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Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:08:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

How do!

So this is a thing. No more plastic bags from GW stores, as of June 2024.

[Thumb - IMG_4347.jpeg]

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:13:33

Post by: Dawnbringer

I'm only surprised they haven't launched a range of 'Bag for life' bags. Competitively priced I'm sure.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:17:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Of course this might be a Uk only thing, but I think we as a society are fairly used to bringing our own bag these days, ever since the Government introduced the levy.

Whilst I always have a home made bag for life on me when out and about, there are occasions where my purchases exceed that bag’s capacity.

Another side thought? Whilst the image does specify Warhammer Stores, we know they provided Warhammer branded plastic bags to FLGS. Wonder if that’ll continue? And indeed if the FLGS pay for those bags.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:22:02

Post by: nels1031

There is a growing list of States in America that are banning plastic bags. If its not a statewide ban, counties are putting up there own legislation to ban plastic bags.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:23:47

Post by: lord_blackfang

Now we can pretend to be green by saving 5g of plastic on a reusable bag and carrying the box with 100s of grams of waste sprue home on our hands. Christ this greenwashing virtue signaling is tedious.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:24:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Waste Sprue GW has been rolling out recycling for.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:29:57

Post by: Overread

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Now we can pretend to be green by saving 5g of plastic on a reusable bag and carrying the box with 100s of grams of waste sprue home on our hands. Christ this greenwashing virtue signaling is tedious.

It's part of a general government move though so its not just GW but other things too.
Eg the move in supermarkets away from plastic bags saw several firms doing nothing but making plastic bags for supermarkets shut down - that's a real world change. Imagine if they can also ween them off wrapping every bit of veg in plastic (which then only goes on to sweat inside it!).

So yeah it might sometimes feel odd when its a firm selling plastic product already; but every bit helps and if other firms are also dropping plastic bags as well then its a general step in the right direction.

Plus as noted, GW has been rolling out some in-store bins for recycling of GW sprues.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 11:36:49

Post by: lord_blackfang

Sorry, as long as we have people who consume more in a day than I do in a lifetime you won't convince me this is anything but smoke and mirrors.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 12:06:47

Post by: General Kroll

That’s a shame, the GW bags are pretty high quality I always find a use for mine!

Fair enough though.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 12:08:21

Post by: Nevelon

We should get them to do more as well. But that doesn’t mean little steps don’t add up. The fact that we can’t solve the whole problem does not absolve us from doing what we can.

The last time I got a plastic bag from GW, the sales guy pointed out that it was a high quality reusable bag, and I could bring it back on future visits. Thus it wasn’t a “single use plastic bag”

It was. He knew it, I knew it. But the words were said to keep things legal in my state.

Generally I don’t need a bag because I’m just grabbing one or two things. I’ll try to remember to bring in my grocery bags if I’m going to make big purchases.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 12:18:22

Post by: Dysartes

On the recycling front - and without having a clue how viable it is - I'd love to see them to do something around spray cans (OK, GW-branded spray cans).

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 12:37:53

Post by: lord_blackfang

 General Kroll wrote:
That’s a shame, the GW bags are pretty high quality I always find a use for mine!

I think I originally got the one I'm still using when I bought the AoS 2.0 starter set.

Now excuse me, I need to go buy a paper straw in a plastic wrapper.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 12:45:39

Post by: Gene St. Ealer

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 General Kroll wrote:
That’s a shame, the GW bags are pretty high quality I always find a use for mine!

I think I originally got the one I'm still using when I bought the AoS 2.0 starter set.

Now excuse me, I need to go buy a paper straw in a plastic wrapper.

Ironic that your GW bag has a longer lifespan than the models it once carried did.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 12:52:47

Post by: The Phazer

I can't see this quite working in practice. While charging for bags and trying to discourage their use is quite common, are GW retail really going to turn down the business of someone not bringing a bag and then trying buy a bunch of stuff they can't carry?

Or are store staff going to be forced to go rummaging in the stock room looking for a shipping box they can try and repurpose with no support for this scenario from corporate?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 13:15:26

Post by: Overread

I dunno if I plan on buying a LOT of game stuff its rarely an impulsive purchase so chances are I'd take a backpack/bag or something with me.

Most impulsive hobby purchases might just be 1 box of models or a few pots of paint. Ergo easy to carry by hand/in a pocket kind of things.

The kind of person that walks into a store without any foreplanning and puts down £100s for loads of stuff - that's rare.

Sure there will be a transition phase for those that don't pre-plan to take their bag with them, but I'm sure most will adapt pretty easily the same as how everyone has adapted to supermarkets.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 13:21:36

Post by: frankelee

In the United States these moves are seen as an annoyance, and all states who have attempted these bans have increased their plastic waste several times over. A little investigation shows the politicians behind them have literally no clue what they are doing from an informed scientific sense, it's just a meme they can get behind, like government subsidies to solar farms in states too far north to use solar farms. But GW can get rid of plastic bags if they want, who in their right mind shops at one?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 13:26:56

Post by: JamesY

I don't think that getting rid of bags is a customer friendly move, especially for how many store customers are mums and grans with a Christmas or birthday list of big boxes to buy. Swapping to paper bags would have made more sense.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 13:38:34

Post by: Grimskul

Missed opportunity to say "Since the formation of Games Workshop, there has always been no plastic bags available in stores".

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 14:23:44

Post by: The_Real_Chris

As a sidenote getting rid of bags wasn't presented here 9at least originally) as reducing plastic waste, but reducing plastic bags which had a habit of getting everywhere and being a problem.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 14:41:38

Post by: Lord of Deeds

This strikes me as nothing more than GW trying to achieve cost savings by eliminating the expense of providing a bag to their customers and shifting that cost to the consumer and little or nothing to do with GW being truly interested or driven by an altruistic commitment to sustainability. GW’s whole business model is dependent on selling plastic products at very inflated prices that are nothing but a nonessential luxury item to be consumed by a affluent minority (realtive to the majority of the world population). The fact that they continue to commit to and rely on the printing of paper goods as a significant revenue source vs. digital distribution should tell you all you need to know about how much GW truly cares (and if were honest with ourselves, how much we truly care) about environmentally sustainable retail practices. But I guess good on you if you think GW is being a good corporate citizen and that your continued patronage of GW reflects someone who is scrupulous about only purchasing from "sustainable" businesses.

As mentioned, the move to eliminate "single use" plastic bags in the US have largely backfired for a variety of reasons. E.g., https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/15/climate/california-plastic-bag-ban.html

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 14:51:39

Post by: warboss

I'm fine with them not using plastic bags... only if they'll still provide a FREE paper bag with purchases. My guess as a cynic is that they'll instead use this as an excuse to charge customers for non-plastic bags (at a hefty profit of course) instead of giving them a plastic one free to carry their overpriced hobby purchase.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 14:53:23

Post by: Overread

GW is a UK firm and the UK government is putting pressure on firms so GW is doing this to comply with general reductions in one-time use plastics and the like.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 14:54:14

Post by: NAVARRO

I need 20 paint pots for my next project and dont have a bag XD Thats going to be fun.

Good initiative but even supermarkets have alternative bags options... It's not like - though luck!

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:01:17

Post by: warboss

 NAVARRO wrote:
I need 20 paint pots for my next project and dont have a bag XD Thats going to be fun.

Good initiative but even supermarkets have alternative bags options... It's not like - though luck!

You're in luck. For the low, low cost of double your total purchase price you can buy a branded paint hobby carrying case for the project to carry the paint pots. It's really a win, win scenario for all involved! GW, the environment, and you!

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:07:23

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

 warboss wrote:
I'm fine with them not using plastic bags... only if they'll still provide a FREE paper bag with purchases. My guess as a cynic is that they'll instead use this as an excuse to charge customers for non-plastic bags (at a hefty profit of course) instead of giving them a plastic one free to carry their overpriced hobby purchase.

They’ve been charging of plastic bags in the UK for years now. Every shop has. It’s a law.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:08:56

Post by: Kanluwen

 warboss wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
I need 20 paint pots for my next project and dont have a bag XD Thats going to be fun.

Good initiative but even supermarkets have alternative bags options... It's not like - though luck!

You're in luck. For the low, low cost of double your total purchase price you can buy a branded paint hobby carrying case for the project to carry the paint pots. It's really a win, win scenario for all involved! GW, the environment, and you!

I can't speak for every single Warhammer Store, but this has been a big thing at my local one. They have special cardstock boxes the size of a sleeve of cookies just for this deal.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:09:06

Post by: cuda1179

 frankelee wrote:
In the United States these moves are seen as an annoyance, and all states who have attempted these bans have increased their plastic waste several times over. A little investigation shows the politicians behind them have literally no clue what they are doing from an informed scientific sense, it's just a meme they can get behind, like government subsidies to solar farms in states too far north to use solar farms. But GW can get rid of plastic bags if they want, who in their right mind shops at one?

It's a bit more than an annoyance I'm afraid. There was a study that showed that reusable bags are actually worse for the environment than the disposable ones (at least the Walmart type). Most reusable bags require much, much more material than shopping bags and the materials they are made from are worse for the environment to make. So much so you'd have to reuse the bag hundreds of times before even breaking even, and sadly most people replace their reusable bags long before this because they get icky. Also to note, that when plastic bags are banned in areas sales of small plastic trash bags and dog-waste bags increase quite a bit. Looks like the average person uses their old-walmart bag as a trash liner for the bathroom.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:15:35

Post by: ccs

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sorry, as long as we have people who consume more in a day than I do in a lifetime you won't convince me this is anything but smoke and mirrors.

Do you know how ignorant that sounds?

Every gram counts no matter its' source or who's using it.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:34:17

Post by: lord_blackfang

ccs wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sorry, as long as we have people who consume more in a day than I do in a lifetime you won't convince me this is anything but smoke and mirrors.

Do you know how ignorant that sounds?

Every gram counts no matter its' source or who's using it.

And yet only the class that already uses less is forced to count the grams.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:40:54

Post by: Dryaktylus

 cuda1179 wrote:
 frankelee wrote:
In the United States these moves are seen as an annoyance, and all states who have attempted these bans have increased their plastic waste several times over. A little investigation shows the politicians behind them have literally no clue what they are doing from an informed scientific sense, it's just a meme they can get behind, like government subsidies to solar farms in states too far north to use solar farms. But GW can get rid of plastic bags if they want, who in their right mind shops at one?

It's a bit more than an annoyance I'm afraid. There was a study that showed that reusable bags are actually worse for the environment than the disposable ones (at least the Walmart type). Most reusable bags require much, much more material than shopping bags and the materials they are made from are worse for the environment to make. So much so you'd have to reuse the bag hundreds of times before even breaking even, and sadly most people replace their reusable bags long before this because they get icky. Also to note, that when plastic bags are banned in areas sales of small plastic trash bags and dog-waste bags increase quite a bit. Looks like the average person uses their old-walmart bag as a trash liner for the bathroom.

I can only speak for myself, but I use reusable bags more than hundreds of time. The cotton ones go in the washer if they're dirty and the (thick and sturdy) plastic ones are easily cleaned with water. I also have a rucksack on my back when shopping (well, almost always when I go out), so there's always an option to transport something. but maybe it's just a different mentality.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:44:37

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Is this a precursor to the entire lineup of miniatures to be cast in wood in the future? Like with the biomass "green energy" being so sustainable that it cuts down entire forests etc just to avoid plastics lol. (not that I am against improving the living climate btw)
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Now we can pretend to be green by saving 5g of plastic on a reusable bag and carrying the box with 100s of grams of waste sprue home on our hands. Christ this greenwashing virtue signaling is tedious.

Also this, corporate logic is off the charts.

I mailed GW before on that matter, how ridiculous it is that sprues are built in such a way that 70% of them goes into a never-to-be-applicable-due-to-not-having-any-torso-duplicates bits box. If anything is wasting plastics then that is.

Also, isn't 3rd printing something claimed to be the future? Yeah, that's plastics too.

"I did a thing that gibz me social credit score huehue" is apparently where companies are going rather than -actually- caring about pollution etc.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:56:10

Post by: Crispy78

How about... if they moulded the sprues as girder shaped, or had sections with a brick or wood grain texture in it, or something like that? It would make it more obvious to those less-inclined towards scratch-building that you can use the sprues for all sorts of things, and would make it easier to do so...

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 15:59:01

Post by: Dryaktylus

 Leopold Helveine wrote:
Is this a precursor to the entire lineup of miniatures to be cast in wood in the future?

Yes. Yes it is.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 16:02:42

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Crispy78 wrote:
How about... if they moulded the sprues as girder shaped, or had sections with a brick or wood grain texture in it, or something like that? It would make it more obvious to those less-inclined towards scratch-building that you can use the sprues for all sorts of things, and would make it easier to do so...

Mate I've used sprues for many things and still ended up with a moving-box full of it that noone seems to want when advertised for free.
 Dryaktylus wrote:
 Leopold Helveine wrote:
Is this a precursor to the entire lineup of miniatures to be cast in wood in the future?

Yes. Yes it is.

Dangit, well there goes our forests I guess.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 16:28:58

Post by: scarletsquig

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sorry, as long as we have people who consume more in a day than I do in a lifetime you won't convince me this is anything but smoke and mirrors.

Yep, this in a nutshell. While the 6 largest superyachts combined have higher emissions of a particular greenhouse gas than the entire transport system of Europe, we can't pretend that any of this matters all that much.

Of course, that's not justification not to try at all, I still do my best, but recognise that it's ultimately futile unless the elephant in the room is addressed.

As for the move itself, if I'm spending a decent amount, not providing any reasonable method of getting a few boxes, bunch of paints, brush, glue, magazine etc. in one purchase out of the store and home isn't the best look for something billing itself as luxury goods. Other high end stores like clothing, tech etc. provide free paper bags since they recognize the value of advertising that comes from people carrying the bag around.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 16:30:09

Post by: Dryaktylus

 Leopold Helveine wrote:

 Dryaktylus wrote:
 Leopold Helveine wrote:
Is this a precursor to the entire lineup of miniatures to be cast in wood in the future?

Yes. Yes it is.

Dangit, well there goes our forests I guess.

Do you guys even have any forests?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 16:59:41

Post by: lord_blackfang

Crispy78 wrote:
How about... if they moulded the sprues as girder shaped, or had sections with a brick or wood grain texture in it, or something like that? It would make it more obvious to those less-inclined towards scratch-building that you can use the sprues for all sorts of things, and would make it easier to do so...

That would be really nice. Avatars of War has branch-shaped sprue for their plastic Furies intended to make scenic fight stands for the minis. And the new 10mm industrial terrain from Warcradle actually has some girder-sprue IIRC.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 17:45:00

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Is the Warcradle terrain HIPS plastic?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 17:49:15

Post by: ScarletRose

It's really remarkable how unsurprised I am by some of the comments. I'm waiting until we get told how this is all Blackrock's fault because... something something DEI.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 17:51:33

Post by: lord_blackfang

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Is the Warcradle terrain HIPS plastic?


Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 0058/05/15 17:55:24

Post by: GMSchofield

 cuda1179 wrote:

It's a bit more than an annoyance I'm afraid. There was a study that showed that reusable bags are actually worse for the environment than the disposable ones (at least the Walmart type). Most reusable bags require much, much more material than shopping bags and the materials they are made from are worse for the environment to make. So much so you'd have to reuse the bag hundreds of times before even breaking even, and sadly most people replace their reusable bags long before this because they get icky. Also to note, that when plastic bags are banned in areas sales of small plastic trash bags and dog-waste bags increase quite a bit. Looks like the average person uses their old-walmart bag as a trash liner for the bathroom.

It's worth nothing that in the study I've seen quoted this is true for cotton bags (need to be re-used 130 times to break even), but the 'bag for life' reusable plastic design used in most UK supermarkets only need to be used 4 times to offset it's increased emissions cost, and paper 3 times (although paper bags have a whole host of problems).

This article discusses it more, and has a link to the study. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47027792

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 17:59:06

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Is the Warcradle terrain HIPS plastic?


Excellent. Thank you.

Would you happen to know a shop in the US who carries it? I can provide my own bag. Thanks, Costco.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 18:38:39

Post by: SamusDrake

Its a dream of mine to get to the supermarket checkout and whip out Age of Sigmar bags-for-life.

Thats right everyone - Henry is not the only customer who shops at Games Workshop!

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 18:43:49

Post by: BertBert

People don't use backpacks these days?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 18:45:57

Post by: NAVARRO

 warboss wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
I need 20 paint pots for my next project and dont have a bag XD Thats going to be fun.

Good initiative but even supermarkets have alternative bags options... It's not like - though luck!

You're in luck. For the low, low cost of double your total purchase price you can buy a branded paint hobby carrying case for the project to carry the paint pots. It's really a win, win scenario for all involved! GW, the environment, and you!

Now thats really tempting! A STORMVAULT SKIRMISH CASE to tickle the paint pots with those silicone nips. Love GW!

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 19:10:55

Post by: Dawnbringer

 GMSchofield wrote:
 cuda1179 wrote:

It's a bit more than an annoyance I'm afraid. There was a study that showed that reusable bags are actually worse for the environment than the disposable ones (at least the Walmart type). Most reusable bags require much, much more material than shopping bags and the materials they are made from are worse for the environment to make. So much so you'd have to reuse the bag hundreds of times before even breaking even, and sadly most people replace their reusable bags long before this because they get icky. Also to note, that when plastic bags are banned in areas sales of small plastic trash bags and dog-waste bags increase quite a bit. Looks like the average person uses their old-walmart bag as a trash liner for the bathroom.

It's worth nothing that in the study I've seen quoted this is true for cotton bags (need to be re-used 130 times to break even), but the 'bag for life' reusable plastic design used in most UK supermarkets only need to be used 4 times to offset it's increased emissions cost, and paper 3 times (although paper bags have a whole host of problems).

This article discusses it more, and has a link to the study. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47027792

Cheers for that. Used properly I don't see a cotton one wearing out, well, in under 130 times. They are essentially like an article of clothing at that point like a backpack or whatever. And thankfully I don't see anyone arguing I should go to single use plastic boxers for the sake of the environment.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/15 21:56:53

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Bit stupid that they aren’t offering an alternative and just asking you to byo bags. Even the local FLGS here managed to source branded paper bags that they provide for no extra charge, but the multinational mega corporation can’t?

I’m forgetful, and tend not to wander around with bags for no reason, so the chances I get to the counter and think “oh gak I forgot about bags” is high. Given most stuff I buy from GW is something that if I spend an extra 5 minutes thinking about it I’ll decide I don’t need it, chances are if I have to go back to my car or wander around juggling a handful of paints/sprays/models, there’s a good chance I’ll change my mind and not buy it.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 00:04:57

Post by: Dryaktylus

AllSeeingSkink wrote:

I’m forgetful, and tend not to wander around with bags for no reason, so the chances I get to the counter and think “oh gak I forgot about bags” is high. Given most stuff I buy from GW is something that if I spend an extra 5 minutes thinking about it I’ll decide I don’t need it, chances are if I have to go back to my car or wander around juggling a handful of paints/sprays/models, there’s a good chance I’ll change my mind and not buy it.

Hey, even your mammals have pouches and you don't even have a bag (a nylon one easily fits in every pocket) or rucksack when visiting a GW store paying Australian prices?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 00:59:43

Post by: Ahtman

I've never had a GW store near me so I have no experience with their plastic bags but I am curious how integral they were to patrons shopping experience.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 01:16:49

Post by: Kanluwen

I'm curious as to where this was posted?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 02:50:46

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Ahtman wrote:
I've never had a GW store near me so I have no experience with their plastic bags but I am curious how integral they were to patrons shopping experience.

They were pretty awesome. Heavy duty and good for being reused. I have one that I use as a rubbish bin in my car, haha. I think they might have charged 50 cents or something like that for them.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Dryaktylus wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:

I’m forgetful, and tend not to wander around with bags for no reason, so the chances I get to the counter and think “oh gak I forgot about bags” is high. Given most stuff I buy from GW is something that if I spend an extra 5 minutes thinking about it I’ll decide I don’t need it, chances are if I have to go back to my car or wander around juggling a handful of paints/sprays/models, there’s a good chance I’ll change my mind and not buy it.

Hey, even your mammals have pouches and you don't even have a bag (a nylon one easily fits in every pocket) or rucksack when visiting a GW store paying Australian prices?

Unfortunately although I am in Australia, I don’t have any marsupial in my ancestry.

But yeah, I’m mostly forgetful and don’t like carrying extra stuff I don’t need. Most places now have paper bags which I reuse a few times before they are worn out. I’ve never really looked into it but I assume paper bags don’t have a big environmental impact? Maybe I’m destroying the world by going through a few paper bags each week?

I do think plastic bags are horrible because I imagine most of them end up as micro plastics in waterways, but to offer no alternative seems short sighted.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 06:16:38

Post by: The Phazer

 Overread wrote:
I dunno if I plan on buying a LOT of game stuff its rarely an impulsive purchase so chances are I'd take a backpack/bag or something with me.

Most impulsive hobby purchases might just be 1 box of models or a few pots of paint. Ergo easy to carry by hand/in a pocket kind of things.

The kind of person that walks into a store without any foreplanning and puts down £100s for loads of stuff - that's rare.

Sure there will be a transition phase for those that don't pre-plan to take their bag with them, but I'm sure most will adapt pretty easily the same as how everyone has adapted to supermarkets.

The "transition" phase to supermarkets is to not offer bags by default but give them on request and charge for them, which has already been GW policy for more than five years.

This seems to be not having any bags to buy at all in any circumstances. And I think that sort of drop in purchase is a lot more common than you think it is, especially in certain stores like Tottenham Court Road that get a *lot* of tourist traffic.

For the Americans, the UK evidence base is overwhelming that actions to reduce plastic bag use is good and has lead to a material reduction in plastic usage and overall positive environmental impact. I just think the status quo there that they are heavily discouraged but there if absolutely required is the right one.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 09:12:01

Post by: RazorEdge

Sounds like a cheap cost saving move.

Even with this as a Law, they could offer Paper Bags, but no, "No Bags, please bring your own".

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 09:23:52

Post by: Lord Zarkov

RazorEdge wrote:
Sounds like a cheap cost saving move.

Even with this as a Law, they could offer Paper Bags, but no, "No Bags, please bring your own".

They’re legally required to charge for bags in the UK so it won’t be a direct cost saving. But there’s probably some green incentive they benefit from by getting rid of them entirely.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 12:02:28

Post by: exanimus

Lord Zarkov wrote:

They’re legally required to charge for bags in the UK so it won’t be a direct cost saving. But there’s probably some green incentive they benefit from by getting rid of them entirely.

The incentive is they don't have to pay to have them manufactured, paper or plastic.

It's a cost saving measure that just so happens to be environmentally friendly. Similar to businesses upgrading to LED lightning etc.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 12:11:27

Post by: Lord Damocles

I'm sure that they'll also stop producing products in China and shipping them halfway around the world as well...

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 12:27:12

Post by: lord_blackfang

They probably signed up for some sort of sustainability certificate and this gives them massive points without actually putting a dent in their waste plastic output

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 12:36:07

Post by: warboss

 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Or a sled, amirite? I mean who doesn't visit the hobbystore without a trusty laundry cart!

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 12:37:51

Post by: BertBert

 warboss wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Or a sled, amirite? I mean who doesn't visit the hobbystore without a trusty laundry cart!

Guess I'm what they call a "boomer" then

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 12:44:45

Post by: lord_blackfang

 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Backpacks are on the list of things people with overinflated egos refuse to use, I guess because they're associated with being in school. But to be fair, you'll be hard pressed to find one that can fit a modern GW starter box. I just tossed my first-day-of-highschool backpack that I used for 28 years as the bottom gave out, it could fit Leviathan with room to spare. The best replacement I could find is not even close.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 12:53:02

Post by: Overread

One of the previous GW Store Birthday bags can fit a whole GW box with room to spare. Honestly its a decent bag, only downside is the straps are thin/not all that padded, but its got good solid capacity.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 13:02:21

Post by: AegisGrimm

Pfft, like I can afford to buy enough GW product at once that I need a bag to carry it out, lol.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 13:27:40

Post by: Haighus

 Lord Damocles wrote:
I'm sure that they'll also stop producing products in China and shipping them halfway around the world as well...

In fairness, GW produce most of their product in the UK, which results in a lot less miles for European distribution. Probably about even for US distribution and worse for East Asia and Oceania though...

Although given the explosive Chinese progress in green energy, I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese production becomes significantly greener than "Western" production over the next decade. The UK has a fairly high renewable energy proportion but it isn't growing anywhere near as fast.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 15:25:29

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 BertBert wrote:
 warboss wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Or a sled, amirite? I mean who doesn't visit the hobbystore without a trusty laundry cart!

Guess I'm what they call a "boomer" then

I think this is more of a European/American divide. Over here backpacks are for school books or camping stuff, and absolutely nothing else. We have to drive everywhere, so why bring a backpack when we have a trunk to store stuff?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 15:29:37

Post by: Kanluwen

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

I think this is more of a European/American divide. Over here backpacks are for school books or camping stuff, and absolutely nothing else. We have to drive everywhere, so why bring a backpack when we have a trunk to store stuff?

Not just that. There's an element to it we can't really discuss, but by and large:
Retailers that have security officers tend to be suspicious of people walking in with backpacks or outside bags.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 18:37:02

Post by: Jaxmeister

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Backpacks are on the list of things people with overinflated egos refuse to use, I guess because they're associated with being in school. But to be fair, you'll be hard pressed to find one that can fit a modern GW starter box. I just tossed my first-day-of-highschool backpack that I used for 28 years as the bottom gave out, it could fit Leviathan with room to spare. The best replacement I could find is not even close.

I can easily fit boxed games in my backpack. It's my ex military Bergen. I can fit a ridiculous amount in that. Carrying it, now that's a different matter, that's why I always take one of my son's. Preferably son number 3 when he's home on leave, being a Royal Marine he has no problem carrying a heavy load. What carry a heavy bag dad? That's light compared to what he normally carries.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 19:05:33

Post by: NAVARRO

 The Phazer wrote:

This seems to be not having any bags to buy at all in any circumstances. And I think that sort of drop in purchase is a lot more common than you think it is, especially in certain stores like Tottenham Court Road that get a *lot* of tourist traffic.


Funny you say that since I have been to that store today and they did ask if I wanted a bag...

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 20:40:49

Post by: streetsamurai

 Gene St. Ealer wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
 General Kroll wrote:
That’s a shame, the GW bags are pretty high quality I always find a use for mine!

I think I originally got the one I'm still using when I bought the AoS 2.0 starter set.

Now excuse me, I need to go buy a paper straw in a plastic wrapper.

Hahaha, post of the month
Ironic that your GW bag has a longer lifespan than the models it once carried did.

Haha post of the month

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 22:26:05

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Backpacks are on the list of things people with overinflated egos refuse to use, I guess because they're associated with being in school. But to be fair, you'll be hard pressed to find one that can fit a modern GW starter box. I just tossed my first-day-of-highschool backpack that I used for 28 years as the bottom gave out, it could fit Leviathan with room to spare. The best replacement I could find is not even close.

I didn't even like backpacks when I was in school because things would inevitably get damaged.

But mostly I just don't carry enough crap around with me to justify walking around with a backpack all the time. I just end up with a bottle of water rolling around in the bottom of it and that's about it.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 22:30:48

Post by: Overread

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Backpacks are on the list of things people with overinflated egos refuse to use, I guess because they're associated with being in school. But to be fair, you'll be hard pressed to find one that can fit a modern GW starter box. I just tossed my first-day-of-highschool backpack that I used for 28 years as the bottom gave out, it could fit Leviathan with room to spare. The best replacement I could find is not even close.

I didn't even like backpacks when I was in school because things would inevitably get damaged.

But mostly I just don't carry enough crap around with me to justify walking around with a backpack all the time. I just end up with a bottle of water rolling around in the bottom of it and that's about it.

These days with the price of eating out I'm honestly surprised more people aren't carrying backpacks everywhere with home made sandwiches in them

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 22:49:12

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Overread wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Backpacks are on the list of things people with overinflated egos refuse to use, I guess because they're associated with being in school. But to be fair, you'll be hard pressed to find one that can fit a modern GW starter box. I just tossed my first-day-of-highschool backpack that I used for 28 years as the bottom gave out, it could fit Leviathan with room to spare. The best replacement I could find is not even close.

I didn't even like backpacks when I was in school because things would inevitably get damaged.

But mostly I just don't carry enough crap around with me to justify walking around with a backpack all the time. I just end up with a bottle of water rolling around in the bottom of it and that's about it.

These days with the price of eating out I'm honestly surprised more people aren't carrying backpacks everywhere with home made sandwiches in them

Probably just shows how boring I am but usually I'm home for meals

Or if I am out, I'm close enough to my car to not have to actively carry that sort of stuff with me, I just leave it in the car.

Come to think of it, the last time I used a backpack outside of holidaying was when I still caught public transport regularly But where I live, it takes more that twice as long to get anywhere on public transport so it's not practical for people with busy lives.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 23:14:53

Post by: Overread

Twice as long and as much if not more than just putting fuel in the car here. I love travelling by train, but honestly the price and speed are just not there. I'd be ok with the speed if the prices were way way less but these days its just nuts how much a ticket costs

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 23:21:43

Post by: Lord Zarkov

exanimus wrote:
Lord Zarkov wrote:

They’re legally required to charge for bags in the UK so it won’t be a direct cost saving. But there’s probably some green incentive they benefit from by getting rid of them entirely.

The incentive is they don't have to pay to have them manufactured, paper or plastic.

It's a cost saving measure that just so happens to be environmentally friendly. Similar to businesses upgrading to LED lightning etc.

But they charge for them. Somewhere in the realm of 10-20p, which is going to be more than it costs to manufacture.

So they’ll be making a (fairly minuscule) profit on the bags, but that still means getting rid of them will cost them rather than save, even before you account for any opportunity costs of impulse buys that don’t happen because there’s no bags.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/16 23:41:16

Post by: Del Mingus

Lord Zarkov wrote:
exanimus wrote:
Lord Zarkov wrote:

They’re legally required to charge for bags in the UK so it won’t be a direct cost saving. But there’s probably some green incentive they benefit from by getting rid of them entirely.

The incentive is they don't have to pay to have them manufactured, paper or plastic.

It's a cost saving measure that just so happens to be environmentally friendly. Similar to businesses upgrading to LED lightning etc.

But they charge for them. Somewhere in the realm of 10-20p, which is going to be more than it costs to manufacture.

So they’ll be making a (fairly minuscule) profit on the bags, but that still means getting rid of them will cost them rather than save, even before you account for any opportunity costs of impulse buys that don’t happen because there’s no bags.

I'd assumed for some reason the carrier bag charge was a tax but seems like it's not.


According to that retailers are "expected to give proceeds to good causes".

Anyway I dont see why they arent just offering paper bags instead. I think those would be fairly sufficient for most purchases in their stores.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/17 06:30:42

Post by: Stormonu

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
 warboss wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Or a sled, amirite? I mean who doesn't visit the hobbystore without a trusty laundry cart!

Guess I'm what they call a "boomer" then

I think this is more of a European/American divide. Over here backpacks are for school books or camping stuff, and absolutely nothing else. We have to drive everywhere, so why bring a backpack when we have a trunk to store stuff?

Not only that, but most stores I’ve been to here in the South won’t let you bring in a backpack or will search it entering/leaving due to shoplifting issues.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 05:28:46

Post by: Belthanos

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sorry, as long as we have people who consume more in a day than I do in a lifetime you won't convince me this is anything but smoke and mirrors.

Ah yes. Obviously putting out even more plastic out would be better. Your logic is awesome

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 05:51:27

Post by: kodos

there is a a logic behind it as the majority of plastic waste is happening outside of the sphere of influence of the customer.
so as long as the items are packed shrink wrapped plastic, plastic being used to secure the pallets between stations and the main product has plastic waste itself, not using plastic bags is nothing but smoke and mirrors
good that the bags are gone, but the impact is just not there and only gives the illusion of change

 Overread wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Backpacks are on the list of things people with overinflated egos refuse to use, I guess because they're associated with being in school. But to be fair, you'll be hard pressed to find one that can fit a modern GW starter box. I just tossed my first-day-of-highschool backpack that I used for 28 years as the bottom gave out, it could fit Leviathan with room to spare. The best replacement I could find is not even close.

I didn't even like backpacks when I was in school because things would inevitably get damaged.

But mostly I just don't carry enough crap around with me to justify walking around with a backpack all the time. I just end up with a bottle of water rolling around in the bottom of it and that's about it.

These days with the price of eating out I'm honestly surprised more people aren't carrying backpacks everywhere with home made sandwiches in them

there is an interesting generation gap in the company I work for
like every single one who is from the older generation carry a large backpack or or shoulder bag with lunch and be it a 90% empty bag with a single sandwich, while my generation not use anything at all and the younger generation is doing it again

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 08:00:50

Post by: Overread

 kodos wrote:
there is a a logic behind it as the majority of plastic waste is happening outside of the sphere of influence of the customer.
so as long as the items are packed shrink wrapped plastic, plastic being used to secure the pallets between stations and the main product has plastic waste itself, not using plastic bags is nothing but smoke and mirrors
good that the bags are gone, but the impact is just not there and only gives the illusion of change

Another aspect is the flow of waste. Companies can use and generate more plastics, but governments can also legislate firms so that the waste they produce goes through specific channels which means that, in theory, that plastic waste can more reliably enter recycling systems. When you've got a mountain of plastic at the end of the day, putting it in a specific sorted bin and sending it to a specific facility is a lot easier.

Meanwhile home waste is often just thrown into a common rubbish bag and might not be sorted or anything.

So whilst companies might well generate more waste than the public, the waste itself can be managed in a different way and more reliably enter the recycling/storing system. Whilst the home rubbish is far less regulated/sorted/ordered because the average person might have dozens of little bits of different plastics and other materials. It's just not worth it to sort it all into specific bins and slots and such.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 08:54:38

Post by: SnotlingPimpWagon

I remember loving GW plastic bags as a kid, always preferring to use them to any other, when the occasions occurred. (Warhammer was the coolest thing to me, and I guess I wanted to flaunt that, lol, kind of like marvel pins people put on themselves now)
At the cashier deck, when my new warhammer purchase was packed inside one of those, it provided some pleasant psychological bs in my head- an important finishing touch to a purchase. I guess sort of like a present being wrapped in paper and ribbon, or having a straw being put inside a glass of coke.

If I was GW I’d continue to enforce brand loyalty through simple touches like described above, then through virtue signalling, so that hopefully someone on Reddit will leave a positive comment on the GW news thread.

Besides, with how absolutely minuscule of an effort that it is, to help the environment, even when combined with all the ditching of plastic straws and other plastic bags in the world, they might as well not bother.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 08:58:39

Post by: Overread

SnotlingPimpWagon wrote:

Besides, with how absolutely minuscule of an effort that it is, to help the environment, even when combined with all the ditching of plastic straws and other plastic bags in the world, they might as well not bother.

And if GW doesn't bother because there's no point so no one else bothers so nothing happens.
But if GW bothers because of government legislation that expands and impacts more businesses then steadily you get to the point where the plastic straws vanish too.

GW alone isn't going to change the world but its one step closer

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 09:10:22

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s the shopping trolley problem, isn’t it.

You can tell a lot about a person based on whether or not they return their shopping trolley to the collection point.

It’s a minimal effort thing to do, and objectively the right thing to do, as it ensures no trolleys trundling about the carpark, and that they’re available for the next shopper.

Sorting my recycling is hardly a Labour of Hercules. It’s maybe a few seconds extra when putting an item in the bin - which because I’m not a filth wizard I was going to be doing anyway. If it’s a tin of food? Takes no time to rinse it out, same with glass jars. Beer cans and pop bottles? Squish them down to maximise space.

Carrier Bags? As covered much earlier I have my own shopping bag what I made myself. For the most part it’s plenty, and when it’s not I’ll either take a bag with me, or ensure a new carrier bag I get with my shopping is saved for another day or put in the recycling.

When I get my groceries delivered? I don’t bother with bags. Sure it involves a bit of running back and forth when it arrives, but again, hardly a Labour of Hercules.

We’re all part of the problem to some degree or other, so we all need to do something to address it,

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 09:22:11

Post by: Overread

There's also other things too that connect too it. Eg its a lot easier to get people to recycle if you give them two bins to put their rubbish in with one being for recycling.

Same as how those simple coin activators on trollies can encourage people to put them back.

Even people who are diligent with such things often need the system to be easy/effortless/rewarding to use to maintain their activities.

Companies are the same, that's why you need legislation and fines and so forth, but also proper practice and methods to allow firms to be setup the right way and supported the right way. No point having firms sort the trash if it then all goes into one landfill etc.

Which sad to say is one other problem - a whole bunch of recycling right now isn't based on recyling but shipping it around the world or just putting it in a landfill with a sign on int.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 09:29:55

Post by: SnotlingPimpWagon

 Overread wrote:
SnotlingPimpWagon wrote:

Besides, with how absolutely minuscule of an effort that it is, to help the environment, even when combined with all the ditching of plastic straws and other plastic bags in the world, they might as well not bother.

And if GW doesn't bother because there's no point so no one else bothers so nothing happens.
But if GW bothers because of government legislation that expands and impacts more businesses then steadily you get to the point where the plastic straws vanish too.

GW alone isn't going to change the world but its one step closer

No. It isn’t.

It’s like a charity donation to a donkey for 1 pound a month via sms. First worlders believe they have helped and their inner peace is good and stable. Same thing with a move from plastic to paper straws. The myth of it being helpful has been told so much, people truly believe it, rather than doing a 3 min google search and finding out how it actually harms the environment, just in slightly different ways. All those little tricks are very good for gaslighting general public into believing that there is progress and the company or country are fighting the good fight “every little helps”. Want change? Here is an easy task: stop China from manufacturing in a way they do and stop the rest of the world from buying their product, until they change their ways. Here is another one: make people not use electronic devices for 8-12 hours a day.

GWs new low tier effort to help the environment multiplied by a billion is not even close to being anything meaningful.

Energy wasted on discussing this subject on multiple forums, Reddit and YouTube through electronic devices has probably already offset the good their initiative might have done.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 09:43:18

Post by: kodos

 Overread wrote:

So whilst companies might well generate more waste than the public, the waste itself can be managed in a different way and more reliably enter the recycling/storing system. Whilst the home rubbish is far less regulated/sorted/ordered because the average person might have dozens of little bits of different plastics and other materials. It's just not worth it to sort it all into specific bins and slots and such.
tricky thing is, there is no plastic recycle/storing system for that kind of waste (not many plastics are recyclable to begin with changing the plastics or combine them removes them from the system, even something simple like printing something on the surface)
this is either burned or goes into the ocean

like CocaCola now wraps their plastic bottles in paper and have the caps attached yet still selling plastic bottles for cheap

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 09:43:43

Post by: Dysartes

SnotlingPimpWagon wrote:
Energy wasted on discussing this subject on multiple forums, Reddit and YouTube through electronic devices has probably already offset the good their initiative might have done.

It would help if people would stop trying to claim that a small step forward is a bad thing because it hasn't solved everything.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 09:45:55

Post by: kodos

as long as the "small steps" are all about blaming the customers instead of actually changing things, there are not steps forward made at all

and that is the big problem, a lot of those "small steps" are just an illusion of progress and not doing anything at all except making people believe that change is happening

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 09:57:59

Post by: SnotlingPimpWagon

 Dysartes wrote:
SnotlingPimpWagon wrote:
Energy wasted on discussing this subject on multiple forums, Reddit and YouTube through electronic devices has probably already offset the good their initiative might have done.

It would help if people would stop trying to claim that a small step forward is a bad thing because it hasn't solved everything.

It has, always, when people realised that they are bs-ing themselves and real change needs real efforts.

On a topic of GW plastics bags - they haven’t had good designs for a while now, so I’m not that saddened by the fact they are going the way of the dodo- old 40k and Fantasy logos are unlikely to return.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 11:40:53

Post by: Soulless

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sorry, as long as we have people who consume more in a day than I do in a lifetime you won't convince me this is anything but smoke and mirrors.

Sorry you feel that way, and I agree that its an unfair world.
But the large waste of a few doesnt harm nearly as much as the small waste of the large mass.
Thats why getting rid of needless plastic for such idiotic things as carrying stuff or sucking soda from a cup makes a much bigger difference than stopping billionaires private jets.

It is a bit ironic though, GW phasing out plastic bags XD

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 13:02:39

Post by: Greenfield

Soulless wrote:

It is a bit ironic though, GW phasing out plastic bags XD

Not really (and I appreciate that might be partly sarcasm) but the problems with plastics aren't just one thing. Plastic bags have the problem of being discarded, becoming litter, becoming a hazard to wildlife which might eat them or become entangled in them, breaking up into small pieces which enter waterways where they further risk being ingested by animals and so on. Those problems don't apply to miniatures or to leftover plastic sprues in any appreciable way.

Remember that GW have also removed shrinkwrap from boxes and begun to discontinue blister packs. These are all small positives – they might not be anywhere near enough, but I can't understand the attitude that they're pointless because they're somehow not enough to fix the problem by themselves. That feels like people just wanting to be cynical or contrary.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 14:34:57

Post by: Miguelsan

 kodos wrote:
as long as the "small steps" are all about blaming the customers instead of actually changing things, there are not steps forward made at all

and that is the big problem, a lot of those "small steps" are just an illusion of progress and not doing anything at all except making people believe that change is happening

This, I've recently been in Spain, and in Madrid you are supposed to short your trash into organic/paper/glass/cans/recyclable plastics/others. After such a herculean task because trash is not really intuitive (e.g a dirty napkin is organic, but if not dirty supposedly is paper, a dirty nappie is others because human waste, but goes into plastics if not...) all the recyclable trash is collected into one truck, and supposedly sorted out at the recyclable center.

I'm in favor of reducing waste, I live in Japan where famously individual portions are wrapped in plastic, put into a plastic, or paper container, wrapped again, wrapped once more if it's a multiple unit package, and so on , but I also think that the no plastic bag is a drop in the ocean.


Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/18 15:06:26

Post by: Overread

Even those in support fully admit that GW, a super niche hobby firm, isn't going to do much by reducing their plastic waste; on a national or global scale.

However its not just GW is it - its GW AND other highstreet brands, stores and firms coming under legislation and pressure to reduce non-essential plastics in their packing.

GW taking the right step means one more firm toing the line and setting the standard that others can follow.

At the small end one firm has no impact; at the big end every supermarket reducing in the UK resulted in at least two (I think) plastic bag factories shutting down entirely due to lack of demand.

It's one drop in the ocean, it has zero impact on global scales. But if you add it up with all the other drops from firms doing it in a country; that's a bigger drop.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 11:30:01

Post by: Herzlos

 Haighus wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
I'm sure that they'll also stop producing products in China and shipping them halfway around the world as well...

In fairness, GW produce most of their product in the UK, which results in a lot less miles for European distribution. Probably about even for US distribution and worse for East Asia and Oceania though...

Although given the explosive Chinese progress in green energy, I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese production becomes significantly greener than "Western" production over the next decade. The UK has a fairly high renewable energy proportion but it isn't growing anywhere near as fast.

Counter-intuitively it's more or less carbon free shipping from the UK to china - the empty containers are already travelling in that direction so all you're adding is a small bit of extra weight, which for plastic crack is trivial.

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
When I get my groceries delivered? I don’t bother with bags. Sure it involves a bit of running back and forth when it arrives, but again, hardly a Labour of Hercules.

Your local foodbank is almost certainly desperate for bags to do the deliveries. If you take the bags from your home deliveries then it makes your life easier and then donate them afterwards to make theirs easier.

Beyond that, i generally try and use as few plastic bags as possible and bin as few of them as possible.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 12:16:17

Post by: Da Boss

It's good that they're getting rid of the plastic bags, I think we should reduce plastic packaging as well. Like do the boxes really need to be shrink wrapped? And more broadly of course.

But I also 100% think private jets should just not be a thing. And climate summits should be done over video conferences. There is a rotten hypocrisy in a lot of this stuff that I sometimes have to wonder if it's intentional to discredit the environmental movement.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 12:24:46

Post by: Overread

 Da Boss wrote:
It's good that they're getting rid of the plastic bags, I think we should reduce plastic packaging as well. Like do the boxes really need to be shrink wrapped? And more broadly of course.

But I also 100% think private jets should just not be a thing. And climate summits should be done over video conferences. There is a rotten hypocrisy in a lot of this stuff that I sometimes have to wonder if it's intentional to discredit the environmental movement.

As much as the pandemic helped there's still a huge bias for "we have to do this in person for it to mean something" in a lot of businesses; not just climate summits.

Also don't forget a lot of things that happen at these events happen outside of the formal presentations and talks. When people are eating food and talking; or when milling around etc... Ergo the whole "talk around the water cooler" is sometimes as much a part of the conference as the speeches and formal debates. If you make it all webcams only we don't really have the technology and social infrastructure in place for many people to "splinter off and talk about your own thing to people" like in a virtual meeting environment.

Attempts have been made toward that, but its still in the realm of "this is more sci-fi than really how we do things."

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 13:15:22

Post by: Da Boss

To me, extremely weak arguments for having the harm done by all these private jets if we're serious about this. We'll curtail conveniences for the proles, but we just NEED to meet in a five star resort in an exotic locale, and we also NEED to fly there by private jet? Nah, no thanks.

The last spectacle of everyone flying in to a petro-state to discuss sustainability was bad comedy, at the very least, the optics of it are so bad they do massive damage to the credibility of the environmental movement.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 13:42:08

Post by: lord_blackfang

Soulless wrote:

But the large waste of a few doesnt harm nearly as much as the small waste of the large mass.

Citation needed.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 20:47:29

Post by: Platuan4th

 Miguelsan wrote:
all the recyclable trash is collected into one truck, and supposedly sorted out at the recyclable center.

If it's sorted at all. There's a number of places here in the US where the waste trucks and recycling trucks go to the same facility and it all ends up back together to be dumped at the landfill with no actual recycling happening.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 20:55:52

Post by: Roll Three Dice

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 BertBert wrote:
People don't use backpacks these days?

Backpacks are on the list of things people with overinflated egos refuse to use, I guess because they're associated with being in school.

What a bizarre take.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 21:47:25

Post by: mattl

I wish retailers would offer paper bags with handles. Carrying stuff without a bag isn't an option for everyone, and you can't expect people to bring a bag for something like Warhammer stuff.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 21:56:27

Post by: totalfailure

Recycling in the US is mostly feel good theatre, like the TSA ‘security’ checks at airports. It makes people feel all warm and fuzzy that they’re helping the environment. The reality is that most of those ‘recyclables’ end up in the trash anyway, as there is no actual market or use for them.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/20 22:03:22

Post by: Cruentus

I carry a crumple up/squish up shopping bag that is about the size of a (squishy) tennis ball. Its plenty big for grocery shopping, and GW shopping. I could fit several troop boxes in there no problem. I bought a large board game (think Axis and Allies or Gloomhaven) and it fit, albeit sticking out the top.

While the US does have pretty bad overall record with recycling, it doesn't stop me from using reusable bags, AND it certainly has made it a lot cleaner around the city without all the plastic bags blowing around.

Now, the additional tax on sugary drinks...

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/21 04:03:32

Post by: insaniak

 mattl wrote:
..., and you can't expect people to bring a bag for something like Warhammer stuff.

Why not?

It takes a little while to entrench the habit, but it's not a hardship to carry a bag or two when you go shopping. I have a bunch of canvas or cloth bags that fold or roll up small. Whenever I'm going to the shops, I chuck one in my pocket, or use one of them to hold a few extras if I'm expecting to be buying a bit of stuff.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/21 08:27:01

Post by: Skinnereal

 mattl wrote:
I wish retailers would offer paper bags with handles. Carrying stuff without a bag isn't an option for everyone, and you can't expect people to bring a bag for something like Warhammer stuff.
You can't make sure you pick up a bag when going shopping?
Whenever I go into town, I stuff a folded bag into a coat pocket. It is probably one I've had for 3+ years, and I have a few because I kept forgetting to take them when the bag-fine started coming in. Now it's a certainty that I will have a bag when I leave the house.
Paper bags aren't really a thing in the UK any more. Takeaway meal deliveries usually come in them these days, but shops have not gone back to providing them since the sturdy plastic 'bags for life' came out around 10-15 years ago.

For leasure trips out and impulse purchases, I would not have a bag with me. That's where GW can sell me an overpriced bag if I needed one. But then, I'd probably order and pay in the store for the purchase to be delivered to my home instead.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/21 08:28:48

Post by: Overread

Most opportunistic buys are going to be small for most people anyway. A book, a box of models etc...

It's much rarer that you'll be out and about and suddenly have a burning need to walk into a GW store and spend £300 on a spur of the moment.

GW has those marketing boxes of paint pots if you buy a certain number all at once so even getting lots of supplies would be fairly easy to carry.

And if every store is doing away with plastic bags through this policy you'd steadily learn to carry a backpack or bags if you're doing casual shopping around; plus there will steadily be easier and cheaper access to lots of quick to buy "long term" bags like supermarkets do.

Heck you could even go retro and start carrying a wicker basket to put your purchases in like people did before shops had carrier bags .

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/21 09:41:26

Post by: Haighus

 Skinnereal wrote:

Paper bags aren't really a thing in the UK any more. Takeaway meal deliveries usually come in them these days, but shops have not gone back to providing them since the sturdy plastic 'bags for life' came out around 10-15 years ago.


Clothes shops still commonly have paper bags for whatever reason. They are definitely less durable though, have a habit of splitting or the handles detaching. I think it works for clothes because they are usually pretty lightweight and flexible.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/21 18:44:12

Post by: mattl

 Skinnereal wrote:
You can't make sure you pick up a bag when going shopping?

Warhammer/GW stores are usually in places where they plan to get a number of people walking by who stop in and the manager tries to get them to buy a starter set. Those starter sets aren't easy to carry without a bag.

But generally no, I don't have a bag on me. If I go to a Warhammer store it's usually when I'm doing something else and wind up nearby.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/21 22:52:35

Post by: Gimgamgoo

And lots of kids going into the store with empty backpacks... often a 1 person store... yeah, GW will love that.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/21 23:10:51

Post by: insaniak

 mattl wrote:
Those starter sets aren't easy to carry without a bag.

Are you emptying out the contents and leaving the box behind...?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/22 06:06:47

Post by: ced1106

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
We’re all part of the problem to some degree or other, so we all need to do something to address it,

Well, one way to address the problem is to not create it in the first place.

Buy less stuff, create less waste. You'll do more for the environment if you fill your mug with water and stay hydrated, than spending money on that sugary coffee drink with the strange colors.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/22 12:29:39

Post by: JamesY

 insaniak wrote:
 mattl wrote:
Those starter sets aren't easy to carry without a bag.

Are you emptying out the contents and leaving the box behind...?

And if you are also buying a starter paint set and a couple of rattle cans? That big paper bag would have come in handy. When I worked in a gw store, most starter sets weren't sold to people who were deliberately planning on walking away with anything at all.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/22 15:02:16

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Skinnereal wrote:
Whenever I go into town, I stuff a folded bag into a coat pocket.

Yeah, I guess in Britain you're wearing a coat 363 days out of the year?

But I still don't see why they wouldn't just do paper bags, other retailers do it for us heathens that can't be arsed carrying bags around everywhere. I just end up using the paper bags around the house or as rubbish bags for things that aren't going to eat through them.

My local GW, there's literally another games store a few hundred metres down the road that uses branded paper bags.

Usually I want a bag because I'm picking up small loose stuff rather than big orders, sticking a big ol' starter set isn't that convenient to carry in a bag anyway, if I'm buying something that big (and since it's GW, expensive) it's usually a predetermined purchase which means I've probably driven to the shop and parked close to I can just carry it bagless and toss it in the car.

When I'm walking around randomly and the games store wasn't my primary location to visit, that's when I might buy a few smaller things and need a bag, or when I walk in for 1 paint and walk out with a small pile of hobby supplies.

GW plastic bags were nice though, sometimes I just need a big ol' tough plastic bag and the GW ones fit the bill without being so numerous they're clogging up the house or degrading before they get used.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/22 15:25:09

Post by: Skinnereal

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Skinnereal wrote:
Whenever I go into town, I stuff a folded bag into a coat pocket.
Yeah, I guess in Britain you're wearing a coat 363 days out of the year?
Yep, but I'm weird.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/22 23:04:43

Post by: mattl

 insaniak wrote:
 mattl wrote:
Those starter sets aren't easy to carry without a bag.

Are you emptying out the contents and leaving the box behind...?

No. But it’s not an easy thing to carry at the best of time. If you bought groceries of a similar size you’d get a bag.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/22 23:11:21

Post by: insaniak

 mattl wrote:

No. But it’s not an easy thing to carry at the best of time. If you bought groceries of a similar size you’d get a bag.

If I bought groceries that came in a box the size of a starter box, I absolutely would not get a bag as it would be easier to just carry the box instead of a bag big enough to hold a starter set.

But then, if I was buying groceries, I would have taken bags with me anyway...

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/22 23:33:15

Post by: ced1106

Or just buy less stuff.

I still think it's virtue signaling when your view of environmentalism is using one less coffee sleeve, when you should be rinsing your mug at the office.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 01:47:41

Post by: fox-light713

To those saying "use paper bags" seem to forget those were phased out to save the trees and rain forest.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 02:08:27

Post by: insaniak

 fox-light713 wrote:
To those saying "use paper bags" seem to forget those were phased out to save the trees and rain forest.

I mean, yes... but also no.

Plastic bags were originally introduced as a more environmentally friendly solution to paper bags, because they used fewer resources to create... but we weren't supposed to just throw them away afterwards. And because plastic bags are difficult to recycle, they mostly go straight into landfill, where they remain effectively forever.

Paper bags are more resource intensive, but paper recycling and sustainable wood harvesting are both considerably more established than they were 50 years ago. So paper bags aren't perfect, but they're currently a better alternative than single-use plastic bags.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 10:08:22

Post by: Herzlos

Surely 9 years into a single use bag ban, everyone is more or less primed to carry their own bag?

I can see some impulse buyers getting caught out especially if there's no multi-use bags for sale, but I'm assuming GW found that demand had dropped enough to get rid of them.

Worst case is that you may need to go to another shop to get a bag, or make a deal for a bin bag. You'd only really be screwed if you visited an isolated shop without a car.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 10:15:39

Post by: Haighus

Herzlos wrote:
Surely 9 years into a single use bag ban, everyone is more or less primed to carry their own bag?

I can see some impulse buyers getting caught out especially if there's no multi-use bags for sale, but I'm assuming GW found that demand had dropped enough to get rid of them.

Worst case is that you may need to go to another shop to get a bag, or make a deal for a bin bag. You'd only really be screwed if you visited an isolated shop without a car.

I think in the UK, this is the case. The opinions in this thread are very strongly split by the country flags, and posters with a UK flag are mostly in line with this not being a big change. As you say, we've gotten used to carrying bags for almost a decade. I never used to have a bag when the change happened. Now I rarely go shopping without one (and have a preference for stuffing items in pockets/holding in arms over buying a bag if possible).

I think other jurisdictions would see similar behaviour changes over time in response to similar legislation.

I doubt this bag-free policy is going to be rolled out globally at the same time. Seems like something that would be introduced in the most-bag free areas already to start with.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 10:21:29

Post by: Gimgamgoo

A few comments...

1. The last GW bag I got (many moons ago) had pics all over it and I kept it for ages. Good advertising for them.
2. Paper bags... in the UK... where it rains nearly every day... nope. Just nope.
3. I'm surprised GW aren't selling them as 'bags for life' at a significantly increased profit margin with different images to make them 'collectable'.
4. I have an old Asda plastic bag for life. They fold up flat to a size of a mobile phone. It fits in my back pocket and it doesn't matter if it goes through the wash either. It also gains brownie points when my wife has forgot a bag while out with me.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 11:37:14

Post by: kodos

4. the same here, best investment I ever made

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 12:05:32

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
A few comments...
3. I'm surprised GW aren't selling them as 'bags for life' at a significantly increased profit margin with different images to make them 'collectable'.

This is surely coming, but first they have to establish the demand.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 14:08:35

Post by: Mallo

Herzlos wrote:
You'd only really be screwed if you visited an isolated shop without a car.

I don't drive. To be fair I buy 99.9% of all my purchases online as I work from home. I very occasionally might get called out into the office or find myself randomly in one of the two locations with a GW store where I'm very likely to have to have been passing by the store on an unplanned visit and wouldn't have backpack, bag or anything else with me.

I'd be very likely to make a large purchase to kill time waiting for the train home, especially if the store is stocking any books that have been out of stock online or even picking up back issues of white dwarf which I very rarely buy online.I'm certain not going to buy books at GW prices and be expected to carry them home and expect them to remain dry, I'm also not going to scurrying across town to find some other store that does stock bags.

I'm not against taking steps to save the environment. But this again feels like another step that is designed to push the issue on to the consumer and if you dislike it then it makes you look bad for speaking ill towards it.

I am happy to keep ordering online where GW have done away with plastic packaging, in favour of having that huge UPS van drive to my house multiple times a week to deliver hundreds of small boxes wrapped up in warhammer branded tape (with that tape probably massed printed in china, which is then sent over the sea in huge cargo containers) each containing a single plastic sprue of miniatures, most of which gets thrown away, with a single set of bases in each box which are wrapped in their own plastic wrapper inside the box, but sure carrier bags are a bad idea!

I think they should just have someone be sensible about it. Lots of small items or easier damaged stock- could do with a bag. Single items or have your backpack with you, perhaps think twice about giving one out.

As someone that used to live and game in the south of england, I do wonder how some certain stores on the southcoast (which I won't name but people will know which ones) will think about the idea of certain areas of youths having a lot of empty bags/backpacks in their stores on a weekend. I guess they won't remain empty for long and ebay will be busier come Monday mornings.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/23 16:59:06

Post by: JamesY

It's unnecessarily all or nothing. By all means encourage regular customers to bring their own bags to reduce the amount that are being sent out. If a new customer has their own bag, then great. But having nothing at all for when someone is in need of one just isn't great service, especially when paper bags are an option. There is no good reason really not to offer paper bags but also actively encouraging people to come prepared.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 04:11:29

Post by: Da Butcha

I am very surprised that GW doesn't offer multiple use bags made out of 100% recycled plastic with GW logos on them for, say, $1.50. I work at a bookstore and we sell loads of different ones for between $1.50 and $2.50. They won't last forever, but they will last 5 years easy. I keep a few in the car for shopping, and I would quite enjoy advertising GW in the grocery store (find the other nerds).

I hate that we (the bookstore) still offer free bags, largely because 90% of the people who need a bag are buying 1 book (or one greeting card) and get irritated if you ask them if they want one, not just offer it up. Even a marginal charge on bags in our area would change the calculus quite a bit. I am sure all the old ladies who 'need' a bag for one card would magically figure out a way to manage without it if it were even 10 cents.

I really think it's a missed opportunity for GW. Have some cool-looking branded (relatively environmentally friendly) bags for sale, and maybe give them away with a purchase over a certain level. The person buying some huge starter box (or bunch of boxes) that might actually need a bag gets it for free, and the rest of the collectors buy one anyway just to have it.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 06:22:30

Post by: Lord Damocles

 Gimgamgoo wrote:

2. Paper bags... in the UK... where it rains nearly every day... nope. Just nope.

Somehow this works for all of the other major retailers who use paper bags though...

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 09:02:20

Post by: Gimgamgoo

 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:

2. Paper bags... in the UK... where it rains nearly every day... nope. Just nope.

Somehow this works for all of the other major retailers who use paper bags though...

I guess I don't shop in enough boutique places then

Most of the big brand shops I go in will either sell you a branded plastic bag for 30p-50p, smaller retailers give you a plain white crappy bag for free, and some will just look at you as you struggle to gather 20 items in your arms off the counter. I guess as they say... it's grim up north.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 11:27:11

Post by: Herzlos

 Mallo wrote:
I very occasionally might get called out into the office or find myself randomly in one of the two locations with a GW store where I'm very likely to have to have been passing by the store on an unplanned visit and wouldn't have backpack, bag or anything else with me.

I'd be very likely to make a large purchase to kill time waiting for the train home, especially if the store is stocking any books that have been out of stock online or even picking up back issues of white dwarf which I very rarely buy online.I'm certain not going to buy books at GW prices and be expected to carry them home and expect them to remain dry, I'm also not going to scurrying across town to find some other store that does stock bags.

How far away from other stores are these GW's? I was thinking more about the ones in business parks or strip malls when everything else is shut meaning you didn't have the opportunity to go and buy a disposable bag from next door. But those locations almost always require you to drive to them in the first place.

I still think every retail store should have some facility to provide the means to get purchases home safely, whether that's by having bags for sale or offering to ship for you.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 11:47:11

Post by: Da Boss

I always have a backpack with me, and I think getting rid of plastic bags is a good idea. But even more than that I want to get rid of excessive plastic packaging. Nothing should come individually wrapped in plastic after being packed in a bigger plastic packet.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 12:10:11

Post by: Miguelsan

With GW the multiple use bags will probably be like 5€ each because if you slap a GW logo it becomes premium.


Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 12:44:45

Post by: Herzlos

Da Butcha wrote:

I hate that we (the bookstore) still offer free bags, largely because 90% of the people who need a bag are buying 1 book (or one greeting card) and get irritated if you ask them if they want one, not just offer it up. Even a marginal charge on bags in our area would change the calculus quite a bit. I am sure all the old ladies who 'need' a bag for one card would magically figure out a way to manage without it if it were even 10 cents.

I think that's the rationale behind the bag charge in the UK. It was only 10p (~$0.15) and changed the default from 'bag' to 'no bag' whilst adding a trivial penalty to it.

Before it, you'd see people buy something tiny in every shop and getting a bag each time when there's absolutely no need. Even if you don't bring your own bag, you can just pay for one at the first shop and then put other purchases in it until full.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 12:49:32

Post by: NAVARRO

Herzlos wrote:
Da Butcha wrote:

I hate that we (the bookstore) still offer free bags, largely because 90% of the people who need a bag are buying 1 book (or one greeting card) and get irritated if you ask them if they want one, not just offer it up. Even a marginal charge on bags in our area would change the calculus quite a bit. I am sure all the old ladies who 'need' a bag for one card would magically figure out a way to manage without it if it were even 10 cents.

I think that's the rationale behind the bag charge in the UK. It was only 10p (~$0.15) and changed the default from 'bag' to 'no bag' whilst adding a trivial penalty to it.

Before it, you'd see people buy something tiny in every shop and getting a bag each time when there's absolutely no need. Even if you don't bring your own bag, you can just pay for one at the first shop and then put other purchases in it until full.

Yeah thats what we do when we dont have more capacity on my backpack. To be fair we live in a strange world where we see so many discrepancies on packaging, I sometimes get HUGE cardboard boxes from amazon with like a tiny item... crazy world man.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 14:15:25

Post by: Dysartes

 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:

2. Paper bags... in the UK... where it rains nearly every day... nope. Just nope.

Somehow this works for all of the other major retailers who use paper bags though...

Such as?

The one that tends to amuse me at the minute is the giant ziplock bag that mail orders are/were getting shipped to GW stores in, regardless of what you ordered.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 14:55:12

Post by: Skinnereal

 Dysartes wrote:
The one that tends to amuse me at the minute is the giant ziplock bag that mail orders are/were getting shipped to GW stores in, regardless of what you ordered.
There's a joke in there somewhere about 'plastic crack'.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 14:58:31

Post by: Haighus

 Dysartes wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:

2. Paper bags... in the UK... where it rains nearly every day... nope. Just nope.

Somehow this works for all of the other major retailers who use paper bags though...

Such as?

The one that tends to amuse me at the minute is the giant ziplock bag that mail orders are/were getting shipped to GW stores in, regardless of what you ordered.

Oh yeah, I got a bag big enough to climb into with a single warboss kit rattling around the bottom...

Most clothes/fashion brands are using paper bags currently, like Primark. Clothes are typically lightweight, flexible, and unlikely to split a paper bag. Cardboard boxes are the reverse.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 15:29:44

Post by: JamesY

You also get heavy duty paper ones in supermarkets like Morrisons that are sturdy enough to hold glass bottles and tin cans. They'd need to be absolutely soaked to fall apart in use.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 15:44:39

Post by: CoALabaer

 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:

2. Paper bags... in the UK... where it rains nearly every day... nope. Just nope.

Somehow this works for all of the other major retailers who use paper bags though...

Stop this right now.
This is dakkadakka.

If GW does something we complain about it being stupid and greedy.
If GW does NOT do anything we complain about that.
And if they reverse their stance in anything we insist that was always great and how dare they!

( Honestly, those plastic bags - at least in Germany - were so over the top you would not catch me dead with one in public. I mean i might be a nerd but too much is too much!
The christmas bags were nice though.)

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 15:55:14

Post by: Haighus

 JamesY wrote:
You also get heavy duty paper ones in supermarkets like Morrisons that are sturdy enough to hold glass bottles and tin cans. They'd need to be absolutely soaked to fall apart in use.

I find paper bags do poorly with anything that has a point to it- once a hole forms, they lose integrity and tear if they are holding any weight. Corners of boxes are ideal for this if the box has enough weight behind it (like a starter set). Granted this tends to only be an issue if you stuff the paper bag.

Reusable plastic bags are far more durable than even heavy duty paper bags in my experience, and can comfortably be stuck in the washing machine once they inevitably get dirty.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 16:00:41

Post by: NAVARRO

Cloth bags I would say.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 16:24:24

Post by: Lord Damocles

 Dysartes wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Gimgamgoo wrote:

2. Paper bags... in the UK... where it rains nearly every day... nope. Just nope.

Somehow this works for all of the other major retailers who use paper bags though...

Such as?

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/24 18:02:49

Post by: Jaxmeister

Primark bags are awful, I've never managed to get home yet without it ripping. I'll stick to using my backpack.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/25 13:16:13

Post by: RazorEdge

My local WH-Store Manager told me here in Germany, with June, they switch to Cloth Bags.

5,00 € per Bag then.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/05/29 11:51:23

Post by: Skinnereal

As long as a bag can be provided (even for a charge), that is not too bad.

My local store posted this:

"Good morning all.
In case you didn't know we are phasing out plastic bags. So what we currently have in store isn't until we run out.
Moving forward we are asking all customers to bring their own bags if you need them.
This is to help with Games Workshops plans in improving sustainability"

It's lucky there's a Sainsbury over the road.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/29 14:22:32

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Quick but relevant update.

GW in the UK now offering £2 reusable tote bags. Not too bad a price, but of course it’ll depend how durable they are, as there’s reusable a few times, and “hey this has lasted well over a year” reusable.

And as a wider contextual reminder? UK shops have been charging for plastic bags, following a new law, for years now.

[Thumb - IMG_4677.jpeg]

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/29 18:25:59

Post by: Dysartes

Will have to have a look at the tote bag - both for size and for quality. Based on that picture, it looks to be a hefty bag, which'd be handy for bigger boxes.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/29 18:40:04

Post by: Gert

It apparently holds a big starter box.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/29 20:04:07

Post by: Gimgamgoo

I just wonder if it will hold up to 6 x2L bottles of pop at Lidl.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/30 09:35:32

Post by: Aspiring Champion

OK, I was in at my local GW on the weekend and saw those bags folded on the counter. I didn't ask, but was curious. Now I know. Thanks!

Anyway, I've been taking my own bag in ever since I bought $150 of assorted stuff and still got charged for a plastic bag to take it home in.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/30 15:04:24

Post by: Patriarch

 Aspiring Champion wrote:
OK, I was in at my local GW on the weekend and saw those bags folded on the counter. I didn't ask, but was curious. Now I know. Thanks!

Anyway, I've been taking my own bag in ever since I bought $150 of assorted stuff and still got charged for a plastic bag to take it home in.

Dunno how it is where you are, but in the UK it's a legal requirement to charge for shopping bags. It isn't (or wasn't) a way for the shop to make more cash out of you. None of them ever charged for bags before the law changed. They couldn't give you a free bag if they wanted to.

Plus it helps their environmental targets. And if a10p bag puts you off, this may not be the hobby for you...

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/31 01:15:24

Post by: StudentOfEtherium

 Aspiring Champion wrote:
OK, I was in at my local GW on the weekend and saw those bags folded on the counter. I didn't ask, but was curious. Now I know. Thanks!

Anyway, I've been taking my own bag in ever since I bought $150 of assorted stuff and still got charged for a plastic bag to take it home in.

that means the law is working as intended!

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/07/31 09:16:16

Post by: Aspiring Champion

Patriarch wrote:And if a10p bag puts you off, this may not be the hobby for you...

There is a hobby shop literally across the road from GW (where I buy my Vallejo paint). They give bags for free, even for just a few paint pots. I usually refuse and just stick them in my pocket. With the markup on products that GW has, surely they could have offered them as a service? It was just 10p, right? Anyway, they have removed them completely now and brought in cloth tote bags - the point is moot.

StudentOfEtherium wrote:

that means the law is working as intended!

Not a law where I live.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/08/03 19:38:13

Post by: mattl

My local Warhammer store in Brookline, MA has these now.

I believe they’re $3 each.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/08/03 20:31:56

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

 mattl wrote:
My local Warhammer store in Brookline, MA has these now.

I believe they’re $3 each.

I'd get one if I had a GW near me.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/08/04 00:09:57

Post by: Dysartes

I knew there was something I forgot to ask about when I was in there yesterday.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/08/04 01:42:51

Post by: Apple fox

I am surprised it’s taken so long honestly, We have used the reusable bags from different places for years now.
So many places even do cool ones!

I kinda want a Warhammer one just as a thing.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/08/04 11:06:59

Post by: Overread

Like a lot of packaging changes, many firms had a system that worked and was running pretty cheap for a very long time.

So there was no pressure within the firm to change that working process. Shifting to renewable means researching it; finding a firm to produce them; sorting out branding, logos, prices and so forth. Lots of time and money spent before you can make the change and then phase it in so that you're not left sitting there was a mountain of plastic packing stock that you can't use and have to dump.

Supermarkets were also the big targets because of volume; smaller firms like GW were less targeted until legislation started to become more and more nation-wide and as pressures grew.

Going off their recent company meeting "going green" seems to be something GW is taking seriously and even considering that its something more and more new generations of customers are going to want.

we can see that iwth them installing solar cells on their factory; these new bags; the recycling options in store for sprue; the cutting of some plastic wrapping options.

Warhammer Stores ditching plastic bags. @ 2024/08/04 15:34:31

Post by: Haighus

Solar panels is the least surprising change, they are just a solid investment that will pay for themselves in ~15 years followed by 10+ years of profit. Any company with a long-term investment plan and the funds to install them should be really.