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HAVE A MURDEROUS X-MAS: A Mordheim Scenario about Killing Santa  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Well, I just got done writing a X-Mas scenario for our campaign that's about to start, and I wanted to know what you guys thought about it.


Word has spread quickly around the campfires of Mordheim. In the northernmost reaches of the city, near the old Rich Quarter, lives a vile necromancer by the name of Santa Claws. Over the past few months, Santa Claws has been seen ransacking the buildings of the encampments surrounding the city, entering through the chimney and making off with any valuables, stuffing them into his big red sack.
Each and every building of the cursed city is on his list, and he checks it twice to make sure he loots each and every one. It is said the the magicians vile necromancy gives him the power to see you when you're sleeping, and know when you're awake. He then returns to his lair, laughing all the way. What's worse, he has put his undead legion to work constructing weapons and equipment, packaging them in brightly colored boxes to be shipped around the countryside to any child who believes in his vile mission of X-mas.
This wretched villian must be stopped! But more importantly, his stockpile of weapons and equipment must be yours!

The largest building on the table must be placed in the exact center of the table, this is Santas Workshop. Each Player then rolls a d6, starting with the highest player, the person places a piece of terrain onto the table wherever he wishes.

Santa Claws is Deployed at the start of the game on the uppermost level of his Workshop in the exact center of the building.
Each player then rolls a d6, starting with the player who rolled the highest, players choose their deployment zones and deploy their warbands. Each warband has a 8x18 area in which to deploy. No model may be deployed within 8 inches of an enemy model.


A White X-Mas: Snow covers the ground and is falling from the sky. At the beggining of the turn, the player who went first will roll on the weather chart.

Naughty Children: Alliances may not be formed in this scenario as per the "Chaos on the Streets" rules, it's every man, woman, and beast for himself.

Santas Bag: A token representing Santas Bag should be placed on the bottom floor of Santas Workshop (It's far too heavy to carry up the stairs). Any model that begins its turn touching Santas Bag will receive a present from the bag. For each present recieved, the model will roll on the present chart as soon as it leaves the table, if and only if they make it off the board with their present. Any model taken out of action with a present will drop their present, and it can be picked up by another player (naughty kids do finish first!). A model may only ever recieve one present from the bag, however he may carry any ammount of presents. Please note that the only way a model may have two or more presents is if he picks up a present from a model that went out of action. Any model with a present may opt to leave the table, however they may not return to it.

Santas Workshop: Santas Workshop may only be looted if Santa is killed and all other players have routed. If looted, the warband finds one extra present for each model that survives the battle, as well as Santas List, which counts as a Master Map of Mordheim.

Santa Claws:
- 4 - 4 5 6 3 2 10 -
Cause Fear, Immune to Psychology, Never Leave Combat, Immune to Poison, Treat Stunned as Knocked Down

Movement: Santa Claws will not move at all during the game, for he is far too fat to move without the support of his "Helpers". (How he gets down the chimney is anyones guess).

Shooting: Santa Claws does not shoot in the normal sense, rather he throws large boxes full of X-mas Fear (of lots of gunpowder). Each turn, Santa Claws will throw one box at the closest model to his workshop, regardless of range, (Santa always delivers, no matter how far), The box will scatter d6 inches in a random direction and then explode. The Explosion has these characteristics:

S:2, Blast Template

Extreme Hunger: Santa Claws always eats any food left out in the buildings he enters, as such he has developed quite an appetite. Any model halfling size or smaller (halfling, goblin, giant rat, piggy, etc.) will be consumed whole if successfully wounded by Santa Claws. Should Santa Claws not be killed by the end of the game, any models consumed will be treated as dead and crossed off the roster, all weapons and equipment will be lost. (Though Santa will "find" them again in about 8 hours)

Necromancy: Santa Claws is a vile, vile necromancer, and the streets surrounding his workshop are littered with his "Helpers". Each turn, D6+2 of his "helpers" will appears from a randomly determined wall of his workshop.

Santas "Helpers":
- 2 - 3 3 1 1 1 10 -
Cause Fear, Undead Shuffle, Immune to Psychology, Never Leave Combat, Immune to Poison, Treat Stunned as Knocked Down

Undead Shuffle: Each "Helper" will move 2d6 inches towards the model closest to it. If this brings it into combat with an enemy model, the "helper" counts as charging.

Each Player rolls a d6, the player who rolled the highest gets to go first, and proceed counter-clockwise around the table.

The game ends when Santa Claws is dead and all but one warband has been routed, or if all warbands are routed, Santa is Declared the winner. Please note that Santa Claws will never take rout tests.

D6 Resulting Weather
1-2 Have A Holly Jolly X-Mas! The snowstorm has calmed down enough not to impede gameplay besides the chattering of teeth.
3-4 Winter Wonderland! All Shooting over half range suffers an additional -1 to hit, for a total of -2.
5-6 The Weather Outside is Frightful! No model may run this entire turn, charges are reduced to half the normal charge rate, visibility is reduced to 12 inches and all missile weapons are at -2 to hit. Please note this excludes magic missiles.

PLEASE NOTE! Rolling on the present chart should happen as soon as a model carrying the present leaves the table, whether voluntarily, or the result of a rout.

D6 Resulting Gift
4 Bomb! You accidently grabbed one of Santas Bombs! The resulting explosion causes the model to miss the next game.
5 Blunderbuss and shot.
6 Medicine chest, can be used as D6 does of Healing
Herbs or as one off to allow a reroll on the Hero Serious
Injury Table (unless the result was pit fight or captured.
Adjust to your gaming style.
7 Suit of Heavy Armour.
8 Elven Cloak.
9 Shield and sword.
10-11 Beer, worth 2D6 per crate. On a D6 roll of a 6 there is
one dose of Bugman's ale. Food worth 2D6gc,
on a D6 roll of a 6, that warbands food costs are halved
at the end of the game.
12-16 4D6 Gold.
17-18 Clothing, worth 2D6gc and a set of
light armor.
19 Luxury goods, worth 4D6gc hidden inside and roll a d6: (1-3) a Wyrdstone Pendulum (4-6) a set of Cathayan Silks.
20 Blackpowder, worth 5D6gc
21 One suit of Ithilmar Armor
22 One suit of Gromril Armor.
23 Hunting Rifle.
24 One Magic Item, roll a d6: 1 The Boots and Rope of Pieter, 2 The Count of Ventimiglia’s Misericordia, 3 Att’la’s Plate Mail, 4 Bow of Seeking, 5 Executioner’s Hood, 6 All-seeing Eye of Numas. Please note that only one of these items exhist in each Mordheim Campaign, if the roll results in an item that is already owned by another warband, roll again, if all items have been discovered, treat this result as a Bomb!

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchmen group survives the battle,
they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains
+1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy out of action. Any Hero earn +1 Experience for
each enemy he puts out of action.

+5 For Killing Santa. The model who delivers the fatal blow to Santa
earns +5 Experiecne for killing Santa and ruining X-mas.

+1 Per Present. If a Hero or Henchmen makes it off the battlefied
with their or other peoples present they earn +1 Experience.

Written by Angron.

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Any opinions on the scenario? Good or bad? Comments and critiques are welcome, this scenario is being played on wednesday, and I want it to be enjoyable

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in gb
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

In that shadow right behind you...

I lol'd Seems like a great way to spread Xmas cheer, with some fun rules to. Let us know how it goes!

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