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Monstrous Twinlinked Devourer conversions  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Infiltrating Broodlord


This started on the Hive Tyrant blog thread, but to avoid threadjacking I've started this topic.

How does everyone make their Dakkafex and/or Tyrant Twinlinked Devourers?

Please post pics!

I decided to fuse two gaunt devourer 'barrels' together, and fit them onto the end of a Carnifex Crushing Claw arm.  Partly because Crushing Claws are pretty easy to come by on the bitz market, but mostly because they're the only ones that seem 'meaty' enough to support multiple devourers.


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Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


I like them, it's definetly in line with the discription I gave Yakface and Insanic over in their thread. I'd like to see an obvious ammo sak on them though. Any other interesting conversions to show us?

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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Unfortunately, I don't have any WIP pictures, but I can show some of my finished Dakkafexes to give an idea.
(I wish I'd seen the Crushing claw idea before I did mine, though - looks pretty bad-ass.) I basically took the TMC devourer arm, GSed up connecting tissue, and attached a second devourer "growing" from the arm, using the Gaunt sized devourers as my base.

...I'll admit I have a vague urge to see how many Crushing Claw arms I have, now.
Made in nz
Longtime Dakkanaut

New Zealand

strangelooper, I did something vaguely similar but as each counts as two limbs I also greenstuffed front limbs on - http://dakkadakka.com/Gallery/tabid/61/AlbumID/410-26/Default.aspx  - are you going to have another limb count as no weapon or aren't you too worried about WYSIWYG?
Made in us

Syracuse, NY

Good enough chance to plug my HT's setup again.

I liked setting up so the devourers accurately represent how many shots each bug has.  So a gaunt carrying 1 Devourer = 2 shots, a Babyfex with 4 = 8 shots, and finally the mean momma Hive tyrant with 6 = 12 shots. 

Made in us
Infiltrating Broodlord


Nice conversions all!

Clang, I really like the way you fused the arms together like that.  Which arm did you use for the upper one?  Also I love the extended carapace on those guys, looks great!

Moz' tri-barrel ones look great too; I can't tell from the angle, but it looks like 3 separate arms on each side  with one devourer each?  Or are they somehow fused?  I'd love to see a closeup side view...

BZarcher, I tried to do what you did at first...but the devs looked too bulky for the relatively dinky arms fpr my taste, so I went with the big Crushing Claw arms..

I'm planning on mounting 4 separate arms, *each* as shown (with a crushing-claw + 2 fused gaunt devourers).  Each arm with the double fused devourer will count as ONE MC devourer  I.think of the double barrel representingthe higher strength of the MC shot.  Plus I like the look of 'bristling with gunbarrels'.

I  don't really see the *need* to fuse them to be WYSIWIG, though it look great the way you've done it.  In fact, since I'll be magneting all my fex and tyrant arms,  it would be tricky to get the arms at the right angles.

Though I'm tempted to try a double-arm fuse with a Quad-barrel....hmmm....

BTW Drake, the only other conversions I've done are my (first-ever green-stuff) sketchy attempt at tentacles and a daemonic eye on my Chaos Dread.  Should be finished painting by the end of the week, I'll post it here.  Otherwise I'm in the process of sawing and swapping some bolters for bolt pistols on some Death Guard.  I'm looking to get more into conversions once I start assembling my Nurgly vehicles (Pred and Land Raider).  I like doing them, but they take a lot of time away from my painting...


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Made in nz
Longtime Dakkanaut

New Zealand

Strangelooper, the 'extra' upper arms are from the fex deathspitter arms - chosen mostly because of the wee tendon detail - then greenstuffed to hide the join with the crushing claw arms. I'm doing the same style of carapace for all my elite fexes, as it's a good way to learn greenstuffing. Still trying to think up a similar but different appearance for my heavy fexes...
Made in us

Syracuse, NY

I used a single venom cannon arm for each side, cut off the VC and strapped the 3 devourers on there. I like the VC arm because it starts at one socket and splits into two arms at the weapon. This let me mount the wings the way I wanted, and stuck to the 6 limbs per tyranid trend (though I find this pretty arbitrary. If they have such control over their biodiversity - a new set of appendages is totally acceptable).

Made in gb
Been Around the Block


It's ok if you look at GW's fluff from a casual perspective, but I'm a Biology student, and thus have come up with my own set of rules as to how the Tyranids work, more in keeping with current knowledge of embryonic development.

Sticking with my fluff, all the varieties of 'nid are easily allowed, but generating new limbs would be far harder to achieve. Therefore, I'll be stiicking with six limbs on all my guys, and perpetually looking with distaste on any 'let's shove more limbs on' converions I see.

"Je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce que vous dites mais je me battrai jusqu'au bout pour que vous puissiez le dir" - Voltaire

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