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Made in us
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy


We finally got to play the next part of our game in our Ork VS. Dark Eldar game series, 1,000 points total

The war has been back and forth for both sides. However, the orks have built a series of traktor beam force fields
that have been ripping Dark Eldar space cruisers out of orbit and hurling them down on DE troops. This has been
GREAT fun for the orks, less so for the Dark Eldar. So a Darkon was dispached with a fast force to take out a local
force field generator.

This is our third game and went with a sabotage mission with me defending my forcefield. It wasn't pretty for me
but we had a good time and lots of laughs.

My list

Screw'ead the Big Mek
Kustom Forcefield, burna and choppa

2 squads of shoota boyz (10 to a squad). Both had a big shoota attached as well as nobz with big shootas. I wanted lots of dakka

1 unit of 10 gretchen with runtherd

2 killa Kanz with a Big shoota and Rokkit launcher, equiped with Grot riggers

2 lobbas with extra grots

I had two trukks with slugga boys, rokkits and PK nobz in reserve, along with my war buggy with a burna and a Def Dread with a big shoota and burna.

His list (not sure of all the wargear though)

Darkon with Inncubi retinue, fairly tricked out with drugs, shadowfields and other goodies

1 Raider full of wytches

2 squads of Warriors with splinter cannons attached

7 jetbikes

1 Hommonculous ( hereby known as Hommey)

I set up first in my 8" deployment sphere, putting my lobbas near the rear and crowding as much as possible under the KFF. I made my first mistake when placing my grot sentries by spreading them out all over the board instead of concentrating them near the deployment zone. My thinking, although flawed, was that sentries don't do much good if concentrated in one area in real life. This would cost me later.

He deployed his HQ and warriors and proceaded to DECIMATE all my sentries and move almost strait up on my force with his HQ and his warriors covering him. By the time his next move is ready (he is still out of sight of my guys), he rockets his raider and jet bikes onto the board 24" to get them ready. His shooting phase knocked out half of one squad of shoota boyz and half my gretchen. His Hommey was able to acid blast the other squad of shootas. Then he moves into assault and by the time he is done, I'm down to about 1/3 of my total shootas and almost no gretchen. *sigh* Having him get all the way in with no alarm really put the hurt on the game since I wasn't able to mow him down with all the shootas I had ready.

My turn 1.

I get no reserves this turn. *sighs* Almost all my units are tied up in assault so they can't fire back. However, I'm able to get my Kans over behind his HQ and devistate his Inncubi, killing off 3 of them. His HQ goes into full retreat. My assaults back don't fair so well and I'm down to 1/4 of my total boyz, 2 grots, a runtherd, 2 kans, 2 lobbas and a Big Mek. This is not looking good.

DE turn 1.

The raider drops off the Wytches while the warriors consolidate under some cover. The bikes zip around to congrigate hungrily over my lobbas. Shooting is ineffective at this point since he doesn't have much to get rid of my kans and I don't have any shooty things left. His Darkon keeps running for the hills. In his assault, he moves his wytches up to the force field tower to begin their assult to complete the mission. The jet bikes assault the lobbas and the artillery is overrun. The good news was that my final big shoota and nob kill off the Hommey.

Ork Turn 2

I roll for reserves and depressingly, only get a warbuggy that has a burna on it. I move it 25" to get it into range of the wytches. One of my Kans are able to get over to the Wytches and kill off 3, causing them to fall back. The other kan begins a very ineffective assault of the bikes. They can't penetrate, he can't hit them.

DE, turn 2

The darkon keeps right on running, which does make me feel good. Coward git. However, those wytches mange to cosolidate and are heading right back for the generator. This time, the DE player as set up his bikes and raider as cover for the wytches so I can't easily get to them with my kanz. The last of my shoota boyz die when the DE warriors open fire and kill them. Some of his bikes try to assault my Kan and end up dead because of it. Go grots!

Ork Turn 3
I roll for reserves and I get everything, including 2 trukks full of slugga boyz and nobz and a def dread.! There is a slim chance of hope, but it doesn't look good. The wytches are in assault on the tower and he has it ringed up pretty tightly. I move the warbuggy first, going over difficult terrain without too much problem to get my self in postition to use the burna on them. However, we ran into a snag. Since the wytches were in assult, could they be fired on? could they be fired on with a template weapon, especialy since they weren't in assault with any of my troops? We couldn't find a rule on it, so we said that 1-3, I would get to use the template, 4-6, I couldn't. I rolled a 4. Oh well. I ended up flaming one of his bikes. Not quite as satisfactory as taking down a bunch of nuddie girls. The trukks moved as much as they could but it wasn't quite far enough.

So, looking defeat in the eye, I did what any good ork player would do. I had my killa kan hit his raider. Not only did it go down, it went down spectactularly with a large explosion that wipped out half of the wytches! Again, the rules were confusing since they were in assault but didn't loose any battle, should they make a morale check? We thought that no, they probably wouldn't since they weren't really fighting anything.

DE Turn 3

He simply goes to assault phase and blows up the tower.

Analysis: I'm getting better at this. The sentry screw up and late deployment of the trukks REALLY hurt. I probably should have put the lobbas in reserve and kept the trukk out to deal with problems.

As an added bonus, I nominated my Killa Kanz for an outstanding unit of the game. Driving off the DE HQ AND Wytches AND blowing up 3 bikes AND a raider is a good days work for 2 little grots!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/04/12 21:26:33

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Made in us
Despised Traitorous Cultist

cool report sucks for you but hey its all about the fun lol cannot wait until they update the dark eldar(or i am hoping they do)

for the dark gods... , starting  
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