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[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 09:59:40

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

How do! A question, potentially interesting to those already involved and those considering diving in.

And it’s simple. How much have you spent thus far?

Me? £70 on half a Starter Box. I got the Marines, Titans, Rulebook and Gubbins.
£105 on a second Starter Box
£26.95 on a box of Kratos from Chaos Cards
£26.95 on a box of Marine Infantry from Chaos Cards
£25 on a box of Kratos from XPG
£51.98 on two boxes of Rhinos from Loadeddice

I’ve also recouped £40.00 by selling the Solar Auxilia half of my second starter set.

So all in, for an army now around the 1,500 points mark? It’s £265.88 from my pocket. And I’ve some scope to recoup more by selling off the Warhounds, and second rulebook and gubbins, but I’m not gonna deduct that until I’ve got brass in pocket, as that’s not a true reflection. Reckon I can probably get £70-80 in total though, which will drop my overall spend by a healthy percentage.

Going forward, I think I’m going to set a £100 monthly budget, just for LI stuff. Depending on what I’m buying, that should see me expand my points quite rapidly.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 10:29:10

Post by: leopard

so far, one starter box for £99, and two boxes of Solar Auxilia infantry at £24.90 each

then about £30 on STL files, probably another £30 on resin, and £40 on two spools of PLA to make terrain

circa £250 plus paint, glue etc

ongoing will depend on the release rate, the next book is a certainty, models depend on whats actually available, more terrain is likely

Automatically Appended Next Post:
interesting actually, technically I've got more stuff, but you can only use so much at once, yours is official, mine isn't and we've not spent that much different from each other really overall

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 11:09:59

Post by: lord_blackfang

44€, technically, on starter set Warhounds from an ebay box splitter. Which is less than a regular box of Warhounds is from a discounter and I'm getting the new guns early... for AT, obviously.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 12:39:45

Post by: tauist

around 90€ I think; ebup rulebook and one box of Astartes infantry

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 13:33:17

Post by: Lord of Deeds

Oh geez reading everyone's list makes me think I have a problem ....my pile of shame so far excluding what I had previously bought for AT and AI;

Starter box $170 USD
x2 Astartes Infantry boxes $85 USD
x2 Kratos boxes $85 USD
x1 Rhino box $50 USD
x1 Solar Auxilia infantry Box $42.50 USD
x1 Lightning Fighters $50 USD
x1 LI Ruins box $63.75 USD
x1 Civitas Imperialis Sector box $170 USD
x2 City Road Tiles $230 USD <-------- Don't know what I was thinking and honestly regret this purchase and should have used the money on a much less expensive terrain mat.
Assorted LI bases $80 USD
SA and LA army cards $70 USD

Grant total.......I'm to scared (of my wife) to look and no I did not buy all of this at one go.

I do have a fair amount built with all of the Astartes infantry in some stage of paint and have completed my test bases. Enjoying how the models lend themselves to a less is more painting approach. Still really keen to get a game in but feel the game is a bit in limbo in my area with limited product availability, most people still not having a army ready to be put on the table and the expectation around the next wave that should hopefully fill out the core units.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 13:54:53

Post by: CorwinB

Oh, so it's up to me to make everyone feel good again ?

- 2 starter sets
- 4 boxes of Kratos
- 4 boxes of Baneblades
- 6 boxes of Rhinos
- 6 boxes of Astartes infantry
- 2 boxes of ruins
- 2 sets of tiles
- SM & SA cards

I've already planes, Titans, Knights & Civitas scenery from AI & AT.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 13:56:24

Post by: Pacific

Haha I am a lightweight looking at some of the above.

Official minis-wise I've so far got a box of Marine & Solar infantry and Baneblades, these with about 20% discount.

Bought the rulebook from the 'Bay for about £12
So perhaps getting on for £100 by now?

Which isn't bad to be able to give the game a go, I have played it now though and really enjoyed so will be getting hold of some Marine tanks and whatever comes along in the expansion.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 14:00:50

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh there’ll 100% be more spending from me once new stuff is released.

Whilst the only thing I think I’ll want more of of the current stuff is Infantry, I will be in the market for 6 more Predators. Maybe 12, once their regular box is out. So that’s £50-£60, depending on where I can source them from (probably XPG, as they’re just up the road, and it’s nice to get out and about).

Other £50 for this month is likely going on two boxes of the Levi/Dered/Tiny Artillery boxes. To fill out my Demi-Company.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 14:07:14

Post by: lord_blackfang

Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 14:15:12

Post by: leopard

guess if you want 100% infantry it could be, infantry with all having APCs

a more sensible force.. less so

as expected

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 14:27:57

Post by: SU-152


And I got 2 SA halves + some planes.

SMs I already had.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 14:45:35

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

£400ish maybe? But as said it’s gonna depend on how much Infantry you include. But with 6 Predators coming in at £25 (best discount I’ve found) and 220 points, I can soon up my overall army points.

Of course I’m not saying “tharfour game am the cheep”. Because it’s…not. But £25 for extra stuff which is usable feels ok to my pocket.

And I could always drop a chunk on a Fat Old Titan and really increase my pound to points ratio.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 14:54:28

Post by: SU-152

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

£400ish maybe? But as said it’s gonna depend on how much Infantry you include. But with 6 Predators coming in at £25 (best discount I’ve found) and 220 points, I can soon up my overall army points.

Of course I’m not saying “tharfour game am the cheep”. Because it’s…not. But £25 for extra stuff which is usable feels ok to my pocket.

And I could always drop a chunk on a Fat Old Titan and really increase my pound to points ratio.

I hadn't bought GW products in a long long time. I used to buy 3d prints for Epic:Armageddon, or Vanguard minis.

I didn't know if 40€ for a box of 6 GW Epic tanks (or 4 Kratos for example) was cheap or expensive, until ToW arrived and I saw that a box of 10 32mm fantasy minis costs the same 40€ -> and those 32mm fantasy minis are way bigger than those tiny tanks (and 10 per box).

So now I have to say LI is crazy expensive. And I was one of those that was against that 3000points=600 pounds bs.

I mean, I knew GW was expensive, but LI is even more crazy expensive inside of GW catalog.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 15:42:55

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I went with the starter, a box of baneblades, a box of kratos, and that's it.

Haven't finished building them, but from memory that's roughly 1200pts without the Warhounds per side, and 1500pts with the Warhounds. Enough for some starter games to see if I can get other people into the game.

Don't really see the point in getting duplicates of stuff when we know more variety is coming out later.

I still don't know if I'll be playing LI, depends how many people round these parts pick it up. I was happily 3D printing Epic for the 1997 version of Epic 40k, in the long run I may just go back to that, I haven't really loved what I've seen of LI as a game yet.

I do like 3D printing for Epic, it's not even a price thing, it's not having to deal with mould lines or fiddly assembly.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 16:29:35

Post by: Pacific

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

I think like a few guys here I've got a few printed minis, Vanguard etc which are generally cheaper, and a large existing collection which I can sub in with things, which has definitely helped to keep the costs down.

For those with deep pockets, with no collection and buying everything at full RRP from GW it will probably push it up a bit. I guess for those people they also have to hope that a good percentage of the new ranges come in plastic, as if they are FW/resin (such as the Arvus before) then that will really up the costs.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 22:02:45

Post by: Albertorius

Not a single dime, so far. Had a read over the rulebook and decided not to invest directly on it, for now.

I am still interested on trying it out and play a bit before deciding, but I've got nothing if not time.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 22:51:57

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

I still think LI is an expensive game for what it is, but I think it'd be hard to be so suboptimal to spend 600 pounds to get 3000pts, though it might be possible.

If you 1. Don't rely on the starter set and 2. Don't buy Titans.

If you buy the rulebook separately, that leaves you with about 18 boxes of tanks/infantry/aircraft/etc. 3000pts divided by 18 boxes gives 166pts per box.

We have Rhinos that are only 100pts a box, Arvus are 96pts to a box, Drop Pods are only 4 to a box though I don't remember if we have points values for them, Thunderhawk is 150pts to a box, on the flip side the Infantry is just over 200pts to a box, Kratos are 260pts to a box, Baneblades 190pts, Xiphons are the extreme at 510pts in a box assuming you actually want to field 6 of them in 3000pts (I only plan to field a few).

So it's not too hard to get to 600 pounds for an army if you decide to not buy the starter and get a spread of boxes that aren't very points efficient. But even if you don't hit 600 pounds because you get the starter set and love Warhounds, I don't see LI as a terribly cheap game.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/24 23:17:25

Post by: ccs

I received the starter for Christmas.

Beyond that I've spent another $485 total on my Solar + Titans + some aircraft. Most of that is in the Titans though - Warlord x1 & the Adeptus Titanicus set.
We can assume that I'll add the new book when it comes out, so +$?

Then there's another $250ish I fronted for the terrain & ruins boxes.
But that's really a group purchase split 4 ways. 3/4 of that's being repaid to me through dinner on game nights. I'm not going to have to pay for my own pizza/Chinese/etc for a looong time.

Eventually I'll get my SM part of the box built up to where I can include the Warlord. So more $$. But I haven't even looked at the list yet to see what I'll add besides a Thunderhawk (if only because "cool model").
I don't even have a Legion in mind yet.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/25 10:13:17

Post by: FrozenDwarf

1 box of SA infantry and baneblade, so 660NOK. Rulebook is pirated pdf, tokens i will find somewhere else in plastic.

Nothing more has been avalible in my country for SA for clouse to 1 1/2 months now. Restocks wont happen before 1st or 2nd week of februar. Not that it realy matters, i need the stuff that GW dont want to sell yet.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/25 18:27:43

Post by: SamusDrake

Spent nothing.

Reviewed the rule book and gave it a spin with whatever AT and AI models I had to hand, and at best it was a fun open play experience.

But even putting aside the balance issue, the real villian of the game is the lack of options for building a force, which GW goes so far out of their way to limit the choices that it actually hurts the sales and adoption of the game; the core boxed game should be a complete Legions force in it's own right. Knights as a primary force is also a no-brainer, especially when already turning away xenos players. Unless Titanicus gets a complete rules overhaul with a new edition, Legions is the best game to run a Knight army, but GW has so far dropped that ball.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/25 22:25:31

Post by: Jaxmeister

So far just a little over £400. Only things I'm likely to get more of are some aircraft just to try them out.
Living in hope we'll get some more releases soon.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/31 20:24:47

Post by: skeleton

2x starter box 310 euro
1 box of kratos 40 euro
1 box of baneblades 40 euro
1 box of rhinos 40 euro
Already got a thunderhawk and thunderbolts
and a collection of titans. Did have terein form titanicus and old epic and 3d printed terrain.

so only 430 euros

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/01/31 20:38:23

Post by: chaos0xomega

Not including all the AT and AI stuff I already owned?

Just one starter box, which I got for ~$170.

Not for a lack of trying, mind you, but everything has been sold out everywhere

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/01 05:17:58

Post by: stratigo

easily over a grand

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/02 12:53:02

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I haven't done too badly to get a fair sized SA force:

£95 on the Starter
£40 on the SA half of a starter
£25 on Baneblades
~£50 on 2x Marauders, 2x Thunderbolts, 6x Lightnings I got from eBay
~£45 on 4x Xiphons, 3x Storm Eagles (AI starter split)
£30 on a Thunderhawk
£285 Total

£105 on the AT Starter (I play AT though)
£65 on a Warlord
£50 on a Warbringer
£220 Total

All told it's pretty good that I can play three games with what I've spent.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/17 10:29:42

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Bought some more.

The Great Slaughter - £30.00 from GW Direct. Couldn’t find it in stock anywhere else. Element has it down as GW Direct only\

2 x Legion Support. £24.00 each so £48.00 from Element.

I will be getting one box of Spartans, but awaiting stock at my friend’s FLGS.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/17 10:41:40

Post by: Soulless

Core box
SM infantry

Next for me will be some more Aux infantry and the lighter transports when released but hobby is at a low at the moment.

Will pick up the new book when released cuz fomo.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/17 13:11:31

Post by: Crablezworth

Can we vote to change the thread title to the far more accurate "How much has GW allowed you to spend so far?"

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/17 13:14:41

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

No. My thread my rules, sod off

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/17 20:56:36

Post by: Jaxmeister

Good answer Doc.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/18 10:19:55

Post by: Pacific

I managed to get hold of a Kratos set and Thunderhawk at my local FLGS, so a few of those must have been sent out into the wilds.

I see that some of the sets are bumped up in price on eBay (£45 for £30 sets, hopefully no one is desperate enough to oblige them).

I could do with a set of the infantry just to bump up a Mk6 assault squad but those seem to be out of stock everywhere.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/18 10:41:05

Post by: leopard

ended up boosting my SA infantry, entirely because that was a set I could get. marines are printed but the plastic SA stuff I really like, can see a third box of them maybe later this week.

helps how fast they are to paint too

local shop has a couple of boxes of them, a few titans and thats about it (other than starter sets)

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/20 16:15:55

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I picked up the flamer malcadors and the SA support box from Dark Sphere along with the book from GW. That's another £78. £363 in total.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/20 18:53:53

Post by: aphyon

wrong forum

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/20 21:03:33

Post by: ccs

 aphyon wrote:
i've been playing for over 20 years and the prices have gone up....so i can only ball park the figure-

3rd-5th ed armies at 1850-2k points+

dark angels-$500
.sisters-$200 (used)
.epic (9 armies worth or so for myself and others) $500+
.various terrain tables-$800
.odds and ends-$300

i am probably low balling the figure, but it's a lot.

You know this is a thread about Legion Imperiales, right?

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/20 21:14:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I fear to do one for 28mm Heresy!

But you know what? Sod it! I’ll do one.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/21 18:26:40

Post by: leepaynetr

I have purchased 2 starter sets, 1 box of tanks and £50 worth 3d printed from etsy. (The 3d printed official gw stuff would of cost about £105 ) gw are really slow on manufacturing so I felt I had no choice but to turn to 3d printed gear.

I made back £80 on selling the imperial guard stuff and rule book for my two boxes.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/22 10:03:14

Post by: Albertorius

I bought a Rhino box, so I'd put my tally at 34 euros...

...and holy feth. Is this really the less annoying of the sets to assemble? Because FOR FETH's SAKE, 11 pieces per fething Rhino is nuts. Not to speak of the seams all over the top of the model >_>

This has thorougly sold me off buying more kits -_- (well, of assembling them I guess. Same thing)

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/22 07:37:54

Post by: leopard

its a huge plus for 3d printing with Rhinos especially, and other none centrepiece models

bolter armed ones print in one lump, and its three bits if you want to vary the top hatches

the model ones are beautiful once assembled but far too much work for such a low point value model

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/22 10:44:38

Post by: Albertorius

leopard wrote:
its a huge plus for 3d printing with Rhinos especially, and other none centrepiece models

bolter armed ones print in one lump, and its three bits if you want to vary the top hatches

the model ones are beautiful once assembled but far too much work for such a low point value model

Doesn't feel like there's enough of a quality difference when compared with the 3d prints I already had, TBH. And it so much more aggravating. OTOH, I still love my old 1 piece Epic Rhinos, so eh.

I feel they've gone too far into the deep end, IMHO. And this is the easy kit...

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/22 23:23:34

Post by: Jaxmeister

Ordered Great Slaughter book, 3 box Spartans, 1of each support plus 2 box Malcadors so another £240 plus picked up 2 box of Rhinos in local store to bring spend for this month to £300

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 00:49:28

Post by: stratigo

 Albertorius wrote:
I bought a Rhino box, so I'd put my tally at 34 euros...

...and holy feth. Is this really the less annoying of the sets to assemble? Because FOR FETH's SAKE, 11 pieces per fething Rhino is nuts. Not to speak of the seams all over the top of the model >_>

This has thorougly sold me off buying more kits -_- (well, of assembling them I guess. Same thing)

Rhinos were the most annoying kit I assembled

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 08:22:09

Post by: Albertorius

They did feel really annoying for me, that's for damn sure.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 08:29:03

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

If one had access to the original blender files, it’d be pretty easy to updetail the STLs to be as good or better. Make a few panel lines a bit more pronounced, shrink some details down, add some rivets, some details around the gun feeds, that’s pretty much it. Guns on the official models are often a bit beefier than the stls. Infantry wise I think the 3D prints actually look better than the official models.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 09:38:57

Post by: leopard

3d print technology means they can work with undercuts in the same way metal can but HIPS injection technology struggles with unless you have more expensive equipment

at this point I can print a block of 8 rhinos, including clean up and curing (excluding drying time though) to be ready to paint faster than I can assemble 8 from a kit with associated clean up - excluding glue curing time (basically curing & drying stuff happens overnight here so I tend to ignore it)

this also ignores the side ability if someone so desired to print in different colours (I just use grey here)

and the other huge advantage 3d printing has, it makes parts swaps very simple, e.g. take said rhino, one without top hatches, and add a top hatch commander from the quite impressive range thats out there, or reposition a weapon etc - this does require more time that download, slice & print though but it can be a lot easier especially at this scale than mucking about with plastic and a knife.

and is essentially what GW do internally anyway

it may be a while off but I can see GW eventually working with one of the 3d print firms doing licensed prints for some models - they will never distribute the files of course, not to individuals, but if they cannot get 3d print in house it would make a lot of sense for some of the more specialist stuff to go 3d print on demand

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 10:57:10

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Biggest advantages of 3D printing for me have been once it's set up, it's quicker than assembling plastic models, the ability to put symbols on tanks (instead of having to use decals) and kit bashing models that don't exist.

leopard wrote:
it may be a while off but I can see GW eventually working with one of the 3d print firms doing licensed prints for some models - they will never distribute the files of course, not to individuals, but if they cannot get 3d print in house it would make a lot of sense for some of the more specialist stuff to go 3d print on demand

GW already do use 3D printing for Forge World stuff that ends up cast resin. It's probably a better workflow for them, because they just print the master then once they have the master it's faster to recast that 10,000 times than it is to print 10,000 models.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 11:12:01

Post by: leopard

they are not alone, was working on some Warlord Games Judge Dredd models the other day, cast resin, with 3d print layer lines still in place

have the ability to drop symbols on the models, heck could stick XIV legion markings onto shoulder pads, can't be bothered as yet as my painting isn't up to it. not using decals either though

was quite surprised to find a "why not?" test print of a 28mm scale marine breacher squad sized to 25% actually printed perfectly fine, down to grenades on belts etc, and the resulting models were not stupidly fragile either

I've done 3d print master, make mould and cast resin for some terrain bits as a resin pour is circa 20 minutes to cycle over ~ 2-3 hours for 3d print, and the resin is cheaper too, depends what I'm doing though

I can well see 3d print masters at commercial scale being golden though

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 11:20:03

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I don't let my lack of painting skills stop me from 3D printing shoulder pad symbols

But my printer is only 2k and I've found shoulder symbols come out blurry. Simple stuff like a tactical arrow comes out, but I've seen people deboss an eye of horus on an Epic scale shoulder pad and it comes out fine, which I'm pretty sure my printer wouldn't do. It's part of what's making me want to upgrade my printer, but I'm hoping Elegoo release a heated auto levelling printer (I know Anycubic have one... but after my last Anycubic printer I'm ready to try a different manufacturer).

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 11:58:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Payday, and another smol spend. Well, I say smol.

£62.50 for the new cards, two sets of Spartans, and some more plastic glue, on account I’ve run out.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 13:11:39

Post by: Tyranid Horde

 Albertorius wrote:
I bought a Rhino box, so I'd put my tally at 34 euros...

...and holy feth. Is this really the less annoying of the sets to assemble? Because FOR FETH's SAKE, 11 pieces per fething Rhino is nuts. Not to speak of the seams all over the top of the model >_>

This has thorougly sold me off buying more kits -_- (well, of assembling them I guess. Same thing)

The Rhinos are the more complex kits of that size so I'm not sure where you've heard that from. Predators are about the same while the Sicarans are easier. The Leman Russ is probably the easiest kit to assemble, it's like half a dozen pieces. The other SA kits are quite simple too. I didn't find them particularly annoying to assembled aside from 4 smoke stacks per chassis. The design is very clever as there is barely any need for mould line removal.

You have no issues with seams if you squeeze the sides together using thin tamiya cement.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 15:40:35

Post by: Albertorius

Well, certainly horses for courses I guess. As to where have I heard it... well, here, for one ^^. Also, extrapolating with them being the ones that have more models made per sprue from all the vehicles I guess. That would relate with parts amount, surely?

And yeah, those smoke stacks... FML

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 18:52:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Rhino smoke stacks weren’t particularly fun. But, they weren’t quite as irritating as I initially expected.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/23 20:35:49

Post by: Albertorius

It's more that they're fething small, and very loseable (with no extras)... for not really much of a gain, to be completely honest.... and well. Four apiece >_>

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/26 10:50:56

Post by: Pacific

The last Epic army I did included 50+ rhinos so I am not going near them this time around, my Night Lords are going to be foot-slogging until drop pods arrive and I can find a good Deathclaw miniature

I'm trying to do my NL as already being well on the way to being psycho edge-lords, the official terminator minis look a bit clean-cut for this (not to mention would need to buy several of the currently unobtainable marine infantry sets) so I got hold of the Vanguard Novan Elite heavy armour, £9 and a big chunky unit of these guys (Atramar?) deep-striking. Also got a couple of the Hecate interceptors to use as Xiphon Interceptors (again think these look a bit nastier than the official Xiphon minis, which felt a bit Battlestar Galactica, £13.50 for 2.


[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/28 15:29:47

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

If anyone is desperate for the book, I can try to nab an extra copy at my local FLGS. My copy is coming from GW direct, so comfortably in the bag. And as Chaos Cards is a gentle 5 minute waltz from my oubliette, it’s no bother to be there a few minutes before opening to grab a copy for a brother. Or a sister. Or a non-binary sibling.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/02/28 20:24:02

Post by: Jaxmeister

Hey Doc thank you. One of.my children identifies as non-binary. They spend a lot of time explaining things to me slowly and in small words. Also they love wargaming whether it's any of the Warhammer stable, actually it's all of them including HH and LI and that comment is the first time they felt part of the community.
Hence why we play in a small.delf contained group. Most of the players have been rejected or bullied by clubs. Even I got sniggers at my prosthetic leg. That was until they realised I can remove and belt the little expletive deleted.
On the whole this community is accepting of people but there's always at least one childish idiot. Thanks again.
Onto the subject matter I just picked up a AT set to add toy titans and another 2 boxes of SA infantry so another £165 to add toy continuing spend.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/01 09:40:56

Post by: leopard

Jaxmeister wrote:
Hey Doc thank you. One of.my children identifies as non-binary. They spend a lot of time explaining things to me slowly and in small words. Also they love wargaming whether it's any of the Warhammer stable, actually it's all of them including HH and LI and that comment is the first time they felt part of the community.
Hence why we play in a small.delf contained group. Most of the players have been rejected or bullied by clubs. Even I got sniggers at my prosthetic leg. That was until they realised I can remove and belt the little expletive deleted.
On the whole this community is accepting of people but there's always at least one childish idiot. Thanks again.
Onto the subject matter I just picked up a AT set to add toy titans and another 2 boxes of SA infantry so another £165 to add toy continuing spend.

as the saying goes "there's always one, but usually more"

those who judge people based on such things can, in a gaming environment at least, be by far the most satisfying to utterly crush

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/01 10:22:28

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Got some bad news from Element. Whilst I am still getting them, I’m not getting my Legion Support toys tomorrow. Booooooooo! Boo I say. Boooooo!

But, off to my mate’s shop tomorrow to snaffle my Spartans and the cards. And more plastic glue.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/01 12:10:32

Post by: Pacific

I have pre-ordered the Astartes support pack from Wayland (as they also had a nice larger flight stand I can use with the Thunderhawk) so God knows when that will appear!

An observation I've had (kind of related to this thread) is how popular the social media posts of "look at all of the stuff I bought" and usually photos of a pile of boxes, are. Way more popular than people showing even completed army shots and some really beautiful arranged dioramas and stuff.
My theory is there is a sort of gratification/porn thing (bear with me here ) of people who can't currently buy themselves (either because the minis are out of stock, the cost etc) and so there is a satisfaction in others doing it.

Weirdly it reminds me a bit of those strange food-eating channels in Korea, where dieting people watch videos of other people cramming ramen and dumplings into their mouths (look it up! It's a real thing) because they are unable to do it themselves. In this case there are just hundreds of people drooling at their screens and wondering how the hell that person got hold of six boxes of Kratos tanks

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/01 12:52:36

Post by: leopard

would be wondering more why someone bothered with six boxes of Kratos..

if, as is claimed, the game is aimed at being 3k, a force of 4k-5k as a pool makes some sort of sense, but structured to build a 3k force

and with a lot of units not yet released currently aiming at a 2k5 pool and playing 1k5 - 2k makes sense

at which point more than two boxes of anything except infantry seems a waste longer term, unless you plan multiple legions

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/04 15:01:33

Post by: tauist

Bought a Civitas Imperialis buildings bundle and enough street tiles to cover a 6 x 4 foot table, so that's 450€ added to the pile. Mainly for AT18 at this point, but will obviously use the same terrain for LI when I eventually start collecting an army for it for reals.

I now have a 6 x 4 foot table for Epic scale in two flavours, urban and rural (my regular Realm of Battle board pulling double duty). It was expensive but I figured it'll last me for decades so yeh. I am in this for the long haul

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/04 16:19:24

Post by: tneva82

I can't stand the straight roads of those tiles.

Why isn't there any boards with diagonical roads...

Whopping 1 scenario where there wouldn't be straight line along road from deployment zone to deployment zone.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/04 16:49:28

Post by: tauist

Imperial sector RoB is even worse, it has only two different tiles.. and yet, even that is an ok backdrop for many interesting looking cityscape boards. You can always deploy diagonally, if that's your thing One redeeming quality of the Imperials Sector tiles is the fact that many of its details are exactly 2" long, makes stuff such as determining exact positions for objective markers a lot easier..

I guess you could mix in Zone Mortalis floor tiles to mix up a Civitas Imperialis board a bit? Make it some sort of industrial zone or something.. And one can always combine RoB rural 2x2 pieces with the tiles to create a hybrid board.. like, add 8 straight road tiles to the center of the board to represent a rural highway, or go half and half to represent an edge of a city.. etc

I will need some sort of city walls at some point..

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/04 23:12:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

tneva82 wrote:
I can't stand the straight roads of those tiles.

Why isn't there any boards with diagonical roads...

Whopping 1 scenario where there wouldn't be straight line along road from deployment zone to deployment zone.

Proper City Planning?

Much as I love my wee windy side streets, the grid system is more logical for town planning.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/03/05 09:21:46

Post by: leopard

tneva82 wrote:
I can't stand the straight roads of those tiles.

Why isn't there any boards with diagonical roads...

Whopping 1 scenario where there wouldn't be straight line along road from deployment zone to deployment zone.

I downloaded a set of buildings and road tiles to sit them on that have the same issue, solution here will be to take some of the straight plain road sections and curve them so while the centre may be a grid its not aligned to the board edges

its actually something Battletech does well (and the terrain is largely compatible), hexagons so 60 degree bends not 90.

not that roads really matter so its quite easy to have smaller urban areas that do not look like an American city centre crossed with Slough

best thing you can add though is a range of rolling gentle hills and ridge lines that are enough to block line of sight

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/18 19:10:15

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Expanding the scope of this thread.

Looking over what I’ve bought? I don’t think it’s a secret that Tanks provide a more points intensive experience.

For instance, you need 4 boxes of Astartes Infantry to pack out a Demi-Company with Infantry. Yet, points wise? 512 points.

But, if I got day, two boxes of Kratos, and two of Predators? For exactly the same cash outlay, I’m getting a staggering 940 points.

Now that actual cost entirely aside? I worry those on a more limited budget might be forced to favour tanks, which seem to offer less flexibility in the field compared to Infantry?

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/21 21:26:30

Post by: Pacific

Yep I definitely think that's the case. A lot of the ridicule that the new drop pod box is receiving (around it's price) isn't due to the model size or detail, but just because it offers such a low cost to points ratio.

To be fair a lot of games suffer from this. The classic is Flames of War where you could make an army with a £30 box of plastic veteran Tiger tanks - or spend hundreds on a Soviet Strelokvy infantry company for the same points value. I guess at least it does allow people who don't have (or don't want to spend) the money to play the game in some form.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/22 09:38:14

Post by: Tyranid Horde

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
I picked up the flamer malcadors and the SA support box from Dark Sphere along with the book from GW. That's another £78. £363 in total.

Added a box of marine infantry, solar aux cards and the manufactorum terrain set to my ever growing list of purchases. Also split a box of arty and little pigs.

£492 total and that is me done for the for the time being.

That's over 3000 points of Solar Aux, 3000 points of Titans and over 1500 points of Marines.

Any future purchases will be books or high points cost boxes like tanks. Waiting on a Marine heavy tank that isn't a Kratos, the SA baneblade variants and dracosans.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/22 20:35:17

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Payday tomorrow. And Chaos Card is just around the corner. And they do have a lot of Drop Pods on the shelf.

They’re not quite my preference, but the temptation remains, as thanks to the Dark Angels special rules, my infantry get Phosphex. So relatively sacrificial prawns for early seizing/clearing of buildings, then being as much of a nuisance as possible holds some appeal.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/25 03:24:30

Post by: Altima

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Expanding the scope of this thread.

Looking over what I’ve bought? I don’t think it’s a secret that Tanks provide a more points intensive experience.

For instance, you need 4 boxes of Astartes Infantry to pack out a Demi-Company with Infantry. Yet, points wise? 512 points.

But, if I got day, two boxes of Kratos, and two of Predators? For exactly the same cash outlay, I’m getting a staggering 940 points.

Now that actual cost entirely aside? I worry those on a more limited budget might be forced to favour tanks, which seem to offer less flexibility in the field compared to Infantry?

I think it depends on a lot. How much terrain is on the field (particularly buildings that you can garrison), what mix of infantry you bring (rocket marines are one of if not the most OP thing in the game), if you have infiltrate/outflank/scout/droppods, your available transports (argus lighters are...something special, but not what I would call generally good).

Some of the big ticket units do need their survivability upped, since you're right that cash strapped players will have to rely more on things like Titans. But that also ties in to how good some units are (air), how bad or wonky some mechanics are (void shields), and how awkward some units feel (the argument can be made that knights in general fall somewhere between underperform and just plain bad).

My friend and I have been playing with some house rules and things like giving Titans an unmodified 5+ on their void shields, giving the Baneblade an extra wound, etc. really help them feel much better without significantly degrading the infantry experience.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/25 08:03:32

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It may shift over time as we get more releases.

Astartes for instance are currently hurting for Battle Tanks. In terms of affordable expansion? It’s basically Kratos. Which aren’t bad tanks so far as I can tell, but are points intensive, and being Heavy Armour, relatively restricted in list building.

Once we start getting Light Armour and Artillery for Astartes, I think (well, hope is probably the better word!) we’ll see the gap close. They’re likely to be cheaper points wise, and better suited to complimenting Infantry.

Anyways. Knock £50 off my total spend, as I sold on the Warhounds. Which now I think about it paid for the Spartans!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So, not account for big boxed sets and arguable discount if you can sell the side you didn’t pick? I’m now on….(FLGS prices are those of my local plastic crack house, so will vary)

4 set equivalent of Astartes Infantry - £120 RRP, £100 from FLGS

1 set equivalent Predators - £30 RRP, £25 from FLGS

1 set equivalent Sicaran - £30 RRP, £25 from FLGS

2 sets of Spartans - £60 RRP, £50 from FLGS

3 sets Astartes Support - £90 RRP, £75 from FLGS

2 sets of Rhinos - £60 RRP, £50 from FLGS

So RRP is £390.00, FLGS £325. And it totals in excess of 3,000 points, allowing me to field a Demi-Company, Garrison and Armoured Company as a single list, with more than a few models left over (for instance, my current list only uses 2 of my 12 Rapier platforms). So for my money I’ve some list making options to boot. Which I have to admit makes me feel like I’ve got that little bit of extra value from it, as I don’t need to spend more to mix up my list.

I mean, I will. But only to add entirely new units.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/25 12:14:23

Post by: tauist

I got Rhinos, more Drop Pods and the Mechanicus sector terrain set, thats about 120€ on top of what I had already. Starting to feel like I want to pace myself after these, I don't want to end up with too much of the same stuff, and what I got already will be enough for playing other games with the models. A little less buying, a lot more building and painting..

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/25 14:43:07

Post by: ccs

Well this week I picked up a box of Arvus & two more boxes of Basilisks. So (with discount) just shy of another $150 for my Solar.

Let's see, what's that bring my Solar up to & the cost??
*2 boxes of Support weapons
*3 boxes of Baneblades
*4 boxes of basilisks
*1 box of Arvus
*3 boxes of Macador Infernus/Valdor
*+3 boxes of Infantry
*+4 Russ from Ebay
*a squadron of Lightnings - out of a heavily discounted Aeronautica set (let's call them $45)
*a squadron of avenger strike Fighters - out of another heavily discounted Aeronautica set (let's call them $45)
*a squadron of Thunderbolts - $80 - maybe over priced, but my favorite 40k aircraft. and they came decently painted!
*a box of Dire Wolves
*a decently discounted box of Adeptus Titanticus ($150)
*a Warlord Titan
*both packs of unit cards
*The Great slaughter book
** The original LI base box (Christmas Gift, so no cost on my end)
**something close to negligible for metal washers to glue those super flimsy order tokens to.
**another tape measure (every army I build gets one)
**another legal pad/notebook & pen
**more glue....

Yeah, I've dropped a good bit of $$$ into this game so far.
To date I've played about a dozen games.
And I haven't even looked at doing a SM force yet.... (though the Titans will become duel use at that point)

What I should really spend some $ on now? A proper carry case & foam.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/26 02:59:20

Post by: Altima

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
It may shift over time as we get more releases.

Astartes for instance are currently hurting for Battle Tanks. In terms of affordable expansion? It’s basically Kratos. Which aren’t bad tanks so far as I can tell, but are points intensive, and being Heavy Armour, relatively restricted in list building.

Once we start getting Light Armour and Artillery for Astartes, I think (well, hope is probably the better word!) we’ll see the gap close. They’re likely to be cheaper points wise, and better suited to complimenting Infantry.

I mean, for lighter tanks, Astartes do have predators and sicarans. They just generally aren't run because they have better choices. Which I feel is fine, it's the player's choice and if they want to go super min-max, they're going to do that regardless of the choices.

This isn't 40k where marines have to have the best of everything. It's okay that they have some gaps in their army.

They already have the best, most flexible infantry. They have the best transports, by a mile. They have decent air coverage in the form of Xiphons and their fat air transport is amazing especially combined with assault marines. And, of course, astartes have the best walkers. They have the more versatile formation rules, and aren't crippled being away from their command squad.

So I'm okay with SA having superior tanks. Especially with how quickly tanks can die in this game, particularly to melee...which is the Astartes forte. I'd argue that the starter box+a kratos+a spartan box will give an Astartes force plenty of meat for minimal investment, possibly less than $200 if they get decent enough discounts.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/28 02:40:50

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Well, it's been a couple of months since I last posted in this thread, and I've bought nothing new since the initial launch.

I might buy a box of Arvus lighters, but that would be for the purpose of playing AI, so not sure I'd count it here

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/28 02:57:24

Post by: Breotan

Bought two of everything, except the new titans, one box each of those.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/28 09:39:19

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Altima wrote: I mean, for lighter tanks, Astartes do have predators and sicarans. They just generally aren't run because they have better choices. Which I feel is fine, it's the player's choice and if they want to go super min-max, they're going to do that regardless of the choices.

Also they remain frustratingly locked to the big boxed set.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well….at least the Predators remain so, as next week’s pre-order includes the Sicarans.

Reckon I’m in for a box of Sicarans, to give me a second squadron, and three boxes of the Legion Fast Attack to add some speed to my forces.

Currently wondering what the Swapsies market might look like for the diddy Landspeeders, as we might be looking at a fixed, mixed loadout. We’ll need to see the Sprues, but I remain hopeful we get options for them, Spesh as everything else in the box is single equipment load.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/29 15:25:23

Post by: Pacific

Wow CCS that is some list.. I hope you don't mind, I am going to use that as a 'defence' if I get any grief about how much I have spent on this game

I got some more tokens and some faction dice from Mighty-minis, as well as some Sicaran proxies (the separates announcements came about a week late after I'd ordered) - otherwise I am done! Planning on painting up a Crusade-era Death Guard army (clean white armour look with the darker bottle green, mk3 and lots of Land Raiders) for a mate but I think I need a break from painting the tiny guys for a bit.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/04/29 15:48:06

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

No break!

Only paint!

Lazy boy! Dirty boy! In your bed! On your rug!

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/02 14:37:50

Post by: ccs

 Pacific wrote:
Wow CCS that is some list.. I hope you don't mind, I am going to use that as a 'defence' if I get any grief about how much I have spent on this game .

It's also not done growing.
I just added +2 boxes of Basilisks & have 2 boxes of the Stormhammer(?) On order.
And of course eventually boxes of Russ will be available - so figure a box worth of each varient.

I'm sure they'll release more units I want beyond that in the future....

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/02 14:48:53

Post by: Pacific

It's definitely a difficult thing to know when to 'stop' (or indeed, if you should try and do that at all )

I have just finished my 2k Night Lords army and that's it, am drawing a line under it but more just because it felt like a natural stop.

Doc - Please let me have a break Bearing in mind, this Epic army comes off the back of finishing about 12K of Crusade-era marines and 10k of Orks, I am well and truly burnt out for Epic (at least for a few weeks! ) I have a some other Epic projects lined up.. some Death Guard I'm painting up for a friend (in a very 'clean' Crusade-era white & dark/bottle green, all Mk3 armour and Land Raiders), and also need to finish off an Eldar army..

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/02 15:35:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


But I suppose we all need a break or a slowdown at some point.

Really looking forward to getting the Fast Attack stuff, as outside of transports my army is fairly plodding. Yes I’ve some nippy tanks in the mix, but go off on their own they’re just gonna get stomped.

The Outrider Squadron seems surprisingly pokey. Good in HTH with CAF+2, and two weapons per base, one of which is a 4+ Light AT. Get them behind enemy armour and I think they’ll merrily punch well above their weight. BUT….no more than 6 bases to a Squadron.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 0015/05/02 15:43:46

Post by: The_Real_Chris

Started getting it, didn't like the early play experience, difficult scale to my other 6mm stuff has spoilt it further, final nail was how rules are being released, so have gone off the boil a lot.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/03 16:36:52

Post by: Isengard

I have bought the following boxes

2x starter set
2x Solar Auxilia
1x Solar Auxilia support
1x Baneblade
1x Basilisk/medusa
1x Malcador Infernus
1x Astartes infantry
2x Astartes support
1x Kratos
1x Rhinos
1x Land Raider Proteus
1x Quaestoris knights
2x Reaver titan

Also bought 2x Malcador and 2x Warhounds from EBay

I'm guessing around £680 in total

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/05 05:43:47

Post by: Altima

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:

The Outrider Squadron seems surprisingly pokey. Good in HTH with CAF+2, and two weapons per base, one of which is a 4+ Light AT. Get them behind enemy armour and I think they’ll merrily punch well above their weight. BUT….no more than 6 bases to a Squadron.

Can speak from experience that these bikes hurt, during playtesting with my friend. She did take them with a HTH focused army (World Eaters definitely, but can't remember if she also ran them as BA).

They make a good missile unit, in that if you pick a reasonable target and they get there, they will (likely) take them out. Small unit does mean they can get hurt. On the other hand, it is a new way to force target priority.

Not sure they'll displace any of the current top army picks, but they look quite viable so far. What I'd watch out for, if I were playing them, was putting in a position where they'd be the ones taking PD shots from tanks because nothing else is in range.

Makes me wonder how light sentinels in SA will fair.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/06 10:44:14

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

They definitely seem quite punchy. Fragile due to small squadron size (which is fair enough!), but the damage they could cause seems worth it. Especially if your opponent diverts forces to try and pin them down.

Anyways. Add £104.00 to my total.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/06 11:34:44

Post by: Marxist artist

One of every release , except sicarans and malcador's so whatever that costs.

I collect and paint so no cards or rules needed or books.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/06 11:56:51

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Also, odd thought?

Whilst I think this thread goes to show Epic isn’t a Cheap Game? Because I tend to get multiple units per box, I get a different kind of warm and fuzzies. Whilst non-tanks sets need at least two for decent sized units, there’s still the illusion of better value.

And…I’m happy with that illusion. It’s like the olden days. And if I can just get my idiot head around “hey genius, you don’t actually have to max out all your units!” then I could reduce my costs.

But I won’t. Because they look fantastic on display!

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/07 06:37:32

Post by: Albertorius

I agree that Epic, as GW is currently selling it, is not a cheap game ^^

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/07 06:59:25

Post by: tauist

 Albertorius wrote:
I agree that Epic, as GW is currently selling it, is not a cheap game ^^

Well sure, LI is not a cheap game, but HH 2.0 with LI models is a very different proposition. The boxes split up perfectly for mirror matched army builds

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/07 09:37:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Evidence from my FLGS that my goodies are in-hand.

Not getting them until release day of course. But exciting to know I am getting them.

[Thumb - IMG_4318.jpeg]

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/07 10:34:49

Post by: Pacific

I guess it's cheaper by GW standards, but it's a big change from the second edition release where it was almost one of the cheapest ways into wargaming.

Think there was a period of early 90s when 40k was a bit of a sprawling mess (just prior to 2nd edition being released) and expensive as well, and then you had the 'all in one' Space Marine starter set come along with 3 full armies, rules, dice and a titan! And the extra boxsets were very reasonable too. I think it's why so many of us (around the 40yr mark) got into wargaming through Epic.

Think the new game is targeted at that same group who are now 'grown up' (haha) - they have the money to buy the 'boutique' epic minis, and it doesn't matter that the rules are all over the place cause 90% of the people buying them for nostalgia purposes won't ever get to play a game - but are happy enough with putting some together and on the shelf. I suppose for me, it's a shame an attempt wasn't made at a more 'mass market' game that everyone would play, rather than almost deliberately targetting a niche - Epic itself has the track record to show it could have been a main system again.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/07 12:58:30

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Whilst allowing for inflation the prices aren’t as different as at first thought? They are still more expensive.

The main thing for me is I’m still getting fieldable units per box. Even if, like the Infantry box, they’re not necessarily effective on the field.

Though the Fast Attack one does look like a potentially competent “one box wonder”.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/07 14:17:03

Post by: Albertorius

 tauist wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
I agree that Epic, as GW is currently selling it, is not a cheap game ^^

Well sure, LI is not a cheap game, but HH 2.0 with LI models is a very different proposition. The boxes split up perfectly for mirror matched army builds

I have decided to play HH 2.0 with 15mm models, kind of a best of both worlds ^^

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/08 14:52:43

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Also, odd thought?

Whilst I think this thread goes to show Epic isn’t a Cheap Game? Because I tend to get multiple units per box, I get a different kind of warm and fuzzies. Whilst non-tanks sets need at least two for decent sized units, there’s still the illusion of better value.

And…I’m happy with that illusion. It’s like the olden days. And if I can just get my idiot head around “hey genius, you don’t actually have to max out all your units!” then I could reduce my costs.

But I won’t. Because they look fantastic on display!
I think I'm the opposite, I see a box of 6 "tanks" that are actually smaller than your average 32mm infantry model but double the price and find it off-putting.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/09 12:03:21

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Which is fair.

Mild grump? The two week pre-order window. Particularly since I’ve started, y’know, actually Painting All The Things? It’s too long!

I’ve paid my money, gimme my sweet sweet toys! I want them now!

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/09 13:19:25

Post by: Albertorius

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Which is fair.

Mild grump? The two week pre-order window. Particularly since I’ve started, y’know, actually Painting All The Things? It’s too long!

I’ve paid my money, gimme my sweet sweet toys! I want them now!

That's why 3d printing is bad. (Almost) immediate gratification! It's soooo bad when you have poor impulse control...

Incidentally, I printed a hundred 28mm ashigaru and samurai last week >_>

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/09 13:43:09

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I can’t be arsed with that stuff. Too many fiddlins needed. Not least a computer that doesn’t run on Hamsters.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/10 22:39:58

Post by: Albertorius

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I can’t be arsed with that stuff. Too many fiddlins needed. Not least a computer that doesn’t run on Hamsters.

I can honestly say that LI specifically is much fiddlier, miniatures wise, given how many parts do they have and all. But I an completely understand not wanting to get into the cleaning and curing hassle.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/11 09:07:01

Post by: tauist

For someone like me, who actually enjoys the model building part of the hobby the most, LI kits are awesome! They are just fiddly enough that you really have to tighten up those hobby skills to a razors edge if you want to achieve a "perfect" finish. While working on 28mil figures I got the feeling I was already at the upper echelons of the game, the new epic scale has shown me I still have ways to go before I'm anywhere near "Master Builder" tier.. humbling, and I welcome the new challenges!

I was looking into 3D printing, but 1) the conclusion that I dont know where to properly dispose all the toxic chemicals it requires, and 2) reading about the horror stories of "bad resins" ruining the models and their paintjobs months after the models have been finished, have been keeping me well clear that ish. Im good love enjoi

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/05/15 11:22:02

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

There is satisfaction in building them. But I still question the necessity of say, Leviathan legs coming in three parts when that sprue could’ve done with weapon options instead.

But I do mean question the necessity because as ever I know bugger all about plastic injection moulding and its foibles.

I am looking forward to the Fast Attack set. With the bikes and jet bikes being just two or three parts, they should be pretty quick to build.

Think I’ll visit the DIY shop to get a suitable spray stick and some double sided tape for the undercoating though.

[LI] How much have you spent so far? @ 2024/09/21 14:12:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

OK doke. Costs update. I’ll stick to current RRP for clarity and ease of reference, however I have bought everything at some discount or other.

2 x Legions Imperialis Core Sets - £250.00 total
2 x Legion Infantry sets - £63.00
1 x Kratos Heavy Tanks - £31.50
2 x Spartan Assault Tanks - £63.00
3 x Legion Support - £94.50
3 x Legion Fast Attack £94.50
1 x Legion Xiphon Interceptors - £31.50
1 x Legion Fire Raptors - £31.50
1 x Legion Sicarans - £31.50
2 x Sicaran Arcus/Punisher - £63.00

So straight off of GW’s shelves for models and core rules? £722.50.

Add on the two expansion books at £31.50 each, and we’re a little under £800.00.

However. I not only bought universally at varying discount, call that 15% averaged out? But the core sets I got well under retail.

First half I bought for £70.00. Astartes models, Book, Templates, Tokens etc. The second set I bought, but sold on the Solar Auxilia half. Pretty sure I got £55 or so for that. Might’ve been more. So that’s another £125.00 I managed not to spend, or recouped.

So, £785.50 straight RRP. Less £125.00 saved is £660.50. Less 15% (£99 more or less) a far more tolerable £561.50.

Points wise I’m probably somewhere around 6,000 or so, maxing out unit selection.

Now, being twice the usual “recommended” game size I’m not about to argue “therefore halve the spend”. Oh no. For that would be dishonest. Because from those 6,000 points, I still need to stick to Formation minimums and maximums. And I think everyone likes some flexibility in their army selection, no?