just won't be able to really set the next post before 2023. But I guess I'm not the only one pretty involved with family at the moment.
Enjoy your holidays and have a nice new years eve

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/28 16:31:51

Post by: Easy E

I think we are in a Holiday slump. Lot's of people are traveling right now.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2022/12/29 01:25:26

Post by: Dekskull

No worries man. BTW this is a good group of people we got going on here. Looking forward to finishing strong!

@Pyroalchi have you ever thought of GMing via Roll 20? I've been running a Wrath and Glory campaign with my friends for a while now. Even the free version isn't bad.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/01/02 19:20:15

Post by: Irishpeacockz

Definitely a holiday slump sorry guys!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/01/03 15:57:27

Post by: Easy E

I am back again now that the Holidays are over.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/01/04 01:57:11

Post by: Bobthehero

Will be bush until the 9th

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/01/11 08:38:48

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Oldmate: just to be sure we understand each other right: Tambo warned you of something BEHIND Simond, what Simond sees is IN FRONT of him

@ all: just so we are on the same page: The Chimera has a
1. large ramp on the backside where 2 soldiers can exit shoulder by shoulder
2. a large hatch on top of the crew compartment where 2 soldiers can look or climb out if they don't have too much gear on them
3. a hatch on top of the turret and in front of the driver where one can get out, but it might take a bit of wriggling.
4. the lasgunarray has a vision slit at each gun. With a bit of fumbling one could also remove the gun and get a shooting port for an Autogun or pistol or whatever

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/01/19 15:04:53

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Oldmate: is this one of your tipped lances or the normal cavalry lance?
Also: you did read that Tambo warned Simond about a second cat behind him?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/01/20 06:43:09

Post by: OldMate

Yeah, he rolled such a low awarness that i am going with him not getting that warning. The lance is exsplosively tipped. He's not taking chances with the wildlife out here.


Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/02/02 17:36:15

Post by: Easy E

Well team, should we go check on our downed Imperial comrades in that Valk?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/02/03 06:54:52

Post by: Pyroalchi

You could stock up your rations

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/02/03 09:34:33

Post by: OldMate

Best to beat the orks there, I don't want to be facing more heavy weapons than we absolutely need to when we get to the refinery. LOL

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/02/13 20:00:24

Post by: Easy E

So, how do we want to do this?

Scouts out front.... possibly Tambo and M'Gele.

Then, Poncho, Malaki, Teodore and the rest out on foot spread out?

We can leave Erc, my "companion" in the Chimera so he can back us up with the Heavy Bolter in the hull and pick us up if needed?


Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/02/13 20:05:10

Post by: Pyroalchi

As Tambo: sounds good

As Game Master: I mainly need to know:
1. do you announce yourself to whoever is in the clearing?
2. do you hurry to reach the downed chimera or do you want to round the whole clearing first for recconnaissance (which will take at least another hour) or something in between?

Edit: there is no "wrong" choice her, just different outcomes with their own advantages and disadvantages

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/02/13 21:30:05

Post by: Bobthehero

 Easy E wrote:
So, how do we want to do this?

Scouts out front.... possibly Tambo and M'Gele.

Then, Poncho, Malaki, Teodore and the rest out on foot spread out?

We can leave Erc, my "companion" in the Chimera so he can back us up with the Heavy Bolter in the hull and pick us up if needed?


Poncho is definitely taking up a position further back, yup

As for approach, we can try and raise them on comms, while still approaching careful, yes? If they confirm the area to be clear, then we move in with more haste.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/02/14 10:27:08

Post by: OldMate

Simond and Balwin can either poke in as armed recon, or as a mobile reserve with the chimera. He'd be a bit faster and should be able to extract himself from trouble a bit faster. Either role plays to his character.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/04 19:46:05

Post by: Pyroalchi

Shall I continue or do the others still want to post something?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/06 13:43:12

Post by: Pyroalchi

=> just to avoid misunderstanding: from what I know of the lore Scions are highly indoctrinated and elite-soldiers. So my description of them being quite bossy, cold and not very talkative is not meant to be out of the ordanary. If your characters ever had contact to them they react more or less like you would have expected, even if that means pretty bitchy ;-)

@ the Lieutenants Order: I would prefer if one of you lets Wyona answer. Who comes first can decide. Technically you were ordered by HQ to only use the high powered Vox AFTER you secured the promethium facility as they are not sure if the Orks would pick up the signal. That's less about hearing in on what you say and more about knowing that you are in the vicinity. If you use it now, you might loose the element of surprise (at least part of it).
Also even if you call for backup, there is the question if you stay and defend the Scions until they are picked up or just continue your mission. You might also try and convince them to join yours, but that should be pretty hard, as they have their own orders (which they of course don't share with you).

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/06 14:55:43

Post by: Easy E

I posted up, and then read your post here. I think my post aligns with what you were looking for.

I am interested to see how everyone else reacts to these guys.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/13 20:51:53

Post by: Pyroalchi

The snippet about Tambo intending to mine the bodies is based in his culture not really valueing dead bodies that much. The soul of the warrior is gone, might as well boobytrap the corpse if you can take some enemies by surprise. The same reason why he personally would strip them of all belongings, but has already learned that a lot of fellow guardsmen deem this inappropiate. Feel free to react to that as you like.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/13 22:21:09

Post by: Bobthehero

Scions do have a special piece of kit in their medkit tailor made to trap their corpses. It all depends on the regiment's culture, but it's just something you might want to know

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/14 06:27:41

Post by: Pyroalchi

I didn't know that. In that case they seem to overlap pretty well

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/20 00:54:51

Post by: Dekskull

Just wondering, is anyone in this group interested in starting a new game soon?

I've been pondering something ambitious. An RPG where the players are all nobles and are actually in charge of an entire planet.

Storyline will likely take place over a century. Will be very Sim City/Civilization esque in 40K setting with RPG elements thrown in.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/20 06:30:04

Post by: Pyroalchi

I'm always into trying out something new

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/20 09:10:56

Post by: OldMate

Same, I'd be happy to do that once we wrap up the refinery, if that's what everyone else wants to do.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/03/20 10:26:34

Post by: Dekskull


Oldmate has a point though. It makes sense to get the current story to a decent stopping point. Besides, it'd give me more time to plan things out.

I'm thinking nominally it would run on the Wrath and Glory system (and I can design character stats but will probably stick to something very streamlined).

But for the most part the rolling will be limited. The game will be more about the strategic and business decisions that the Lords of this planet make and then dealing with the consequences of those decisions over a long period of time.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/04/13 15:56:06

Post by: Easy E

Nice map Pyro!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/04/14 11:37:55

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Oldmate:

Your Grenade has a range of your strength Bonus x3 and throwing is rolled on your BS. Meaning: Simond has a SB of 3, so up until 17 meters you can throw it unmodified, from 18 to 26m you get -10 on your roll, 27+ meters is a roll -30. The turrets are 10m high. So for the unmodified attack you have to get pretty close.

Just tell me how close Simond goes and roll your BS. I will then see if the Ork is taken completely by surprise or sees you approaching.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/04/14 22:05:27

Post by: OldMate

So I imagine I would have to get to within 7m of the tower base for an unmodified throw.

BS skill is 31.
Okay i went for a 25m throw(at 15m from the tower base) and rolled a 10 (-10 for the range) so after modification his throw is a 20.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/04/19 19:37:22

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ all: you can decide if you want to shoot at the greenskins as soon as they are in range or if you want to wait until they are really right in the middle of your lot.
I updated the map a bit (on page 8 of the thread), to give grid coordinates. Simond and the orks come in from I1 moving along the path. You have a line of fire when they are around J7. Letting them come closer gives you easier shots due to short range but also a shorter charge distance for the Xenos

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/04/20 07:46:13

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Dekskull: does Teodor say "Simond no!" in normal talking volume into the combeat or does he shout it conventionally as if none of you had combeats because he lost his nerve?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/04/22 01:54:29

Post by: Dekskull

I think it was the latter. This moment is definitely all about him losing his nerve and not wanting to see his friend die.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/04/26 16:44:04

Post by: Easy E

I guess I am going to take an aim action until we get the order to fire.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 15:02:39

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Bob: could you tell me your damage rolls?
I think you missed some damage modifiers in your posted 9+5+2 damage

You should do 1d10+3 (longlas) +1d10 (for accurate and two degrees of success) +2 (for mighty shot) +1 or 2 if you use the variable setting to fire a higher powered shot (which I assume as Poncho already saw what tough SoBs the Orks are)

Edit: also some minor comments:
1. Teodore has an autogun, so it should be bullets, not lasbolts
2. Njals semiburst will hit, but only once
3. The mines are at the otter ambush side, so that Simond and Balwin have the option to charge in. Balwin waits somewhere to the left of the battle map. If he want, Simond can turn around and charge next turn, but he might get in the way of the gunners

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 16:57:29

Post by: Easy E

Thanks Pyro- Looks like I did a measly 6E damage with a single hit. :( Probably nothing in the grand scheme of things!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 17:37:19

Post by: Pyroalchi

From what we learned so far the autogun and normal lasguns might be better of going for suppression fire against the orkboys instead of shooting to kill. That might be better suited for Gretchin or in case of explosives etc.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 17:38:56

Post by: Bobthehero

 Pyroalchi wrote:
@ Bob: could you tell me your damage rolls?
I think you missed some damage modifiers in your posted 9+5+2 damage

You should do 1d10+3 (longlas) +1d10 (for accurate and two degrees of success) +2 (for mighty shot) +1 or 2 if you use the variable setting to fire a higher powered shot (which I assume as Poncho already saw what tough SoBs the Orks are)

Chalk it up to Poncho's (and me) not being too familiar with variable settings on more common Lasguns pattern and forgot to set it to something more powerful. Krieg does get their own Lasgun in one of the expansions, and its power setting it fixed, same for the Hellgun. I'll do that next turn, thanks!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 18:01:02

Post by: Pyroalchi

So what did you roll for that 2d10? Was it a 9 and a 5?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 18:16:33

Post by: Bobthehero

Rolled a 9 for the first D10, added 5, from Mighty Shot and the native +3, and then rolled a 2 on the second dice.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 18:26:32

Post by: Pyroalchi

Ah, I understand. Damn Orks are tough. He still has one wound left.

So from what I see we still have Adamo/Malakai left as well as maybe Wyona. Tambo/M'Gele are looking for the one missing ork and won't fire at the two in front of you right now.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/04 19:36:19

Post by: Bobthehero

They are. We generally declared them dead when they hit 0 wounds on our TT games, because finishing them off would just drag on for so long.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/09 14:10:37

Post by: Easy E

Yikes, things are getting nasty, and fast!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/09 15:13:03

Post by: Pyroalchi

I sensed us all getting a bit bored out, so I though I crank the pressure up a bit.

Edit: Irish, are you still there?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/16 15:34:06

Post by: Pyroalchi

Bob, are you there? I would need some indication what Poncho does the second turn: take a last shot at the boyz charging over the treetrunk (in which case I would potentially edit my last post) or refocus on the two stabby grots that just appeared near him...

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/16 17:38:39

Post by: Bobthehero

Whoops sorry. I kinda brainfarted and tought we were still on turn 1. I'll get to writing

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/22 08:44:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

So, that went much better for you then expected.

@ Irish: give me a sign if you are still with us. Otherwise I would handle the fight of Adamo/Malakai with the Gretchin as "NPC fight".

@ all: technically the adventure would include you "conquering" the promethium facility and then defending it against a counterattack by the Orks. As I have the impression that we all start to loose a bit of drive and this was meant mostly as a one-shot adventure to try out the system I would propose the following:
1. we finish this fight out here
2. we handle the final liberation of the refinery in story telling without rolling lots of dice
3. we do the counterattack, but to make it more interesting and do something we haven't already done, the Orks will use a vehicle, so that we can try out fighting of a light tank or something.

What do you say to that?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 08:13:56

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy E: from what you describe I assume that would be two semi-auto bursts (half action each) and that Njall switches to high powered setting?

@ Oldmate/Easy E: Since Simond just rounded the tree and I don't want to steal the spotlight, Tambo will reaim for the grots running around south. Your are 4:1, I think you can handle it

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 12:51:22

Post by: Easy E

High-powered sounds great! What do I need to roll for this? Weapon Skill?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 14:43:44

Post by: Pyroalchi

That should be 2 x BS +10 (+30 for point blank R
range, but -20 for firing into melee)
If you suceed you score a hit each and another one if you habe at least 2 degrees of success.

Every hit would then do 1d10+4 damage.
You can roll if you want, otherwise I will roll when I write the next passage

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 16:01:13

Post by: Easy E

I rolled and got a 39 and if I understood correctly my target was below 84. So, four degrees of success....

So, three hits total? If that is correct I got for damage.... 13(9), 11(7), and 8(4) with the +4 (Actual roll in parenthesis).

Did I do that right?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 16:26:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sorry, I meant two separat roles of BS+10 each.
You basically make one Semi Auto burst half action followed by a second and each can make a maximum of two hits. Your 39 is the first burst and scored one hit. You can roll another one

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 17:09:21

Post by: Bobthehero

4 degrees of success on a burst does translate in 3 hits, no?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 17:41:25

Post by: Easy E

Okay, thanks for clarifying. The second roll was a 13! I am pretty sure that is good.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 19:21:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Easy: OK, than we can keep your three damage rolls. One hit on the first, two on the second semi-auto burst.

@ Bob: yes, a full auto burst scores 1 extra hit per degree of success up to the number listed for full auto. But Laspistols can only do a semi auto burst up to 2 hits.
Teodores Autogun on the other hand can do full auto bursts up to 10 hits...

Edit: so to clarify: Njalls first burst (on 47 => rolled a 39) scored one degree of success = 1 hit
the second semi auto burst (47 => rolled a 13) hit and scored 3 additional degrees of success. For each 2 of these he gets an extra hit (so +1 in this case).
Even if he would have rolled a 7 (so 4 additional degrees of success) it would have remained at 2 hits from the second burst, since the laspistol cannot do more than 2 per burst.

=> that's the strength of the projectile autoweapons

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 19:41:57

Post by: Bobthehero

Yep, I lost track of which weapon we were talking about, but that tracks.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/25 20:39:57

Post by: Easy E

What a strange system!

Thanks for showing your work!

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/30 12:18:12

Post by: Pyroalchi

What do you want to do the next turn?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/30 15:39:34

Post by: Easy E

Well, I guess I am still up close, so I will definitely try to finish off the ork in front of me with my pistol.


Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/31 02:25:20

Post by: Dekskull

BTW: This story has been going on for like 8 months now. Bravo to the GM and the players for keeping it going!

Reload and shoot at ork. Unless its in close combat then I will wait for my friend to fall back, then shoot said ork. (Just like any good 40K guard player would do)

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/05/31 03:19:48

Post by: Bobthehero

Yeah. Poncho's a disapointment to the Death Korps, if he can disengage and shoot point blank, that'd be the best.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/01 09:47:59

Post by: Pyroalchi

Hey, I thought a bit about it and had an idea I want your opinion on.
As much fun as this was, I think we should keep the action up and not iddle too long. Meanwhile I would be interested to try out the rules for heavy weapons and vehicle combat. So here is my idea:
I wrap up the overtaking of the refinery as a text, the Scions call in Evac, but your guys get the order to hold the facility. To give you the means to do so, the transport coming for the Scions will bring in some heavy weapons of your choice and/or some kind of vehicle. You can all feel free to give yourself some abilities to use them, so feel free to activate "Heavy weapons" and if needed "Bolt Weapons" or "Projectile weapons" or whatever and get 1000 XP on top.

And then we will do a finale, where the orks attack with one or even some of their tanks and we experiment a bit with vehicle and heavy weapon rules. What are your thoughts on that?

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/01 10:33:01

Post by: Dekskull

I'm always a fan of keeping things moving. Most important part of being a GM is to get your group to an ending one way or another.

Then we can start the next game LOL.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/02 00:36:03

Post by: Bobthehero

1000 XP, you say.

I think it could be interesting. One thing my DM did to speed up combat in TT session was to kill off NPCs at 0 wounds, except for bosses encounters and some elite enemies. Up to you if you want to do that

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/12 08:20:05

Post by: Pyroalchi

As implied, I would like to finish this of with some vehicle fighting. So feel free to give your guys the necessary talents to pilot one of the mentioned thingies.
Sentinels come with the usual armor options + Heavy bolter or Multimelta because... why not.
Tauros comes in Twin-Multilaser, Twin-Lascannon and transport option:

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/13 15:38:41

Post by: Easy E

No Heavy Flamer sentinels? Sad!

I suppose me and Erc will be manning the Chimera anyway!

The auto-cannons as sniper positions could come in handy as well. For Heavy Weaposn being brought in, good ol' missile launchers with Frag and Krak could be useful too.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/13 15:55:27

Post by: Pyroalchi

Heavy Flamer Sentinel is on the table too. As I mentioned: all usual options, so Multilaser, Heavy Flamer, Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Autocannon.

And yeah... I'm currently considering a Grenade Launcher for Tambo just to test out the whole blast/grenade stuff.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/14 11:51:00

Post by: OldMate

A melta lance tip would be be fun to try to hit a vehicle with I think.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/14 12:53:49

Post by: Pyroalchi

To finish with a bang you willface a Killtank with crew. So plan for heavy fighting.

@Oldmate: take your pick of any 6 lance tips you want
@ Easy E: if there is any othe heavy weapon you would like to try out, feel free to imagine then flying in a Chimerax/Chimedon/whatever turret + a powerplant to stick it in the crew compartment as replacement.

Someone interested in trying out Only War RPG on Dakka? @ 2023/06/19 16:36:06

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Njal: Autocannon turret + smokelaunchers is OK.
So, everyone happy? Then I would write up the start of the finale, next time I get to it.

Prepare for trouble - and make it double