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Fulgrim by Graham McNeill  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Ancient Chaos Terminator

South Pasadena

I got my copy from Amazon yesterday and I finished it today.  I wont give any spoilers away, but I will say that it is a great read.  I really liked viewing the heresy from the eyees of someone not in the Luna Wolves.  I definitely recommend it.


Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

Damn, I'm falling behind. I still haven't picked up flight of the Eisenstein.

I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
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yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
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Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

I think McNeill's previous was the weakest of the series - so how does this relate to the rest? It sounds positive and I'm looking forward to reading it.

I hope it is not too repetitive to the other books, just with a different "narrators".

It's time to get to earth and let the real battle begin

“Of the fabulous hydra it is said, cut off one head and two will grow in its place”

- antique proverb

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

United States of England

It is a good read, and certainly in keeping with the rest of the series. I'm now looking forward to Fallen Angel.....finally the dirt on the Lion!! I think its going to be hard to conatin the Horus Heresy in the number of books projected though ( I think it was 7 altogether?!? ).....this could easily be an ongoing series, I mean they haven't even touched on the Ultramarines and the Space Wolves yet......and what about a book written from the Emporers own view point....now that would be something!

Man down, Man down.... 
Made in gb
Swift Swooping Hawk


I think McNeill's previous was the weakest of the series - so how does this relate to the rest? It sounds positive and I'm looking forward to reading it.

I hope it is not too repetitive to the other books, just with a different "narrators".

It's time to get to earth and let the real battle begin

Without giving anything away it follows the same format in-so-much-as it focusses in on one legions involvement before the assault on the Imperial Palace.

The battle scenes throughout are well written IMHO and the last 3 - 4 chapters are fantastic with a nice unexpected twist at the end.

I'm not saying that the rest of the book isn't exciting just that those chapters took my breath away.

Once again I can't wait for the next one.

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." - J. Robert Oppenheimer - Exterminatus had it's roots way back in history. 
Made in us

I also enjoyed this book, up to a point.

SPOILERVISION ON! (HIghlight to read):

1) Fulgrim does what he does because he's possessed by a Daemon. Ugh.

2) Sorry Loyalists, but there's another Primarch confirmed dead. IIRC, the Iron Hands IA article had him as "missing" and possibly in the hands of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Well, maybe his body is now, but his head surely isn't!


So, we now have canon (these books are the new official stance, right?) creeping way, way too close to the Horus Heresy Card Game/Art book versions, under the awe inspiring direction of A. Merrit.

This can't be good...

Well, unless you enjoy the new direction. It isn't all that horrible, but I guess I'm a bigger fan of the background from around the time of 2nd edition 40K and the IA articles...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/02/14 20:08:05

Made in dk
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries


I just finished it last night and was overall quite pleased with the book. There were some new "twists and tweaks" to fluff, but nothing really major that couldn't be explained away. It was also the most provocative of the series, with some surprising "adult" moments.

The only thing that I dislike about the series in general is that just about every character I feel sympathetic for ends up dying. Every single book!

I started Descent of Angels afterward - and it's so far totally different from the others in the series... but that doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

Agitatis Ultramarini,
Dominitis Ultramarini. 
Made in us
Despised Traitorous Cultist

Fulgrim was the the greatest book so far imho in the horus heresy books i really enjoyed the way they "explain" the sonic weapons i always thought they were a joke made up by a game developer who maybe had a neighbor who played guitar(terribly) and liked to sing(terribly) and he thought that he must be a chaos worshipper ha ha but now they almost seem like a cool kinda sonic weapon but anyways thats just my 2 cents.....

for the dark gods... , starting  
Made in us
Giggling Nurgling

Fulgrim is one of the most enjoyable of the HH series, outclassed only by Flight of the Eisenstein, and on par with book 3 of the Luna Wolves series.

The descriptions of the truly perverse Slaanesh themed parts were done without being ridiculously sexual which is a big plus for the writer as that was the obvious and easy way out. I really liked how the EC really got into acts of excess in violence, music, and art, and stayed away from a lot of the sexual imagery. You get a real feel for the excess when Horus bitches Fulgrim out about dressing like an arse, and tells him to be a warrior not a waif.

Overall, it made me like the EC as tragic villains more than the obvious and up to this point stressed sexual deviants that the current fluff makes them. I like the idea of them as martial snobs, disdaining the lesser techniques of street brawlers as the mindless skills of the lesser chapters.
Made in ch
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

Bay Area

I need to get this book I guess. I always liked Fulgrim anyways. But I'm glad that he's possessed, cause I always liked that the fluff says he didn't listen to the daemon in his head when it told him to kill said important person.

Made in no
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

I agree, 'Fulgrim' was one of the more enjoyable books of the series so far. Though some of the 'excesses' were a bit too much for me.
But I guess I should have seen that coming when I picked it up. A great read none-the-less

al-Majid Agandhjin bin Ahfal al-Rashid

al-Majid Agandhjin bin Ahfal al-Rashid

http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/509305.page#5313817 - My revived Tallarn Imperial Guard - The 170th

http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/217529.page - 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!' - My Rebel Grotz (not recieving any attention atm) 
Made in us
Ancient Chaos Terminator

South Pasadena

The encounter with the Eldar and Fulgrims meeting with Eldrad was the highlight of the book for me.


Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

What happens at the meeting?

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Denver, CO

The encounter with the Eldar and Fulgrims meeting with Eldrad was the highlight of the book for me.

This was the only part of the book I really enjoyed.

I respect the fact that you all seemed to like this book, it just didn't do it for me. To me Grahm McNeil's writing just leaves something lacking. I just didn't see the depth in the characters in this novel that were presented in HH 1-4. Both the characters and plot seemed to lack the same depth that the other books had. I felt that the majority of the characters were 1 dimensional and that the subplots had little to no ties to the main story.

I've read everyone of McNeil's 40k books, and the part of his writing he seems to excel at is his description of battles. Fulgrim was no exception. The opening battle and the fight with the eldar were, in my opinion, the best parts of the book. I did not enjoy the rest of the novel.

McNeil's writing always seems to lack a certain level of maturity. The remembrancers in Books 1-4 were important characters. In Fulgrim they could have been excluded. I'm convinced that this is because McNeil is incapable of developing rich, deep characters.

Made in ie
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler


malfred wrote:What happens at the meeting?

Basically Fulgrim leads the EC into a section of uncharted space and finds a group of maiden worlds. He is so touched by their beauty he defies the edict of the Great Crusade and doesn't claim them for the Imperium and moves on.
Eventually the Craftworld appears and Eldrad requests a meeting with Fulgrim on the nearby maiden world.

Fulgrim,and 5 captains head down to the planet and meet Eldrad flanked by a Wraithlord and a few Falcons infront of a webway gate. Eldrad thanks Fulgrim for not touching the Maiden worlds that they are the future of the Eldar. He then goes on to explain how Horus is injured on Davin and is fighting for his soul. Fulgrim is understandably upset and confused.

It comes to pass that Eldrad realises that Fulgrim and the Imperium know nothing about Chaos and begins to desperately explain the perilous situation Horus and the Imperium is in but the Daemon in Fulgrims sword clouds his mind and he attacks Eldrad. The Wraitlord intervenes, And the Captains and Fulgrim begin a fight for their lives as Eldrad sends down more troops to stop the now obviously Chaos corrupted Fulgrim.

This culminates with a duel between Fulgrim and the Avatar of Khaine which ends rather spectacularly with Fulgrim beating the Avatar to death with his own two hands.

And yes after that long spoiler. I though Fulgrim was one of the best novels of the Heresy so far. Quite enjoyable and it is nice to think that Fulgrim if he could every fight off the Daemons influence he might have a chance at redemption.

By the 37 keys of Tzeentch,We open the way for our brothers,
By the 1000 whispers of Slaanesh we call to them,
By the 12 plagues of Nurgle we fell their enemies,
And by the mighty axe of Khorne we cut open the world for them!

- Ritual of Summoning, Recited by Amphion and Zethus Dark Sorcerers of the Deimos Peninsula,Kronos

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Fulgrim had it's moments. But Abnett is still easily the best writer in the series, and I still think Eisenstein was better put together. Too many of the writers don't embrace the betrayal, and make it someone else's fault. This continued that most Lucasian of trends.
Made in fi
Jervis Johnson

Fulgrim was a decent read, but I liked Flight of the Eisenstein and Galaxy in Flames a lot more. About Eisenstein: Does the end imply that Garro started the Ordo Malleus, Qruze the Ordo Xenos and Kendel the Ordo Hereticus?
Made in us
Ancient Chaos Terminator

South Pasadena

@Therion, you actually liked something? (joke)
Yes I believe the ending does imply that the Ordo's were founded by them, at least in part.


Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Denver, CO

Which is in conflict with the Horus Heresy art books when the creation of the inquisition is one of the last orders given by the Emperor when he's put on the golden throne...

Made in fi
Jervis Johnson

lifeafter wrote:Which is in conflict with the Horus Heresy art books when the creation of the inquisition is one of the last orders given by the Emperor when he's put on the golden throne...

That's not necessarily a conflict. Remember that the Sigillite talks to the Emperor, and so we can assume they might have discussed it before. Emperor just gives actual order to do so after Horus is dead.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Purging the unclean In the name Of the Emperor!

im gowing through the heresy now fulgrim is by far the best! FULGRIM GETS F'ED. but idk galxy in flames rivals it especially the end part!

" People Say ideas are far more powerful then guns, if we do not allow our enemies to have guns, then why shall we allow them to have ideas? " - josef stalin

" Everything degenerates, in the Hands of men "- Ignance Karkasy 
Made in us

Therion wrote:
lifeafter wrote:Which is in conflict with the Horus Heresy art books when the creation of the inquisition is one of the last orders given by the Emperor when he's put on the golden throne...

That's not necessarily a conflict. Remember that the Sigillite talks to the Emperor, and so we can assume they might have discussed it before. Emperor just gives actual order to do so after Horus is dead.

AND... anything that conflicts with Mr. Merritt's 'vision' of the Horus Heresy is fine by me!
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