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Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/06 03:42:33

Post by: KidCthulhu

Aloha, fellow Dakkanauts!

Some of you might know that I have a little comic using miniatures called 28mm.
Spoiler: an example of 28mm

28mm has been going strong since 2020 and I've decided to branch out into a swords & sorcery setting. That new project is Big Fantasy Epic
The comic isn't live yet, as I still have a lot to work on. But I've decided to share my progress in a blog in the mean time.

So where to start? How about with the protagonist. The story focuses on a mundane scribe named Asphodel the Pale who stumbles into all manner of adventures in the bustling city of Halbstadt. So I needed a model that looked like a commoner and not a warrior. So I went with the Wizards 2 boxed set from Frostgrave and a head from Wargames Atlantic Cannon-fodder 2 set. The body was perfect in that the plastic Frostgrave lady wizards aren't overly arcane looking or cheesecake-y. I chose that particular Cannon-fodder head as it was very distinctive, youthful, and I just happened to like it.

This is our heroine

The one thing I learned from doing 28mm is that there's only so much a static miniature can convey. That's why I chose that Frostgrave set with all those arm options.

Magnetized options are good to have in a main character

So for colors, I went with muted earth tones. I did this partly because of the contrast with the albino heroine but I also wanted her to look peasant-like.

That purple seal means she's a member of the Scriveners Guild.

I may have gone a little overboard on the arm options

I think this is enough for a first post. There's more to come as I'm working hard on gearing up for the launch. Feel free to comment.
Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/06 17:26:12

Post by: Captain Brown

Very nice KidCthulhu.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/06 20:56:51

Post by: Gallahad

Wow, very cool. Can't wait to see more.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/07 18:29:35

Post by: KidCthulhu

@Captain Brown & Galahad: hey hey, thanks for looking and commenting!

So now that the protagonist is ready for her debut, it's time to work on the setting. I grabbed some 3D printed houses from Amazon (Ender Toys, I think?) and found some 12 inch X 12 inch printed cobblestone decals on eBay for the streets:

Four houses and a decent floor for about $46 USD ain't bad

One of the things I've noticed with non-GW terrain is that they sometimes seem too small for GW-style "heroic" 28mm scale. It's not so much the buildings themselves, but the added height of the model's base throws off the perception. My solution? Add bases to the buildings.

The doofus with the polearm is also a comedic foil brave hero

A little greenstuff makes everything better

I made some progress on the houses. They are relatively simple pieces but they paint up nice:

I need to touch up that green roof; you can see the primer through the shingle spaces

Wow, the Dakka image enhancement made this waaaay too dark.

I have a few interiors in the works, so I'll leave you with these quick teasers:

Gloria in excelsis Deae

I really wish these walls were a smidge higher

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/08 19:36:12

Post by: KidCthulhu

Okay, so just a quick little update here.

I got a painting commission and my payment was a Mantic Terrain Crate. There's been some great stuff in there for fleshing out the interiors of the buildings in BFE. I need to take more photos, but here's a glimpse:

Terrain by Mantic, Bartender by Wizkids

The terrain paints up nice, but the pre-primed bartender is coming out awful

It looks a lot better in situ with a backdrop, floor, and more models

More photos to follow. Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/11 01:34:07

Post by: KidCthulhu

Aloha, Dakkanauts!

Okay, so I got some more terrain done. Specifically, the Mantic library stuff.

Them's some good lookin' books!

The Scriveners' Office is open for business

I've also been working on costars for the comic. In some cases, it's not feasible to magnetize the model and it's easier to just get multiple models for the same character. For example, there's Faolán and his hound, Girvin.

These are courtesy of the Dark Age Irish sprue by Wargames Atlantic

Multiple models for the same character really help the comic from being stale. That's a lesson I learned from doing 28mm for multiple years. Here's some more examples to show you what I mean.

Chutzpah, don't be an idiot

He tried to warn you, jackass...

Plant monster courtesy of SPG, Chutzpah is a combination of Empire Halberdier and Mordheim Mercenaries bits (plus a Bretonian polearm)

Take care until next time...

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/17 20:16:03

Post by: KidCthulhu

Progress is slow but steady...

She may not be as well sculpted as the first barmaid, but the paintjob is significantly better.

Not a bad set up, considering my backdrop and floor has been sitting in UK Royal mail since January 10th

♪♫ ♪ Sometimes you wanna go, Where every NPC knows your naaaaaame ♫ ♪♫

In the meantime, I need to finish that fourth house for the exteriors. Just haven't really had the chance.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/17 21:34:27

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

This new barmaid is prepared to work at the fantasy equivalent of Hooters!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/18 01:33:06

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
This new barmaid is prepared to work at the fantasy equivalent of Hooters!
Work there? Nah, she's more likely to run the place

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/21 01:24:44

Post by: KidCthulhu

I'm afraid I don't have much to show aside from a WIP of the man who raised & trained Asphodel:

Obviously some of the magnet connection points aren't ideal and need a little filing. Most of it just a matter of careful positioning before the photography. I also have an alternate head for use in flashbacks of him as a younger man.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/24 04:11:32

Post by: Captain Brown


The gangs all here.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/02/27 20:07:06

Post by: KidCthulhu

The gang sadly is not all here. I've been waiting on Hasselfree since November for a major cast member. I'm also waiting on a Renedra order since January, but at least they shipped it timely and it only got to US customs a few days ago due to the UK Royal Mail hack.

I wish I had more to show, but I have a bunch of things in various stages of completion. Maybe I need to snap some pics of 'em.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/02 23:23:11

Post by: KidCthulhu

Okay, I have some good news today! My Renedra order, which was held up over a month due to UK Royal Post hack, arrived today!

Time to upgrade my backdrops

I also managed to get some work done on a supporting character; Faolán and his hound, Girvin:

Nothing to see here, just a man and his dog

Since his arms were too weedy to magnetize, it was easier to just paint an alternate model

Whoops! What's this pic doing here?

Faolán was a bit of a challenge to paint. Being 60% skin and 40% cloth, there was always the issue of getting the wrong color where I didn't want it. Compound this with pastel cloth and a light skin tone for even more fun. I'm happy with the end result. Well, aside from one eye on the "at ease" version of him. On the flip side, Girvin the hound was super easy.

I'm also working with some Wargames Atlantic Boxer Rebels to use as foreign travelers. I painted up one for a friend while I try to narrow down a color scheme:

I really love Wargames Atlantic's stuff

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/03 23:56:46

Post by: Captain Brown

More nice work KidCthulhu.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/04 02:18:26

Post by: KidCthulhu

@Captain Brown: thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the peek behind the curtain.

Speaking of which, I did some tests with some of my recent Renedra haul:

Not a bad basement, just needs better lighting when I take the photos

Asphodel's favorite watering hole looks a lot cozier now

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/05 16:29:02

Post by: KidCthulhu

So I tried playing around a little more with what I have:

Trying to see if corners are viable for photos; my last attempt made photography difficult at best

That door from the Renedra crenelations sprue works wonders

Chutzpah's room is a bit sparse, not that Tawny minds

That's all I have at the moment. Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/11 01:20:17

Post by: KidCthulhu

Just a small update this time around...

Kriegsknechts are mercenaries that make most of the standing armies of the Grafschaft

The Barony has knightly orders to help maintain its borders

In the meantime, I'm working on more reoccurring characters and some more floor/walls set ups.
Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/13 11:08:20

Post by: KidCthulhu

I got some more back drop panels done. It's not a huge update, but it's something.

That is not a "Funky" Tut

I'm pleased with how the yellowing tone came out on the bricks.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/13 14:23:21

Post by: From_ash

Love your scenery man. All of this looks great, but I'm really impressed with the mummies.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/13 17:19:29

Post by: KidCthulhu

 From_ash wrote:
Love your scenery man. All of this looks great, but I'm really impressed with the mummies.

There's an irony in the Mummies catching your eye.I painted them ages ago and will be using them in an upcoming playtest of my homebrew dungeon crawl. Guess I'll have to make sure they pop up at least once when BFE goes live

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/16 00:55:16

Post by: KidCthulhu

Just a quick update:

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/23 18:32:58

Post by: Captain Brown

Progress is progress KidCthulhu.

You also have a wonderful bar to hold a great number of fights.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/23 20:10:39

Post by: KidCthulhu

So I finished a few more models and I wanted to try out some lighting:

The Cazadore Brothers are renown monster hunters

Kriegsknechts in the livery of the Graf

Roterbart, Kriegsknecht axe-man

Where did this pic come from? Pay not attention; nothing to see here

A Ritter from Die Grafschaft

Melodie Kellerin, proprietor of Das Beschwipste Mädchen

A knight from the Barony

Thanks for reading

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Captain Brown wrote:
Progress is progress KidCthulhu.

You also have a wonderful bar to hold a great number of fights.


Oh hey! You must have posted this just as I was posting my last update.
Thanks for the kind words, Cap'n!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/28 18:45:57

Post by: KidCthulhu

In a good mood today; finally got my Hasslefree order and my primer just got dropped off by UPS.

Yes, I can't wait to paint her up and drop her into Halbstadt

Thanks for reading!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/03/30 00:18:06

Post by: KidCthulhu

Okay, small updates...

I made another door to match the yellowy stone backdrops. The addition of a second step to the base really helped:

Meanwhile, in the mess hall...

Oh and my sweet sweet Wargames Atlantic Ogres finally arrived today:

The scale is great and the detail is amazing!

Thanks for reading!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/03 18:21:07

Post by: KidCthulhu

So right now, Comic Fury (the website host/community for my miniature comics) is having their annual 30 Days of Characters challenge. So I've stepped up my game on BFE.

Here's what I've been up to:

Feel free to check the challenge link; it updates every day for the month of April.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/05 21:20:43

Post by: KidCthulhu

Here's the first real test of a street scene:

Thanks for reading!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/09 16:47:49

Post by: KidCthulhu

I've been putting an awful lot of work into my entries for the 30 Days Of Characters challenge and I don't want to spoil them.
Suffice to say, there's nifty characters and some interesting new exterior shots.

So for now, here's a WIP shot of some more mercenaries I made from Warlord Games Landsknecht Pikemen.
Since Pikemen at ease do not make for interesting individual models, I've been looking for new ways to use the kit

Greatswords courtesy of the old Mordheim accessory sprue

Thanks for reading and don't forget to give the 30 Days Of Characters challenge a look

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/17 00:44:23

Post by: KidCthulhu

So I'm still working on backdrops and terrain. Just got some work done for the two major shrines in Halbstadt:

The Scarlet Sisterhood at the door to the inner sanctum

Of course Chutzpah is gonna try to make his move in the sanctum

By only showing half of the altar at a time, I can get two faiths out of one terrain piece

That's all for now. Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/17 08:52:24

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate,

This is one of the coolest blogs I've seen on Dakka. I have seen your 28mm comics floating around the internet - didn't realise they originated from a Dakkaite!

The terrain/settings you've made are very evocative and the minis just drop right in. I'm also super impressed with how neatly you do their eyes!

I will be following along - excited to see the progress!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/18 16:38:58

Post by: KidCthulhu

 tzurk wrote:
Hey mate,

This is one of the coolest blogs I've seen on Dakka. I have seen your 28mm comics floating around the internet - didn't realise they originated from a Dakkaite!

I had no idea 28mm even was floating around. I thought there was my small circle of fellow ComicFury and a handful of Dakkaites.
This really brightens my day

 tzurk wrote:
The terrain/settings you've made are very evocative and the minis just drop right in. I'm also super impressed with how neatly you do their eyes!

I will be following along - excited to see the progress!

Thank you very much! I'm still showing off a lot of things on the 30 Days Of Characters challenge that I didn't want to spoil here first. But here's some of what's already popped up:

When BFE finally goes live, I'll be sure to leave a notification in the thread.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/23 20:53:08

Post by: KidCthulhu

My Halbstadt exteriors are about to get twice as good:

Seriously, four decent sized 3D printed medieval buildings for around $35 ain't bad

Again, I raised the foundations with GW bases so the scale doesn't seem off. In the case of one building, the base extended really far past the building's footprint, so I made a little porch out of Apoxie Sculpt. I need to still sand part of it, as working with the material is like sculpting with cookie dough.

I've still been putting up an entry per day on the 30 Days Of Characters challenge. Feel free to check it out. You can comment if you like; you don't need a ComicFury account to do so.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/25 02:17:53

Post by: KidCthulhu

I'm doing some more world building and wanted to show off:

Dame Rouge Cathedral in La Palais

More stuff is coming.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/30 20:25:30

Post by: KidCthulhu

At long last, I've finished the 30 Days Of Characters challenge. Let's celebrate!

Everybody party!

Now if you excuse me, I'm back to working on buildings.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/04/30 22:48:40

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Here's a sample soundtrack. More can be found at Youtube under the keyword, "Bardcore".

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/01 02:16:16

Post by: KidCthulhu

I have a whole bardcore playlist for moments like this. Here's my favorite version of "What Art Love"


Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/01 04:53:31

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

 KidCthulhu wrote:
I have a whole bardcore playlist for moments like this. Here's my favorite version of "What Art Love"


That version by Cornelius Link is the basis for Hildegard von Blingin's version which I posted above. She added lyrics.

Anyway, I'm tempted to play a bard just so my character can use Bardcore versions of pop music.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/01 12:47:46

Post by: Talking Banana

KidCthulhu = Awesome!

Great work. I've wondered if miniatures could be used to make a photographic comic narrative, but of course I've never experimented with the idea. This is great stuff you're doing. Making alternate arms and poses for your main characters is genius. And it's nice to see that the Mantic furniture can paint up so well.

You're probably better off sticking with photoshopping word bubbles into your photos, but in case you're ever interested in staging something completely on the tabletop, are you aware of the miniature Heroclix word bubbles that Wizkids released with the Deadpool set? Some have Deadpool phrases pre-printed onto them, but there is also blank version, and it can usually be found second-hand inexpensively. (Game Hollow lists them for 20 cents apiece.). You could also easily cover up the pre-printed phrases with a blank sticker and type or write in your own words.

Here's a pic of one:

The obvious issue with these is that they only come in one size, limiting how much a character can "say." If you got really into it, I imagine it wouldn't be hard to design and 3-d print your own versions at whatever scale you desired.

Finally, since you're using characters in episodes taking place across multiple settings, have you considered using transparent bases to help them blend in?

I'll be following your comics with great interest. Keep up the great work!

Scherzo is genius, by the way.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/01 16:10:59

Post by: KidCthulhu

Thank you and welcome to the party, Talking Banana!

Regarding word bubbles: it works best for those to be done in post, as it were.

In 28mm, there are occasionally these complicated dialog interplays:


Also, the shopped dialog will always work in scenarios where the camera angle is tilted or if I do day-for-night lighting.

Regarding bases: I can understand the logic, but I've never liked the look of clear stands. I had started this cobblestone scheme for my D&D and fantasy models about a decade ago. So there's literally hundreds of models I'm in no mood for re-basing

But I do appreciate your comments and I thank you for the support. Glad you like Scherzo.
Keep watching this blog to find out when Big Fantasy Epic goes live later this year.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/05 00:22:46

Post by: KidCthulhu

I'm still trying to knock out the next four houses, but my parrot is making things difficult. I did manage to get a few little things done (or at least started):

Keeping the peace in Halbstadt

Bless you and your townsfolk line, Reaper Miniatures!

Now let's not put the cart before the horse... again...

I bought that cart when GW was doing Warhammer Fantasy Skirmish and they re-released all the old baggage trains. However, I somehow lost the horse over the years (and the little tiny yoke piece), so it sat in a bits box for years. When Wargames Atlantic came out with non-barded horses, I had to snap them up. The new yoke was made from greenstuff sculpted over two twist-ties.

And lastly, for a bit of fun, is some Mer-May art. All my fellow comic artists are showing off their mermaid drawings for the occasion, so I thought I'd join in with a miniature. Spoilered for bare mermaid boobs...


Captain Marlinspike and his faithful mermaid companion, Nerida

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/07 21:29:19

Post by: KidCthulhu

I don't have much to show today, but I'm very pleased with the newest completed house.

It's just so quaint

Not sure when the next post will be, but hopefully sooner rather than later.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/14 05:16:45

Post by: KidCthulhu

While I'm still working on buildings & characters in anticipation of page one, I'm also fleshing out the background of the setting. But we all know nothing kills engagement like a lore dump (especially in the beginning of a story).

However, I still want to share my world building beyond what is directly pertinent to the story as it unfolds. So I'm doing a "lore" section of the comic's site as a repository for this kind of fluff for any readers who may be so inclined.

This is the first one I've done:

Just a quick six-panel page explaining some of the other nations involved. Not too dense but enough to get the gist for someone who wants something beyond what's currently shown in the story.

I do need some input: would this work better if the page was 2 panels wide and 3 panels tall? Or does the 2 rows of 3 panels look better? The current 3 X 2 tends to shrink the panels to get everything to fit.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/23 20:53:53

Post by: KidCthulhu

Okay, so here's what I've been up to...

I still need to add a teamster that can be added to the base when needed

Why yes, that little girl does know how to use that short bow

In the earliest stages of planning, I had created a character that was fully magnetized to be modular. It was my first attempt at such a model and he was initially the protagonist before Big Fantasy Epic even had a germ of a setting. Suffice to say, I learned from my mistakes with this model before doubling down and making Asphodel.

Body, legs, & head by Mad Robot, arms by Games Workshop

He will eventually have other arms, but this is the start

He's gonna have a horse, too!

I love how the final paintjob came out

That's all for now. Still have more houses and more townsfolk in the works.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/24 18:38:30

Post by: Viktor von Domm

That highway man is very "brotherhood of the wolves" like!!! very cool!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/05/27 02:54:56

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
That highway man is very "brotherhood of the wolves" like!!! very cool!
Thank you! That was very intentional, as the character is indeed a hunter instead of a highway man.

Every hunter needs quarry...

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/07/03 00:38:07

Post by: KidCthulhu

Even a little progress is still progress...

I got derailed by the Dakka Centential Painting Challenge, so that's why there is so little here.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/07/16 17:42:07

Post by: KidCthulhu


I know I haven't been posting a lot here as of late. This is due mostly to the heat but also being burnt out on work & other creative endeavors. While cleaning up the scripting for the first chapter of BFE ready, I've been plugging away at buildings

I have managed to get something done despite all the heat & humidity:

Next verse house same as the first!

I wanted to get the 2-storey ones done first so I could use them to create a skyline:

I could have done this one just by staging the buildings & skipped the digital monkeying...

A better example of what I'm trying to accomplish

When the heat subsides and I can deal better with hot lamps, I'll experiment a little more. BFE is coming but I don't want to rush it.
Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/08/22 00:20:40

Post by: KidCthulhu


I'm gearing up for a possible November launch and thought now would be a good time to show off some more models:

High-ranking Kriegsknecht

I don't have a name or story for this guy yet, but I will

Mountain Ogres can occasionally find work as bodyguards in Die Grafschaft

Mountain Ogres are far more common in the Tercio Legions in Castillo

Finally got some more human Tercios done

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/08/22 01:12:15

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

The kriegsknight looks like he's a professional duelist. Y'know, the type who often doubles as an assassin. Provokes his target into an unwise act so the duelist can claim his honor is offended and then "accidentally" kill the target in a duel just to first blood. A clean heart thrust is first blood after all ...

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/08/22 18:23:10

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
The kriegsknight looks like he's a professional duelist. Y'know, the type who often doubles as an assassin. Provokes his target into an unwise act so the duelist can claim his honor is offended and then "accidentally" kill the target in a duel just to first blood. A clean heart thrust is first blood after all ...
Well he is a limited edition Empire Duelist. I had that model for years, agonizing over the paintscheme

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/08/22 20:52:12

Post by: ph34r

Colors on the duelist look great!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/08/23 13:31:27

Post by: KidCthulhu

 ph34r wrote:
Colors on the duelist look great!
Thank you! I'm quite partial to the scheme myself

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/08/25 15:55:20

Post by: Captain Brown

Wonderful progress KidCthulhu.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/09/02 17:51:15

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Captain Brown wrote:
Wonderful progress KidCthulhu.


Thanks, Cap'n. Appreciate it!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/09/02 23:26:52

Post by: Tommygun1918

Really fun looking projects.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/09/03 16:20:49

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Tommygun1918 wrote:
Really fun looking projects.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/09/25 00:53:22

Post by: KidCthulhu


My attention has been divided a little, but I have accomplished a few more things, which makes the launch of Big Fantasy Epic that much closer.

More folks for street scenes in Halbstadt.

Spoiler for sky-clad berserkers

Ursä & Småsten

A better look at Småsten

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/10/15 20:54:39

Post by: KidCthulhu

Lords and ladies, Big Fantasy Epic is officially live:

Come check out the first page and feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/10/17 01:00:23

Post by: Meer_Cat

Excellent work and I very much enjoyed reading! I got the film noir feel in the second panel, glad I grokked that right. "There are a hundred stories in the Free Town of Halbstadt, and this is one of them..."

Rock on!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/10/20 20:44:49

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Meer_Cat wrote:
Excellent work and I very much enjoyed reading! I got the film noir feel in the second panel, glad I grokked that right. "There are a hundred stories in the Free Town of Halbstadt, and this is one of them..." Rock on!

I'm hoping to have a little something on Sunday. Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/10/22 22:47:32

Post by: KidCthulhu

There's a new feature on the Big Fantasy Epic page:

The Lore Library is a repository of background information for the story's setting done in comic strip format. It's not 100% necessary to understand the story, but it is deeper lore for anyone who wants more on the world-building for BFE.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/10/31 00:05:07

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

A small peek into Asphodel's bedchamber

The world of Big Fantasy Epic is not immune to spookiness

On Sunday, the next page of Big Fantasy Epic debuted and today there's a spooky addition to The Lore Library. Feel free to drop on in and see for yourself.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/10 01:09:42

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

Members of the Ritterhaus of Weißemauer

There is a new entry in The Lore Library concerning one of Halbstadt's neighbors, Die Grafschaft. Grab yourself a hearty ale and a warm pretzel while you read up on this newest piece of background material. Also, there will be a new Big Fantasy Epic page this Sunday.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/20 00:45:02

Post by: KidCthulhu

Just a few things:

A knight in the livery of the nation of Regno

(in case readers here never go to the actual comic page)

Thank you for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/20 00:47:47

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Do you have a set update schedule for BFE yet?

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/20 00:50:39

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
Do you have a set update schedule for BFE yet?

So far it's been every other Sunday. The next page is ready to go 11/26/23. I try to post a Lore Library post on the Sundays in between so there's content every week.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/20 01:57:40

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

 KidCthulhu wrote:
 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
Do you have a set update schedule for BFE yet?

So far it's been every other Sunday. The next page is ready to go 11/26/23. I try to post a Lore Library post on the Sundays in between so there's content every week.
Okay, thanks.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/26 16:38:25

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice twist to your painting.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/27 00:54:43

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Captain Brown wrote:
Nice twist to your painting.



Thank you, Cap'n! It gives me something to do with all my painted models since all my D&D takes place over Discord now

As a reminder, there's a new BFE comic page uploaded today:

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/27 18:31:03

Post by: Flapjack

Great stuff! Where did you get the skeleton samurai from?

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/11/28 15:33:08

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Flapjack wrote:
Great stuff! Where did you get the skeleton samurai from?

The fully armored ones are from the old AEG game, Clan War: Legend of the Five Rings:

The one that's leading them is an old Ral Partha model:

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/03 20:35:48

Post by: KidCthulhu

New Lore Library entry today:

The Tercios of Castillo

New page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 12/10/23.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/08 14:49:32

Post by: KidCthulhu

Now a little bit of fun or, dare I say, Madness?

Some of you may or may not know, I have a traditional webcomic called Tangentville. It's been a labor of love of mine for a decade now. It has an insanely diverse cast of oddball characters. But the one many readers seem love most is a reality-warping little Figment named The Madness.

(He's the red & yellow jester guy on the left)

I got it into my head that I wanted to make a miniature of him. So I sculpted one from scratch:

This week's Tangentville pages had been utilizing this little guy and culminated in this BFE crossover today:

Also: new Big Fantasy Epic page this Sunday (12/10/23).

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/18 00:07:34

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

There's a new blog post up about the development of protagonist Asphodel the Pale.
Give it a read if you want some behind-the-scenes director's commentary on the character.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/24 16:20:49

Post by: KidCthulhu

Merry Midwinter, lords and ladies!

There's a new BFE page today as well as some holiday fun in the Lore Library.

Have a great holiday and thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/29 12:53:53

Post by: tzurk

Love that little jester, KidCthulhu. Glad your minis are getting to make appearances in and out of universe. Very creative and aspirational work.

Thanks for sharing!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/30 18:55:38

Post by: KidCthulhu

 tzurk wrote:
Love that little jester, KidCthulhu. Glad your minis are getting to make appearances in and out of universe. Very creative and aspirational work.

Thanks for sharing!

Madness was a fun little mini to make. I may make one of The Sick Man (the little black-robed Figment) one of these days.

Oh, Madness also had a non-canon 28mm appearance:

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/31 00:41:11

Post by: Captain Brown

Fun comic work.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2023/12/31 17:15:04

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Captain Brown wrote:
Fun comic work.



Thanks, Cap'n! The actual story in Big Fantasy Epic is coming along nicely. I find I can tell better stories in a fantasy setting than the sci-fi setting of 28mm. That still doesn't stop from trying, however

There's a new Lore Library entry today:

This is where the barter system breaks down

New page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 01/7/24.

Happy New Year and thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/07 17:58:55

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

There's a new Big Fantasy Epic page today.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/07 18:32:36

Post by: Flapjack

Nice updates. The Tercios of Castillo are my favorite.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/07 21:18:20

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Flapjack wrote:
Nice updates. The Tercios of Castillo are my favorite.

Thank you! I do intend on introducing some Tercios into the plot at some point, but there's so many stories I have to tell in Halbstadt!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/10 21:54:03

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings lords and ladies,

So I recently went through my old models and found an old Reaper miniatures Ettin that I meant to rebase & repaint.
I got busy this week and here's the fruits of my labors:

There's a 22 year gap between the first paint job and the updated paintjob

The pig on his back was much harder to paint than it should have been

A friend of mine thought the Ettin was a Clan War ogre, so I took this scale photo for him

Will this big guy make an appearance in BFE some day? Well, I wouldn't rule it out

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/11 06:13:31

Post by: tzurk

Two 'eads are better than one...

Great to see old and new paintjobs together! Great progress

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/14 17:26:56

Post by: KidCthulhu

 tzurk wrote:
Two 'eads are better than one...

Great to see old and new paintjobs together! Great progress

Thanks for your support, Tzurk!

There's a new Lore Library entry today:

On to the mist shrouded shores of Gealach Inis

New page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 01/21/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/18 00:24:55

Post by: KidCthulhu

Even a little progress is still progress:

Who are these people? All in good time...

New page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 01/21/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/21 17:34:16

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

Two things of note: First, The Lore Library has been reorganized and revamped, making it much easier for readers to enjoy. Second, the newest page of Big Fantasy Epic just went up this morning!

And now, for no reason at all, some Regno gladiators

Next page debuts 2/4/24. Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/01/28 16:53:55

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies...

There's a new Lore Library entry today:

This is why you don't get involved in cults...

Next comic page debuts 2/4/24. Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/02/04 20:34:28

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

Will Asphodel find refuge for Faolán? What of the horseman?

There's a new Big Fantasy Epic page today. Enjoy!

New Lore Library entry next Sunday. Updates alternate between new pages & blog/Lore Library entries.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/02/11 20:13:50

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

Got a few things to show off:

Still trying to get Nona Grigia's apothecary shop to look juuuuust right...

New characters? HeroQuest proxies for Barbarians? New Heroes for Oubliette playtesting? Yes, yes, and yes.

There's also a new Lore Library entry today:

Just a pair halflings playing cards? Or is it something more?

New page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 02/18/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/02/12 10:35:15

Post by: tzurk


great work mate, thank you for sharing. Love the vignettes - very impressed by the way your minis look on the backdrops. And you've built up a veritable horde of supporting characters - they look so natural all together, reminds me of the set of GoT or something.

Look forward to more!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/02/12 21:50:40

Post by: KidCthulhu

 tzurk wrote:

great work mate, thank you for sharing. Love the vignettes - very impressed by the way your minis look on the backdrops. And you've built up a veritable horde of supporting characters - they look so natural all together, reminds me of the set of GoT or something.

Look forward to more!

Thank you very much! Based on your "Arooo!", I assume you're reading the comic. Have you been checking the Lore Library and blog pages too?

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/02/18 19:07:45

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings lords and ladies!

New Big Fantasy Epic page today!

Next Sunday there's a new Lore Library article and the next comic page will debut 3/3/2024.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/02/25 16:22:11

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

First just a quick peek behind the curtain.

A gracious reader (and commission customer) sent me some terrain out of the blue:

This was exactly what I needed

I even got some of the stuff painted

And I got to work on some new characters for future pages:

Who's this little guy?

And more importantly, who's this huge guy he's serving?

But that's not all! There's a new Lore Library entry today:

This dead man won't stay dead!

New page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 03/03/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/03/03 19:47:46

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

New Big Fantasy Epic page today!

Also thought I should show off the alternate version of the ballista guy:

Seriously, who are these two and what are they doing in Halbstadt?

New page forBig Fantasy Epic debuts 03/17/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/03/03 19:59:21

Post by: Flapjack

Ballista guy looks good, a real bulky fellow.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/03/03 21:36:42

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Flapjack wrote:
Ballista guy looks good, a real bulky fellow.

Thank you! I'm sure exactly when he'll show up in the comic, but it'll definitely happen.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/03/10 14:41:49

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies.

There's a new Lore Library entry today:

Why would someone pay good ducats to have a giant man-eating frog captured?

New page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 03/17/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/03/17 14:22:30

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

There's a new Big Fantasy Epic page today:

Run, Asphodel, run!

I've also been working on a few things in anticipation of Comic Fury's annual 30 Days Of Characters challenge.
For last year's challenge, I did a whole month of BFE reveals. I plan on more of the same in 2024

Fishmen? Living in the river and under the city? You must be mad, as no such creatures exist...

Next page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 03/31/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/03/24 14:32:30

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

There's a new entry in the Lore Library today:

The hunters are coming...

Comic Fury's 30 Days Of Characters challenge starts April 1st, so once again I'll be creating BFE characters.
That's why there hasn't been a lot of photos in this Dakka blog as of late. I'm trying to keep all the surprises under wraps
Naturally I'll post a link here when it goes live.

Next page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 03/31/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/03/31 15:56:14

Post by: KidCthulhu

Happy Easter, lords and ladies!

There's a new Big Fantasy Epic page today as the plot continues to thicken.

Also, around 6:00pm 11:00pm GMT, the Comic Fury Easter Crossover Event begins. This is where various artists sign up, get a random participant's comic assigned, make a crossover comic with that comic & their own, and then all the comics get posted for all to see. Think of it as a Secret Santa but for webcomics. This year, I went in with Big Fantasy Epic and had to make a miniature of the main character from [REDACTED]. I can't wait to see who got mine!

The next Big Fantasy Epic page debuts on 4/14/24.

Thanks for reading

EDIT: the Easter Crossover host accidentally put the timezone in and can't fix it, so comics will load 11:00pm GMT instead of 6:00pm GMT.

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/04/07 17:14:54

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

First things first; Comic Fury's 30 Days Of Characters has begun!

Well of course the entry for April 1st would be a fool

Go to the link and give it a look. Every day this month I'll be showing off new characters for BFE.

Also, there's a new Lore Library entry to check out.

We're going into the woods this week

The next Big Fantasy Epic page debuts on 4/14/24.

Thanks for reading

(note that anyone's noticed, but this went up late today because I had to file my taxes)

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/04/15 02:25:48

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

The 30 Days Of Characters challenge is still going strong!

On top of that, a new Big Fantasy Epic page debuted today.

The next page will launch on 4/28/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/04/28 17:31:47

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

I know I've been slacking on posting here on Dakka, but that's because I've been very busy with BFE.

The 30 Days Of Characters challenge has been going strong and on course for an amazing 30th Day reveal very soon.

Also, there's a new Big Fantasy Epic page as promised!

Meanwhile, in the beer cellar...

There will be a new Lore Library entry on 5/5/24 and a new comic page 5/12/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/05/20 00:18:00

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

So I've been slacking on posting here on Dakka, but Big Fantasy Epic has been updating every Sunday without a stop, alternating between comic pages and Lore Library entries. I've also been working hard on characters, terrain, and props.

Scenes from a butcher shop

An updated version of Shortfellow

Progress on the marketplace

So there's a new Lore Library entry today and the next comic page comes out 5/26/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/06/15 17:07:17

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies.

I know there hasn't been a lot of activity or engagement on this thread, but Big Fantasy Epic is still going strong, updating the story every other Sunday. Things just have been crazy with real life, so the peripheral things like Lore Library pages and behind the scenes photos have slowed. I hope to remedy this soon when obligations even out.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/06/15 17:24:17

Post by: toasteroven

A lot of fun to be found here already, keep it up!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/06/15 18:38:32

Post by: KidCthulhu

 toasteroven wrote:
A lot of fun to be found here already, keep it up!
Thank you! I appreciate that

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/06/23 17:21:50

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

There is a new page of Big Fantasy Epic today.

I'm hoping when the terribly hot & humid weather breaks, I'll be able to post more additional content aside from the comic proper.
Goddess, I hate summer

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/07/02 18:35:37

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

I've just dropped a huge blog post with a behind-the-scenes look at Big Fantasy Epic:

Come take a look and feel free to leave a comment (you don't need a ComicFury account to comment).

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/07/09 18:41:33

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

I got my hands on some new terrain!

Feels like the Universal Studios back lot

These will make for some great panning street scenes

The fact that the doors are hinged is a nice touch. I still have to base them to account for the fact that the miniatures have bases. It's the same thing I had to do with the other 3D printed buildings I got from Ender Toys, so it's not huge deal. A small priced to pay for such affordable terrain.

This one I painted up as Regno; the others will likely be done up as Castillo

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/07/16 11:53:48

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The working door with the mini behind it is fantastic, good find!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/07/21 16:50:07

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies! There's a quite bit to show off today

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
The working door with the mini behind it is fantastic, good find!

Thank you! I'm really loving these terrain pieces, even if they have limited scope for any actual gaming:

I think I like the sandstone better than the marble

Just another day in Castillo

I've recently finished some more buildings that have been in varying states of completion:

Once again, excellent affordable 3D printed stuff from Ender Toys

This brings me up to two complete sets; I just need some of their ruins and I can play Mordheim again

And you can't have a fantasy setting without cultists slinking around the shadows:

This totally isn't foreshadowing

Lastly, there's a new Big Fantasy Epic page today! Give it a read and leave a comment if you like (you can leave comments as a guest, you just have to fill in a name):

Halbstadt after dark

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/07/28 15:21:55

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

There's a new entry in the Lore Library today:

Your elected officials hard at work

Next page for Big Fantasy Epic debuts 08/04/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/08/02 16:33:35

Post by: Captain Brown

Man you paint fast KidCthulhu.



Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/08/04 15:38:36

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Captain Brown wrote:
Man you paint fast KidCthulhu.



Thank you! When the stars align (ie, I have time, inspiration, and it's not too hot/humid), I can crank out a lot!

Oh noes! Cultists!

There's a new a Big Fantasy Epic page today and it's a doozy!

New page on 8/18/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/08/06 00:34:19

Post by: Meer_Cat

History of the World, Part 1 "The Inquisition, what a time!"

Great figures!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/08/08 01:43:21

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Meer_Cat wrote:
History of the World, Part 1 "The Inquisition, what a time!"

Great figures!

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/08/18 20:19:03

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

It's been really hot and humid as of late, so that makes painting difficult. But I've still managed a few things:

Knight of the Order of St. Lacrimosa

♪♫ Ghost girls just wanna have fun ♪♫

A crusading knight without a crusade

There's also a brand new page of Big Fantasy Epic that features Faolán fully wolfing out in his battle against the cultists of the Order of the Blind Siren.

New page on 9/1/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/08/25 12:15:49

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

Today's blog brought to you by bards

There's a new Lore Library article this week.

New Big Fantasy Epic page on 9/1/24.

Thanks for reading

Welcome to Halbstadt-A B.F.E. Blog @ 2024/09/01 15:46:22

Post by: KidCthulhu

Greetings, lords and ladies!

This fellowship is balanced on a knife's edge

There's a new Big Fantasy Epic page today.

New page on 9/15/24.

Thanks for reading