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Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY


New Hell Dorado website!  I stumbled my way to the model pages easily enough - "Figurines" - and was very happy to see very nice pics of all the first wave releases!  At last, collected pics for the models in each faction set.  I'm not 100% in love with any one faction yet, but the 'Sloth' demons and Vargas' crew get my votes so far.

Also, the site doesn't work totally perfectly with my IE - I had to reload the faction pages so that all of the pics would appear in the center navigation pane.  That seemed to fix it though.

- Boss Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us

Paso Robles, CA, USA

What's that funny language its in?

Is there going to be an english version of this game?

Ozymandias, King of Kings

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings.
Look on My works, Ye Mighty, and despair.

Chris Gohlinghorst wrote:Holy Space Marine on a Stick.

This conversation has even begun to boggle my internet-hardened mind.

A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy 
Made in us
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought

Up your nose with a rubber hose.

IE gave me the same problem, but Firefox works ok. Cool stuff.

"Don't have much use for a poop droid." - Iorek
"Elusive has a bloodhound like capacity for finding hugely ugly minis." - tortoise
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

They said the English version will be a while coming.

Probably for the better as some of the rules are just too easy to abuse. For instance, if any part of the model touches another model they are in melee. Doesn't sound too bad until you see people converting spears and such to be an inch or two longer.
Made in fr
Fresh-Faced New User

ok so Asmodée IS working on an english version


and the game itself is really for "adult" players. ok the rule U say is true, but its really the only one to abuse, and if U go in tournaments with minis like that, U can be refused.


and for the "house games", we have a big acid baril here in my club... just in case...

Made in us


They may be working on an English version, but I'm fairly sure they couched it's ETA in terms of the "don't hold you breath" variety...

Alpharius, Not King of Kings

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Posted By Magos_Dooloo on 06/14/2007 1:30 PMand the game itself is really for "adult" players. ok the rule U say is true, but its really the only one to abuse, and if U go in tournaments with minis like that, U can be refused.

Theres also weird stuff in the rules itself (not some bravado filled Page 5) like the designer threathening the he will hit people who play with unpainted minis with a board with a nail in it, cuting of the hands of rulelawyers or instead of using a coin for "heads or tail" using the players girlfriend.

Just doesn't read well.

The rules themselves are nothing innovative, they are just a glom of rules from other games stuck together. Also as said above, Asmodee has said there will be an English rules set, but don't hold your breath waiting for it.

It just looks like alot of roadblocks for rules that others have already translated (which Asmodee said would be too costly to do, yet someone did it without backing or support and sent the link to TTGN.) that didn't jump out as something you gotta try. The minis are nice enough, its just that all the other obsticles might not be worth fighting.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

From comments on TTGN
We discussed about this ?translation issue? with a French Asmodee representative to understand the problem.

What is happening is Asmodee France is a quite important compagny earning money by selling popular games likes ?Pokemons? or ?Jungle Speed? by thousands. That represents enough money to allow them to pay, developp and produce an atypical wargame like Hell Dorado.

Be aware this game was originaly produced for the French market only. It wasn?t expected to see a massive interrest from your country?
Create this game has been really really expensive and Asmodee Fr doesn?t (and will probably won?t) do any benefit with it as long they doesn?t extend the market abroad.

Now you have to understand the way such development abroad works: Asmodee doesn?t produce translation and manufacturing. Generally they sell the copyright of the game and another compagny produces the game.

So what about Asmodee US then ? the point is this sub-compagny can?t economically take this development in charge. It is definitivelly to expensive to be realistic.

It doesn?t mean this Englsh version is dead ! Be certain Asmodee wants to see its game developped in other countries (which will help them to pay the bills) but can?t start it now.
They are still looking for somebody to do the job for them.

We just have to be patient now?

I hope this explanation will help you to understand where we are today regarding this expected translation?

Best regards

Made in us
Hunter with Harpoon Laucher

Castle Clarkenstein

So, with that said, I'd guess we are 1 to 3 years out from an English release, with maybe an additional 1-2 years added in for the "everything takes longer in France", factor.

Most anyone that has the money to buy the license and produce the book in English is going to be vary leery of doing so because of the bottlekneck in miniatures. If AsF is undercapitalized, they aren't going to be able to keep up with the surge in miniature sales that an English edition will create.

Paying for the rights to translate, and then produce miniatures seperately from AsF is a huge undertaking in time, people, materials, that I just don't see any company doing.

....and lo!.....The Age of Sigmar came to an end when Saint Veetock and his hamster legions smote the false Sigmar and destroyed the bubbleverse and lead the true believers back to the Old World.
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