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Made in us

North Carolina

Lava Rock Asteroids
By: grey_death

Working with some of the inspiration from last week and my Nebula tip, I went to work on creating some additional space terrain for my Battlefleet Gothic battles. And what better place to start than Asteroids!

I thought a few times about trying to use regular foam, and even did a few quick tests with some pink foam and bead foam. Neither worked out for the speed I was looking for. And then working from the idea of using real rocks, I came up with the perfect starting point, Lava Rocks!

The transformation was as simple as a few coats of spray paint. Starting with black spray paint as a basecoat.

After the black spray was completely dried, I found some dark grey spray and heavily dusted them on all sides.

Again, letting the last coat completely dry, I broke out my white spray paint to finish off the job with a very light dusting. This last step was done by spraying from about twice the distance away from the rocks.

Don't mind the blueish hue from the rocks in the last photo, it's simply the reflected light from the natural light from the open garage door. Which brings up another point, always spray paint with good ventilation!

That's it! They're ready to play! I'm definitely planning to do a good chunk more of these, as well as a variety of other terrain to include planets. Now I just need a full fleet to use!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/06/21 00:58:25

Call For Fire

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Las Vegas

Cool! I hope you didn't take them from Hawai'i?
They look really great.

Made in us

North Carolina

GoFenris wrote:Cool! I hope you didn't take them from Hawai'i?
They look really great.

Haha, no, they're definitely not from Hawaii. Central Texas actually ^_-. They're from landscaping.

Call For Fire

Made in gb
Tinkering Tech-Priest

That's pretty handy. I could use that for rocks on a normal battlefield!

This is Daemonic Cheese:

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2500 Pts
1000 Pts (And growing)

I'd put a quote here, but XKCD would have a better one.  
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


Great use of natural rocks they look really good

The imperium, how mighty its aspect, how far reaching its boundaries, as one planet dies ten more are brought into the fold, fear us for we count the lives of planets not men!  
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