This is an automated message added by the articles system.
A new article titled
Category:Tactica has been added to the dakka articles system.
This message thread is for the discussion of content in the article. Any updates to the article will be automatically added to this thread and (if you are logged in), you can get automatic email updates as and when the article changes by clicking 'Email me when this thread changes' below. If you are the author or have added a lot to the article then it is a good idea to do this to ensure that you maintain control over the content of the article.
If you have anything to add to the article, then just jump in and edit it by going to the actual
article page and clicking 'edit' (the link can be found just above the article). If there is no edit link then the article is locked for now, so just add your comments or content to this thread and if they are appropriate and the article owner checks this thread, they should get merged in.
If there is something in the article that you wish to debate, then this is the place to do it. Just hit the reply button and get chatting. You need to be
registered and
logged in to post in the forums so if you are an anonymous article editor then now would be a great time to register and join in dakka's great forum discussion!