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Made in us
Madrak Ironhide


See how I turn this into a three color army.

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
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O H I am in the Webway...

This is a great article. I really like the almost stage by stage setup you got going there.

Maybe you could expand on the techniques you used while painting, like the strokes used etc... but other than that I can't think of much more to add.

In an unrelated note I do wish that I had people in my area or LGS that played WM, it looks very cool!

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster and if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you  
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Thanks. I'd need a tripod to pull that off.

This was mostly in response to a Beasts of War Tutorial that I thought spent too
much time on a single model. You see a lot of unpainted stuff in warmachine and I
want to encourage them to try painting rather than let volume/lack of success
keep them back.

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
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Yellin' Yoof

I like it. Good job. One question though. I use Army Painter Quik Dip cut with paint thinner. This helps the stuff run off the model in places I do not want it and shade were I do. Have you given any thought to it? It would make them look even better with little effort.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/12/03 14:33:56

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Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Fantastic article Malfred, thanks for writing this up and sharing the process with us!


"...if I haven't drawn blood on a conversion, then I haven't tried hard enough." -Death By Monkeys

If Gork had wanted you to live, he would not have created me. 
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Dayton, Ohio

Awesome article Manfred! I always wondered what exactly 3 color meant, now I know, and you showed some neat methods to paint it!

Arctik_Firangi wrote:Spelling? Well excuse me, I thought we were discussing the rules as written.
Don't worry, I'm a certified speed freek
Know who else are speed freeks? and  
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

mstersmith wrote:I like it. Good job. One question though. I use Army Painter Quik Dip cut with paint thinner. This helps the stuff run off the model in places I do not want it and shade were I do. Have you given any thought to it? It would make them look even better with little effort.

I haven't tried it, and I don't know if I will. I rather like the effect of Vallejo inks and
they go on so easily. I use actual furniture stains for my terrain, though.

Teek wrote:Fantastic article Malfred, thanks for writing this up and sharing the process with us!

Lol, you of all people probably don't need this tutorial.

starbomber109 wrote:Awesome article Manfred! I always wondered what exactly 3 color meant, now I know, and you showed some neat methods to paint it!

starbomber: I can't tell if you're messing with me or not. I always thought three color
was understood, I was just thinking of an easy way to get it done without painting
three dots on the model somewhere (yes, I'm told someone did that before).

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
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