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Lugft Huron Chapter Master Of The Astral Claws  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in pl
Regular Dakkanaut

Lugft Huron Chapter Master Of The Astral Claws
Forge World miniature, Masters-level, NMM. Vote on CMON.
Post on MadFly-Art.
Post on Facebook.
Painted by: Yaroslav Bozhdynsky
Silver at Paintmaster 2013 Painting Competition - 28mm category

Comments and votes are welcome

Made in fr
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Melbourne, Australia

Stunning! You have some impeccable NMM right there!
My only tip would be to display him on a darker background next time - the white's a bit too bright or something for me... But my lord you have some skill with a brush!

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Made in ca
Perturbed Blood Angel Tactical Marine


Welp that's better than anything I can do.

Purge the heretic. 
Made in de

I don´t like the face at all although I´m not sure if it´s the model itself or the paintjob...
The rest is supreme.
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

That is one badass paint job!

Made in pl
Regular Dakkanaut

The problem with a darker background is thet there is too much of it nowadays, every poorly painted miniature is displayed so it will seem to be well painted. I prefer to have a neutral background to display the paintjob. But i agree that there is a bit of a whitewash from this backdrop. I'm really proud of how it turned out and of the Silver medal. Enjoy.

Made in fr
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Melbourne, Australia

 madfly-art wrote:
The problem with a darker background is thet there is too much of it nowadays, every poorly painted miniature is displayed so it will seem to be well painted. I prefer to have a neutral background to display the paintjob. But i agree that there is a bit of a whitewash from this backdrop. I'm really proud of how it turned out and of the Silver medal. Enjoy.
You should be - it's crazy-ass good! How long did it take?

My P&M blog

Made in pl
Regular Dakkanaut

Not very long, couple days probably. There was a deadline nearing. It was standing on the 'to do shelf' much much longer

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