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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Have there been any further updates to this Saga?

I backed the KS and when I raised a few questions I was issued with a refund without asking..

Was wondering how the story shaped up.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

They do updates now and then but i am still not convinced that they are buying time before they bail.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Interested to see if this ever delivers.
Made in no
Umber Guard

There is some optimism among some of the backers atm because the paints seem to have arrived at Broken Anvil HQ. But tbh, I have more faith in Mythic delivering than BAM atm. At least they are working their way through the backlog.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Just updating this thread here.... Paints were received by BAM in Jan 2024 and backers are still waiting for delivery. BAM has updated discord on the pack out they started on 5/1, but they still aren't finished as of 5/20. So 4+ months and counting to sort paints and put them in boxes. On discord, the excuses are plentiful, but never any hard dates, plans, or follow through. On KS, backers are asking for updates and are being ignored.

Hopefully the paints will be shipped within a month, but if this is the pace of the current BAM team I'm not holding my breath on Rivenstone (no KS updates since Jan 2024). I, unfortunately, backed all three KS projects. I'm just hoping to get to some paints for my 'investments' and then chalk the rest up to a hard lesson learned on KS and BAM.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Not that I am defending Broken Anvil/Level 52, but didn't the first Two Thin Coats campaign take forever to ship out because of some kind of issues with the paints once they arrived from the manufacturer?

'They are just little bottles of paint, how hard can it be?'

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Good point, I just looked at the original Two Thin Coats campaign and there were a lot of issues (supply chain 2022) and it drew out close to a year to fulfill to everyone. But there were also a lot of updates, so many updates letting his backers know what was going on. Also, according to the updates, after receiving the paints, they were shipped out in weeks.

I would have jumped on their third wave if I didn't back BAM paints. Hopefully BAM can fulfill. They are at the last mile, they just need to finish.
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Khorne Veteran Marine with Chain-Axe

Little Rock, AR

TLR BAM found a sucker to buy the game.

Rivenstone Project Update
user avatar
Broken Anvil MiniaturesCreator
July 5, 2024
To the Rivenstone Community,

We want to start by expressing our deepest apologies for the consistent delays you have experienced with the production and fulfillment of Rivenstone. We understand how frustrating this has been for all of you, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and grace as we’ve been working to find solutions to solve these ongoing issues and keep making positive progress.

We had planned to offer a comprehensive update on the status of production in our last true update, however, an intervening opportunity arose at that time that required we pause external communication until we absolutely knew we could count on this new path to move forward.

Today, we finally have the major update you all deserve.

After months of careful consideration, planning, and negotiations behind the scenes, we have decided to allow another company to adopt Rivenstone and take ownership of its full intellectual property rights under the condition that they agree to give their best effort to deliver a final product to the Rivenstone Kickstarter backers. While they are not ready to be named publicly yet, they have graciously given us permission to provide this initial update while they work to build landing pages, a Discord server, and other community infrastructure to be able to interact with all of you when the time comes to formally introduce themselves to you in the coming weeks..

The company Rivenstone is transferring to is well-established, with many years of experience in creating high quality miniatures (including for some of the largest tabletop gaming companies out there), and they have a strong reputation in the community. We believe that their intervention is the best way to bring our shared vision for Rivenstone to life. They are far more equipped to handle the production workload, design for new content workload and customer service workload than Broken Anvil is at this time.

For the remainder of the BAM Team, this has been a deeply emotional few months as we’ve worked to prepare Rivenstone for its departure from Broken Anvil into new hands. Building Rivenstone represents one of the best times of our professional lives, working alongside a group of incredibly talented people to craft an exciting game and expansive world that so many people have also come to love. We’ll treasure that experience always.

That said, we know that continuing to very slowly make progress while maintaining ownership of what we created would not be in the best interest of the community as a whole. We ultimately want to see Rivenstone not just deliver, but thrive long into the future.

The new owners understand the value of Rivenstone. They plan to support Rivenstone moving forward into the future, with the goal of giving it a long and prosperous life beyond the content created for KS and the 18-24 months of tested content already made. We are confident that their expertise and passion will give Rivenstone its best chance to flourish.

Please rest assured that this new team is committed to do everything they can to deliver Rivenstone. However, there are changes that may need to take place by the new team in order to provide the highest quality, quickest production and most successful delivery they can possibly do given their current resources. They have been provided all existing Siocast Molds, 3d Printed Masters and every production miniature we have made, along with all of the existing 3d files, engineered files, design files and docs, test docs, and everything else we have made so far to date for Rivenstone.

We understand that you may have questions and concerns about this major development, and we encourage you to reach out to us. We will do our best to provide answers and keep you informed throughout this transition.

Thank you once again for your support and understanding. We look forward to the exciting future of Rivenstone.

Warm regards,

The BAM Team

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/07/06 02:33:23

The News and Rumors section is all about surprises. I'd certainly hate it if we got 100 posts saying "I know something you don't know..." - malfred 
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Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

Fort Worth, TX

Why even bother to make such an announcement if they're not going to say who?

Except, of course, to just continue to string people along...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/07/06 12:42:39

"Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see.
One chants out between two worlds: Fire, walk with me."
- Twin Peaks
"You listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchetman in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you Sheriff Truman." - Twin Peaks 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 legionaires wrote:
TLR BAM found a sucker to buy the game.

Word on the street is that they found someone to buy their equipment and gave away the game as part of the deal. I suspect they aren't wanting to say who they are until they've determined if there's any possibility to actually release the thing. Personally I would have paid more to not get the game in the deal. Doesn't seem at all worth the hassle.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

'...oh yeah, and we owe stuff to 1400ish people all over the place. Alright, talk to you later!'

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I read somewhere that they gave the IP for free with the condition to fulfill the orders.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Sounds like Archon
The art style of Rivenstone is even similar to Archon's old Warzone stuff.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I wouldn't be surprised but Archon speciliazes in hard plastic and this is designed for Siocast
Made in gb

West Sussex, UK

Didn’t Monolith do something similar by rescuing Orc Quest in exchange for the IP? I have seen a lot of complaints regarding missing items or broken components reported last year and never replaced, along with promises of an FAQ and missing campaign rules that never appeared (appears game was mostly unplayable as shipped).
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I made an account just to share my own personal experience and maybe get some insight from others.

In 2019 purchased a statue from Level52 Studios, which later became Broken Anvil, and was quoted a Q1 2020 shipping date when I purchased it. Covid hits the U.S. and Level 52 states that the production has been delayed. Fast forward a year and I still have not received a statue. When I ask for new shipping estimates the date is moved out a couple of times. Then I ask for a solid update or a refund in 2023 (4years since the initial purchase) And they tell me they passed off the production to another party, PureArts. So I wasn't offered a refund at all. I check with this new production company and they confirm this information and quote me a shipping estimate in Q2 2024. I figured this was good sign because it was now out of this company's hands and I would be getting my collectible. Well I checked with PureArts this week to find out that allegedly Level 52 stopped communicating with PureArts and they made the decision to cancel the project. So now I have learned that they not only ghost their customers, but they also seem to be doing the same with business partners. I ultimately feel foolish for letting this go so long without taking any measures to get a refund, but now I believe that is the only course left to me. I backed their Dungeon Delvers project that surprisingly was delivered along with buying some minis from their website. So these fulfillments brought me some ease that they would eventually make these products that I ordered. I finally got a minimal reply after once again demanding a refund. They stated:
"As stated before this project is currently with Purearts. We are not able to provide refunds currently.

Level52 Studios Team"

So someone I am talking to seems to be lying here. I feel so disgusted by what they are doing and question how they haven't gotten into any legal trouble over these years. Does anyone know of a class action lawsuit happening or would the only option be going through small claims?
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


folk on this reddit thread seem to have managed to get a refund


(edit: may be worth trying what they did?)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/07/26 22:17:51

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