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Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


So, after several years of absence from Mordheim, I have found a group where I live who play. I put together the following list and would appreciate any comments on it's composition.

helmet, sword, buckler, brace of pistols, lucky charm [125]

helmet, mace, buckler [53]

helmet, hammer, buckler [53]

spear, shield [30]

3 x Marksmen
2 x bow, 1 x crossbow, 3 x hammer [129]

2 x Swordsmen
2 x 2 swords [110]

500 total

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2009/12/21 14:31:32

Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Are you trying to be fluffy or trying to win?

If you're trying to win I think you're missing the point of reiklanders. There bonus is BS4 marksmen, and 12" command radius. Our reikland player, who is now the best warband in the campaign has had great success with this starting list.













Elf Ranger-40

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Ouch from afar.

Yay for more terrain?

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


That list, while definitely powerful, seems like it would be really boring to play. I'm not out to power game, I'd play Skaven if that were the case, but I would like to have a list that has something to do in each of the game's phases and that is fun to play with and against.

Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Yay! Yeah, it's definatly boring to play him, mainly due to his tactics of "castling" in which he selects a building, and spreads his guys out over three levels, incredibly annoying.

A more balanced list is always more fun for mordheim, but I'd mainly suggest getting rid of the crossbows in your list and replacing them with bows. Then you can take the 15 points you saved from both of those switches and give your champions pistols for close combat.

I reccomend this swap for one reason, your crossbow henchmen will die on a 1-2 on the out of action chart, so that's a third of the time he goes out. It's a lot easier to replace a 35 point model than a 50 point model.

A note on the spears. The spears no longer "always strike first no matter what", instead it makes both you and the charger strike at initiative, and since most people strike at iniative 3, you're basically paying 10 points to still go last half the time. Instead I'd take a sword.

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Some good points. I have reworked the list a little bit.

Version 2

Captain Werner Hantz
helmet, sword, buckler, brace of pistols [115]

Sergeant Hans Friedmann (Champion)
helmet, sword, pistol [68]

Corporal Maximillians Steiner (Champion)
helmet, sword, pistol [68]

Fritz Neuhauser (Youngblood)
sword, shield [30]

3 Marksmen
3 bows, 3 hammers [114]

2 Swordsmen
sword, buckler [100]

495 GC total, 9 members

Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Not a bad list. I've only got one suggestion for it as it stands.

Helmets are great, don't get me wrong, eventually all my heroes get helmets, but that's only after I have a full compliment of heroes, and lucky charms on each of them, then comes the helmet, and after that, armor if I have nothing else to buy.

As it stands, you've only got four heroes, this means you're going to be at a disadvantage in the post game. Making more money is always a good thing. My advice here is to drop the helmets on your captain and champions and pick up another youngblood.

Then, after the first mission you'll have enough money to replace any dead henchmen, and go searching for lucky charms for all your heroes, after that, start buying more pistols so all your models have braces, unless one of them rolls a str increase, then after game three, start strapping on helmets.

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Okay, I have revamped the list completely and decided to try out the Marienburger list. The extra 100 GC is pretty sweet.

2 Swords, Brace of Duelling Pistols [130]

Sword, Axe [50]

Sword, Axe [50]

Mace [18]

Mace [18]

3 Marksmen
Longbows, Mace [129]

1 Marksman
Blunderbuss, Bow, Mace [68]

3 Swordsmen
3 x 2 Swords [135]

Number: 12 Rating: 96

This gives me decent numbers, good firepower and a solid melee ability. Some changes that I am considering would be to drop the blunderbuss and give that Marksman a longbow and use the left over gold to equip the Youngbloods with an additional weapon, maybe another mace and then use the left over gold for a helmet or two for the Captain and maybe one of the Champions.

Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Alrighty, a couple of new things to discuss.

Axes are terrible. What good is -1 armor save when no one uses armor? Take a club instead and save 2 points. By the time people are buying armor, you'll be str 4 anyway.

How much terrain does your group have? In extremely light terrain, the 5 extra points for the longbow is worth it, however if your group even has a moderate ammount of terrain, then the difference between the longbow and bow isn't worth it, as you're not going to have long firing lanes.

Blunderbusses are amazing. I just retired a marienburg warband because it had gotten too powerful due to the blunderbuss. The first skill I took on my heroes was "Weapons Specialist", then equipped the guys with bluinderbusses, I had 8 blunderbusses by the time I retired them. Having them on heroes is an easy way to get experience, and makes them less vulnrable to being lost due to death.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, and there's absolutly no reason to ever take 2 swords, ever. 2 swords does not = 2 parrys. 2 swords= 1 parry, and 1 waste of 10 points

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Finally, one not on swordsmen, your three swordsmen with 2 swords a piece are actually 165 points, or 55 points a model.

Can you really afford to spend 55 points, or 90% of your income, to replace one model? In games of mordheim that I've experienced, which is to say about 50 in the last month, I find you end up replacing around 2 models a game. The trick is to have models that you can afford to go out of action, which, in your current list, you don't have.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Keeping your current list in mind, I'd do something like this....

-Sword, 2 Pistols, Free Dagger

-Sword, Mace, Free Dagger

-Sword, Mace, Free Dagger

-Sword, Mace, Free Dagger

-Sword, Mace, Free Dagger

-Mace, Blunderbuss, Free Dagger

-Mace, Blunderbuss, Free Dagger

-Mace, Bow, Free Dagger

-Mace, Bow, Free Dagger

-Mace, Bow, Free Dagger

112 Warriors-56
-Mace, Free Dagger

This Way you have two more models, your warband is better equipped, and you have expendable models to lose.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2010/01/02 08:23:18

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Thanks for the great advice! I got to play a game today with the campaign group and found out that the campaign had already started about a week ago. Some of the warbands have been playing quite a few games and are pretty far advanced. I came into today's game with a 107 rating. It was a three-way wyrdstone hunt and I was facing Dark Elves and Beastmen. The DE warband had a 236 rating and alot of tricked out characters, most with armor. I felt pretty good about bringing the axes along.

I pretty much bunkered my section of the table, nabbed a single shard of wyrdstone and killed three chaos hounds and the DE beastmaster before I voluntarily routed after losing two swordsmen. His close combat lord was in amongst my warband and with discretion being the better part of valor I routed rather than risk any serious injury to any of my heroes. The good thing was that both henchmen recovered and I made out pretty well due to the difference between the ratings and the few easy kills I was able to make. The blunderbuss was a great psychological weapon and was what took out the beastmaster.

This is the list I brought:

Captain Maarten
Brace of Duelling Pistols, Sword, Hammer

Jacco - Champion
Sword, Axe, Bow

Rutger - Champion
Sword, Mace, Bow

Rolain - Youngblood
2 Hammers

Tomas - Youngblood
2 Maces

Tristano - Tilean Marksman
Light Armor, Sword, Dagger, Crossbow

3 Swordsmen - Karel, Dirk, Marcel
2 Swords

1 Marksman - Arjan
Longbow, Mace, Dagger

1 Marksman - Timo
Blunderbuss, Bow, Mace, Dagger

Perhaps not the most efficient list but it did okay. The Tilean Marksman is awesome!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/01/03 04:01:51

Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

One thing, technically you would of had to of lost 3 models to voluntaryily route, as you can only route when you've lost 25% of your warband.

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Good point and one that I will remember in the future. I did get a TON of experience for my warband though thanks to the difference in the warband ratings. I also have 79 crowns to spend after the upkeep for my hired Tilean Marksman. I was thinking of adding another blunderbuss or perhaps two warriors to act as cannon fodder.

Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Here's the problem with adding 2 models to your warband:

If you add one model, you're at 12 models, so the warrior is being cannon fodder like he's supposed to be, so you'd only hafta lose 2 other models.

If you add 2 models, you're at 13 models, which means you hafta lose 4 models to voluntarily route, which is your 2 warriors AND STILL 2 other models.

So your not really getting any cannon fodder bonuses by adding 2 models.

I suggest adding 3 warriors, armed with only their free daggers.

This way, you'd only hafta lose your 3 warriors, which are cheap to replace if they die, and one other model.

After next game, add one more warrior, give them all clubs, and grab a blunderbuss.

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
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