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Tech upgrades since the The Age of Apostasy question?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Stalwart Space Marine

I have been working on my Legion of the Damned, and searching for a way to make them more and more unique. I recently have seen the pictures from the Art of the Horus Heresy, and I think i found my solution. The Fire Hawks (ie the Legion of the Damned) were created during the Cursed Founding...which took place during the the Age of Apostasy. I really like the old style jump packs,terminator armor, and jet bikes from the HH...but would that technology have changed by the Age of Apostasy (M36) to what we see now? I may go ahead and do the older look anyways...but i was curious how accurate I would be.

A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.
Author unknown 
Made in us
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

Omaha (or West of the Mississippi and just afew miles south of Sanity)

Id say it would probably be a safe bet, unless SM jump packs are a STC then you might not be able to get away with it as well. And the Terminator armour would be just fine to make it look older since there are different versions of power armour MK I through MK VIII so one can only assume that Terminator armour would have changed through out time as well. IMHO I think it would be fine to go ahead and change them up abit, hope to see some pics of the conversions too when your done.


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