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Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 11:58:19

Post by: Nevelon

Welcome all to the 110th round of the Dakka Painting challenge. For the unfamiliar, this is a friendly painting competition open to members of all skill levels and experience, whether your entry is your first or you thousand-and-first time painting miniatures. Each month, finished entries are collected into a thread where the community can vote on their favorite pieces, and those votes go towards an annual overall League that runs for 12 rounds.

This month the topic is Let's Finish This! - Soldiers prepped for the big battle, two arch-enemies in a duel, a sniper ready for that one, perfect shot. In meta terms, we could tackle something we have been meaning to get around to, or else those last few models from a starter box. This month we’ll also suspend the “must be painted in the month” rule and allow you to finish a project that was previously started, but stalled. However if you choose this option, you must post a proof picture of the start point, preferably early in the month. Painting a partially finished model is an option, and not required. You can start something new that fits the theme and participate as normal.

How To Enter

- You may enter up to 5 MODELS as a SINGLE ENTRY, and are permitted one entry per member per month. If you enter multiple models, they should ideally be related in some way, such as part of the same squad, unit or scene if you are doing a diorama
- You may enter at any time during the month, up to the last minute. We do encourage people to enter early, as to be part of the community, but if you can’t start until the 11th hour, that’s OK.
- You MUST post a 'proof' picture of your entry in the thread of the state it was in before you started working on it; this must be either unassembled, unpainted, primed or coated a single colour. Entries that do not submit a valid Proof Picture will not be eligible for voting.
- After this, you may post WIP pictures in this thread and your own if you wish, and on completing the entry, you may post up to 6 final pictures IN THIS THREAD that will then be used for voting. Please note that pictures in a montage or collage picture will be considered individual images for this purpose, so while these types of presentation are certainly acceptable, please keep the image limit in mind when compiling them. For example, a collage of 5 images and one separate image would count as your 6 picture allowance.

So What Do I Win?
- Points... and points mean... bragging rights for the next month! Following the vote, points will be awarded to every entrant. This year, the Points you receive will be equal to the Percentage of Votes your entry receives in the final Voting thread; if you get 10%, you get 10 points, if you get 6% you get 6 points, so on and so forth.

These points will be used to form a league table, which will be updated month on month as the results come in.

How Long Do I Have?
This challenge begins 1st of April and will end at midnight EST on April 30th. After this, I shall compile the finished entries into a new thread, and voting will run for 5 days.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 12:13:01

Post by: Daia T'Nara

So, storytime: when 10th edition rolled out, I drew up a 2000pt army list for my warband... which turned out to be unnecessary, since as I pored through the rules and observed games it became obvious that I wasn't going to be any more interested in playing this version of 40k than the last but I enjoy modelling and painting and the list was a convenient guide to what to do next besides 'whatever', so it's not wasted effort. These are all that's left unfinished of that 2k army:

The five in front (four Chosen, plus a Legionary on the far right with a heavy melee weapon) are the actual contest entry, since they're the furthest from done, but I'll be trying to get the three in back (Chaos Lord in the middle, flanked by my two Masters of Execution) finished as well, since the contest is as good a reason as any to buckle down and complete the army.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 12:29:33

Post by: Nevelon

By all means, if you have larger projects that need to be finished, get as much as you can done! Just pick 5 to enter at the end.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 13:09:37

Post by: XvArcanevX


I’m not sure what to do. I’m feeling strangely unmotivated and despondent at the moment.

Like kind of … just… ‘meh’

Frankly I don’t like it. Not sure what to choose, not even built anything. Errrrr

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2000/04/01 13:14:55

Post by: Geifer

I have this squad of Wookiees I haven't put a brushstroke on in almost three years. I might paint them this month. Might? Well, it's obvious that motivation has been an issue. Who knows if that's going to change. But that's what we're here for, right? Help me, Dakka Painting Challenge. You are my only hope!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 13:18:27

Post by: XvArcanevX

 Geifer wrote:
I have this squad of Wookiees I haven't put a brushstroke on in almost three years. I might paint them this month. Might? Well, it's obvious that motivation has been an issue. Who knows if that's going to change. But that's what we're here for, right? Help me, Dakka Painting Challenge. You are my only hope!]

Me exactly. I’m genuinely stuck. I’ve got so many minis, so so many, but I’m just drawing a total blank on what I feel hyped to paint.

Um, help me too Dakka Painting Challenge. We have ourselves a crisis of morale on the team here! Lol

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 13:32:42

Post by: Geifer

Well, I like to remain positive. The Wookiees stand a better chance of getting painted this month than they ever will. And if in a week they still look the same, I know it was a bad choice and find something else. Moods can easily change in a week, and there's still plenty of month left after that.

So hey, it doesn't always have to be the first idea on the first day. What matters is that there's a painted model (or several) at the end of the month.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 14:11:03

Post by: Nilfisken

Back to Aeldari again,

My first purchase when getting back into the hobby in late 2022 was an Aeldari Combat Patrol. After painting two guardians I got side-tracked and started hoarding Aspect Warriors and never really went back to finish the Guardians. I have picked out four half-done guardians and a weapon platform as my five minis for this month. I actually tried to get these five finished about two months ago, but only worked on them for a single day, so the deadline (hopefully) gives me the perfect excuse to get these guys finished this time.


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 0002/01/01 14:31:08

Post by: Nevelon

If you are stuck looking at end endless pile of stuff, snap a pic and we’ll offer advice.

A good default is “what’s been there the longest”

Also priority to things that were started for previous monthly challenges but never finished.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 15:35:18

Post by: halfling84

I have this Cheftain tank sitting in a box for I don't know how long. I took it out and painted with black primer, and I plan to build a Prism tank from Red Alert II from it. I recently bought the game cheaply on Steam, and I liked it. Below the picture of the model, and reference of the tank from the game. Now I will try to design and build the turret.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 16:32:01

Post by: XvArcanevX

 Nevelon wrote:
If you are stuck looking at end endless pile of stuff, snap a pic and we’ll offer advice.

A good default is “what’s been there the longest”

Also priority to things that were started for previous monthly challenges but never finished.

I suppose I could pick one of the characters from the FEC army box as that is about halfway done. There’s the Gorewarden that is a bigger piece. I’ll figure something out, maybe even snap a pic of the pile like you suggest lol

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 16:43:12

Post by: Syro_

 Nevelon wrote:
By all means, if you have larger projects that need to be finished, get as much as you can done! Just pick 5 to enter at the end.

Yep, I did that last month with seven heavy weapons space marines last month, and entered five of them at the end. I don't have much free time, but I'm tempted to do something crazy this month. I have a total of 38 Dark Angels tactical squad space marines left on sprue or in ziplock bags. It's tempting to try to batch paint all of them this month...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 17:23:11

Post by: XvArcanevX

Syro wrote:
Yep, I did that last month with seven heavy weapons space marines last month, and entered five of them at the end. I don't have much free time, but I'm tempted to do something crazy this month. I have a total of 38 Dark Angels tactical squad space marines left on sprue or in ziplock bags. It's tempting to try to batch paint all of them this month...

Sir, you have vision.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 17:56:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

Keep hitting a wall with these guys

So I'm aiming to do Cap and Bucky as they fit the theme as well... we'll see.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 18:19:42

Post by: youwashock

Going to go with Cammy. She fits because "let's finish this" is definitely something a Street Fighter would say, and also because I was having printer trouble while making her, she had more than usual "printery-ness" that needed cleanup, and she has sat primed for longer than I would like. So, it's time to finish her.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 19:15:05

Post by: JoshInJapan

I have a couple of options. First, the rest of my metal Fellowship of the Ring:

The second is the Harlequin Dreadnought that has been sitting with my unpainted Eldar for decades:

I'll paint up everything you see here and submit whichever I am most satisfied with.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 20:38:01

Post by: Pariah Press

I tried to paint Redemptor Kyrinov back in 2020 for the "Saints and Sinners" challenge, but wasn't able to get him done. As you can see, he's gathered dust for the last four years. Let's get him off the painting table and into some games!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 21:40:34

Post by: Mothsniper

 halfling84 wrote:
I have this Cheftain tank s
itting in a box for I don't know how long. I took it out and painted with black primer, and I plan to build a Prism tank from Red Alert II from it. I recently bought the game cheaply on Steam, and I liked it. Below the picture of the model, and reference of the tank from the game. Now I will try to design and build the turret.

Awesome! Wait Red Alert II on steam? I thought steam only has Red Alert I remastered and Red Alert III.
I got the C&C bundle on Origin because it was not on steam back then. Oh snap I just checked, yes you can. That is Awesome!
For turret structure reference look up (red alert 2 prism tank art) in the browser

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 22:00:46

Post by: Llamahead

Will be my entry. I've had this conversion done for over 10 years and I can just imagine this Daemon Prince saying "Let's finish this" and finally engaging the heroes himself.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/01 22:47:45

Post by: Vejut

Going to try to finish either or both of these from 2022. Cnebba, the werewolf in the back was started for Force of Nature, but never got anywhere, while the dwarves were assembled about that time, eventually got one layer of fur color, and stalled in the anti-cat box. We'll see if I can finially finish off some cavalry, or if it'll jist be a monster sort of month:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 01:13:17

Post by: youwashock

Getting right to work trying out what I had in mind for the skin. Not completely convinced. There's things I like, things I am less sure about.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 10:06:10

Post by: straken619

I am in the process of trying to clear my pile of shame completely so I can always buy and paint the new thing that excites me.
So I currently have 3 projects I want to finish.
- All the Thundercats for Zombicide(Only Cheetara and Tygra left)
- The Wildercorps Hunters (Just the 5 dogs left)
- The Askurgan Trueblades (The Pariah and the 2 Ascetics left)

Since I am excited to paint the first 2 but not the rest of the Askurgan Trueblades I will use this Challenge as an excuse to do so.
Here's what I have done so far.

If I manage to finish those 3 and base everyone, the Warcry Bloodhunt box will be the first big box I have bought and painted everything. So let's finish it!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 12:41:22

Post by: Vejut

Apparently was the kick I needed--base color done for the fur, and just rolled into several layers of drybrushing. Needs some washes and glazing, and doing those tiny eyes will be painful and unforgiving, but still, kinda happy with how its going...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 12:45:32

Post by: Latmin

 Nevelon wrote:
or else those last few models from a starter box.

Hehe, incidentally, that's exactly what I've been doing over the last month, been finishing up the armies from the Tempest of Souls and Storm Strike boxes, and I just so happen to have 5 models remaining on the Nighthaunt side. Here's the condition they're in so far - the Lord Executioner is only primed, and I'm just trying to figure out the basecoats on the Myrmourn Banshees. I'd like to enter these, sounds like fun!

[Thumb - 20240402_153944.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 13:02:22

Post by: Leopold Helveine

This is the model I've reserved for this challenge. A kitbashed Tyranid winged Hivetyrant which I only basecoated and basic-drybrushed.


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 14:11:53

Post by: halfling84

My boss at work gave us one more day free after Easter, so I had some time to work on the model So far I made preshading on the hull, but it has to wait for the turret with final color. I also designed large part of the turret. It is a laser artillery, so I imagine the thing at the rear of the top part is some kind of lens cooling system. I still need to make details at the sides of the turret and the targeting device under the laser "barrel".

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 14:44:29

Post by: Mothsniper

Good time to put in some progress towards the Reaper Dwarf project.
Lets Finish This Dark Gnome band, consisting of (Bloodstone Gnomes and Deep Gnomes) from Reaper. Began work mid 2023 but never finished em.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 16:42:59

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Here's my proof picture for the Avatar of Khaine. I would have finished this guy for last year's April contest, but then I developed severe bursitis in my shoulder and couldn't paint for awhile. Anyway, it's time to dust this guy off and FINISH HIM!!!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/02 17:06:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

More progress on these in a hour than in months previous! Hurrah for dakka motivations.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 01:01:28

Post by: Syro_

I'm excited to get started on all my tactical marines, but things have not been going well so far. It turns out I don't own nearly enough bases for these guys. I ordered more bases, and they are shipping surprisingly fast, but my vacation will still be mostly over by the time they get here. After washing all the models, I rigged them up on these pieces of cardboard for early priming and painting until the bases arrive, but I'm wondering if I didn't wash them well enough, the wet primer was pulling away from the model and pooling. Being attached to cardboard, attempting a second wash destroyed how they were attached. So I have mostly been spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 03:26:59

Post by: Captain Brown

I have an Eldar Farseer conversion that has been sitting around for a while, so I aim to complete the conversion and then paint it.



Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 09:26:27

Post by: Geifer

I put two coats of paint on the first hairy monstrosity. I think it's working.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 10:50:01

Post by: Leopold Helveine

For the record btw, when spring starts (probably next week?) I'll be online a lot less, so only expect me to be here to show proofpics and finished works for challenges.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 12:01:34

Post by: XvArcanevX

 Leopold Helveine wrote:
For the record btw, when spring starts (probably next week?) I'll be online a lot less, so only expect me to be here to show proofpics and finished works for challenges.

I see how it is, as soon as you get a bit of sunshine it’s down with the forums and off frolicking in your swimming trunks!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 15:31:16

Post by: Leopold Helveine

 XvArcanevX wrote:
 Leopold Helveine wrote:
For the record btw, when spring starts (probably next week?) I'll be online a lot less, so only expect me to be here to show proofpics and finished works for challenges.

I see how it is, as soon as you get a bit of sunshine it’s down with the forums and off frolicking in your swimming trunks!

I have been found out. *hides in the sunlight*

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 15:34:45

Post by: Nevelon

 Leopold Helveine wrote:
 XvArcanevX wrote:
 Leopold Helveine wrote:
For the record btw, when spring starts (probably next week?) I'll be online a lot less, so only expect me to be here to show proofpics and finished works for challenges.

I see how it is, as soon as you get a bit of sunshine it’s down with the forums and off frolicking in your swimming trunks!

I have been found out. *hides in the sunlight*

Great place to hide. Most of us burst into flames under the harsh gaze of the dreaded Day-Star. It burns us sooooo.


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 16:06:30

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

 Nevelon wrote:

Great place to hide. Most of us burst into flames under the harsh gaze of the dreaded Day-Star. It burns us sooooo.

I'm not a fan of the room with the blue ceiling either. Not to mention it's still winter where I'm from.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 16:58:41

Post by: XvArcanevX

 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:

Great place to hide. Most of us burst into flames under the harsh gaze of the dreaded Day-Star. It burns us sooooo.

I'm not a fan of the room with the blue ceiling either. Not to mention it's still winter where I'm from.


Henceforth Mr.Helveine shall be known as ‘The Daywalker’….

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/03 18:01:03

Post by: Nilfisken

A bit of progress on first Guardian, will be travelling for a few days so probably no more work until Monday.


[Thumb - IMG_5669.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/04 16:03:42

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Progress on the Avatar of Khaine. I like how it's turning out so far. I just need to paint the bronze parts, then I can wash the metallics. You can't even tell that I broke a piece.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/04 17:46:26

Post by: Nilfisken

 ShadowsAndDust wrote:

Progress on the Avatar of Khaine. I like how it's turning out so far. I just need to paint the bronze parts, then I can wash the metallics. You can't even tell that I broke a piece.

Great start, looking forward to follow this one! Bought the Avatar kit recently and quite daunted by the size and how hard it is to paint fire.


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/05 05:36:07

Post by: ZergSmasher

I have a Redemptor Dreadnought that I started over a year ago and never got around to finishing, still not even finished with the basic blocking in of base colors. Proof pic:

Hopefully this isn't too far along to be acceptable.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/05 11:42:07

Post by: Nevelon

That’s fine.

Great to see people knocking the dust off things and getting them finished. Lots of fun stuff!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/05 12:14:15

Post by: Syro_

What, I slow process
After pulling all my marines off the temporary mounts to wash & scrub again. I have been brush priming them (nonstop rain all week) 11 at a time, then popping them off the bases and putting 11 more on, since the bases I ordered got delayed. My vacation is almost over, so I wanted to push to get something done.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/05 19:12:27

Post by: Indecisive dumbass

Ever since I started the hobby I've loved the look of then leman russ but I've never had the skills to pull it off to a standard I liked, I feel like I'm finally able to and as such will be painting a steel legion leman russ commander, it's ready to put the first coat of paint on now, already put armor texture on though

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Indecisive dumbass wrote:
Ever since I started the hobby I've loved the look of then leman russ but I've never had the skills to pull it off to a standard I liked, I feel like I'm finally able to and as such will be painting a steel legion leman russ commander, it's ready to put the first coat of paint on now, already put armor texture on though

Dammit sideways photos

[Thumb - 17123442626828882267212070004437.jpg]
[Thumb - 17123442869053459461637327459363.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/05 19:54:39

Post by: Captain Brown

So, continuing my Farseer conversion of Eldrad into a regular Farseer.

I cut off the arm and staff, the headgear, and the arm with the missing sword.



Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/05 22:58:05

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

I started on my lead Gnot Tank last month thinking that I could knock it out while the rest of you were painting space marines. After priming, base-coating it yellow and painting the treads dark grey, I promptly lost motivation.
So to solve that problem, I'm going to triple-down and not only finish it, but also two more to round out the squad in less than one month! If you believe in miracles, that is. We'll see how far I get.

One Bad Moon, the black one is going Goff, and the khaki one is going to be representing the Sunz.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/06 06:20:30

Post by: Turaxa

Five zombies from Resident Evil 2 The Board Game were supposed to be my entry for the January challenge From the Shadows, but I had no time to complete the entry. Two that were only undercoated got carried over to the February challenge Out With the Old, In With the New. That leaves these three, so let's finish this.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/06 08:33:10

Post by: Mothsniper

 Gulgog TufToof wrote:
I started on my lead Gnot Tank last month thinking that I could knock it out while the rest of you were painting space marines. After priming, base-coating it yellow and painting the treads dark grey, I promptly lost motivation.
So to solve that problem, I'm going to triple-down and not only finish it, but also two more to round out the squad in less than one month! If you believe in miracles, that is. We'll see how far I get.

One Bad Moon, the black one is going Goff, and the khaki one is going to be representing the Sunz.

I believe in miracles! You got this!
It is quite often actually that I find me self grouping models or projects and painting groups. Oddly, I get more motivation points than doing a single.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/06 13:41:41

Post by: Syro_

My bases arrived. I've gotten all my tactical marines onto bases and primed. The dry brushed the group with black primer and used homemade black contrast on the ones with the light grey primer. I'm searching out enough backpacks and guns for them now.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/07 21:52:48

Post by: inmygravenimage

Something finished! It is time...for the Age of Ultron!

Rather pleased with this.

Might tidy up a bit around the blast, but basically done.

Progress on the rest of the gang. 5, hopefully, will be done by end of the month! Cap and Caps pretty much there, tbh. I'd like to get Bucky done though as feels thematic.
Also, I've run out of GW sepia and fleshshade. Any recommendations? I think I'm going to move away from the GW washes. Too darn pricey.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/08 03:53:04

Post by: Mothsniper

I am not good at these, the chunky bits are hard for me to paint, also to tell where one thing ends and other begins.
A bit more pictures are info here https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/150/780044.page#11657006

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/08 12:09:24

Post by: Daia T'Nara

I was just looking over my 2k army list today, and realised I never actually got around to building the Chosen with Chaos Icon - technically she's superfluous since I've got eight minis on the go already, but the whole point of this theme is 'finish the damn army', so here's a proof, just in case she winds up being one of the five I submit as the entry when they're done (assuming I get them all done).

[Thumb - 202404-begin-additional.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/08 12:27:30

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

The Avatar of Khaine is finished! I'll post the final photos later today.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And here are the final photos of the Avatar:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/08 17:18:20

Post by: Nevelon

So let’s see.
3 agressors from November’s “wrecking ball” need 2 more blue layers, cleanup, edges, decals and bases. Plus all the gun hands and frag launchers.

Stormhawk was going to be an open round test of contrast over white for my ultras. Plus was supposed to be one of the 3 oldest things in the prime pile for last year.

Saurus is another test for the blue, needs washes for the gold, details, and who knows what else.

War walker is one of the oldest things for this year, might make it.

Other odds and ends.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/08 20:38:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

Got a bit more work done, to my surprise.

More pics on me blog

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/08 22:18:43

Post by: Syro_

Progressing with making my Dark Angels green.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/10 09:00:19

Post by: Geifer

A third of the month is gone and progress is slow for me. The boss Wookiee is getting there but at this rate I won't finish the squad. So I'm hoping real life leaves me a bit more time for a while. And maybe I should try not to get distracted by other stuff. That might help, too...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/10 14:52:55

Post by: Captain Brown




Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/10 21:19:09

Post by: Nilfisken

First of the half finished guardians now almost finished, varnish and assembly left, and a base of course.

[Thumb - IMG_5703.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/10 23:48:26

Post by: KidCthulhu

 Captain Brown wrote:


Lookin' good! Did you cast the missing arms in resin?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/11 13:28:08

Post by: halfling84

The Prism tank begins to take shape. The only thing left to design and print is the laser lens, but I need to buy transparent resin to print it. The turret will look like this:

So far it looks like this:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/11 18:53:27

Post by: XvArcanevX

Ok I have settled on something completely different for this month; a terrain piece.

I’ll be tackling the Charnel Throne for my FEC hordes…

[Thumb - IMG_0968.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/11 20:47:25

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Wow, that's a lot of bones!

Loving all the Eldar stuff going on. I'm intending to finish off a couple of wraithlord conversions, if I can ever get round to starting painting now family have gone...

@Nilfisken those guardians are looking super clean! And I love the scheme, looks very earthy and a little bit exodite-y. I see you've gone for the bikini and pads look, too!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/12 08:25:45

Post by: Nilfisken

First of my Biel-tan guardians for this month is finished, tried to find enthusiasm to go back to these half-finished guardians for ages so this month's theme has been brilliant for motivation!

@CancelledApocalypse, obviously any eldar with decent manners wears a bikini to war!

[Thumb - Spotter (Front).jpg]
[Thumb - Spotter (Side).jpg]
[Thumb - Spotter (Back).jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/12 15:03:00

Post by: Mr Nobody

I'm gonna used this month's topic for a half finished project. I got this guy at Adepticon for one of their painting classes and I want to finish it up.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/12 21:03:41

Post by: JoshInJapan

The harlequin dreadnought is proving difficult, but in the meantime, I have finished painting the Fellowship. I will post proper final pics at the end of the month, but here's a group shot, including the models that I had finished years before:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/13 18:03:46

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

Progress is slow but at least I’m moving forward on one of these:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/14 15:00:38

Post by: Geifer

The Wookie squad leader is finished. Going is slow and this may be my final entry. I'll keep painting the squad, but currently I'm not too hopeful that I'll finish everything before the end of the month. Still, this month's theme gave me the motivation to sit down and actually paint the Wookies. If I end up with a painted squad a week or two late, that's still plenty good in my book.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/15 09:05:31

Post by: JoshInJapan

The harlie dread is coming along, slowly. It just isn't coming together-- literally, as it keeps falling apart. I finally got it pinned together, with a big ol' wood screw in the right foot holding it on the base.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/15 09:14:39

Post by: Vejut

Thats definitely some big hair there JoshinJapan. Going to be interested in seeing that finished!

Running low on time with other commitments myself, looking like cavalry is going to defeat me again, but the big werewolf is likely getting done, just down to basing. May add a bit more small rocks or something before paint, static grass and snow flock:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/15 11:12:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Next wave of Marvel done! Now to narrow it down.

Crossbones. Fun sculpt. Lot of black though.

Bucky, reposed and with addition of Shield.

Doc Ock. All about the science.

And spider-man (and friend)

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/15 11:47:28

Post by: Nevelon

Month is half over. Time to get started painting!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/15 17:18:33

Post by: Captain Brown

Wow, inmygravenimage and Nilfisken, those are very well done.

Thanks KidCthulhu.

Yes, I made from resin parts of the standing warlock. Been sitting in a box for more than a decade (hence the need to finally get this done).

Progress, loads of painting still to do.

And a picture of the inspiration for this one:




Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/15 17:21:58

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Wow, that's a very nice and clean paint job.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/15 23:45:25

Post by: Syro_

It took a long time, but I finally finished getting the green on my marines.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/16 00:48:41

Post by: Daia T'Nara

Progress - I finished up the first of the nine last night. I haven't been so much batch painting as just swapping back and forth at random, but the whole set is roughly coming into the final stages (except one of the Masters of Execution, can't think what to do with her coat that's not either skin like the default paintjob - boring - or patches from enemies' banners - already done that), ponytail here just happened to finish up first:

So definitely on track to have at least five done by the end of the month. I haven't really been as careful as I was with Brother Quiff, I'm just aiming for my usual good-enough-for-the-table standard on these. I am quite pleased that the fleur-de-lys on the backpack is vaguely identifiable when photographed, to my eyes it just looked like a black splodge - the backpack's a sister of battle, she's probably not happy to be there, but at least she's got a good view. That still only counts as one mini in total though, right?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/17 04:11:02

Post by: ZergSmasher

Progress on my Redemptor:

Work to be done, but he's coming along.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/17 04:26:32

Post by: youwashock

Slowly it goes. Doing this with a brush was not the original plan. Onward!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/18 07:14:57

Post by: Dirk Deadly

An aptly named challenge considering I failed to get my Space Marine finished last month.

Its taken me so long to get my blank image up that I also have some WiPs to put with it. So I'm going with the Freeguild Cavalier Marshal this month.

[Thumb - cav blank.JPG]
[Thumb - basec.cav.JPG]
[Thumb - inkedcav.JPG]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/18 12:31:48

Post by: Daia T'Nara

And done - well, not done done, I haven't finished all nine minis left to go in my 2k list, but I've finished five of them, all five happen to be Chosen, and I'm kind of starting to feel like I'm done with painting these things and if I keep pushing myself I'm just going to start slapping on whatever colour's nearest so it'll be over rather than thinking things through, which is a good time to take a breath, spend tomorrow evening just playing Princess Peach Showtime, and then paint something different for a bit. Smartest thing you can do is change your mind and all that. Anyway, for reference (in case we're doing that this month), here's where we began:

And here's five Chosen, who (along with another five I'd already painted) comprise The Servants of Bliss:

And, with one leaning drunkenly against the other (a typical Saturday night on a Slaaneshi daemonworld) to line the shoulder pads up, closeup of the two blobby mini-paintings in this batch - Leda and the Swan, and the succubus from Wizardry:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/18 15:31:40

Post by: halfling84

Many great models this month .
The Prism tank begins to take shape - the basic colours are apinted and shaded, and the turret is mostly glued together. I started to believe I will finish it before the end of the month.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/19 01:57:25

Post by: Vejut

Werewolf done, will probably do better pictures next week:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/19 11:06:48

Post by: Lovejoy

Firstly, there's some cracking stuff in this thread! Love that Prism tank especially.

It's been over a year since I last got involved in one of these - mostly because it's been over a year since I've painted anything that wasn't for work!
So in a desperate attempt to shoehorn some actual hobbying into my life, I'm going to join in now, if that's OK.

I did a couple of units for a Stormcast Eternals army in previous challenges, so I'm going to try and get back to that, in the hopes of finishing an army, ideally in time for AoS 4th getting released.

Here's a couple of models undercoated. I put them together last June, and hopefully on Sunday I'll get time to throw some colour on them.

So these models have been sat around for ages, and need finishing. And the army needs finishing. Hopefully that's enough to qualify for 'Let's finish this!'
They're technically two separate units, both being character models. But they are actually the same model; the Knight Questor on the right is converted from the Knight-Vexillor on the left, with the help of some spare bits and a blob of greenstuff.

Fingers crossed I manage to paint them before the end of the month!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/19 15:27:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, I reckon this is my final 5.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/19 16:02:05

Post by: Nevelon

Nice progress everyone!

Any ideas for next month?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/19 16:22:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

Line in the Sand - literal sand, holding a bulwark, stopping something inevitable

Don't Lose Your Head - a swordsman, an immortal, or calm and collected

Back in Black - a paint challenge that emphasises monochrome

Favour the Bold - courage, inspiration or similar

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/19 16:43:45

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

The Naked Truth - An entry that is in someway nude - weather it be a scantily clad barbarian warrior or a big alien monster.

Green With Envy - An entry that is green or mostly green.

Nice Ride - An entry where the "rider" gets around on anything other than his own two legs - weather it be a tank, a mech, a noble steed, or even Professor X's wheel chair.

Dread Not - An entry that in some way has overcome fear. It could be a hero that fights against all odds or someone who has become the embodiment of terror itself. Imperial Dreadnoughts are also welcome.

All Your Base Are Belong to Us - Warriors don't just fight in a vacuum. Entries should have a detailed scenic base that depicts a story of battle.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/19 16:53:39

Post by: Geifer

Let's Finish This 2: This Time It's Personal!

I know what I'd enter.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/20 02:00:20

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

Punching above your weight

Let’s Finish This 2: For Real this Time!

Waiting in vain

It’s looking like I’m going to have one glorious tank done this month and two still not past the primed stage staring at me going into next month, so any theme I can cram one or both of them into will get my vote.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/20 04:57:01

Post by: JoshInJapan

I'm having a heck of a time getting the Harlie Dread to stay together-- all of the joints need pinning. I managed to snap off my drill bit inside one of the shoulder joints, meaning I needed to fill it in and redrill. Tamiya putty is too soft (something I learned after a couple of attempts), and I needed something harder. I went to the local hobby shop, but they must be having trouble staying afloat in the post-Amazon age, as they seem to be focusing on stuff that sells-- no Milliput for me! I dug back into the Box of Eldar and found another left arm, this one with the peg intact. That one is staying in place. I played around with painting a diamond pattern, but wasn't satisfied with the results. Instead, I opted to go for a monochrome look:

Lots of work still left to do. It's a good thing I finished off the Fellowship so I have something to enter in this month's challenge.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/20 13:40:26

Post by: XvArcanevX

Amazing work in this thread already…

I have decided to throw in two extra bits of scenery for the throne. One is the free ‘model of the month’ (Ghoul) from last month and the other is a poor sap on a spike! I may or may not use either or both in the final submission but thought it best to run it by our overlord first…

Manners and all that…

Here’s the proof pics…

[Thumb - IMG_0997.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0998.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/20 21:19:40

Post by: Lovejoy

JoshInJapan, that Harlequin Dread is giving me a massive nostalgia hit - it just screams Rogue Trader era 'Eavy Metal articles! Love it.

I managed to get a bit of progress today - got the blues and reds done, which covers a nice large area. Mostly metals and details to do now...

As for next month, I really like ShadowsAndDust's 'Nice Ride' idea. Loads of possibilities there, from bikes to tanks to space ships and mecha, cavalry, monstrous mounts... and yes, I do happen to have some cavalry ready to paint!

'Eavy Metal could work too - Dreadnoughts, mechs, full plate armour, massive swords, stuff like that.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/21 11:06:09

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Lovejoy wrote:
JoshInJapan, that Harlequin Dread is giving me a massive nostalgia hit - it just screams Rogue Trader era 'Eavy Metal articles! Love it.

Glad you like him, Lovejoy. Also, it's good to see you back in the comp!

A couple more WIP shots:

I added a couple of splashes of color on the face, but am sticking with the monochrome scheme otherwise. Painting the crest after finishing the face really brought home how much skill I still lack at sculpting...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/21 11:52:33

Post by: Syro_

A lot of cool ideas for the coming months

I'm currently priming backpacks and guns

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/22 00:26:37

Post by: youwashock

A little more WiP.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/22 02:45:35

Post by: JoshInJapan

A suggestion for next month's theme: Glow Up. Paint an updated sculpt of an older model (lots of choices there)-- bonus points if you paint the older one as well. Alternatively, start with a low level character, and convert or kitbash a more experienced version. Maybe something like an old Ral Partha three-stage character, of a Frostgrave wizard and apprentice, as they're basically the same in game. If you want to be more literal, something featuring OSL or other lighting effects. If you want to go meta, paint or re-paint something you have done previously, to show off how much you've improved as a hobbyist.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/22 08:09:07

Post by: Ezki

 JoshInJapan wrote:
A suggestion for next month's theme: Glow Up. Paint an updated sculpt of an older model (lots of choices there)-- bonus points if you paint the older one as well. Alternatively, start with a low level character, and convert or kitbash a more experienced version. Maybe something like an old Ral Partha three-stage character, of a Frostgrave wizard and apprentice, as they're basically the same in game. If you want to be more literal, something featuring OSL or other lighting effects. If you want to go meta, paint or re-paint something you have done previously, to show off how much you've improved as a hobbyist.

That's a great idea!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/22 08:30:51

Post by: Lovejoy

 JoshInJapan wrote:
Glad you like him, Lovejoy. Also, it's good to see you back in the comp!

Thanks! It feels really good to do some actual hobby stuff for a change!

 JoshInJapan wrote:
Painting the crest after finishing the face really brought home how much skill I still lack at sculpting...

You're probably being a bit hard on yourself, really. Crests are always horribly difficult. They're like chainmail; very simple to do, but not at all easy. I've been sculpting professionally for over 20 years now, and still avoid chainmail and crests whenever possible!

Anyway, some progress on the Stormcast dudes... not a huge amount to do now, so with any luck, if I can get another evening in this week, I'll finish them.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/22 19:00:13

Post by: halfling84

 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
The Naked Truth - An entry that is in someway nude - weather it be a scantily clad barbarian warrior or a big alien monster.

I think the most frequent toplc would not be barbarian or alien monster .

My suggestion for next month is "Time for a change" - paint something different than usual, build converted or kitbashed model, or simply daemon of Tzeentzh

Lovejoy - these models are great, what is the trick with this basecoat? At firs I thought these models are painted to be statues . Is it just lighter drybrush on darker base? Because the effect on the finlal model is stunning.

Meanwhile the Prism tank is almost complete, all that is left are tracks and a little more weathering on the upper part of hull.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/23 09:13:56

Post by: Lovejoy

 halfling84 wrote:
Lovejoy - these models are great, what is the trick with this basecoat? At firs I thought these models are painted to be statues . Is it just lighter drybrush on darker base? Because the effect on the finlal model is stunning.

It's a zenithal undercoat - black first, then drybrush grey, the a lighter drybrush of white. It works much better if you use and airbrush and do it properly, but I don't have one.
The idea is that you then build up colour in glazes over the top, and the zenithal undercoat provides shading and highlighting.
But I'm always in way too much of a rush, and don't use the glazing technique properly, so this kind of undercoating is really a bit wasted for me, TBH!

The Prism tank's looking fantastic, BTW!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/23 14:33:25

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Hey guys, I won't be participating in challenges anymore for a while to keep my internet use close to 0%, this is my finished entry however.
(atleast till + - mid september!)

Been dealing with the worst double cold* I can remember I ever had too, so i traveling to my mother to get on the wifi was a bit of a chore..

had a cold, got better .. thought I did anyway.. went to the gym literally once.. got home.. was blasted with 100x worse cold having continued for past 3-4 days (getting somewhat better now but still not there yet)

Hope you're all dealing better with the month of nasal destruction.
(next year we can all do nurgle in april)

Hive-Flyrant of fleet gorgon. (alteration)
As a bit of info, I'd like to think that this Hive flyrant mutated heavily to become a sniper, however.. where one strength is invested another must be yielded and due to this it lost its sight. A sniper without sight is like a pancake without egg so it utilizes lesser spawn to track and spot its prey after which its hive mind link allows it to "aim" perhaps more perfectly than two eggs.. ehh.. I mean eyes!.. yes.. would..

It also grew two big egg chambers on its arms spawning more wormy and floaty things which can just as easily be applied as a shield whenever his position is compromised and fired upon.

The victim is naturally of the spacemarine Ironsnakes chapter








BONUS: The base before hobbygluing the flyrant to it.




Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/23 22:31:43

Post by: Mr Nobody

My Mando is finished. The mendolorian was fun to paint. Grogu, not so much.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/24 02:16:56

Post by: Captain Brown

I finished This!

So I found the resin sword was warped and when I was painting it, it looked really bad, so I cut it out and used the blade of a fantasy elf that had been in my bits box it was definitely lead. Had fun trying out the star pattern and the NMM.

The converted Farseer is finished.



Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/25 04:01:40

Post by: JoshInJapan

I guess this guy is as finished as he's going to get. I give you the Harlequin Dreadnought:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/25 10:29:35

Post by: XvArcanevX

Ok, I think this is as good as I’m going to get this…

Behold, the exquisite Charnel Throne, from whence my proud and heroic knights and lords gather to engage in studied and somber debate on whatever troubles might beset this bountiful land of philosopher kings…

Marvel at the engineering prowess on display and try not to drool as you lay your eyes on the voluptuous feasts being prepared for our guests…

[Thumb - IMG_1021.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1024.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1022.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1026.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1035.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/26 15:19:19

Post by: halfling84

The Prism tank is finally ready, and I'm very happy how it turned out . The original Chieftain model was very detailed and fun to build, especially considering it was designed in the 70s (at least according to date on the sprues).
I also invested in a grey paper for the photo background

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/27 00:19:55

Post by: youwashock

Still working. Let's finish this is more apt now than ever. Time's getting short.

Plenty of good work coming in, as usual. Loving the old school Eldar.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/27 07:33:58

Post by: Midget Gems

Hello everyone

I should really get my Proofs up

For this challenge I went along the lines of "we could tackle something we have been meaning to get around to"

I had a building I started but stopped after I realised how painful it was to glue on individual bricks to a large area. I'm pushing myself to get this finished. I wanted to make some MDF kits I have better so I could run a Mordheim Campaign with my kids


Some old buildings near me I'm using as inspiration


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/27 11:03:34

Post by: Geifer

Alright, time to make it official. I've had so little painting time that the sole Wookiee I painted will be my entry for this month. The progress on the other ones isn't enough to finish the squad.

I may pick a simple entry next month and paint the Wookiee squad on the side. I'd hate to leave them unfinished for any amount of time now that I committed to getting them done.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/28 05:47:40

Post by: Turaxa

Three of the RPD's finest now finished. They're not great, but they are only practise pieces. Compared to the previous two zombies I added a clear red to the wounds this time. The skin definitely needs some kind of wash, but I have none to hand.

Full final pictures in the spoiler below.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/28 18:10:01

Post by: Nilfisken

Some great projects finished this month! I especially love the harlequin dreadnought

This weekend I finished two more guardians and will now try to finish a brightlance platform, but I think the month is too close to the end for that to be done on time.


[Thumb - IMG_0251.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/28 18:34:52

Post by: youwashock

Progress. This will be another fun one to photograph.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/28 19:31:46

Post by: straken619

So good to be finally done with them.
The models are cool but they had a lot of annoying parts to paint. It's definitely not my best work but they look ok.
Anyway that's my entry for this month

And here is the whole team

The best part is that I finally finished the whole Warcry Bloodhunt box. Both warbands and the terrain. It's actually the first big box that I have painted everything. I really enjoyed painting the terrain and the Khorne warband... the Vampires... so and so... But here is the whole thing

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/28 20:02:35

Post by: Llamahead

Here he is made 10 years ago and planned vaguely since the model came out.....My Nurgle Daemon Prince conversion.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 00:26:35

Post by: Syro_

@JoshinJapan: I like the Harlequin dread Josh

With the month basically up, I finished up 5 of the planned 38 marines. I hope to get to the others.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 01:43:00

Post by: Xyabis

Rapid fire posts for my entry this month:
I didn't want to post my entries too early this month because I didn't know how many of my half-finished models I would actually be able to complete. And in the end I've just decided to enter my favorite of the bunch - so here are the starting and mid-way photos of my Mantis soldier (hero forge)

[Thumb - Mantis_START.JPG]
[Thumb - Mantis_MID.JPG]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 01:44:20

Post by: Xyabis

And finished Mantis - Happy with the outcome.
Looking forward to next month too

[Thumb - IMG_7468.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_7467.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_7466.jpg]
[Thumb - Mantis_SandE.JPG]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 02:06:45

Post by: Vejut

Got some final pictures:
Spoiler for anatomically correct werewolf sheath and balls

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 03:07:59

Post by: youwashock

Got her done. B&W preview before varnish and final pics. Great work, everyone!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 04:22:11

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

I'm done. The story in my head on this one is that a Deathskulls Mek made a tank out of some leftover scrap and stuck a grot in it (see last month's entry). Not to be outdone, a Bad Moons nob saw it and demanded a tank for his favorite hanger-on. Because they are Bad Moon gitz, the nob and the grot bully the meks of each of the clans in camp before every battle, so they've got a rocket up top from the Bad Moons, The Evil Sunz, The Deathskulls, the Goffs, and the Freebooters.
My goal was to paint the remaining three in the squad which I did not achieve, but I am pleased to have finished the one, and next month's theme fits perfectly for one and maybe both of the remaining tanks.
Final Pics:

Hope you like it, and good luck to everyone still finishing their entries!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 08:36:56

Post by: Dirk Deadly

Some great entries this month! Special mention for Halfling's prism tank, brings back some fond memories of wasting many an hour on C&C.

Here's my entry for this month. Not sure I'm happy with the pics so might try and update them with better ones before deadline time.

*edit* Pictures updated

[Thumb - gg1.JPG]
[Thumb - gg2.JPG]
[Thumb - gg3.JPG]
[Thumb - gg4.JPG]
[Thumb - gg5.JPG]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/29 18:27:13

Post by: Lovejoy

Some lovely paintjobs showing up now! A really wide variety too, which is always good. Inspirational stuff!

I've managed to get my two models finished too. I'm struggling to get good photos unfortunately, as for some reason everything's showing up orange in my workshop today. But these are the best ones I could manage:


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 00:41:28

Post by: Nevelon

Lots of good stuff.

Normally I just wait for someone to ask for an extension before giving us all an extra day, but honestly, I need it myself this month.

Still have to edge 2 more guys, glue the arms on, do the red edging, plus touchups, decals and basing. Going to aggressively push one guy so I get something across the line, but would like to get the whole squad. But I’m old, and there is only so much time in one session my neck and back allow me to paint.

So everyone can take an extra day. But get cracking. The month is almost over!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 01:56:04

Post by: KidCthulhu

Okay, I painted a bunch of things for Comic Fury's 30 Days Of Characters challenge but I didn't take any proof photos for anyone of them

However, I was smart enough to take one before I started this gal:

I'm really proud of how she came out:

Good luck. everyone! There's some really phenomenal entries this month!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 03:38:08

Post by: youwashock

And done.

Pretty happy with how she turned out, overall. As always, there's plenty of room for improvement, but I feel the effort shows. And, given the issues printing and painting her, real glad she's finished.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 04:22:24

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Any chance of a day's extension? I don't think I'll be finished tomorrow...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 05:01:08

Post by: ZergSmasher

Grateful for the extra day. I may not need it but I probably will.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 06:10:38

Post by: JoshInJapan

Lots of great models coming in just under the wire.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 09:52:40

Post by: Nevelon

CancelledApocalypse wrote:Any chance of a day's extension? I don't think I'll be finished tomorrow...

ZergSmasher wrote:Grateful for the extra day. I may not need it but I probably will.

Sorry it was buried in my WIP post, but yes, we have an extra day.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 21:49:41

Post by: Midget Gems

This was a long hard project to get through but got there in the end

Putting a pic up now I've finished painting, just need to glue the stained glass windows in place and take the final pics which will be up tomorrow Good Luck everyone

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 22:52:44

Post by: Maharg

I was rather optimistically hoping to finish this unit of orcs this month

but only managed to finish the second rank. Here is five of them

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/04/30 23:47:38

Post by: Pariah Press

Redemptor Kyrinov is complete!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/01 10:01:18

Post by: Nevelon


Going to leave this one open for another day, but get rolling on the next one!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/01 22:22:12

Post by: Nevelon

And done!

Yah, did not enjoy these guys. Part of the reason they have been lingering on the bench for like 6 months. Gravis armor is just so chonky. And those gunbelts are not only impractical, but a massive PITA to paint. I got the frag launchers almost complted, but honestly don’t like what they do to the profile, so am leaving them off. Not strictly WYSWYG, but whatever. Form over function.


Still some time left in the day to get your entries in!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/01 23:28:48

Post by: Midget Gems

My final Pics as promised, this entry ended up being a lot more work than I originally anticipated but very glad I did it and finally finished it. I think it came out really well and I'm very happy with the overall effect and look of the building. The stonework took ages to cut and glue on. The stained glass turned out ok but not as well as id hoped (used contrast paints on a plastic screen from some food packaging coated with podmodge to matt it and let the paint settle.)

My Mordheim Ruined Church Entry with some Bonus LEDs in too

Old Pics

Edited as I felt the original pics oversaturated the variation in colours I'd tried hard to make on the stonework. Replace with some I tired taking some outside with my phone

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 04:59:01

Post by: ZergSmasher

Slipping in just under the wire once again, I've finished my entry. Here are the final pics of my Dark Angels Redemptor Dreadnought:

I'm happy with it, but I rushed it at the end and it shows. Looking at the pics, I spotted a few mistakes, the most glaring of which was missing a whole purity seal! Too late now, it's almost midnight local time and I'm too tired to retake the pics, so this is how it's going to be for now. At least I got something done, right? Right?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 08:39:09

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

I'm done barring base rims and grass tufts. I'll get pics up later today...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 09:18:20

Post by: Nilfisken

I wont be able to finish the weapon platform so my final entires will be the three Guardians in the pictures already posted in the thread.


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 09:44:13

Post by: Ezki

All kinds amazing stuff coming in! Looking forward to the voting!

Midget Gems: That is gorgeous! Really getting the Mordheim vibes and oh man those leds! Inspiring.

I did not manage to finish my entry this month.
Did not actually even post a proof picture yet, as I was almost sure I was not going to make it. Even with extensions.

In between moving, working on the summer car and trying to decorate the new house (an not having a proper painting desk yet), I did not have that much hobby time / energy.
Regardless I thought about finishing a Yennefer print in a week and a half. However I encountered quite a few difficulties on the model that slowed the painting process so much.
So I instead decided to take my time with it and not stress about rushing it to completion.

For what it's worth, here's my WIP effort regardless. In spoilers, not to confuse with actual entries.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 16:40:42

Post by: youwashock

Yeeeah...you could probably pass that off as done and win on the face alone, Ezki.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 17:10:06

Post by: Nevelon

 youwashock wrote:
Yeeeah...you could probably pass that off as done and win on the face alone, Ezki.

It’s always fun when people submit WIP shots that would end up on the podium. Like how much better is it going to get?! Of course, when they do finish things that question gets answered.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 19:35:02

Post by: Ezki

youwashock wrote:Yeeeah...you could probably pass that off as done and win on the face alone, Ezki.

Nevelon wrote:
 youwashock wrote:
Yeeeah...you could probably pass that off as done and win on the face alone, Ezki.

It’s always fun when people submit WIP shots that would end up on the podium. Like how much better is it going to get?! Of course, when they do finish things that question gets answered.

Thank you kindly. Your words mean a lot.
I wouldn't say it would get any better, but the backside would at least get some color and the raven that snapped off from it's legs would be reattached

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/02 23:18:47

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Just doing the photographs now, here's my proof pic - three converted female battle wizards (it's become two, as I ran out of time for the third):

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And here's my entry:

They're converted battle wizards (an Amethyst Wizard and a Light Wizard) as GW don't seem to want to release female versions of their Warhammer/AoS wizards, despite them being abundent in the lore. I'm converting a female version of all eight college colours and was going to have the amber wizard painted up with these two as the conversion's already finished, but I was struck by huge amounts of apathy and indecision this month, so started super late and just didn't have time in the end. I'll probably start a project thread (yeah, ANOTHER project thread...) in the near future for the rest.

[Thumb - 20240427_031323.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/03 15:14:16

Post by: Midget Gems

 Ezki wrote:

Midget Gems: That is gorgeous! Really getting the Mordheim vibes and oh man those leds! Inspiring.

I did not manage to finish my entry this month.
Did not actually even post a proof picture yet, as I was almost sure I was not going to make it. Even with extensions.

In between moving, working on the summer car and trying to decorate the new house (an not having a proper painting desk yet), I did not have that much hobby time / energy.
Regardless I thought about finishing a Yennefer print in a week and a half. However I encountered quite a few difficulties on the model that slowed the painting process so much.
So I instead decided to take my time with it and not stress about rushing it to completion.

Wow sounds like you have had a very busy month, understandable that you can't finish a big model in the short time you had. It still looks amazing and well above my painting skill already. I do think with those busts it is best to take your time and enjoy the outcome knowing you did you best.

Thanks for the positive words on mine, I did feel like the photos I put up oversaturated the variation in the stonework I'd tried hard to create so have changed them a little to include photos from outside using my phone and the dark image wasn't showing up on my phone so added a bit more light to that one so hopefully everyone can see it now.

Nice work on your entry CancelledApocalypse 2/3 wizards isn't bad, and they look rather good

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 110 April 2024: Let’s Finish This! @ 2024/05/05 12:59:43

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

 Midget Gems wrote:
Nice work on your entry CancelledApocalypse 2/3 wizards isn't bad, and they look rather good

Thanks MG! They're a pair of travelling wizards. Maybe they could set up camp in your rather fine ruined church?