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W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/10 16:14:54

Post by: Dekskull

A few weeks ago, you crawled out of the dirt, a freshly spawned ork. You found yourself in a desert and immediately started walking toward the nearest ork settlement, a scrap filled city on a red sandy beach, overlooking a vast ocean.

Eventually you found your way to Da Job Pole…a large pole where a bunch of other yoofs and a few boyz were standing around. You weren’t sure what it was but eventually an old wizened runt herder explained a few things.

“Oi, new Yoofs. Listen up! Dis da job pole. Yah don’t av nuffin ta do, yah stand around ere and wait for a Nob to come round and grab yah. Do what yah Nob sayz or git krumped. Got it?”

Not long after a large hulking ork with a massive choppa and a single large leering tooth came up to the job pole and pushed you all out of the crowd. He wore tattered blue ragged clothes, adorned with skulls, signifying his mark as part of the Death Skull clan.

I’m Nob Big Toof. Youz my boyz now. Follow me to da Boom Dakka Snazzwagon, wez going back to Da Fort, an den you gonna git your chance to prove yah selves,”
Big Toof drives you across the desert to a small scrap fort adjacent to a large mountain range.

Once you get there, Big Toof addresses you all again.

“Right, yah see that big mountain. Ders a bunch of caves, in da caves is a bunch of scrap. Yah go in there, find da scrap, bring it back ere, an den we drive da scrap back to town and sell it to da Meks. Ders also a buncha weird stuff in da caves, so it’ll be some gud fightin as well.”
“So go grab yo slugga, choppa, and shoota and if’n yah hungry grab a squig sausage from da grot cook, den meet me back ere so we can git started.”
Then he gestures to two grots: “Oi, Snotload, Shina, git that ladder yah been working on, and light up some torches. Wez goin Caving!”

At the entrance to the caves:

After getting your gear together, Big Toof, trailed by the two grots, Snotload and Shina leads you on foot to a cave entrance. The grots are carrying a ramshackle ladder, that looks terribly flimsy. One of the grots, Shina, also has a headlamp worn around his head. Once inside the cave, Shina lights the torches and gives one to each of you in turn, providing some light and warmth.

After a short walk down a narrow corridor, you reach a fairly large hole. Big Toof gestures to the grots to lower the ladder down into the hole.

“Right me and my old boyz went down ere a while back. Tons of good stuff. Should be good lootin and good fightin. Now…git down that ladder and make sure it works right. Den I’ll follow yah.”

You start down the ladder. Managing to hold your lit torch and other gear while keeping a hold without losing your balance is tricky but you seem to be doing ok. Below is pure blackness…you can’t see anything but it must be a long way down.

Snotload let’s out a loud wailing cry as he loses his grip on the ladder, his foot knocks a lit torch into the ladder, which causes the ladder to start burning up. To your dismay the fire quickly spreads across the ladder before anyone can put it out. With a loud cry, Snotload jumps from the ladder and disappears into the darkness. It’s quickly followed by Shina.

Meanwhile Big Toof, who never set foot on the ladder starts cursing loudly.

“You cheeky grots! You better hope I don’t jump down there right now and bash yah heads in!”

Eventually though his anger turns to merriment. It’s funny when bad things happen to other orks, as long as it’s not you.

Har Har Har, dats why we send Yoofs in first. Nothing ta do but jump now! Ain’t much of a fall, just try not ta land on yah head. Sides, once yah get down there, yah can git right into scrap hunting and fightin. Once yah find something just meet me back here and I’ll be back with a new ladder…and some new grots!”

Athletics + Agility DN 3 to successfully jump from the burning ladder. Fail=take 1 mortal wound.

Once you hit the ground you are able to assess the situation. Pieces of the burning ladder continue to fall to the ground and the way back would be very difficult to climb. Fortunately Big Toof said he would be back with a new ladder so as long as you don’t get lost you should be able to come back and climb back out of the caves.
You also recovered all your gear…nothing damaged and the torches should be able to provide light for at least a few hours. And, the two Grots Snotload and Shina are also around cowering behind a rock in the corner of the room, snickering at the chaos they causes.

As you look out, you notice the cavern seems to fork off into two small tunnels.
One tunnel smells wet, and you hear the dripping of water. It also carries with it a foul stench of some kind. The other tunnel is dry and absent of any smell…just dead silence and darkness.

Which tunnel will you take?

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/13 08:21:20

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk gathers his things and then checks around for any decent bits of rope from the ladder that might come in handy for bundling up scrap [is that a roll? I dunno]

He sniffs the wiffy tunnel and scowls.
“Bah, smells rotten down dere. I don’t want no manky old swamp-gubbinz wot is all covered in swamp-gak. Meks only pay da big teef for da snazzy stuff.”

He sniffs the other tunnel and smells no such rotten stench.
“Dis here is da way I wants to go. If dere’s any good scrap down here it’s dis way.”

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/13 11:54:44

Post by: Dekskull

 theCrowe wrote:
SnazzKrunk gathers his things and then checks around for any decent bits of rope from the ladder that might come in handy for bundling up scrap [is that a roll? I dunno]

He sniffs the wiffy tunnel and scowls.
“Bah, smells rotten down dere. I don’t want no manky old swamp-gubbinz wot is all covered in swamp-gak. Meks only pay da big teef for da snazzy stuff.”

He sniffs the other tunnel and smells no such rotten stench.
“Dis here is da way I wants to go. If dere’s any good scrap down here it’s dis way.”

[Snazzkrunk makes the jump from the ladder with ease. Not only does he land safely, but he manages to do in an intimidating orky sort of way, kicking up an excessive amount of dirt and dust in the process, which causes the grots to start coughing. CRITICAL SUCCESS. 1 GLORY EARNED

Its's not easy fumbling around in the dark, but SnazzKrunk does manage to find a lengthy piece of climbing rope in the assorted gear that fell down off the ladder. Not enough to escape the caves, but it might come in handy if you needed to repel down a cliff.

Snotload peers out from behind a rock and jeers. "Wot makes you fink you know wot gud scrap looks like? You dun this before?"

He points to himself, a lumen now fashioned to his head and turned on. "I bin with the boss before. I knowz dis place and I can tell yah dry tunnel just goes to a dead end, Yah have to start with the wet tunnel. If'n yah don't believe me I show yah."

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/13 19:37:32

Post by: Pyroalchi

rolled 2,5,5, so 2 successes, failed the jump

Fractions of seconds after Snazzkrunk, another Youf lands, or rather smashes flat face into the ground at the bottom of the shaft. As Grotskorcha pulls himself up, he is shocked to realize that the fall must have blinded him. It takes him some moments tumbling around in the darkness until he realizes that his rusty buckethelmet has just turned itself around. Readjusting it he hopes none of the other Yoofs has seen it and takes a look around.

Puzzled about the situation he explores the inside of his nostril for a while mustering Snazzkrunk and thinking about his idea which tunnel to get into. Realizing that the other Yoof is somewhat bigger and stronger than himself, he comes to the conclusion, that this is obviously a great idea and gets in line to his left, but slightly behind him. "Yeah! Me smells like da good stuff is down dere!" he seconds the ork, nodding enthusiastically and ignoring the Grot for now. He might be on the lowest step of the ladder in Ork society, but at least he was no Grot...

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/14 09:56:11

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk has literally never seen a piece of scrap before, let alone compared the quality of one pierce to another, but two concepts loom large in his simple mind. One is Snazz- anything shiny and flash; the good stuff. And the other is Gak. And that other tunnel smelled like gak.

“Bah! Shows wot grots knows.”

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/16 03:09:17

Post by: Dekskull

With a slight snicker of his large nose, Snotload leads you through the dry barren caves, the other grot Shinna trails close behind. True to his name Shinna, ocassionally shines his large headlamp in your eyes much to your annoyance.

The cavern is low, barely above your own heads, and very narrow forcing you all to move single file through it. After what seems like a long time, Snotload abrubtly comes to a halt.

"See I told you it's a dead end. Guess you better turn around eh?" Snotload says derisively.

Something in you, an instinct tells you to look around first.

Sure enough, the tunnel ends in a dead end. But SnazzKrunk notices an odd looking green glyth in the wall. But it doesn't look like an ork glympth. Looking at it makes you feel strange and uneasy.

"Dats a Mutie glyth, Shinna says helpfully. Dey live in dese caves...sometimes give da orks a good scrap."

"Still doesn't change the fact that this is a ded end though!" Snotload leers.

Grotskorcha has even better luck. In his fumbling around in the tunnel he accidently trips over what seems like a hole. Upon close inspection though, you see a very small crawlspace that you could all crawl through. And when when Grostskorcha examines the glyth on the wall, he realizes that the wall behind it is hollow. With a little choppa bashing, perhaps the wall could come down and lead into another cavern.

Snotload looks at the crawl space and grimaces. "That looks scary. I'm sure you yoofs can fink of something better."

Shinna pipes up. "Yah bashing wall way betta. That's propah orky way!"

[Intelligence test: Snazzkrump failed and burned 1 wrath and 1 glory but still failed. 1 Wrath remaining though. Grotskorcha succeeded without having to spend anything]

[Decision: Take the crawl space (no test needed at this time) OR start digging. (Strength test DN 3). First player to roll can take a bonus die for getting assistance from the other yoof. Any attempts to intimidate grots will automatically succeed].

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/16 08:58:17

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha pulls his foot out of the hole he just stepped into and inspects it with a doubtfull look under his heavy brow "Datt looks crawly down dere..." He just looks up to take a measure of the grots and how well one might stuff them into the hole to see where it leads to as he becomes aware of the Glyph at the wall. "Uhh! Shiny!"" and stomps over to the wall. "Datt will look flashy on a chain!"" he exclaims enthusiastically, deciding to cut the Glyph out as a souvenir. As he hits the wall with the heavy cudgel, it gives an unexpected hollow sound. "Oi! Lads! Deres a room behind dis! Get ova here and smash it! Smash it good!"

Grotskorcha himself is immediatly fully invested in his goal, going to town on the wall with two handed swings and the occasional kick with his heavy iron-capped boots, shouting happily as he turns the cave wall into debris.
4/4/5/1, 3 successes, so that should work

As he finishes he looks to the ground, shuffling the rocks from side to side to see if at least a part of the shiny glyph is still intact and handy enough to carry it with him until he finds something even more flashy. Then he reminds himself why he wanted to smash that wall in the first place. "Oi, look at dat!" he exclaims, pointing into the newformed entrance...

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/16 13:00:38

Post by: Dekskull

The grots cheer at the sight of the big ork breaking apart the wall even as they scamper away from debris flying away.

When the ork is done smashing the rock apart, the grots remove some of the debris, clearing a path to the entrance. As you look out, you see a long narrow tunnel, similar to the one you just came from. But amazingly...you also see what looks like a light in the distance. A blinking artificial light.

Snotload stares in amazement. "Blinky lights...dat can only mean."

Shinna finishes, "Da Scrap Cave...wez found it!"

[Will pick this up on Saturday! Feel free to post some dialogue in the meantime]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/16 19:27:43

Post by: theCrowe

Ya see. Wot did I tells ya? I knowd dis woz da way ta go.”

(Now to intimidate the living gak out of Snotload) Picking the gobby little coward up by the throat SnazzKrunk brings the grot up to eye level and speaks flat and calm into his twitching ear.

You listen to me good an’ propa ya grot git. You knowd dis Mutie tunnel was dis way an’ you tried to steer us off. An’ I don’t know why you wanted to go down in da gak-cave, just to stuff yer fat gob wif shrooms, I rekkon, but I’m tellin’ you now that ain’t yer job. An’ I swear ta Gork an’ Mork if I catch a sniff of one more bum steer offov you, one more schemin’ lie… I’ll bite off both yer legs and let you crawl outa here on tha bloody stumps. An’ you can die in dis hole cursing da name ov SnazzKrump til’ ya bleeds out for all I cares, coz Gork an’ Mork don’t hear da snivellin’s ov lying Grotz anyways.”

Then turning to Grotscorcha with a winning smile and a friendly tone. The conversation with the grot all but forgotten for the moment.

Nice work, Skorcha. Proper Orky dat woz. Shame about day shiny glyph. But I reckon we’ll find plenty more in dere.”

Making a show of limbering up for a fight, big shoulder roll and a knuckle popping stretch, SnazzKrunk picks up a hefty looking piece of loose rock and grins.

Lights out Shinna! Let’s go in real sneaky-like an’ scare da living gak out of ‘em.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/17 03:08:34

Post by: Dekskull

Snotload's eyes bulge and, true to his name, his nose begins to discharge quite a bit of snot out of it as he squirms. He tries to say something but only manages a feight nod and a "Yis boss." He gasps for air when he finally hits the ground again, thankful to be alive.

Shinna snickers at the sight of his rival being pummeled. "Serves yah right snotload," he mutters before he scurries up ahead, turning the light off when directed to.

Slowly but surely the motley group approaches the blinking light until eventually, you can peer in and verify that there are no muties, monsters or anything else for that matter.

Nothing but the tell tale signs of long buried civilization. Two sides of the room are solid rock, but the other two sides appear to be made out of some kind of rusting metal. The haphazard construction and ork glyths clearly show that at least this room came from a partially buried ork structure.

Snotload quickly examines the glyths. "Don't recognize any of this...must be old stuff."

Up ahead you see the half rock half rusted metal corridor branch off in two directions. There is no other lighting ahead and everything appears pitch black outside of this small room. Oddly enough though, the smell of squig wafts through one of the tunnels, making your tongue water with the thought of fresh meat to eat.

Shinna licks his lips. "I'm so hungry. That smells like squig. Boss shouldn't we go dat way?"

Snotload scampers behind one of the orks as he hisses back. "Right into a mutie trap I reckon. Dem gits is cunnin boss, dey love laying out traps for da boyz whenever we down ere. I say take da uver tunnel. Dey'll be plenty of food back at da fort once we find sum scrap!"

[Choice...squig meat smelling tunnel, or the other tunnel!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/23 07:58:30

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha rubs his belly a bit. That tunnel smelling like squig does feel pretty tasty. Then again, getting their hands on some nice scrap seems more important right now and the Squigs will taste even better if they are a victory dinner after a succesfull scrap hunt! To highlight the point he slaps Shinna over the back of his head "Shut ya trap, stupid Grot. We iz here to take sum scrap, dats why we iz here, undastand? Now get ya sorry arses down dat tunnel!" to get the Grot going he kicks him - not to hefty - in his behinds and slowly starts down the not-smelling tunnel, letting his gaze circle around the floor, walls and ceiling to not miss any interesting pieces of loot. After not being able to pick up that nice shining glyph, Grotskorcha is currently more focussed on finding a nice trinket and less attentive regarding possible attacks, even though he wouldn't mind a bit of a fight right now.

With a sidelong glance he looks over to SnazzKrunk, if he already found something interesting.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/23 21:40:30

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk sniffed the air and frowned. Smelled like a trap, eh? He didn’t like the sound of that much. And maybe if the Muties were that way, and the scrap was this way… the choice seemed obvious. He looked around and noticed that the rest of them had already come to the same conclusion and quickly stepped on forward pressing his way to the front of the group.

I reckon we go dis way. Prob’ly loads o’ scrap and gubbinz dis way. I’m gonna carry it all out an’ make a load ov teef and get me a real flash wagon. You lot can be me road crew.”

He notices GrotSkorcha looking around the passageway.

Good finkin’ Skorch, you look out fer traps an’ I’ll keep an eye out for gits to krump.

He squints into the cave ahead, hefting his rock ready to lob it at whatever might appear.

Get dat light on Shinna! I can’t see gak down here!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/24 08:04:31

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Got it, Boss!" Grotskorcha replies with an orkish caricature of a salute and keeps inspecting the walls, floor and ceiling while going forward. Should he find anything suspicious, he will grab one of the Grots and push him into the possible trap to see what it does.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 0017/01/25 02:08:33

Post by: Dekskull

The dark tunnel descends even further, with the only light provided by Shinna's head lamp. The narrow cavern appears to have half orky rusted scrap metal walls, and half of the straight concrete walls that humies make.

Eventually, you reach a wider cavern that opens up a bit, and as you walk into the wider cavern, motion sensing lumens light up the room from above.

It is an odd open cavern, with the ceiling a good 20 feet high or so. You see stalagmites hanging down ominously and the sound of dripping water nearby.

Interestingly enough, you also find the rusted out remains of an ork buggy which juts out from the wall on the left side, almost like the vehicle crashed through the wall while engaged in some ancient battle long long ago. It looks much smaller than the Boom Dakka Snazzwagon you road to the fort on. Who knows, maybe Meks made things smaller in the distant past?

Snotload and Shinna immediately begin scouring the buggy for anything of value. They pull little tools from their puches and begin prying and loostening various parts under the hood. Most appear to be worthless rusted junk and are discarded, not even worth a grot's attention.

Eventually Shinna pulls out a fancy looking part from the mostly rusted engine and holds it up high. "Meks can make a new buggy go vroom with this fing. I seen it before. Worth a few teef I reckon."

But while this is going on, you see two shadows appear to move near a large rock about 18 meters away, your ears pick up feignt whisperings from a low gravelly voice.

"Only two of the big ones."

"Will be a fitting sacrifice for our Dark Lord."

"Go get the others....go quick."


1. Pull out your shoota and open up at long range. As you can't really see them and they are in cover it will be DN 8 to hit. If you empty your clip on full auto you get +2 dice, and you'll have two clips left.

2. Charge toward the shadows and start shooting your slugga: DN 9 You can also empty a clip to go full auto and add one extra die.

3. Wait for these creatures to show themselves then either immediately charge in or give them some dakka as soon as they do.

4. Start heading back the way you came. It's not cowardly running away, it's being...strategic...like a Blood Axe!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/25 21:18:27

Post by: theCrowe

Snazza immediately runs forward toward the shadowy figures and when he reckons he’s close enough he lobbs the big rock at them as hard as he can before pulling out his choppa for a propa close up fight.

WAAAAGH! Eat rock Muties!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/26 03:40:40

Post by: Dekskull

[The throw rock test fails but you roll a wrath critical gaining 1 glory, you then use the Glory to Seize the initiative and get an extra turn, which you use to complete the 18 meter charge and get stuck in. Clearly the Ere we Go Strategem is in effect!]

The large rock lands with a crashing sound a few meters in front of the shadows, and explodes into a million pieces. But somehow Snazza is able to charge much farther and much faster than anyone anticipated, and soon he is face to face with two horribly mutated humanoid creatures.

Snazza plunges his choppa into the first mutant, nicking a good chunk of his hip. It was so dark on this side of the cave that it made it hard to hit the thing but at least it did some damage. [1 Wrath used to re-roll dice and score a success and shift for extra damage. Two wounds converted to two shock damage with GM spending 1 RUIN]

The surprised mutant recovers from the startling reality of an ork charging 18 meters in a matter of second and chopping his hip and tries to slam the ork with some kind of large metal club. However the creature appears to be blind (likely from living in a dark cave) and seems to wield his weapon clumsily. Snazz manages to easily dodge the clumsy counterstrike from the mutant.

[Next is Grotskorcha, then the second mutant fights, that ends the first round of combat. I'll automate subsequent combat rounds if it continues beyond that if you just give me an idea of the types of attacks your character would use. (Choppa right? )]

Keep in mind Grotskorcha won't be able to charge this round, the best he can do is to run and shoot, which might hit Snazz by accident if he rolls a Wrath Failure. Snazz getting to charge double distance was solely the result of GLORY and Seize the Initiative used in a propah orky way!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/26 08:06:24

Post by: theCrowe

SHINNA! Gerra bleedin’ light ova ‘ere ya grot git! Waaaagh!”

The sound of chopping and shouting continues from the shadows.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/28 00:42:57

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha also runs forward, but lags significantly behind SnazzKrunk. He considers pulling out his shoota for a moment, but as he feels more choppy right now, he draws his choppa instead hoping there is still some Mutant left to krump with it when he gets there "Hey Snazz! Leave some for me!" he shouts enthusiastically.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/28 13:08:43

Post by: Dekskull

[I just rolled for a quick combat resolution and the dice have given us this result...]

Snotload and Shinna trail a few steps behind Grotskorcha's choppa, and thanks to Shinna's headlamp, he is able to shed some light in the direction of the fight.

The second mutant hear his comrad cry out for help and lunges toward Snazz with his own massive metal club. Despite the hunchbacked creature's own apparent blindness, the large metal bludgeon rams home, striking Snazz clean across his skull and tearing into his ear. Snazz goes down to the ground, severely injured but not incapacitated.

But that doesn't stop Snazz, while on the ground he kicks out viciously, and swings his choppa wildly at the mutant that bashed him in the head, cutting into the creature leg and nearly knocking it over. However in the process, he feels something inside his body give out and his chest starts to hurt badly.

The first mutant panics and starts sprinting away down a side cavern and well out of sight, into the depths of the cave below.

And then Grotskorcha charges in and delivers a series of crushing blows with his choppa into the sole remaining mutant in the combat. The pathetic already injured hunchbacked creature doesn't stand a chance against the full charge of the ork and soon the mutant is down on the ground and dying.

At that point, Snotload does what grots do best. He sneaks around Grotskorcha and puts his knife right through the mutant's eye (or the place where there should be an eye if it had one), killing it instantly.

Snotload immediately starts checking the mutie's corpse for anything of worth: "Oi, that was a good scrap, wonder if this mutie got any gud loot on em?"

Shinna soon follows suit, completely ignoring the sevrely injured Snazz.

Shinna, "We gotta hurry up and get back out. Mutie going ta git his friends, and now we only gots da one yoof."

Snotload glances at Snazz. "Eh not completely krumped but not gonna be much elp unless we git im to a painboy."

[Results: Thanks to a critical hit from the Mutir, Snazz is now "Dying" and has a traumatic injury. That means that he can only crawl right now, and if he fights he risks injuring himself more. He can be carried though by other characters. Traumatic injury: Chest injury, +1 DN to all future toughness tests. He also has the memorable injury torn ear, but that doesn't have an in game affect, just a cool,scar]

[Grotkorcha is unhurt other than the injury he first took when he fell at the beginning. He still has full two wrath and earned the party a glory by critical hitting that Mutie into dust!]

Fortunately, once the group gets back to the fort, Da Dok will fix Snazz up. Just got to get him back!]

[Loot: The mutie has the equivalent of ork primative armor and a choppa. Both can be salvaged as additional loot]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/28 14:17:21

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Dat mutie still counts as ma own krump!" Grotskorcha mutters somewhat grumpy. "Stoopid killstealin' grot!"

He looks down the tunnel the other mutant disappeared into and his brow wrinkles as he considers how to proceed. Looking down on Snazz for a long moment he decides to try his luck and see if Big Toof already brought a leader and would be willing to fix his friend up, before they venture deeper into the cave. At least they have the new tunnel to show for them.
"Common Snazz! Leds getcha outta here! Take Yang shoota and shoot any git dat follows us, will ya? "

With that he pulls the other Yoof up on his shoulders and trails back towards the entrance

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/29 03:19:17

Post by: theCrowe

hnnng… ah Zog almighty dat ‘urts. If I eva sees dat blind git again I iz gonna take his skull for a… hnnng, ah zog… Gork’s Gak! I reckon I needs takin’ to da docs surjury ladz… hnnng… tell ‘im to make a real snazz job of it.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/29 03:26:09

Post by: Dekskull

"I wasn't kill stealin. He wuz already ded, just doin my extra checkin," Whined snotload.

The two grots stripped down the mutant corpse, and took hold of its primitive armor, and industrial bludgeon weapon.

Noting the sickly pale green mottled skin on the mutant, Shinna couldn't help but remark. "Oi dese muties are green like us."

Snotload sneered. "Yah but not propah green. Deyz da sick green."

Slowly, the group trudges back up the dark and winding tunnels, back the way the came. Sometime into the trek back, you hear a loud thunderous monstrous roar from the direction you came. That causes you all to quicken your pace just a bit.

Snotload whimpered. "Dat sounded like somethin much worse den a mutie ta me."

Eventually, you reach the cave entrance and find a large mob of ten or so ork boyz and Nob Big Toof himself at the base of a ladder.

Big Toof manages a wide grin. "Oi, the Yoofs is back! Wot you ladz git lost? Me and the rest of da boyz just got back from the tunnel with the gak pond, chopped up a good 8 legged Octo-Squid fing. Real gud fight dat wuz. Not much loot though."

"So wot loot you lot find down dat uver tunnel?"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/29 08:10:40

Post by: theCrowe

We foun’ a new cave, but don’t worry, hnnng… we left you lot loads of loot and Muties to krump. Show ‘em wot we got Snot.

Da Grotz’ll show you da way, if ya don’t mind, Boss. I needs to see da Doc real quick. Den I’ll be right wif ya.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/01/29 08:14:04

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Ya, dats da wrong green. Mo' like slime dat is. Not proppa orky!" Grotskorche seconds Snotload as they make their way back to the entrance. The monstrous roaring fills him with a mix of the urgent feeling of getting some backup - and Snazz fixed up again - and the happy anticipation of some really proper fight against a big monster. If it is still around when they come back.

As they reach Nob Big Toof and the others, he returns the smile in a submissive way, impressed as he always is by an Ork bigger then himself. Servile he congratulates "Dat sounds like some real propa krunkin, Boss! Wish I coulda have seen it!"
Then he reports: "Snazzkrunk here led us down dere. Has good instincts, our Snazz here, Boss. Wez found a wall that was just for showing and bashed it in. Found a cobble of muties down dere. Me barely blinked befoor Snazz was already at them hackin' slashin' krumpin'! Was a sight to see. He chased da muties away, but one o' dem got him good. Me finished it of and den we went back to get Snazz patched up. Heard some big old rooarin beast back dere. Should be fun to krump it to pieces! But me think, wez Yoofs need some bigger sticks for dat. And Snazz, 'cause he knows whatta do!"

[Grotskorcha honestly thinks Snazz is the brain and boss between the two of them, so he will report in a way to shed some real positive light on him. Of course Big Toof can just krump the monster himself, he is a Nob and can do what he wants. But it is obvious that Grotskorcha would love to be present when they start down that tunnel, but not without hie new friend Snazz]

As he waits for Big Toofs answer, he longingly inspects the big Skorcha of one of the boys "Now dat's a propa flamy Shoota! One day Iz gonna get me one of dose!"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/01 03:39:05

Post by: Dekskull

Before the Burna Boy can answer, Big Toof approaches the two yoofs with a big smirk on his face. A strange slime like substance drips from the big choppas that he brandishes.

"Now wot do we got ere boyz? Two Yoofs and one of em finks his name is Snazz Krump?"

He looks down at the wounded ork and snorts. "Well he don't look snazzy ta me. And as far as I can tell he ain't krumped nuffin yet. But at least he got stuck in right quick. So from now on we're gonna call this one Stuckin!"

At this the orks all start laughing loudly, even the grots manage a quiet snicker from the shadows.

Big Toof then points to Grotskorcha. "You fink dats funny yoof. At least he's got a name. Until you do sumfin, I just call yah dumb yoof, got it?"

The orks chuckle a little more, somewhat amused at the boss making fun of the new yoofs.

Big Toof then points to Snotload and Shina. "Eh runts, show us this new tunnel then. Sounds like youz foung a Spawn. Dat'll be a good fight, eh boyz?"

The orks let out a loud raucous: "Yeah WAAAGH!" and start to move toward the new cave.

Almost as an afterthought, Big Toof turns his head to look back at you.


And with that the mob disappears back into the tunnels yelling and whooping with delight.

Back at the fort:

Grotskorcha and Snazzkrump (Or Stuckin as the Nob called him) make it back to the fort without incident. Once there, Snazzkrump gets unloaded at a tent with the ork glypth for medical care above it while Grotskorcha throws the acquired mutie club and armor into a massive pile of loot. Afterwards, he helps himself to a squig sausage dinner prepared by a conniving grot cook and a cup of warm fungus brew.

Meanwhile Snazzkrump is seen to by a grot named Nibchop that claims to be an orderly. "No pain boy ere, but I seen enuf. Leg fiz is easy." The grot takes a little hammer and hits both of Snazzkrump's knees. It hurts a little but soon he can walk again.

As the hours of the night go by. Snazzkrump starts to feel better again, though the pain in his chest continues to nag him. He wonders if he'll need to see a real pain boy in ork town...if he wants to risk it.

Eventually, they drift off to sleep exhausted, dreaming of even greater adventures to come...

[Chapter 1 completed! 10 XP awarded. Wrath reset to two each, glory back down to 0. Great job! All wounds healed except Snazzkrump will keep his chest wound unless he sees a doc. (will be an opportunity in chapter 2)]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/01 12:17:03

Post by: theCrowe

Wot in da name of Gork do you fink you’re at? Gimme dat hamma you grot git! Me legs is fine! It’s me head wot got bashed and it don’t need Fixin’ see. Gonna scar up good’n proppa… Hnnngh… me chest don’t need no grot orderly muckin’ about in it neither.”

Stuckin rolls off the operating table and grabs his gear. Checking that no pilfering grot git has been pinching his dakka on the sly.

He staggers out and stuffs his gob full of sausages before clambering up onto Bigtoof’s loot pile with his shoota in hand intending to guard the boss’s loot as ordered, and that’s where he sleeps like a dragon upon the hoarded treasure.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/03 14:50:08

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Dumb Yoof!" Uhhh that stung! Grotskorcha is visibly downthrotten as they get back to the base and guard the scrappile.

At least SnazzKrunk - and Grotskorcha will keep calling him that way - made a name for himself. Well, Gork and Mork be damned, he will do better next time!

"Hey Snazz, feelin' bedda yet? Readdy to krump some bigger Muuti down dat hole? Ya think Big Toof will leave sum for us? "

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/04 04:10:37

Post by: Dekskull

Sometime in the next morning, Nob Big Toof and his mob of boyz return from the caves.

You notice that there aren't that many boyz left in the mob. Whereas before there were about nine other boyz with Big Toof, only about two other boyz had returned.

Notably, the Burna Boy that you had seen earlier is gone. Does that mean he got krumped and left his burna in the cave?

In any case, Big Toof seems rather pleased with himself and proclaims loudly to everyone in the camp as he swaggers in.

"Alright you lazy lot of grots, Da Boss is back! An dis time, I krumped me biggest fing yit, da big bad spawn of...badness. I reckon those scrap caves are right for the taking now."

At this point he looks around the camp and then starts counting on his fingers, but then loses count. He frowns.

He points to a grot and yells. "How many orks in this camp runt?"

The grot quickly does some quick counting on his own. "Two yoofs, two boyz, and you boss."

Big Toof frowns. "Iz dat lotz?"

The grot figits nervously and looks down, not daring to meet the eyes of his master.

"I fink dats close ta lotz, but might be a bit short."

Big Toof shrugs and starts mumbling to himself. "Need lotz of orks ta go back and win fights in those caves. So that'll mean a trip ta ork town to git more. Might as well sell us some scrap while wez at it. But some un dats not a grot gots ta guard da fort."

Decision Time!

1. Tell the boss you want to go into town. From what you remember, it seems like you could see a Doc, buy weapons and armor from a mek, and enjoy the sights and smells of propah orky civilization.

2. Tell the boss you're the best gits to guard the fort. This would be a golden oppoprtunity to head back into the caves and get stuck in with muties and other gits...plus there might be a burna lying around waiting to be nicked!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/05 07:45:00

Post by: Pyroalchi

Under Grotskorchas heavy brow, a plan starts to hatch, or rather crab its way out of his thick skull. Somewhere down there was a Burna - HIS Burna, waiting for him. And he won't keep it waiting more than necessary. He raises a volunteering "Weez can guard da fort, Boss! Weez good at dat!"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/05 10:56:30

Post by: theCrowe

Snazza raises a shoota from atop the pile of scrap and makes a big show of how he’s dead-good at guarding the loot.

Imaginary raiders are blasted from all angles including one that is dispelled by an actual errant bullet or two that he accidentally lets fly before another mini-heart attack shuts up his yooffull enthusiasm.

While passed out on the pile he has a dream where he’s battling through a cavernous flaming nightmare-scape, beset on all sides by hideous mutated creatures. It was a right propa scrap and when he awakens going back down into those caves is all SnazzKrunk can think about.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/07 11:42:30

Post by: Dekskull

Big Toof looks at the yoofs and nods.

"That's right. You yoofs can guard the fort and mind the runts while I'm in town."

He gestures to his two remaining boyz.

"Come on ladz, git the Boom dakka snazzwagon loaded up with scrap and we'll be off."

The two ork boyz then proceeded to yell at the grots in the camp and make them pick up all the scrap from the pile and load it onto the snazzwagon .

"Moving fings is grot work anyway. Us boyz can't be bothered with dat." One of them mutters. The two boyz climb aboard and wagon and immediately take hold of a Mek Special (gatling gun) and a big shoota respectively. Big Toof himself climbs into the driver's seat.

As he starts to peel out he notices the lack of scrap in the fort and immediately stops the vehicle. He points a big meaty hand at you.

"Oi, with the wagon loaded up, youz don't av any scrap left to guard! So make yourselves useful when I'm gone. Find some more scrap in dem caves an bring it back. Dat way when I get back, they'll be anuver pile of scrap here, instead of a ....pile of nuthin."

And with that the boomdakka snazzwagon accelerates out of the fort, nearly knocking the fort's gate off its hinges on the way out.

You look around, it's just you two and a few grots which all seem to be ideling about camp. You recognize two of them...Snotload and Shinna. Of course they had survived somehow. The worst grots always did. However unlike the other grots in camp, Snotoad and Shinna were not doing a good job of hiding right now, which meant they could be "recruited" to come with you into the caves again...if called upon.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/07 14:14:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha gives Big Toof an enthusiastic salut. "Got it, Boss! Ya can count on us!

Excellent,that was what Grotskorcha had hoped for. Another chance at getting their hands on some scrap. He had half hoped that there would be something left from the old pile they could use and looks around carefully after Big Toof left of there really isn't something - a better choppy bit of maybe a knife to fix to his shoota as a bajonett lying around somewhere.

"Oi! Snotload! Shina! Get ya arses down here. Wez going into da scrapcaves again!" and with that he would grap Snazzkrunk and imidiatly go back to where they last finished to see what the dead boyz legt around.

Overall he is filled by a warm and fuzzy feeling. He had a boss now, boyz above him, a buddy beside him and Grots unser him. He was part of a bigger group of Orks and that just... felt right. Thats how it had to be!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/08 00:31:59

Post by: theCrowe

Snazza watches the boss tear off into the dusty horizon then turns to consider his next move.

GrotSkorcha was looking well-happy with himself and busily bossing the grots about preparing for another journey into the dark. The thought of it made his chest twitch, but SnazzKrunk knows now what he is up against. He is already wracking his yoofful brain for the snazziest-possible way of getting some revenge.

It’s true, he might not be the choppiest most krump-worthy ork ever to venture into a mutie cave but he’d be good-Gork-damned if he’d let some jumped-up, mutant, freak of a not-ork get the krump on him and run away unpunished.

He wants it dead, horribly dead, like mutie-head-on-a-spike-for-a-boss-pole dead. The trouble was he’d have to krump a lot of Muties to be sure he’d krumped the right one.

His fists are tight green balls of cold fury.

What they need is more fire power, more… fire.

He spots one of the grots carrying an empty fuel can back from fueling up the Snazzwagon. He thought the little guy looked familiar.

Oi, wot’syourname!

Shinna? the grot replied with a degree of uncertainty.

Nah, he’s da fella wif da shiny hat! Nevermind, give us dat! SnazzKrump snatches the empty fuel can off the grot. He pops the stopper and sniffs in the can. SnazzKrunk smiles darkly.

Where can I fill dis up? You got any more of dese? C’mon grot, chopity chop chop, busta!

The grot leads him to a pumping hut beside a great big fuel tank and offers to refill his can.
It might be the fumes but SnazzKrunk is already growing dizzy with more than a little pyromania. Visions flit before his mind’s-eye of mutie cave-drawings come alive, all dancing in the flickering light of a burning underground settlement while he draws menacing orkish figures in dark green blood among the feeble scrawls.

. Bwahahaha! Muahahahaaaa! he guffaws as the grot continues filling a second can.

Teeheeheeheeee. the grot tittered along with him.

oi, wotchyou lartfng at?

The grot shruggs hopelessly, eying the ork’s recent head injury with suspicion.

You got any x’splosives?

Not ‘ere! R’you mad?!

Maybe I is an’ maybe I ain’t. But is it worth gettin’ krumped to find out?

The grot shrugs, Da Boss keeps da stikkbombz on de ovver side of da camp. Ask Snotload, he makes ‘em. But you betta wotchit. Wagon fuel an’ stikkbombz don’t mix.

SnazzKrump’s maniacal grin widens, all his pearly white underdeveloped Yoof teef glint like pocket change in the gutter. Dats just wot I’m countin’ on.

Shinna has been counting too. At least Yoof teef are easy to pull, he thinks.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/08 03:09:48

Post by: Dekskull

Snazzkrump doesn't quite have the know wots to rig up any kind of sophisticated improvised explosive. But he is able to procure a fair number of fuel containers and a single stikkbomb from the camp and he does instinctively know that the fuel containers might very well cause the stikk bomb to "boom bigger."

Meanwhile Shinna and Snotload pretend not to hear Grotskorcha...but eventually fall in line after the next threat or kick delivers some much needed enthusiasm for their new assignment. They gather up a long wooden ramp and put it into a wheeled cart, along with a couple of small pick axes and Snazzkrump's extra filled fuel containers. They start pushing the cart...grudgingly in the direction of the cave.

"Da ramp let's us get down the pit. Better than the ladder cause it lets us use da cart," Snotload squeaks between wipes of his nose.

"An da cart let's us put a bunch of scrap init," Shinna finishes.

"Wez goin somewhere safe dis time right?" Snotload asks.

Meanwhile Grotskotcha looks around the camp and finds a discarded lumen, which he is able to tie onto his shoota with a piece of rope to use as a makeshift flashlight.
Now he has his own light...much better than having to rely on a grot's head lamp...or a fiery torch that could light your only means of escape on fire.


Down Down Down into the depths of the scrap caves.
The way to the missing Burna seems obvious as the smell of charred flesh and burning promethium wafts through the tunnels, it's scent nearly overpowering at times.

Not surprisingly, the path takes you down the same way that you came before, through the "secret" tunnel, and into the half metal, half rock filled corridors that you came through before.

Eventually you find yourselves right back in the same large cavern where you had fought the mutants.

Here the smell of promethium is overpowering. Charred ash and blood stained walls line the floor of the room though oddly enough no bodies of fallen monsters or dead orks are seen.

It is here that Grotskorcha finds exactly what he was looking for....the Burna, lying in a pool of ashen material.

It also seems to be exactly the right place for the grots as well. Shinna and Snotload take the cart and their pick axes, and lazily amble toward the wrecked ork buggiue that they had picked through before.

"Oi there's probably more scrap behind this buggy once we clear out the debris." Snotload says.

"Yah...us grunts can mine a whole bunch of scrap out of ere. Lot safer den going looking around anywhere else!" Shinna adds.

But then something else catches your attention. A coughing noise. Cough...cough...cough. It's not coming from the cavern though but down a small narrow tunnel which branches off from the cavern.


Stay where you are?


Go investigate the noise!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/08 07:59:10

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Yeees, come to papa, yuz pretty tingy!" Grotskorcha exclaims rapturously and picks up the Burna. Carrasing the weapon he mutters "now dats sum proppa dakka!

Huh? Snazz, did yuz hear dat? Dere's somtink alive down dat hole ova dere!
he points down the corridor and goes over with his new toy to investigate. Maybe one of Big Toofs Boys survived, pr maybe there is some mutie to krump

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/08 09:18:32

Post by: theCrowe


Snazza drops to his knees accidentally grabbing a grot by the shoulder for support. An embarrassed look flashes across both of their faces before he can collect himself.

Go check dat nu burna, grot! Fill it up! An’ grab us a spare can an’ a stikkbomb too while you’s at it. We’z going to explore.

He shakes himself and checks his gear, preparing to go check out the cave. The Fuel can goes in his pack, the stikkbomb in his belt. Choppa in hand, slugga holstered at the ready. He leaves his shoota with the grots and goes to see how GrotSkorcha is getting on with his new toy.

You rekkon dat fing’ll work right? You ready to get stuck in?

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/08 14:05:52

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha grins from cheek to cheek oh yeah! Dat tingy will burn ya mutie nice an crispy! Waddabout you? Ya feelin good enuf? Ready to krump? his tone implies that this is a retoric question. Snazz is an Ork, so he is always in the mood for krumpin'

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 0009/02/24 14:15:34

Post by: theCrowe

Give us your light, Skrocha. I’ll go in dead sneaky-like and low, and when I switch da light on, If it’s someone in dere dat ain’t proppa Orky, you be ready to skorch it.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/09 14:27:57

Post by: Pyroalchi

"That'll do, Snazz! That'll do! Grotskorcha nods and waits for his friend to sneak around and find out what's going on.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/10 11:46:45

Post by: Dekskull

Shinna and Snotload graciously accept the shoota and then proceed to hide in the scrap cart. "If we both hold onto it...might be able ta make it work." They both chatter.

You move through the winding narrow corridor as "stealthily" as two ork boyz can be, which isn't very stealthy at all, nothing like an ork kommando, but at least you made the effort.

Eventually the corridor straightens out and widens out into a small room, about the size of an ork hut. You also quickly find the source of the coughing, another ork!

The ork appears injured and is sitting down on the ground, back propped up against one of the cave walls.

"Oi, that's my burna!" He calls out angrily when he sees the burna light. "Why I oughtta..." But then he errupts into a fit of coughing again.

As you approach, you see a fair amount of dried blood covering the ork, and infectious pus covering the scabs. He doesn't look good at all.

"Oh zog, it's no use. I'm too banged up." He mutters to himself before he looks up to you. "Your dem yoofs right?" "My names Brila. I was with Big Toof when we fought da spawn. I'm pretty sure we scragged dat fing, but den I black out, an woke up ere."

"But listen. I know where da muties are hiding. I sawz em...well not saw, but heard em. But...I know which way de went. Or I fink."

"Yah got ta git me to da dok first though. I ain't gonna be krumpin nothing like I am."


"Why'd dat weird word comin out me mouth when I cough?" He mutters.

[Toughness test DN 3 to resist infection. But DN 5 for Snazzkrump because of his chest injury] [You just roll your toughness attribute and nothing else]

[Rolling for Snazzkrump. Fail + Wrath Complication. Snazz is now poisoned, meaning +2 difficulty for all actions. It will take a full un-interrupted 6 hour rest to heal up from the infection...key word uninterrupted, which might be hard to pull off in the cave. You or Grotskorcha could also try doing a Medicae + Intelligence test of DN 5 during a 1 hour rest, but that's a high difficulty considering your dice pools!]

Snazz feels a tightening in his throat and the pain in his chest really starts to flare up. He is functional...but it sure is irritating and distracting. Something was not right about this ork...ork's are not supposed to get this sick.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/10 15:27:54

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha failed top, 1,2,6,3, the 3 was the wrath dice. Tried to burn a wrath point, but the reroll was still a 2

The symphony of puzz and ooze in front of them is quite literaly sickening and Gtotskorcha too gags heavily, as they get near the injured Boy.

As the invalid claims his Burna, Grotskorcha replies "Yuz too weak to fight me for it right naw, so dats my Burna until ya can!" That's not even meant as an insult, it just shows an excellent grasp of orkish possession law and economics.

Looking at all of them bring rather heavily influenced by the sickness, Skorcha scratches his head and gets an idea "Me iz no Doc, but I saw dem Doc in da Orctown make da bad wounds go good with some booze. And our gas is kind of like booze amiright? So I iz saying we pour it on our wounds and drink sum and see if it gets bedda! And on the wounds we can set it on fire if dat don't work. I haz seen dat at the Docs too! "

In another example of orkish behaviour, Grotskorcha volunteers Brila to try his treatment first and carefully pours some of the flamemable liquid on his infected skin and forces some more down his throat.

Oi? Feelin bedda yet?

Skorcha really believes in his treatment,so I would like to burn a glory point if we still have it to make that work

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/11 01:01:51

Post by: theCrowe

kaff, kaff, hnnng….
I’z not feelin’ too snazzy, doc.
Mork Almighty, is dis cave spinnin?

Snazza doesn’t much feel like trusting his health to the tender mercies of his pyromaniac buddy. He’s backing away and putting as much distance between himself and the soon to be on fire docs surgery, as he can. Considering how much ‘medicine’ he’s carrying, he doesn’t think the cure sounds particularly healthy.

I’ll jus’ see if da grots got any proppa grog on ‘em.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/11 03:29:37

Post by: Dekskull

[Ouch so you both are poisoned now. Remember though if you spenjd a wrath you get to re-roll all the fails except the wrath die. Not sure if that would change the result] In any case, since it wasn't a wrath die complication we'll say Grotskorcha is poisoned until he gets 1 hour uninterrupted rest. Unfortunately no Glory either since glory and wrath reset each chapter. Oh well, Grotskorcha still has 1 wrath and Snazz still has 2 wrath]

Grotskorcha also feels his throat tighten up as his body starts going into overdrive to keep the infection at bay.

Brilla's eyes start growing very wide and he grabs Grotskorcha suddenly after he spits out the oil.

"Eh, listen up. Gork be comin to take me. I can feel it. Not much time left. Youz da new burna boy now. An yah better do gud by Nob Big Toof an burn a whole lotta shat!"

"Cough...Cough...Cough...Gork!" He forces himself to say the name of Gork instead of Nurgle.

He gestures wildly in one direction.

"I seez it now. A vision straight from Mork imself." He points off in the distance. "Down there is a big flight of stairs. I finks dats where da Muties all live! A big big cave at the bottom. Yah go down der and finish em off! WAAAAAGH!"

With one last defiant WAAAGH, Brilla expires in ragged exhalation and he lifeless body slumps to the ground. Silence returns to the caves.

You look in the direction Brilla pointed and clearly see a long steep flight of rock hewn stairs. The stairs decend as far as you can see.

Meanwhile Snazzkrump makes his way back to where the grots are. Unsurprisingly, the grots have been hiding in their cart, pointing the ork shoota and looking about.

"Hey who's there!" Calls out Snotload.

"It's Snazz Ork" cries out Shinna.

"You ok boss?" The grots say in unison, looking bewildered.


-Rest and regroup with the grots and hope no one attacks you.
-Rally the group and head down the stairs. Sickness or not, there's muties to krump!
-Head back to the surface. Remember, not runnin away, just bein all "strategic" kunnin like dem blood axe boyz.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/13 23:51:18

Post by: theCrowe

Alright you grots… kaf kaf. Bring dat uvver fuel kan and follow me. Hnnnng…. Inna minute…. In fact, follow Skorcha, I’m comin’ too, kaf kaf. Jus’ gotta pull meself togevver.

Snazza levels his slugga at the grots to get them moving but tries to keep his distance. There’s no point in them getting infected too.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/11 13:50:35

Post by: Pyroalchi

Yuck... that was no way for an Ork to die... Grotskorcha feels weird and he doesn't like it. He snorts and grunts heavily as he pulls up the bile in his throat and spits out a big ball of phlegm. "Buarks! ... now dat shoulda do it... Snazz? Buddy? Ya lookin' a little green around da gills. Hang in dere!

I say weez go in dere, throw da gas canistas between dem muties, set dem on fire and frak of while dem get crispy. Weez wait if any of dem runz and gun em down. Dat will show dem!

As Snazz proposed, Skorcha takes the lead

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/12 03:18:34

Post by: Dekskull

The grots are reluctantly cajoled out in front of the orks and down the stairwell.

"Oh right, this is the part where yah use as a meat shield. That's a good idea boss!" Snotload says sarcastically as he struggles with his half of the shoota.

The stairs are dark and corridor is very narrow. The ceiling is also very low. Even with some lighting it is hard to see far in front of you at all.

But eventually you hear the sound of footsteps, and they are definitely not your footsteps. And there are a lot of footsteps. That sound is followed by the growling feral noises that come along with it.

A few second after that the light from the grot shoota illuminates a corridor full of vicious looking slimy, ragged hunchbacked, pale green skinned mutants wielding large blunt objects. They are packed into the corridor, only two across, but rank upon rank of them following behind.

In these narrow conditions, only two mutants can attack you at once. But you are outnumbered. You figure the first of the tightly packed mutants is about 8 meters away from you.

[Combat! You are facing 10 mutants. But fortunately only two can attack you at once.

Combat turn order is

1. Snazz or Grotskorcha
2. One of the mutants
3. Snazz or Grotskorcha (whichever one of you didn't go first)
4. The grots.
5. The rest of the mutants.

Some things to think about. The mutants are packed in together so tightly that the burna should hit about five of them in one attack. A well placed stikkbomb on the other hand could hit all of them at once. Be warned though, a stikk bomb in such a confined area could lead to a cave in or a section of the stairs collapsing. Also...you are so close that you could potentially get caught in the blast range as well.

Your first move will be critical because after that the muties will start charging in and then once it becomes a melee, you'll be more at the mercy at the dice. Good luck!]

BTW: Grotskorcha, will be DN 5 to hit with the skorcha because of the vision penalty (very little light) but you can burn through your ammo (salvo option to exhaust 1/3 of your ammo) to give yourself one extra die for the roll.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/12 09:47:41

Post by: Pyroalchi

So, lets see if I get this right: I have Agility 3 and BS 3 +1 for burning through 1/3 of my ammo +1 for aiming (I assume I can aim? On page 221 of the rule book I have that gives +1 dice)
=> that should be 8 dice for attack. The first one is my wrath dice:
2/5/2/1/4/4/2/5... 4 icons, so almost there... I use my second and last Wrath point to reroll the failures. Final result:
5/5/2/2/4/4/4/5, better, but unfortunatly no 6es. 6 icons, so I hit.
Damage for Mutant 1 to 5: 13/14/12/11/14

Lots of Gits to krump? check
A narrow tunnel with nowhere to hide? check
A fully loaded burna in his hands? check
Things about to get rokkin'? Hell Yeah!

Calculating that they would need their stickbomb for the main lair of the nasty muties - and first and foremost driven by the irresistebile urge to try out his new toy - Grotskorcha steadies himself, aims the nozzle of his flamer towards the foremost bunch of mutants and pulls the trigger as much as he can. As the flaming cloud bursts forward and engulfs the abominations in a blaze of pain and death, Grotskorcha laughs manically over the "WHOOOSH" of promethium and the deathscreams of his enemies. "COME AND GET SOME YA NASTY UGLIES!" he shouts, hoping that the flames will discourage them from rushing forward all at once, so that Snazz and himself might get a shot at bringing them down.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/12 10:42:47

Post by: theCrowe

Snazza’s not feeling too snazzy right now. there’s a time for being a flash git and a time for just getting stuck in so he’s going choppy choppy on the biggest enemy he can reach right now. Best stick to what he’s good at.

WAAAGH! Kaf kaf!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/13 02:15:03

Post by: Dekskull

[Oh man I'm going to enjoy writing this reply. In regards to the flamer. Rules say: "If you hit a target with a Flamer, blazing liquid fills the
space between you and your target in a straight line. Anything in that line is also hit by the attack."
So I interpret that to mean he can aim for the last mutant in the formation and just push that flame out a good 12 yards, and hit half (about 5 mutants in the process). Definitely some Epic WAAAGH!]

[Will post up the in character results of the first round later!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/14 03:19:55

Post by: Dekskull

The gush of flames archs out into the mob of mutants and at once the shreaking howls and gnashing of teeth turn to pathetic cries of fear and pain as five of the mutants are enveloped in flame.

They immediately fall to the ground, crying and wailing, "Grandfather save us!" one of them cries out in anguish before the burns take his life. Others fall and tumble down the stairwell in a frantic effort to put out the flames...but to no avail.

The fires claim the lives of five of the mutants and for a moment it looks like the survivors are on the verge of fleeing. A few of them take a few steps back, trembling in fear. But one steps forward, a tall and musceley looking mutant with three arms and bulging fishlike eyes.

"FOR THE DARK LORD," IT screaches and throws itself into a charge.

But then it runs head long into Shinna and Snotload, who had been prod ever so slightly in front of the orks. So close that Grotskorcha's flamer singed a few hairs pff of Snotload's chin.

"Oi watch where yah pointing that thing!" Snotload shouts.

"That's why he's called Grotskorcha. I git it now!" Shinna shouts.

In that moment, the fish eyed mutant's bludgeon comes crashing down barely missing the grot's head by meer inches. "Yikes!" He shouts as he sidesteps the blow.

Then Snazz charges into the mutant champion and lays into with a brutal swipe of his choppa. The choppa blade catches the mutant in the chest and crunches through it's thick hide, drawing green oozing blood. The creature howls in pain but continues to fight on. [2 wounds inflicted, 3 remaining]

Meanwhile Snotload immediately flees between the orks aiming to as far from the attacking mutants as possible. "Hey dey tripped over us so we did our job in dis." He squeaks..."Now you orks do yours!"

Encouraged by the fish eyed brute, the remaining mutants quickly recover and charge in, but the cavern is only wide enough for a second mutant to attack.

This second mutant appears hideously deformed and hunch backed, like many of the rest, but also has animal like fur growing along it's face. It lashes out at Grotskorcha and the blow connects, crushing into his flesh and bone.

[Grotskorcha takes 5 wounds and 2 shock damage. Shock is spent so Grotskorcha is exhausted. Meaning he can only engage in basic attacks, and falling back]

Round 2: Auto resolve

In the darkness of the cave the orks fight on in close quarters. Grotskorcha tries to incinerate the fish eyed mutant foe but somehow the burna doesn't blast at the right angle and he misses. The mutant swings back at him, but the swing is clumsy and Grotskorcha easily dodges the blow this time.

Snazzkrump swings wildly and connects again with his choppa, this time taking the wounded fish eyed mutant down for good. Once again the grots slide in to slit the throat of the downed creature as yet another mutant steps into the fray to attack. [Snazz exhausts all of his wrath points.]

But then the furry faced mutant swings his bludgeon and this time Snazzkrump isn't able to get out of the way in time. [Snazzkrump takes 4 wounds and exhausts 3 out of 4 shock]

And then another mutant takes a swing at Grotskorcha but he is able to dodge. The creatures swing their weapons wildly through the air while shreaking and shouting all the while.

Round 3: Auto Resolve

Exhausted, Grotskorcha continues haphazardly attempting to incinerate his new opponent, a horned scaly looking mutant, with hir burna, but the creature is just too close in and slippery to hit. The mutant lashes out in response, but Grotskorcha blocks the blow and pushes his opponent back.

Snazzkrump fights off the infection in his body and rams his choppa home on the annoying fur faced creature, driving the choppa right into the things face, egregiously wounding the creature. The creature lashes back out with it's bludgeon but misses again. [4 wounds inflicted]

Round 4: Auto Resolve:

Grotskorcha just can't seem to get the slippery horned mutant to hold still long enough to burn his opponent up and the thing slips away again.

However the resolve of the mutants begins to wane..

First the injured fur face creature falls back, then the horned opponent of Grotskorcha withdraws. Before they know it and before they can act again, the surviving mutants have withdrawn further down the stairwell toward their presumed layer.

Snotload and Shinna cheer. "Wahoo we won. So we can go back now right?"

You get a sense that your evil enemies are regrouping further below ground and that far below lies something even more sinister than the mutants themselves.

What will you do now?

[Ok lot's of rolling, and lot's of vision penalties made for a lot of missing weapons. Amazingly I didn;t have to use any of my ruin, but your all wrath are spent, Grotskorcha is exhausted and Snazz is poisoned. No glory earned but the dice still let you edge out a win!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/14 08:00:08

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha had stopped laughing while he was quite in a pinch in melee, but as the muties break off, he sends them a gout of flame as farewell gift and starts to guffaw again. "Now dat waz a good scrap!" looking down at his burna he mutters to himself "But dat tingy needs to be much more stabby and pointy. Or maybe slashy and smashy..." Then he answers the grots "Yeah, wez gettin outta here for now. Deres more muties down here den me thought. Weez need more dakka! And more choppas! And more boyz while weez at it." also Snazz and himself were kind of battered and needed to sleep it of a bit, but Grotskorche be dammed if he'd said this in front of the two Grots. "Hack of dem ugly heads of da muties and get them on da cart. Weez shoulda show Big Toof dat we wazzent lazy grots! And look if dey have some scrap at them!" he himself does the same, searching for something worth showing their Nob.

Towards Snazz he asks "Whats ya mind, Goff? Back to camp fonow?"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/14 09:11:33

Post by: theCrowe

Snazz pokes one of the rapidly decaying corpses with an outstretched choppa and grimaces…

Dis gak is well sick… Kaf kaf! I don’t reckon we oughta take any of dem. Rememba Brila?… kaf… we bring back dis mutie filth an’ da whole of BigToof’s camp will be like Brila. You grots just gavver up da usual… hnnnnng…. Da weapons and wot not.

Snazza looks for a suitably choppy new choppa among the scorched and putrefying flesh. Something huge that he can wield two handed and really get stuck in with.

He opens up the fuel can he’s been carrying and offers GrotSkorcha a refill.

We betta jus’ scorch da rest. Dere’s plenty more scrap in da waggon to show da boss. kaf… kaf. An’ you his new burna boy now… hnnng… kaaaaf.

Snazza spits a disgusting gobbet of phlegm on the corpses and turns back up the steps without another word. He’s too exhausted for any more talk.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/14 09:34:29

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha scratches his Chin "yeah... ya probably right. Ok ladz, da heard da big dude. Get da scrap and get outta here!

Edit: as soon as everyone is out of the way and before they leave, Skorcha levels bis Burna a last time at the corpses, making sure they are burned for good. "Dat shoulda do it"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/15 03:53:30

Post by: Dekskull

The howling cries of the fleeing mutants echoes through the caverns again after Grotskorcha offers them a parting blast from his skorcha.

"Despair....Despair. All is ruin. Grandfather has abandoned us!" One of the mutants cries out in its sickening black tongued language before it tumbles down the stairs. You hear the sounds of it falling and thudding along the way.

Meanwhile the grots gather up 6 industrial bludgeons (i.e. massive steel clubs) from the dead mutants. Snazz reckons that a Mek could forge them into a nice big choppa for him, or at the very least it could be sold as crap metal.

The way back to the surface proceeds uneventfully. The group finds the scrap cart and the grots load it up, then the group slowly but surely trudges their way up the caverns.

When they reach the entrance to the caverns, something very weird happens. The air suddenly grows very cold, freezing cold even. And then you hear a loud booming voice coming out of the air. You instinctively recognize that the entity speaking is not physically there and that this is likely some "weird spikey boy stuff" going on.

[Why are you leaving so soon? You didn't want to fight me? That must mean you are cowards! MWHAHAHAHA. Don't worry. You haven't slowed down our plans in the slightest. Soon the Dark Lord will rise from his slumber and bring the death of all your kind to our world. Sleep well idiots!"

Then the temperature returns to normal and you feel the warming air and wind of the surface world.

Snotload was petrified the whole time, but once the evil entity is gone he can't help but hurl an insult back.

"Youz calling us cowards? Youz da coward for not showing up ta da fight stupid! Huh!"

Once outside the caverns your spirits start to feel uplifted by the warm air and the strange red light that spits out of the big star in the sky. Soon the fort comes into sight and you hear the sound of a recently returned Boom Dakka Snazzwagon.

Soon you are back in the safety of the fort and company of Big Toof and his new mob of orks that he brought back with him from ork town.

A warm fungus brew awaits you both.

Chapter 2 Complete 10 XP Awarded!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/15 09:34:55

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk reckons he should tell BigToof about the creepy voice and see what the plan is.

Hey Boss, looks like you got some nu boys. You gearing’ up to go back down da caves an’ find da, kaf… kaf… wierd Spikey-Boy? He talked to you too right?

See, da fing is, …kaf. I reckon I is gonna need a bigga Choppa for dat fight… hnnng… an’ I might need to see da doc too, if you knows a good’un. I been a scragged a couple o’ times down dere on account ov dis too-puny choppa.

You mind if me’n GrotSkorcha borrow a buggy and head to town tomorra? We got more scrap to bring back, anyhow.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/15 21:23:55

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Weez krumped some more of dem muties! Like... dat much... I tink Grotskorcha exclaims proudly and holds up 5 fingers and another two halfway to imply "5-7".
"And da two of us found Brilla. But he waz all gacky and coughy and slimy and stuff. All green and not da right green yuz know? Just so ya know Boss. He would word that as a warning, but he doesn't want to sound frigthened in front of the Nob, so he lets the big guy draw his own conlusions.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/16 23:23:53

Post by: Dekskull

Big Toof takes a moment to speak. He has a slightly puzzled look on his face. It's as if too much information is coming in at once.

Eventually he responds.

"So yeah. You krumped lotz of muties. Dat makes sense cuz before you looked like yoofs. Now yah look like propah boyz!"

"I ain't hear no voices lately, but sometimes you hear fings when yah go in da caves. Jus mutie tricks as all."

"An dat goes for da sick green shat. Jus anuver mutie trick ta slow us down. No propah ork could die from dat. So Brilla must av just been a weak ork, OR jus half krumped alreadyan da sick finish im off."

He pauses for even longer when Snazz asks about borrowing the snazz wagon.

"Yeah...you git rested up. An den tomorrow you two can take the Snazzwagon into town. Sell da scrap, buy whatever, and bring some more boyz back ere ifn yah can rustle em up. Den I can attack da cave with way more den lotz of boyz. We'll av LOADZ OF BOYZ."

Big Toof laughs heartily before he gets distracted with an annoying squig and crushes it with his big choppa.

"Grot cooks. Git cookin. Wez hungry. An wez need fresh fungus brew so...Go GIT IT!"

That evening you are treated to various squig meats and warm cups of fungus brew. You find that your wounds heal up quickly and after a few hours of rest, Snazzkrump doesn't feel sick anymore, though his chest pain continues on as before from his first serious wound.

As the camp fires light up, the boyz break into the ocassional discussion of things past and things yet to come.

One boy proclaims: "This world is called Red Sands and long long long ago a great WAAAAGH took it away from a bad sick green and made it propah green. But then Gork's Grin opened up and da sick green been tryin to take it back ever since. That's what the Runt Herders say. Dey say dat da muties is leftover from da last time da sick green came ta Red Sands. But da ardest git in da sick green is Da Dark Lord. He is some flash beakie git. Real ard. An da Runt Herders say no matter ow many times yah krump him, he always comes back!"

Another boy responds harshly: "That's all rubbish. Skepti-Mek says ders nuthin but the fings we can see with our own eyes. So all dis talk of beakies and flying around in space is just nonsense. Dat...an Skepti-Mek says da world is flat. Now dat makes sense ta me!"

Big Toof snorts: "Talk of fings dat appened an fings dat going to appen is all odd boy rubbish. Propah orks only care bout whats ere right now. An dats muties in da caves an da orks everywhere else. So shove it both of yah for I gits ta krumping yah both!"

Eventually the drunken reveley descends into propah brawling which livens things up....you pass out at some point and hours later, a new day begins.

[Ch. 3 Begins Next Friday! All wounds healed and conditions removed, except for Snazzkrump's traumatic chest injury which will take a Dok in town to heal]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/17 15:58:42

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorchas chest wells with pride as Big Toof calls him a real Boy. He puts on a heavy grin like a Squigg in a mudpen and nods enthusiastically to everything Lese his nob says. The cherry on top is that nobody seems to challenge him for the Burna right now, so that seems to be his now.

And it gets even better as they get to drive to Orktown tomorrow. As sonst as they are in private he turns to Snazzkrump "Listen here Snazz, me ol' chap. Youz helped me get ma Burna and I won't forget dat. So herez what me thinks: when weez get ta Orkytown, weez get ya to da Doc and fix ya up. If ya want to ya might even get sam snazzy implantaschions. And for the Scrap weez get ya da best and bigger and most orky choppa da red sands habe eva seen! Or at least da best wez can get right nao!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/18 00:44:19

Post by: theCrowe

Yeah, yeah, sounds good. But dere’s sumfink I wanna talk about. You heard it too, right? As we was leaving da caves. Dat weird voice? He talked about Da Dark Lord just like we heard dat ork boy talkin’ about. Da Dark Lord ov da Sick Green. I don’t wanna get sick green again like we did down dere, I don’t wanna die like Brila.
BigToof says it’s all oddboy talk; well if we can find one, a propa old an’ crusty Snakebite shaman. I wanna tell ‘em what we knows. I wanna know how we keep good-an’-Orky green and not get sick green…. Hnnnng….

An’ if it’s sumfink da Doc can stick in me when he fixes me up den all da betta.
Hnnng… Ah zog it, let’s get some rest and we’ll get da wagon loaded up first fing in da morning.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/18 13:42:22

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Dats why you iz callin' da shots, Goff. Ya just have more in ya noggin! All kunnin but brutal and stuff. Grotskorcha compliments his friend, agreeing to his course of action. Then he goes to sleep, dreaming of screaming, burning mutants... a wonderful dream

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/24 00:18:36

Post by: Dekskull

The next day you load the Boomdakka snazz wagon up with scrap and set out in the direction of ork town. Snazzkrump takes the wheel and drives while Grotskorcha mans the "Mek Speshul" gatling gun.

You don't have a map and the desert looks pretty much the same everywhere...

The giant red star looms high in the sky. It's not that hot, but the air is extremely dry.

Where is ork town again?

Snazzkrump rolls 1 success on intelligence +survival DN 3 (he only had 1 success, no complication at least).[You both suffer 1 shock damage from the exhaustion of driving for so long +SOOO MUCH BORING!]

They end up driving in circles for a really long time, probably half a day, but eventually Snazz gets the snazzwagon back on track.

You can see the smoke rising in the air beyond the horizon. That can only mean that ork town is close...at sort of close. It won't be long now.

And that's when you hear the sound of three Ork Warbikes roll down a large sand dune from behind you and start to close on you fast.

"SPEED FREAKS LET'S GO!" You hear a loud shout and the dakka guns start to rattle off rounds in your direction. None hit because they are out of range, but that won't be for much longer. The bikes are closing fast, and you quickly figure out that soon they will be close enough to open fire.

That's when Snazz notices the big red button on the wagon...

[Decision Time! Snazz can opt to drive at break neck speed, will increase chance of wrath complications for everything as 3 wrath dice are rolled while driving that fast, but it will doubel the speed of the Snazzwagon]

[Other option is to drive regular at regular speed. The bikes will be in range within 1 turn. Or just hit the brakes and stop. But why?]

[For Grotskorcha, you will be able to shoot at the bikes when they come into range this round. It will be DN 5 to shoot at 1 bike but if you go full auto you can take an extra 3 dice] [If you go break neck speed roll 3 wrath dice instead of 1] [Also, Mek Speshul has the WAAAGH ability +1 dice for that]

[Grotskorcha can also try for a multi attack. In that case, if you go full auto, no bonus dice but you can shoot at two targets at DN 4 or all 3 targets at DN 6] [One roll to hit two targets at once or all three at once]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/24 00:59:47

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk’s hand hovers over the button. Part of him just can’t resist the urge to hit the thing, the roar of the engine, the press of acceleration, the thrill of speed!

But then again. There was the other thing that SnazzKrunk really liked, maybe even more, a real good scrap.

Slapping the button now felt a little bit too much like running away.

No, he kept both hands on the wheel and steered a course for the town. He would try and hold it steady and give GrotSkorcha a solid chance to even up the odds with a good opening shot.

You ready Skorcha? Don’t let da dust make yer eyes twitch. You get a bead on da biggest git on da biggest bike an’ I’ll keep dis wagon rollin’ steady till you makes it go Boom! DakkaDakkaDakka!

Three wrecked bikes would make for some pretty good scrap too.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/24 17:54:34

Post by: Pyroalchi

OK, no risk no fun. Especially as I do have my two wrath points back, right? If so, I'll try hitting all three, if not I'll edit and go for the "main" bike.
OK, 8 dice, DN6: rolled 4,2,6,5,4,4,5,1. Those are indeed 5 icons and 1 exalted icon for 7 successes. Enough to hit all three! But the Wrath dice is a 1, so I get a complication... hmmm...

As they board the Boomdakka Snazzwagon, Grotskorchas smile seems to widen until the top of his hat is about to fall of. "Dats a Mekk Speshul, Dats what dis is! An' a darn good un'!" he exclaims with the tone of a true connaisseur of good dakka and caresses the heavy weapon tenderly. "Tanks for takin da weel Guv! Dat will be fun!".
While they drive to Orktown, Grotskorcha is completely absorbed in studying all details of the mighty weapon and aiming it at phantom enemies made up in his mind - while all his mental strength is invested in not just triggering it to enjoy the heavy booming. So he doesn't really realize Snazzes problems in finding the right way. Instead he prays to Mork and Gork to please, PLEASE send some target their way and not let him waste this opportunity.

And the Gods have mercy upon his soul. As the three Warbikes approach, Snazz decides to hold the buggy steady and tells him to go for the leader, he bellows back "DAMN SNAZZ! ME TOLD YA DATS A MEKK SPESHUL! WEZ DONT HAVE TO GO FOR ONE O'DEM!" And taking as carefull of an aim as he can with the heavy gatling gun, he aims for the most leftern bike, presses the trigger and holds it firmly while he sends the barrels spinning and drowns a straight line across all three bikes in a storm of bullets, slugs and bolts.
The roar of the gun is deafening, his ears ring before going deaf and the kickback almost breaks his wrists, but the young boy indeed manages to keep the fire on point until he reaches the bike to the right. Roaring in frantical delight and hysteria, he yanks happily at the guns handles... and something cracks below it. "OHHH... Mork... dats not guud..." Grotskorcha mutters with raising panick, as he struggles to handle the Mekk Speshul that he just by accident has broken of its bipod.

At least he doesn't drop it - yet - but if he wants to fire it at all it will be from the hip next time... "uhh... Big Toof won't like dat..."

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/24 21:05:49

Post by: theCrowe


‘Oly Zoggin’ Gork-on-a-stick Skorcha! You been wastin’ your time scorching grots, I reckon, if you can shoot like dat! Three bikes wif one Dakka! MorkAlmighty!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/25 03:27:50

Post by: Dekskull

As soon as the bikes enter long range Grotskorcha lets loose with an absolute hail of bullets, which rain down on all three bikes at once.

You see one bike starting to leak fuel profusely while another suffers a minor explosion. The orks snarl and shout in dismay but keep the petal to the metal and soon they've closed to within 25 meters. Despite the furious rate of fire the Mek Speshul only did minor damage to the bikes.

Then the bikes respond with a hail of their own dakka guns and soon Grotskorcha and Snazzkrump start hearing the loud pinging sounds of rounds ricocheting off the hull of the buggy. But for the moment, the buggy's armor is deflecting the hail of fire.

Up ahead Snazzkrump can see nothing but sand and open desert with the ork town looming on the horizon. Perfect conditions to crank the speed all the way up to the max.

[Bike 1: 8 out of 10 Wounds left, fuel leak, will run out of fuel in 1 hour] [Bike 2: 7 out of 10 Wounds left, Bike 3, 8 out of 10 wounds left] [No damage to your Boomdakka Snazzwagon!]

Round 2:

[Bikes are 25 meters behind you. By the end of next turn they will close the gap to 10 meters assuming all vehicles continue at max speed. If you don't go break neck speed and the bikes do than the bikers will probably be trying to cut you both up with choppas at close range, or maybe even crazier stuff like rams or trying to jump on board the snazzwagon]

[Turn order will be either Snazz or Grotskorcha, then Biker 1, then Snazz or Grotskorcha (whichever one of you didn't go first) then the other two bikes]

[Shooting Options: Snazzkrump can hop onto the mounted Big Shoota which is also attached to the Boomdakka Snazzwagon. This is probably easier than trying to fix and reload the Mek Speshul]

[Options for the Big Shoota: Multi-attack with full auto=DN 4 to hit all three targets or DN 3 to hit two targets. [Only bonus+1 die for WAAAGH] [You can also go for a called shot against one of the ork driver's. DN 5, with only 1 bonus die for WAAAGh, but if you hit, it actually hits the driver and not the bike itself, which would stand a good chance of just killing the ork outright]

[Driving options: Keep the vehicle goin at maximum normal speed, hit the brakes to stop, or hit the big red button to travel at breakneck speed. Will cause Grotskorcha to use 3 wrath dice instead of 1 if he shoots after you move. But the bikes will have to start using 3 wrath dice if they want to keep pace with you]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/25 12:50:32

Post by: theCrowe

Nice shootin Skorch! Give em’ anuvver taste of dakka an’ see if you can put one of those gitz down for good! Den hold onta your gak cause I’m gonna hit da boosta!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/25 21:36:27

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha lets the torn of Mekk Speshul slide down into the Dragsta, hoping it will not get lost and that he might find someone to fix it back in place before Big Toof tears him a new one. But now was not the time to ponder on that "Got it, Guv!" he shouts back and graps the big shoota to aim for what he assumes to be the leader of the trio of attackers. Lets see if the ork driver is a more thankful target then the bikes themself...

soo... 3+4 Dice + 1 for aiming + 1 for Whaag, right? Damn.... 5,5,4,4,1,6,6,3,4... thats 5 icons and two exalted icons. Wrath dice is the last one, so a four.
So if I get this right, Grotskorcha uses the 5 icons to hit the driver and shifts the two exalted icons for extra damage.

Gork and Mork (or maybe Mork and Gork?) are with him and once again Grotskorcha proofs to be pretty proficient when it comes to Dakka... He aims for the heavy brow of the Greenskin and lets loose with a short, aimed burst that slamms into the thick skull hopefully doing enough damage to at least get one of the bikes of their arses.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/26 03:16:14

Post by: Dekskull

The large ork biker takes several direct hits from the big shoota, causing him to lose consciousness. Less than a second later, he falls right off his bike and the bike falls flat onto the sand.

"SPEED FREAKS WAAAGH!" The second biker hits the thrusters and rolls right up alongside the Snazz Wagon. He lashes out at Grotskorcha with his choppa, aiming to cut his leg off at the knee, but misses entirely. Then, the leaking fuel ignites and the bike becomes enveloped in flames.

In a panic, the biker slams on the brakes, loses his grip on the handlebars and goes flying.

Then Snazzkrump hits the big red button and the Snazzwagon starts going super fast.

Soon, the last remaining bike is far behind in the distance and you lose sight of him. It looks like that biker gave up the chase to help his fallen comrads regroup.

Just as the Snazzwagon's thrusters begin to wear out, you notice that you have reached ork town.

There is no gate, or roads, it's just one minute you are driving through sand and the next minute you are surrounded by mud grot hovels and bulky concrete shanties and ramshackle workshops.

Various ork vehicles and orks of all different clans press in next to each other, heading to a large open air market, the job pole or to one of the slop shops, or brewhouses.


As if to impress that point, you observe a Mega Nob in mega armor skewer two orks with a power claw that had started shooting at each other with their sluggas.

It seems unlikely the speed freaks will attack you here...

[Terrible rolling on my part Yarghhh!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/26 05:19:10

Post by: theCrowe

Looking around for a likely yard to drive in with the scrap SnazzKrunk is feeling a little surly having missed an opportunity to get stuck in with his choppa. He doesn’t know who will give him the best deal for the scrap or for fixing up the mekk speshul. Come to think of the mekk speshul…

Oi, Skorcha. You betta pass dat Mekk Speshul up ‘ere in da front where it won’t get mixed up in da scrap pile. Bigtoof will ‘ave our knees broke if we lost dat!

Now where you wanna sell dis gak?

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/26 08:07:40

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha can't deny to be somewhat happy that he didn't get his leg chopped of. Mostly because he had his doubts, if the scrap they had would be enough to get all the stuff they needed AND a new leg. Anyway, they fought of the bikes and that was good. Only a shame they couldn't get some more scrap from the wracks, but if they stopped they might loose the Boomdakka Snazzwagon and than Big Toof would surely krump them to paste.

As they enter Orktown he looks around with his chest swolen with pride. He wasn't just some small little yoof anymore, now he was a proper boy! And he wanted all the world to see it.
Meanwhile he carefully hands down the mekk speshul as Snazz recommended "Gud tinking Snazz. Wouldn't want dat beauty to go missin'"
Regarding the question where to sell the scrap, he shruggs his shoulders. "I iz havin' no idea. Lets just pick some shack and try to get as much as wez can for it. And then wez get ya to da doc first. If ya rokkin on your best again, no one can stup us, Snazz!"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/26 16:20:17

Post by: theCrowe

Zog it!

SnazzKrunk doesn’t have all day. He’s got to find a Doc, a Mek and a Shaman and short of walking into a bar in a joke-book he doesn’t think that’s very likely. So he figures he’ll just make himself conspicuous and Hope one or two useful orks find him.

Rolling up through the main market square he drives the wagon towards the Job Pole making a lot of noise, revving the engine like a Speed Freak and hollering loudly at no one in particular.

Hiring, Likely Boyz for a right proppa scrap! None of yer weedy gits, Boss BigToof demands only boyz wot ain’t scared of nuffink an’ can clobber a right-big mutie like wot a proppa Orky lad can!

He revs the engine impressively and repeats his hollering hiring pitch so all the lads at the job pole can hear it.

Give is a blast from da Skorcha, there Skorch, up high so’s everyone can see it!

Assuming GrotSkorcha agrees and the effect is well impressive and hasn’t resulted in anything else catching fire that shouldn’t.

SnazzKrunk picks some enthusiastic boys out of the crowd. He’s looking for some decent looking orks but not too tough, so he and GrotSkorcha can stay in charge; Someone carrying a spanner maybe or a snakebite boy painted in glyphs.

[not sure if you can give me an idea of who is at the job pole today and if I can impress them to join us through sheer.Willpower!]

You! You! And you! Come on if you fink you is tough enough. We ain’t got all day.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/27 03:27:54

Post by: Dekskull

[Snazz rolls 1 die for fellowship (yes that's a characteristic) and 1 for the assist from Grotskorcha. DN 1 with each success recruiting an ork. Wrath critical. 1 glory earned and 2 orks recruited]

Most of the orks grunt in approval but don't seem interested in what Snazz has to say. "Wait...that's not a Nob. Only gonna follow a nob..or sumfin bigger den a nob," They mutter.

Despite that, you find two ork boyz, sporting ragged blue colored clothing that are all too willing to sign up for the cause.

"Nob or not wez in for a right gud fight. Litz go!" They shout eagerly brandishing choppas and sluggas.

Meanwhile the market has its own ups and downs for Grotskorcha and Snazzkrump.

A Mek eagerly buys the spare scrap for a handful of teef, which you then use to pay the Mek to re-attach the Mek Speshul. You are also able to wrangle a little more fuel for the skorcha out of the deal.

But unfortunately...no amount of wheeling and dealing is able to secure a Big Choppa for Snazzkrump [influence roll was a bust. Not my fault the game lists Big Choppa as a Rare item lol. Every Mrk gives you the same response. "Dats only for Nobs...not for boyz!"]

Eventually you stumble upon a shanty with the Glyph of an Ork Pain boy...and a Shaman. Looks like a two for one deal!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/28 08:47:34

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha is of course no slouch when it comes to using his burna and makes a good show if it to impress the Boyz at the job pole, incinerating a low flying winged squig in the process.

As the two "blue boyz" come over to join them, he gives them a friendly punch in the shoulders "Oi, names Grotskorcha, and dat over dere is my buddy Snazzkrunk. Weez da boyz of Big Toof, da biggest and baddest Nob ya lot has eva seen!" he advertises their new employer a tiny bit overselling him. "If ya want ta krump, ya came to da right spot. Just yestaday, da two of us krumped 5 or 6 muties. Hard ta tell, as dere wasn't much left of dem, when weez waz dun!" he keeps on bragging to get his new comrades in the right mood. "So wadda youz called, compadres?"

The first one, a short and heavy set type with a long scar across his face an an eyepatch with a krudely drawn eye on it (augmetics were to expensive for him yet) introduces himself "Me iz Evuleye!" while the other - a relatively slender, tall ork with lots of pockmarks on his face hesitates a moment, as he realizes that THIS is the opportunity to give your self a cooler name than you used so far and then answers "Name is BoomMaw Snazzdakka Squiggotslasher... the third!"

"Yeah... sure... Squigslasher sounds about right..." Answers Grotskorcha much to the frusttration of the boy, who has overplayed his hand. "Whateva, try again with da boss when weez get to camp. Hez da boss after all."

They get lucky with the Mekk Speshul which looks as good as new, when the Mekks are finished - pew, that was close - but unfortunatly there no Big Choppa for Snazzkrump yet. Seems it pays off to be good in dealing with other orks, but that was not their strongsuit... yet.

The shanty with the Glyphs looks promising though. Lets see what the Painboy and Shaman have for them

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 1800/02/28 11:49:28

Post by: Dekskull

The shaman's shanty contains all manner of bizarre looking things. Carefully preserved human heads, augmetics, a giant "urty" syringe with some weird writing on it, i.e. things you would see in a pain boyz hut. But also a weird crystal ball, crude paintings of ork glyphs on the walls of the hut, and even a crystal ball lying around in a dusty corner.

The shaman himself is wrapped up in all manner of torn up, filthy rags and is even wearing a hood around his head. He has the symbol of the snake bite clan adorned on his clothing.

"I had a vision....Mork and Gork sent it to me. And he said you would be coming....and it was about needin medicine for yah chest, is that about right?" He points to Snazzkrump as he does so.

He grins. "Well yah came to the right place. Wargrit's the name and I'm a pain boy alright. But I do things accordin to da old ways. Propah orky medicine."

He looks at Snazzkrump's chest and nods. "Looks like you got a taste of the sick green stuck inside yah. I got sumthin for that...for about." He counts on his fingers. "Three...three teef. I should probably charge more, but anything higher than three and mi ead starts urtin."

After collecting said teef, Wargrit walks over to a primitive woodfire stove and starts boiling some water and mixing in various herbs while chanting reverently. "Sick green weak, orks are strong. Supah-tea make sick green gone."

He then presents the tea to Snazzkrump and upon its consumption, Snazzkrump would begin to feel much better.

Wargrit grins. "It worked didn't it? See der's no ailment conjured up by da sick green tha Ol Wargrit doesn't have a rem-ity for. Dats why Iz da best painboy in ork town.

"You ladz need anyfing else ?"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/28 13:57:38

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrumk pulled up to the shack where Squigslasha had recommended he should look for “Da bestest ShamanDocta in town.” and he looked at the sign dubiously. He recognised the Urty syringe glyph and the whirly looking waaagh power glyph, but there was no sign of a bloody saw glyph, like a right propa doc would have up.

Are you sure dis is da place? I got me a right dodgy chest wot needs seen to by a right propa pain boy.

“Ow, is it ‘urty?” The new boy mocked, even his painted-on eye seemed to twinkle with laughter.

I’ll Urt you inna minute, you GakGob! Nobody goes to da Painboy wot’s scared of a bit of pain, does dey?
When I get out of dis doc’s surgery I’ll have da meanest-biggest-baddest-orkiest scar on me chest, in like glyphs like wot wierdboy’s use for like waaaa-par!

“Like a Par-Scar?” GrotSkorcha’s eyes grew wide. What crazy talk was this? Maybe his friend was finally going delirious. It was most definitely time to see the doc. “Alright, ladz, let’s get Snazza in to see da doc den.”

we’ve just seen how it goes when they get in to see the “Doc”

SnazzKrunk looks at Squigslasha a bit confused.

I thought you sed dis was a real propa pain boy. Good fer scarz and dat?

“He always gives me good stuff for my spotz.” Wheedles Squigslasher. “It makes ‘em scar up real good!” He presents his undeniably pox-scarred gob for inspection.

SnazzKrunk looks to his chest half expecting a miraculous scar to appear.

“I hopes da medicine wasn’t too Urty for ya!” Guffawed Evuleye.

SnazzKrunk gives him a cold stare and turning to the shaman makes his first suggestion of what else they might need.

Dis git ‘ere needs a new eye, if you got one handy. Dat fing wot he drew on looks like a Grox’s Arsehole.”

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/28 17:19:04

Post by: theCrowe

I tells you wot, Where we is goin’ dere’s so much Sick green gitz dat I was lookin’ for a right proppa choppa for to smash ‘em all wif. But da market’s full of weedy gits wif weedy choppas wot won’t give a fella what he wants. But you ain’t like dat Doc! I can see you always got wot da boys need. I reckon you could make dis-here choppa of mine dead Killy to sick-green gitz, am I right? Some special Orky-green waaagh power that gets right stuck in to their sick-greenyness and really does da bizzness? You wouldn’t be wastin’ your time I’d get it right stuck in I would!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/02/29 02:54:40

Post by: Dekskull

Wargrit grins.

"Oh so you wanted a scar ta go with it? No problem yah can av dat one free of charge!"

He quickly grabs a knife from his belt and makes a quick slice into Snazzkrump's chest. Not anything that Snazzkrump even feels as an injury. For an ork it would register more like a bug bite. But it's definitely a noticable wound.

"Now what's that about an eye?" He starts to leer toward the other ork with a knife but then he gets distracted.

"Oh...the Big Choppa. Now a propah Big Choppa is ard to come by. But, if yah fight in the pits an win, yah can zoggin well av whatever you want!"

"Of course...ain't you in a hurry ta git back ta sum big fight with dese muties and this Dark Lord fella? Gork and Mork seemed keen on makin sure dem sick green gits get krumped...at least dat wot I fink my latest visions meant. Can nevah be too sure."

"Wait...wots dat. Yah want da blessing of Gork and Mork for yah choppa? Sure sure."

He sprinkles some of the leftover tea onto his choppa.

"Gork and Mork, make dis choppa extra choppier so it can propah krump da Dark Lord of evil gitz!"

Decision Time!

Stick around town and have a go in the fighting pits. If you win, you can have any rare item (or anything less rare).

Head back to the fort!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/01 14:48:59

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk is a bit miffed, he squints at his new “scar” trying to make it into a recognisable glyph but it comes to nothing. His outstretched choppa too is summarily ignored as the doc goes off to inspect the empty eye socket of his newest patient. SnazzKrunk spots the soggy herbs in the bottom of his medicine horn.

He bangs out the tea-leaves onto the blade of his weapon and rubs them into the scratches and scrapes of the tarnished metal. That ought to do the trick, he reckons.
Wargit, as he shambles past, going about his business, spots what SnazzKrunk is up to and pauses. He doesn’t say anything, he just hocks a gob of spit onto the blade and winks.


W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/01 19:59:31

Post by: Pyroalchi

"I reckonz it wouldz be very cunnin to have dem tea wit us, when weez go back in da cave. Could ya fill a barrel for us? Or at least a little boddle? Or ya might cam with us, if youz like. Fight da sick green head on, like in da old days and ways!" Grotskorcha tries to charm the Shamandoc into joining their little endeavor.

As the notion of Snazzkrunk fighting for a bigger chopper stands in the room, Grotskorche is of course all in for supporting his friend and cheers him on "Com'on Snazz! Dem other Boyt her aint go not fight in dem! Theiz can't do with da big choppas what yuz can do withit! Lets go and ya show dem! And den we get back to da tunnels and show da muties!"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/01 21:18:29

Post by: theCrowe

nah! Dem pit fightin’ gitz is just posers and show-offs. It’s all Flyin’ ‘ead butts an’ “pile-drivers” an’ German suplexes, I mean, wotz a German Suplex? It ain’t Orky woteva it iz. Dey makes it up as dey goes along to get da betting stakes up an’ den da bosses decides da winner, is who will makes dem da most teef! Not for dis Ork! I gots Muties to Krunk! And wif Shaman Wargit on our team dishin’ our da Waaagh hurt, dem Muties gonna go squealing’ off to their DarknLord git an’ den when he comes a stompin we gets to Krumpin! Dats wot real Orks is fightin for! Right Doc?

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/02 12:59:24

Post by: Dekskull

Wargrit grins.

"I'm feel da power of da WAAAGH is building around yahz. Some big stuff gonna be happening, an Iz wants ta be there!"

[We'll say your time in the town counts as a respite so Re-set all wrath to 2 and your shock damage has recovered]

After stopping for a quick squig snack and a fungus brew, the the group sets off in the Boomdakka snazz wagon, heading back for the fort, all the way across the desert The big red sun hangs low in the sky, but you seem to be on track to get back before dark.

This time, Snazz doesn't get lost. He seems to have a keen sense of direction.

However, on the horizon towards where the fort should be, you notice a large black plume...perhaps smoke? But you don't smell smoke, only the overwhelming scent of death and decay.

Then you hear the loud sound of warbikes tearing up the sand behind you firing their dakka guns wildly at you in long range. You recognize this is the same mob that attacked you earlier and they are gaining fast once again, but still well out of range.


W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/03 00:18:41

Post by: theCrowe


It’s big red button time! ~ SMASH~

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/03 13:30:08

Post by: Dekskull

The snazzwagon pushes its scrappy frame to the limit as the thrusters ignite. Shortly afterwards the snazz wagon crests over a hill, and gets some serious airtime before crashing back down again.

The fort is coming up fast, and it looks like a major battle is underway.

Swarms of big black flies are everywhere obscuring lines of sight but you can figure out pretty quickly that a small horde of mutants, armed with primitive firearms and melee weapons, and even stranger things is trying to storm the fort.

The gate of the fort has been reduced to rubble, but Big Toof and his mob of boyz appear to be holding the gap, as a mob of mutants pushes against them in a big scrap.

Towering above the mutant horde is a large spawn of chaos. The hideous mutating monstrosity had been behind the mutant mob ready to charge in and finish Big Toof. But it turns in place as it hears you approach.

Further off, you see around three plague bearers and...someone or something behind the plague bearers. You can't see what or who, only a hint of greenish armor.

You get a sickening sense that the Dark Lord might be here...but also excitement. The orks know this is going to be a good fight!

Your allies, (the two boyz) and the shaman jump off the snazz wagon as soon as possible and start charging toward the mutant horde by the gate. Wargritt grins.

"Let's get stuck in ladz! WAAAGH!"

The bikes meanwhile forget about chasing you and start heading straight for the plague bearers in the distance.

That just leaves Snazzkrump and Grotskorcha and the Boom dakka snazz wagon to deal with the massive Chaos spawn that is charging your way.

[Combat will just focus on Snazz + Grotskorcha vs the chaos spawn]

[Turn order: Snazz or Grotskorcha, then spawn, then Snazz or Grotskorcha (whichever one didn't go first).

[Distance to target is about 10 meters]

[Options: Snazz can get out of the driver's seat and throw a stikk bomb, or he could ram the thing...or ram and throw a stikk bomb? Or charge toward the thing while shooting his slugga]

[Grotskorcha can light the thing up with the Mek Speshul, DN is only 1, or get out, grab your skorcha, move up, and light it up with the skorcha]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/03 15:37:21

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk spins the wheelz and lets the engine roar, holding the Snazzwagon in place with the breaks.

Fill dat ugly git full’o Dakka, GrotSkorcha!

SnazzKrunk watches as the spawn shambles toward them through a hail of bullets. Wheels spinning, engine primed for a devastating burst of speed. He’s never played chicken with a charging spawn before but he’s leaning on the break and as soon as the thing gets close enough it’s gonna be Ram Time!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/03 16:54:24

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha feels a warm feeling of camradry, as Snazzkrump leaves him some time to fire before ramming that ugly beast. That really showed leadership quality of his friend, as a good leader lifts his subordinates up and helps them become their best self.
" 'ERE WE GO!!!" Grotskorcha screams happily, as the barrels of the Mekk Speshul start to spin, before his voice is drowned out by the sweet sweet symphony of tons of dakka, tearing into the big, ugly spawn. Flesh rips, bones break, horns shatter and puss, blood and viscery spray everywhere in response and to the delight of the present orks, but Grotskorchas enthusiasm with the Mekk Speshul seems to be a bit much for the weapon again. Or maybe it is just not build for a proper Ork Boy... or maybe it's a sign of Mork and Gork, that Grotskorcha should stick to skorching things. Anyway, something in the Speshuls mechanism breaks, a metallic screaming and screaching makes everybodies ears ring and with a loud bang, the thing basically tears itself apart into a bunch of barrels flying everywhere. Grotskorcha gets hit by several of them, leaving him quite battered, but the adrenalin of the fight carries him through for now. "GROT DAMMIT!" he curses anyway and holds on as tight as he can, as Snazz catapults the Snazzwagon forward to ram it. As soon as he can he will grab his trusty new flamer, jump out and do this "the oldfashioned way"

So as we figured last time I get 12 dice firing full auto on a single target... lets roll!
Uhh... lots of not so good rolls:
5/4/4/3/6/1/2/1/2/1/3/1. Again a 1 on the Wrath roll (always my last die), dammit. I reroll the failures using wrath again (but as far as I know, I can't do anything about that wrath die

better... final turnout:
5/4/4/1/6/5/6/4/1/6/4/1. So 6 icons and 2 exalted icons to hit the Monstrosity. But I guess the Mekk Speshul is now really done for.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/04 15:06:47

Post by: theCrowe

As the distance closes between the wagon and the unspeakable hideousness of this chaos-spawned abomination, SnazzKrunk’s life flashes before his wide, red eyes.

But not the life he has lived, crawling from the spawning pits to the job pole, from the scrap caves to the dusty desert, no. This was a life full of fighting and glory and the deafening roar of Goffik Rock music!

There upon the stage he stands, amidst a glorious pyrotechnic display, his instrument wrought of the massive, twisted bones of some grotesquely mutated beast. Thumping out the heavy tones of a thunderous waaaagh-worthy anthem.

SnazzKrunk! SnazzKrunk! SnazzKrunk! The transfixed mob of orks chant, their voices rising with fanatic intensity.
SnazzKrunk! SnazzKrunk! SnazzKrunk!

This is the life! This is something to live for! This is what SnazzKrunk was spawned to be!

The chant is still echoing in his ears as the Snazzwagon shudders with an immense impact.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/05 02:17:38

Post by: Dekskull

[The Mek Speshul deals out so much damage that it kills the spawn outright. I spend 1 ruin to give it back 1 wound and keep it alive. It charges the vehicle and attacks it with tentacles dealing it 8 out of 11 wounds but it rolls a complication meaning that the tentacles become trapped under the tires and its finally crushed to death. Snazzkrump takes 1 shock and Grotskorcha takes 3 shock, which then converts to 2 shock and 1 wound since his max shock is 2. So Grotskorcha down to 5 wounds. In addition both characters are hindered (+1 DN all tasks next turn). Grotskorcha is also exhausted, only basic moves allowed, no aiming, salvo fire, muti-action etc. You see, willpower is a good thing to buy with XP!]

Brrrrrrt.. literally hundreds of shells ram home into the spawn blowing huge chunks of its mutating writhing flesh. It goes down for a moment, but then it's up again, mutating into some giant octopus looking anemenoe thing that charges in and lashes out at the snazz wagon, trying to do as much indiscriminate damage as possible. The impact of the tentacles literally knocks the vehicle off course and smashes out huge sections of the chasis, but then the tentacles somehow get trapped under the wheels and then...kerchunk, splat. The snazzwagon travels right over the spawn and keeps moving.

Other than some serious whiplash, jammed up Mekspeshul, and seriously damaged chasis, the boyz made it through alright.

Looking around you see how the battle is progressing. Big Toof and the boyz seem to be making steady progress in chopping through the mutie horde. You reckon it won't be long now before they are all propah krumped.

In the distance though you see one of the bikes literally go flying 20 feet in the air and come crashing down nearby, its driver crushed lifelessly beneath the wreck.

That's when you see him. Bearing the green armor of the Deathguard with a plague belcher in one hand a wicked chainsword in the other hand. He is standing there alone in the distance, the wreckage of the ork bikes all around him. He looks at you with total hatred, evil red blazing through the slits of his helmet.

The Dark Lord is here....35 meters away.


1. Try and fix the Mek Speshul....DN 3 Intelligence, +1 dice if your fellow player assists

2. Keep driving and run that git over...breakneck speed!

3. Take cover and hide behind the Snazzwagon and shout for help. Maybe someone will save us!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/05 21:39:33

Post by: theCrowe

Oi, GrotSkorcha. You still dere?

There was grunt and the sound of a heavy metal fuel tank clanking against the side of the wagon. The burna boy was getting kitted up for a fire storm.

SnazzKrunk tested the engine. The exhaust buckets had been torn clean off one side and something was whining under the hood. It didn’t sound like a grot rigger. He let the vehicle lurch forward and heard a squelching beneath the wheels.

Oh, dat’s where dat fing went.

Something caught SnazzKrunk’s eye. Something red in the sky. It was a motorcycle. The thing was spinning like a firework on Gork-Forks night, the rider clinging on like its tail of sparks. It crashed to the ground at the feet of the thing that had launched it; An armoured giant, standing more than 8 feet tall in sick-green armour.

The doomed speed-freak made a last, futile attempt to disentangle his broken body from the twisted metal of his wrecked bike but the Deathguard Marine spun up its chainsword and casually eviscerated both ork and bike in one fell stroke.

Oh it’s like dat izzit! You wants to play wif da big boyz now, eh?

Seeing the thing, standing there, dishing out punishment on the orks like some kind of big-nob-boss-fella made SnazzKrunk’s blood boil. The engine of das SnazzWagon revved up to a fever pitch in response.

The Plaguemarine looked up, total hatred blazing through the red eye-slits of his helmet.

SnazzKrunk was in a rotten mood. Just seeing that sick shade of green made him want to puke. Gork almighty, how he hated that thing! Almost unconsciously he reached for the stikkbomb, a grim plan forming within his dense orkish skull.

You best get out now Skorch. Go wif Gork. I’ll catch up wif you laterz.

Whether his buddy heard him over the roaring engine or not it made little difference. They were of one mind. GrotSkorcha’s boots were already on the sand and advancing on the enemy.

‘I hope BigToof ain’t too precious about his old wagon.’ Thought SnazzKrunk.

Zog BigToof! It’s a SnazzWagon iznt’ it! An’ I’m SnazzKrunk! Waaaaaaaagh SnazzKrunk!

With that the vehicle lurched forward, the huge spinning tires tearing up the sand. WaaaghSnazzKrunk was gaining momentum, passing the hunched marching figure of GrotSkorcha, eating up the short distance between them and the burning-eyed hatred that awaited, drawing him inexorably closer as if by force of pure willpower alone.

Realising, with not a moment to spare that the time was now if it was not already too late SnazzKrunk yanked the pin from his stickbomb and ditched it in the cab before bailing out the door.

He tumbled into the sand and rolled head-over-arse as the explosive-primed SnazzWagon approached its inevitable SnazzKrunk.

Shaken and discombobulated it was all SnazzKrunk could do to remember to keep his head down and not gawp at the spectacle as the stikkbomb went off.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/06 08:22:13

Post by: Pyroalchi

As Snazzkrump asks, if Grotskorcha is still there, he also hears a somewhat pained grunt, as his friend has withered the impact a bit less well. None the less, they get more or less the same idea and the freshly apointed burna boy slips on his fuel tank as quickly as he can, grabs the flamer and struggles to jump out of the Snazzwagon as soon as possible.
He punches the side of the buggy with a fist, to signal that he is clear and shouts "Frakk dat Frakker off real gud! See ya on da other side!". He himself starts to jogg as fast as he can without tripping and exhausting himself, smacking the pilot flame of the burna on. The Dark Lord looks quite a lot more threatening as his minions, but Grotskorcha is not afraid. If anything that was quite a memorable way to go! Much better then succumbing to da sickness in some forgotten tunnel...

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/08 01:43:31

Post by: Dekskull

[Dark Lord holds action. Unleashes plague bolter at long range, about 15 meters, and goes for the called shot against Snazzkrump. He hits (Snazz diverts his remaining shock to wounds and he ends up with 4 shock and only 2 wounds.]

[Snazz attempts to ram before diving out of the vehicle. He spends a wrath point to overcome the poison, but Snazz still fails the ram test as rhe space marine is too darn fast. The stick bomb destroys the vehicle but...just like 40K the rule is it takes a 6 on a D6 to cause an explosion. It doesn't happen. However...the stikkbomb detonates right where the DarkLord is...but it doesn't do enough damage. 13 damage and this guy is Resilience 14!]

[Then I spend 1 ruin to seize the initiative, The Dark Lord hits Snazz again with the plague belcher and deals another 5 wounds. This means Snazz is knocked down prone and "Dying." He takes a memorable injury, torn ear again, which turns into a nagging wound. We can say the chest is infected again. Yay. But...he's ok for now. It's nothing he can't recover from if he doesn't take any more damage]

The Dark Lord waits patiently until the Snazz wagon comes into range, then carefully aims his plague belcher right at the driver. Unlike the raging mutant spawn, the Dark Lord exercises careful discipline and restraint as he squeezes the trigger, releasing a salvo of deadly plague and filth.

The plague bolts slam right into Snazzkrump covering him in filth and temporarily blinding him, just as he tries to dive out of the vehicle and slam it into the Dark Lord.

Boom, the stikk bomb goes off just as the Snazz wagon supposedly slams into the Dark Lord and for a moment, you think you've won. The now wrecked snazzwagon grinds to a halt and all is covered in smoke.

But when the smoke clears, the Dark Lord emerges apparently unscathed.

Before anyone can react he unleashes another barrage of plague bolts which finally put him down.

The DarkLord is just 10 meters away from the wounded Snazzkrump now.

Meanwhile, Grotskorcha is about 27 meters from the Dark Lord and 19 meters from Snazzkrump. He heard voices behind him. Bellowing ork voices.

"Oi, wot happened to my snazz wagon!" It definitely sounds like Big Toof.

But Grotskorcha gets the sense that if he waits for the other orks to arrive the Dark Lord will escape. Even worse...Snazz might get krumped himself.

Meanwhile...Snazz may have one more opportunity to raise his slugga and take a shot at the Dark Lord. Doing so might risk additional injury and even death. On the other hand...if he just plays dead, maybe he can survive this.






W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/08 23:54:08

Post by: Pyroalchi

There's no real question what to do for Grotskorcha. His buddy was in danger and that stupid spikey boy over there was in serious need of some proper krumpin'. Also Bigtoof and the other boys were behind him and watching, so what Ork would he be if he hesitated? Taking all his strength together, Grotskorcha fights down the pain and exhaustion in his body and starts sprinting towards the plaguemarine, Burna at the ready. "WHAAAAAAGGGGG!!!!!" he wants to shout, but it sounds a bit more like a painful cry - doesn't really matter, as Mork and Gork would appreciate the gesture anyway - as he sends a bellowing cloud of burning prometium towards the hulking figure.

I use my second Wrath point to regain shock and then run and shoot. OK, hope I get this right. Athletics 3 + BS 5 + 1 for Salvo, can't aim, because I'm running. Pfew... 9 dice to roll 9 successes. That looks rather challenging, doesn't it? And as I used my first Wrath point for the Mekk Speshul I can't reroll.
Be that as it may, I'll try it. Last one is as usual the wrath die:
naaaa... unfortunatly not.
4/5/2/2/3/2/3/6/2. 2 Icons, 1 exalted icon. That's definitly not enough.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/09 01:37:39

Post by: Dekskull

[Oh darn, I forgot you used the other wrath on the Mek Speshul] [Dark Lord sprints, then I use ruin to seize initiative and sprint again. Nice 30 meter sprint for him! See yah]

The Dark Lord's chainsword revs up and for a moment it looks like he is going to charge in and finish Snazzkrump off...but then he notices Grotskorcha charging in and spewing flames in his direction, which singe the air around him but otherwise don't affect him.

But he also notices the small group of orks approaching further away from even Grotskorcha...and also the absence of his own followers.

And so he quietly turns around and runs FAST. Extremely fast. And within moments Grotskorcha catches just a tiny hint of the greenish armor disappearing into the mouth of the caves in the distance.

Moments later Nob Big Toof, Wargrit, the two boyz you picked up in town, and your favorite grots, Shinna and Snotload finally catch up.

"Oi is that you Grotskorcha? Wot you spouting off at? See anymore muties about?"

Shinna can't help but pipe up.

"Muties all ded Boss."

Big Toof looks around and only sees dead muties, and the mangled corpse of the chaos spawn (the plaguebearers apparently disappeared into the warp after they were run down by the now dead speed freak bikers).

"Come ta fink of it, weren't you supposed ta bring me more boyz from town?"

The Deathskull boyz nod eagerly. "Dats us boss."

Big Toof frowns. "Den where's da rest of da boyz. Iz supposed ta av LOADS of BOYZ by now."

This time Snotload pipes up.

"Dez also ded boss."

Big Toof approaches the blown up Snazzwagon.

"Thats good you boyz are ere. Wez a propah Deathskull Mob. But Deathskullz is supposed ta be gettin loot...not losing it."

"Now wot idiot wuz driving the snazzwagon an let it git all smashed up."

That's when he notices Snazzkrump....

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/09 11:37:34

Post by: theCrowe

Kaf kaf.

SnazzKrunk is an ork barely alive. He drags himself to his feet and stands as tall and as proud as his plague-wracked lungs will allow.

Kaf kaf. Yeah, I woz driving! I drived all da way to town an’ picked up da new boys you wanted, and we brought back Shaman Wargritt too. Kaf, kaf

He indicates some of the only orks left standing.

I drove da wagon quick as it could drive! Leading da speed freak cavalry to get here in time for da big scrap! Kaf kaf.

He indicates all the wrecked bikes and dead red bodies.

And Yeah! I took da SnazzWagon into da fight! It’s a fightin’ machine, Right? An’ your Mekspushul is a piece o’ gak, by da way! Had to run over dat fing over dere, wot did most of the damage! Kaf kaf.

He indicates the bloody mutated ruin, stinking like Mork’s own midden over there in the desert sand.

And yeah, I used it for a scrap against a Zoggin Sick Green Beaky git! Wot blew it up! And what?! Loads of scrap here for to fix it, and loads more down yer stinkin’ cave. Are we Deffskullz or are we whinging Grotz? Kaf kaf.

SnazzKrunk picks up his axe and slings it in his belt.

Well… I is a goff but…You know wot I mean, Boss. I woz drivin’. And I’d zoggin’ do it again! Best scrap I ever had. Kaf kaf.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/09 12:47:35

Post by: Dekskull

Big Toof snickers.

"You saw a beakie git...on Red Sands? Sure yah did. And I saw da Red Gobbo on Squigmas Eve!"

The orks all start chuckling a bit. He turns to Wargrit and points at Snazz Krump.

"Eh, pain boy. Take ol Ghazuskull Snazz Thraka back to da fort and get im fixed up. And av da runts give him a good scrubbin, he smells like gak!"

He turns to regard the ruined snazzwagon.

"I guess we'll have to git a trukk and tow the wreck back to town. Your right though, that was a gud fight. I fink we might av gotten all of dem muties krumped now."

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/09 19:10:09

Post by: Pyroalchi

I'm fully aware that in Ork Hierarchy, Grotskorcha risks getting seriously krumped by BigToof, but from my limited knowledge of how Orks "work", I assume all the fighting, shooting, blowing up stuff and killing, Skorcha should be in no mood to have someone talk to him and his friend like that...

Grotskorcha slowly turns around towards Bigtoof and straightens his bucket helmet to get a good look at him. Inside his admitedly not really big brain, different thoughts fought against each other. On the one hand Big Toof was a Nob and much bigger than him, so obviously when in doubt, he was right. But on the other hand he had just insulted his buddy Snazzkrump and him, just after they saved the sorry arses of Big Toof and his mob. He gets cross eyed for a moment, as his mind tries to make sense of that, but then he focusses again and stares Big Toof in straight in the eyes, straightening up as much as an Ork boy can
"Oi Boss, with all due respect but SHUT UP!!!
When weez got here, dem big Muty, the Green Beaky git and itz smelly spiky thingies wer' about to krump ya lot real gud. I got da big Muty real gud with da Mekk Speshul and Snazz finished it up. Turned around without even blinking and shot da Snazzwagon at da Beaky boy and Yes: DAT WAS A BEAKY BOY! YA AIN'T TELLIN ME DAT WAZ NO BEAKY BOY!"
Somewhere in the back of his head he realizes that shouting at a Nob was a sure and fast way to Mork and Gork. But there was no helping it. His blood was boiling and all that welled up energy had to go somewhere. "Now we'll patch up with da shaman and then weez going back down dere, find da Beaky and krump him! Aint noting anywhere on da red sand dat will stop us. Youz all can come with us or not, I don't care. But I'z know what I'z seen!"

After he finished, he forces himself to keep eye contact with the big Nob, fully expecting a giant fist to effortlessly cave in his face and skull. But if this is the day he dies, he'll die like the boy he would have liked to become, not like some coward.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/09 23:25:37

Post by: Dekskull

[Challenging an incompetent Nob is definitely orky. As GM I gift you 1 bonus Wrath for good roleplay...and because you will need it!]

Big Toof shoots Grotskorcha a murderous look.

"Dat sounds like a challenge ta me. You fink yah haz wot it takes ta be Nob? Guess we'll find out!"

Big Toof hefts his big choppa and prepares to come at Grotskorcha.

[You'll get the first action. Best option is probably the Burna. DN 3 at your present range, salvo and aim can get you two additional dice. You could also back up to max range so the Nob can't charge you. That would make it DN 5 but avoiding the big choppa will be critically smart]

[Alternatively you could charge in with your choppa, bringing it back to DN 3. You'd get two bonus dice, 1 for charging and one for WAAAGH. But surviving the Big Choppa will not be easy]

[Also, this Nob isn't wearing any armor so his resilience will be a little lower than the Nob in the bestiary. Should be a very tough fight but not impossible to win!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/10 09:25:24

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha pulls his chin forward as Big Toof asks if that's a challenge and decides to go down guns blazing "YA DAMN RIGHT DAT IS! GET IN LINE YA STUPID GIT!" before raising his trusty new flamer. He hops some paces back, hoping he might get of a shot or two before the giant Nob inexorably turns him into a green-red dot in the sand and sends a prayer to the Lords of Ork-kind up above "Mork and Gork, dat stupid Nob has no reshpuct. Not for Snazz, not for me, not for a real krumpin. All dem knowz is bossin around and makin stupid gak. Let mez die in honor and maybe show him what a real Ork haz to be like. Den he will have da guts to kill da beaky!"

As Big Toofs choppa lashes out, the much smaller boy turns the burna valve to 11 and pushes the trigger... a giant cloud of burning gas shoots out towards the Nob...

OK, 9 d6, as I go for a salvo, but I can't aim. The last one as usual the wrath die and I will likely reroll with the new wrath point. Make that first shot really count...
YESSS! 6 on the Wrath die!
Also I reroll the failures... muhh... one more 4, the rest did nothing. Final result:
4 icons, 1 exalted icon, wrath dice is a 6. I assume it's not enough to kill him, but maybe something spectacular happens.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/10 12:09:57

Post by: theCrowe

At this point, while the Boss is a bit distracted and possibly on fire SnazzKrunk takes the initiative.

Get stuck in Boyz!

He yells, encouraging the other orks to step in on the right side of this argument. Gripping his choppa in both sweaty palms, SnazzKrunk takes a determined swing at the boss’s face. BigToof, he hopes is soon to be “NoToof”

Waaaaa… Kaf, Kaf!

*edited for a basic attack as that’s all I can do.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/10 13:09:25

Post by: Dekskull

[4 wounds inflicted. I spend a personal ruin to convert to shock and end up converting 1 to shock+1 mortal wound from the critical=4 wounds and 1 shock inflicted. Nob is down to 6 wounds and 4 shock and is on fire!]

[Choppa attack deals 3 wounds, and costs 1 wrath to Snazzkrump. No self injury! I spend another personal ruin to convert to shock. So the Nob has 6 wounds and 1 shock remaining and is also on fire. I have 1 personal ruin left and 1 general ruin. Getting him to burn up my ruin is critical so good work here. Now we'll see what happens on Big Toof's turn. He'll take a few mortal wounds from being on fire. Going to be a close fight!]

"WAAAAGH ARGHHHH!" The flames envelope the Nob before he can start swinging with his Big Choppa.

If Grotskorcha or Snazz can seize the initiative, they might have a chance...

Wargrit gasps in shock...."Not Grotskorcha...now. Nob Skorcha!" He proclaims loudly and the other orks start cheering Grotskorcha on.

Then Snazzkrump's choppa plunges right into his leg and he staggers in pain. But the Nob is still standing...for now.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/11 02:50:14

Post by: Dekskull

[Nob Takes 3 mortal wounds from being on fire. Uses his turn to put himself out, and get to his feet then uses his last Personal Ruin to get up and shoot at Grotskorcha. Unfortunately, Grotskorcha doesn't have enough wounds and shock left to absorb the hit and he is now "Dying" just like Snazz. Basic attacks, reloading, and crawling allowed, any wrath critical will cause a traumatic injury. Grotskorcha also gets a memorable injury...bad twitch in one of his knees]

Big Toof looks like he wants to ignore the flames, run full force and then slam Grotskorcha in the face with his big choppa, but the fact that he is burning up prevents that.

The large ork falls to the ground and quickly rolls around until the flames go out.

Then he gets to his feet and empties the entire magazine of his slugga at Gortskorcha. The large shells slam into his body at full force and he finds himself falling to the ground and in a world of hurt.

"Ha that showz yah. Now stay down and yield to da better ork!"

[Decision time! Yield to the Nob, or keep fighting! If you keep fighting, Snazzkrump will go first since he used seize the intitiative to get a free extra move. Then I'll plan to use my last Ruin to Seize the Initiative for myself one more time, then Grotskorcha will go again]

[Keep in mind, the Nob has 3 wounds left and one shock. But since he is a "Big Boss" when he goes to 0 wounds he will be "Dying" just like you, extra damage will be needed to out him down for good]

[Or perhaps a cunning ruse is in order...I pretend to Yield sir! Fellowship test DN 1 since Big Toof is not a very smart ork]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/11 13:04:40

Post by: theCrowe

An’ dat’s why we calls him Boss BigToof!

Says SnazzKrunk loudly, hyping the Nob’s prowess for the other orks present, just to reinforce the meaning of this show of force and the inevitable conclusion they should all be drawing.

Boss BigToof is da biggest and da toughest Boss around. You all seen it for yerzselfs! Kaf…kaf…

He shambles over to his buddy, just to check that Skorcha is in fact still alive, before continuing.

Oh I know you just seen us two put down a big smelly spawn fingy and den charge a beaky like it weren’t nuffink, pretty impressive, I know. But dat Beaky must’ve run away when Boss BigToof showed up!

Makes sense dunnit! I mean look wot BigToof can do! He took on both of us at once and we iz both stuffed! Kaf… kaf.

SnazzKrunk tries to control his coughing fit, winding up for the big conclusion, but he’s utterly wrecked. He throws his hands up and tries to start up the Boss’s chant.

BigToof, BigToof! … kaf… BigToof! Lemme hear yas! BigToof… kaf kaf…

He collapses in a heap beside Nobskorcha hoping he’s done enough to save both their lives for now.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/11 13:29:14

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha (or maybe already Nobskorcha?) is barely holding on to life, trying to raise his Burna one last time before BigToof takes him apart without killing Snazz in the process, as his friend shows more brain then him and tries to make peace with the big nob. While Skorcha still is rightfully pi**ed at the nobs ignorance, Snazz makes a good point. Big Toof had indeed brought down both of them in an instance and that although they had gotten the jump on him with the flamer. So he lets his burna sink and is willing to accept his leadership... for now taking up Snazzkrumps chant "big toof, Big Toof! BIG TOOF!"

Back in his admittedly not to big brain a though forms none the less. Snazz had been almost out before the fight even begun and he himself hadn't been much fitter while Big Toof looked almost healthy before they started. And still this had been a pretty close fight... A fight that would likely have gone completely different if him and his friend were at their best. Lets see what the future holds. And if they are lucky and see another day, there may be a rematch...

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/12 02:59:59

Post by: Dekskull

Big Toof pauses for a moment, and then nods in an agreeable way.

"Dats right, I'm da boss. And just like I said before, when youz all patched up, we'll go back in der caves and find wot ever it is you thought was a beakie. Though every propah cunning ork knowz dats all nonsense. Spice ships, Humie Alien fings, Beakies...it's all...wots da word Big Skepti-Mek sayz?"

Shinnah answers compliantly, "Skepti-Mek sayz its all Sci-ence Fake-tion boss."

Big Toof nods. "Yeah, an dats fancy Mek Boy speak for rubbish. But I'm not scared of no green armored mutie either. So we'll get that sorted once the painboy gets these two boyz patched up."

He points at Wargrit menancingly with the Big Choppa.

Wargritt and his companions look disappointed when the fighting stops but begrudgingly help drag Snazz and Grotskorcha back to the fort. The runts scamper behind, stealing whatever bits of scrap then can scavenge from the battlefield. They know there will be a lot of work ahead to get the fort fixed up and the orks ready for the next fight.

Snotload can't help but pipe up with a sneer, "I guess he really is just Grot Skorcha after all. Dats sad!"

Chapter end and story arch completed. 20 XP awarded! All characters health restored after a hard day and night's rest + wrath resets to 2.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/13 14:04:03

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha pants heavily as he pulls himself up, nodding approvingly towards the nob "Aye, Boss. Lets get all patched up and back to business!"

Back in camp he looks after his burna, fidling with the valves and tubes to make sure everything works right and waiting for his turn with Wargrit, as he lets Snazz go in first. When it's his turn, he tries to have a long and good talk with the shaman, trying to get to know him a bit, listening to his wisdom and overall paving the way for some good relations with their best hope to combat da sick green.
Snotloads commend that he was "just" Grot Skorcha gets a reply out of him along the lines of "Aye... GROTskorcha it is. Remember that, if ya lot wanna get all dishreshpectful with us!" he would also grab Shina or any other Grot scurrying around by the neck, turning him around and telling him "Oi, when weez go back down da tunnel, yuuz iz my new Ammogrot! Grab yaself a cannister, fill it with da gas to da brim and follow me. When I sayz it, you pour it into mine Burna tank, ya got dis?" A question that might be followed by a kick if he doesn't.

Skorcha also takes his time to fraternize a bit with Evuleye and Squigslasher, in the orkish mix of talking, shouting, punching and wrestling that might be considered polite smalltalk. Overall he tries to win them over by showing them at least a moderate amount of respect, giving them a lot of pointers about what awaits them in the tunnels and their fighting experience with the muties so far and trying to find out how the lot of them could best work together. He doesn't plot against Big Toof, really accepting his leadership for now, but something in his last experiences changed him and he tries to work the power of pshykolorky to make the whole mob work more like a unit than a sum of individuals.
His friend Snazz of course also gets this treatment, commenting on his awesome new scar, admiring his driving skills and complimenting him on crumping the big mutant real good and almost smashing the beaky. He also honestly thanks him for sticking together against Big Toof and then saving their live when things went sour.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/13 18:32:52

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunks case was a bit more acute this time. Having taken a hit from a Plague Belcher at near point-blank range his illness took more than a hot cuppa to cure.

He was laid up on a cold slab of scrap metal at the back of the Shaman’s new digs with a fistful of herbs stuffed into each ear and a smoking crucible of ground Squig horn burning in a censor above his nose.

Other patients came and went, including BigToof complaining of a multitude of burns as well as a gammy knee, but still SnazzKrunk’s fever took a long time to break.

When he emerged from the shack, eyes blinking in the cold light of a blue sky, SnazzKrunk felt weak. He hated to feel weak! It was anathema to the Goff mindset and with it he became sullen and silent.

Ignoring all camaraderie with the rest of the mob he threw himself into working hard. Where scrap was to be gathered or moved he would lift twice, three times a comfortable weight and struggle to his utmost ability, refusing any offer of assistance or any advice to the contrary.

When not working he would take himself out to the surrounding area, beating the rocks to dust with one of the industrial sized bludgeons taken from the fallen mutie beasts.

SnazzKrunk grew strong again, very strong. Soon he could bench-press trukk engines or dead-lift whole vehicle axles with gearbox and tyres still intact.

He ate only raw squig-meat and drank only the fungus brew that the grots served at work times to keep the orks hydrated in the sun. Not the good grog that the Boss would dish out at the end of a hard day’s slog. No. SnazzKrunk’s body was a temple now, a weapon which he honed with this grim-minded determination.

He was grimmer, stronger and bigger, and certainly more fearsome than before. But something had been lost. His former yoofful exuberance was gone, replaced by something altogether colder and more intimidating. SnazzKrunk had talked the talk, but now it seemed he was more than ready to walk the walk.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/17 12:24:46

Post by: Dekskull

During his recovery, Snazzkrump has a bizarre vision that seems to come straight from the orc gods themselves.

He sees a scary dark fortress with high walls and a long flat roof. The Dark Lord is standing on the roof directing the minions of chaos against the forces of the Ork WAAAAGH attacking the castle. Inside the castle's court yard thousands of zombies are crammed in all around moaning and jumping like it's some kind of weird rock concert.

Then a massive ork trukk jumps over the walls of the castle and lands straight onto the roof. A massive Ork in Mega Armor disembarks from the trukk even as the trukk loses control and falls off the roof. Then the massive ork and the Dark Lord start fighing eachother and what a fight it is! Both parties wound each other severely but eventually the large ork wins the fight and the Dark Lord crumples to the ground dead.

Shortly afterwards all the zombies collapse and the Waagh storms into the castle.

A little grot peeks out of the corner: "Decskull did it, he krumped da Dark Lord!" The grot proclaims proudly.

The vision zooms out and time seems to pass. The next thing you see is a massive Kill Krooza, entangled wkith a Chaos Cruiser crashing on top of the castle, big ka boom, then the sun is blotted out and it starts snowing. Over time the crashed spaceships morph into mountains. You see a weird orky train thing running along some tracks along the snow..which eventually also crashes into the pile of scrap, adding to it further. Then time starts going really fast....the sun comes out and it gets warmer again, you see ork buggies racing along the desert...and then you wake up.

Meanwhile Wargritt offers his ancient wisdom to Grotskorcha:

"The best way to stop the sick green is to krump the Dark Lord. Probably hit im in da ead really ard. Beakie armor is a bit weaker up der, but it's arder ta hit. If'n yah do krump the Dark Lord, that tends to make the sick green go away for a while. Until another Dark Lord comes, or the same one comes back again. It's ard ta tell. Dey all look pretty much the same. Some of da Meks even fink dey grow out of the ground like orks who knows."

Wargritt grins:

"If the Dark Lord really has returned than we could be in for a right good fight. He'll be sure ta keep creating little fings for us ta fight ta make it ard ta git to him...but that'll just be good practice ta sharpen you boyz up for the real fight. Other then dat there's not much cunnin plans will against sick green shat. Yah just av ta believe really ard tha Orks iz best. Tha tends ta be the best medicine."

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/21 10:09:14

Post by: Dekskull

Chapter 4

A long restless night passes, and in the morning the remnants of Big Toof's mob were ready to head back into the caves.

Thanks to some grot ingenuity, before the mob departs for the caves the grots manage to salvage some "burna juice" from one of the many wrecked vehicles that littered the battlefield. (Grotskorcha back to 3 ammo for the burna, thank you grots!)

Big Toof looks over the mob. Two grots (Snotload and Shinna) two boyz that came with you from town, a painboy with skills of dubious quality and Grotskorcha plus Snazz.

"Runts stay here, and get me more scrap out of dem vehicles before the sand covers em and I can't seez where they are. Orks with me. Let's go find somethin to krump WAAAGH!"

Shinnah and Snotload sigh with relief. "Don't worry boss, we won't let you down!"

Back down...down...down into the caves. All the way past where you came and even further. Down the long flight of stairs, the only light coming from Grotskorcha's lit burna.

Eventually the stairs ends and bottoms out into a large flat cavern. Only...there is no mutie settlement and no muties.

However there is a big metal door at the bottom, the kind of door that you might find on a massive void ship...if you knew what the inside of a void ship looked like.

The door looks old and rusted, but it is sealed shut. Big Toof takes his big choppa and slams it into the door but it barely makes a dent.

"That's one ard door. Must be good loot behind it." Big Toof snarls then points to Grotskorcha.

"Burna can work like a cuttin torch. Git up ere and cut a hole in this door!"

[tech skill+intelligence] DN 1.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/21 10:48:41

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha gives Evuleye and Squigslasher an encouraging punch in the shoulder as they head out "Gud ta have ya twoos widus dis time. Now wez have ta powa to get real krumpy!" complimenting them a bit. It can't hurt to have some muscle and meat protecting you if you want to use your burna in peace and for that he should keep the two boys warm.
He also looks admiringly at Snazzkrump whose hard training already starts to pay of "Damn Snazz. Looks like ya grown again?! Look at dem muscels boyz. Looks like a pack of Grots swiveling in that bizeps!"

As they enter the cave he looks around carefully and gets over to the strange door, as BigToof commands him. He inspects it a moment, not keen on wasting his burna juice if not necessary and notices a keypad on the side. "Oi, Boss! Mez got an evan betta idea..." he says as he starts hitting the keys in some random patterns, raising some beep and boop sounds. For an ork he works rather delicate, which still means the device would not hold out long under his attention, but before it breaks, the door indeed opens some inches with an audible hiss. "Saves the burna juice for dem muties, boss! Just as you said boss! Great idea as youz always have! Now weez right behind ya! Lead us on!" he comments, trying to steer Bigtoof to take the lead (and take the brunt of a possible trap or ambush)

int 2 and 6, so wrath die is a 6. Guess that opens it without a problem

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/21 18:57:54

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk locks eyes on BigToof. If the Boss doesn’t immediately make a move to lead the way himself then Snazz is ready to heft his choppa over his shoulder and just stride on in first like a total boss.

If BigToof is going to let this kind of golden opportunity go by, then SnazzKrunk is not. Snazz is here to impress; it’s not his fault if the big guy missed his chance to be a real leader.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/22 02:58:54

Post by: Dekskull

[Wrath critical. 1 Glory earned!] [This next part is inspired literally by an old choose your own adventure book from the 1980s]

The metal creaks open to reveal a narrow metal tunnel with flickering lumens overhead. The tunnel can fit about two orks wide. Before anyone can even finish speaking Big Toof lurchers forward and bellows loudly.

"Any stupid gits, come out so I can smash yah!" The Nob yells loudly, but he is greeted only by the sounds of thrumming machines, and the sound of rushing air being circulated through vents.

Big Toof snorts in contempt as no monsters reveal themselves to challenge them and he quickly leads them down the length of the hall way. Eventually the corridor leads to another rusted door. This time, Big Toof's big choppa manages to smash a large hole in it, in just a few swipes, then he squeezes himself through.

"Holy Gak look at all this!"

Inside, you see what looks to be some kind of control room. Strange cogitators are actively running, and humming, their screens filled with strange incomprehensible scripts. You see the decayed skeletal corpses of what were once servitors.

Wargritt grins mightily.

"I told yahz aliens exist! Du no why da meks never listened. Ow could we be alone in da ooniverse?" He mused.

Big Toof looks like he is about to start ripping the cogitators out of their consoles, "Looks like a bunch of fine scrap ta me. Ow many teef yah fink its worth?" But then he stops himself.

"Oi, what are dose fings?"

You see it...two BIG BUTTONS.

[color=red]ONE IS A RED BUTTON,
ONE IS A GREEN BUTTON. You can figure by their size alone that they are really important. They will do something but what? You can't read the writing...nothing even close to a useful glyth around here. [/color]

[Decision, what will you do?

[Smash one or both buttons or ignore them out of fear like a weedy grot!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/22 07:43:52

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha rolls his eyes over Bigtoofs sudden enlightenment but doesn't further comment on it

While those buttons indeed look like a lot of fun, Grotskorcha leaves them to the Big Boys and instead looks around if there is an opportunity to nick some small auspex, handheld cogitator or similar that he could stash away without Bigtoof noticing. Wouldn't hurt to make some quick teeth on the side.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/22 20:23:06

Post by: theCrowe

Oi! Evuleye! Dis fella might have a spare peeper for ya! SnazzKrunk grabs the head of one of the Servitors and turns it round to look at Evuleye with its dead ocular implants. He leaves it to the other ork boy to take what he needs if he can and has a general look around for anything that looks threatening. Cameras, security features, sentry turrets or the like. SnazzKrunk isn’t so smart about this sort of thing but he has a feeling that lots of technology is designed for killing unwelcome gits,… and right now, we is da sneaky gitz… he muses aloud as he looks around for clues.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/23 11:23:08

Post by: Dekskull

Grotskorcha indeed finds an auspex of some kind. [Using it requires tech +intelligence roll DN 1 with each success giving you more information]

Meanwhile, Big Toof smashes both buttons with his fist and laughs.

A strange computer voice fills the air.

"Turbolift Elevator activated"

Off in the distance, down another long corridor that connects to the control room, you hear an elevator door open.

Wargritt grins. "That's a good fing. I think it might be away to find even more loot."

Then the computer speaks again.

"Warp Engines Activated...prepare for translation."

Wargritt frowns.

"Dat's not a gud fing boss."

Everything in the room starts shaking violently, lights start flickering, and the strange stale smell of the warp starts to feel the air.

Then the room grows very dark and you hear a powerful evil voice.

"You will fall to CHAOS."

In the distance a strange green light erupts and you see something emerge out of it. Then the shaking stops. Grotskorcha's auspex picks up several pings that materialize, indicating that many "things" have emerged throughout the ship.

"Insufficient power for translation. Warp engines offline."

Big Toof looks annoyed.

"Fall to what? You go fall on your face yah stupid git!"

Then the air fills with a sickening putrid smell, and you hear the flies, thousands of them wiggle through cracks in the doorway and vents, and fill the control room.

Big Toof bellows: "Sick green is here boyz, coming from that corridor up ahead. Grotskorcha, you're up. Burn em out! Rest of you boyz, give em some Dakka!""

The large ork rips the door open and outside you can barely make out the approaching plague bearers, (you can't make out how many there are but it looks like at least two)

Burna and other weapons: DN 3 to hit. Burna could also use a salvo option to throw up a wall of flame for a turn that the plague bearers would have to walk through to reach the orks. (That's an auto success)

All weapons, DN 3 to hit the plague bearers. DN 5 to use salvo and hit them both at once.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/23 11:25:27

Post by: Dekskull

Grotskorcha indeed finds an auspex of some kind. [Using it requires tech +intelligence roll DN 1 with each success giving you more information]

Meanwhile, Big Toof smashes both buttons with his fist and laughs.

A strange computer voice fills the air.

"Turbolift Elevator activated"

Off in the distance, down another long corridor that connects to the control room, you hear an elevator door open.

Wargritt grins. "That's a good fing. I think it might be away to find even more loot."

Then the computer speaks again.

"Warp Engines Activated...prepare for translation."

Wargritt frowns.

"Dat's not a gud fing boss."

Everything in the room starts shaking violently, lights start flickering, and the strange stale smell of the warp starts to feel the air.

Then the room grows very dark and you hear a powerful evil voice.

"You will fall to CHAOS."

In the distance a strange green light erupts and you see something emerge out of it. Then the shaking stops. Grotskorcha's auspex picks up several pings that materialize, indicating that many "things" have emerged throughout the ship.

"Insufficient power for translation. Warp engines offline."

Big Toof looks annoyed.

"Fall to what? You go fall on your face yah stupid git!"

Then the air fills with a sickening putrid smell, and you hear the flies, thousands of them wiggle through cracks in the doorway and vents, and fill the control room.

Big Toof bellows: "Sick green is here boyz, coming from that corridor up ahead. Grotskorcha, you're up. Burn em out! Rest of you boyz, give em some Dakka!""

The large ork rips the door open and outside you can barely make out the approaching plague bearers, (you can't make out how many there are but it looks like at least two)

Burna and other weapons: DN 3 to hit. Burna could also use a salvo option to throw up a wall of flame for a turn that the plague bearers would have to walk through to reach the orks. (That's an auto success)

All weapons, DN 3 to hit the plague bearers. DN 5 to use salvo and hit them both at once.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/23 22:03:20

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk looks about and is almost surprised to find that he’s got a shoota strapped on his back.

He shrugs and pulls it round, pointing what he expects is the business end towards the enemy and pulled the trigger. He never was much of a shot but then he may as well give this thing a go once in a while. It might be fun, he supposed.

Waaaaagh!!! DakkaDakkaDakka! he yelled, (You has to yell dat or da bullets don’t come out.) spraying into the corridor hoping he was hitting at least one of those things.

Soon they would be close, close enough for da chop, but right now it was dakka time!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/24 01:20:52

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Got ya, Chief!" Grotskorcha agrees to Wargrits comment, but goes for a more aimed approach, targetting the plaguebearers for now instead of just spraying everything. He'll need his burna juice later and it will likely be a while until he gets new stuff. Routined as he already is with his beloved weapon, he professionally turns the first plaguebearer into a "human" torch, hoping the thing will tumble into his comrade, or that the fire from his Boyz will bring it down. Good thing is, that the fire should also light the corridor up a bit to get a better look at what was comming for them.

should be 9 dice for aiming, I hope that is enough to get both of them.
5/4/1/6/5/3/4/2/2. => 4 Icons and an exalted Icon. I would go for one, shift the exalted for more damage and hope that is enough to kill it and get the second with the "spray" weapon trait of the burna

Over the roaring of the flame he thinks out loud "What iz a Wappin geen?"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/25 00:43:50

Post by: Dekskull

[Oh dear...these guys are tough. Plague Bearer: Disgustingly Resilient

[You do not need to spend Ruin to roll Determination. Roll 7d6. Daemons can roll Determination against Mortal
Wounds. Any Wounds negated by Determination are ignored instead of being converted to Shock. All the damage is just absorbed by the deamons and they don't even catch on fire]

Grotskorcha's burna slams into the deamons and since they are so packed in together it hits both at once. The orks all cheer as surely the gits will catch on fire and fall to the ground burning in agony like they always do...but when the flames die down, the plague bearers are still slowly trodding forward. To your horror the fresh burns are quickly patched over with pustal like scabs.

Then Snazzkrump, Wargritt and the two boyz open up with their shootas on full auto. It is hard to tell which ork hit and which ork missed, but Snazzkrump's gun definitely jams up in the process. Several shells slam home and blow huge chunks of diseased flesh from the plague bearers, but other than slowing them down, it doesn't seem to do anything.

Big Toof doesn't look dismayed.

"Alright ladz, now that they know we're here, let's krump em propah. WAAAAGH!" He charges in and lays into the creature with hig big choppa. This time the blow does some visible damage and the creature staggers backwards. But not nearly enough...

[Big Toof only deals out 2 wounds with his Big Choppa, they have 12 wounds each]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/25 12:52:09

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk tosses his jammed shoota with contempt. Zoggin’ gak-piece, good-fer-nuffink, nerf-cannon.

He hefts his magic Shaman-blessed choppa as he springs forward following the boss into the fight at close quarters.

Dis is much more like it! Waaaagh!

*clarification: SnazzKrunk will do an all out attack against the same enemy that BigToof just wounded.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/25 15:00:02

Post by: Pyroalchi

"Buarks! Stupid Deamunz! Won't eben burn a damn!" Grotskorcha curses, as the Plaguebearers refuse to go ddown. As BigToof and Snazz go for one of the demons together, that leaves the other open to attack without risking friendly fire. So Grotskorcha aims for that one, fiddling with the valves on his burna to try and get the flame as hot and focussed as possible. He also aims for the things legs - or whatever it uses to lurch forward - to slow it down for the others.

called shot for the legs. So I assume DN3+2=5
Naaa... that's not enough

The gout of flame bursts forward in a blueish cloud, even hotter then before, but Grotskorcha misjudged the pressure and held the nozzle too low, leaving hin about a meter short of his target.
"Ok, now get him, Boys!" je shouts to Evuleye and Squigslasher hoping they will go forth and keep him open for more ranged shots

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/26 01:37:45

Post by: Dekskull

[The Plague Bearers continue to shrug off an insane amount of damage. Snazz Krump deliver big time though with some massive critical hits. Party still has 1 Glory for next turn]

Snazz Krump's choppa starts to glow green as he charges forward and then he slams it home with the power of Gork himself. The choppa makes massive holes in one of the creatures and forces it to stagger back.

Wargritt looks stunned. "He's got the power of Gork. Come on WAAAAGH!" Wargritt and the other orks charge forward and add their own choppas to the fury. The corridor is wide enough for them to surge around and start chopping the plague bearers from all sides but to little effect.

The Plague Bearers themselves continue attacking the Nob though and do some horrific damage to him. Big Toof himself flails around aimlessly as he suffers under the effects of a million poisons. In desperation he lobs his Big Choppa to Snazz Krump. Then starts to lay into the nearest Plague Bearer with nothing but his bare knuckles.

"Use da Big Choppa Snazz, it's our only hope!"

Of course Grotskorcha could also be their only hope, if he could just set one of the things on fire. Fortunately his burna could also be used as a close combat weapon and just as easily set the gits on fire from close range. [+You would get +1 dice for each allied ork engaged in close combat]

[Nob out of shock, down to 3 wounds. Plague Bearer takes 2 more wounds, down to 8 wounds]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/26 10:30:27

Post by: Pyroalchi

Darn, that is about to go sideways pretty fast. Grotskorcha considers his options, but decides to stay out of melee for now, but drop his reluctance to use his burna juice. He will have to be careful to not hit his own guys though. His last attempt had shown him how to NOT do it, so he aimes a bit higher, but keeps the valves adjusted for as hot a flame as his burna can manage. Figuring that it might be best to fokus on bringing down one enemy first to swarm the other afterwards, he goes for the Plaguebearer that BigToof and Snazz have already krumped quite a bit.
... hmm... come to think about it I use a wrath to reroll the misses... Uh, nice.
final result after the rerolls: 6/4/4/5/4/4/5/6/6/5! (Wrath it the last 5)
=> 7 icons, 3 exalted icons, more than enough to make the called shot at DN 5 and shift the three 6es for more damage => I mean called shot to not hit my dudes, so no extra effect dice for damage.

This time he really gets it just perfect... A blueish white stream shoots forward, right between Snazz and BigToof, singeing their cheeks, but not really doing anything bad, before hitting the Plaguebearer right in the chest and engulfing him completely. Burning promethium sticks to its form and lights up the cave nicely. "Now get Crischpy ya darn git!" Grotskorcha shouts, studying the effect of his burna with sadistic glee but also a bit of anticipation if the thing will shrugg this off too.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/27 00:30:50

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk takes the massive weapon and feeling its weight in his powerful grasp he can feel the power of the Waaagh flowing through him now more than ever. He unleashes all restraint and goes all out on the attack once more. His arms as pumped as Gork’s own guns, his mind as sharp as Mork’s own madnesss, he is nought but an instrument of Da Godz, in their fury!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!! Eat Big Choppa ya stinkin’ sicko!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/27 00:51:57

Post by: Dekskull

[I took some liberty and used that last glory point to add an extra damage. It made a difference in finally getting through the plague bearer's "invulnerable" save]

[And then snazz gets a wrath critical again. Epic rolling by your GM on Snazz's behalf lol]

The jet of flame does the trick this time, and now the wounded plague bearer is on fire and blazing away. Grotskorcha knows this will go a long way to bringing the creature down.

[1 Plaguebearer down to 7 wounds is on fire]

The unwounded plague bearer lashes out and takes the Nob down with a swipe of his plague sword. Big Toof groans in pain as the plague sword cuts into deeply and he falls to the ground, still conscious for now but seriously wounded.

Then Snazzkrump opens up with a truly epic swing of blows from the big choppa which culminates in decapitating the still burning plague bearer.

The orks let out a loud cheer.

One down, one ta go! shouts Wargritt

Wargritt and the two boyz join in and proceed to hack and chop. One of them gets lucky and manages to do some damage that doesn't get healed up right away.

[Last plague bearer down to 11 wounds]

But then you hear the sound of the elevator in the distance...someone is coming down it.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/27 08:13:55

Post by: theCrowe

Oh good, dat’ll be Snotload and Shina wif da Fungus Beers. Killin’ demonz iz firsty work!
SnazzKrunk continued pounding on the sick green flesh with his big choppa.

Dis is da way we Krunk da Gitz, krunk da gitz, krunk da gitz. he sings as he smashes merrily in time.

[not an all-out attack this time as he doesn’t have BigToof for a meat-shield.] So just a regular attack on the plaguebearer. ]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/27 14:02:50

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha is kind of shocked that Big Toof goes down. All animosities between them put aside, the big dummy was still a nob, HIS nob to be precise and he did not like to see him go down so early into a good fight. On the other hand that might be another sign that it was time for him to step down, as Snazz once more proves to have a good grasp on the krumpin side of live.
With satisfaction he sees his flamer finally gaining some results, before Snazz finishes the Demon off.
Noticing the elevator noise he shouts urgently "Gud ridance of dat smelly sick green thingy. Bring da ota one down fast! Wez about ta get sum company!"
He himself is happy to stay out of melee for now, as it is pretty crowded already and takes a moment to position himself in a way to get a good shot at the demon without risking (or rater: reducing the risk) to hit one of his fellow orks and sprays some flame again. The spray of burning burna juice takes the thing right in the chest, covering it with burning liquid, but if it sticks and does anything will be a completely different matter...

Sorry, I got this "firing savely into melee" thing wrong. That's not a called shot (+2DN) but instead the Aim bonus of +1 dice turns into "no risk firing into melee".
Anyway, the mistake was against my favor, so I guess that is fair enough.
As it is pretty full with melee combatants, Grotskorcha does what grotskorcha does best and tries to light the Plaguebearer up again. Aimed shot (no risk in melee), using normal ammo, so 8 dice, last one is wrath die:
6/5/4/3/2/6/5/5. Pretty good again. 4 icons, 2 exalted icons. Wrath is 5, so nothing special. I shift all I can for more damage.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/28 23:31:55

Post by: Dekskull

[Just an FYI, the Dark Lord is going to sound incredibly juvenile. That is probably to represent how the orks would perceive his speech. It also fits the setting lol]

The burna salvo strikes home again and the remaining plague bearer starts sizzling.

"WAAAAGH Wez winnin Mighty Snazz! Eh watch the burna will yah!" Wargrit turns his head to shout at Grotskorcha.

This proves to be a fatal error as the Plague Bearer's now flaming blade immediately decapitates the painboy shaman, killing him instantly.

Then Snazz tears right into the plague bearer with his big choppa nearly bringing it down, dealing horrendous damage.

Finally the creature is brought down as one of the two remaining boyz lays into the thing with such savage blows that collapses into a pile of flaming goo.

"WARGRITT. NOOO!" One of the boyz yells in dismay.

Meanwhile Big Toof used the opportunity to crawl away to safety. He coughs and laughs, then pulls out a stikk bomb from his belt.

"Look alive boyz....he's coming I can feel it!"

The elevator doors open and out walks the Dark Lord himself. [Distance, about 18 meters away]

Despite the distance his deep voice booms loudly.

"Mwhahaha. You stupid idiots. I knew you couldn't resist the urge to press buttons that were painted red and green. Well now you've managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I have more than enough deamons to kill you all. But I thought it would be more fun to come down here myself.

But I'll tell you what. Since you've been entertaining, I'll give you one last chance to run away like cowards. Either that or fight me and die.

So what will it be losers?"

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/03/31 13:44:24

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha laughs the Sick-Green-Beaky-Boy straight in his face "Can't belief da Beaky really fell for da most obvious trap in da book! COME GET 'IM BOYZ! HE IZ RIGHT WERE WE WANTZ HIM!" He shouts towards somewhere behind the plaguemarine, trying to distract hin and buy some time for his boyz.

He just hoped they survive this and that maybe they can stitch Wargrits head back where it belongs. Might work, who knows...

Rolling Persuasion ad interaction attack: I got Fellowship 2 and Persuasion 2:
4/6/6/2 (Wrath die is the 2)=> 1 Icon, two exaktes icons

Skorcha wasn't really sure which clan he came from butbis was moments like this when he suspected sone Bloodaxe Blood running through his veins

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/01 02:16:31

Post by: Dekskull

[Alright, DN was 3 so you succeeded. You can choose to make him vulnerable or hindered for the rest of the round. Hindered increases the DN for all his tests, and vulnerable decreases his own defense by 1 for the round]

The Dark Lord tilts his helmet to the side, pausing for one crucial second, then realizes he was duped immediately begins to slowly advance toward the orks, plague belcher at the ready.

He pulls the trigger and starts to indiscriminately spray the filth from his belcher directly at the ork mob.

However his aim must have been thrown off by the distraction. The great globs of filth and corruption slam into the adjoining walls, oozing and corroding everything they touch, but no ork is directly hit.

[Dark Lord advances to within 12 meters (charging range) and will initiate a multi attack, one spray of the plague belcher at Grotskorcha, one at Snazz and the other at one of the remaining boyz. All miss]

Big Toof spits a load of saliva from his mouth in contempt as he throws the stikk bomb at the Dark Lord.


He calls out loudly as he throws the stikk bomb, unfortunately it zooms right past the dark lord and lands far down the corridor. The resulting dull blast only serves to create a lor of nosie and kick up a bunch of dust and debris, but otherwise fails to damage the Dark Lord. Still though, the orky defiance and bellowing is felt by all the orks as the living tide of the WAAAGH starts to rise.

[1 Glory Earned. Snazz, can now charge in and attack twice to seize the initiative. This is it!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/01 11:53:47

Post by: theCrowe

While GrotSkorcha is busy taunting the beaky SnazzKrunk is going to loot Wargritt’s corpse for anything that looks like it might ward off the effects of the sick green. Can I do this while in full defence?

[You can make the roll for that as you like and regardless if I can or if he succeeds or not…]

As soon as the DL is in range SnazzKrunk will leap forward, big choppa held high, aiming for a swipe at his chainsword arm.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/01 16:36:37

Post by: Dekskull

[We said he didn't need to do full defense, didn't make sense after I worked out the math for the DL's shooting. So yeah he can pick up some trinkets as a minor action and then charge right in]

[One question on your attack preference before I make the roll though. You can try to chop the arm with the chainsword. It would be +2 DN (difficulty) and success means the DL would have to pass a strength test or he drops the chainsword (would also deal a little more damage). Or you could try to target a weak point in the power armor. That would be +3 DN, but if you connect it will deal a massive amount of damage. Or you could just go for a regular attack and you would probably do a small amount of damage. You'll probably be rolling about 8-9 dice and with a regular attack, you'll need 4 successes. So 6 successes to disarm and 7 successes to bypass armor. You are also full on wrath as well so you can plan to re-rolls fails up to 2 times]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/01 19:12:50

Post by: theCrowe

SnazzKrunk was about to swing for the plague marine’s chainsword arm but his eye caught a spot between the thing’s helmet and chest armour, a corroded weeping pustule of grossness that just might be a weak point. He hitched his weapon and sprang for the right angle from which to strike it just right. This was it, his chance for a really snazzy krunking.

[by the way, did I find anything of any value on the Shaman? A glyph of Gork, a medallion of Mork? A protective amulet of powah?]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/01 21:13:16

Post by: Dekskull

[Exciting. Yes, I'll give you a goody from the shaman and it will help you resist poison and other contagion that may happen if you get cut by the plague marine. Of course, if he dishes out enough damage it's insta death anyway...the exciting rolls will happen in a few hours huzzah!]

[Exciting. Yes, I'll give you a goody from the shaman and it will help you resist poison and other contagion that may happen if you get cut by the plague marine. Of course, if he dishes out enough damage it's insta death anyway...the exciting rolls will happen in a few hours huzzah!]

[Update: Snazz uses glory to seize the initiative and attacks twice. First attack connects but the second attack misses despite both Wrath used. DL is down to 9 out of14 wounds and 5 out of 6 shock.

DL retaliates with his plague sword (I read the entry in the bestiary wrong, it's a plague sword and not a chain sword. He cuts into Snazz and renders him "dying." Then uses a ruin to seize the initiative, and attacks again. He nearly annihilates Snazz, but the ork barely holds on, using his last shock to keep himself from insta death. He takes a traumatic injury though and his right hand is chopped off. Unfortunately he needs both hands to wield the big choppa weapon. We'll say that Snazz is protected from the poison condition though. Gork and Mork's chosen for the moment. ]

After picking up a few trinkets from the shaman, Snazz charges in.

The Big Choppa goes right through the Dark Lord's plague sword and crashes right into a weak spot along his neck. Massive green bile spurts from the wound and the plague marine bellows in fear and surprise. He pauses for a moment as it sinks in that he is still a mortal, it must have been something that he had forgotten.

Then he gives into blind rage, and parries the next blow from Snazz Krump then cuts into him. As a million vile diseases flow into his body, Snazz falls and falls to the ground. But the Dark Lord doesn't stop attacking. The ork had to be made an example of. So he cuts and chops again with the sword. Snazz barely manages to roll out of the way as the blade misses his head, but in the process the sword comes down on his right hand and severs it completely.

"You see dat, he almost krumped the Dark Lord. Snazz almost did it. We can win this boyz, charge! Big Toof bellows between coughing and hacking

The two remaining boyz charge in and try to replicate Snazz's success but the Dark Lord easily parries their clumsy choppa blows, and they are unable to do any additional damage.

[New round! Remember Crowe with a traumatic injury you roll two wrath dice now with each test. If either one turns up a 1 you take a second traumatic injury and die. Also, if you take any more damage you die. Hey at least you avoided insta death!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/02 04:56:28

Post by: Pyroalchi

Grotskorcha had intended to do this "da tacticul" or "da sneaky" way, but the speed of the beaky boy, nearly chopping Snazz' head of in an instance makes more than clear, that there is no time for such finesse. Now is the time for good old cunning brutality. Nothing fancy, just good old violence. He levels his flamer and sends a prayer to their Savyors up above "GORK AND MORK! HEAR OUR PLEA AND BURN DAT BITCH!" before levelling his flamer at the plaguemarine, turning all valves to full and just hoping it will be enough to bring him down together with the boys and have enough of the orks left that at least one can crawl back to camp and try to stitch them back together.
But the good thing was: if not, they definitly died in a good scrap, and wasn't that what life was all about?

So, 10 dice (1 for aiming, one for using more ammo and my usual 8), last one is the Wrath die as usual:
4/5/4/5/1/5/5/4/1/2. Not bad,not terrible. I use my last Wrath to reroll those 1s and 2s
Noice... got another 4/1/5. So in total only missed one for 9 icons, Wrath die is a 5.
It's... good, by I suspect it would have had to be a lot more 6s to turn the tide. Let's see what the GM says about that.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/02 10:23:12

Post by: Dekskull

[The flamer hits the weak spot in the armor. That would be 3 wounds inflicted and he is on fire! Start of DL's move he takes an addition D3+1 mortals, rolled a 6 so that's 4 so he is down to 2 wounds. Then I have to spend a ruin action to re-roll my failures to put his flames out, thereby shutting down his seize the initiative and keeping him from putting out the flames and then bouncing back to attack. Good job. I've realized the trick with flamers is you need to inflict a wound to set them on fire, so having Snazz hit him first and use up all his shock was the key to winning this fight. Not bad at all!]

The Dark Lord screams in utter agony as the flames drive right into the exposed wound on his neck and soon he is completely enveloped in flames as the sweet smell of burning oily "go juice" drowns out the powerful stench of decay.

The evil space marine acts quickly, immediately diving into a roll toward the elevator, which served to extinguish the flames quickly. He then comes to his knees and reaches up to hit the button to make the elevator ascend. Slowly, the lift starts to go up. From out of his helmet the Dark Lord stares out at Grotskorcha and the other orks with a look of utter hatred. He had been reminded of things he thought he was beyond. Mortality...and fear.In that one moment of weakness he had experienced fear. At the hands of the filthy xenos brutes. An utter humiliation for an honored member of the Death Guard, but one that would not go un-avenged.

The ork boyz and Big Toof all raise their sluggas and open up from a distance as the Dark Lord makes his retreat but the shells go wild. Still, the gunfire seems more celebratory at this point.

Meanwhile Grotskorcha's auspex indicates multiple blippy things closing in from the various corridors.


[Big Toof and Snazz can only crawl. Carry them back to the fort to regroup?


Grotskorcha, go up that elevator and finish the fight one on one!]

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/02 10:54:44

Post by: Pyroalchi

That seemed to have done the trick, as the big evil, sickly green figure retreats in fear. Grotskorcha sighs in relief but tries to not let the others see how close he had felt to dying. Looking at his new auspex, he considers his options, realizing how slim their chances where. If he followed the Beaky Boy now, Snazz and Bigtoof would be dead and there would be no chance of sewing back Wargrits head and see if that did something. And the only thing to gain was the very slim chance, that Grotskorcha would be able to face the Beaky one on one on his very own hometurf.
Na, it had just been time to be kunningly brutal, now was the time to be brutally kunning. Get the ladz back to the fort, patch them up, get more dakka, bigger choppas, maybe even some hard-armor and a lot more boyz, drawn in by the chance to fight a real Beaky Boy, as witnessed by Nob BigToof personally, Snazz, Evuleye, Squigslasha and himself. Then get back here and face da Dark Lord a third time.
And also as a big plus it would be so much more fun to let the Dark Lord experience fear for some time. Let him boil in it, let it fester... Maybe Grotskorcha would be able to weaponize that against him as he had already witnessed that words could distract and hurt where weapons might fail. Yeah, that's the right and propa BloodAxe way!

"Praise be thee, MORK and GORK! Looks like weez liv ta see another scrap! Let da Beaky Runt crawl back to his cave. Weez go home and come back anutha day! he shouts towards his comrades, directing the others "Evuleye, Boss BigToof is still our best fighta! Give em a shoulda ta lean on, so hez can cover uz!" he tries to pack the 'grab BigToof and carry him' order into words that let the Nob save face. Can't hurt to make the big fool be thankful for something.

"Squigslasha! Take da shaman and hiz head. Wez stitch it together back home. He be gud as new in no time!" at least that was what he hoped for, but he tries to put all certainty he can muster into it.

"I'll get Snazz. NOW MUV YA MAGGOTS!"
As he does so, he takes care to look for Snazz' chopped up hand and pack it, as well as the big choppa "Hang in dere, buddy... kan ya hold dat for me and fight of watz kommin for us? Ya kan, kan ya?" he hands him his own choppa, mostly to keep the spirits of his friend up and then starts to hurry down the corridor, back to the fort.

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/02 20:04:43

Post by: theCrowe

As SnazzKrunk hovers in and out of consciousness he reflects on the irony of finally receiving a big choppa only to lose a hand so he couldn’t swing it no more.

worraloadagroxgak… he slurs groggily jus’ wait’ll I get me a par klaw…I iz gonna rip his beaky head off!

W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight? @ 2024/04/03 00:44:05

Post by: Dekskull

The remaining boyz manage to haul Big Toof and Snazz (and Wargritt's corpse) back through the buried void ship and out into the caves.

As they tread through the void ships hallways, the blips slowly inch closer and in the darkness you hear the wailing moans of pox walkers (lots of them) and the dripping slime of more plague bearers. But fortunately the party exits the ship before anything else can get too close.

Once they reach the entrance, the boyz pause to roll a boulder in front of the entrance to the space ship, then continue up the stairwell, through the caves and eventually...mercifully, back to the entrance of the caves.

The boyz sigh with relief as they see the pitch black night sky above their heads. Thank Gork...or Mork they had survived the scrap!

As you look back on the mountain though you see a strange green sickening lights flashing above it...a light similar to Gork's grin itself. It's unsettling and you take your eyes off of it and back to what lies ahead.

And sure enough, the old fort and your favorite Grots, Shinna and Snotload, were there to greet you when you arrived. (Well actually they were hiding somewhere taking a nap, but were there to greet you once the threats and shouting started).

Soon the typical bonfire was set up, the fungus brew was flowing and squig sausages were being consumed in abudance. Grand tales of the scrap were told by the excited orks, and each tale grew wilder and stranger with each retelling. It was such a grand time, Snazz may have even forgotten that he was now missing a hand.

Daylight comes...Snazz and Big Toof feel well enough to walk again. But no amount of rest was going to make Snazz sprout a new hand.

And that's when something very strange happens. You hear a rumbling sound in the distance and then you see the horde of greenskins pour over the horizon. Loadz of Boyz, Mega Nobz, all manner of Speed Freaks, Trukks, tons of grots, propah painboyz, meks,Wez pretty much everything (except aircraft because the local meks had forgotten those things long ago).

Eventually a massive Nob in Mega Armor thunders into the encampment. He speaks out of a blaring loudspeaker.

"Iz Big Mek Skepti-and Iz ere ta krump dat Dark Lord Beakie, take his spice ship, and re-start the WAAAGH!" Now show me where he iz!

Snotloads eyes go wide as he whispered.

"Skepti-Mek, is da most powerful ork on Red Sands. But I thought he only believed wot he could see?"

The Big Mek immediately let loose a long volley from his combi shoota at Snotload...fortunately the Grot ducked under cover just in time, and the Mek lost focus.

"Ders a rift above da mountain. Da whole planet can see dat. An da bit about Da Dark Lord an his spice ship? Some oddboy named....Wargritt told me all about it. Now tha ain't no SUPER-STITION. Heard it with me earz and sawz da rest wit me eyez. Cuz Iz a Smart Boy Mek. An big too! Now why Iz I explainin myself to a ded grot anyway?"

In the corner of his eye Snazz thought he saw Wargritt's ghost. He was smiling, and he had this weird brown hooded robe on. Why the robe? Is that something Mork gives out after you die?

The Big Mek of course saw no ghosts at all, as he turned to the horde and shouted.

"So right ladz, lets get krumpin!"

A massively loud WAAAAAGH echoed out across the sandy red plains.

In that moment Snazz remembered the vision he had earlier, of the orks fighting the sick green long long ago...and he wondered if that was the way of things. An endlessly repeating war on a forgotten planet that mattered little. Or maybe this time was differet. Maybe this time, the orks could really kick off a WAAAAGH and get off world in a "spice ship."

There was only one way to find out...

WAAAAAAGH! Da END...For Now Yah Stupid Gitz