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How I modded an AoBR Deffkopta - Step by Step with photos  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Southeast Wisconsin, USA

Greetings all!

I just completed my first modding of an Assault on Black Reach Deffkopta. I wanted to make a "regular" version with twin-linked big shootas. I went about it a little differently but in a very "orky" way.

I did a lot of gaming with Wiz Kids Mechwarrior Dark Age stuff in years past. I noticed that some of the mechs had very "lootable" weapons. One mech in particular really shone at this: the basic Agromech Mod. It has a right arm that is a big minigun with the ammo hopper mounted at the upper shoulder. I have already used one of those to mount a gun under my Space Marine speeder. I figured a couple of them could be used as pretty cool big shootas. The miniguns are not highly detailed but the ammo belts ARE.

Below is my step by step process on how I did the conversion:

Here are the pieces needed: 1 AoBR deffkopta and 2 Agromech Mod Battlemechs.

Closeup of the pieces involved. Notice I have already dremeled off the rokkits from the Deffkopta.

Remove the gun arm from the mech, either by twisting, pulling or cutting.

Remove the weapon components from the gun. Diagonal cutters work for me.

Cover the cut-off rokkits on the deffkopta. I used a small piece of plasticard.

Side view of the plasticard cover, glued in place.

Glue the ammo box in place with superglue. Plastic model cement will not work on the plastic used in the Wizkids battlemechs.

Next I cut out a "wing" to mount the guns onto. I used some thicker plasticard for it. I then glued the wing to the underside of the deffkopta. I used some plastic model cement where the wing touches the deffkopta and superglue where it met the ammo bin.

Here is a bottom view of the gun wing showing its shape.

The guns and ammo belts ready for gluing. You need to use superglue (cyanoacrylate cement) to glue these.

Glue the guns in place on the ends of the wings. The little projection where the ammo belt met the gun is the "shelf" is use that rests on top of the wing when I glue it in place.

Side view of the guns glued in place.

Glue the ammo belts in place. Use superglue and be sure that the bullets are facing forwards.

Side view with the ammo belts glued in place.

Rear perspective view showing ammo belts.

On the stand showing how things are fitting up.

Front view on the stand. Note the "orky" plates riveted to the top of the wing.

Bottom view of the wing, showing the added riveted plates. Note the bigbomm on the table next to the deffkopta.

Side view of completed deffkopta showing bigbomm launcha klaw. The bigbomm is removable.

Closeup view of bigbomm launcha klaw. It is cut from pieces of plasticard and capped with a small piece cut off the rokkits on the front of the deffkopta.

Side view of launcha klaw.

Rear view of launcha klaw.

Side view of completed Deffkopta. Yeah, still needs painting.

Front view of completed Deffkopta mod. Note the "orky points" on the front of the wing.

Comparison view of the newly modded AoBR Deffkopta with an unmodded AoBR Deffkopta. They complement each other nicely.

There, now you know how I did it. Go make your own! I know you'll do better than me!

"That which does not kill us has made a tactical error." 
Made in jp
Anti-piracy Officer

Somewhere in south-central England.

Nice project.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I've got a spare 20mm Vulcan off an AAA vehicle, and a Deffcopta. I may do a variation on your idea with a single nose turret.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/10/04 17:59:56

I'm writing a load of fiction. My latest story starts here... This is the index of all the stories...

We're not very big on official rules. Rules lead to people looking for loopholes. What's here is about it. 
Made in es
Stalwart Tribune

La Coruna, Spain

hey, it's very nice and cool! when you paint it, remember to upload some photos!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Southeast Wisconsin, USA

About 2/3rds of the way through with painting it. In the next day or two for sure.

"That which does not kill us has made a tactical error." 
Made in au
Frightening Flamer of Tzeentch

Really adds some variation and supports the ork "thown together" look. I like it.

When you call an intimate moment with your partner "the Assault Phase"

Is that followed by a pile-in move?

That brings a whole new meaning to the term "Hit and Run"

Can that be following a deep strike, or do you have to wait until the next round? 
Made in ca
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

CFB Cold Lake, Alberta

VERY cool. Where'd you get the bomb body from?

- Media Nox Meridies Noster
- Sons of our father, stand in midnight clad. We bring the night. 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Southeast Wisconsin, USA

Photos of the painted Deffkopta Mod. Yeah, my painting skills are not "Golden Demon" quality, but they look okay on the table.

Deffkopta Mod painted (about 90% of painting done).

Rear View showing the removable bigbomm in the klaw.

Comparison of the modded Deffkopta to an original AoBR Deffkopta.

Head on view - ain't it scarey!

The bigbomm was taken from a piece in the Space Marines Whirlwind launcher.

"That which does not kill us has made a tactical error." 
Made in us
Imperial Agent Provocateur

Des Moines, Iowa, USA

That's a very nice piece! I'm getting ready to put together an Imperial Guard army, so I really appreciate these articles on vehicle mods. Even if the specifics don't translate well to the Guard, the general techniques will. Thanks for the tutorial!

The Emperor protects.  
Made in us
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Cool work! The local hobby place used to sell those mini's pretty cheap, like $1 or $.50 if I remember. I'll have to go see what they have in the bin that I can harvest now!

I'm not like them, but I can pretend.

Observations on complex unit wound allocation: If you're feeling screwed, your opponent is probably doing it right. 
Made in us
Erratic Knight Errant

That is just classy. It looks so awesomely concept art-ish

Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

da meks workshop (desk)

wow thats nicce i have a coppta that has russ amour on it


Skullkrakas boyz recentally taken over by da gitsmasha 2500 pts. 60% painted

W:3 L:2 T:1 
Made in au
Monstrously Massive Big Mutant

An unknown location in the Warp

haha lookin good so far but not orky enough...paint on chips and rust and there ya go!!

Made in us
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

VA Beach

Pretty cool idea but I don't like how the bullet belts are. They just are really... sideways-looking. They look good for a "currently shooting" look but maybe paint on some black-ish weathering on the front to make it look like it's been fired.

Paint more wethering on the model too.

But great idea!

Let the galaxy burn.

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