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Madrak Ironhide

Muahaha, best army ever!

Get your own Dakka Code!

"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
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Cog in the Machine


malfred wrote:Muahaha, best army ever!

Thanks! I hope to update soon.

Best, Klaus.
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Irked Blood Angel Scout with Combat Knife

Anywhere I wanna be

man, that is simply fantastic, I love those books, hell, anything herbert ever did was fantastic but those were obviously the best, and your minis are so fantastic. hope to see all your work
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Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Terra, United States, Indiana

Nice work!

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Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

But....arent laza tigers native to Salusa secundus?

Just being pedantic.

Seriously sweet army. I got into 40K originally trying to make a Bene gesserit army. Hit a serious snag trying to WYSIWYG prana bindu physical prowess and The Voice. :(

I still want a Dune wargame.

Made in us
Cog in the Machine


Hellfury wrote:But....arent laza tigers native to Salusa secundus?

Just being pedantic.

Seriously sweet army. I got into 40K originally trying to make a Bene gesserit army. Hit a serious snag trying to WYSIWYG prana bindu physical prowess and The Voice. :(

I still want a Dune wargame.

Good eye! I only bring them when other Corrino troops are present (aka Sardaukar).

I have assembled 10 fedaykin to add to the army, but alas they aren't done yet. Also, with MAS's release of 'female heads' I'm definitely considering some bene gesserit sisters.... as to what they would represent I'm not sure.

Best, Klaus.
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Sayyadina's and other such reverend mothers as emplaced by the missionaria protectiva to preserve the bene gesserits who have become stranded on possible hostile worlds.
Since this looks to be a black templar army, I am not sure how you could rep them in the army. They dont get any good unit attachments like psykers and whatnot. Perhaps a IG army that is vehicle heavy (The Maker's could make sweet chimerae...) might be better suited? Sardaukar could be repped as grey knights from the deamon hunter list for a nice way to make a more solid shock troop choice. Just a thought.

One of these days I am either going to become a sweet sculptor, or a company is going to produce models that will make good stand ins for bene gesserit. Until then I will wait.

The Maker protects....Shaaaaaiiiiii Huuuulllluuuuuud!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/02/10 17:22:15

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Cog in the Machine


Hellfury wrote:Sayyadina's and other such reverend mothers as emplaced by the missionaria protectiva to preserve the bene gesserits who have become stranded on possible hostile worlds.
Since this looks to be a black templar army, I am not sure how you could rep them in the army. They dont get any good unit attachments like psykers and whatnot. Perhaps a IG army that is vehicle heavy (The Maker's could make sweet chimerae...) might be better suited? Sardaukar could be repped as grey knights from the deamon hunter list for a nice way to make a more solid shock troop choice. Just a thought.

One of these days I am either going to become a sweet sculptor, or a company is going to produce models that will make good stand ins for bene gesserit. Until then I will wait.

The Maker protects....Shaaaaaiiiiii Huuuulllluuuuuud!

I was recently thinking of switching over to space wolves, but I dunno... Templar are just so damn good...

Also, new BA release sounds really tempting. I could definitely go for some frigates to represent tantalus landers. Likewise, they do have access to librarians/ Sayyadinas.

Best, Klaus.
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Fresh-Faced New User

hey i'm looking to do something like that, can you tell me how did you do those worms?

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Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

Northern Virginia

the bene jesserit sisters could be librarians

"Paranoia is a very reassuring state of mind. If you think they are after you, you think you matter" 
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