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albinoork presents Pandora vs. Ramos  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Dipping With Wood Stain

Hi all.

Just taking a break from "The Sons of Pus" for the moment. http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/225183.page

All Nurgle and no play makes albinoork a very dull and unmotivated boy

The game, Malifaux, looks interesting and the minis are fantastic. This small project is based on a few things.

1. I need a break from Nurgle stuff.
2. I like the minis and want to try a few new techniques, paints, etc.
3. For a relatively small investment (under $100) a person can play Maulifaux.
4. I need a break from Nurgle stuff.
5. The "armies" should be small and only take a few hours to paint.
6. Minis are ones that look fun to paint. Game-play effectiveness was not considered.
7. No conversions (for the most part), just straight out of the box.
8. Work on speed to produce table-top quality painted models.
9. I need a break from nurgle stuff.

I started with Pandora's Crew box set. The models are my favorite of the Wyrd range and the idea of evil children-looking creatures destroying the human plague was to amusing to pass up.

I used P3 black primer. I really like this stuff. It came out very even, did not hide details, has a matte finish, and has an interesting nozzle which makes the paint come out in a fan shape not a cone (this made it very easy to use).

Painting was one basecoat with one highlight and a few coats of GW washes.

Pandora's Crew box set is shown below (with an Essence of Power painted as a poltergiest). Ramos shoud be done in a couple of weeks.

edit.. added better pictures. d'oh!
[Thumb - Neverborn 014.jpg]

[Thumb - Neverborn 015.jpg]

[Thumb - Neverborn 016.jpg]

[Thumb - Neverborn 020.jpg]

[Thumb - Neverborn 021.jpg]

[Thumb - Neverborn 022.jpg]

[Thumb - Neverborn 023.jpg]
Baby Kade

[Thumb - Neverborn 024.jpg]
Baby Kade

[Thumb - Neverborn 025.jpg]
Baby Kade

[Thumb - Neverborn 026.jpg]
Sorrow 1

[Thumb - Neverborn 028.jpg]
Sorrow 1

[Thumb - Neverborn 030.jpg]
Sorrow 2

[Thumb - Neverborn 032.jpg]
Sorrow 2

[Thumb - Neverborn 034.jpg]
Sorrow 3

[Thumb - Neverborn 035.jpg]

[Thumb - Neverborn 037.jpg]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2009/11/27 04:23:45

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Hampton Roads, VA

They look cool, I have a question for you, I am thinking of getting some of Maulifaux minis myself. Can you post a picture of Pandora with a 40k mini. I am curious about the size differences. Anyways keep the good work up.

"Hi, I'am Cthulu. I tried to call, but I kept getting your stupid answering machine."
Love's Eldritch Ichor

Blood is best stirred before battle, and nothing does that better than the bagpipes.

Made in us
Dipping With Wood Stain

guardpiper wrote:They look cool, I have a question for you, I am thinking of getting some of Maulifaux minis myself. Can you post a picture of Pandora with a 40k mini. I am curious about the size differences. Anyways keep the good work up.


Here are pics of the size difference.
[Thumb - size comp 3.jpg]

[Thumb - size comp 4.jpg]

[Thumb - size comp 5.jpg]

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Hampton Roads, VA

Thank you sir, I am impressed with how well they compare to the 40k minis. They seem a bit thinner, but overall about the same height.

"Hi, I'am Cthulu. I tried to call, but I kept getting your stupid answering machine."
Love's Eldritch Ichor

Blood is best stirred before battle, and nothing does that better than the bagpipes.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Burtucky, Michigan

guardpiper wrote:Thank you sir, I am impressed with how well they compare to the 40k minis. They seem a bit thinner, but overall about the same height.

Thats because they would be 28mm, where as warhammer likes 28mm HEROIC. That makes all the difference, and also why somethings in 40k are just a bit insane as far as proportions go
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