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How I painted my Imperial Guard  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Powerful Chaos Warrior

Texas, USA

I hope this proves useful to someone else

First off, undercoat. I used Chaos Black spray.

The fatigues: (Pants, sleeves, etc)
1. Basecoat with straight Khemri Brown foundation paint. It should cover completely, if not apply another coat to completely cover up the undercoat.
2. Add Kommando Khaki and and Skull White to Khemri Brown to get a color just lighter than Kommando Khaki. The point of the Khemri Brown is to make the color a little thicker, since Kommando Khaki is normally quite a thin paint.Highlight the clothing, leaving the recesses with the Khemri Brown showing through.
3 (optional step) if you want them to look especially good, you can add more Skull White for highlights, focusing on areas that would be exposed to light.

Step 1: Basecoat of Catachan green. A couple of coats may be necessary.
Step 2: Add Camo Green and Skull White to Catachan Green to get a rather pale green and highlight just the edges of the armor.

Step 1: Basecoat of Catachan Green.
Step 2: Make a 70/30 mix of Codex Grey to Catachan Green and highlight the edges of the gun.
Step 3: (Metal parts of the gun) basecoat Boltgun Metal, wash Badab Black and re-highlight with Boltgun Metal.

Step 1: Basecoat of Tallarn Flesh
Step 2: Wash with watered-down Dark Flesh.
Step 3: Re-highlight with Tallarn Flesh.
Step 4: Add skull white for highlights, on areas such as the nose and cheeks especially.
Step 5: (Optional) I added stubble to some of my Cadians, this was done with 2-3 VERY thin washes of Chaos Black.

Imperial aquilas on guns & helmets:
Basecoat of Codex Grey
Drybrush Skull White

Pouches, etc.
Basecoat of Scorched Brown
Add Skull White for highlights.

Ze finished rezults:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh crap sorry...I thought I had put this in Painting Tips & Tricks or whatever it's called. Would a mod mind moving it?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/02/05 21:31:10

"That's an impossible shot, Batman" -Robin
"That's a negative attitude, Robin" -Batman

I offer commission painting. See the Painting Service list in the Dakka Swap Shop for details.

Lord of Kaith--rolling straight 's since 1995. 
Made in ca
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

In a Toyota, plotting revenge.

These guys are sweet!

metallifan said: I almost wonder is "Matt Ward" another pen name for C.S. Goto?
metallifan said: The Imperium would probably love Hitler...
Play KoL! Click my sig to go to the main website and sign up!
Made in us
Been Around the Block

those look great.......I am going to try out the fatigue technique on some of my traitors this weekend.


check out my new blog
Made in ca
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos

Montreal, Quebec

This is definitely not a blog...

Made in us
Powerful Chaos Warrior

Texas, USA

Which is why I already asked to have it moved, before you pointed that out

"That's an impossible shot, Batman" -Robin
"That's a negative attitude, Robin" -Batman

I offer commission painting. See the Painting Service list in the Dakka Swap Shop for details.

Lord of Kaith--rolling straight 's since 1995. 
Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

Belmont, Massachusetts

Love the way the armor plates look! Thank you for this.
Made in us
Powerful Chaos Warrior

Texas, USA

Thanks for the feedback everyone, it is much appreciated. I'm glad this is proving useful

"That's an impossible shot, Batman" -Robin
"That's a negative attitude, Robin" -Batman

I offer commission painting. See the Painting Service list in the Dakka Swap Shop for details.

Lord of Kaith--rolling straight 's since 1995. 
Made in us
Armored Iron Breaker


They look great. I like the vox caster.

I want to see some close ups of the command squad

Made in gb
Screaming Banshee

Cardiff, United Kingdom

Great stuff!

Though it looks a lot like the standard 'Eavy Metal painting guide, but you've made enough alterations I guess

I am kind of jealous... I think yours look better than mine and they're in plain fatigues o.O

Perhaps camo patterns just look too simplistic compared to the shading that some nice, flat fatigues allow?

Made in gb
Giggling Nurgling

London at the Moment

Great painting skills but like Henners91 said it looks a little standard

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