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Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/10 03:48:16

Post by: Dekskull

No knowledge of rules needed. Just looking for people willing to do some good fun okry RPing on the forums here.

Everyone will start as a generic Ork Boy Archetype. (In actuality a little weaker as you will be a Yoof!) I’ll set up the character sheets. Everyone will start with the same stats and gear but as you progress you’ll be able to customize your character bit by bit by using XP to upgrade yourself and also get custom gear. You’ll quickly become full grown boyz and maybe one of you will rise to become a Nob!

Non Combat rolls: If you know the rules you can post the results in the forums, if not I’ll roll for you.

Combat will be semi automated. Everyone will narrate what they want their character to do during the first turn of combat and also describe their general attack plan for the battle. Then I’ll automate the subsequent rounds (rolling the dice for everyone and narrating the result of the battle), only pausing the combat if a character hits 0 wounds and is “dying.” At that point we slow down and you re-adjust your plans, then go from there.

Setting: You’ll be exploring an extensive cave network looking for scrap and fighting things. Once you collect enough scrap you’ll have to drive the Boom Dakka snazzwagon back to Ork Town and sell the scrap to the Meks for teef. Then you can buy new gear and other things, then go back to caving.

My availability: I plan to post about once a week on Saturday (except major holidays). I may be able to post more frequently, but I don't expect folks to post more than once a week. That should be good enough to keep things moving!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/10 09:46:31

Post by: Ahtman

I'd be down for giving it a go.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/10 11:52:33

Post by: Dekskull

Alright! The mob is forming up.

Starting stats in the ork boy archetype without the extra XP buys. So the yoofs start out as 56 XP characters, a little below a starting boy. They'll retain their archetype ability, Get stuck in, which gives bonus dice for fighting in close combat with other orks. (If you don't have the rules don't worry about it. I'll take care of rolling in that case)


Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 3, Wilpower 1, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3


Defense: 2
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 2
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Shoota, Slugga, Choppa,

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/10 16:15:38

Post by: Dekskull

Here is the in character link:


Feel free to start the RP goodness!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/12 07:01:02

Post by: Pyroalchi

I'm also in. Might need until start of next week to post something meaningfull, but maybe I already do today, lets see.
Any input you need from me regarding the character creation?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/12 11:27:04

Post by: Dekskull


It's up to you. You can either use the Ork Boy Archetype "as is" without any XP buys up front. (Which makes you a yoof!). Or if you have the rules, you can customize it a bit to get to 100 XP which would make you a full fledged boy. If you end up doing that just post your stats here.

Anyone that doesn't have the rules can just be a yoof and I'll roll for you, just sit back and RP.

Once folks are ready to get started read the in character post and make your first post.

The game starts with you jumping off a burning ladder and landing in a dark cavern. DN 3 Athletics or take one mortal wound. (Just tell me results of your roll in the first post or let me know that you prefer me to make the rolls for you).

You also have a choice to make, which tunnel will you take? This is going to unfold kind of like the old choose your own adventure books. There will always be a clear choice to make and the characters have to decide which one to pick. (Or whether to do something completely different, ask the grots for advice?)

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/12 16:44:19

Post by: theCrowe

Um… ok, I is in.

What’s the craic then? Do we post our character profile description here to start with? Or over there?

Is everything posted in the game thread “in character” or can we post actions like “i go over to the grot and boot him in the bottom” over there?

I’ve not done one of these before, so I don’t know the etiquette.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/13 03:31:28

Post by: Dekskull

You can post your description in character but if you are using any kind of customized character, you can post the in game stats can be posted here.

If you are using just the standard ork boy (yoof) archetype that I already posted, you are ready to get in character right now!


Now for actions by all means take them! If you can roll, then go for it and narrate the outcome yourself, or if you don't know enough rules to roll, just narrate what you are doing and then I'll make the roll and narrate the outcome.

Kicking the grot though will be an auto success. No roll needed.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/13 08:03:33

Post by: theCrowe

No rules, no previous experience and a very flimsy grasp of what’s going on, but here goes.

Normal Yoof stats for me. Calling my character SnazzKrunk.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/13 11:42:56

Post by: Dekskull

Awesome welcome aboard. Don't worry, I'll automate a lot of the rules stuff. Just focus on roleplaying and having a good time

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/14 02:20:36

Post by: Dekskull

Alright, looks like we're off to a good start. @Pyroachi Remember you can use a wrath point to re-roll failed dice. (I'll plan to auto use wrath when I'm rolling for characters).

You get two wrath points and the only way to earn them back is to do some good roleplaying!

I'll wait until about Monday or Tuesday for Ahtman to post and then we're moving on to our second room!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/15 13:03:47

Post by: theCrowe

What do you need in terms of character description for a base level Yoof?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/16 02:44:08

Post by: Dekskull

You can describe your character however you want. Generally, a yoof would be leaner, thinner and a little smaller than a boy, but definitely still a lot bigger than a grot!

BTW: Moved on to the next room, but certainly not too late for anyone to make their first in character post and introduce themselves!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/16 08:44:46

Post by: Pyroalchi

One minor question: do I HAVE to burn wrath points if I fail a roll or can I save them for the more important ones?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/16 12:30:20

Post by: Dekskull

You can save it for more important rolls. Good luck!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/16 15:33:09

Post by: theCrowe

Just by way of character description.

SnazzKrunk is show-off git possessed of the wholly unjustified self-confidence of youth. His ambition is to get loads of loot and become a flash Goff-Rocker. He’s not all style and no substance though. SnazzKrunk has resolved to work hard to make sure his krunking efforts are as flash and impressive as possible.

“Dats why dey calls me SnazzKrunk.” He likes to imagine himself saying after performing some particularly impressive and snazzy bit of krunking. No one calls him SnazzKrunk, not yet anyway… but that’ll soon change.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/17 03:10:23

Post by: Dekskull

Very nice I love it. Being a yoof is a great way to just jump right into an adventure. It's literally a blank slate!

BTW I couldn't help myself and posted again. This is just too much fun. I swear this time I'll slow down till the end of the week in the event we get a third player to join in!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/19 17:35:28

Post by: theCrowe

Yes it is very fun indeed. I’m trying not to spam the thing to give any new players less reading to catch up on before they jump in.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/19 21:54:03

Post by: Dekskull

Absolutely. Clearing through one room a week should be good enough pacing though it might take a little longer to clear a room if there be combat.

Hopefully we see some interesting posts this weekend!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/23 08:01:30

Post by: Pyroalchi

I imagine Grotskorcha as the classical "sidekick" dude to a bigger or more important ork. Like the stereotypical guy who trots along the school bully, sailing in his shadow until he learns to act for himself. Therefore SnazzKrunks showing off should have the natural effect on him, setting him in line to try and become SnazzKrunks "right hand ork". Of course this will change immediatly if they meet a bigger Ork who is even better at bullying.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/23 11:12:32

Post by: theCrowe

@ pyro - sounds like a good Combination.

I was thinking about the trap tunnel but I don’t have any confidence in our sneaky skills to spot the trap, spring it without taking damage and bait it with a grot while we lie in wait for the Muties to come looking. And I don’t think Snazza’s that smart. Soooo… scrap tunnel it is I suppose.

Also, Dekskull, have you advertised in the new Orks tactics thread?

The heart of Orkendom in Dakka.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/23 23:58:37

Post by: Dekskull

Nice. You managed to avoid having a fight with a grot sized skorpion. (LOL, who says the grots even have a clue what they are talking about?)

I'll have a new post by this weekend!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/24 08:02:07

Post by: Pyroalchi

By the way, as Orks seem to grow upon gaining victories and respect through the Waaagh energy emitted by subordinate Orks, I wouldn't be surprised if SnazzKrunk actually grows a bit throughout the dungeon crawl.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/25 02:05:35

Post by: Dekskull

Yes indeed....you'll get XP with each successful foray! Nothing makes an orky big and strong like good ol XP!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/01/28 23:49:27

Post by: Dekskull

Good work. Our first combat encounter concluded rather swiftly...and unexpectedly!

The mutants started out far enough away from the orks that I originally expected the orks to fire some dakka and then the mutants would run away. But then Snazz got that wrath critical and got an extra charge to close the distance quickly.

Definitely felt like a propah orky fight!

FYI: I used the mutant stats from Wrath and Glory, but I made them all blind since they live in these caves. That made them a little weaker, but the Industrial Bludgeons they were wielding still pack a punch when they hit!

In any case, next scene will see the orkies getting to regroup a bit back at the fort. And possibly have a chance to buy some new gear, see a Dok, and spend some hard earned XP!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/02 03:32:07

Post by: Dekskull

So you guys can now cash in on that XP before starting chapter 2.

Crowe, since you don't have the rules, you can just tell me generally what you would want to go for.

Weapon skill upgrade perhaps? Or extra willpower to boost your resolve are two good options.

OR bank it for an even bigger upgrade later.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/02 07:23:21

Post by: theCrowe

I’m gonna go for that extra willpower. We can’t have SnazzKrumpStuckin giving up halfway through a charge because of a poor dice roll. He’s a Yoof, he can’t shoot, he can barely swing a choppa but he believes 100% he’s destined for greatness.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/03 14:02:10

Post by: Dekskull

Good call. We'll kick off chapter 2 once we here from Pyro on how much arder he wants to make his yoof

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/03 15:21:03

Post by: Pyroalchi

Not a 100% sure I understood everything right but I would like to improve Ballistic Skill from 1 to 3 (5 XP) and Intellect from 1 to 2 (4 XP). Grotskorcha is kunnin... but brutal!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/04 03:57:30

Post by: Dekskull

Updated Sheets:


Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 3, Willpower 3, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3


Defense: 2
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 4
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Shoota, Slugga, Choppa,


Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 3, Wilpower 1, Intelligence 2, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 3, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3


Defense: 2
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 2
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Shoota, Slugga, Choppa,

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/04 08:20:29

Post by: Pyroalchi

Would we be able to buy anything in the Orktown? I remember they use teeth as currency, do we habe enough to pay a Doc and buy a better weapon or armor?

Overall I have half a tendency to try our luck with the cave again

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/04 10:21:45

Post by: theCrowe

Looks like we’re building a good combo here. I do the up close and you do the ranged.

Wouldn’t mind an attempt at more xp gathering. I think I heard that cash in this game is a bit woolly and not necessarily as simple as counting teef in your pocket against a shop price table. Is that so?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/05 02:58:36

Post by: Dekskull

Very true Crowe. Buying items comes down to making an influence roll (kind of like an income roll). So you don't have to worry about exactly how many teef your character has lol.

In ork town, you'd have a chance to purchase just about any ork weapon you could think of plus Crowe's character could see a Dok and get his chest wound permanently fixed...assuming the surgery goes ok.

But there will be plenty of unknown risks traveling to the town and being in the town.

On the other hand, staying in the fort/caves is familiar plus...you have a good idea of where to find a burna.

Up you guys, this is your chance to drive the direction of the story!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/05 11:26:28

Post by: theCrowe

Backing up my bruvva here. He dragged my green behind out of the caves after I got clobbered. The least I can do is help him get his skorcha. Let’s do it!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/08 08:24:08

Post by: theCrowe

Not exactly sure if burning out the whole cave is really the best idea. I had initially though, if we’re going looking for a burna let’s make sure we bring some spare fuel to fill it up. But then I thought, snazza’s new-found resolve is most likely born of a burning desire for revenge, “hmmm burning-revenge, I likes da sound of dat.”

But I’m concerned BigToof won’t be too happy when he comes home to find his scrap cave gutted and a village of mutant refugees moving into his camp. Maybe a handy heart-attack will curb my yooffull enthusiasm.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/11 08:09:15

Post by: Pyroalchi

As you said using wrath allow rerolling all (non wrath) fails, I could reroll another dice and my Final result is 2,4,6,3. So one Icon, and one excalted that counts as 2. Grotskorcha successfully fights of the infection

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/11 10:22:17

Post by: theCrowe

If at least one of us is infection-free and has some degree of a hope of achieving success I’m happy to go on in my raggedy state.

Plan is either to rally these grots out of the wagon and head down there for a chance at a sneaky Kaboom.

If we head back we bring some loot like the boss said we can rest up a bit,

but then if all the Muties are busy trying to put out fires we can bring back the loot anyway. So going down is a win win.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/11 13:12:20

Post by: Dekskull

 Pyroalchi wrote:
As you said using wrath allow rerolling all (non wrath) fails, I could reroll another dice and my Final result is 2,4,6,3. So one Icon, and one excalted that counts as 2. Grotskorcha successfully fights of the infection

Huzzah! Got to love those wrath points.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/13 00:38:02

Post by: theCrowe

Just wanted to say I’m really enjoying this game and thanks to you both for your time and attention. If there’s anything I can do better in terms of helping my actions line up more with the rules or the the turn sequence just let me know what would be helpful. Cheers

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/13 02:06:57

Post by: Dekskull

Thanks man. You know it's kind of funny, over the last few years I've probably been enjoying my Wrath and Glory games more than I have Warhammer 40K tabletop.

It's been a great honor to bring this to a forum format. (I just hope it inspires even more games on these forums).

Don't worry about the rules though. The rules are meant to accommodate the RP and the fun so just do whatever and I'll find a rule that will cover it.

Cheers and here's to hoping for a satisfying and fun conclusion to chapter 2!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/14 22:18:59

Post by: theCrowe

Not sure if Snazza found the big choppa he was looking for. Maybe it’s a thing to roll for or maybe just DM knows what’s available and likely to be found? Either way you can let me know.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/15 11:04:16

Post by: Pyroalchi

For the next 10 XP (and I got 1 Left from the first act) I'll take Agility 3 (6 XP) and Ballistic Skill 4 (4 XP)
=> now that he has his burna, he wants to make sure that it burns alright...

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/15 22:32:23

Post by: Dekskull

Smart! Got to make that burna burn.

BTW: I'm planning to take about a week hiatus: Will resume with chapter 3. On Feb 23rd!

And who knows maybe a third player

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/16 00:28:55

Post by: theCrowe

What’s my options for xp spending? I would like to increase initiative if that’s linked to striking order at all. (Ie highest initiative strikes first) WS would be the next choice if there’s enough left.

Really the plan is to make Snazza a high strength one-hit killer. I want him to swing a huge choppa like a beast and take down things twice his size.

Strike first, strike hard, strike a pose. Dat’s why dey calls me SnazzKrunk.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/16 07:11:03

Post by: Pyroalchi

Regarding skills and Abilities it is simply:
New Skill value XP (so Weapon Skill from 4 to 5 costs 5)
New Ability value x2 XP (so Agility from 2 to 3 = 6XP)

There are also some Feats you can take that are more expensive (in the 20-50 XP range) if you want to save up.

Initiative and Weapon Skill go hand in hand (meaning you get your Initiative + WS as number of dice to roll for hit) so increasing Ini would be great for Snazz. Hit first, hit good, hit hard!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/16 23:03:49

Post by: Dekskull

Combat is actually player side first, then GM, and it just alternates unless one side has the element of surprise.

But yeah initiative and weapon skill are going to be good investments.

I'll update your player sheets next week

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/19 03:22:20

Post by: Dekskull

Updated Sheets: After Chapter 2


Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 4, Willpower 3, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3


Defense: 3
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 4
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Shoota, Slugga, Choppa,


Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 3, IInitiative 3, Wilpower 1, Intelligence 2, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 3, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 5


Defense: 2
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 2
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Shoota, Slugga, Choppa,

[As you await the start of chapter 3. Prepare for some high speed action! (I have special vehicle rules mwahaha. One of you will need to be the driver of the Boomdakka snazz wagon and the other will operate the Mek Speshul (an orky gatling gun).

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/19 08:35:53

Post by: theCrowe

As SnazzKrump snoozes he is visited by three green apparitions, calling themselves Andy, Gav and Rick. In a vision of wonder they unbox an ancient artefact, which contains two venerable tomes of wonder they call “Da Rules“ and “Da Uvver Book.”

“Pay attenshun, Snazza!” Says Gav with a grin, “Andy’s gonna read from a section we call’s ‘Vehicles’ den afta dat I’ll tell you about da ‘Drivin’ Skills’. An’ Rick iz gonna give you a drivin’ test.”

Har har

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/19 09:01:48

Post by: Pyroalchi

lol... yeah, I think Grotskorcha will act as gunner. Might be fun!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/19 10:30:25

Post by: theCrowe

He certainly has the better Ballistic Skill for it. No point in Snazz taking the big gun with his BS1

If it’s anything like GorkaMorka my increased Initiative should help for quick reactions when driving too. Assuming I don’t have a heart attack at the wheel.

Looking forward to this one.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/19 22:17:09

Post by: Dekskull

 theCrowe wrote:
As SnazzKrump snoozes he is visited by three green apparitions, calling themselves Andy, Gav and Rick. In a vision of wonder they unbox an ancient artefact, which contains two venerable tomes of wonder they call “Da Rules“ and “Da Uvver Book.”

“Pay attenshun, Snazza!” Says Gav with a grin, “Andy’s gonna read from a section we call’s ‘Vehicles’ den afta dat I’ll tell you about da ‘Drivin’ Skills’. An’ Rick iz gonna give you a drivin’ test.”

Har har

Ha, it's funny that you mention that. The Vehicle Rules for Wrath and Glory definitely have some similarities to the old Gorkamorka

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/20 23:29:29

Post by: theCrowe

I was around when GorkaMorka landed and all this crap about “oh it was poorly received and a bit dull.” Utter bollox! It was MEGA! One of the best most frenetic and exciting games of crazy anything-can-happen action that ever was written! I was 100% on-board with the GorkaMorka fun times and to be honest when 40k shifted to 3rd ed. I just dropped it altogether and just went right on playing necromunda and Gorkamorka. Cause they were awesome games and deserved to be supported.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/23 22:56:23

Post by: Dekskull

The next day you load the Boomdakka snazz wagon up with scrap and set out in the direction of ork town. Snazzkrump takes the wheel and drives while Grotskorcha mans the "Mek Speshul" gatling gun.

You don't have a map and the desert looks pretty much the same everywhere...

The giant red star looms high in the sky. It's not that hot, but the air is extremely dry.

Where is ork town again?

Snazzkrump rolls 1 success on intelligence +survival DN 3 (he only had 1 success, no complication at least).[You both suffer 1 shock damage from the exhaustion of driving for so long +SOOO MUCH BORING!]

They end up driving in circles for a really long time, probably half a day, but eventually Snazz gets the snazzwagon back on track.

You can see the smoke rising in the air beyond the horizon. That can only mean that ork town is close...at sort of close. It won't be long now.

And that's when you hear the sound of three Ork Warbikes roll down a large sand dune from behind you and start to close on you fast.

"SPEED FREAKS LET'S GO!" You hear a loud shout and the dakka guns start to rattle off rounds in your direction. None hit because they are out of range, but that won't be for much longer. The bikes are closing fast, and you quickly figure out that soon they will be close enough to open fire.

That's when Snazz notices the big red button on the wagon...

[Decision Time! Snazz can opt to drive at break neck speed, will increase chance of wrath complications for everything as 3 wrath dice are rolled while driving that fast, but it will doubel the speed of the Snazzwagon]

[Other option is to drive regular at regular speed. The bikes will be in range within 1 turn. Or just hit the brakes and stop. But why?]

[For Grotskorcha, if you opt not to go break neck speed you will be able to shoot at one of the bikes when they come into range this round. It will be DN 7 but if you go full auto you can take an extra 3 dice]

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/23 23:31:27

Post by: theCrowe

Wrong thread?

Also, it’s like I was driving the wagon myself. My own navigation skills are notoriously bad.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/24 00:14:28

Post by: Dekskull

LOL you are right. Let me move that

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/24 07:08:13

Post by: Pyroalchi

Before I finally decide, just to check back if I rot this right:

If I aim for the lead bike I get:
3 (my Agility) +4 (BS) +3 (full auto) +1 (whaag!) +1 (aiming as I don't move) = 12 dice for the to hit roll?

And if I aim for several I loose the Whaag Bonus and the full auto bonus, so I get "just" 8.


Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/24 17:14:38

Post by: Dekskull

That looks about right.

Unlike 40K Tabletop, Hitting stuff in Wrath and Glory (Even for orks) isn't that hard.

Hitting stuff in a pitch black cave=much harder. That was more or less an exception.

The downside is...when the bikes shoot back, it's very unlikely that they are going to miss. LOL

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/25 07:31:17

Post by: theCrowe

Did you mean Grotskorcha can use the wagon’s big shoota, or do I have to scooch over and let him drive? Can it point to the rear?

I’d like to give ol’ Skorcherino one more chance to shoot before I slap the button so if he shoots first ( then we give some try-hard biker-mook their turn.) THEN I slap the button. That way Grotskorcha doesn’t suffer wrath issues when shooting?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/25 11:32:15

Post by: Dekskull

That sounds like a good strategy to me.

Yes, Grotskorcha can just grab a hold of the big shoota and swivel it so he can just keep shooting. (It's nice to have extra guns!)

Who knows, maybe Grotskorcha will roll a wrath critical, then he can seize the initiative and shoot twice. We'll see what happens!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/26 07:49:36

Post by: theCrowe

We’ve got quite a shopping list now.
Sell the scrap
Fix the Mekk Speshul
Get me to the doc
Find a huge choppa
Talk to a shaman and buy some ward save/anti-sickness doodads.
(Or get my chest fixed with something like that inside.)
Or get the skorcha and my new axe blessed by said shaman to be Deamon Slayer weapons.
Then somehow get back to Bigtooff with more lads for his next battle.

Maybe we just get the essentials and then hire a shaman to bring back.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/26 08:00:59

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sounds good. I would say the priorities are:
1. fix up Snazz
2. find a shaman to combat "da sickness"
3. get bigtoofs Boyz

We can fix the Mekk Speshul later (at least that's what Grotskorcha thinks. A bit of tape and it is like brand new )

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/26 13:50:20

Post by: theCrowe

First thing shall we go to the job pole and see who’s there. We might find a doc, a scrap merchant, some lads at a loose end with some odd skills that we/BigToof can make use of. A “spanna” perhaps to fix the gun or some low-level wierdboy.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/26 18:18:32

Post by: theCrowe

Yes I edited my post 6 times. Yes I’d do it again.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/26 23:20:12

Post by: theCrowe

I figure we get the boys first then they can help Skorcha do stuff while Snazz is in the docs surgery (getting a docs surprise delux kicking leg.)or at least they might possibly point us in the right direction for some of what we need if they’re not just a bunch of yoofs.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/27 13:12:15

Post by: theCrowe

Sorry Pyro, I’m spamming the zog out of this.

I have some concerns about the all-too-eager new blue boys. Like if we both go in there and leave them alone in the wagon we might come out and find it’s been geplünderungen.

I wonder can we make an open-air spectacular in the back of the wagon and gather a crowd to watch my surgery advertising the joint expertise of these two fine professionals for a discounted price?

Unless you think I’m really overthinking this and we don’t need to make the Doc’s job any harder. Still, I’m drawn to grand public displays. (I’m gonna be a Goffik Rocknstar after all.) and I’m keen for any opportunity to impress the new boys into wanting to stay and help us rather than nick our stuff and run.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/28 03:49:24

Post by: Dekskull

That would be funny if the new boyz just took your Boom Dakka snazz wagon. Don't worry about it though, I'm not going to do that.

You can go ahead and name the two new orks though, give them some personality.

Up next, you'll have a nice chat with a weird shaman, drink some herbal fungus tea to heal your chest infection, and then you'll all be heading off for your ultimate showdown with the BIG BOSS.

Just need to sleep more first, then find time to write lol.

BTW, I'll be expecting some drawings from you when we're done here!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/28 07:21:35

Post by: theCrowe

Herbal tea! I was expecting surgery! I had a whole plan for a badass demon-warding chest scar.

I’m also just waiting for Pyroalchi as I didn’t want to just keep ploughing on.

And yes there will be drawings.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/28 23:01:01

Post by: theCrowe

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/02/29 02:43:03

Post by: Dekskull

That's amazing man. I love it!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 10:30:16

Post by: theCrowe

Just to be clear, I’m not asking the doc for a big choppa, I’m asking, can he “bless” my own regular choppa to make it a nurgles-bane choppa?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 11:27:23

Post by: Dekskull

Oh ok sure.

Blessing obtained.

You can still make that decision though to fight in the pits for extra loot or head back!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 18:53:32

Post by: theCrowe

I have decided… MOAR pictures

Also, it looks like we both edited for the blessing granted. Nevermind. Sorry, I’m probably stomping all over forum-game etiquette by writing outside my own character.

I also wanted to see if GrotSkorcha had any requests from the shaman before we go, wherever we go from here. Happy to go either way if you want to call it Pyro.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 19:53:33

Post by: Pyroalchi

I had some problems with DakkaDakka the last days. The site just did not want to load.

But the pics are amazing! Much better then anything I could achieve!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 20:36:55

Post by: theCrowe

DankeDanke. (The forum of Deutsch wargaming gratitude)

Yes the site was down for everyone. I think it couldn’t handle the date being the 29th of Feb.

I forgot GrotSkorcha’s bucket helmet in the first pic but I remembered after that. I hope he looks close to how you imagined.

I am currently drawing Snotload and Shina climbing down the ladder.
(And then I’ll be drawing Evuleye and Squigslasha.)

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 20:48:07

Post by: theCrowe

I’m Thinking about maybe just heading back to the fort, I’ve got my blessed choppa, so happy enough with that assuming it works as intended. My upgrades have been all willpower and initiative rather than WS and strength so I’m not too sure if pit fighting is 100% the best application of my skills. (What even would be an effective application of those?) . I feel like I’m more likely to lose out than win big in the pit fighting.

On the other hand if we head back we might get to duff up some speed freaks on the way and with our new boys (and potentially Wargit!) on board we could really bring home the party. And maybe if we linger here too long we’ll miss the party back in the caves and arrive too late.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 21:14:53

Post by: Pyroalchi

Good thinking, I agree (and nice German by the way I also though that it might be good to try and look for the burned out Warbike we left on our way in.

I'll leave Grotskorchas cheering though, he is the supporting type.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/01 21:26:02

Post by: theCrowe

This latest diatribe from SnazzKrunk is an attempt to add influence to Skorcha’s suggestion that the doc should come with us. If possible I will even exert the full force of my willpower on the other two orks to make them join our plee. Everything short of tying this guy up and throwing him in the back of the wagon.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/02 18:50:00

Post by: theCrowe


And this one too

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/02 23:20:01

Post by: Dekskull

Amazing man!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/03 18:55:36

Post by: theCrowe

Snazz prob needs to take a Ld test to play chicken with a charging spawn, but then he’s in a vehicle and his buddy is firing on full auto. So maybe he’s pumped. But then the gun goes ge-kläng and that’s either Snazz’s cue to floor it and Ram or brick-it and jump early.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/04 11:25:39

Post by: Dekskull

Just a word of warning. We've reached a part of the story that I refer to as a "season finale."

This means there is a very good chance characters will die.

In Wrath and Glory it's even worse than other games. There is a rule called "annihilation." You take double your max wounds, there is no falling down and waiting for the fenix down to get you back up (Pardon the Final Fantasy Reference), you will be as dead an ork boy in a 40K tabletop game lol.

Based on your descriptions I plan to write out the combat as:

Boomdakka snazzwagon rams the spawn.

Spawn counter attacks.

Grotskorcha lights up the spawn at point blank range with the Mek Speshul. Normal complication for a weapon going full auto is a jam, which requires a DN 2 Intelligence + tech test to unjam.

That would be a multi action though which would increase the DN of the next attack by 2. That also assumes you get it unjammed to begin with.

I'll see if I can roll some dice and write this up tonight. (American night time EST mind you)

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/04 11:38:58

Post by: Pyroalchi

I had the impression that Snazz planned to hold until Grotskorcha fired before flooring the gas?

1. Grotskorcha fires (Snazzwagon still a bit distant from the spawn)
2. Spawn does what it does
3. Snazzkrump rams the Spawn if it hasn't already charged.


Anyway: as soon as the Mekk Speshul failes, Grotskorcha would leave it be, grab his Skorcha and try his luck there. Oh and if he dies, he dies. It was fun anyway

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/04 11:57:50

Post by: theCrowe

As I had understood it. My intention was to hold off the ram until after GrotSkorcha had fired.

So resolve the shooting, Then I assume the spawn counterattacks or continues charging then I ram (assuming I’m not already dead)

Is that possible?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/04 15:17:18

Post by: Pyroalchi

Regarding the general system: it works very well for a forum rpg. As I experienced over in the only war RPG the higher complexity of that system allow for more detailed character rules, but tend to drag things down quite a bit

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/04 20:58:12

Post by: theCrowe

I find the best system is the one where the coolness of each character basically determines how survivable they are.

Joking of course. Potential to die makes the game worth playing. Mortality is its own reward.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/04 21:53:11

Post by: Dekskull

 theCrowe wrote:
As I had understood it. My intention was to hold off the ram until after GrotSkorcha had fired.

So resolve the shooting, Then I assume the spawn counterattacks or continues charging then I ram (assuming I’m not already dead)

Is that possible?

If you hold off on the ram to shoot, the spawn will charge you and attack. Then you could follow up and ram. Maybe back up and rev into him? Sure I can swing that.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/04 23:45:56

Post by: theCrowe

Whatever way it works out that’s how we had intended it. GrotSkorcha for first turn, spawn next then Snazz.

If the spawn gets close enough through the hail of bullets to smack the wagon then sobeit, then I drive over him as my dead foot slips off the breaks.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 02:26:44

Post by: Dekskull

 Pyroalchi wrote:
Regarding the general system: it works very well for a forum rpg. As I experienced over in the only war RPG the higher complexity of that system allow for more detailed character rules, but tend to drag things down quite a bit

Yeah the trick I've found with forum RPG is to try and centralize as much of the rolling as possible with the GM and instead focus on player choices to drive the story. I.E. Limit player rolls to the most important dramatic moments.

But that's also a lot like my roll 20 games. Keep the focus on player decisions and don't get too bogged down with Da Rulz.

In any case, I could have had that spawn specifically target one of yah'all and kill you, but it was more fun to just trash the Boom Dakka Snazz.

This is more what I was going for:


Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 06:10:01

Post by: Pyroalchi

Isn't fixing a weapon a BS test? At least I thought it is from the version of the W&G Book I have.

Anyway, after the second complication with the Mekka Speshul Grotskorcha has enough of it. It's flamer time!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 07:47:35

Post by: theCrowe

Yeah, I’m tempted to see what’s behind door number 2. If we drive this sucker down we can see how tough he is with a fender skewering his rear armour hatch. Then the flames might do the cooking before I choppa up the BBQ

I propose, GrotSkorcha grabs his burna and jumps out of das wagon.

SnazzKrunk points the wagon at the sick green git and floors it. Jumping out at the last minute like a 1950’s joy-riding James Dean, but leaving the stikkbomb in the wagon ready to go boom.

I’m hoping Snazzkrunk can take cover and avoid any flying debris (and potentially tough-out the counterattack long enough for GrotSkorcha to get the flamer into range and turn up the heat.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 08:16:16

Post by: Pyroalchi

Agree! "Weez don't hide from spiky boyz! WAAAAGGGHHHH!!!"

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 09:16:21

Post by: theCrowe

But does it fit the rules? Is driving a vehicle, priming a grenade and jumping out to take cover too many actions? Or is it just a multi action with a huge DN?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 09:28:15

Post by: theCrowe

Also, before the Snazzwagon gets krumped.

Hope the boss doesn’t want his car back.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 09:32:41

Post by: Pyroalchi

That's amazing. I love the one in the back taunting the speedfreak. By the way: what do you use for your images? Pencil? Aquarell?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 10:19:49

Post by: theCrowe

Danke. I pencil it first and then ink line it with a fine waterproof ink pen. And then yes, Aquarell for the colour.

My poor photography gives it that kind of washed-out sketchpad effect because I take the picture under a warm yellow light on the kitchen worktop and then try to colour correct it back to white. But I almost like the style it creates now.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 11:21:48

Post by: theCrowe

Ok, so do you have to go first to get off the vehicle with your burna Or would that mean we take plague-belcher damage before the wagon even gets moving?

Or can I just tell you to get out and specify that my action begins with you safely out of the vehicle? I take the first move to ram, Plaguey McPlague face reacts and then you take your turn?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/05 20:03:32

Post by: theCrowe

Alright in the absence of any further input I’m going to just write it up and trust Deks to interpret the rules part. Wish me luck

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/06 01:48:15

Post by: Dekskull

That's fine.

Grotskorcha could get out, move and switch to his favorite weapon. The Dark Lord will Hold action...meaning he isn't going to do anything until the Snazzwagon comes within range (kind of like firing overwatch).

We'll see what happens. But I'll definitely wait for Grotskorcha to weigh in before rolling and narrating the next round.

Hahah. I just read your post and couldn't stop laughing. Death Guard are such a good arch nemesis for da Orkies. Have you thought about trying to sketch one?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/06 07:39:25

Post by: theCrowe

You know when you see a kid draw a space marine and you go “yeah I can see it’s meant to be a space marine but… yikes!”

It me

Though I could probably draw one dead amidst flaming wreckage as SnazzKrunk and GrotSkorcha are playing footy with its severed head.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/06 23:08:42

Post by: theCrowe

Evuleye, Wargritt and Squigslasher

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/08 11:04:14

Post by: theCrowe

Kaf kaf. Groan*

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/08 23:01:39

Post by: Dekskull

LOL. Yeah Space Marine characters in this game are truly terrifying, but the game does justice to what they are supposed to be.

We'll see what happens in the next round. Going to get real interesting

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/10 07:28:41

Post by: theCrowe

Is SnazzKrunk too wrecked to weigh in on this bout. I’ve only a sliver of life in me but I have good initiative, I could wait til the flames have gone off then jump in and grapple the still-smoking boss’s arm before he can swing my big choppa. I mean HIS big choppa. (Of course) or am I reduced to basic actions right now. Like choppa attack to the back of the neck?

Normally I’d try to step in between them in the interests of having more alive orks around when the DL finally decides to stand and fight, but… conflict mediation isn’t really the ork way.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/10 09:13:57

Post by: Pyroalchi

Come on, we ARE mediating this conflict...

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/10 12:30:15

Post by: Dekskull

 theCrowe wrote:
Is SnazzKrunk too wrecked to weigh in on this bout. I’ve only a sliver of life in me but I have good initiative, I could wait til the flames have gone off then jump in and grapple the still-smoking boss’s arm before he can swing my big choppa. I mean HIS big choppa. (Of course) or am I reduced to basic actions right now. Like choppa attack to the back of the neck?

Normally I’d try to step in between them in the interests of having more alive orks around when the DL finally decides to stand and fight, but… conflict mediation isn’t really the ork way.

LOL. When you are "Dying" you are allowed to do a basic attack and only movement allowed is crawling. However when you attack you roll additional wrath dice and any roll of 1 can cause additional injury which could result in a traumatic injury for the first 1 rolled and then death for the 2nd one. Basic attack kind of rules out the whole, knock the weapon out of his hand thing.

The good news is though, with that 6 on the Wrath dice, it literally means Snazz can seize the initiative and attack before Big Toof can even go. I'd recommend just a basic choppa attack as just ounching him won't do much of anything. Combined with the damage from the flame thrower it MIGHT be just enough to take him down. We'll see.

Alternatively, Grotskorcha could seize the initiative and spray the Nob again with the skorcha before the Nob could respond! Having a point of Glory is a very nice thing. Up to you guys what you want to do.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/10 13:25:43

Post by: Pyroalchi

The Burna might be the safer bet, but I want this to be a team effort. And I want to see Snazz get all choppy choppy! So please, Crowe, seize the Initiative and bring him down!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/10 14:16:59

Post by: theCrowe

I had seized the big choppa there but upon discovering that grappling is not an option i have edited it and now I am staggering in with a basic attack.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/11 08:51:12

Post by: theCrowe

Well Pyro, Is it time to mediate this conflict yet?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/11 09:06:07

Post by: Pyroalchi

I'm honestly not sure.

On the one hand we are quite likely dead if we don't and if we by any chance succeed, I have little clue if the two of us would be able to pull of the lead of the camp.
On the other hand I don't really feel like Skorcha is willing to let BigToofs continuous disrespect slide and I feel the most epic course forward would be to finish this one way or the other.

As I mentioned I would prefer if Snazz gives it a shot, so it's up to you. If Snazz negotiates and brings up the point you mentioned that we'll need all orks we can get to bring down the Plaguemarine, Skorcha would likely fall in line. But if he doesn't I'm completely OK if Skorcha dies in the attempt to take over or die trying.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/11 10:38:34

Post by: theCrowe

Leave it to Snazz. He got this

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/11 18:39:25

Post by: theCrowe

Proper bit of Orky animosity. We’re a real ork mob at last.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/11 20:15:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

Funny enough I can absolutely see this as the Start of a wonderful friendship. And years from now all three sit in a bar and tell their story to the yoofs : "And then I set him on fire and he hacked bis axe into my knee... ah, the good old times..."

Also: it might even be good for Bigtoof that way. A Nob with a pair of ambitious boyz in his back has to stay on his toes and that should do something good for ork anatomy

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/11 21:31:05

Post by: theCrowe

That’s right, Deks should be totting up XP advances for da boss after this one too. I’m looking forward to seeing the rewards of our exploits this round. I’d like to maybe go for a dual-wielding skill if not just straight WS. We’ll see what’s possible.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/12 02:47:32

Post by: Dekskull

You know, I was laughing today when I was thinking about how the story had degenerated into a bunch of orks fighting each other. But that's kind of the point isn't it?

At least no one walked away with a traumatic injury. Memorable injuries are just that...ways to remember past glories of battle.

But yes, you ladz are entitled to quite a bit of XP this time around, as this is technically an end to a complete story. Don't worry...a sequel will be in the works.

But for now give yourselves a nice 20 XP.

Of course, if one of you had killed the Nob and become a Nob, you'd have gone to Tier III and I'd have given you at least 100 XP. But that's ok.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/12 03:05:41

Post by: Dekskull

So anyway that wraps up an entire big darn story arch!

Do you all want to continue? I can get another arch worked up in about a week or so.

Alternatively we can put this one on hiatus for a while and I can start thinking about starting up a different Wrath and Glory game. You know...with like humies and stuff lol.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/12 06:19:44

Post by: Pyroalchi

I'm all for continueing this one. It's funny and I want to see what becomes of the Orks and Grots involved.
@ XP: 20 still is pretty good. I'll have to think about it, but I think Grotskorcha will get more Fellowship and Intelligence. I know I need Willpower to withstand more damage, but after what we experienced I assume Skorcha instinctively works on outsmarting BigToof and other bigger orks and especially considers that while he alone might be weaker, Snazz and him together might take an Ork Nob. Especially when the other boys are on their side.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/12 07:53:54

Post by: theCrowe

Yeah I’m in. Thanks for a great season of W&Orky G. I’ve really enjoyed it and I’ll happily come back for more.

Take as long as you like to get the next part drawn up though as I have a ton of projects that are just waiting for my enthusiasm to return from the Red Sands Desert. TONKS battle reports being one of them! And my Murder of Crows webcomic.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/12 12:22:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

OK, I skimmed through the rules book thought about it and I want to try something... His freindship with Snazz, picking up Evuleye, Squigslasher and Wargrit as well as the whole ordeal with BigToof has shown Grotskorcha the power of "Pschykyolorky". So if it is OK for you I would give him Fellowship 2 and 3 (10 XP in total) as well as persuasion 4 (total of 10 XP).
Quite a step up, but I read that you can use Persuasion as attack to lower enemy defense which is cool and I can absolutely see Grotskorcha trying to "steer" Bigtoof in the direction he likes, while he makes fast friends with the other Orks. Doesn't mean that he will definitly challenge the Nob again, but he sees that a working group of orks is stronger than the sum of their parts.

Also regarding his character: I said I see Grotskorcha as one of the big bullys goons who doesn't really think for himself. That last scene had a lot of flavor of him realizing the "Big Bully" isn't THAT much stronger than him and definitly not stronger than two of them. So he starts thinking for himself if he always wants to be a subordinate. He just goes about it in a rather unorky, less strength/brute force kind of way.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/12 17:21:24

Post by: theCrowe

I would see Snazz as a determined and resourceful fighter. He wants to get in fast and hit hard and last. But he’s canny with it. He can size up a situation and if he doesn’t think he’ll come out on top he’ll change tactics and look for another way to win.

SnazzKrunk wants to be a badass, skull-cracking, one-ork killing machine. He’s got it in his head that nothing states that quite so emphatically as a big choppa but he’s been thinking a bit about explosives too and might enjoy gaining the requisite knowwots required to “blow stuff up good and propa.”

His XP this round might best go toward strength and WS since he’s already quick and determined. Then we’ll maybe see about fancy skills later on.

As far as BigToof is concerned… to SnazzKrunk he’s a useful idiot.
He’ll happily take all the muscle he can get in this fight but he’s not going to accept being ridiculed. He’ll hold his head up high regardless of the Boss’s slabberings. He’s also been very impressed by Wargritt and will more or less believe any old hoodoo the doc comes off with. The scar on his chest is but the beginnings of what he hopes to one day be an impressive scarification-tattoo imbuing his body with protective shamanic power.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/12 19:33:06

Post by: theCrowe

Correct me if I’m out but here’s my intended XP calculation.

Strength increase to 5 is 10XP and WS increase from 3 to 5 is 9 more.

So if SnazzKrunk goes up to Strength 5 WS 5 that’s 19 of his 20XP

leaving him 1 left to add to what looks like 2 left over from last round so I have 3more still to spend on Intimidation up to 3!

SnazzKrunk Zoggin’ means it now!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/13 19:07:27

Post by: Pyroalchi

@ Crowe: I love how our two buddies develop. I think they are a dream team together. It's reminds me of the good cop-bad cop thrope or Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer films.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/13 20:30:58

Post by: theCrowe

Yes. I’m liking how Das Skorchinator has carved out a solid battlefield role but is becoming a lot more cunning along the way too. Gaining intelligence and fellowship to be the good cop to Snazz’s intimidating and brutal bad cop, that’s exactly what it’s like.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/14 00:54:21

Post by: Dekskull

Those look like some good ideas for XP. Might I recommend some talents to purchase?

@Pyroalchi: For 10 XP you can buy the Arsonist talent from the Redacted Records expansion. Any target you set on fire will take D3 +1 Mortal wounds instead of D3. Also the DN for the target to put themselves out goes from DN 3 to DN 4. Very nice

@Crowe: For 20XP (costly) you could get Brutalist. It simply means every weapon you use will cause more damage. So you won't have to get a big choppa to really start dishing it out. Might come in handy in case you encounter any more plague marines!

I'll probably have some ready in about 1-2 weeks. I'll let you guys know when I have a launch date. In the meantime feel free to look for a third player to join.

Now maybe I'll have time to actually post for Pyroalchi's game lol.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/14 07:18:56

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sounds good. And its better than going from 0 tp hero socially.

So I'll take
Fellowship 2 (4XP)
Persuasion 1 to 3 (6XP)
Arsonist (10XP)

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/14 11:58:26

Post by: theCrowe

I think I’ll stick with my Strength WS and Intimidation increases.

The 20XP spend for additional damage is maybe a bit better value later on in the game when an increase on higher value stats is also becoming more expensive or maybe where max stat limits might start to apply and it becomes the only way to boost damage. Will keep it in mind for later though, as that sounds right up Snazz’s street.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/16 17:16:51

Post by: Dekskull

Updated Sheets!

Updated Sheets: After Chapter 3


Unspent XP: 1

Total XP Spent: 100

Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 5, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 4, Willpower 3, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 3, Weapon Skill 4


Defense: 3
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 4
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Shoota, Slugga, Choppa,


Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 3, Initiative 3, Wilpower 1, Intelligence 2, Fellowship 2

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 5, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3, Persuasion 1

Talents: Arsonist: + Rank mortal wounds to any target set on fire. DN for targets to put thesmselves out goes up to DN 4


Defense: 2
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 2
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Shoota, Slugga, Choppa, Burna (1 ammo left).

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/16 17:20:10

Post by: Pyroalchi

How do I get new ammo for the Burna?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/17 10:39:50

Post by: theCrowe

SnazKrunK’s Start stats

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 3, Wilpower 1, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3

After round 1
10xp spent on Willpower
4 points to 2
6 points to 3

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 3, Willpower 3, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3

After round 2
10xp gained
8xp spent on initiative
2xp left over

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 4, Willpower 3, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3

After round 3
20XP gained
10XP on strength to 5
4XP on WS to 4
5XP on WS to 5
Then I have 1xp left over
and I have 2xp left over from round two
So I can spend 3xp on Intimidation to 3

Attribute: Strength 5, Toughness 4, Agility 2, Initiative 4, Willpower 3, Intelligence 1, Fellowship 1

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Intimidation 3, Weapon Skill 5

I don’t have the actual rules so do tell me if I’m wrong.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/17 12:05:44

Post by: Dekskull

Attribute increase from 4-5 costs 15 XP. Skill increase 4-5 costs 10 XP.

So strength and WS XP 4-5 would cost 30! Your strength will help you deal more damage in melee so I'd recommend that over WS.

Skill increase is 2 XP for level 1, +4 additional XP for level 2 and then another additional 6 XP for level 3.

I definitely recommend buying the PDF, it's on sale almost all the time on Drive Thru RPG.

@Pyro: You can buy more ammo at ork town. Very easy to acquire but it's also part of your strategic decision making. A trip to ork town will give the Dark Lord more time to regroup.

The way ammo works, as long as you don't use a salvo option or roll 1 wrath complication you won't run out of ammo.

In any case, I'll drop an In character post for some flavor and then kick off the next chapter propah next weekend!

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/17 14:37:16

Post by: Pyroalchi

I thought the cost for skills was [new level XP] so 1 for Level 1, 2 for level 2, etc?

And twice that for Attributes?

If it is 2x Level XP for skills and 3x Level for Attributes I did something wrong for Grotskorcha

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/17 20:08:03

Post by: theCrowe

Ok, so my increases so far have been
Willpower 3
Initiative 4
Strength 5
WS 4
intimidation 3

Thanks for the correction

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/17 23:19:14

Post by: Dekskull


@Pyro, check your PM, I sent you some tables that should help you fix any errors. Not a big deal if you did though.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/21 10:36:40

Post by: Pyroalchi

OK, as I got the XP table a bit wrong I correct myself:
we got a total of 40 XP
I take BS 4 (8 XP) and 5 (10XP)
Agility 3 (6 XP)
persuasion 1 and 2 (6 XP)
fellowship 2 (4 XP)
intelligence 2 (4 XP)
=> arsonist and the higher arts of persuasion have to wait till next turn

Rank 1

Attribute: Strength 4, Toughness 4, Agility 3, Initiative 3, Wilpower 1, Intelligence 2, Fellowship 2

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 5, Intimidation 2, Weapon Skill 3, Persuasion 2


Defense: 2
Resilience: 5
Wounds: 6
Determination: 4
Shock: 2
Resolve 1:

WARGEAR: Burna, Shoota, Slugga, Choppa

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/30 00:12:18

Post by: theCrowe

I’m not sure what to do here. 18metres is a long way to run and waaaagh, I could always lob a rock as I run in and hope for that classic wrath critical for some extra distance, but then by the time everyone else catches up I’m already green jelly on toast.

I wonder did this old ship have any kind of anti-heresy security systems? A holy water sprinkler system or something?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/30 14:35:27

Post by: Dekskull

Yeah the Dark Lord is out of charge range right now. Definitely enough distance for someone to move and then fire with a shoota, slugga or burna.

You could also try grabbing a spare stikk bomb from the wounded Nob and tossing one at the ol Dark Lord.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/30 21:49:16

Post by: theCrowe

If only I had a half wrecked vehicle to drive at him again.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/31 12:21:55

Post by: Dekskull

Yeah, this guy could very well kill the entire party. Nasty Plague Belcher and even worse...a chainsword in close. + He generates 1 point of ruin for me every turn so I'll be able to keep powering him up.

Perhaps it's time to channel your inner Mork over Gork?

If the orks fall back with sprint or run actions, they can take cover in the control room. That would force the Dark Lord to advance and shoot into cover. Eventually the orks would get the first charge as the DL moves into charge range

Of course, unless yah all are leaving Big Toof for dead, someone would have to pick him up and drag him back. Strengh test DN 3 to do that.

The Crazy Option

There is also one more option you could pursue if you want to avoid a straight up fight. Sprint back to the control room and route more power to the engines to execute a warp jump in like 5 minutes. That would cause the entire mountain to collapse and who knows what else. Worse case you would also get sucked into the warp but it would be fun.

This maneuver would be Tech skill +intellect DN 5. Whowever did it could get +1 dice for an ally to assist. (Hope you have some wrath saved up!). Or maybe just blow the control room up with a stikk bomb and pray to Gork it does what you want it to do?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/03/31 13:38:09

Post by: Pyroalchi

I dont think we have a chance on that tech roll. Best bet would be Grotskorchas Int 2, so even with assistence I would have to roll 2 sixes ans another 4 to 6.

I would say we face him up front and die like propa orks! Also I want to try an interaction attack at least once, lol

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/01 07:12:48

Post by: Pyroalchi

I think our best bet is to have him hindered. So -1 to his actions please.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/01 11:39:31

Post by: Dekskull

Sounds good. Hopefully he misses!

[Updated last post. DL rolled 3 successes so him getting greedy with the multi attack plus being hindered led to the miss. With the DN so high to begin with it didn't make sense for Snazz or anyone else to use full defence so you now have a point of glory. Having snazz go in and krump twice might be the way to go]

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/01 20:17:13

Post by: Pyroalchi

I would like to try and disarm the Plaguemarine from his Plaguebelcher. As far as I understand this, that would be a called shot attack. Question: can I
a). do this with my Burna
b) draw my slugga as a pistol and try it with that
c) draw my choppa and go all out attack + called shot?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/01 21:01:06

Post by: Dekskull

This is sort of covered by the "shot to disarm" (page 187) type of called shot where the plague marine would have to Strength Test
against a DN equal to half the attack’s total Damage or drop the weapon but the shot itself does no damage.

That doesn't make sense to me though because you are not trying to capture him you're trying to hurt him and dis-arm him.

So I would say you can use any type of ranged or melee weapon to just chop at the hand or arm that is holding the weapon. This would be a called shot at + 2DN (6 DN total) and if successful I'll give you the extra damage dice and the possibility of having him drop the weapon.

All out melee attack is a full round action though so you couldn't combine that with a called shot though I would let you do the same thing (melee attack called shot +2DN) if you want to get stuck in with your choppa. Remember, you get +1 dice for every ork engaged in close combat with the same target +1 for charging and +1 for WAAAGH.

Keep in mind though, his resilience is 14. So while targeting the weapons is going to slow him down, the only realistic way to have any chance of dishing out enough damage to put him down is to bypass his armor which will be called shots of +3 DN. That will take his resilience down to 7 and then you'll be able to dish out some damage.

It looks like Crowe did a decent amount of damage by bypassing the armor, but it won't be easy. In close combat his defence goes up to 5 because that sword can parry so DN 8 in close combat DN 7 for ranged to bypass the armor. Or for the called shot to one of his weapons its DN 7 in close combat, DN 6 with range.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/02 04:47:17

Post by: Pyroalchi

Damn... I thought we might have a chance on surviving some rounds and figured we could bring him down by disarming him before drowning him in Ork bodies... OK, new plan, I fire the burna to bypass his armor and hope for the best... It's not the best chance, but I guess it is Our best chance at the moment. With a lot of luck this might still go our way.

So pray to the dice gods lads! Found one by the way and had to snigger:

As we all prepare to play
Give us 6’s on this day.
Unless it’s for battleshock,
In that case, then 1’s would rock.
But not for Steve, he’s the worst
For him, those should be reversed.
I swear I’d pay any price,
For high charge rolls, once or twice.
Spent so much time on my list,
If you screw me, I’ll be pissed.
I’ve tried hard to rise above,
The bad rolls you seem to love.
I’ve got re-rolls, and CP’s,
And I take Cap-tains in three’s.
Because you’ve canceled my wins,
I admit, pat-ience is thin.
I beseech thee, elder gods,
To humbly help me beat the odds.
Against him on the other side,
Because he’s cocky and he’s snide.
He dares defy your holy power,
He just set down his dice tower!
I am offended, for you dice gods,
He’s sure his tower evens the odds.
How is he so heretically bold?
His faith is copper, but mine is gold.
So I think it is clear to see,
Your champion for this game is me.
And I hope that you guide my hand,
If my troops make a final stand
Or when overcharging plasma guns,
My faith is sure your help will come.
But if you don’t take any actions,
You’ll be shocked by my reaction.
You have a weakness, it’s clear to see.
Not rolling dice will set me free.
You have prov-en time and again,
You are my foe as much as friend.
I vow to you, once and for all,
This game will be the final straw.
I won’t lie, it will be hard,
I’ll quit this game for Magic Cards.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/02 10:32:28

Post by: Pyroalchi

Damn, that's a hard decision... We almost got him... but I think if I go after him now, we are all dead as whatever comes crawling there will finish off our guys and if (and it is a big IF) I really manage to kill the plaguemarine I will die shortly after. So I guess it is time for another retreat and regroup. Unless Snazz says otherwise?

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/03 00:21:49

Post by: Dekskull

Congrats, you guys made it to the end of the story.

I'm going to make one last post and that will be THE END. In case of a future sequel you can give yourselves +10 XP but right now my plan is to start up a new Wrath and Glory forum game with a different setting (Humies) after some much needed downtime.

In the spectrum of endings it will be a medium good ending. The bad ending would have been with you all dead. The best ending would have been killing the DL, but that's ok. A medium good ending is still a good ending.

BTW I was pulling no punches at the end, I really was trying to kill your characters. Thank goodness Crowe's character had that extra willpower as that last shock literally meant the difference between a traumatic injury and total annihilation.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/03 05:47:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sounds good. I could totally see us continueing but starting something new in the future is cool as well. And bring a mere human has something to it.
As our only war game also nears the finish line (and interest starts to dwindle) I will advertise for Wrath and Glory.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/03 08:02:21

Post by: theCrowe

Cheers Deks for a great game, and to Pyro too for being a great team player. I had a great time.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/03 10:27:15

Post by: Dekskull

 theCrowe wrote:
Cheers Deks for a great game, and to Pyro too for being a great team player. I had a great time.

Thanks to you both. And Crowe, just an FYI, your art work of Grots on a beach was a big inspiration for the setting as well.

I'm open to returning to Red Sands in the future but I've found that it's usually better to have a definitive ending with the possibility of new adventures in the future. (Kind of like a good Black Library book, you've reached the end but you know there will always be more).

I'm open to suggestions for the next game. One cool idea I had is tentatively called: "Survivors of Lume IV," it takes place on a Half Forge/Half Shrine world called Lume IV which was featured in White Dwarf.

A chaos invasion during the Arks of Omen completely destroyed it, but that gave me an idea for a game about isolated survivors trying to hold on. But if anyone has other ideas, I'm open minded. We can brain storm in another thread soon.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/03 10:43:23

Post by: Pyroalchi

Sounds cool to me. Especially as I skimmed through the archetyps and the Skitarii sounded pretty interesting to me. Lots of potential to roleplay amidst the thin line between human and machine.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/04 09:48:29

Post by: theCrowe

I think I’ll give it a pass, thanks: I want to get back to some of my unfinished projects (Tonks, 1:300 WW2 planes, Burrows&Badgers sculpting, Murder of Crows webcomic, etc etc)
It’s hard to have enthusiasm to pick something up again if I’m all excited about a new thing.

Wrath and Glory, Da Orky Dungeon Crawl @ 2024/04/05 22:40:41

Post by: Dekskull

Absolutely, that's why I'm all about pushing hard through a project, having a good time, then bringing it to a close.

I know you will be game for the next Ork game though man. See yah around!