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Warfan Toys for Tots 2006 Tournament  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Murfreesboro, TN

This was a great event, for a great cause.  The turnout was substantial, and the event was able to donate two big boxes of toys and a check for $500 to the cause.

The way it was set up shows these guys' experience at running quality tournaments: every table had a good amount of terrain, and the tourney packet came with a terrain legend and copies of the missions.

My list can be found in Army Lists at http://www.dakkadakka.com/Forums/tabid/56/forumid/14/postid/113962/view/topic/Default.aspx.  It's the "final" version.

First game - Biel-tan Eldar commanded by Jay Haygood

As far as I can remember, his list was:

Farseer (don't remember the power)


3 10-man Fire dragon squads in Wave Serpents and 1 9-man squad (so Fuegan could cop a ride) in a Wave Serpent; all the Serpents had TL brightlances.

Falcon (forget the weapon)

Wraithlord (brightlance)

3 starcannon vypers in singleton squadrons

The mission: Beans or Bullets; at the top of 3rd turn, you start rolling each turn for each unit.  On a 1 they move at half rate; on a 6 they can't shoot.  Infiltrate, Deep Strike , Dusk and Dawn.  It uses a triangular deployment zone, with 30" on the short side and 54" on the long side out from the corner, and a hypotenuse between the furthest points.  Easy to see, hard to describe...

I won the roll for choice, and took the corner that would let me use the most buildings, and left him with the most table open.  Lucky for him, he got first turn, so no easy pens.  No dusk or dawn, lucky me.

I ended up winning, not really by any virtue of my own, but by his timidity in movement and such.  When the Fire Dragons did disembark, they put paid to 3 Dreadnoughts, but conservative movement and lucky shots on my part left Fuegan and his squad in the backfield all game and made the other squads trickle in and end up gunned down by Speeders and Dreads.  Coming into the game, I expected that this army would rip me up; lots and lots of mobile antitank = a bad day to be a Dreadnought.  Jay took the loss well; he admitted he had just come back to the hobby, and wasn't as up-to-speed on the nuances of 4th as he might have wanted.

A note: Jay had bought his army from Blue Table Painting, and I have to say, I was impressed by how good it looked.  If I ever happen to win the lottery, I'll certainly consider using their services.

Second game - Kroot Mercs commanded by Joe Johnson

I can't even hazard a guess at what all was in his army; all I know is that it had lots of "chicken" theme to it, lots of bodies, lots of infiltration, and lots of eviscerators... *sigh*  Two squads had wings.  It was a very well-painted army, although it didn't win Best Painted.  Joe put a lot of work into it, and it showed.

The mission was Tectonic Shift; there were markers involved, that pinned troops on a double, but they played no part in the game.  Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Preliminary Bombardment (don't see that every game, do you...).  Long deployment, 12" in.  I deployed everything first, since he was all infiltrating, then he set up as close as possible.  Several squads had an item that let them infiltrate d6" closer, virtually guaranteeing a first-turn charge.

The preliminary bombardment affected only a couple units on my side, but it did serious damage to him; since he had only a 6+ save, any wounds were almost guaranteed to kill.

As I look back, the true turning-point of the game was one roll: who went first.  If I had gone first, it would have been a bloodbath; my squads would have advanced along with the Dreads, rapidfired into the closest squads and decimated them, while the Dreads and Speeders gunned down the next nearest squads, and the game would proceed from there.  Since he got first turn, he shot me a little and then was all over me like stink on rice... (or is that white on... nevermind)

My men of the match have to be my Dreads, for valiantly blowing up with 6s to take a bunch of Kroot with them, and my Librarian, for finally frigging showing up and breaking 2 squads with FotD at the end of the game.  It was a tie by 10 points; had I gotten 11 more, I would have won. C'est la vie...  It was an absolute bloodbath, and a fun game; Joe constantly complained about my ability to roll saves, called into question the fairness of my dice, and lamented that my Dreads' deaths caused more hurt than their fighting, and it was all in fun.  Joe was my choice for best opponent of the day, and he ended up winning Best Sportsman.

Third game - Space Marines commanded by Brad Wood

His list was:

Epistolary in T-armor with FotD and a T Command Squad with 2 ACs and Pod

Codicer with FotD and Command Squad and Pod

2 5-man Tac squads (1 w/ 2 plasma, 1 w/ 2 melta), both in Pods

6 Dreads of various equipment (I remember one w/ MM/ML, a couple with TLLC/DCCW, one basic; I forget the others), all in Pods

*gasp* It's my list's evil twin brother! *dun dun DUNNN*

The mission was Damn Supply Drops; there were 6 markers on the table that each could be a temporary upgrade for the unit that possesses it, but none of them ended up that way for either of us.  Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk and Dawn.  Deployment zone was 12" out from along the corner.

I get first turn, wander off to get a couple markers for a couple turns, then he starts coming in.  The entire fight was in my quadrant; about half of the markers are unclaimed.  The pods formed a wall with a few gaps, through which Dreadnoughts sniped at each other.  Most of my shots end up being at drop pods, simply because there's nothing else to shoot.  Even so, I manage to take out most of his forces, and pull out a win, despite a last-turn break by one of my Tac squads from FotD.

Fourth game - Godzilla 'Nids commanded by Brian White

Lots of Stealers, a Devourer flyrant, a walking tyrant, 4 carnies, a Lictor, and 3 zoeys.  Oy gevalt.

Mission was the Condemned: one squad (plus transport, if applicable) gives you double its value in VPs if it dies; if it's still alive at all at the end of the game, you lose its points as if it had died.  Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Dusk and Dawn.

Put simply, he mauled me.  End of game: almost all of his stealers were dead, as was the flyrant and one zoey; all I had left was my most expensive Dreadnought.  Big-time ouch.  I couldn't get clear lines of fire when I needed them, and he munched me up and spit me out.  Big time loss for me.

So, overall, I scored 55 battle points (21 + 16 + 14 + 4); decent, but not wonderful.  No idea where I placed in the pack; hopefully, Warfan will have the result available at some point.  I had a great time, and would encourage anyone who lives reasonably close to keep an eye out for more events like this.

As a rule of thumb, the designers do not hide "easter eggs" in the rules. If clever reading is required to unlock some sort of hidden option, then it is most likely the result of wishful thinking.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake;
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Member of the "No Retreat for Calgar" Club 
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