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Ideas for new/altered Necron rules and units  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Khorne Veteran Marine with Chain-Axe

Okay, I've seen a lot of discussion on what could be changed to make the Necrons awesome again (and even more awesome than before). Bottom line, what do YOU want to see in the new Necron codex?

I'll start:
make C'tan Apoc-only, and in the fluff make them more unknowable, Cthuhlu-esque background forces. Make some individual Lord characters, and make different Lord types (ie shooty lord, melee lord, etc)
make an option for CC Warriors as a troops choice. Replace their Gauss flayers with a scythe-type sword and perhaps a gauss pistol type thing.
make an option in the rules where you could have different "ranks" of Warriors with different statlines and points costs (like how the IG has conscript and veteran squads). This would allow for different army styles (large horde-type undead swarm, or smaller more elite strikeforce)
Make Pariahs faster, or give them a dedicated transport
Make gauss weapons rending on a roll of 6 to wound
get rid of phase out
make an honest-to-god Necron tank other than the Monolith. Some type of skimmer with turret-mounted twin heavy gauss cannons or something like that
more plastic models would be nice, too

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes." - Robert A. Heinlein

Acheron Tomb Legion (shelved until codex update)
Revenants of Khaine Corsair Fleet (2000 and growing)
Blood Reapers Chaos Warband (World Eaters, Iron Warriors, and Death Guard) The only army I actually win games with!  
Made in gb
Daemonic Dreadnought

Derby, UK.

I'd like to see Wraiths have either Rending or Power Weapons (as an add-on option woudl be fine)

Give Pariahs the "necron" special rule.

2 more necron vehicles. One as above (medium tank) and a smaller transport type option.

Make Tomb Spiders faster, if not a 12" movement thenmaybe give them fleet?

Give Lords an Invul save as standard.


(Iron Warriors) .......Gallery: Iron Warriors Gallery
.......Gallery: Necron Gallery - Army Sold
.......Gallery: Crimson Fists Gallery - Army Sold

Iron Warriors (8000 points-ish)

Made in us
Combat Jumping Ragik

I must disagree with rending on gauss weapons, that would put every weapon in the necron list as rending & this is slightly OP. (Unless you up the point cost)

Faster Pariahs - Fleet maybe?

"Ranks" - no it doesnt fit with the fluff well. You already have "ranks" There ware warriors, destroyers, H. Destroyers, Immortals and lords. Necrons aren't supposed to be a higly diverse fighting force like the guard they are supposed to be kind of like the borg. Singular purpose, all the same (more or less), plus if they are diversified that would mean different parts & it'd be harder to self repair imo.

CC option - no, that's what Pariahs, wraiths, and flayed ones are for.

I can see game-wise the faster tanks make sense but fluff wise necrons don't seem very fast. They seem to be more of a slow impending doom army. Sowly but surely making their was across a planet & harvesting all life. ratehr than making a very fast rapid strike. Unless that is they deep strike, which the monolith already does.

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Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

I came up with the idea of an Obelisk, follows the drop pod mechanic but nothing inside. Instead, anything with the Necron Special rule my use it as a means to phase out and reappear through as though exiting a transport that hasn't moved, granted only one unit per turn can use this IE power matrix style. This gives the army mobility to key crucial points on the board.

Other than that, I'm partial to the idea of Necrons gauss treating vehicles glanced at instead -1 so they retain their ability to pop armor. Maybe throw in some better AP guns for all the marine spam out there.
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