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Did mk4 make any difference?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

chaos0xomega wrote:
IIRC James said that he was never sure why that delay was there or what changed, etc. I think he said that "marketing" or whatever was outside of the studios control and in the hands of other managers.

In the corporate world many things can be delayed, often hinging on trivialities - all it takes is some jerk to not want to sign onto a protocol and its gonna sit there.

I dont think the 3 month delay was 'planned'. Gw cant write rules but they can do logistics. A power play by a middle manager who didnt know/care sounds completely possible to me. Add in a touch of kirby-era hubris and contempt for the fanbase/customers and it makes even more sense. The game studio has very little 'real' power in gw at the end of the day.

greatest band in the universe: machine supremacy

"Punch your fist in the air and hold your Gameboy aloft like the warrior you are" 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Been testing out the preview scenarios and while they're not a revolution, I think they do what I need them to do to make MK4 work. The "win by 3 end of opponent's turn" does a ton of the heavy lifting in this regard. It removes the "throw stuff away or instantly lose" feeling of the old scenarios that made things miserable at low points where you didn't have anything to throw away. You need to engage or the game will get away from you, but you lose in a kind of desperate gambit that the game has always been great at creating.

Things do get spread surprisingly wide and require very specific builds to play effectively. I'm not entirely sure what I think of this, but I need to adjust a bit to get a feel for things. I kind of feel like the game is in a place where a sideboard would fit better than completely separate lists, but I'm not sure how to do that with the Warjack differences between Prime and Legacy. I kind of want to get a look at the whole packet to get a better idea here.

The other big shakeup is definitely the flags and objective terrain. I think the idea is solid, but really requires some thought on terrain setups. It's very easy to accidentally give one side no option but a big piece that is easy to contest while the other can easily score from a safe spot. Laying things out where players have 2-3 interesting choices will take some time, but is ultimately really interesting.

Here's hoping PP releases an objective pack for it soon though.
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

It seems here (Warsaw, Poland) that mk4 does start to make a difference.

The second half of mk3 was for us local tournaments with 6-8 participants, sometimes cancelled and it carried over to the first months of mk4...

...but now Warmachine has full attendance on local torunaments (limit of 12-16 players filled) with many new players with new mk4 armies.

Country-wise the game has died, with no bigger, national events at all (there were still a few at the end of mk3), but locally it gets better, mostly due to the efforts of one of our WTC players promoting it left and right.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/11/21 16:46:40

Made in ro
Pewling Menial


Nice to hear that, Cyel.
Another thing, PP decided to make available the starter battleboxes again. This is very good news, since now there's a cheaper entry point into Warmachine.
Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

MK4 has definitely been a success. In the beginning the year we were losing players because of the slow rollout of armies but the second half of this year turned that around. At the WTC now in october people were SO PSYCHED.

It's really been amazing how many old players are coming back and how the game has begun to grow back again.

I'm having a blast with MK4 and honestly, gamewise/ruleswise I don't think Warmachine has ever been better than it is now.

Made in us
Assault Kommando

Mk 4 has made a difference in my area too. It has gone from a dead game in my region to a regularly played game.

Made in no
Umber Guard

18 peeps at our last game and demo day, and 4 4 entirely new faces coming this sunday in addition to several from the last demo. Yeah, it still seems to be working.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I can only speak for my local area but it hasn't made any impact. Many of the old guard have left and what remains are struggling to get anything together. Nobody really wants to physically stock the game.

But it has been really nice to see pics of some of the growth in Europe
Made in se
Umber Guard

Another demo day, 15 people and at least 3 groups who did not get in because the damn doorbell malfunctioned.

It's just a matter of playing and showing the game off
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Apparently Mk4 wasn't enough. Looks like PP is giving things up to Steamforged:

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