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After a bit of playtesting, my 1000pt league ork list - critiques please  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

HQ - 200
Warboss pk,shoota skorcha kombi, cybork, eavy armor
Big Mek kff, cybork

Elite - 225
15 Lootas

Troops - 575
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
30 Shootas 3 bs, nob pk bp

One 20 man squad sits on the rear objectives / protects the lootas from flankers and deep strikers / sits back and shoots when it can.

The KFF mek hides the 20 man squad which the 30 man squad with te boss marches behind for the cover save. Lootas pop the transports and targets of opportunity, and te front 50 move and shoot their way into combat.
It has worked well in playtesting... ...opinions and thoughts?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/02/04 04:09:58

Made in us
Fighter Ace

List is pretty good you are deffinately going to want to get Bosspoles in your Shoota squads find the points any way you can they will save you alot of grief.

Since lootas can't seperate their fire you might be better off lowering the model count in that unit to free up some points just an idea. If you go down to say 10 lootas you will have plenty of shots to take down w/e you are shooting at the averege of 20-30 shots per turn you are going to get out of them is more then enough.

Whereas the 75 points you get for giving up 5 of them will allow you to get plenty of BP's (idealy 3 of them for your boy squads only 15 points) and a PK(25 points) for your big mek as well as have a few points left over for w/e you fancy ( 35 points left would allow you to get both the warboss and the big mek an attack squig for +1 attack as well as 'eavy armor for the big mek).

When the Axe comes down just pray your face isn't beneath it.
2500 , 2500 100 points of Circle of Orboros 50 points of legion 50 points of Khador, 15 points of Cryx and 15 points of menoth  
Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

The shoota nobs have a bosspole and power klaw.
Running 10 lootas is scry if the do get outflanked or are hit by a successful deep strike. 1 dead and the mob rule is gone.

So looking at your suggestions, It would be either:
HQ - 200
Warboss pk,shoota skorcha kombi, cybork, eavy armor
Big Mek kff, cybork

Elite - 225
15 Lootas

Troops - 575
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
30 Shootas 3 bs, nob pk bp


HQ - 260
Warboss pk,shoota skorcha kombi, cybork, eavy armor, attack squig
Big Mek kff, pk, cybork, eavy armor, attack squig

Elite - 165
11 Lootas

Troops - 575
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
30 Shootas 3 bs, nob pk bp

So I lose 4 to 12 loota shots and gain a pk, squig and armor for the mek and a squig for the boss.
I still have 11 lootas, so i can lose 1 befor it becomes an issue. Ouch - that still scares me. :(

I will playtest that build a little and see where it goes. What is the squigs attack?

Thoughts anyone?

Made in eu
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


The attack squig adds 1 CC attack for the WB. For you its one more PK attack... pretty good.

8500p Plague Marines
Vote on my Titan on CoolMiniOrNot

Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

hmmm - an extra s10 for the boss and an extra pk for the mek are pretty appealing. It might be worth risking the lootas running - there is a squad of 20 boys and a nob back there anyway... ...do you think leaving the sqad back there to guard the lootas and sit n the objectives is an effective tool?

I will have to figure out how to get a PK on the kff mek - we play wysiwyg... ...I can probably use my two bomb squigs as attack squigs.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/02/04 15:39:10

Made in ca
Serious Squig Herder

Giving the Big Mek a klaw is essentially making him another Nob with a klaw. He'd be better off using a Burna, which supports him and the Boyz in his mob. He can use it as a Power Weapon againt MeQs, or he can thin out a Gaunt horde before your charge.

You also make use of his somewhat better Initiative. Leave the Pk'ing to the Nobs.

Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

Nice thought. That also allows me to get 1 more loota back.
Made in gb
Tower of Power


Inigo Montoya wrote:HQ - 200
Warboss pk,shoota skorcha kombi, cybork, eavy armor
Big Mek kff, cybork

Elite - 225
15 Lootas

Troops - 575
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
30 Shootas 3 bs, nob pk bp

One 20 man squad sits on the rear objectives / protects the lootas from flankers and deep strikers / sits back and shoots when it can.

The KFF mek hides the 20 man squad which the 30 man squad with te boss marches behind for the cover save. Lootas pop the transports and targets of opportunity, and te front 50 move and shoot their way into combat.
It has worked well in playtesting... ...opinions and thoughts?

I would add a attack squig to the boss to give that extra attack.

The 30 unit of shootas make down to 20 and upgrade the other 10 to ard boyz. You can get them stuck in and they have better save or saves having a massive large mob holding a well claimed objective when they could be laying down masses of firepower.

warhammer 40,000 tactica and hobby blog - www.imperiusdominatus.com

Want list feedback and advice? e-mail imperiusdominatus@live.co.uk

Blood Angels - 2000 Iron Warriors - 2000 Orks -2000 Imperial Guard - 2000
Eldar - 2000 Hive Fleet Krakken - 2000 Dark Eldar - 2000 Necrons - 2000 Grey Knights - 2000 Daemons - 2000 Ravenwing - 2000 
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Inigo Montoya wrote:hmmm - an extra s10 for the boss and an extra pk for the mek are pretty appealing. It might be worth risking the lootas running - there is a squad of 20 boys and a nob back there anyway... ...do you think leaving the sqad back there to guard the lootas and sit n the objectives is an effective tool?

I will have to figure out how to get a PK on the kff mek - we play wysiwyg... ...I can probably use my two bomb squigs as attack squigs.

Also alot of list building is catering to your own play style, good players can win with gakky armies it odd when you see it but it's true.

So find the list that best fits your playstyle we can Theory hammer all day but how a unti is used in the game has more to do with winning then the untis acual paper value.

But ya I would recomend at least getting the Warboss an attack squig that extra attack is almost always worthwhile.

If you position your lootas right they should be fine (remeber you have a 48" wange to abuse with them) more people are going to be too busy trying to keep your boys from getting to them.

When the Axe comes down just pray your face isn't beneath it.
2500 , 2500 100 points of Circle of Orboros 50 points of legion 50 points of Khador, 15 points of Cryx and 15 points of menoth  
Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

Zhetsuken wrote:
Also alot of list building is catering to your own play style, good players can win with gakky armies it odd when you see it but it's true.

So find the list that best fits your playstyle we can Theory hammer all day but how a unti is used in the game has more to do with winning then the untis acual paper value.

Yes, I build the primary list to cater to my style of play, but I am a newb with limited experience and I need input as to what I am missing with my initial build. I have found that the majority of input is constructive and helpful, and my list are generally more solid because of the feedback I get here. I also help with what I have learned, it works pretty well.

Zhetsuken wrote:But ya I would recomend at least getting the Warboss an attack squig that extra attack is almost always worthwhile.

If you position your lootas right they should be fine (remeber you have a 48" wange to abuse with them) more people are going to be too busy trying to keep your boys from getting to them.

I am leary of 'ard boys as they are so expensive for what you get. The points don't add up from what I have seen and been told.

I playtested a bit this afternoon and I have altered the build accordingly:

HQ - 210
Warboss pk,shoota skorcha kombi, cybork, eavy armor, attack squig
Big Mek kff, eavy armor

Elite - 150
10 Lootas

Troops - 640
30 Shootas 3 bs, nob pk bp
30 Shootas 3 bs, nob pk bp
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp

I would like to charge all three mobs at them, but something has to hold the rear objectives, and my grots were getting squashed when I tried to use them. The 20 squad is not only solid at holding the objective(s), they are a real solution to flanking and deepstriking to kill my lootas. With only 10, I really cant afford to lose any.

Anyone notice any glaring discrepancies or have advice on bettering the build?

Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Running 10 Lootas isn't advisable. One shot on that unit and it's probably running. If you run Lootas run 15 or 5 and in multiple units to make your shot rolls redundant. That way they either benefit from being fearless from the first barrage or only 45 points are running off the table.

I also don't really see a whole lot of synergy with your HQ's. You've got a KFF that doesn't exploit 4 up vehicle cover and a Warboss without any nobs in the army. Of course Warbosses are good by themselves, but in a 1000 point game you might want to stretch your point budget a bit farther.

HQ - 125

1 Big Mek SAG Burna Heavy Armor Bosspole

Elite - 300

15 Lootas
5 Lootas

Troops - 575

30 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp
20 Shootas 2 bs, nob pk bp

Attach the Big Mek to one of the Loota Units for improved Leadership and have him lob SAG shots at whatever your Lootas were otherwise shooting at.

Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

I was concerned about the low unit count as well. It bit me playtesting last night, deep striking termies dropped a flame template and the remnents ran away. The shoota squad finished the termies, but I soent 150 points to pop a rhino... ...I will do a bit of playtesting with that build tonight.
Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

On a side note, the kff mek is solid in a trukk/wagon, but when the shootas are moving forward and shooting, a wound from a bolter = a dead ork. The mek reduces my casualties from 100% to 80%. That is pretty huge imo.
Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Inigo Montoya wrote:On a side note, the kff mek is solid in a trukk/wagon, but when the shootas are moving forward and shooting, a wound from a bolter = a dead ork. The mek reduces my casualties from 100% to 80%. That is pretty huge imo.

You're right but you should be looking for a 4 up cover save anyway and always move through terrain if it's available. I play similar Ork lists without KFF and on a standard tourney legal table with normal cover rules my army has 4 up cover most of the time barring post assault, it should be especially easy to achieve that in a 1000 point game with a lower model count.

So the KFF is nice but a 5 up cover in those few situations where you can't find good cover should be quite rare and therefore mostly redundant.

If you're having trouble finding cover with a 1000 point list then you might want to check your gaming table and ensure there is enough of it.

If for some reason you are playing on a table devoid of cover then you can embrace not moving through cover and screen your boyz behind Killa Kans with a KFF. Now everything in your army has 4 up cover regardless of where it is on the table.

Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

After playtesting a few more games, I have settled on this build:

Warboss pk, bp, attack squig, eavy armor, cybork

5 X Loota
5 X Loota

5 Nobs, eavy armor, cybork, kitted as follows
Waaagh! banner
Painboy with orderly
Plain Nob
30 X shootas 3bs nob pk bp
30 X shootas 3bs nob pk bp

My only concern is that 10 lootas wont be enough to get the rhinos early. I am on the fence - I had good rolls in playtesting and get a rhino on turn 1 and a rhino on turn 2 two games in a row. If they roll poorly there isn't much I can do but watch the rhinos shoot my boys to death.
Made in gb
Horrific Hive Tyrant

London (work) / Pompey (live, from time to time)

just a random list i have made for you
1k points limit as yours is.

HQ: warboss, PK, squig, BP - 105 (rides with boyz A in wagon A)
HQ: mek, KFF - 85 (rides with boyz B in wagon B)
HQ Total: 190

Troop - 19 slugga boyz - 114 (A, rides in wagon A)
Troop - 19 slugga boyz, PK nob, BP - 154 (B, rides in wagon B)
Troop: 12 shoota boyz, PK nob, BP, plain trukk - 195
Troop: 10 shoota boyz, plain trukk - 95
Troop total: 558

Heavy: battlewagon, riggers, kannon, BS x4 - 125 (A)
Heavy: battlewagon, riggers, kannon, BS x4 - 125 (B)
Heavy Total - 250

998 points.

high speed movement, some nice armour able to deliver your boys when and where needed, both wagon units have a klaw and BP with them.
trukk boyz can fill in mobile fire, or set up on objectives quickly.
love lootas, but they are to easy to just hide from, or shoot to death.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/02/07 00:37:10

Suffused with the dying memories of Sanguinus, the warriors of the Death Company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the Emperor.  
Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Lafayette, IN

Considering that list ^
Had to tweak it a lil cause the mek and boss take 2 slots on the wagon. It allowed me to fill both trukks with shootas.

I was worried about the lack of lootas to deal with armor, but I guess the kannon can do that for me.
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