mstersmith wrote:I like it. Good job. One question though. I use Army Painter Quik Dip cut with paint thinner. This helps the stuff run off the model in places I do not want it and shade were I do. Have you given any thought to it? It would make them look even better with little effort.
I haven't tried it, and I don't know if I will. I rather like the effect of Vallejo inks and
they go on so easily. I use actual furniture stains for my terrain, though.
Teek wrote:Fantastic article Malfred, thanks for writing this up and sharing the process with us!
Lol, you of all people probably don't need this tutorial.
starbomber109 wrote:Awesome article Manfred! I always wondered what exactly 3 color meant, now I know, and you showed some neat methods to paint it!
starbomber: I can't tell if you're messing with me or not. I always thought three color
was understood, I was just thinking of an easy way to get it done without painting
three dots on the model somewhere (yes, I'm told someone did that before).