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New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/17 19:33:14

Post by: Dekskull

After mulling over a few ideas, I'd like to use the Wrath and Glory system to do something radically different and interesting.

Each player will take on the role of a powerful Noble on a newly established Imperial World during the frightening post great rift era. Your job will be to direct the development and security of this world.

This game will be about strategic decision making more than dice rolls (though we'll have a few of them as well). After making an important decision, we'll fast forward a few years to see the consequences of that decision. In addition to building up a great Imperial world you'll also be trying to enhance your own wealth and power as well.

Sometimes a crisis or disaster will break out and your character will have to go into combat mode, so we'll have that aspect as well.

What kind of world will you build? Will it remain in the Emperor's light. It's up to you.

If you have the Wrath and Glory rules you can use the advanced character creation for a custom archetype.

If you don't have the rules, no worries I can draw up character stats and make any rolls. (Like I said this would be more limited on the rolling. Emphasis on big decisions)

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/17 19:50:14

Post by: Pyroalchi

As you can imagine, I'm glad to be in. The concept sounds interesting to say the least. I'm not yet fixed on a character concept, meaning I spontanously have several in mind. Let's see who else joins in and I will adjust accordingly

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/19 02:18:46

Post by: Dekskull

Thanks man. Yeah I've been doing these sort of games for a while now and wanted to do something way different and also ideally suited for forum style play.

But I'll need at least two players and three to four would be ideal. We'll see if anyone else bites. If not, I may throw another game idea out there.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/19 15:22:13

Post by: Easy E

I have no idea how Wrath and Glory works as a game system.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/19 15:56:43

Post by: Pyroalchi

We recently tried it with some Orks. Pretty fun, less complex than Only war and a bit more fitting for a forum RPG.

When in doubt you can just tell what you want to do and the gamemaster does the rolling

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/19 22:33:47

Post by: Dekskull

Yeah the way I run games, no one has to no any rules at all. I can just automate the rolling as needed. (If you want to do the rolls that's also cool).

Also, added bonus, this particular game is going to be very light on the rolling. Very much about the decisions...and there will be a lot of decisions. Like you will be literally building up a world and playing game of thrones style politics.

Alright, cool, let's see if we can get one more and off we go.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/20 08:51:08

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Aye, i'm not at all up to date with post great rift lore as i wittingly ignore it and live my live as a lore dinosaure... But if it is of no importance, then count me in.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/20 22:23:52

Post by: Dekskull

Nice man. We'll get started soon then! Stay tuned and get ready for a wild ride ahead!

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/20 23:46:23

Post by: Pyroalchi

Regarding characters I could see myself playing an old administratum drone who really has his eyes on the long game. He knows what tithes and taxes are due and when they are due in the next centuries, he knows his way around files and administrative stuff, even knows some little tricks to work the system to a limited degree.
His weakness is that despite being a small cog in the system all his live, he kept a surprising amount of empathy and now that he is faced with the destiny of real people, that he can see around him and talk to every day, it gets hard to rationalize them as "only numbers".

He knows that sometimes harsh decisions are necessary, but those were much easier when those people were just numbers on a sheet or when you could tell yourself it wasn't your decision, you just carried it out

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/21 01:49:04

Post by: Dekskull

Sounds good. Your characters can be of many different backgrounds. The one thing they all have in common is that some point along the way, they amassed quite a bit of wealth.

Let the game begin!


New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/21 06:00:26

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

I assume we draw our characters here? If not, I'll copy paste it to the thread of the game itself.

I was thinking of an ex IG colonel.

He hails from the Imperial hive world of Kallen, a world of sickness, misery, scarcity and violence, on which the only escape is to sign up to the imperial guard.

His regiment was shipped to the Champagne Sector Warzone, where his regiment fought on the world of Inamorta to hold a Genestealer cult's relentless attacks. While they did succeed, very few men came back, and worst still, having witnessed the treachery of pdf forces turning on them, they had become paranoid. However, for his absolute bravery, the colonel was awarded with retirement from the IG and a massive payment in jewels and money.

Now, to honour him and his survivors, they have been granted the honour to settle a new world, where, leading a colonists of their Kallen stock, they would assume command.

This character is somewhat Jekyll and Hide: while he is pious, cares for the people, and lives by the ideals of the imperium as taught to an officer, he bears the scars of war. But on the other hand, he is constantly on the brink of paranoia, and has the potential to react viciously to protect his ideals and colonists from what he -anf perhaps only he- perceived as corruption, heresy or malign intent.

He is a relatively intelligent character - as before someone who commanded so many men - but he has got nothing in the way of education on matters of economy, politics, administration.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/21 11:17:44

Post by: Dekskull

Nice I like it!

This is going to be an interesting game indeed. You are quite literally contending with the enemy within and the enemy without...and oh yes. The Imperium will be demanding tithes at some point as well. I'll get a character sheet worked up for him soon. Feel free to jump into the game and start role playing/decision making. Probably no dice rolls needed for this first turn.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/21 11:31:51

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Fine, jumping to the game topic itself and will make... My first move.

Btw, his name would be colonel Loisy. Cause that's a famous person from my village and that's as good as a keyboard bash would otherwise get me.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/23 10:46:33

Post by: Dekskull

Char Sheets: First one finished for Pyro

Just starting with a basic laspistol and knife and a flak coat for armor but since you are pretty important you can acquire a new piece of common or uncommon gear each round.

Talent: Paranoid

Effect: You constantly fear for your life. You have
established a web of connections to gather information
on dangerous conspiracies.
Once per session when you have access to a
communications device, you may ask your ring of
contacts one question they may know. The GM rolls
a secret Cunning (Fel) Test and provides you with
whatever information the contact can provide.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/23 14:20:27

Post by: Pyroalchi

Regarding (un)common equipment: I would like a dataslate with access to uncommon knowledge: mainly the exact energy consumption of the grid, that von Gaussenberg installed as well as (if possible) access codes to limit it temporarily or regionally. While he does have the colonies best in mind, being a bit paranoid and thinking the way he does he wants to keep an eye on WHO does WHAT with the grid, noticing when someone does things in his/her domain that one might have to look into and ultimately having something to blackmail if necessary.

The overall idea is to keep this as his trump card waiting until everyone got so used to the infrastructure that replacing it with something NOT unser Gaussenbergs control seems unnessary complicated

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/23 18:21:37

Post by: Easy E

Can I jump in on this? Not familiar with the system at all, but I can RP well enough.

I think for my character, I want a Cardinal who has climbed the ranks of the Ecclesiarchy in the area and clawed his way to the top via unsavory methods. He's an unsavory sort, that cloaks himself in the robe of righteousness. His true faith is in Power, and the faith is a tool to attain those heights.

He doesn't care too much about wealth, fame, or decadence. Those are just ornaments of Power and the exercise of it.

I imagine he was the second son of someone important on some mis-begotten Imperial world, got shipped of to the Priesthood as a second son, and has been rising through the ranks by latching onto and then helping tear down others ever since.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/23 23:04:39

Post by: Dekskull

@ Easy E. Absolutely. Feel free to jump in on that first scene and designate your investments. If he is a cardinal, investing in Religion might make sense but he can also diversify his portfolio, invest in agro, mining, or trade. Got to make that money!

@ Pyro, I love the idea, we can work that into the Paranoid talent I bought for your character.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/24 15:43:16

Post by: Easy E

Is there a category for "Underworld/Criminal" interests?

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/24 23:44:38

Post by: Dekskull

Sure, we can invent one. You want to put some of your wealth into criminal contacts? That could work. Even better, put some wealth into some internal security and you'll have some sway with the local enforcers.

This first round is kind of like, everyone having a hand in building the setting. Once that setting is established, anything can happen.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/25 14:13:39

Post by: Easy E

Thanks, I will try to get something up later today.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/25 20:56:57

Post by: Pyroalchi

One thing that fits better off topic: If Easys Character hadn't started the whole Cathedral business, my idea was that von Gaussenberg would have proposed a plan to construct a cathedral next turn in a very big dimension that takes at least a decade, maybe more to finish, pledging 1 ressource pip and promising to spend another one the following turns until it is finished. His reasoning being that he appeases the Ecclesiarchy while simultanously giving them a reason to keep him alive, as they know as long as he lives, there will be more money for them the next decade.

So when Cardinal Richmond offers to start working on it now, Gaussenberg would try to convince him to plan big, like... really big, promising to chip in on the next opportunity to try and salvage the plan mentioned above.

By the way, Easy E: I love how you described your character. Really cool visual.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/26 09:57:30

Post by: Pyroalchi

As general explanation: as one might already read from it, Gaussenbergs general plan for survival at the top is to be useful enough and less of a pain for everyone with any power, that killing and replacing him just doesn't seem worth the effort. The other members might not love him, but he keeps his parts of the colony going and doesn't negatively interfere with anybody, so why even bother...

Lets see if this works out.

Small sidenote to what I mentioned with farmland: Its a funny little snippet of real world circumstances I recently read. At least in a lot of european countries the best farmland is under big cities. Because the sequenz was
"Look this is really good farmland, lets make an acre here"
"Lets build a house beside our field"
"Lets build more houses where the other houses are."
"Would you sell me your field? I want to build a bigger house for all the people that want to live here. You can farm somewhere else, can't you?"
=> and that is something that reeeeaaaally bothers Gaussenberg so he tries to avoid that from the start.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/26 14:47:34

Post by: Easy E

Interesting real world view on farmland. I see that in the US all the time, as it is easier to build new than re-build/repair existing so the core decays while the towns sprawl outward.

I have a three-pronged approach here to off-set the power of the Trade Union that aligns with what von Gaussenberg's carrots and sticks.

1. Make sure base survival needs like food is met.
2. Give them a taste of the good life via luxury consumer goods, this gives rebels something to lose if the system cracks. They lose their soft luxuries.
3. Provide the balm for the masses via Religion in the outlying regions.

Essentially, we can use internal class divisions to divide and conquer the Trade Union's base of power. By eroding that base, we erode their power. This may work on Chaos style cults and standard political rivals, but the risk is that the challenge is Xenos in nature means that these measures will have no impact. Therefore, if we do not erode the base of the Trade Union power this way, we know we need something a bit harsher.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/26 15:01:32

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

So, doing my shorter short cut of Loisy's plans, he acts as a soldier and as a paranoid that he is. He is personnaly affected in this because of the GSC he fought.

He wishes to bring yet more of the security under his thrall just to make sure. He does not belive that heretics and mutants are not behind the trade union, and while he does not wish to make ordinary people pay the price, he wants to have their haed as a paramount part of regaining order. Making something for the ecclesiarchy comes naturally to him, as he failed to ten years earlier and being himself pious, wants to make amend of sorts.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/26 15:23:06

Post by: Pyroalchi

Funny how our characters still kind of circle each other trying to get a measure who might be an ally and who an enemy

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/26 15:43:29

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Most funny how we actually easily agreed for a balanced approach in regulating the crisis, let's see what our resourceful GM makes of it!

Loisy is kind of a benevolent madlad, on the brink but true to his oathe. While he is dedicated and trustworhty at heart, you never now when he could potentially lose his grip and derail... that's what I find funny playing that caracter!

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/26 23:57:38

Post by: Dekskull

Wow I love the effort yah all are putting into this.

Rest assured though, the whole thing won't be Warhammer Sim City (though that part is pretty cool).

We still have to pause for investigation and violence lol!

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/28 01:23:12

Post by: Dekskull

Second character sheet completed. The Colonel

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/28 05:05:26

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Great, has he got anything peculiar as a talent or special rule or something as Von Gaussenberg has got?

The image is blurry in my end

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/28 08:26:18

Post by: Pyroalchi

Just to make clear: the space port issue is just expressing what he wants to do in a potential "turn three" should he see the day. As he tries to plan far ahead, he might as well show the others that he does that way, in an effort to make things more effective. If they know what the administratum will do the next decades, they might adjust their plans to better help the colony. He is quite idealistic in this regard assuming that everyone involved wants the colony to be a success when the first tithe is due and the more efficient they go about the business of setting everything up, the lower the risk their heads will roll when the debt comes due.

Also thinking about it I see him as kind of a weasily guy who shuns away from confrontation. Therefore he tries to avoid stepping on anyones toes and immediatly backed down when Richemont pledged Agriculture too and also tries to make amends to Loisy so that he doesn't see von Gaussenbergs approach to the Mechanicus as interfering with PDF business.
You are invited to use that as you like.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/28 22:47:31

Post by: Dekskull

 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
Great, has he got anything peculiar as a talent or special rule or something as Von Gaussenberg has got?

The image is blurry in my end

Sorry about that. He is a decent combat character but with a high leadership characteristic. Basic equipment though, Lasgun, and Flak Armor. Also found a fitting talent for him should he find himself in a combat situation.


Effect: You have the connections and military backup
to call in an airstrike. A bombardment may come from
ground-based artillery, aircraft, or even a voidship in
low orbit. In all cases, the attacks are devastating to
their targets.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/29 02:50:29

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Nice, I see his ready to that "greater good"'s arse, whoever he is

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/29 14:30:30

Post by: Easy E

Richemont is far to arrogant to even think that the colony would fail to manage their tithe.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/29 15:44:21

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Man, your cardinal is pulling a plot stunt I didn't see coming, neat.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/29 19:14:58

Post by: Easy E

He is a gangster with a holy symbol.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 07:53:31

Post by: Pyroalchi

Do we have the usual 3 ressources to invest or does any of us have more or less?

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 11:40:35

Post by: Dekskull

That part got a little bit confusing. I had intended for everyone to have 1 resource to invest in round 2 going into round 3, but you guys got into moving all your resources around and that's fine. BTW I like how you are setting up a turn almost like 3 actions. Good way to do it!

I think I'm just going to shift the emphasis in the next round. Less about where you are investing resources and more about...other big choices.

Finally got the Cardinal's char sheet done

Weapon is just a regular good ol fashioned sword. Talent as follows:

Noble Peer
XP Cost: 30
Requirements: Persuasion Rating 3+
Effect: You are a member of a renowned noble class.
You may have additional authority over other members
of your society, as well as responsibility for your social

Whenever you are in a social situation where
status plays a factor, gain +Double Rank bonus dice
to Influence Tests and any Skill Tests involving social

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 11:53:31

Post by: Pyroalchi

Ah, I see. OK, just say if I should edit my post. But I guess if one just adjusts the "difficulty rating" and/or outcome it doesn't really matter that much if we all have 3 or 1 investment points. 3 might be funnier for a more nouanced play.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 14:32:46

Post by: Easy E

I like moving around the three and have enjoyed Sim-City: Imperium a lot.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 16:06:10

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Yey, pretty much the same, that's actually funny! But I can't wait to see where the future will take our good colonel...

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 16:52:37

Post by: Pyroalchi

GENERAL Loisy... you just have to believe in it!

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 17:47:30

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Oh yeah, looks like I'm about to get honoured! Or hated, because this is a serious business i'll have to handle now...

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 18:15:21

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Right, so I'm actually proposing some action based stunts, I think this situation for my character's flaws are struck at their weakest point. His trauma can't be overlooked here, and will he retains all his acumen and makes sound proposals, it could not not have gone badly after 20 years ruling of a world's arms forces and a trauma knocking back.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/04/30 22:05:55

Post by: Pyroalchi

I have two questions/issues:

I don't know if I wrote too early. My second last post, the one were I pledged for the space port and some grease was intended as my "turn 3 post". So technically the space port would only be started after the third council meeting, as I hadn't pledged funds in turn 2. Are we on the same page here? If something got mixed up I can remove that post and put it on later, when we start with the council meeting itself.

Second issue: You mentioned the population reaching 750 million: how dense is that regarding the planetary surface, meaning: how dense do people live already? And what kind of refugees come in? And how much does the one pip in medicine I invested in Turn 2 is enough to not get caught off guard in case of a potential plague?
In other words: if one looks at the things like von Gaussenberg does: are we prepared for the level of plagues and sickness that can be expected in our current population and refugee level or is this the time to start stockpiling vaccines and stuff NOW to be prepared when it eventually and inevitably happens?

If the answer is "NO" I would change the pip used to "grease the machine" to prepare for that instead.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/01 01:18:35

Post by: Dekskull

 Pyroalchi wrote:
I have two questions/issues:

I don't know if I wrote too early. My second last post, the one were I pledged for the space port and some grease was intended as my "turn 3 post". So technically the space port would only be started after the third council meeting, as I hadn't pledged funds in turn 2. Are we on the same page here? If something got mixed up I can remove that post and put it on later, when we start with the council meeting itself.

Second issue: You mentioned the population reaching 750 million: how dense is that regarding the planetary surface, meaning: how dense do people live already? And what kind of refugees come in? And how much does the one pip in medicine I invested in Turn 2 is enough to not get caught off guard in case of a potential plague?
In other words: if one looks at the things like von Gaussenberg does: are we prepared for the level of plagues and sickness that can be expected in our current population and refugee level or is this the time to start stockpiling vaccines and stuff NOW to be prepared when it eventually and inevitably happens?

If the answer is "NO" I would change the pip used to "grease the machine" to prepare for that instead.

Deep thinking friend. Much deeper than your GM LOL. I'll try to clean this up a bit.

I think at this point it's important to think of the world as a place where resources under your direct control are not the only resources coming into the planet. So the space port probably started up a few years before your investment kicked in, (maybe the Governor fronted the money himself knowing you were going to make the investment). There is definitely a fair amount of taxable wealth that the Governor is dividing up, and there may be some other minor nobles with some capital to invest as well.

Now as far as the amount of habitable land to population, you calculate that you are nowhere near the size constraints, though you would likely advise against constructing a second hive. A few small cities would be ok, but a second hive would be problematic.

As for the infrastructure (including medical), everything is balancing out just fine. The only adverse consequences are that the PDF is suffering from equipment shortfalls and there is no spare manufacturing capacity (thankfully no war going on for now). It's a delicate balance: The manufactorums pump out luxury goods for sale off world, which are then used to pay off food subsidies and all the infrastructure going on. [b]But one small imbalance and the whole thing could collapse like a deck of cards. [/b]

The refugees are from other all over the Imperium. Many come on ships that literally just came across this system by accident. Refugees are a mixed bag but for the most part they are a net gain to the labor force and economy. Note: No massive wave happens all at once that overwhelems anything. This happens over years.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/04 06:54:23

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Right, Loisy's reaction, hope I'm still well in character!

The Bishop might be committing a grave error in pushing the already paranoid man to its limit. And this schemes of the Bishop will now have made Loisy understand that not everyone seeks the betterment and security of this world, and from now one, he'll see the munistorum as a nest of traitors.

But he albeit half raving, he will still do what he thinks is the best course of action no matter what.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/04 10:58:50

Post by: Dekskull

You are doing a great job with your character.

This is what's cool about the Imperium and the challenge of being a leader in it!

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/04 13:33:07

Post by: Pyroalchi

Should I respond to the Governor adressing me now ot wait for Easy E to let Cardinal Richemont chip in?

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/04 15:20:13

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Oh I see now I'm at a crossroads am I not

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/04 16:27:27

Post by: Easy E

I am out of pocket for a moment, give me a couple of days if possible.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/04 18:52:46

Post by: Dekskull

 Pyroalchi wrote:
Should I respond to the Governor adressing me now ot wait for Easy E to let Cardinal Richemont chip in?

Yeah you can keep the council scene going. The part that I want to wait on is the part about whether Louise chooses to launch a raid.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/04 19:03:50

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

I'll be happy to wait for the concil scene to be complete, so that I can make a call taking the whole picture into account and seperate what Loisy knows and does not know.

New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 07:47:25

Post by: Pyroalchi

I have a question on the sequence of events, just to get this right:

  • council meeting started, Colonel Loisy warns of possible infiltration, von Gaussenberg offers to get checked

  • Loisy and the bishop get at each other

  • Bishop sets a motion to take the enforces from Loisys control into that of the ecclesiarchy

  • Loisys protests, his bodyguard ushers him out (?) => so he is not present right at this moment

  • von Gaussenberg is asked for councel and proposes a compromise, setting up mixed interrogation teams

  • the governor sets the compromise in motion, the Bishop and the Tech priest take their leave afterwards

  • Did I get this right?
    So Loisy does not yet know of the compromise and the Tech Priest and the Bishop will not immediatly hear what will be talked about after the vote for the compromise?

    I will of course wait with anything other than the private conversation with the governor until the Cardinal had his chance to chip in, but I would like to announce that before we jump the next ten years, von Gaussenberg would like to visit the colonel to get examined as he promised and use this opportunity to maybe calm the waters at least a little bit.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 10:08:04

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I maybe didn't get myself clear, but Loisy cale out for a brief moment to get himself together, but I intended to have him re enter the room after wards to explain his point again.

    But if our GM went to consider that he actually totally left at some point, we can go along with that. He will 'ecessetaly have got access to a report on what was decided during the council anyway.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 10:19:09

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    I think it is fine either way. I just want to write potential posts the right way and from the last posts I was not completely sure about Loisys whereabouts.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 15:20:34

    Post by: Easy E

    All right, I think I am caught-up now and posted some blithering.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 15:44:33

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Just to make sure: Easy E, did you register von Gaussenbergs offer that Richemont could have the starport, if he agrees to invest this turn and in the way the Administratum would have done?
    So basically the offer was: Gaussenberg has planst drawn to set the starport up futureproof as his infrastructure. If someone else pays for this (so that he can pay for the genescanners) he would promise to keep the Administratum out of that lukrative business in the future. Sounds like an opportunity the Cardinal might be interested in, but the window for that is now and will pass soon

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 15:48:40

    Post by: Easy E

    Oh, I did not grok that.

    So, I would need to change to Starport as one of my investments?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 16:25:42

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    If you want to yes. And you would have to decide between two options:
    A) Richemont carries it out according to Gaussenbergs plan => which would mean it will be build "for the benefit of the people (TM)" right now and not necessarily for Richemonts pocket, but the Administratum stays out of it in the future giving you free reign
    B) Richemont does it however he pleases => he might get rich from it sooner, but Gaussenberg might shoulder his way in later.
    And of course you are free to choose
    C) stay out of it and let Gaussenberg pay for it.

    Edit: and yes, one investment is all it takes. Gaussenberg would then switch his starport pip into Infrastructure/Security to install the genescanners

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/06 19:53:15

    Post by: Easy E

    Updated my resources and will follow your plan for now.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/07 00:28:04

    Post by: Dekskull

    Aha...I'm loving how much of this story is just building organically. What a brilliant Game of Thrones we've conceived. [Amazon, are you paying attention?] LOL

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/07 07:15:01

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Right, engaging dialogue, it'll be continued when Pyro answers.

    Loisy is quite happy with this: he will put his counterpart under the pressure of knowing, but it is too late for him to cancel the action. If he refuses, he will probably be marked as a target as well. If he agrees, he gets rolled into Loisy's fold.

    However, Loisy not being a political genius, he doesn't see that this might come back to haunt him later. But in his stubborn paranoia, he will go any length,.should.the whole world.turn.agzinst him.and.prove himself faulty.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/07 19:39:24

    Post by: Easy E

    I am keeping this cult of priests on my backburner for now. I have plausible deniability at the moment, and I can leverage knowing of their existence to look like an avenging reformer later.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/07 21:03:21

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Played around with microsoft copilot a bit... that is roughly how I imagine von Gaussenberg

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/08 04:52:48

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Sorry about being late to reply to Pyro, Work and travel to my regiment for a reserve activity got in the way, I'll try to post somewhere today

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/08 05:07:05

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I'll write the answers to Von Gaussenberg, I assume we consider the raid is happening while they are conversing, so maybe Loisy could have got direct feedback from his troops to share?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/08 14:32:59

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Just to keep the back and forth compact: is the mutants vanishing in some access tunnel something Gaussenberg can help with? If he gets that information live from Loisy, could I describe him raising a hologram from his tablet showing the tunnel infrastructure there? Maybe quickly checking the camera logs of nearby maintenance servitors or pressure fluctuations in the drainage pipes caused by lots of people and equipment being moved through them, thus guiding Loisys men towards their prey?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/08 15:56:14

    Post by: Dekskull

    Sure, Gaussenberg would be able to supply that information.

    You will quickly find out though that the mutants have vanished into what will someday become an underhive (think Necromunda).

    The idea is that they will be hard to find. However, that can also be part of the story.

    I.E. The realization that you now have an Underhive type situation to deal with that is chalk full of undesirables and potentially worse things.

    BTW, in case you were wondering, the result of launching an attack would have been far...far...far worse. The Colonel made the right call!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/09 05:24:04

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Right, answered, I blended the failure of the raid in, so Von Gaussenberg has got live broadcast of the empty place and the much surprised pdf SF.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/09 05:24:47

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    That's a' unexpected twist again though, got to love it

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/09 15:27:54

    Post by: Easy E

    Hey Dekskull, I think I would also like to meet with the Bishop this turn if possible.

    On that front, I have three objectives:
    1. Find out about the rogue Priests and see what the Bishop knows. I don't want to crack down on them as they are aligned with what I am doing, but I need to know if they are a threat to what we are doing on the planet and can playball.

    2. Understand and maintain his loyalty as we keep building the network and the Cathedral to St. Bonafatious.

    3. Get him onside as my political attack dog in the council chambers against the chafing demands of the PDF.

    I need to have the Bishop, and Tech-Priest 01 onside in order to keep control of the Council meetings with the Governor. When confronted with a council of 5, it is best to be on a side of 3+ councilors.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/09 17:46:25

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    It's really funny to see - as the Cardinal pointed out in game - this balance of power forming and being maintained by the "big players". This fine tuning to keep power distributed between the three+ of them, shifting alliances and loyalties... Game of Thrones in space.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/09 21:37:36

    Post by: Dekskull

     Easy E wrote:
    Hey Dekskull, I think I would also like to meet with the Bishop this turn if possible.

    On that front, I have three objectives:
    1. Find out about the rogue Priests and see what the Bishop knows. I don't want to crack down on them as they are aligned with what I am doing, but I need to know if they are a threat to what we are doing on the planet and can playball.

    2. Understand and maintain his loyalty as we keep building the network and the Cathedral to St. Bonafatious.

    3. Get him onside as my political attack dog in the council chambers against the chafing demands of the PDF.

    I need to have the Bishop, and Tech-Priest 01 onside in order to keep control of the Council meetings with the Governor. When confronted with a council of 5, it is best to be on a side of 3+ councilors.

    Definitely. I'll write up a response. The Cardinal is definitely playing the political game superbly.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/10 05:39:57

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    As you can see, Loisy gets back rolling: his latest investigation seem to relief him in that it seems less likely now that it could be a Genestealer cult - although his stern demands to counter a potential Genestealer sect still remain needed in his mind- and the full force of his paranoia and outrage is now turning towards the munistorum, that he now sees as the root of all the corruption currently spreading on this world.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/10 14:47:10

    Post by: Easy E

    Time to playing the Heretic card and try to get out from under the suspicions of Loisy.

    I will of course have our agents denounce these rogue priests, and help root them out. I would also recommend we place a bounty on their heads as they are Ex-Communicatus Traitoris. We can leverage our luxury goods and/or a place in the proto-hive as incentives for their capture/deaths.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/10 15:33:03

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    The pure evil genius of the cardinal is delightful

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/11 20:28:00

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    und wieder: Spaß mit Microsoft Copilot:

    Edit: for some reason I wrote in german. I meant: "again: fun with microsoft Copilot"

    [Thumb - Gaussenberg und Richemont.jpg]

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/11 23:12:05

    Post by: Dekskull

    oh my goodness. This AI art is so good. But also scary.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/12 05:13:46

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    True grimdark

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/13 14:39:22

    Post by: Easy E

    I was out-of-pocket for the weekend, and it looks like I missed a lot of exciting developments.

    Time to get rally around the flag and get onside with everyone else.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/13 16:04:28

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Seems like the most epic is to come, as I'm now having my character fight for his life!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/13 16:06:02

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Btw, fell free to make something for Loisy, I'm wondering what he'll look like

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/13 17:14:26

    Post by: Pyroalchi

     Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
    Btw, fell free to make something for Loisy, I'm wondering what he'll look like

    say no more...

    [Thumb - Loisy.jpg]
    [Thumb - Loisy2.jpg]
    [Thumb - Loisy3.jpg]

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/13 17:30:26

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    That's freakin rad, the dude has been around the block and I wouldn't like to be the target of one of his bursts of anger

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/14 00:14:39

    Post by: Dekskull

     Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
    That's freakin rad, the dude has been around the block and I wouldn't like to be the target of one of his bursts of anger

    I agree. But you know what is not rad? Remember at the beginning of the game when one of the options was to invest in personal protection and no one did?


    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/14 04:42:33

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Well, I mentionned it at some point but that may not count in game terms. Oops

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/14 04:48:14

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Oh right, I see know why you talking about bodyguards. Wish you lucky rolls, Easy!

    Happy the Colonel did not disappoint, I'll write a post somewhere in the day!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/14 14:16:36

    Post by: Easy E

    Oddly, my character had started shedding parts of his retinue in narrative because he did not trust them! LOL.

    My suspicions were right!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/14 19:40:09

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    So, in game terms I wish to:

    Ready the military
    Abduct the governor
    Meet with Von Gaussenberg
    Rest at the medical for now.

    The part about gathering the corpses being standard procedure, he gives the command to make sure but that'd be more or less part of the firefight anyway so I let you our dear GM see if you want to make something of this.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/15 16:32:06

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Well... this should be interesting...
    How do we go about this? Post us entering the chamber and start discussing who should be Governor? I imagine an awkward silence while nobody wants to talk first

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/15 16:44:51

    Post by: Easy E

    I will gladly throw von Gaussenberg to the wolves.... I mean nominate him as the next Governor.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/15 17:35:12

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Dekskull, do you consider that the little lore I made for the 1rst St Bonifatius' régiment to be "true" in our timeline? I might make references to it to some extent if so.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/15 21:02:37

    Post by: Dekskull

    Definitely! I was planning on having some veterans return at some point in the future but for right now, that regiment is far far away and wouldn't really be impacting things at home.

    @ Pyro: You all can start the council meeting whenever. I imagine it would be a more raccous scene though. Lot's of observers and crowds of people cheering for their favorite candidate and such.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/16 04:26:28

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Great, this was more about making the lore sound good on my part, and Loisy making a point, but I'll be glad to see our vets return!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/17 02:09:25

    Post by: Dekskull

    Wow you all have practically written a Black Library novel here. Great stuff.

    Once the council scene is concluded I'll plan on taking a break for about a week, and then we can re-launch with another in game time jump and a chance to see how the new governor handles his first major crisis.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/17 14:57:49

    Post by: Easy E

    Once complete at the council, did you still want us to do resource allocation, or is that phase of the campaign done?

    Also: I will be out of pocket for a couple of days.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/17 16:02:45

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    I want to get out a post before the vote, but I don't know if I will manage today. Pretty interesting situation currently.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/17 19:28:47

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I like how we're really each playing our character to the fullest, I'm having tremendous fun with this.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/18 01:42:53

    Post by: Dekskull

     Easy E wrote:
    Once complete at the council, did you still want us to do resource allocation, or is that phase of the campaign done?

    Also: I will be out of pocket for a couple of days.

    I think campaign wise, that made the most sense at the outset. You are kind of at this point where civilization is expanding exponentially and somewhat uncontrollably. You can articulate the general goals of development and then we'll see what happens

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/18 11:08:37

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Just because we as players might come from different political systems: when Loisy talks about the position of Prime Minister, what range of tasks ans what powerdistribution with the Governor he has in mind? Are we talking like Germany style, where the Chancelor has basically all the power and the president is mostly ceremonial? A 50:50 thing? Or would Loisy only be the executive carrying out, what the Governor sets in motion?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/18 15:56:54

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I totally missed this fact.

    In my mind it was more in the french meaning of the guy in charge of having the president's goal set in motion and oversee and organise the work of the rest of the government. A second in command of sorts.

    But since I'm not sure it actually exists in 40k Standard issue governments, what his range of responsabilities would truly be could earn it's own debate or chapter in the council.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/18 16:15:21

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    I have no Problem with just playing that all persons involved know what he meant. We rule together for 20-30 years now, our characters must have takes about this in the past.

    I have to find the correct words for it, but what Gaussenberg prefers would be Loisy having control over military and enforcers + military industry, Richemont having economics, agriculture and trade and Gaussenberg doing his best to keep everything going in between. With the general course going in the direction of prussia around the year 1800, where the state was heavily organized around the military but still with a functioning bureaucracy and a more or less working economy.

    Also fitting as I imagine Gaussenberg was born and raised in Mordian, maybe he even did some service with the iron guard, which seems quite inspired by Prussia in my opinion

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/19 22:00:02

    Post by: Dekskull

    It's up to you all how you want the political system to function. I remember in the Dan Abnet Book Double Eagle the Imperial planet they are fighting all was titled a "Republic" so anything is possible.

    The Imperium just cares about it's tithes and not sliding into heresy. Other then that each world governs itself (essentially)

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/20 17:46:34

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Forgive the collision course, but once again I think my character could not logically not follow this path, plus this story is really tons of fun and I'd have been ashamed not to spice it up even further.

    Waiting for poor Von Gaussenberg to reel in terror as the two big boys are showing their muscles in front of him

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/20 20:26:09

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Defintily an interesting development so far.
    I have to think a bit about Gaussenbergs reaction to the escalation. Regardless of that I would be interested what the other dignitaries (The Techpriest, the bishop, possibly the other nobles) have to say, as Gaussenberg asked them. The three of us are the only three voting, but I guess it's not a bad idea to at least hear some other ideas.

    On the current conflict: I guess Gaussenberg has half a mind to just let Richemont and Loisy battle it out, while trying to keep himself and the essential parts of the colony out of the way. I just have to get a grip on how he would do this.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/21 14:41:09

    Post by: Easy E

    Have to say, I have never really role-played folks at this level of power before. More individuals as opposed to heads of government and factions. Fun times.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/22 20:08:16

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    So, Marechal? What will it be? Does Loisy agree to this compromise, or does he keep on pushing?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/22 23:27:27

    Post by: Dekskull

     Easy E wrote:
    Have to say, I have never really role-played folks at this level of power before. More individuals as opposed to heads of government and factions. Fun times.

    And oddly enough, well suited for forum play.

    Once the wheeling and dealing is wrapped up we'll time jump another 20 years and see what happens next. (Will hopefully have another adventure ready next week)

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/23 05:14:38

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    While we figure out who is governor, could you give us a headsup where we are currently at with ressource allocation? I think I kind of lost track a little bit.

    My last allocation was: 1 Infrastructure/Security (Gene Scanners) 1 Comms (networking in the Imperial Bureaucracy), 1 Religion (second half of the money I promised the Ecclesiarchy) which to my knowledge was "turn 3".
    Is this what happens AFTER the election for who becomes governor? Or before and we can do something again?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/23 10:19:45

    Post by: Dekskull

    Yes I would say that the resource allocation happens after the election of governor. And if you want to change anything, you can do so before the next time jump.

    Like I was saying before, the resource allocation part was critically important when you started, but as the world has gotten larger it is becoming less important.

    There will be different challenges laying ahead. Remember...it's a big galaxy.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/24 20:03:24

    Post by: Easy E

    Looks like we have a Governor.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/25 02:40:43

    Post by: Dekskull

    Well that was an unexpected turn of events.

    And the best part of it is, all self powered by you all. I can just sit back and chill for this part.

    I guess we'll have to see what the Colonel's reaction is to the latest turn around.

    BTW: The Arbites will come to your world whether they are invited or not...IF they think your world is worth protecting. They may come overtly, or covertly. And they will enforce the law however they wish. (Kind of like Inquisition light).

    So it might be good rhetoric to ask the Arbites to enforce the law, but as far as a solid plan, it's on the flimsy side. (Kind of like "planning" to have a Chapter of Space Marines save you if you get attacked).

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/25 07:45:46

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I was assuming Loisy's reasoning behind this is that he could convince them, as I'm still distilling the obsession of treason into his actions!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/25 07:49:20

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Edit: just read the unfolding events, gosh, that's unexpected for me as well!

    Let's see how our Colonel fairs when all the crap flies towards HIS head. I'm feeling like an evil puppetist delighting in his toy's I'll fate

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/25 22:01:54

    Post by: Dekskull

    Very interesting turn of events.

    With that single event, I envision the future is going to unfold very differently than I had originally thought with Gaussenberg as Governor.

    You all can do a few more posts to iron out a few more details, but I think we're almost ready for our next time jump.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/25 22:29:21

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I'll leave it as it is personnally

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/26 07:26:20

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Is the talk Governor Loisy wants to have with us important contentwise or is this more the obligatory "no hard feelings" talk after the election?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/26 09:56:47

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    It may get useful because as I envision it, I'd be Loisy actually trying to draw the lines of who does what within the government. But if that gets too tiresome, it could be just in the hand of the GM. Also depends whether you feel like writing these scenes!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/28 01:15:01

    Post by: Dekskull

    The next phase looks interesting.

    We get to explore the consequences of Loisy sort of getting his wish. More attention from the Imperium...and all the unintended consequences that come with it.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/28 05:14:10

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I'll try to post somewhere this week, now that madness TRULY claims him

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/28 14:45:59

    Post by: Easy E

    I mostly just caught my character up to the now, but have not responded to what the Imperial Navy is asking for.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/29 05:19:15

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Still lacking time to actually sit down and think about what I'll write, if you don't mind, I think that'll have to wait until Friday.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/29 07:25:47

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    As there have been another 20 years, I would be interested on how our guys got along on a personal level.

    Gaussenberg and Loisy did leave of rather friendly and on a first name basis in the last scene and I would imagine that they stayed like this whenever they are in private, while von Gaussenberg keeps up appearances strictly when they have company. Loisy is Governor now, so the Administrator will adress him as "your majesty" and avoid getting to personal in public to not compromise the honor of the rank.

    With the Cardinal I could see the two of them also become at least associates? In my imagination I see both of them meet about something trivial like a game of cards or a round of golf regularly, also having reached a first name basis. These meetings being on the ground rules of "leave work at the door". Von Gaussenberg isn't a very pious man, but from what I read he should develop a lot of respect for the Cardinal for how well he handles his church. Is that overall okay for you Easy E?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/29 13:59:40

    Post by: Easy E

    Sure thing. Cardinal Richemont's first name is ... Cardinal..... no just kidding.

    It is Guilles. Cardinal Guilles Richemont.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/30 02:12:41

    Post by: Dekskull

     Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
    Still lacking time to actually sit down and think about what I'll write, if you don't mind, I think that'll have to wait until Friday.

    Sounds good to me. This game is well suited for a slower pace anyway. I've posted a synopsis of some of the things for the characters to talk about.

    In a way it even makes sense that the Captain leaves before the other characters arrive so up to you both an whether you want to engage with her or not. She is completely arrogant and uncaring.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/30 08:47:53

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I think it could he fun to have our blunt colonel butt heads in some way.

    I was thinking that, as I'm now the only one without a sidekick, it would be natural that one of my officer become just that, but I'll elaborate on that when I actually get some time to sit down and slip onto my character's shoes.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/30 18:24:03

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    right managed to sort of situate the current loisy and give him a sidekick; i'll repost later on to re read and take into account all of the propositions and decision to make as he, as a governor makes a call. Feel free to wirte a half summary half dialogue for as your characters report!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/31 11:24:31

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Interesting... any propositions for the off worlder regiment?

    We could turn Loisys paranoia to 11 and let it be Savlar Chemdogs, a Beastmen-regiment or the like, but I would find it most interesting if it was a regiment with ties to some faction that wasn't a powerplayer so far and that suddenly gets a lot of influence in the planetary game of thrones.

    So what do you think about Elysians with a very close connection to the Navy or an Ogryn Regiment with a quite powerful Lord Commissar that might have a word to say about how we run things?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/05/31 11:59:09

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Might go, 'd need to take a look at my collection of personnal lore I made for various regiments and see if one could chekck these items as that'd be hilarious to me.

    On the other hand, since Loisy is pretty much becoming a Munitorum representative at this point, that maybe wouldn't tip the balance that much.

    I'll try to fetch you something and if everyone agrees on something them let it be, or else let the GM decide and surprise us!

    Edit: list of my keybash-named custom regiment from my small 11 years or so of wargaming:

    Kallen infantry regiments: populous, mostly infantry, from a miserable hive world. Could be interesting as they are from the same origin as Loisy.

    Rettungsein Guerilla regiment: guerilla regiments, highly elite and independent but lightly equipped. Would be logical that they come to share experience with the St Bonifatius reach's experts at counter insurgency.

    Aoch artillery regiments: noblemen, from a rich trade based planet, that value money and profit above almost all else - good people at heart, but quick to get involed into YOUR trade as well.

    Utik amphibious guard: from a clan based society of extremly violent swamp dwellers, already has rebelled a few times over and while their expertise at amphibious operation is without compare, they are hard to manage and incidents are daily. Could make sense as well as they'd complement quite well with the raiders, but bound to create problems whereever they go, kind of the chem dogs.

    Aria Peacekeeping regiments: from a mediaval world of violence and technological decay, superstitious and easy to manipulate through bribe or supertition. Due to their poorer quality, they are mostly used as counter rioters or sometimes levied as fortress regiments whose sole task is to hold with their absurd stubborness to not give up.

    With these propositions and those of Pyro, I think it's best to let our dear GM pick what will fit his evil schemes and machinations best from the lot!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/10/01 14:29:50

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I'm happy to have the council last a bit more as they brainstorm in spite of diverging views, so Loisy is still hearing them out and has't actually taken decision apart from having the sisters at the forefront.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 02:29:35

    Post by: Dekskull

    Let's make the regiment the Bronthian Longknives from our only war adventure!

    BTW: All I need to really know is whether you all are helping with the salvage or not. Once that's decided, I can move to the next event.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 05:09:43

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Thats a clear yes from me, but Gaussenberg advocates for stickig to destroyer to light cruiser sized bits. I don't think we could handle a spacehulk

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 06:15:58

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Some lore to introduce me to the fearsome bronthizn long knives?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 18:38:34

    Post by: Dekskull

    Alright, since some stuff is about to go down. You all can give yourself one piece of rare, uncommon or common wargear before the start of the "event."



    A bolt pistol (uncommon)

    Hot Shot Las Gun (Rare)

    Plasma Pistol (Rare)

    Hand Flamer (uncommon)


    Refractor Field (Rare): Just the sort of thing some important git like you might have eh?

    Other Gear

    Auspex (Rare)

    Grav Chute (Rare)

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 19:23:23

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    I'll go with the refractor field as its standard issue for an officer of my rank. Do I still have the bodyguards i invested in back then?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 19:30:03

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Hmm... as far as I "know" Gaussenberg I would like an Auspex, if possible implanted (purely for cosmetic reasons)

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 20:38:25

    Post by: Dekskull

     Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
    I'll go with the refractor field as its standard issue for an officer of my rank. Do I still have the bodyguards i invested in back then?

    Yes, at this point, you all would have your own protective details. You would likely have PDF or Imperial Guard veterans. The Cardianl would have a few Sisters of Battle and Gaussenberg would probably have a few enforcers.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/01 21:47:29

    Post by: Dekskull

    I told you all this was about to get real! Mwhahaha

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/02 10:27:51

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Gak hitting the fan at warp travel speed.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/03 15:00:28

    Post by: Easy E

    I think as a member of the Ecclesiarchy, I should grab a Rosarius, which is basically a refractor field.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/03 23:05:03

    Post by: Dekskull

    So I had an interesting idea wanted to run by you all.

    Each character will have a role in umm some (events) as you were. However there will also be a lot of fighting going on that is beyond the immediate control of your characters.

    So what do you think about me asking the Dakka Community to step up and play some narrative games of 40K to help influence the narrative of OUR game?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/04 04:49:03

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    That'd be rad really!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/04 05:25:18

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Sounds very cool, I'm all for it.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/04 13:44:46

    Post by: Easy E

    Interesting. I hope you get enough people to help out especially since we don't have any Space Marines on site..... yet.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/04 20:14:53

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Yet hehehe

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/05 01:16:29

    Post by: Dekskull

    Cool. I'll solicit then.

    BTW: I should be able to keep the narrative moving regardless of what other people are doing. But it should add some flavor.

    Here is the solicitation


    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/05 17:40:09

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    By the way, what has Mechadandrite been up to?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/05 20:52:43

    Post by: Dekskull

    LOL I'll have to update you on that. Thanks for the reminder!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/06 15:48:09

    Post by: Easy E

    We just wrapped up KT campaign that had Imperials vs. Chaos. I alternated as needed between Sisters of Battle and Chaos Guard.

    I don't think you guys want to know the outcome.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/06 16:38:14

    Post by: Dekskull

    Nice man. Feel free to throw it right into the narrative with your next post!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/06 16:39:37

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    A stunning victory for the Imperium, right?

    Jokes aside. I don't mind us loosing or getting a pyrric victory. There are some great stories that can be told from a loosers perspective. Lets see how this plays out

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/07 14:27:06

    Post by: Easy E

    I will be Out-of-Pocket the next three days.

    Suffice to say, Cardinal Richemont will go the Void Shield Generator to help defend the location with the help of his retinue. He will give inspirational speeches and try to be seen where the action is to lift the spirits of the men. He won't be "leading from the front" so much as moving around behind the lines, visiting the injured, talking with the troops, and going to the point of any particularly hairy situations.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/07 20:22:02

    Post by: Dekskull

    No worries!

    Next up from me, I'll be rolling some dice and resolving some battles!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/08 05:50:05

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Can my special bombardment be used anyhow? While we haven't got void superiority, I was thinking that maybe something could be done from the docks to strike some objectives Planetside and, or maybe represent the effects of large scale use of traps. It's beostly.dorected towards space marine groups.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/08 10:05:23

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Just to clarify: von Gaussenberg will stay and fight as long as possible. If there is a realistic chance to hold the docks he will take it. But knowing how big of a ressource a bunch of Chaos Space Marines is for the enemy I assume he will not gamble away killing a bunch of them "just" for a simple chance to survive. I liked the character, but it is what he would do

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/08 10:30:57

    Post by: Dekskull

     Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
    Can my special bombardment be used anyhow? While we haven't got void superiority, I was thinking that maybe something could be done from the docks to strike some objectives Planetside and, or maybe represent the effects of large scale use of traps. It's beostly.dorected towards space marine groups.

    Excellent idea. Unfortunately the dockyards are pretty much defenseless at this point. But Loise would have access to plenty of long range artillery and airstrikes to assist any battles on the ground right now.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/08 11:02:00

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Right, so I'm using my artillery assets to make possible some relatively complex maneouvers that won't be possible without the firepower of the artillery.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/08 15:45:07

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    Dekskull: is there any chance to move either the salvaged cruiser, the begun frigate or the dock itself in a collision course with the enemy cruiser? If it is near the atmosphere of the planet, any damage to the propulsion might be fatal...

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/09 01:22:55

    Post by: Dekskull

     Pyroalchi wrote:
    Dekskull: is there any chance to move either the salvaged cruiser, the begun frigate or the dock itself in a collision course with the enemy cruiser? If it is near the atmosphere of the planet, any damage to the propulsion might be fatal...

    That is an interesting idea. You might have a more practical and slightly less suicidal option though.

    You might be able to route enough reserve power to the salvaged cruiser to take a lance shot at the enemy cruiser. That combined with your orbital defense silos and bombers, and you might be able to force it to abort the attack run.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/09 06:01:55

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Wow, that was a lucky streak for us!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/09 10:43:03

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Not sure if this will have a lot of consequences, but I wanted a little more narrative because I feel Loisy was having it somewhat to easy these days

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/09 19:51:26

    Post by: Dekskull

    LOL: Yeah the dice have been going your way. But fear not. Even if you win every roll, it's still got to be grim dark.

    The war stuff has been fun, but I'm planning on wrapping it up soon. We'll be moving into a new chapter. A post war chapter!

    So anyway I'll add more later, but suffice to say Loise finds himself injured and fallen deep into the underhive. Gaussenberg finds himself also injured and the apparent sole survivor of a very heavily damaged space station.

    Meanwhile the Cardinal is doing just fine and will probably take over the planet LOL.

    BTW: I think this will be the final chapter of our story. You've managed to save the planet that you built, but now all three of our heroes will find themselves in the greatest danger they have ever been in....I.E. What happens after the war will be worse than the war. Mwhahaha

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/10 15:06:38

    Post by: Easy E

    Wow, I am gone a few days and you guys go and win the war AND try to get yourselves killed!

    I will have a post-up by End of Day.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/10 19:00:22

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Stuff happened yeah.

    I'm now about to die as the finale

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/11 18:37:45

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    slightly edited my last post. Gaussenberg does his final adress in front of the glowing reactor door. If he sacrifices himself, the viewers might as well know. A little vanity at the end of his life - he deserves as much.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/11 18:43:16

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Served well. Waiting to see what happens to Loisy next to know if he'll join you! And the cardinal after the sister loses its tempered and runs him through with her chainsword

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/11 23:17:23

    Post by: Dekskull

    I know this is great.

    I think I am ready for about one last post.

    Some loose ends will be tied up but some things will still be up in the air.

    Maybe set the stage for a new adventure down the road!

    And...everything is wrapped up now.

    I realized that the story arch of the gang trying to get Loiuse uphive is probably good enough to be it's own separate game. Haha, maybe one I can run for the future!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/12 04:22:02

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    The irony of the Cardinal getting being both the calculator and the best ending, and even more so of Loisy being about to die knowing he was not.that mad actually all along, is just pinpoint grimdark. Thanks Dekskull for being a great GM, and thanks to you Pyro and.Easy for being nice.and.involvdd players, that was a great ride! I'll be eager to jump into another one

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/12 06:14:30

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    A big thank you from me too, it was a lot of fun. And from my point of view the perfect ending for Gaussenberg, eben if it didn't matter that much. But dying believing he did something important was all he could have asked for at that point.

    I really like these forum games. We should keep this up in some form. The ressource allocation that then influenced the narrative was specifically funny. Maybe one can include this in another game.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/12 07:09:29

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Waiting to slip into the shoes of Loisy as he escapes hehe.

    That's brand knew to me but that was great!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/12 14:37:52

    Post by: Easy E

    Thanks for a great game all!

    I have never RP'ed a game where the Characters had so much power. It was also fun how the early wheeling and dealing on resources led to different narrative outcomes. Again, never really experienced something like that before and it was a highlight for me as well. I loved all the political stuff going on with and between characters.

    I also enjoyed that you handled all the dice rolling/rules in the background Dekskull. We were just able to focus on RP and our own little agendas.

    Cardinal Richemont will move that Frederik Von Gaussenberg be sainted!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/13 01:41:28

    Post by: Dekskull

    I'm glad everyone had a good time. It was definitely different and challenging (and probably something I couldn't do well in a live Roll 20 or tabletop session). I do think it's easiest with forum play to have the GM handle the dice rolls, but it can work either way.

    My only regret was not making the Cardinal's ending darker. But I felt like the Colonel and the Cardinal's ultimate fate are better told in a sequel down the road. Besides, the death of a major character is usually a good stopping point for most stories. BTW, did anyone notice that the Cardinal actually caused the Chaos invasion by accident? (Unfortunate consequence of him acquiring something that Vashtor wanted lol)

    As for the escape with the Colonel. I envision the Colonel would become an NPC while the players would take on the role of the gangers, trying to safeguard his passage through the underhive.

    It could be fun, but I need a break from GMing for a while.

    If one of you all wants to take the helm with a new story, I'm game though. I like Wrath and Glory because it's extremely flexible with what you can do but any of the 40K RPGs could work. (Looking at Pyro but I know the rest of you all know how to GM!)

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/13 05:11:01

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Ah, Loisy was right all along, this is all the Cardinal's fault!!!

    Count me in in a sequel, after all, that has been my character and I'd love to see how far he can go. Unfortunately, will used to scenario making for my group, I have got no experience as proper GM.

    Nice job on your part and thanks again!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/13 06:22:53

    Post by: Pyroalchi

    I would be willing to try it as a GM.

    But to give this a little twist: do you want to play as Loisy/gangers bringing him up the spire, as PDF/Sisters going down to look for Loisy or as Genestealers/Chaoscultists trying to turn/infect him?

    Should we get enough Players it would even be possible to have all three factions

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/13 07:12:02

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Actually, having the PDF try to rescue him as a secondary faction while Loisy is escorted upwards could make for a cool dual quest, with various cultists as the ennemy, making for a more "coop" experience.

    Having Genestealers or chaos involved could he fun as well more in a friendly competition fashion as we just did.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/02/13 14:42:00

    Post by: Easy E

    Always thought Necromunda RPG would be cool.

    ....and yeah, I did notice that it was all my fault. Here I thought the Chaos forces were coming after whatever the Ad-Mech had found all those years ago!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/13 20:03:51

    Post by: Dekskull

     Pyroalchi wrote:
    I would be willing to try it as a GM.

    But to give this a little twist: do you want to play as Loisy/gangers bringing him up the spire, as PDF/Sisters going down to look for Loisy or as Genestealers/Chaoscultists trying to turn/infect him?

    Should we get enough Players it would even be possible to have all three factions

    That's cool!

    It would probably make the most sense to have the players represent a diverse team put together to rescue the governor from the under hive. That would open up the character creation a bit. Would also give you some flexibility with the story.

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/13 20:33:36

    Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

    Let me know whenever you kick that off, Pyro!

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/13 21:23:12

    Post by: Easy E

    Back to the Only War style rules for PDF?

    New RPG: Wrath and Glory, Fate of a World (Sign Up/OOC) @ 2024/06/14 00:45:06

    Post by: Dekskull

    It's up to Pyro, but if he wanted to use the Wrath and Glory system you could just play the Imperial Guardsmen Archetype.

    You get your flak armor, your las gun, pretty basic stuff.

    If we ended up doing Wrath and Glory, I was thinking about making a custom character, (i.e. I lose having an archetype special ability but I get a sweeter deal on equipment. I was thinking of making an Enforcer!