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Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form?
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Yes, as the Star Child.
Yes, as himself
Yes, through someone else
No, he will die
No, he is already dead
Other (write in)

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Made in de
Been Around the Block


I read some theory that GW might want to go back to a style similar to Horus Heresy, where it's mostly (now) Primaris, loyal and traitor, focussed with a few xenos races sprinkled in between, cause their trend of ignoring races and pushing more and more primaris units, might go even further.

Can't remember the details and of course it was still a fan theory, but I think it was more or less Guilleman splitting off cause of his Primaris love and instead of chaos vs imperium, it would be more like religious imperium vs imperial truth and the emperor could either resurrect or stay 'imprisoned' as the religous guys holy idol, while the imperial truth guys want to free him.
Made in fi
Dakka Veteran

He will return as Primaris Emperor of Mankind.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

He will return as the Horned Rat.
Made in au
Changing Our Legion's Name

Adelaide Australia

GW confirmed he is a perpetual. So if he truly dies, then yes, he will ressurect. Same as Vulkan.
Which leads me to believe either,

A: the high lords of terra dont know he's a perpetual and think they're doing him a solid by keeping him "alive"
B: more likely, they do know, but don't want him to ressurect because while he's on the throne they have more control, they were able to create the Ecclesiarchy and encourage the worship of him as a god, which as we know the Emperor disapproves of (poor Lorgar)

I created background for my Alpha Legion to say that they're basically on a suicide mission to "assassinate" the Emperor in order for him to ressurect and bring order back to the galaxy
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

There should really be a poll option for "no, he will stay in limbo on the Golden Throne".
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Star Child for the win - Fear the old lore
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

No. He will choose to die rather than endure this torment.

If no one has mentioned it, 50K The Nightmare To Come, is some excellent fanfic.
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

After having read the transcript of Dan Abnett's recent interview in ArsTechnica, seems like the Emperor is stuck with being in the state he is currently, and if this would ever be to change, the 40K universe would cease to literally exist.

The Golden Throne is also apparently much more important than most of the lore implies..

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

No, the emperor will not resurrect. Not in the lore & definitely not play wise.
It'll continue to be a talked plot point though.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Hecaton wrote:
He will return as the Horned Rat.

This would be the best end times surprise
Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

Do I think he WILL eventually return? Yes. Do I think he SHOULD eventually return? No.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/06 22:41:37

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