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Friday Night Fight NIDS vs BA  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

What? Nids vs BA 2500 points practice fight
Who? Tetrisphreak (Nids) Acsmedic (BA)
When? Friday night 5pm
Where? Lost Legion Games and Comics Beckley WV
The Stakes: Burgers
Mission: TBD (come on GW out with the Semi's missions already)
Terrain: TBD

Below are the lists... who will win?


HQ: Mephiston
HQ: Reclusiarch (goes with DC)
Elite: Terminator Assault Squad x5 - x2LC x3 TH&SS
LR Reedemer MM, XA
Elite: Sanguinary Priest Priest one in ASM other in Redeemer (if one ASM gets red thirst the priest will leave to another without it)
1 Sanguinary Priest JP LC
1 Sanguinary Priest JP
Troops: Death Company x8 (x3 PW x5 Bolters)
1 Rhino XA
Troops: Assault Squad x10
x2 melta TH
Troops: Assault Squad x10
x2 melta PF
Troops: Assault Squad x10
x2 melta PF
Fast Attack: Baal Predator AssCan
Fast Attack: Baal Predator AssCan
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron x2 each with x2MM
Heavy Support: Rifleman Dread


HQ - Hive Tyrant - LW/BS, HVC, Hive commander, Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Wings
HQ - Tyrant Guard x1

Troops - Tervigon - Scytals, Cluster Spines, AG/Tox, Catalyst, Dominion
Troops - Tervigon - Scytals, Cluster Spines, AG/Tox, Catalyst, Dominion
Troops - Termagants x14 - Fleshborers
Troops - Termagants x15 - Fleshborers

Elite - Doom of Malan'tai, Spore Pod
Elite - Hive Guard x3
Elite - Venomthropes x2

Fast - Harpy - TL HVC, Cluster Spines
Fast - Harpy - TL HVC, Cluster Spines

Heavy - Carnifex - 2x TL Dev/BL Worms, Bio Plasma
Heavy - Carnifex x2 - HVC, Bio Plasma
Heavy - Tyrranofex - Rupture Cannon, Cluster Spines, Desiccator Larvae

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2010/06/08 18:15:05


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


Fast swap -- take out 12 gaunts (make it two squads, one w 14 the other w 15) and add wings to the tyrant. still comes out at 2500.

Also, I think Nids will win. Just a guess, though.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I also think the nids will win, You will need a strong sence of target priority when fighting that nid list, the onlything I can really see in your favor is the preds with their Dakka, the landraider with the templates to clear some space, and the fact that your death company + Assault termies should eat whatever unit you assault with them.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

@WarEagle - Target priority will be king there is alot of things that need to be killed immediately and not too much Firepower to do it with. If I do not take too many casualties from the doom I think I can pull off a win. We shall see. Either way it will be a good time.

@Tetrisphreak - I hope your guess is wrong I will add to the bet some type of BA bits vs some Nid bits so the winner may add them as trophies to a model or two. I am thinking BA body would look good on your Harpy bases or maybe a Nid body impaled on a dozer blade or something.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/06/08 18:26:56


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

The Tyrant and Harpys should be your easyer shooting kills, and probialy the more important since they have a good movement range, as for the rest of the MC I guess I would take them one at a time as they come if at all posible.
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


I have some warrior torsos I can ante. deal.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I love this. I will be there all day friday, so if either want a game before or after let me know.
Tetris, I can bring my Flip too if you want to make sure you have enough space, or you want to film it from different angles. Also I will have my laptop with me if you guys want it uploaded right away. The Flip is the greatest invention eveaaaa...

Regardless I cant wait to watch you guys go at it.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

@mike - I am hoping the WHFB 8th edition black box will be there so I can get a peak in the afternoon if not and if I can get there early enough we can throw down.


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Los Angeles, CA

Well, its tough to predict. Its really gonna come down to how tight of a game tetrisphreak plays.

If you mismanage Mephiston for just one turn, he will single handedly table you. You MUST keep one and a half eyes on him at all times, and there needs to be a line of gants between him and your MCs at all times.

If you are using INAT tyrant guard rules, then its probably safe to charge an unwounded Meph with your tyrant. Otherwise, even that charge could have you eating instant death.

Lists are closely matched... the best general will win. No pressure guys

Please check out my current project blog

Feel free to PM me to talk about your list ideas....

The Sprue Posse Gaming Club 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

So now that the missions are out which one do we play? 1 or 2 is my vote that third one is pretty much straight annihilation.


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


I am with you on that one -- mission 3 is straightforward but looks like It will make it difficult to get a massacre without tabling the opponent.

I say we roll-off for which mission to play when we get the table set up, 1-3= mission 1 and 4-6=mission 2, then if we have time we can do a grudge match and play the other one. First battle stands for dinner and trophies, second would be just to waste time and get familiar with some of the little issues in the written mission.

Sound good?

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Sounds good. Got my DC mostly finished last night. Lets see if I can get their packs done by Friday.

He wants to kill bugs

a few more pics on my blog.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/06/09 14:45:02


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


Excellent highlighting/shading/basing on that guy. He definitely looks like he's out for blood . Too bad it'll be his OWN blood that gets spilled. haha! I love it!

Now, if i could only find my blue half of my green stuff, I MIGHT be able to get my harpy basecoated by friday. don't know if it'll happen or not.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

That DC looks like hes chilling wating for the fun to start, nicely painted
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks guys... I have been working hard on them..

Chillin indeed. Just waiting for the bugs to get into range ...


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I have been spending a bit of time after work painting my bugs, but since I missed the first Arb boys torniment I wont be able to battle Sat, so ill just come and watch, probably not even bring my army. but maybe you will be able to see + kill some at a later date lol
Made in us
Perturbed Blood Angel Tactical Marine

Blood Angels FTW!! ^^ Nice Death Company Marine btw.

Dark Angels
417th Mechanised
Sons of Fortune  
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

WarEagle wrote:I have been spending a bit of time after work painting my bugs, but since I missed the first Arb boys torniment I wont be able to battle Sat, so ill just come and watch, probably not even bring my army. but maybe you will be able to see + kill some at a later date lol

Anytime. I hear bugs find marines very juicy, just have to get thorough all the bolter rounds and armour to get to the gibblets


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Lol that may be, I should change the name of preferred enemy to "preferred meal"
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


I love MEQs. they're delicious.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside mmmmm.

Unfortunately It seams I wont be able to make it down to observe the tournament tomorrow. Things to do, I wish you both good luck!

For the Swarm!
Made in us
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

Dallas, TX

Why take a Reclusiarch? Why not just take Lemartes?

40k Armies I play:

Glory for Slaanesh!

Made in us
Huge Hierodule


Video BattleReport to Follow, 'Ard Boyz today so no time to do it now.

Nids won a minor victory 1 to 0, very good game all around. We played the mission 'Git da Shineys' from 'ard boyz, and all four objective markers scattered to within a few inches of each other. Good times, and a tough match for sure.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Spellbound wrote:Why take a Reclusiarch? Why not just take Lemartes?

Lemartes has a Jumppack and that means no Rhino or Redeemer...

Had a great game against Tetrisphreak last night. He schooled me on Tyranids and my experience showed flaws in my list which I corrected for Ard Boyz today where I placed 4th.


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


Video Battle Report, hosted by Youtube.

congrats on placing 4th at semi's, Taylor.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

congrats on placing 4th at semi's, Taylor.


Good job on the video. We will have to make more.


"As a rule of thumb, If you find yourself saying "Well it doesn't say I can't do this in the rules!" you are probably bending the rules at best and at worst cheating completely"
Jervis Johnson (forward to Warhammer Ancient Battles) 
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