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2012/07/30 19:43:51
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
Regular Dakkanaut
2012/07/30 20:16:04
Subject: Re:Ork Burna-Bommer
Decrepit Dakkanaut
2012/07/30 20:37:51
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
Plummeting Black Templar Thunderhawk Pilot
Wow...I...just wow.
2012/07/30 21:02:23
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
Lord of the Fleet
Superb work my friend!
2012/07/30 21:12:38
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
This Is Where the Fish Lives
I love the countershading on the fuselage... Brilliant model all together as well.
d-usa wrote:"When the Internet sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending posters that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing strawmen. They're bringing spam. They're trolls. And some, I assume, are good people." |
2012/08/05 16:53:03
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Looks fantastic man, although I myself would have weathered the twin-linked big shootas on the small turret and the middle engine a bit more, but that is just my personal taste.
2012/08/05 17:23:02
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
Stormin' Stompa
I don't care how well-painted it is, 32 pictures of the same model is simply taking the piss...
"He died because he had no honor. He had no honor and the Emperor was watching."
18.000 3.500 8.200 3.300 2.400 3.100 5.500 2.500 3.200 3.000
2012/08/06 00:43:12
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel
Steelmage99 wrote:I don't care how well-painted it is, 32 pictures of the same model is simply taking the piss...
QFT. I'm certain you could have done this with a lot less.
That said, it's a damn good piece.
2012/08/06 03:18:43
Subject: Re:Ork Burna-Bommer
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster
Think you missed an angle. That ork pilot must hang out with Snikrot or worship Mork to fink ta make it look like da sky on da bottom.
2012/08/06 03:48:58
Subject: Re:Ork Burna-Bommer
Anointed Dark Priest of Chaos
I'd like to see it from a few other angles. Got any more pics?
2012/08/06 03:50:39
Subject: Re:Ork Burna-Bommer
Power-Hungry Cultist of Tzeentch
Hey Wargamers in the DC/VA/MD area (ie: the Beltway), check these groups out!
Fluff for the Fluff God!!
2012/08/06 04:43:27
Subject: Ork Burna-Bommer
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings
Fantastic as always Yaro! Especially love the bottom views
2012/08/06 16:44:23
Subject: Re:Ork Burna-Bommer
Regular Dakkanaut
Next one is coming along
It's going to have blue underbelly and yellow top, and its going to be the Blitza-Bommer variant