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Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/15 17:44:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I don't mind the ads, I mean I know that's how FB pays the bills.

It's the suggested pages, 3 or 4 at a time, taking up half my feed. And yeah are some pages I might like but thank you I have enough Star Trek stuff in my feed. And while I am of the right age and demographic I will pass on Lion-O's Dank Thunder Meme Stash if you don't mind.

They're all just party crashers in my mind.

I don't mind the people you might know or pages you might like bits, but adding strangers to my stream is just not acceptable!


Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/15 18:06:51

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Does your feed also loop the same 10 comments over and over again for days while ignoring new and relevant posts by friends and family?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/15 18:06:51

Post by: beast_gts

I keep getting the same post (from a trading group) at the top of my feed, and the rest of it posts from days ago...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/15 18:09:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s gotten worse since they stopped letting us default to Latest Posts.

You can still do it, but it’s a one-off thing.

I tell you, if it wasn’t for my Loot Group and the gaming club I joined the other day, I’m not sure I’d bother.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/15 18:41:11

Post by: The_Real_Chris

Its terrible content, terrible search, terrible to actually get to what its alerts are referring to. If my wargame club wasn't on it I wouldn't use it.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/15 20:43:28

Post by: cuda1179

It's the clickbait stories I hate the most. The (insert outrageous story here) with pic. Even if you want to read it it's NEVER in the article.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 04:41:53

Post by: Ahtman

I have FB primarily for messenger for some friends and family. One time it had a story about a pro wrestler from the 80s and I was trying to remember who it was so I looked at the story. The next three months were constant stream of pro-wrestling pages filling up the site.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 10:32:45

Post by: Baragash

It seems to have replaced forums for wargaming communication, so sadly stuck with it. Aside from all the complaints above, I also get irritated by the algorithm giving me sports posts and articles 3-5 days after the match in question has occurred.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 11:36:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Reject modernity, embrace forums.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 16:42:37

Post by: Olthannon

I do not use it at all, I just use messenger to talk to family. It's awful, the suggested posts just take over everything, it's the worst part of social media these days. The entire idea was that you could essentially curate your feed so that you could see the things you wanted to see, no have an algorithm suggest utter dross.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 16:51:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

As the user experience declines I wondered how the company is doing, a worse user experience is usually a sign of a struggling company trying to monetize every inch of its property.

So I checked, FB made $39 billion last year, so you can see why they're pushing to make more money.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 18:11:40

Post by: Overread

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Does your feed also loop the same 10 comments over and over again for days while ignoring new and relevant posts by friends and family?

Hah yeah mine keeps doing that!

And yes I hate having to constantly go to the comments to tell it to show me everything instead of the few that it "thinks" I want to read.

Honestly it seems Google/Youtube and FB have all turned a corner ni the last 5-10 years that has progressively made their search and display worse and worse. Personally I'm convinced its a combination of bots, a desperation to maximise ad revenue and a shift in human behaviour that has resulted in people just following what the algorithms show, which causes the algorithms to show the same type of thing more and more. The result of which is a positive feedback loop where designers think they are giving people more of what they want because people engage with it more; but that's because its all they are giving people to engage with and a LOT of people are too lazy to search for more (which is then heavily hindered by the search systems not showing many results).
Layered on top I'm willing to bet various blocks of "human behaviour data" is actually bot behaviour as bot detection and bot creation constantly battle each other. So it wouldn't shock me if a huge chunk of the data is based on bots doing bot things to boost channels and so forth with abnormal patterns of behaviour.

Ergo its gone from following and aiding human behaviour to defining human behaviour whilst patting itself on the back that its still doing the former.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 21:34:39

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

i'm fairly certain banishing an item from my feed is counted as 'interacting' with it, thus making more and more of the same annoying nonsense show up

but hey, at least FB is more usable than X/Twitter

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/16 21:49:38

Post by: Overread

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
i'm fairly certain banishing an item from my feed is counted as 'interacting' with it, thus making more and more of the same annoying nonsense show up

but hey, at least FB is more usable than X/Twitter

Banishing/ignoring things either tends to make the system think you love it or (more often) makes it think you HATE that content. Thus it doesn't just remove it from your feed, it wants to remove all other instances of that content/creator from your feed (esp on youtube). So suddenly you go from ignoring one thing from someone one time to never getting any updates from them ever.

Steam "kind of" does this with their library news reel in that if you've a game you don't interact with for a while, Steam stops telling you news regarding it. So a game can have a semi-major update and you have no clue its happened.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/17 14:40:21

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
i'm fairly certain banishing an item from my feed is counted as 'interacting' with it, thus making more and more of the same annoying nonsense show up

but hey, at least FB is more usable than X/Twitter

Sort of. . . If you use any of the reaction buttons prior to banishing, yes, FB will push that crap even more.

What I've noticed is, every few weeks they'll reset or redo the algorithm. . . Basically, I'll go from having almost no sponsored/forced ads inside my feed (a particular thing I fething loathe, I get you "need" ads, but put them off to the side or something), to at the beginning of a week it will be 30+% of my entire feed. Seemingly every other post will be some sponsored ad or sponsored page. My personal tactic is to report every single one of them. Every. Single. One. its either spam/scam, sexually explicit, or just offensive if I can't be bothered. In my mind its a case of "you waste my time with this gak, I waste your time"

When I got some of the megachurches in the US as "sponsored ads" I made the mistake of leaving the angry react. . . . which then flooded my feed with more gakky megachurch bs. So, if you truly want stuff gone, you just report it/banish it, but DO NOT HIT A REACT BUTTON!!!!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/17 14:44:19

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I keep getting religious stuff in my feed. I think it’s getting info from YouTube, as I have an interest in apologetics and the discussion there on, but am otherwise happily atheist.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/17 14:47:26

Post by: Overread

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I keep getting religious stuff in my feed. I think it’s getting info from YouTube, as I have an interest in apologetics and the discussion there on, but am otherwise happily atheist.

It will pull from youtube, google, your search history - anything it can get its hands on.
Also even if you turn things off you can bet its a whole rafter of settings that turn themselves on again next time something gets a refresh/update

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/17 15:00:44

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Yeah. Given the stuff I sometimes need to Google for my job, I’m bound to be on someone’s watch list.

Still, it means I’m a prime target for Obvious Crypto Scam, which I report to FB.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/17 16:46:07

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I keep getting religious stuff in my feed. I think it’s getting info from YouTube, as I have an interest in apologetics and the discussion there on, but am otherwise happily atheist.

It could also be your interest in wargaming. I started getting ads for far right “anti-tyranny” tactical gear and Norse rune jewelry shortly after joining a couple of wargaming groups. Those are definitely not things I looked at on YouTube.

Edit: and no, Dreamforge wasn’t one of them.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 00:56:02

Post by: Laughing Man

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I keep getting religious stuff in my feed. I think it’s getting info from YouTube, as I have an interest in apologetics and the discussion there on, but am otherwise happily atheist.

It could also be your interest in wargaming. I started getting ads for far right “anti-tyranny” tactical gear and Norse rune jewelry shortly after joining a couple of wargaming groups. Those are definitely not things I looked at on YouTube.

Edit: and no, Dreamforge wasn’t one of them.

I mean, YouTube (and Google in general, by extension) has a pretty well documented history of quickly dumping hard right content on people after doing, well, pretty much anything on the website. Doesn't surprise me that Facebook does the same, especially given they're all buying your info from each other to refine their advertising algorithms.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 10:40:54

Post by: stonehorse

The more social media spirals out if control, the more I miss the old Internet, before social media platforms had really started. Back when it was forums and people's own random Web pages. Those where the equivalent of the Wild West period in USA. Short lived, but very energetic. Now it is sguffinf lore and more to a sanitised corporate medium.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 16:13:16

Post by: Skinnereal

I've been getting 'content exhaustion' issues on my phone. After a couple of refreshes or FB, and scrolling down 20-30 pages, it stops and gives an error, and doesn't show any more. Once that happens, it'll take hours before it lets me scroll more than that 20+ pages down.
This is just since the start of this year.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 16:16:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

This is course a perfect example of “engakification”. Which is a proper word now.

What used to be a fun and useful way to keep up with friends and family, is now a corporate hellhole devoted solely to making a ridiculously wealthy man even wealthier.

We’re kind of seeing the same thing with Streaming. Amazon now carries ads (nowt too annoying thus far, but if it could figure out I Don’t Care About Sport, that’d be great), and prices are only going up, ads or not.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 18:07:10

Post by: Da Boss

I quit facebook a decade ago, and I don't miss it at all. I'd hardly been using it before that.

But lots of the stuff I used to find on forums and blogs seems to have moved onto it sadly. I recently decided to make "burner" account to join some of those groups, but I realised that making an email nowadays pretty much REQUIRES your phone number. I went with Protonmail but then they had a go at me for using it to try to sign up to Facebook and wouldn't show me the confirmation email.

Honestly pretty shocked at how restrictive and invasive the major services have gotten, it's much worse than I thought.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 22:28:07

Post by: Commissar von Toussaint

 Da Boss wrote:
I quit facebook a decade ago, and I don't miss it at all. I'd hardly been using it before that.

I shadow quit. I couldn't delete my account because (believe it or not) Uncle Sam is a heavy user in military accounts. When I got mobilized for the covid, I had to have access to it.

That being said, I deleted just about everything in my profile, including the photos, etc. I used to get notifications to entice me to log back in, but that stopped after a while.

Recently, though, I got a notification of a password reset, and that caused me to want to log in. I put in my password and then facebook demanded I give them a copy of my current photo ID for "verification." Um, no. I got another notification, and this time clicked on the button saying "No, I didn't authorize this," and facebook's response was "okay, no problem."

But now the notifications are starting back up, hot and heavy.

They're literally phishing their users, using threats of unauthorized access to get users to change their password. My wife deleted her account long ago and when they phished her she said they needed to stop or she would contact law enforcement, so they did.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 22:37:10

Post by: Overread

I don't think that's FB fishing as I've had those emails and didn't require any ID or anything. It's more likely scammers trying to get into your FB by just hitting as many accounts as they can

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 23:11:14

Post by: Commissar von Toussaint

 Overread wrote:
I don't think that's FB fishing as I've had those emails and didn't require any ID or anything. It's more likely scammers trying to get into your FB by just hitting as many accounts as they can

I think both are likely, but it was strange that facebook - the actual site, not an email - said that they needed to confirm my ID so could I kindly send them an image of my photo ID.

The site makes its money from selling people's private information, and no other site asks me for that kind of stuff. At most they'll ping your phone and email of record. Actually saying "hey, photograph your gov't ID and send it to us! We're totes trusthworthy" is weird.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 23:30:40

Post by: Overread

Commissar von Toussaint wrote:
 Overread wrote:
I don't think that's FB fishing as I've had those emails and didn't require any ID or anything. It's more likely scammers trying to get into your FB by just hitting as many accounts as they can

I think both are likely, but it was strange that facebook - the actual site, not an email - said that they needed to confirm my ID so could I kindly send them an image of my photo ID.

The site makes its money from selling people's private information, and no other site asks me for that kind of stuff. At most they'll ping your phone and email of record. Actually saying "hey, photograph your gov't ID and send it to us! We're totes trusthworthy" is weird.

Yeah but at the same time you do get clone accounts created of actual real people that scammers then use for all kinds of nefarious purposes. FB thus probably does need to sometimes verify that you really are who you say you are because there's two people registered with the same name in the system and they need to make sure they ban the right one.

Another layer might also be if your activity suggests that your email might be compromised and thus they want ID proof to verify that you are you and that its not someone has gained access to your email and then used that to gain access to everything else that you have through "oh send me a reminder".

There are certainly risky parts and even these verification elements, which could be totally developed for the end-user benefit ; could be twisted by staffers or management into something else for another use.

It's layers of the onion sadly that make things complicated.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/18 23:31:48

Post by: insaniak

Commissar von Toussaint wrote:
I think both are likely, but it was strange that facebook - the actual site, not an email - said that they needed to confirm my ID so could I kindly send them an image of my photo ID..

If it's been a while since you logged in, and scammers have been trying to access your account in the interim, it's not really that strange that they wanted to confirm you were actually you before giving you access to the account.

I would agree that asking for photo id is not the best way to go about that, and that photo id isn't something to trust to any social media site... but the idea behind it is reasonable.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/19 14:48:21

Post by: Shadow Walker

Reading all above I am really happy that I decided to delete my account years ago.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/19 20:21:23

Post by: Commissar von Toussaint

 insaniak wrote:
If it's been a while since you logged in, and scammers have been trying to access your account in the interim, it's not really that strange that they wanted to confirm you were actually you before giving you access to the account.

I would agree that asking for photo id is not the best way to go about that, and that photo id isn't something to trust to any social media site... but the idea behind it is reasonable.

It's a paradox: to secure my account I'm asked to do something fraught with security risks.

This is why other sites ask my first grade teacher, or first pet, or where I met my spouse - information that is meaningless trivia.

Anyway, it's best just to stay away from the place.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/19 20:49:15

Post by: Overread

It's not really a paradox - your bank or such can also require more proof than a random pet name (often something you have to write down so you don't forget which "favourite pet" you chose or if you chose a name that wasn't actually your pet so someone can't hack into your account).

FB is just more "serious" about it than a forum which is happy for just a basic confirmation level of info.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/19 21:34:16

Post by: Commissar von Toussaint

 Overread wrote:
It's not really a paradox - your bank or such can also require more proof than a random pet name (often something you have to write down so you don't forget which "favourite pet" you chose or if you chose a name that wasn't actually your pet so someone can't hack into your account).

FB is just more "serious" about it than a forum which is happy for just a basic confirmation level of info.

The paradox is that you are electronically transmitting information that could be hacked either en route or once it reaches the source. Furthermore, my bank makes its money by reliably protecting my money; Facebook makes its money by selling all of the personal information it can get from me.

Basically, their business model is slow motion identity theft - everywhere you eat, sleep, your favorite foods, family, where you went to school - all of this is their commodity. There is very little incentive for them to protect my ID. I'm enough of a cynic to assume that half the "data breeches" are when the company decides that a year of "identity theft protection" is worth less than the data they are selling.

It should be deeply disturbing that deleting my Facebook account would have had an adverse effect on my military career.

Get out while you still can!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/20 02:18:49

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 insaniak wrote:
Commissar von Toussaint wrote:
I think both are likely, but it was strange that facebook - the actual site, not an email - said that they needed to confirm my ID so could I kindly send them an image of my photo ID..

If it's been a while since you logged in, and scammers have been trying to access your account in the interim, it's not really that strange that they wanted to confirm you were actually you before giving you access to the account.

I would agree that asking for photo id is not the best way to go about that, and that photo id isn't something to trust to any social media site... but the idea behind it is reasonable.

This. . . Even for folks who are on daily, or very nearly so. I have a friend who got told by a mutual friend of an imposter account. Despite fairly frequent activity, they did need to prove that their account was the real account, and this was post-logging in to facebook, so not a fake site phishing for info. One of those things that could be used was a photo ID.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/20 02:24:12

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, I would trust my bank to protect my personal information more than I would trust social media sites or other businesses. I don't use AirBnB for the same reason... got up to the part of the account setup where they wanted me to upload pics of my driver's license, said 'Nope' and went with a different booking company instead.

The old 'mother's maiden name, etc' style questions are much less obtrusive, and much less risky... particularly because you don't have to use the actual, true information, just need to be able to produce the same answer you supplied originally.

On the facebook front, my current big bugbear is having stuff consistently not show up on my feed until 3 days after it was posted. The kids' school and the local community group frequently posts about things that are going on that day, and not seeing the post until 3 days later is more than a little useless.

And yes, the suggested pages are out of control. There are more ads and suggested pages in the news feed than content that I actually want to see.

Although at least the ads are more relevant than the constant stream of identical, bot-created ads for nonsense products on twitter. The frustration with FB ads is that there are so many obvious scammers that I no longer trust any of them. So they're just useless filler taking up space in the news feed.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/20 03:36:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Yeah my tax company asked for my driver's license to sign in.

And then told me I don't exist.

And then emailed me daily reminding me to log in.

I cannot believe Facebook is asking for that.

Bad enough Google wants a phone number to register an account these days.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/22 18:26:25

Post by: Easy E

Scammers (including the people who own Social Media companies) are making the internet almost unusable.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/23 07:36:43

Post by: chromedog

Install "FBP" (browser add-on).

Customisable filter for FB. Ads, suggestions, reels, even filter out specific post types. By image type or even keywords.

e.g. Don't like dog or baby pictures? You can tick those boxes and no longer see the posts that include them.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/25 09:57:57

Post by: Bran Dawri

Haven't been on Facebook in years, not planning to go back either. Looks like I made theright decision.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/25 13:06:20

Post by: cuda1179

Commissar von Toussaint wrote:
 Overread wrote:
I don't think that's FB fishing as I've had those emails and didn't require any ID or anything. It's more likely scammers trying to get into your FB by just hitting as many accounts as they can

I think both are likely, but it was strange that facebook - the actual site, not an email - said that they needed to confirm my ID so could I kindly send them an image of my photo ID.

The site makes its money from selling people's private information, and no other site asks me for that kind of stuff. At most they'll ping your phone and email of record. Actually saying "hey, photograph your gov't ID and send it to us! We're totes trusthworthy" is weird.

There is a guy I follow on youtube that calls himself the Mechanical Ninjaneer. He has a facebook account under that name also, as that's how a majority of his followers know him. One of his episodes was literally him fighting with facebook because they locked him out of his account for "using a fake name" and they need an ID with his name on it to allow him access. So, he just fabricated his own ID. It was just some random background of a map of Arizona, a picture he took of himself, random numbers for the "ID", his name listed as "Mechanical Ninjaneer", and the words "Official Arizona Identification" across the bottom. He scanned it, sent it in, and they accepted it, no problem.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/25 14:44:05

Post by: The_Real_Chris

I wonder if he started a service making fake, fake IDs, that would be a crime or not?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/25 20:07:08

Post by: Jaxmeister

I'm glad I've avoided all those anti social sites. I've never used them and never seen the need or had the interest in them to do so.
None of my kids, I use that loosely as they're all adults, use them either. They all have horror stories of people that they know that have harmed themselves, killed themselves or had horrible reactions on something they posted.
I don't understand in this time of fairly common identity theft why people post all of what their doing online. They make themselves targets.
Anti social media it is as there's nothing sociable about it.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/26 07:26:54

Post by: insaniak

In an age when nobody writes letters anymore, Facebook was a handy tool for keeping up with what the people you know but don't see every day are up to with their lives. It was also handy for reconnecting with people you had lost contact with over the years, as so many people were using it. It was very definitely 'social' media.

The change came when they introduced advertising. From there, the focus became making money for advertisers rather than keeping the platform user friendly and functional for its original purpose.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/26 08:04:15

Post by: kodos

someone on the internet ask you to send them your full name, address, passport, credit card, and phone number so they can verify that you are "real" and not a scammer, while promise to keep those information save and only sell them anonymously if you pay them

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/26 15:59:41

Post by: Polonius

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
This is course a perfect example of “engakification”. Which is a proper word now.

What used to be a fun and useful way to keep up with friends and family, is now a corporate hellhole devoted solely to making a ridiculously wealthy man even wealthier.

We’re kind of seeing the same thing with Streaming. Amazon now carries ads (nowt too annoying thus far, but if it could figure out I Don’t Care About Sport, that’d be great), and prices are only going up, ads or not.

Once I learned of that concept I saw it everywhere I looked online. FB, amazon, google.. all used to be world class experiences, and are now basically just flea markets.

Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. I call this enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value, combined with the nature of a "two sided market", where a platform sits between buyers and sellers, hold each hostage to the other, raking off an ever-larger share of the value that passes between them.


Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/30 16:34:15

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

Seeing as they've updated their algorithm again, and again I'm subjected to god awful ads inside my feed, there's yet another thing to gripe about:

If you go in to ad settings, the page simply does not load. Like, it just isn't programmed to do anything. So, it used to be, you could click a couple buttons and say "never show me this advertiser again" but now. . . blank screen.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/30 19:50:51

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

You know what really pisses me off?

I kinda fancy that I know more about UK financial products than most Dakkanauts. And I know which products are regulated, and which aren’t.

And if it’s not regulated, it can’t be recommended to anyone except experienced investors.

Now. What makes one an experienced investor? It genuinely depends. And part of that “depends” is one’s liquidity and overall situation.

If you’re like me and you do pretty alright? Low risk,low reward investments are best suited. You won’t become a squillionaire overnight. But you’re never gonna lose more than your original stake.

£10, £100, £1,000 in? That’s it. That’s your potential loss.

But crap like Crypto and CFD? Those are complex. And with some? You can risk more than your stake.

It’s those that can’t be advertised. Ever. At all.

Yet…..FB? “Oh we am the Speshul case”. And I’ve seen far, far too many cases cross my desk where some poor dobber had been swindled. I’ve even written to my then MP about it.

His answer, the wording I can’t quite remember is that social media platforms argue they’re somehow not included in advertising laws.

But…hey. Keeps me a job. Just sucks to be the poor devils that fall for it and lose their life savings. Or worse.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/30 19:58:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Facebook is basically a TV station or newspaper where we provide the content.

It should totally be covered by existing advertising laws.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/30 20:08:04

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Damn straight they should be.

Too many folk being fleeced because of Social Media.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/30 20:21:25

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:

His answer, the wording I can’t quite remember is that social media platforms argue they’re somehow not included in advertising laws.

But…hey. Keeps me a job. Just sucks to be the poor devils that fall for it and lose their life savings. Or worse.

I mean, when a post has a nice little print right with it reading "sponsored ad" how tf is it NOT covered under any advertising laws?

Sounds like that former MP had some green lined pockets (or. . . whatever color a pound is) going on.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/03/30 21:13:52

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Quite possibly.

But the harm the lack of effort in holding social media to the same laws as other media is immeasurable.

And sadly, it’s not just financial. If you’re a Snake Oil Salesman? Social Media is your oyster.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/12 15:25:07

Post by: Bran Dawri

It's strange how many people still don't remember and use the Golden Rule for buying and investing: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/12 15:29:31

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

On that? How many of us receive any kind of financial education?

Anyways, that’s somewhat political so crashing on.

Facebook is now hosting ads featuring Hard Core Prawn. Not the simply suggestive. Proper “giving her six nowt” Prawn. And when I report it as inappropriate? Apparently it’s not against their rules.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/12 16:43:08

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

It is, report them.

What I see are replies in old threads tagging everyone with a pr0n vid.

Report, report, report.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/12 17:52:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Damn straight they should be.

Too many folk being fleeced because of Social Media.


Have you taken a look at youtube recently and their adds on financial products, blatantly fakeed videogame ads and just simply scams?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/12 18:04:35

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Honestly? Not paid that close attention.

I normally have YouTube premium, so just don’t get the ads. But having been Bill Bombed this month I’m starting to see ads. Just not that one. Or those ones.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/13 05:16:40

Post by: Baragash

X is a cesspit, but at least ridiculous video game ads get community notes.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/13 06:36:18

Post by: insaniak

Twitter's thing of having community notes instead of content moderation is not really a bonus. You still see the dross in the feed.

Which, now that I think of it, would be a fantastic idea - they need to add a toggle to set the feed to not display anything with a community note on it unless you have interacted with it...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/13 08:34:25

Post by: Dysartes

Blocking the ads on X seems to work reasonably well, so at least you only see them briefly.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/13 08:43:40

Post by: Haighus

 insaniak wrote:
Twitter's thing of having community notes instead of content moderation is not really a bonus. You still see the dross in the feed.

Which, now that I think of it, would be a fantastic idea - they need to add a toggle to set the feed to not display anything with a community note on it unless you have interacted with it...

Isn't that 99+% of X these days? May as well just leave the site.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/13 08:58:29

Post by: JamesY

I came off of FB over a decade ago and never regretted it. Dakka is about 95% of my social media interaction, besides an Instagram account for a small etsy business I set up with my partner last year, and a paired account so that people knew it was me. Nothing that I hear about any platform makes me want to engage with them, and the Instagram account has generated about 4% of our sales, so not really worth the effort there.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/14 08:43:21

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 JamesY wrote:
I came off of FB over a decade ago and never regretted it. Dakka is about 95% of my social media interaction,

I just wish there was more activity.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/14 10:21:49

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I only really use FB for communicating with friends and family I don’t see often in person, and trawling a couple of groups. Though even for that it’s a pain in the arse, an old mate who now lives overseas posted on a group that he’d be in the country briefly and that he wanted to catch up with the old gang… but FB never sent me the notification so I didn’t know until after. Useless.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/14 10:50:22

Post by: Overread

Yeah youtube is the same for not sending notifications. All these services keep doing the whole thing of filtering what news you get and even when you get it.

I've seen old posts appear on FB and they almost look new but they are months or years old if the person doesn't post much to their FB account.

As I see it its rather like how Apple design their interfaces - its a system Telling You what it wants you to know rather than Serving You what you actually want to know.

And the worst thing is that you can't even customise this service in anyway, you get whatever the software/managers want you to get in any given time period. Which results in giving them an insane amount of power in twisting what content gets created and promoted if you look at services like youtube and google

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/14 16:31:28

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Overread wrote:
Yeah youtube is the same for not sending notifications. All these services keep doing the whole thing of filtering what news you get and even when you get it.

Yeah. . . On YT, there's been times where I'll search for a video on a channel im subscribed to, and see "ohh, they posted a brand new video an hour ago", go watch that hour old video. . . and then 3 days later, a notification of "hey, sparkle fluffy pants has uploaded a new video! you should go check it out!" . . . like, bro, waaay ahead of you there.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/14 17:33:50

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
 Overread wrote:
Yeah youtube is the same for not sending notifications. All these services keep doing the whole thing of filtering what news you get and even when you get it.

Yeah. . . On YT, there's been times where I'll search for a video on a channel im subscribed to, and see "ohh, they posted a brand new video an hour ago", go watch that hour old video. . . and then 3 days later, a notification of "hey, sparkle fluffy pants has uploaded a new video! you should go check it out!" . . . like, bro, waaay ahead of you there.

They also feth around with the algorithm so heavly that at this point' it's just better to check from hand rather than rely upon the notifications.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/15 13:52:23

Post by: JamesY

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
 Overread wrote:
Yeah youtube is the same for not sending notifications. All these services keep doing the whole thing of filtering what news you get and even when you get it.

Yeah. . . On YT, there's been times where I'll search for a video on a channel im subscribed to, and see "ohh, they posted a brand new video an hour ago", go watch that hour old video. . . and then 3 days later, a notification of "hey, sparkle fluffy pants has uploaded a new video! you should go check it out!" . . . like, bro, waaay ahead of you there.

I get similar with Amazon-'buy this book that you have already bought from us two weeks ago...' No logic to the marketing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 JamesY wrote:
I came off of FB over a decade ago and never regretted it. Dakka is about 95% of my social media interaction,

I just wish there was more activity.

Yeah, I agree. It can feel a little like talking into the void at times.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/15 21:40:46

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Not Online!!! wrote:
 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
 Overread wrote:
Yeah youtube is the same for not sending notifications. All these services keep doing the whole thing of filtering what news you get and even when you get it.

Yeah. . . On YT, there's been times where I'll search for a video on a channel im subscribed to, and see "ohh, they posted a brand new video an hour ago", go watch that hour old video. . . and then 3 days later, a notification of "hey, sparkle fluffy pants has uploaded a new video! you should go check it out!" . . . like, bro, waaay ahead of you there.

They also feth around with the algorithm so heavly that at this point' it's just better to check from hand rather than rely upon the notifications.

The algorithm is terrible. Channels that I actively avoid and have clicked "do not recommend this channel" still come up all the time.

Once the algorithm decides it's going to make someone popular, they're going to end up popular regardless of anything else because the algorithm just endlessly pushes their videos.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/15 22:00:54

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I do get my notifications, but having recently let my YouTube Premium drop off (long, expensive month) the ads are just vile.

Products I have no interest in. Issues I’ve never shown any concern for. And so, so many with utterly obnoxious “music”.

It’s not as if I don’t watch a lot of music videos, from which YouTube can usually make solid recommendations from. Is it really that hard for advertisers to use multiple pieces of music? Because the second I hear dubstep or back-skiffle-scat-jazz or whatever it is they reckon The Kids are listening to these days, I’m just not gonna care what you’re trying to sell me. It could be a two week nudie jelly wrestling holiday with Alex Bliss, Liv Morgan and Elizabeth Olsen, and my brain still shuts off completely at such audio dreck.

How about some punk, ska or metal, man?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/15 22:36:36

Post by: Overread

Sometimes I wonder if its just Google having too many masters, especially those with cash influencing them to twist the algorithm to certain agendas.

Or even bots just flooding it with so much false information that its lost all sense of control or meaning on predicting human desires. Even more so when many people will follow what the algorithm shows. Even if they dislike it they still follow it for a time, which just reinforces it.

It's kind of like an ant death spiral and I do wonder if it will be the downfall of Google that they end up with systems that end up so alienated that it gives the market room for a competitor to push in.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/16 14:30:59

Post by: Takanashi Kiwawa

Facebook's userbase these days is mostly just older people and people with no grasp on opsec. I left in 2011 and have never looked back. I never felt comfortable with posting my face or pictures of myself and my family.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/16 19:46:22

Post by: Jaxmeister

I always felt antisocial media like FB etc is opening yourself up to being burgled or identity taken. The amount of crime that can be put down to what people post is unbelievable.
When I served in the forces, security was drummed into us but doesn't seem to be so controlled now.
My entire online presence is here. To do with my hobby and nothing else. Only one person on here knows my name and address and that's because I bought an item from him and he is a person who seems to be very discreet in this regard.
Antisocial media is very toxic from what I've seen and even on here there's been a few threads that have made me despair about people. Ours is a hobby which is basically mostly adults, of both sexes I hurry to add before my gaming partner for tomorrow thumps me. She hits hard, big bully. Mostly adults playing with toys to have fun, nothing deeper than that.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/16 21:07:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:Honestly? Not paid that close attention.

I normally have YouTube premium, so just don’t get the ads. But having been Bill Bombed this month I’m starting to see ads. Just not that one. Or those ones.

Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:I do get my notifications, but having recently let my YouTube Premium drop off (long, expensive month) the ads are just vile.

Products I have no interest in. Issues I’ve never shown any concern for. And so, so many with utterly obnoxious “music”.

It’s not as if I don’t watch a lot of music videos, from which YouTube can usually make solid recommendations from. Is it really that hard for advertisers to use multiple pieces of music? Because the second I hear dubstep or back-skiffle-scat-jazz or whatever it is they reckon The Kids are listening to these days, I’m just not gonna care what you’re trying to sell me. It could be a two week nudie jelly wrestling holiday with Alex Bliss, Liv Morgan and Elizabeth Olsen, and my brain still shuts off completely at such audio dreck.

How about some punk, ska or metal, man?

YouTube without an addblocker is at this Stage an active security threat.

Also: told you so.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 11:50:51

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh, and random not quite fitting one?

Dominos, Pizza Hut and other Pizza places now charging for delivery.

Before Deliveroo and Just Eat got their toes in the water? The big Pizza Chains did free delivery over a certain order price. And it had been that way going back as long as I can remember.

Now? Now they charged. Because Just Eat and Deliveroo carried it, normalising paid for deliveries.

Boo I say! Boooooooooooooo!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 14:30:18

Post by: Bran Dawri

Just Eat, Deliveroo, Uber Eats and their ilk are scummy parasites anyway.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 14:41:40

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Bran Dawri wrote:
Just Eat, Deliveroo, Uber Eats and their ilk are scummy parasites anyway.

In the UK, I’m slightly more accommodating. Whilst yes, they take their cut? For many small takeaways, running their own delivery services isn’t cost effective,

Doesn’t mean E/D/U aren’t taking the piss with their premiums and pricing though.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 14:51:09

Post by: Overread

I suspect its not just the other delivery firms making it normalised; but also the constant rising costs of things like fuel. When all those "free pizza deliveries" were a thing fuel was probably near to half what it is now and that's without inflation and other things rising all the other costs.

Sadly it all hinges on the big firms at the top end- so long as those mega-firms continue to raise prices and wages for the top staff; everything else has to rise to try and stay afloat.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 15:13:37

Post by: Kanluwen

It might also be that in the UK delivery drivers are treated differently than they are in the US. Here a delivery position is usually lower upfront pay but with tips and some companies giving compensation for fuel & the like.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Bran Dawri wrote:
Just Eat, Deliveroo, Uber Eats and their ilk are scummy parasites anyway.

In the UK, I’m slightly more accommodating. Whilst yes, they take their cut? For many small takeaways, running their own delivery services isn’t cost effective,

Doesn’t mean E/D/U aren’t taking the piss with their premiums and pricing though.

It's not just "they take their cut". It's that they full on make-up websites and the like with menus, promoted as being the restaurant in question. It leads to the eatery having to deal with upset customers who ordered via the app that their food "didn't transport well" or "was cold", etc. John Oliver did a good piece on this not long ago.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 15:24:24

Post by: Overread

 Kanluwen wrote:
It might also be that in the UK delivery drivers are treated differently than they are in the US. Here a delivery position is usually lower upfront pay but with tips and some companies giving compensation for fuel & the like.

Yeah that's a big difference too. In the UK staff get a proper wage and tips really are tips. It's not like the USA where there's a social contract to tip 20% of the meal cost or such to pay the wages for the server/delivery staff. So that certainly has an impact. "Free delivery" isn't really free if you're expected to tip on top of the cost of the item.

UK side its all rolled into the price you pay up front.

Honestly I'm always amazed that that and the whole "tax isn't on the advertised price" are normal accepted htings over much of the USA

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 15:28:02

Post by: Bran Dawri

Not to mention them charging on both ends - both the restaurant and the customer pay for delivery, with the restaurant end being gouged to death.
I seriously prefer walking through a storm before giving racketeering like that so much as a penny - and have done so.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/20 20:34:54

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

 Kanluwen wrote:
It might also be that in the UK delivery drivers are treated differently than they are in the US. Here a delivery position is usually lower upfront pay but with tips and some companies giving compensation for fuel & the like.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Bran Dawri wrote:
Just Eat, Deliveroo, Uber Eats and their ilk are scummy parasites anyway.

In the UK, I’m slightly more accommodating. Whilst yes, they take their cut? For many small takeaways, running their own delivery services isn’t cost effective,

Doesn’t mean E/D/U aren’t taking the piss with their premiums and pricing though.

It's not just "they take their cut". It's that they full on make-up websites and the like with menus, promoted as being the restaurant in question. It leads to the eatery having to deal with upset customers who ordered via the app that their food "didn't transport well" or "was cold", etc. John Oliver did a good piece on this not long ago.

Wasn’t aware of the second bit, which certainly throws a different light on it.

If you’ve got a link I’ll give it a watch.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 00:18:56

Post by: Ghaz

I believe this is it (blame John Oliver if it's not available in your region )

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 02:45:40

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

Bran Dawri wrote:
Not to mention them charging on both ends - both the restaurant and the customer pay for delivery, with the restaurant end being gouged to death.
I seriously prefer walking through a storm before giving racketeering like that so much as a penny - and have done so.

The few times we use doordash or uber eats or whatever the heck, is also the few times we don't get a local mom and pop restaurant. The gakky delivery services can gouge panda express or Chipotle for all I care, but I won't do that to one of our many local eateries.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 09:03:26

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Important update!

Did you know selling fake Driver Theory Test certificates isn’t against the terms of service?

Neither did I, but I do now.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Ghaz wrote:
I believe this is it (blame John Oliver if it's not available in your region )

Unfortunately I can’t find the vid viewable in the UK :(

But I’ll take your word for it That being said, they may operate slightly differently in the UK, because not every business model can be transposed as it stands, due to different laws and that.

What I’ve noticed is that when ordering from Deliveroo, there’s a price premium, a service charge, and a delivery cost, all paid for by me.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 09:34:11

Post by: Overread

Basically you can't add another middle-man in the ordering process without increasing costs somewhere to consumer or cutting income for the supplier.

And often middlemen will try and do both. Heck a bunch of the big supermarkets in the UK got caught doing that supplying dairy products. Telling customers prices were up and telling farmers demand was down. So they squeezed both ends and it only worked because once you're down to a handful of competing businesses they realise that they don't actually have to compete to profit and they can - shock horror - collude to increase profits for all.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 09:49:24

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Ahh! Enshittification.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 17:01:59

Post by: Bran Dawri

@Mad Doc: VPNs are a thing.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 23:14:15

Post by: Kanluwen

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
Bran Dawri wrote:
Not to mention them charging on both ends - both the restaurant and the customer pay for delivery, with the restaurant end being gouged to death.
I seriously prefer walking through a storm before giving racketeering like that so much as a penny - and have done so.

The few times we use doordash or uber eats or whatever the heck, is also the few times we don't get a local mom and pop restaurant. The gakky delivery services can gouge panda express or Chipotle for all I care, but I won't do that to one of our many local eateries.

I'll never understand this take.

You using the "gakky delivery service" on a franchise doesn't magically make it so that the person driving for said delivery service is suddenly getting treated well.

They're just getting screwed by the crummy delivery service instead of a big company.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/21 23:37:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Bran Dawri wrote:
@Mad Doc: VPNs are a thing.

True, but working from home and data protection has me super paranoid about things. Mostly because of my own ignorance, but even if got better educated there, I’d still err on the side of caution.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/22 05:00:19

Post by: Bran Dawri

 Kanluwen wrote:

I'll never understand this take.

You using the "gakky delivery service" on a franchise doesn't magically make it so that the person driving for said delivery service is suddenly getting treated well.

They're just getting screwed by the crummy delivery service instead of a big company.

I'll never understand why anyone would eat stuff like Chipotle or Panda Express or McD or things like that to begin with...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/22 07:56:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s cheap and reliable. If I go into a McDonalds, I know exactly what I’m in for in terms of speed, service and taste. And so it’s a known value.

If I go to a restaurant? Results vary, and a high price isn’t a guarantee of high quality.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/22 15:50:08

Post by: Takanashi Kiwawa

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
It’s cheap and reliable. If I go into a McDonalds, I know exactly what I’m in for in terms of speed, service and taste. And so it’s a known value.

If I go to a restaurant? Results vary, and a high price isn’t a guarantee of high quality.

Yeah, you already know what you're getting yourself into with chain fast food restaurants. My wife and I tried ubereats once and there were a lot of restaurants in the area that it brought up that we had no idea existed. The problem is all we could go off of was their ratings on the app. Safe to say we didn't order from any of them and stopped bothering with ubereats.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/22 16:51:14

Post by: The_Real_Chris

Jaxmeister wrote:
When I served in the forces, security was drummed into us but doesn't seem to be so controlled now.

it is mental - I remember it being drummed into everyone. Now you get a note on the intranet about being generically careful, like everyone just shrugged shoulders and gave up. I thought for a moment how social media was exploited in the current war int he East would make people pay attention. A few more intranet articles is all and some challenge coins. Nuts.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/22 20:37:03

Post by: Jaxmeister

The_Real_Chris wrote:
Jaxmeister wrote:
When I served in the forces, security was drummed into us but doesn't seem to be so controlled now.

it is mental - I remember it being drummed into everyone. Now you get a note on the intranet about being generically careful, like everyone just shrugged shoulders and gave up. I thought for a moment how social media was exploited in the current war int he East would make people pay attention. A few more intranet articles is all and some challenge coins. Nuts.

Now you have MOD and command wondering about security leaks. You would think with what's happening in eastern Europe with disinformation etc, not to mention satellite tracking picking up communications more care would be taken but apparently not.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/22 23:37:55

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
Bran Dawri wrote:
Not to mention them charging on both ends - both the restaurant and the customer pay for delivery, with the restaurant end being gouged to death.
I seriously prefer walking through a storm before giving racketeering like that so much as a penny - and have done so.

The few times we use doordash or uber eats or whatever the heck, is also the few times we don't get a local mom and pop restaurant. The gakky delivery services can gouge panda express or Chipotle for all I care, but I won't do that to one of our many local eateries.

I'll never understand this take.

You using the "gakky delivery service" on a franchise doesn't magically make it so that the person driving for said delivery service is suddenly getting treated well.

They're just getting screwed by the crummy delivery service instead of a big company.

Basically this: it's well established through many many articles that mom and pop restaurants get a raw deal. One pizza shop actually LOST money per order, depending on what a given customer ordered. . So, by using only mainline big corporate chain restaurants, I'm not screwing over the mom and pop shop. See, IDGAF if Panda Express "loses" money on my order. I DO care if "Yummy Teriyaki and Sushi" makes money off of me ordering the food they offer.

The driver, at the end of the day made the choice to drive for whatever delivery service it is. I have zero sympathy on that specific aspect of it. That said, whenever we do go this route, we DO tip pretty damn well. And if other people's tipping isn't enough for the driver, well. . . it does still have a stigma/view of being a side gig, and I feel I've done my bit for the driver.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/04/23 10:21:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Thankfully it’s now payday, so have revived my YouTube premium.

No more adverts for products I have no use for set to obnoxious music.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/05/09 07:36:17

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Another grump?

Not only has Den of Geek really gone downhill when it comes to content? Rather Irritatingly Every Headline Is Fully Capitalised.

No Really It’s All Of Them. Every Single One.

As if they’ve given up pretending it’s not just a collection of click bait hot takes and drivel, with the occasional dash of “insight” which everyone knew anyway. Like “Robocop Is Actually A Satire Aren’t I Clever”.

Time was you could get some fun movie recommendations and articles. But not anymore.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/05/09 08:13:36

Post by: kodos

For something different but I guess I have the right people here to get the necessary information

I need a hobby account on facebook as some projects are going to use FB messenger and I don't want to drop out but neither want my real name there

so of course a dedicated email and some kind of name but what else is needed as the first time I tried I just get a "not a real name" notification

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/05/09 17:39:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

 kodos wrote:
For something different but I guess I have the right people here to get the necessary information

I need a hobby account on facebook as some projects are going to use FB messenger and I don't want to drop out but neither want my real name there

so of course a dedicated email and some kind of name but what else is needed as the first time I tried I just get a "not a real name" notification

FB has shadow accounts of everyone they got data from regardless of if that person has actually FB especially from databrookers.

Meaning they can filter you out pretty accuratly.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/05/26 20:34:59

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Prime must be getting desperate for advertisers on FreeVee.

Disney+ is advertising (got it) with the Kardashians (a show I have frankly negative interest in).

The others? Basically crappy tik-tok reels for car guff. Like something you plug in which transmits your peripheral via FM. A device I had circa 2002 - and no longer need, because you’ve got to go some to have a stereo and device which aren’t Bluetooth.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/07 17:51:12

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Further poor service. Kinda. It may have an upside.

For my sins, I’m an Apple user. And I’ve a bunch of stuff on my iTunes.

Today I was in the mood to listen to a specific song. This song.

I first encountered this song via a “best of” compilation on said iTunes.

Only….I now have a completely different version of said album. And that particular song, one I favour because of the crisp drum sound, isn’t on it.

But it has been replaced with as many as seven other tracks.

Shame nobody asked me if I agreed to said update.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/07 18:12:33

Post by: Overread

And that's why I hate streaming.

Video games are honestly pretty darn stable on that front; but music and TV/films are insanely crazy.

Now music isn't so bad because most of the larger names do generally get a physical release; but a lot of newer/smaller creators might only get one cd release not a continuing stock; or they might only have a very limited release if they have one at all

TV though, with Streaming, is a nightmare. Some show straight up just vanish because they are written off as a tax item and never get a physical release. Others never get a physical or only get a very expensive collectors limited release.

And yeah online only can be changed. Stuff removed, changed, swapped around.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/07 18:39:06

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

As a gent of a certain vintage, it doesn’t bother me so much with streaming subscriptions. Being kinda, hadn’t really become properly widespread due to cost, pre-VHS? Shows coming and going from broadcast is just par for the course. For the most part.

But, when I’ve paid money for a specific product? Please don’t go changing said product. Because that’s not what I agreed to buy.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/07 23:12:03

Post by: Dysartes

That feels like something where there's a consumer protection issue, Doc.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/07 23:21:37

Post by: insaniak

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
As a gent of a certain vintage, it doesn’t bother me so much with streaming subscriptions. Being kinda, hadn’t really become properly widespread due to cost, pre-VHS? Shows coming and going from broadcast is just par for the course. For the most part.

But, when I’ve paid money for a specific product? Please don’t go changing said product. Because that’s not what I agreed to buy.

I suspect if you check the terms of sale, iTunes reserving the right to alter or remove the product from service is very much what you agreed to. You didn't buy the song, you're just renting it for as long as they choose to supply it.

But yes, that and the massive fragmentation of services is very much the problem with streaming, and the reason I'm still buying blurays and DVDs.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/07 23:27:26

Post by: Overread

Fragmentation is great fun when a series you're enjoying jumps services. Or ends up split with different bits on different services.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/07 23:33:18

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, the various Arrowverse shows wound up on (I think) three different services here in Oz... so I still haven't seen the last few seasons of Flash or Legends. And made watching the crossovers problematic...

Amazon Prime are heading in the right direction there, serving as a hub where you can add additional services in to your subscription, but it still winds up very expensive very quickly.

Likewise, Google's setup of selling individual shows and/or episodes was a handy way of catching up on some stuff that was otherwise unavailable, but a lot of shows are the same price as just buying the DVD, so I do that instead.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/08 13:26:50

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 insaniak wrote:

Amazon Prime are heading in the right direction there, serving as a hub where you can add additional services in to your subscription, but it still winds up very expensive very quickly.

There are of course, some major issues I'm finding with Prime. A recent example is in sports. My favorite baseball team announced via the book of faces that their game was being broadcast live on Prime (actually, multiple times this has happened). And, being that I got rid of the baseball streaming platform subscription before last season, I couldn't just watch it on there. So, I hop on Prime all excited to be able to watch my favorite sportsball team, only to discover the game is on Prime, with the MLB.tv subscription add-on.

Which, IMHO, means it is NOT on Prime, because Prime means it's available to Prime members generally, not available under specific circumstances like the subscription.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/08 16:54:48

Post by: Bran Dawri

Yeah, streaming used to be a good replacement for the overpriced cable services. Except corporate got its grubby mitts on it again, and now the various streaming platforms very quickly add up to more than cable used to be.

So I no longer bother, dusted of ye olde hat and black flag, and went back to me old privateering ways. Yarr matey! Pass me the rum and shiver me timbers!

(This is particularly appropriate since I'm actually on a boat in the Caribbean right now.)

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/10 13:08:33

Post by: Crispy78

 Overread wrote:
And that's why I hate streaming.

Video games are honestly pretty darn stable on that front; but music and TV/films are insanely crazy.

Now music isn't so bad because most of the larger names do generally get a physical release; but a lot of newer/smaller creators might only get one cd release not a continuing stock; or they might only have a very limited release if they have one at all

TV though, with Streaming, is a nightmare. Some show straight up just vanish because they are written off as a tax item and never get a physical release. Others never get a physical or only get a very expensive collectors limited release.

And yeah online only can be changed. Stuff removed, changed, swapped around.

Han shot first!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/10 13:18:28

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

No, Han merely shot.

Greedo didn’t fire, rendering the “first” statement entirely moot

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/10 13:22:39

Post by: Crispy78

True, true

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 00:39:18

Post by: insaniak

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
No, Han merely shot.

Greedo didn’t fire, rendering the “first” statement entirely moot

For what it's worth, even before the Special Editions were a thing, Lucas has always maintained that Greedo did shoot first but you just couldn't see it in the close up framing... Lucas says a lot of crazy stuff, though...

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
There are of course, some major issues I'm finding with Prime. A recent example is in sports. My favorite baseball team announced via the book of faces that their game was being broadcast live on Prime (actually, multiple times this has happened). And, being that I got rid of the baseball streaming platform subscription before last season, I couldn't just watch it on there. So, I hop on Prime all excited to be able to watch my favorite sportsball team, only to discover the game is on Prime, with the MLB.tv subscription add-on.

Which, IMHO, means it is NOT on Prime, because Prime means it's available to Prime members generally, not available under specific circumstances like the subscription.

Yeah, they definitely need to clean up how they present it all... the front page on Prime Video is currently a mess of 'rent/buy' or subscription links getting in the way of the stuff you can actually watch now, which is what I'm interested in. But the general idea of providing a hub to which you can just add the streaming services you want so that they're all in one place... that's a good idea.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 04:58:22

Post by: Baragash

I find Prime Prime not horrendous (ok, low bar) to navigate, but trying to browse additional channels (got Paramount+ for a couple of $s a month on promotion until I finish getting up to speed on Star Trek) to be absolute garbage.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 05:23:22

Post by: insaniak

I don't remember it being that bad, but I only had the Britbox subscription for about three and a half minutes... Subscribed a while back to get access to all of the Doctor Who back catalogue the day after (as it turned out) they removed all of the Doctor Who back catalogue. So I cancelled it and went back to buying the bluray Collection boxes instead.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 09:37:46

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

What annoys me is that Amazon now owns MGM. But had it as a separate subscription.

Say what you like about Disney+, but when they added Star to the UK and other areas? They didn’t make it a separate sub, or jack my price up.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 11:10:17

Post by: Overread

 insaniak wrote:

Yeah, they definitely need to clean up how they present it all... the front page on Prime Video is currently a mess of 'rent/buy' or subscription links getting in the way of the stuff you can actually watch now, which is what I'm interested in. But the general idea of providing a hub to which you can just add the streaming services you want so that they're all in one place... that's a good idea.

Yeah the front page for Prime is a sheer mess.
I also hate how it constantly moves things around so even if you come back a few days later to continue watching something you have to and hunt for where they've moved it too now.

It's the same as how they've progressively messed with the Kindle interface and how they utterly destroyed comic reading after buying comixology and rolling it into their main store view to the point where its now just a mess to find digital comics to read; whereas in the past you could brows them exclusively super easily and your library too (its now all jumbled up with your ebooks from kindle)

Honestly these days I can't tell if interface design is just a dead art that was only around in the 90s or if managers/ceos and people with degrees in "marketing" have infected interface design with so many agendas that interfaces have lost all function

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 11:33:48

Post by: Haighus

The latter- content design has been infected and corrupted by its dark twin marketing. However, content design is still alive and well and innovating, particularly in the public sector.

The issue is that fundamentally trying to tell you useful information and trying to sell you something are competing tasks.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 11:36:06

Post by: Overread

I could believe that if it wasn't for the fact that I've also seen Microsoft manage to actually break how saving files works in office programs now. I don't know what they are thinking but the modern save setup is bonkers complicated/messy in design

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/11 11:55:53

Post by: Haighus

 Overread wrote:
I could believe that if it wasn't for the fact that I've also seen Microsoft manage to actually break how saving files works in office programs now. I don't know what they are thinking but the modern save setup is bonkers complicated/messy in design

Well there are the usual pressures of offices- unreasonable deadlines to get out minimum viable product, changes for the sake of justifying a team etc.

But the principles are known and content designers exist. It just tends to be the public sector that thinks it is worthwhile employing content designers and integrating them into product teams from the get go (hard to bolt on at the end).

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh the other thing is that better accessibility for a wider population can reduce efficiency for an individual subgroup (which may be the able majority).

For example, I personally find PDFs very practical, but they are not normally readable by text-to-voice software and thus inaccessible for many people with poor sight. So content design tends to discourage use of PDFs.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/13 17:53:41

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Zuck’s doin’ it again, Ma!

He’s showin’ me “recommended” and “you might be interested in” posts, instead of my friend’s posts, Ma!

It wouldn’t be so bad if what’s being suggested wasn’t a) stupid, b) offensive or c) offensively stupid.

For instance. Golf. I have no interest in golf. At all. I don’t watch it. I don’t play it. I couldn’t name more than three golfers. And all those “adult humour” cartoons which aren’t funny, adult or well drawn.

Just show me what my friends are up to, anus.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/13 19:28:46

Post by: Bran Dawri

Three golfers? That's two more than I can name, not counting Happy Gilmore.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/13 19:47:40

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh I didn’t say modern golfers.

It’s basically Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods and Nick Faldo.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/14 01:57:44

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 insaniak wrote:
**snip** But the general idea of providing a hub to which you can just add the streaming services you want so that they're all in one place... that's a good idea.

I won't disagree with this sentiment. What I have beef with, is how various things are presented. As in my example. Sportsball team, on instagram, facebook, twitter, truth, what-the-feth-ever they post to will say "catch your team playing tonight at 6:30 on Prime"

To me, saying "on Prime" means that, because I have a prime membership base, for the shipping (of course, why else would one get prime?), if you're advertising a thing as being "on Prime" it should be available. Flat out, end of discussion, I login and it's there. Not, "well, its on Prime, but only if you have this additional subscription". IMO it's worse for the baseball thing because, to my knowledge, if I subscribe to MLB.tv through prime, I only have roughly half the functionality of a direct sub, in that I don't think you can access the radio broadcasts via your prime membership (I haven't really looked into it, so please, if anyone happens to know one way or the other, please feel free to confirm or correct me). It would be far more accurate if the sports team said "catch tonight's match at 6:30, exclusively broadcasting on Prime with Sportsball League subscription" as it does remove the ambiguity of how to watch the thing.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/14 19:20:57

Post by: Da Boss

I buy the odd DVD still, but mostly I've just not made the transition to streaming with all my friends and I just don't watch anything any more except the odd hobby based youtube video. Whatever limited free time I get goes pretty much entirely toward wargames, rpgs and brewing these days.

I did buy the odd three month sub to netflix, Disney plus or Primebut in the end I got the feeling I'd seen everything I wanted to and anything else was just looking for things to watch to justify the price. Stranger Things was worth the watch, but the quality dropped off and by season 3 I was pretty much done with the show, haven't watched season 4 and don't really intend to.
Bounced off the Mandalorian despite everyone raving about it, didn't see much else on Disney Plus to interest me after my wife and I watched Wandavision (which was good, but crapped itself in the last act). Gave Prime a go just to watch Rings of Power, which I loathed more than I've loathed nearly any piece of media I watched all the way through. Not because of diverse actors or because of Galadriel (though I didn't love the characterisation) but just because the script was ass.

But by now if I wanted to watch everything my friends are watching and take part in conversations about media, I'd have to have Netflix, Disney Plus, Prime and probably HBO Max and Paramount Plus as well. At that point you're spending a pretty significant sum on all these platforms. Bah, humbug.

I've got a kid now and I'm planning on buying her some Sesame Street DVDs and maybe some Fraggle Rock and other Jim Henson stuff to watch. I don't want her on kids youtube or anything that "feeds" her "content" like slop into a pig trough.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/14 19:59:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So lately I get constant warnings on FB that I'm scrolling too fast and this feature is being disabled.


Too fast.

@#$% them.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/14 20:59:55

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

You need to let the AI spam ads soak in.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/14 21:08:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I can’t stand AI. Not only is it the death of creativity, but we’re starting to see folks using it at work.

How am I meant to properly consider your complaint when you don’t actually know what you told me, because you let AI write for you.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/14 22:27:24

Post by: Jadenim

“Look at it, the peak of your civilisation. Until we started doing the thinking for you, and then it became OUR civilisation, which is what this is all about.” Agent Smith

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/14 23:41:19

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Plus, I far from trust the people behind its creation.

Not in a conspiracy, tin foil hat, way. I’m not saying they’re out to get us. But we’ve seen social media used and abused to push false political information and narratives. And in the run up to the UK General Election, we’re again seeing very limited efforts made by the platforms to deal with false and malicious information.

What happens when someone starts using automated video fakes to create similar, deliberately misleading nonsense? When you create and profit from something so potentially dangerous, there’s a social and moral, if not legal, obligation to ensure your creation is used responsible.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/15 22:02:48

Post by: Bran Dawri

Yep, but under capitalism, companies and corporations aren't moral entities and not responsible or even actors in the game because supp...

Which is clearly false. But that's the lie we've been sold.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/16 08:35:51

Post by: Not Online!!!

What type of capitalism, that is a useless blanket statement.

Also any other alternative so far has been if tried collapsed in on itself whilest oldschool coporatism can't really support a modern state of affairs either. The less said about the hammer and sickle and adjacent moronicism the better.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
So lately I get constant warnings on FB that I'm scrolling too fast and this feature is being disabled.


Too fast.

@#$% them.

Lol that is asinine.
just get off facebook. The implementation of algorithmic social media was already a massive feth off mistake in regards to society, personally i think with LLM AI bots probably the vast majority of anyhting online will get fethed anyways. Including multiplayer games.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 00:00:11

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

Not Online!!! wrote:
Lol that is asinine.
just get off facebook. The implementation of algorithmic social media was already a massive feth off mistake in regards to society, personally i think with LLM AI bots probably the vast majority of anyhting online will get fethed anyways. Including multiplayer games.

Given the rampant cheating in online games and the resultant arms race between cheat makers and developers, we're already past that point, methinks.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 00:15:28

Post by: insaniak

Not Online!!! wrote:
The implementation of algorithmic social media was already a massive feth off mistake in regards to society, ...

Algorithmic social media isn't an issue in itself. As a concept, it was originally intended merely to help people see the things they were interested in and/or more likely to engage with, rather than just the things posted the most recently. And that improves the experience for those following large numbers of accounts and/or with limited time on social media.

The problems came from the focus shifting to making money for the platform rather than facilitating social interaction. Facebook now is a barely functional mess, where anything you actually want to see is buried under the masses of ads and 'recommended' content, but pre-advertising, it was a good platform.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 00:49:32

Post by: Overread

 insaniak wrote:

The problems came from the focus shifting to making money for the platform rather than facilitating social interaction. Facebook now is a barely functional mess, where anything you actually want to see is buried under the masses of ads and 'recommended' content, but pre-advertising, it was a good platform.

Agreed, its the same as how MS changed how you save in MS Office programs now and they heavily default to saving in the cloud rather than local.

A lot of interfaces and automated systems went from doing what the user wanted to doing what the CEO and marketing division want.

Along side that the "average person" also wants software to do stuff for them; and the more they've allowed that hte more software has pushed that approach. The result is manual or more custom setups and options get left out; moved; hidden or made less functional. So when a more advanced user wants to do something even quite simple, if tis not what the software automatically does - pop - it won't do it.

This is another one of those "well humans do X a lot so we made the software only do X, promote X and tell people that X is what you do". Which is the other layer; we've readily gone from systems reading human behaviour to systems defining human behaviour. Search algorithms are very much like that, mostly because people only use the one on the site/google. So its insane market dominance with no competing option.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 06:39:05

Post by: Jadenim

Hmmm, I wonder if we’re leading up to a collapse with AI, a bit like a market crash. If the algorithms are dictating people’s behaviour, rather than simply monitoring, but are also learning from the behaviour that they’re dictating, then you could get some nasty reinforcement loops that are actually diverging from “normal” human behaviour. Eventually you’ll hit a critical mass where people will just go “feth it” and abandon the system (which is kind of what we’re describing here with Facebook, it’s getting close to being useless for its intended purpose).

Effectively groupthink for computers. Interesting.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 07:17:21

Post by: Slipspace

 insaniak wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
The implementation of algorithmic social media was already a massive feth off mistake in regards to society, ...

Algorithmic social media isn't an issue in itself. As a concept, it was originally intended merely to help people see the things they were interested in and/or more likely to engage with, rather than just the things posted the most recently. And that improves the experience for those following large numbers of accounts and/or with limited time on social media.

The problems came from the focus shifting to making money for the platform rather than facilitating social interaction. Facebook now is a barely functional mess, where anything you actually want to see is buried under the masses of ads and 'recommended' content, but pre-advertising, it was a good platform.

Maybe it's just my rose-tinted glasses, but I seem to recall a point in time - maybe 10 years ago? - when various online platforms actually seemed useful and designed to help the individual rather than the platform owners. Youtube and FB algorithms seemed to work well and show new, relevant content alongside adverts that were at least somewhat useful. Now the endgame seems to be making ads obnoxious enough to force people to pay for ad-free "premium" services.

Youtube still seems to be trying to provide relevant content suggestions and ads. It's not great at it, but it's infinitely better than FB. My FB feed has recently decided what I really want is a steady stream of 10-pin bowling and gardening content. No idea how it's decided that, but it's kind of hilarious watching it dig deeper and deeper into this self-made hole every day.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 08:19:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

 insaniak wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
The implementation of algorithmic social media was already a massive feth off mistake in regards to society, ...

Algorithmic social media isn't an issue in itself. As a concept, it was originally intended merely to help people see the things they were interested in and/or more likely to engage with, rather than just the things posted the most recently. And that improves the experience for those following large numbers of accounts and/or with limited time on social media.

The problems came from the focus shifting to making money for the platform rather than facilitating social interaction. Facebook now is a barely functional mess, where anything you actually want to see is buried under the masses of ads and 'recommended' content, but pre-advertising, it was a good platform.

That just isn't accurate, because soft guidance is still just soft manipulative guidance and is the core reason as to why we have echo chambers out the wazoo nowadays.

As for facebook, honestly never was on it . Don't like the lizard owner or anyone out of silicone valley, personally all of these companies including microsoft should've been long since split appart forcefully.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Manfred von Drakken wrote:

Given the rampant cheating in online games and the resultant arms race between cheat makers and developers, we're already past that point, methinks.

IF you have heard of the state of TF2 you know it's not an armsrace at all...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 08:21:02

Post by: Haighus

Slipspace wrote:
 insaniak wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
The implementation of algorithmic social media was already a massive feth off mistake in regards to society, ...

Algorithmic social media isn't an issue in itself. As a concept, it was originally intended merely to help people see the things they were interested in and/or more likely to engage with, rather than just the things posted the most recently. And that improves the experience for those following large numbers of accounts and/or with limited time on social media.

The problems came from the focus shifting to making money for the platform rather than facilitating social interaction. Facebook now is a barely functional mess, where anything you actually want to see is buried under the masses of ads and 'recommended' content, but pre-advertising, it was a good platform.

Maybe it's just my rose-tinted glasses, but I seem to recall a point in time - maybe 10 years ago? - when various online platforms actually seemed useful and designed to help the individual rather than the platform owners. Youtube and FB algorithms seemed to work well and show new, relevant content alongside adverts that were at least somewhat useful. Now the endgame seems to be making ads obnoxious enough to force people to pay for ad-free "premium" services.

Youtube still seems to be trying to provide relevant content suggestions and ads. It's not great at it, but it's infinitely better than FB. My FB feed has recently decided what I really want is a steady stream of 10-pin bowling and gardening content. No idea how it's decided that, but it's kind of hilarious watching it dig deeper and deeper into this self-made hole every day.

The process is known as engakkification (translated into Dakka-speak).

Essentially comes down to an issue of profit extraction. Once a market is saturated and the platform is no longer able to attract new users, it turns to new methods of value extraction to appease shareholders, because companies are expected to continue growing. Merely remaining profitable at the current size is not acceptable (especially to venture capitalists who funded a lot of the tech boom and want their return on investment). That is how you get even the obviously-profitable platforms like Patreon engakkifying to maintain growth and appease their shareholders.

There is not a lot of long-term thinking in any of this.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 08:44:13

Post by: Overread

Agreed, its a lot of short term focus on greed, you can see the same in how Hasbro has been acting with Wizards and MTG; heck you can see it with the huge number of video game firms collapsing this last year as the Embracer groups huge move to sell itself for a huge profit failed and they are now falling apart to maintain itself.

There are a lot of people at the big end of business these days who are only concerned with return on investment in short timeframes and who have enough income that if the firms collapse they are financially totally fine.

Thing is FB, Google etc... are big and Musk is doing his level best to kill Twitter (X) and its still going. X is indeed showing how resilient such a system is even when the person at the very top is almost trying to kill it intentionally. These big platforms are like the banks of the internet - so much is plugged into them now that them failing isn't just them failing; its the house of cards built around them. Thus the house of cards will try to support them, intentionally or not.

At the same time banks HAVE fallen and the internet giants can fall. I could certainly see that if Googles results get more and more unreliable it could leave room in the market for others to take over and try to rise up as a new search engine.
A core issue is scale - the internet is vast and it takes a vast amount of resources to try and replace a major service provider. That means either having insanely deep pockets; or a very long steady game plan.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 11:39:06

Post by: Jadenim

Or a truly revolutionary product / approach; Google destroyed some very, very big companies in the search engine market without stupendous resources or a slow build, but by “just” offering a vastly, vastly superior product.

Same with Facebook; there were various nascent social media networks (Friends Reunited, MySpace) at the time but they were either subscription based or built around niche communities. Facebook dropped in and could connect everyone you knew for free; that was a complete step change.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 11:45:54

Post by: The_Real_Chris

I await the chinese government platform that operates on a sensible basis and doesn't annoy users. People will flock to it and trade being spied on for no facebook hassles...

I use it now for the wargames club. And I am struggling to think what else.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 12:43:23

Post by: Da Boss

Kids have a totally different relationship with the internet anyway. Facebook is a zombie platform because kids think it's for old people, and it generally is. Instagram is where the young people for Facebook are, toxic stew of harm that it is.

Whatever the kids move on to will be the next big thing. I'm not normally doom and gloomy about kids, but I have noticed the brainrot from short form content oversaturation impacting my students, and OECD shows a pretty dramatic plunge in attainment that starts around the widespread adoption of smartphones.

It gets steeper post pandemic but the decline was already there. I see this with my students, especially in maths, it's really shocking how badly standards have collapsed. The gap between the top and the bottom is enormous, and the middle is disappearing.

It doesn't help that the people in education I talk to are mostly in denial about all this - it's trendy to be a tech optimist in education and you'll get blasted as "conservative" if you disagree with that. Most of them take the free and open internet for granted, and think of something like Google as being a public utility. They believe kids can just research and construct their own knowledge now, so focus on factual content is irrelevant. Given how crap the Google search engine has become and how they've reduced user control over searches, I think this is a huge mistake. The kids think "research" is a synonym for "google". Huge focus on correctly citing sources in MLA format as well, which I think is missing the forest for the trees when it comes to school aged kids (and shows the way academic ideals backwash into education).

I hope it's just a blip and will reverse, but if I was a business owner and had seen what I'd seen I'd be instituting cognitive tests for my new hires rather than trusting the educational institutions to do anything about it.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 12:53:18

Post by: Overread

I think it doesn't help that a lot of education has become insanely paper-heavy for teachers. The amount of prep-work for a single class is bonkers and then you've got to do dozens of them a week and mark schoolwork and, you know, actually try and teach.

It feels like they've gone for a paperwork heavy approach so that there's so much tracking and accountability and the result is teachers burned out. It doesn't help that syllabus teaching will also punish any student that does use the ease of the internet to research their chosen topic in more depth (if its not on the mark scheme in the exam - no points); or that some are going for multi-choice exams to speed up marking and the result is students who learn how to read and tick boxes instead of learning the actual information and subject.

Honestly I don't know if its the internet to blame in isolation here; I feel like the way we teach is in a strange spot. Where we recognise that there are a LOT of tools we can and should be using; that a good many "special needs" are simply a reflection of a scale of learning differences and that he more we've pushed into a single approach the more its created a false concept of normal learning

But at the same time a system that only allows for one method; that pushes hard for academic storing that is increasingly invalid in the workplace (something that really becomes apparent in how University degrees are almost considered mandatory just to get your application looked at and yet often have no practical skills outside of academia)

Reading dropping surprises me- cause the internet is all words; but then again if all you're doing is watching tiktoks on rotation over and over again yeah I can see how that would end up lowering reading if its all just video. Then again I also recall that everyone doomed about the TV when I was growing up; though in them days you couldn't take the TV with you on a walk.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Da Boss wrote:
. The kids think "research" is a synonym for "google".

Not just kids - adults think this too. Heck from being on forums where people ask basic questions "go google it" was often given by some snarky members. That was adults telling other adults to just use google for everything.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 13:20:42

Post by: Da Boss

Yeah a good chunk of the kids get all their internet content through video, generally short form.

Teaching certainly has become a lot about paperwork and box ticking, and I think that's more to do with how modern workplaces are structured in terms of hierarchies than anything internet related. What the internet has definitely done is add a burden of endless online platforms onto teachers - I've got to use 5 different online platforms to enter data and curriculum stuff on, and all of them are designed by the lowest bidder, subject to baffling UI re-organisations, and obviously designed more for ease of use of my supervisor than myself or my students. We're constantly being sold the new platform that will solve all our problems and all of them are crap (though I hate Google, Google Classroom was probably the best of them, so of course we had to stop using that!).

And the other aspect is the creeping expectation that I'll be able to provide online lessons at the drop of the hat for students who are ill which has come along with us pivoting to online learning during the pandemic (in my school I did video lessons for every one of my classes and only missed some classes at the very start, other than that I worked my normal timetable just teaching through Zoom. And it was not a small amount of work to convert my curriculum into a format that was teachable through online learning, and students mostly did not pay attention at all and learned very little anyway.).

It's increasingly hard to hire teachers because of the various pressures making it an unpleasant job, but it doesn't have to be like that either.

But moreso on the topic of this thread, I do a survey every year with my 12 year old class to find out what social media they are on. And for the last few years absolutely 0 of them are on Facebook and laugh at the suggestion. So I doubt Facebook will be around for too much longer anyway. They're all on Tik Tok, Youtube, Roblox, and whatever the latest flash in the pan app is - it was B Real or something last year, some anonymous chat app the year before that, and the big name social media is generally considered uncool and for old people. They don't know what a forum is.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 13:43:31

Post by: Overread

Even adults don't know what a forum is (though I've yet to see any website beat forums for what they offer and allow! Even Discord is basically slowly becoming a forum in structure)

The other thing with FB that might save is companies. A LOT of firms now use FB as hteir front-page for interaction and many times you get a reply faster and better than through email; with some not even using email.

I know for me I got more into using FB during the pandemic just because that's where all the businesses had an online active account on to communicate with to find out if they were open or anything.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 13:58:29

Post by: Haighus

Nothing intrinsically wrong with multiple choice, it just needs to be crafted well to be useful (like any question format). My university medical degree primarily used multiple choice for the written exams because it minimised marker bias compared to short and long answer questions. They'd entirely removed long answer questions from timed exams.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Regarding impacts of tech on kids, I think the picture is very mixed and some aspects are presented in a misleading way.

Confounding is also an issue. For example, I think smartphones in and of themselves have not been shown to be harmful beyond some fairly correctable issues (like increasing development of short-sighted vision, something that also happens with increased book use to a lesser degree). But (IIRC) algorithmic social media has been shown to be harmful. So the problem isn't really smartphones, but what is being commonly accessed via those smartphones.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 14:23:27

Post by: Skinnereal

 Da Boss wrote:
But moreso on the topic of this thread, I do a survey every year with my 12 year old class to find out what social media they are on. And for the last few years absolutely 0 of them are on Facebook and laugh at the suggestion..
Are most social media sites 13+? I know most people (parents and kids) ignore that, but having 12 year old telling you that is worrying.
No wonder so many of them are disturbed by a young age, and teens and young adults have so many problems.
I still have a link to a gaming forum in my seg. Not that anyone's posted in there for a good couple of years.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 15:10:50

Post by: Da Boss

Kids absolutely ignore the age restriction and the sites make no attempt to enforce it. Social media doesn't worry me as much as the deluge of extreme pornography. We have 11 year olds showing extreme and degrading videos to girls in their class and saying 'that's what you should do' and it is really widespread. Some kids parents are obviously super strict and they are very innocent, and then get picked on for it by others. It has made me in favour of ID being required to access pornography online tbh. The harms to children are very real.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 15:34:38

Post by: Haighus

11 year olds accessing hardcore pornography is child abuse, it is too early.

Social media definitely plays a part too- inappropriate ads linking to this stuff is getting more common.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 15:39:47

Post by: Da Boss

All it needs is a less tech savvy parent in the group and then their kid gets onto stuff and shares it with the others. And kids are pretty good at getting around the parental controls on devices too.

But I 100% agree it's far too early (you can argue that it's just never good for a teenager's developing brain, at any point, too). I teach sex ed as part of my extra duties and have to think really carefully about when and how to do pornography education - too early and you break the innocence of the ones with strict parents, too late and you've lost a lot of the potential to stop bad habits from developing. It's a really challenging area. I just don't think the absolute wild west approach currently going is tenable.

I think the responsibility has to lie at least partially on the websites profiting from it.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 15:58:44

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It definitely needs both parties contributing. As you say, parental locks aren’t foolproof, and kids are sneaky little buggers almost certainly more familiar with the tech than the parents in most circumstances.

Social Media and Prawn both need to ensure they’re actively enforcing the rules, beyond “are you of the right age, pls don’t lie k”.

And if a parent can’t manage to negotiate the parental lock and age restricted website security, frankly I question why they should be allowing their own children online.

It goes back to really basic online safety stuff. Like have the family computer in a family area - so whilst you’re not watching over their shoulder, it’s easier to monitor what sites they’re visiting and who they’re interacting with.

I’ve no kids of my own, nor do I intend to change that. But my best mate is Dad to four, three of which live away aways. Yet, when they were first exploring online? He was in the same chats or games. Not interfering. Not necessarily vetting, just…present. The online equivalent of a parent escorting kids to the park, and keeping a weather eye out whilst enjoying a coffee, possibly with the other parents.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 15:59:20

Post by: Overread

Heck steam keeps asking me, whilst I'm logged in on the client, how old I am or such and I've been a bunch of different random ages because most age systems don't care so long as the year lands over 18.

Whilst I get the counter argument that people don't want to register with personal details on every website or put their personal details at risk, there has to be a happy middle ground where you can prove you're an adult and keep the kids out.

Of course then people counter-counter argue that if you're accessing stuff you shouldn't be hiding your identity and the cycle of arguments springs up and never ends

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 16:19:19

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

When logging into my pension, or even Twitch, I need to use Authenticator to prove it’s me - despite me only ever accessing such from my iPad.

Add that in. Then the kid needs to get past the parental filter (need the password), and then get the Authenticator code. Then log into bongo pages, and get another Authenticator code.

Want to switch Google Safe Search off? That should be another Authenticator.

Is all of this foolproof? No, absolutely not. But there’s no harm and much benefit in making things as difficult as possible for the kids to access stuff the parents don’t want them accessing.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 16:31:57

Post by: Haighus

Yeah, when I say child abuse I'm not trying to throw blame at an individual. It is largely a systemic problem that needs a systemic solution (or solutions).

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 16:46:43

Post by: Overread

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
When logging into my pension, or even Twitch, I need to use Authenticator to prove it’s me - despite me only ever accessing such from my iPad.

Add that in. Then the kid needs to get past the parental filter (need the password), and then get the Authenticator code. Then log into bongo pages, and get another Authenticator code.

Want to switch Google Safe Search off? That should be another Authenticator.

Is all of this foolproof? No, absolutely not. But there’s no harm and much benefit in making things as difficult as possible for the kids to access stuff the parents don’t want them accessing.

Thing is authenticators are specifically made to identify an individual, which is where a lot of people don't want to be identified when accessing certain "adult stuff". And we are well in an age where we know that even if they say they aren't data harvesting - they are data harvesting and just waiting to use it. Or the website isn't harvesting but the authenticator is and then someone buys/steals that data and lines it up with the websites and boom.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 16:48:54

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Honestly? Neglect is a form of child abuse. And if you’re taking no steps whatsoever to safeguard your children online, I’m interested in whether that crosses the line. Because whilst not quite the same as letting them play unsupervised on a busy road? The lack of observation and safeguarding online isn’t that different, because you’re still exposing them to needless risk.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 16:58:26

Post by: Overread

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Honestly? Neglect is a form of child abuse. And if you’re taking no steps whatsoever to safeguard your children online, I’m interested in whether that crosses the line. Because whilst not quite the same as letting them play unsupervised on a busy road? The lack of observation and safeguarding online isn’t that different, because you’re still exposing them to needless risk.

This is also a good point and its not the 90s any more; most parents now will have grown up with the internet in some form or another. Having child-versions of windows/internet/mobilephone apps and services could and should be a thing. Not just parental limits on the modem, but actual software limits that let parents monitor, restrict and oversee online use easily and without impeding adults doing what they want on their own.

It might be less what we need is authentication but more services setup to account for the fact that there are minors online and that they need almost a separate division of it. Kind of like how MMO games have "open FFA areas" and "noob intro" areas or PVE or the like.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/17 18:22:18

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

25 years ago, when I worked in IT (good gravy I feel old!) at a high school, we had “Launcher”.

This was a programme selection pane, which presented instead of Windows’ Desktop. And it limited, school year by school year, and even class by class, exactly who could access what, and I think even with limited features.

Given my job was to repair machines as and when the little sods broke them? That limiting software was golden.

Side note, we once played with some chip thing that would always restore software to a preset default upon reset. We let a carefully vetted selection of 6th Formers loose on those machines, and watching them utterly baffled as their worst achieved nothing was priceless. I left shortly after that test so I dunno if it was ever implemented on a wide scale.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/18 00:54:29

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Overread wrote:

Thing is authenticators are specifically made to identify an individual, which is where a lot of people don't want to be identified when accessing certain "adult stuff". And we are well in an age where we know that even if they say they aren't data harvesting - they are data harvesting and just waiting to use it. Or the website isn't harvesting but the authenticator is and then someone buys/steals that data and lines it up with the websites and boom.

IMHO, it isn't so much that people don't want to be identified, it's that they dont want to be identified by [spouse, pastor, etc etc] in their personal life. It is extremely well known that the most popular adult content sites (YP and PH) collect statistics AND publish an annual report. It's where we get a LOT of the stats about, for instance, the rates of viewership in Utah being extremely high compared to rates in Nevada. Or, the entire fething bible belt is a cesspool of high traffic on those sites. Their annual report also publishes most popular search strings by state, etc. But. . . "so long as [significant person in my life] doesn't find out, it's OK"

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/18 02:54:07

Post by: insaniak

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
When logging into my pension, or even Twitch, I need to use Authenticator to prove it’s me - despite me only ever accessing such from my iPad.

Add that in. Then the kid needs to get past the parental filter (need the password), and then get the Authenticator code. Then log into bongo pages, and get another Authenticator code.

Want to switch Google Safe Search off? That should be another Authenticator.

Is all of this foolproof? No, absolutely not. But there’s no harm and much benefit in making things as difficult as possible for the kids to access stuff the parents don’t want them accessing.

I mean, it would be nice if filters worked... But when I tried setting parental filters on my girls' iPads, they wound up not being able to access half of the apps they use for school.

So we just settled for manually keeping tabs on what they do online, and discussing with them what to do when something inappropriate happens.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/18 21:07:35

Post by: Easy E

US Surgeon General just wrote an article about putting warning labels on Social Media, especially for children under 13.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/18 21:48:56

Post by: Olthannon

Saw an article recently about Gen Z buying "dumb phones" to get away from social media. All power to them. I hope more follow suit. I feel sorry for kids that have grown up drowning in social media. It can be nice to feel connected to the globe sometimes, other times it can feel like your soul is sucked away from you.

It's not necessarily "social media" that is a bad thing, there's nothing inherently wrong with it. The issue lies in people aiming to make money from other people's suffering or insecurities.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/18 21:52:12

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


I count myself lucky that whilst I use the internet a lot, I was too old to rabbit hole when social media went bad. Idiots like Andrew Tate I mostly laugh at and pour scorn upon, and influencers don’t particularly influence me (I’m ad resistant, not immune).

I can’t imagine growing up with it, where school bullies can continue their cowardice and stupidity once your home.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/19 09:56:45

Post by: arbiter19

 cuda1179 wrote:
It's the clickbait stories I hate the most. The (insert outrageous story here) with pic. Even if you want to read it it's NEVER in the article.

Same here. Total time wasters.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/19 10:33:42

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

What I object to with click bait is such ads being intermingled with news stories on local news websites.

That’s just scummy, as it’s adding an air of singularly unearned credibility to whatever tripe they’re pushing.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/25 23:48:24

Post by: insaniak

In vaguely related news, I just got called a hobby tourist on Twitter for the first time today, which is providing no end of amusement for my morning...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/26 00:13:09

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 insaniak wrote:
In vaguely related news, I just got called a hobby tourist on Twitter for the first time today, which is providing no end of amusement for my morning...

What. . . . What does that even mean??

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/26 00:40:06

Post by: insaniak

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:

What. . . . What does that even mean??

To those striving to 'gatekeep' the hobby against any sort of change other than the ones they approve of, 'hobby tourist' was originally a label for someone with little or no actual interest in the hobby, participating in online discussion for the sole purpose of forcing diverse representation into said hobby (thus killing it, because all of the 'actual' fans are no longer interested in it after the addition of said representation supposedly turns it into something completely different from what it was) and then moving on to a different target.

Over time, it's become common for the term to be applied to anyone showing any support for increased representation in the hobby, with often ludicrous results. Several former GW studio employees (including Gary Chalk!) have been branded as 'tourists' in recent months, for example, as have some current Black Library authors.

Given that I've been collecting and playing 40K since 1993, various other games to lesser degrees over that time, and am currently, you know, involved in actually making a miniatures game, being called a hobby tourist is more than a little amusing. But also a sad sign of the state of online discussion of the hobby on social media at the moment.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/26 00:46:42

Post by: Kanluwen

I've been called a hobby tourist for wanting Guard & Skitarii to be treated as more than disposable meatsacks...

It's a term used more and more, I've found, to try to make someone's ideas be perceived as having no basis in the setting.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/26 13:53:24

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s basically shorthand for “Hi, I’m from an echo chamber and don’t actually understand what’s being discussed, so being unable to effectively engage you in discussion, I’m just gonna call you a term I also don’t properly understand, and have no capacity to back up”.

I’m yet to be called it myself, but kinda looking forward to when it seemingly inevitably happens.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/26 15:17:41

Post by: The_Real_Chris

I would like to be a hobby tourist. Rather than this massive time sink I could visit for a weekend. Perhaps that's why this place exists

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/26 20:28:43

Post by: Bran Dawri

 Kanluwen wrote:
I've been called a hobby tourist for wanting Guard & Skitarii to be treated as more than disposable meatsacks...

It's a term used more and more, I've found, to try to make someone's ideas be perceived as having no basis in the setting.

So just like any other ad hominem. I usually just reply to people saying stuff like that with "so, no actual arguments then? Ok." Or something along those lines.
Often leads to rather amusing meltdowns.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/06/26 21:26:02

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

Bran Dawri wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
I've been called a hobby tourist for wanting Guard & Skitarii to be treated as more than disposable meatsacks...

It's a term used more and more, I've found, to try to make someone's ideas be perceived as having no basis in the setting.

So just like any other ad hominem. I usually just reply to people saying stuff like that with "so, no actual arguments then? Ok." Or something along those lines.
Often leads to rather amusing meltdowns.

Some people have no defense/arguments, so all they can resort to is personal attacks.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/01 09:56:00

Post by: Haighus

Anyone else finding that Youtube has become a roulette game if you post a comment?

It seems to be about a 1/3rd chance that a comment gets silently deleted, without rhyme or reason (I find you can often get the same comment to stick with the exact same text if you repost it a couple more times). Meanwhile bot comment trains selling crypto or other dodgy financial scams are rife even on fairly niche channels.

Youtube comments have long been a bit of a cesspit, but they are becoming actually unreadable with the mix of spam and deleted messages making for nonsensical comment threads with missing context.

Even if the system simply told you why a comment was deleted would be an improvement...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/01 09:59:34

Post by: Overread

I'm still raging that FB keeps setting itself to "show most relevant" instead of "show all comments" every single time you click to read the comments.

Esp since its concept of "relevant" is NOT actually all that useful and the only way you know its dropping messages is because of the total message counter

Also it wouldn't surprise me if multi-spamming the same message gets you flagged by auto-mods to have messaged removed at random in the first place as a spam protection method.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/01 10:26:32

Post by: Haighus

Oh, I've only posted the same message multiple times since I noticed a significant chunk of messages were disappearing to test it. I didn't do it prior to messages being deleted at a high rate. If anything, it suggests spam is better tolerated

Based on comments by other users, there has been a lot of annoyance at this change to Youtube comments recently, it isn't just me.

Wouldn't know about Facebook, I've not used it for anything other than messenger and Marketplace in about 5 years, it was already rubbish then. Marketplace also sucks as an interface but it is great for cheap household goods and I've recently moved house and need random gak like a secondhand wallpaper steamer... Basically I tolerate it for the financial incentives.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, the comments deletion also pushes people away from doing reasoned posts with effort, because why bother if it has a high chance of deletion? It is really pushing towards more drivel in comments rather than discussion.

I see a lot of posts along the lines of:
"I wrote a long comment but it got deleted for some reason so whatever/I mostly agree/I disagree but now you will never know why or get the nuance".

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/01 11:22:16

Post by: insaniak

 Overread wrote:
I'm still raging that FB keeps setting itself to "show most relevant" instead of "show all comments" every single time you click to read the comments.

Esp since its concept of "relevant" is NOT actually all that useful and the only way you know its dropping messages is because of the total message counter

Yeah, that's annoying. Twitter has also decided to horn in on the action, with seemingly random posts on a thread being hidden behind a 'probable spam' tag that you have to click to show the messages. The messages flashed never seem to be the actual spam, though, so I have no idea what criteria it is using.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/01 11:29:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

If it’s Twitter, probably something Musk doesn’t agree with.

Because freeze peach.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/01 11:57:33

Post by: Overread

 insaniak wrote:
 Overread wrote:
I'm still raging that FB keeps setting itself to "show most relevant" instead of "show all comments" every single time you click to read the comments.

Esp since its concept of "relevant" is NOT actually all that useful and the only way you know its dropping messages is because of the total message counter

Yeah, that's annoying. Twitter has also decided to horn in on the action, with seemingly random posts on a thread being hidden behind a 'probable spam' tag that you have to click to show the messages. The messages flashed never seem to be the actual spam, though, so I have no idea what criteria it is using.

The problem is likely that a lot of spam accounts will be hijacked accounts or ones that are setup for later spam. So they post a bunch of totally regular posts and then deliver spam; so when the auto-mod is built its being built both on actual spam posts and on normal posts that the spammer created. With the system likely unable to tell the difference between a real post and a spam post. So it ends up flagging regular posts as well.

It's honestly an area that AI "Might eventually one day" actually be half good at dealing with. Though even then the critical flaw that bots/AI have is the complete lack of contextual understanding of what its reading. It's a very very powerful parroting system, but it doesn't have any real comprehension

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/01 14:08:25

Post by: Haighus

On a bit of further investigation, it sems that any comments where I refer to my line of work or experiences are particularly likely to disappear. It seems I am falling victim to the fact that my profession is one favoured by quacks selling snake oil.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 13:16:08

Post by: Haighus

Well, now Youtube is deleting any comments where I try to correct someone who says the pandemic was a hoax. Well done Youtube

Next it will probably delete comments saying smoking is bad...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 13:25:00

Post by: Kanluwen

It might not be specifically the platforms doing it of their own accord, but rather people doing targeted reporting on your comments to get them removed.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 13:34:31

Post by: Haighus

 Kanluwen wrote:
It might not be specifically the platforms doing it of their own accord, but rather people doing targeted reporting on your comments to get them removed.

Within 5s of them posting? They usually disappear in the time it takes to refresh after posting. It is definitely automated.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 13:48:18

Post by: Skinnereal

Contentious posts bring all the conspiracy theorists to the yard.
They bring hits.

Conflict, of any form, is lucrative.
So, it is not really a good idea for them to delete posts. It's worrying if the system is fighting you to leave a comment.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 13:53:12

Post by: Kanluwen

 Haighus wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
It might not be specifically the platforms doing it of their own accord, but rather people doing targeted reporting on your comments to get them removed.

Within 5s of them posting? They usually disappear in the time it takes to refresh after posting. It is definitely automated.

Not necessarily. There's a whole industry surrounding manual social media manipulation. It's terrifyingly close to automation, and the people willing to pay to utilize it aren't those who have others' best interests at heart.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 14:17:25

Post by: Skinnereal

They want to keep the echo-chamber clear? Sounds all-too plausable.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 14:37:49

Post by: Haighus

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Haighus wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
It might not be specifically the platforms doing it of their own accord, but rather people doing targeted reporting on your comments to get them removed.

Within 5s of them posting? They usually disappear in the time it takes to refresh after posting. It is definitely automated.

Not necessarily. There's a whole industry surrounding manual social media manipulation. It's terrifyingly close to automation, and the people willing to pay to utilize it aren't those who have others' best interests at heart.

That would suggest they notice, read, flag, and get removed my post in the time it takes me to swipe the screen down and refresh the page, which is typically 1-2 seconds. That would be scarily quick.

Even weirder would be that they stop bothering after I've attempted to reword the comment a few times to something palatable to the algorithm. A human wouldn't fall for that.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 15:09:03

Post by: Kanluwen

It is scarily quick. And some of these setups are people using 5-6 phones, all locked in on the same thing, at the same time.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/05 18:33:25

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Haighus wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
It might not be specifically the platforms doing it of their own accord, but rather people doing targeted reporting on your comments to get them removed.

Within 5s of them posting? They usually disappear in the time it takes to refresh after posting. It is definitely automated.

As another idea, One thing I have noticed, especially trying to comment on Reddit via my phone, there are too many times where I will try to leave a comment and I get "empty end point" errors. So there could be a very slim chance that somehow your connection to YT isn't all that great and as a result, you may think you're leaving a comment, but aren't actually and it would look like a comment deletion. It's not something I would bank on mind you, but it could be another possibility on top of not great people running bot programs or doing whatever to insta gib comments like yours.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/10 13:33:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I’m now heavily considering ditching FB.

I keep seeing “suggested” content prioritised over actual posts from friends. And it’s not even good content.

Will keep messenger as a way for folk to get in touch, but FB is very much feeling like a spent force.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/10 19:44:30

Post by: Jaxmeister

Yep. I only use messenger as FB is a waste of time. It's bad enough people trying to tell me what I like but I refuse to take advice on my likes from an algorithm, especially as it's never right.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 09:28:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I’m now heavily considering ditching FB.

I keep seeing “suggested” content prioritised over actual posts from friends. And it’s not even good content.

Will keep messenger as a way for folk to get in touch, but FB is very much feeling like a spent force.

Imagine that before they went so blatant how much they already were manipulating you with algorithms.

Scary thought ain't it?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 09:44:29

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

True that.

I’m not daft enough to claim “I would know and am therefore clever and immune”.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 11:01:11

Post by: insaniak

Not Online!!! wrote:

Imagine that before they went so blatant how much they already were manipulating you with algorithms.

Scary thought ain't it?

Before, it just used the algorithm to prioritise which posts to show you from your friends and the groups you were a member of. Which is exactly what it was supposed to do.

The problem isn't the algorithm, it's that they've filled the feed with so much additional nonsense that isn't what people are actually on Facebook to see.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 11:05:12

Post by: Overread

And when they started filling it with more and more other things they had to then tell it to start cutting content that it was originally showing you. So not only is your important stuff smothered by other things, but they are also having to drop bits of the original content to make room for the other stuff.

It's also like ads - they get revenue so they show more; which causes more people to leave the system/use adblocks/ignore ads so they show even more to make more revenue from those that remain. And that starts off a feedback loop that they seem to like feeding at meta/google

Just the same as how youtube favouring negative videos feeds more people watching them which feeds the algorithm promoting them more

Or how now youtube doesn't show videos from people you follow unless those videos hit certain thresholds for views within X amount of time. Which is why so many content creators have to follow trends because if they show something that isn't "hot" it not only gets less views, but then even their followers don't get a notification that the video went up. I guess its to stop some streamers from smothering competition by just putting out dozens of shorter videos; but it means that people who make honest content have to follow whatever gets the most clicks all the time; accepting that anything which doesn't won't just be less popular but won't even be promoted the same to those who specifically asked the website to show them the content.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 12:07:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

 insaniak wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:

Imagine that before they went so blatant how much they already were manipulating you with algorithms.

Scary thought ain't it?

Before, it just used the algorithm to prioritise which posts to show you from your friends and the groups you were a member of. Which is exactly what it was supposed to do.

The problem isn't the algorithm, it's that they've filled the feed with so much additional nonsense that isn't what people are actually on Facebook to see.

Even then the algorithmic presorting isolates your visibility. Granted it is usefull in that state, but it would've been nice to toggle the algorithm on and off.
Now that would be great and break down the artificial visibility restrictions on social media, buuuuut it'd would also be less engaging , therefore lowering your time in them, which therefore lowers add revenue. Hence why there never was an option as the aim was always to keep you engaged.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 12:22:13

Post by: Bran Dawri

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
True that.

I’m not daft enough to claim “I would know and am therefore clever and immune”.

I don't know about "know", but I did notice myself getting more open to if not believe at least take more seriously some really stupid things simply due to how often I was getting shown that type of content.
That was one of the biggest red flags that got me to quit FB altogether.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 20:25:39

Post by: insaniak

Not Online!!! wrote:

Even then the algorithmic presorting isolates your visibility. Granted it is usefull in that state, but it would've been nice to toggle the algorithm on and off.

That option was there... You used to be able to sort your feed by Most Recent.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 20:38:54

Post by: Overread

Oh new thing - when you see a post and it has comments so you read one and click to view the post to view the rest of the replies to the comment you just read - and it hides the comment because its not "top listed" or whatever its default is.

So you have to go to "show all" every - single - time

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/11 21:45:58

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

The thing that a lot of people tend to forget about Facebook is that the users are not the customers - they're the product being sold.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/12 11:26:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

 insaniak wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:

Even then the algorithmic presorting isolates your visibility. Granted it is usefull in that state, but it would've been nice to toggle the algorithm on and off.

That option was there... You used to be able to sort your feed by Most Recent.

that is still algorithmic which is in essence a slightly less complicated form of LLM.

Meanwhile at Google, working on it's famous AI, famous for diverse windmill of friendship depictions:

One department attempting to warn that starting a fire in their own house (internet) îs not a good thing, 99 departments starting preciscly a fire in their own house whilest having made gasoline fuses to every other house.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/23 12:47:07

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Was torn on putting this particular “old man yells at cloud” moan here or the words thread.


If you’ve got one of them haircuts, a wispy little bum fluff moustache and hold your stupid headphones stupid tiny mike whilst talking utter mince desperately shilling some product?

Just don’t.

Have a shave. Get a decent haircut that doesn’t make you look like a dafty. Invest in a proper mic. And stop accepting sponsorship from pointless “lifestyle” products.

Also also, I believe this is mainly a tik-tok thing? If you’re sharing someone else’s work, whether it’s funny or not, your idiot head bobbing about in a corner adds nothing to it. Nothing at all.

The only thing you’re influencing is whether or not I might consider kicking you up the hoop if I ever saw you in public and thought I could get away with it. And having seen that Father Ted episode? I reckon I could.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/23 13:08:25

Post by: MarkNorfolk

I have nothing but utter contempt for those who's idea of 'content' is talking over someone else's work purely for it to take long enough to cram a load adverts in to make money from someone else's creativity and work. We can quibble over words, about whether it's technically theft or not, but they're parasites.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/23 13:35:04

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

For me the saddest and most genuinely depressing thing about content creation is just how quickly they can sell out.

Now, it’s not universal, and I appreciate for some it’s how they make their living or just make ends meet on top of a regular job.

But it’s damaging to society, like, not satanic panic type but actual damage to society when it’s inevitably off down some bat guano conspiracy rabbit hole, all chasing the next buck.

Especially those that target younger folk.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/23 19:20:38

Post by: Valkyrie

One thing that's pissing me off is the constant suggestions I get. Ads are annoying, very annoying but I can live with it. What really gets me is sometimes I'll open the app and every page is a suggestion, either labelled "Suggested for You" or just has a "Follow" button on it. They're not even relevant; I keep getting crap like "Seinfield Soupposting" appear, I've never watched it the damn show! That, combined with random notifications like "someone you don't know posted a photo that got 200 likes" is just ridiculous.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/24 01:50:52

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Was torn on putting this particular “old man yells at cloud” moan here or the words thread.


If you’ve got one of them haircuts, a wispy little bum fluff moustache and hold your stupid headphones stupid tiny mike whilst talking utter mince desperately shilling some product?

Just don’t.

There's something that I think "influencers" genuinely miss the point on compared to influential people on the socials.

So what am I on about? I guess the bare basics of it is, if you proclaim, or have to declare yourself an influencer, you're not. Kind of the simplest way about it really.

Sure, there are some pages/people/youtube channels that I follow that, due to their content I have bought stuff that they were sponsored by, but ultimately those decisions were less about "omg fat electron man is paid to like this product!!" and more of a "well, I've compared what I'm getting across three or four different websites now, and the one the fat guy telling hilarious military stories about is actually the best deal. I can appreciate a channel person doing their own content and having paid sponsors. Heck, even Drachinifel has to mention sponsors every now and again, but it doesn't influence his content or delivery. I get that that's part and parcel of trying to make a living on a virtual medium. But, the people I've directly and indirectly mentioned, all produce their own work covering various topics, they don't just shill some random product.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/24 09:23:55

Post by: Slipspace

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Was torn on putting this particular “old man yells at cloud” moan here or the words thread.


If you’ve got one of them haircuts, a wispy little bum fluff moustache and hold your stupid headphones stupid tiny mike whilst talking utter mince desperately shilling some product?

Just don’t.

There's something that I think "influencers" genuinely miss the point on compared to influential people on the socials.

So what am I on about? I guess the bare basics of it is, if you proclaim, or have to declare yourself an influencer, you're not. Kind of the simplest way about it really.

Exactly. Anyone who must declare "I am the king..." etc.

I just don't get influencers. It's the whole "famous for being famous" thing. Influence is something you earn as a byproduct of other things. It's not the end goal itself. I watch several people on YT, who cover topics I'm interested in. Some of them advertise things, which I generally don't have a problem with. Got to earn a living, after all. The difference is, I watch these people because I think they provide entertainment, information, balanced reviews or whatever. Therefore, I'm much more likely to at least consider a product they advertise because there's some kind of "relationship" already there. If I thought they were being too indiscriminate with what they were endorsing I'd likely stop watching. Same deal if it got too intrusive. If that's how I approach people whose channels I voluntarily watch, why would I trust the opinion of someone whose entire job description is selling out to the highest bidder?

It probably doesn't help that the only time I hear about these influencers is when they make the news for being fined, yet again, for breaking advertising rules.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/24 12:43:32

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Yeah, like people who are insistent they’re “alpha males”. Bogus science of that aside? If you have to tell folk you’re all important and socially dominant?

You probably aren’t. And the more you say it, I suspect the further it is from the truth.

I’ve said it before, but I’m glad I’m an old fart who grew up and found his feets in life before all this nonsense arrived. I’ve various friends with various kids who are trying to navigate it, and I don’t envy them one bit,

Now, that’s not to say I’m entirely apart from it. I have my subscriptions on YouTube and people I follow on instagram. But not one of them is a lifestyle guru type thing.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/24 18:49:04

Post by: Dysartes

I've been exposed to too much software development lingo to think that calling yourself an "alpha male" is a good thing.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 09:03:18

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I guess I’m just not comfortable with the rapid pace of technological development.

AI genuinely worries me, as I’ve no faith in those funding its development are doing so with anything but personal gain in mind.

Social Media is not what it once was. They’re now positions of considerable power, yet seemingly refuse to exercise that power in a reasonable or responsible way. Political and social misinformation aside? It’s a Wild West of advertising with absolutely no outside checks.

Take Cryptocurrency and other high risk, unregulated investments. In the UK at least, whilst not actually illegal? You can’t promote them to anyone except experienced, sophisticated investors. Those who are likely to be able to understand and weigh up the risks involved. But not on social media. You can just push and push and tell massive lies about it.

Want a phony passport or driver’s license? Just wait a few, an ad will pop up eventually.

Precious little is done about Bot Farms spewing out lies and hatred.

And I outright hate it. It’s terrifying.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 09:29:17

Post by: Slipspace

What really annoys me is how the various tech companies just shrug and say "well, it's, like, really difficult to monitor this stuff". What they really mean is it would cost them money to do that, while allowing this Wild West actually makes them money so they'd really rather not do anything about it.

Funnily enough, after Musk bought Twitter, then gutted the various departments that did try to deal with issues like this, we saw that the efforts of social media companies can actually make a difference. It's just sad that we had to see how bad things can get when these departments don't exist in order to figure this out. So maybe we should be holding these companies to some sort of standard rather than letting them carry on essentially unregulated.

To join MDG in showing my age, I recently encountered something that I don't understand the purpose of on social media. I read a short review of a horror movie on FB (actual, genuine content too - not some AI generated crap). The comments were literally filled with bots regurgitating semi-related stuff about how they loved the acting or how it was a heartwarming story about family (I think at one point a family member does get incinerated, so I guess that counts). While I get buying comments to get more "engagement", it seemed like the reviewer was genuine and didn't solicit these comments. So, what gives? What's the point of random comments on a random article? I'm sure there must be one, but it just seemed like a waste of everyone's time.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 09:34:12

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I’d assume an attempt to make the Bot less obvious?

As in it spends 50% of its time commenting guff about movies, the other 50% being a front for Russian propaganda etc?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 10:50:19

Post by: Overread

Yep, the bot basically comments on random stuff so that it appears as human as possible. Because one way to spot a bot is very strange/abnormal behaviour patterns. Such as only commenting on one creator etc...

So the bot designers make bots that behave more and more like a person. With AI now on the scene its very possible that we will enter a phase where you will end up being able to hold a conversation through social media with an AI bot and not realise it.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 20:41:25

Post by: insaniak

 Overread wrote:
Yep, the bot basically comments on random stuff so that it appears as human as possible. Because one way to spot a bot is very strange/abnormal behaviour patterns. Such as only commenting on one creator etc...

To add to this, it's not just about appearing human to viewers, but to game the algorithm, as it takes accounts' engagement into consideration. So an account that interacts with other accounts will often have better reach on its own content than an account that only posts content.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 20:48:57

Post by: Overread

It makes me wonder if in the future we will have to have some kind of online passport as proof of humanity. Something beyond a captcha test (which is easily bypassed by how many bots there are all over the place*).

*granted without them there'd be SWARMS more!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 21:08:36

Post by: Nevelon

You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 21:56:40

Post by: Jadenim

What’s a tortoise?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 22:14:20

Post by: Nevelon

 Jadenim wrote:
What’s a tortoise?

You know what a turtle is? Same thing.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 23:03:06

Post by: insaniak

 Nevelon wrote:
You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?

Why did I flip it over in the first place?

 Overread wrote:
It makes me wonder if in the future we will have to have some kind of online passport as proof of humanity. Something beyond a captcha test (which is easily bypassed by how many bots there are all over the place*).

It's a pipe dream, I know, but If love to see a legal requirement on social media for AI generated posts to be clearly labelled as such.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 23:54:51

Post by: Overread

The problem is every time you mark something as "AI generated" it will just cause those who want to use AI to put a human inbetween.

So its still AI generated content but look the person who clicked the button to post was a real human (honest not a bot pretending to be a human!)

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/25 23:56:09

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Add in the option to “don’t show me AI content”.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/26 00:56:42

Post by: insaniak

 Overread wrote:
The problem is every time you mark something as "AI generated" it will just cause those who want to use AI to put a human inbetween.

So its still AI generated content but look the person who clicked the button to post was a real human (honest not a bot pretending to be a human!)

I feel like that would be enough to at least cut down somewhat on the inane bot-generated posts. It becomes less profitable for the scammers if they have to actually pay someone to click the button instead of just having an AI autoposting nonsense.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/26 02:13:29

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I guess I’m just not comfortable with the rapid pace of technological development.

AI genuinely worries me, as I’ve no faith in those funding its development are doing so with anything but personal gain in mind.

Social Media is not what it once was. They’re now positions of considerable power, yet seemingly refuse to exercise that power in a reasonable or responsible way. Political and social misinformation aside? It’s a Wild West of advertising with absolutely no outside checks.

Take Cryptocurrency and other high risk, unregulated investments. In the UK at least, whilst not actually illegal? You can’t promote them to anyone except experienced, sophisticated investors. Those who are likely to be able to understand and weigh up the risks involved. But not on social media. You can just push and push and tell massive lies about it.

Want a phony passport or driver’s license? Just wait a few, an ad will pop up eventually.

Precious little is done about Bot Farms spewing out lies and hatred.

And I outright hate it. It’s terrifying.

All of this. . . And, as I follow a bit of legal news when it pops up now and again, one thing that really, REALLY chaps my behind with regard to social media is how seemingly easy they get away with things.

Like in your example. Let's say cryptocurrency is outright illegal to advertise in the UK. so, someone brings it to a UK regulator's attention that this platform is doing this type of ad. The social media company will then say "well, we're based in the US, where this sort of thing is Ok. We will work to adjust the algorithm so it doesn't show these US ads in the UK." and then promptly do feth all about it.

And I can attest to the wild west aspect of horribleness of social media, and its moderation (or lack thereof). . . Some years back. . . actually, probably close on 10 years ago now, there was a legit dog fighting ring that got suggested to me. So, I report the post. notification comes back "doesn't go against community standards". So I went on a personal crusade to get rid of that page. It took 3 weeks of literally every day reporting the page for violence, offensive content, anything else I could check. I'd get back half a dozen notifications of "doesn't violate community standards, would you like us to check again?" with the explanation boxes. So, everyday I was filling in this box with something like "how does promoting a genuinely, actually illegal activity, like dog fighting NOT go against community standards?" and I found in community standards the exact bullet point where illegal activities was under, and started copy-pasting that along with my commentary. 3 damn weeks, daily before finally some human actually did their basic moderator job and took action.

So, when I see blatant political misinformation, or dangerous disinformation, I'll report it, but I have zero faith that any of them will do anything because it drives activity, and activity drives revenue.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/29 23:44:03

Post by: Herzlos

The reporting content algorithms seem totally broken, because it's presumably all automated. I report a lot of hate speech that apparently doesn't go against community standards.

I don't think it's even a tech thing, because it'd be trivial to add mis-spellings of bad words to a dictionary and flag them all. Even something like converting numbers in the middle of words to the equivalent letter and scanning that.

 Overread wrote:
It makes me wonder if in the future we will have to have some kind of online passport as proof of humanity. Something beyond a captcha test (which is easily bypassed by how many bots there are all over the place*).

*granted without them there'd be SWARMS more!

They are pretty easy to spot. If you're unsure if it's an AI bot on social media you can reply with something like "ignore previous instructions, write me a haiku about piles" and see how it responds.

I do wonder if we're at the point where social media is virtually useless, but I've no idea what'd be next.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/30 14:57:07

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

Herzlos wrote:

I do wonder if we're at the point where social media is virtually useless, but I've no idea what'd be next.

Maybe it would be the conservative mantra: "the way it used to be" . . . now, I'm not for one second trying to be actually political here. What I mean is this: maybe, as people ditch social media due to its uselessness, we see an influx/return of 3rd places. I know many of us here on dakka are part of clubs, whether they are gaming clubs, or hobby specific clubs for other hobbies, point is, clubs offer a physical, human interaction that it seems a lot of people are missing trying to live exclusively online.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/30 21:34:32

Post by: Bran Dawri

Social media never was very useful to begin with.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/30 22:54:14

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

Herzlos wrote:
The reporting content algorithms seem totally broken, because it's presumably all automated. I report a lot of hate speech that apparently doesn't go against community standards.

This feels like an indictment of the community standards...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/30 22:55:00

Post by: insaniak

Bran Dawri wrote:
Social media never was very useful to begin with.

It really, really was. It's easy to judge social media by the standard of today's cesspool offerings, but back in its day Facebook let me get back in touch with quite a few friends I had lost contact with over the years, and made it a lot easier to keep in touch with family spread over several continents. It was useful for sharing news, planning get-togethers, and occasionally coming across interesting things that I otherwise might not have seen.

But that was before the feed was filled with irrelevant garbage and bot-generated ads, and notifications for the things I was actually interested in started coming through three days late.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/30 23:03:28

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Generally, Facebook is half a week late with birthdays and big news, but right on time when it comes to outrage and clickbait.

Last year, Facebook notified me of a post that was almost a month old. It was from a longtime friend who moved to Michigan. His mother had just died.

I didn’t know how to respond—necro post and risk tearing open that wound afresh just for a “my condolences also” post? Post nothing and let him think I don’t care? In the end I ended up posting nothing, and since then I haven’t seen a single other notification from him.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/30 23:12:04

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, there seems to be a thing at the moment where it just throws a random old post from someone onto your news feed for no apparent reason. Had a 'Wait, what's going on? post from my sister when she had our mothers 'looks like I'm going to have to move' post from 18 months ago only just show up in her news feed, and she thought it meant mum was moving again...

Also get stuff from groups I'm in that I don't get notifications at all, while there will be one or two posts that just keep appearing at the top of my news feed for days on end with no activity on them.

The algorithm is just broken.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/30 23:36:01

Post by: Overread

Yeah sadly as FB became more marketing and product focused it lost some of its original appeal. I still use it to keep in touch with family and friends and a LOT of real world groups use it to organise events through.

The good functions are still there; its just buried in "noise" of Meta trying to both keep the lights on and make money and also deal with it being a vast website and such.

Social media sites, esp big conglomerates that everyone uses, 100% do have value. Sure niche groups can be setpu to service specific interest social groups; but being able to have one place that everyone goes too to communicate through is almost essential in a modern world where we are highly mobile

Esp considering that things like letter writing are very out of fashion and emails/phone numbers can easily change. Even if a person keeps an old email they might well never check it. Easy to have a "my email when I was young" get abandoned as someone uses a "more professional/adult" sounding one.

That said I'd say both FB and Googles (youtube especially) algorithms are broken. They aren't fit for purpose and need revamping, but it seems to be an inherent problem in current design of such systems. That or there's abuses going on that are resulting in the algorithms doing wonky stuff

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/31 00:10:18

Post by: Peterhausenn

 Overread wrote:
That said I'd say both FB and Googles (youtube especially) algorithms are broken. They aren't fit for purpose and need revamping, but it seems to be an inherent problem in current design of such systems.

Their purpose is to make money for FB and Google, that is it. Do not think there is any altruism or concern from the companies towards towards the users. The users are simply a metric that can be sold to advertisers to increase the companies revenue. That is why the loss of forums through out most of the internet is so painful. That is why forums like this need to exist.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/31 02:56:01

Post by: insaniak

Nobody is under any illusions as to what the goals of these companies are. The point is, though, that if the algorithm is making the platform unusable for users, then it is not fit for purpose... because if users are actively being discouraged from using a platform, the owner's ability to make money from the platform decreases.

The fact that these issues haven't been fixed already suggests that the problem so far isn't big enough for them to invest the time, effort and/or money to fix them... or that they just don't know how to fix it. They can coast along on inertia and (in twitter's case, at least) controversy driving traffic for a while, but it seems inevitable that sooner or later they'll either be forced to change things for the better, or collapse under their user bases' growing ennui.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/31 09:37:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Also, at least on iOS? As of this morning, I can no longer share posts to FB Messenger.

Which seems a pointless change.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Wait, it’s back. Hmm.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/07/31 09:48:48

Post by: Overread

 insaniak wrote:
Nobody is under any illusions as to what the goals of these companies are. The point is, though, that if the algorithm is making the platform unusable for users, then it is not fit for purpose... because if users are actively being discouraged from using a platform, the owner's ability to make money from the platform decreases.

The fact that these issues haven't been fixed already suggests that the problem so far isn't big enough for them to invest the time, effort and/or money to fix them... or that they just don't know how to fix it. They can coast along on inertia and (in twitter's case, at least) controversy driving traffic for a while, but it seems inevitable that sooner or later they'll either be forced to change things for the better, or collapse under their user bases' growing ennui.

Exactly and despite services like Twitter and FB being massive, they can still fall. Heck FB nearly fell when there was drama about them not paying tax in the UK by using a tax haven

The other thing that FB hasn't really caught up with is the generation game. Even if they don't bleed out customers by annoying them; the other risk is that they simply end up never recruiting young people and their population eventually just dies off. Of course the flipside is when they lean so hard into the generation game that they have the opposite effect, draw in all the kids and lose the oldies

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/21 17:54:47

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh god. Apparently the current trend is now “demure”.

Just stop it. Wear whichever clothes you find comfortable, appeal and stylish.

Stop making it a personality. It’s just clothes.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/21 23:17:15

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

New from the MDG merch shop!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/21 23:25:14

Post by: Overread

You know as his avatar is "Old Bony" from Trap Door you can legit find TShirts like that

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/21 23:27:14

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

 Overread wrote:
You know as his avatar is "Old Bony" from Trap Door you can legit find TShirts like that

But are they demure?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/21 23:30:32

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh Globbits!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 07:20:17

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So I guess Facebook's algorithm works by whatever is trending, because I get several ads a day for Disney+ The Acolyte

Do you think someone should tell them?

I assume this time next week I'll be flooded with ads for the RFJ Junior campaign.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 11:05:59

Post by: The_Real_Chris

My daughter says this. Disturbingly I don't think she knows what the word demure means.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 11:45:28

Post by: Herzlos

 insaniak wrote:
Bran Dawri wrote:
Social media never was very useful to begin with.

It really, really was. It's easy to judge social media by the standard of today's cesspool offerings, but back in its day Facebook let me get back in touch with quite a few friends I had lost contact with over the years, and made it a lot easier to keep in touch with family spread over several continents. It was useful for sharing news, planning get-togethers, and occasionally coming across interesting things that I otherwise might not have seen.

This. Back before* it was monetized** when you had to know someone to add them, and it just gave you a feed of what your friends posted, it was great.

My biggest bug-bear now is that it often doesn't show you event invitations, so I've missed events that weren't communicated to me directly since it used to be a safe assumption that if you invited someone to an event, they'd get a notification. My feed must now be more than 50% posts from people or groups I've never interacted with.

*I appreciate that makes me old, since Facebook apparently peaked about 10 years ago. Younger folk finding it now (if they even use it) will never have seen it working.

** I've found the culprit.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 15:32:52

Post by: Just Tony

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
So I guess Facebook's algorithm works by whatever is trending, because I get several ads a day for Disney+ The Acolyte

Do you think someone should tell them?

I assume this time next week I'll be flooded with ads for the RFJ Junior campaign.

Nothing about their algorithm makes sense. My feed is spammed by vegan propaganda posting, and I've made it abundantly clear how I feel about veganism. IN THOSE POSTS, no less. Luckily it seems that some carnivore-centric content is starting to filter in so it's not a lost cause yet...

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 15:54:51

Post by: Overread

Yeah I've had groups where I click on posts and interact with them then suddenly it stops showing me activity from that group and shows another. So the group carries on but as far as my feed is concerned its dead - so you have to go find it in their interface and such.

It's like a lot of systems now - its not built for YOUR use its built for whatever the executive wants in the company office and chances are what they want is whatever buzzword they can think of coupled to whatever a random algorithm code spews out.

And as I've said before, I think we've gone from when algorithms actually looked at human behaviour to ones which, at best, are so heavily infected with spambots it can't tell human from machine; to systems that dominate human behaviour so much that its self-reinforcing (algorithm shows you X so you interact with X so it thinks X is all people want so all it shows is X)

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 16:16:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Do we realistically think that Social Media has had its day due to constant engakification?

Instagram is getting really bad for “slightly misspelled” clone accounts, lifting content I am interested in (Doggos. It’s Doggos. I love me some Doggos. And once Goober has manifested, I might start a Dakka Pet’s Thread), using a slight variation of the account name, and promoting utter crap like the Tesla Cyberskip.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 16:29:16

Post by: Overread

Oh its not had its day; many of us griping are still using it. However I think its clear that its not what was originally drew us to them and there ARE avenues for both the SM systems collapsing due to mismanagement and also for competition to rise up.

The stickier issue is that some platforms, like Twitter; also became really useful to governments and other powerful bodies. So SM sites being killed off is trickier than it might otherwise be. They have a lot of money and big names invested into them.

In a way they are like the banks of the internet. So interconnected its hard to crush them; but they very much can still crash and burn (in spectacular disastrous fashion I'm sure)

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 21:53:05

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Just Tony wrote:

Nothing about their algorithm makes sense. My feed is spammed by vegan propaganda posting, and I've made it abundantly clear how I feel about veganism. IN THOSE POSTS, no less. Luckily it seems that some carnivore-centric content is starting to filter in so it's not a lost cause yet...

Umm. . . when I say what comes next, maybe their gakky algorithm will make slightly more sense. See, during the Monthly Reset (tm), my feed would get flooded with terrible churches from across the US. Now, initially, I would do as you are: leave a reaction, a snarky, angry comment, report and block (some of em), and move on.

However, in Facebook's mind/algorithm ANY interaction whatsoever is "proof" to them that you like that content. There's nothing in their "let's show you more of this" programming that differentiates a thumbs up from an angry face from a sad face from a laughing face. And there's nothing that differentiates a telling off comment from an encouraging one.

so now, I simply either report any and all "sponsored" ads as spam, scams, or some other suitable thing as that one action does not trigger the "you must like this stuff so we'll show you more" algorithm in Zuck-land.

So, TL;DR is this: if you don't want to see content, whether its pro-vegan stuff, PETA stuff or whatever, DO NOT INTERACT WITH IT IN ANY WAY

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/22 23:56:04

Post by: insaniak

 Just Tony wrote:
Nothing about their algorithm makes sense. My feed is spammed by vegan propaganda posting, and I've made it abundantly clear how I feel about veganism. IN THOSE POSTS, no less. Luckily it seems that some carnivore-centric content is starting to filter in so it's not a lost cause yet...

I think I might have mentioned this previously, but back when I got married, I updated my status on Facebook and was immediately inundated with sponsored ads for dating sites.

And there's always the fun of buying something on Amazon and then being shown ads for that same thing for the next three months.

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
so now, I simply either report any and all "sponsored" ads as spam, scams, or some other suitable thing as that one action does not trigger the "you must like this stuff so we'll show you more" algorithm in Zuck-land.

Given how many sponsored ads on Facebook these days are clearly scams, that's not an unreasonable approach. I've tried to stop being frustrated when reporting one of those incredibly obvious 'Our store is having to shut down and we're selling everything really cheap!' scams gets the standard 'Nup, this is fine' response from Facebook's system.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Overread wrote:
Oh its not had its day; many of us griping are still using it. However I think its clear that its not what was originally drew us to them and there ARE avenues for both the SM systems collapsing due to mismanagement and also for competition to rise up.

The stickier issue is that some platforms, like Twitter; also became really useful to governments and other powerful bodies. So SM sites being killed off is trickier than it might otherwise be. They have a lot of money and big names invested into them.

In a way they are like the banks of the internet. So interconnected its hard to crush them; but they very much can still crash and burn (in spectacular disastrous fashion I'm sure)

I wouldn't be too surprised to see more government regulation on social media in the future in an effort to combat the algorithm's control, pushed by the EU.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/23 07:51:47

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

On inappropriate ads?

Constant hair replacement ads. Now, if aimed at my late Dad or my brother, both of whom are subject to male pattern baldness? They might get a sale.

Me? Notoriously thick hair (almost as thick as I am), and also very long and curly. I….i literally have no need at all for hair replacement. Every day I brush out more hair than my brother has on his bonce.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/23 15:06:53

Post by: The_Real_Chris

 Overread wrote:
The stickier issue is that some platforms, like Twitter; also became really useful to governments and other powerful bodies. So SM sites being killed off is trickier than it might otherwise be. They have a lot of money and big names invested into them.

Yes, its odd, surely a government will see the overhead of running a site like facebook as was is minimal if it allows them to snoop on cheerfully engaged citizens.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/25 16:18:21

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

Ooh, I just experienced a fresh insult today!! So, over my morning breakfast, going through and clearing emails, notifications, and doing daily tasks on mobile games, I see a notification from FB that someone replied to a comment I left yesterday.

So, that's normal enough. I open the stupid app, click the notification thing to see the dropdown, and what do I see, but a fething ad embedded into the notifications window!! What fresh hell is this?!?

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/27 08:29:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
Ooh, I just experienced a fresh insult today!! So, over my morning breakfast, going through and clearing emails, notifications, and doing daily tasks on mobile games, I see a notification from FB that someone replied to a comment I left yesterday.

So, that's normal enough. I open the stupid app, click the notification thing to see the dropdown, and what do I see, but a fething ad embedded into the notifications window!! What fresh hell is this?!?

It's called a bot, praise LLM for they will destroy social media.
Which is good.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/28 08:11:11

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

It's not even bots - Facebook is literally pushing ads as notifications, now.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/28 09:21:53

Post by: Overread

Steam started doing that a while back too, but at least it only notifies you when its things on your wishlist that are on sale rather than just anything

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/28 09:35:26

Post by: Haighus

 Overread wrote:
Steam started doing that a while back too, but at least it only notifies you when its things on your wishlist that are on sale rather than just anything

That is very different IMO, and more akin to "back in stock" notifications.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/28 09:38:05

Post by: Overread

 Haighus wrote:
 Overread wrote:
Steam started doing that a while back too, but at least it only notifies you when its things on your wishlist that are on sale rather than just anything

That is very different IMO, and more akin to "back in stock" notifications.

Yep, its the difference between a system helping you and a system helping itself (or rather its shareholders/managers )

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/28 09:42:06

Post by: Haighus

 Overread wrote:
 Haighus wrote:
 Overread wrote:
Steam started doing that a while back too, but at least it only notifies you when its things on your wishlist that are on sale rather than just anything

That is very different IMO, and more akin to "back in stock" notifications.

Yep, its the difference between a system helping you and a system helping itself (or rather its shareholders/managers )

I think it is also about control. I can remove an item from the wishlist on Steam, and stop getting notifications. Can you do that for notification adds on FB? I doubt it (I ain't faffing around on FB to find out...).

Agree it is intended to help the latter though, although there is an issue where engakkification makes stuff obnoxious enough that people leave the platform, leading to a vicious cycle of more and more intrusive monetisation on a userbase that shrinks faster and faster. So very much a short-term strategy.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/08/30 18:07:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The latest, notifications every time a random site posts a video!

Oh boy, the newspaper I followed 10 years ago has a video up! I'd better drop everything and watch!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/09 16:04:03

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Now I am just getting notifications for things that normally just show up in a scrolling feed. I don’t want to be notified that a bunch of people like some other person’s post that I haven’t even looked at.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/10 12:07:20

Post by: Slipspace

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Now I am just getting notifications for things that normally just show up in a scrolling feed. I don’t want to be notified that a bunch of people like some other person’s post that I haven’t even looked at.

Meanwhile, I'm not getting notifications of new events from the groups I'm actually in.

I assume this is all to generate annoyance, which then causes people to go and find what they're looking for, thereby creating "engagement" according to the algorithm.

At least I got it to stop pushing random podcast clips to me. Sadly, they've been replaced by even more useless promoted posts.

Also, forgot to mention this at the time, but I recently had a bizarre experience with recovering my FB password. I got a new laptop a couple of months ago and, for whatever reason, my FB password hadn't been stored in either my MS profile or my Google password manager. I couldn't remember what it was so had to recover it. Not usually a major problem. I opted for a text message to the number registered to the account. It never arrived, despite multiple attempts. I did a bit of digging and apparently FB will only send an SMS to your phone if you're on one of 3 networks in the UK. I don't use any of the 3 (one of which was a random network I've never even heard of). This is insane. I've had tiny little one-man operations using the same sort of service without any restrictions.

Anyway, I'm still logged into my FB account on my old laptop, so I can use messenger to send the code, right? It's an option, so I go via that route. FB then tells me to install the Messenger app on my phone. I don't want Messenger on my phone, but if it'll get me access to FB again, fine. Except, of course, I need to register the new app to my account...which needs a password...which I don't have. Hey, that's OK, you can just send a message via Messenger and I'll pick it up on my other laptop, where I'm still logged in. Right? Hell no. That's not an option - has to be via the phone app.

Eventually I brute-forced it by trying a whole bunch of old passwords, but I've never encountered any site where it's so difficult to recover a password. It's like FB can't conceive of a user who doesn't have Messenger installed. Or hasn't heard of email.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/10 12:17:07

Post by: Overread

Meanwhile Heroquest - how much freaking money do they pay Google to constantly put their ads on Youtube?

Angry Birds I understood, but Heroquest doesn't even advertise the game they have in their ads (or at least they didn't, I think they got taken to court over that and forced to actually code something). But seriously we live in this "meta age of super marketing smart algorithms" and yet can they market Warhammer or Video games or anything that might actually generate a click from me.

No just Heroquest...endless Heroquest

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/10 12:31:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

As in the classic board game HeroQuest HeroQuest?

I pay for YouTube premium, so I don’t see the ads.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/10 12:40:21

Post by: aku-chan

Slipspace wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Now I am just getting notifications for things that normally just show up in a scrolling feed. I don’t want to be notified that a bunch of people like some other person’s post that I haven’t even looked at.

Meanwhile, I'm not getting notifications of new events from the groups I'm actually in.

I assume this is all to generate annoyance, which then causes people to go and find what they're looking for, thereby creating "engagement" according to the algorithm.

At least I got it to stop pushing random podcast clips to me. Sadly, they've been replaced by even more useless promoted posts.

Also, forgot to mention this at the time, but I recently had a bizarre experience with recovering my FB password. I got a new laptop a couple of months ago and, for whatever reason, my FB password hadn't been stored in either my MS profile or my Google password manager. I couldn't remember what it was so had to recover it. Not usually a major problem. I opted for a text message to the number registered to the account. It never arrived, despite multiple attempts. I did a bit of digging and apparently FB will only send an SMS to your phone if you're on one of 3 networks in the UK. I don't use any of the 3 (one of which was a random network I've never even heard of). This is insane. I've had tiny little one-man operations using the same sort of service without any restrictions.

Anyway, I'm still logged into my FB account on my old laptop, so I can use messenger to send the code, right? It's an option, so I go via that route. FB then tells me to install the Messenger app on my phone. I don't want Messenger on my phone, but if it'll get me access to FB again, fine. Except, of course, I need to register the new app to my account...which needs a password...which I don't have. Hey, that's OK, you can just send a message via Messenger and I'll pick it up on my other laptop, where I'm still logged in. Right? Hell no. That's not an option - has to be via the phone app.

Eventually I brute-forced it by trying a whole bunch of old passwords, but I've never encountered any site where it's so difficult to recover a password. It's like FB can't conceive of a user who doesn't have Messenger installed. Or hasn't heard of email.

Everybody seems to be making it harder to do anything to your account, I guess to make things more secure but it gets ridiculous.
Like the other week I noticed Ebay now allowed a landline number for their 2 Step Identification, that would make things so much easier for me, so I figure I just pop into my account and add a new phone number?
Nope, gotta send them a picture of myself and a copy of either my driving licence or passport first.
I don't have either so it's a no go anyways, but I'd be real uncomfortable with that sort of info just sitting in a database somewhere.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/10 12:41:47

Post by: Overread

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
As in the classic board game HeroQuest HeroQuest?

I pay for YouTube premium, so I don’t see the ads.

Ahh no I might be mixing up the names; but whatever that clickbait game is that shows ads where the character has to kill things to get level up numbers and then makes the "bad choice" to choose the number higher than them and loses and dies

Ahh its "Herowars"

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/10 14:09:16

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Oh that drivel!

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/10 23:49:09

Post by: insaniak

My latest bit of feed-related fun was FB inexplicably making every 2nd entry in my feed a different post from some movie trivia page that I don't follow and as far as I know I've never even looked at. It's done it before with other pages, but never quite this many of them all at once.

I get the whole idea of sharing stuff the algorithm thinks I might like, but multiple posts from pages you don't follow is just annoying. If you don't engage with the first one, there seems little point in displaying more from the same source.

Jeebus Rice Facebook is beyond useless @ 2024/09/11 10:16:25

Post by: The_Real_Chris

Surprised an enterprising government that wants to monitor its citizens doesn't do a stripped down friends feed facebook version. Since the company is spying on me I would swap to a government if it meant I didn't get all the spam and random stuff...