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[video] How to create Nurgle Flesh with Greenstuff  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Working with Greenstuff Episode 1 - Nurgle Flesh

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Arlington, Texas

That sound he makes at 4:47... What the heck? Overall interesting stuff, though I think jabbing with a shrunken toothpick vigorously could make for some better texturing in the open space.

Worship me. 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Good suggestion about the toothpick. I'll pass the info on to Justin.

As for that sound, it was Justin blowing off some excess water. Having watched it so many times while editing, I can't remember if I knew what it was either the first time I watched the video.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/12/16 02:42:54

Made in gb
Beast of Nurgle

The Warp-United kingdom

Very good, I hope you will do one about painting plague marines.

All I want to do is chew bubble gum and kick some ass...but I'm all out of bubble gum

"We're gonna draw a little bit of everybody's blood... 'cause we're gonna find out who's the thing..."

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Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

VA Beach

Cool tutorial, very professional.

Let the galaxy burn.

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Soul Token

Cool tutorial, hope to see more in the future! Keep it coming.

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Made in nz
Grovelin' Grot

Christchurch, New Zealand

Uber WOW!!!!

Orkses never lose a battle!
If we win we win
If we dies we die fightin' so it dun count
If we runs for it we don't die neither
cos we can come back for annuver go, see!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Thank you all for your compliments. Knowing that y'all enjoyed the vid has been great encouragement and we've scheduled filming for the next one this up coming Saturday.

If you're wondering what the next one will be about, we were tossing around a couple of ideas. One was to do it on beards and facial hair. I like the idea cause then I'd have a cool sergeant for my Sons of Medusa Dev squad. The other idea was to continue with chaos and add a tentacle arm to a Chaos Space Marine. Who knows, Justin might go in a completely different direction. I leave it up to him. I just do the editing.

In regards to creating a video tutorial on painting plague marines. Justin has a whole bag of tricks for painting them plague infested buggers (I have a 1-7 losing streak against his army). I'll pass it along and let him know there is an interested in it.

Made in us
Scuttling Genestealer

Professional except for one thing. It seems like the GS is still sticking pretty well to your tools, which is why I don't use water for molding. I pretty much swear by lotion. Just a little drop all around the tool is going to prevent it from sticking to the GS for a while.


Made in us
Armored Iron Breaker


anooci wrote:Professional except for one thing. It seems like the GS is still sticking pretty well to your tools, which is why I don't use water for molding. I pretty much swear by lotion. Just a little drop all around the tool is going to prevent it from sticking to the GS for a while.

What kind do you use? I hear people swear by petroleum but imo it's more to clean up. Water works for me other than the short working period.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Great stuff, I watched and tried it and was surprised how well it worked with no prior greenstuff experience.

I only trade in US thanks. 
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Cultist of Nurgle with Open Sores

Hampton, Virginia

Great watch, I actually used this for Tyranids for regeneration.

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