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2010/03/05 04:10:27
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin
Ok so first off this isn't really a tutorial as such just a way of showing my cheap ass version of Archibald Jack's excellent Kasrkin Sniper conversion which you can find here, Essentially I am quite a bit lazier than Jack and so when I pulled out my IG sniper and began work converting my own Stormtrooper sniper I realized that I may not have to do as much cutting if I was tricky. Besides cutting and converting metal sucks the proverbial. First I cut the nozzle off a Kasrkin Trooper , I used the one that has his lasgun raised and ready to fire. then I cut off the ejector port to flatten the top of the lasgun, by the way why does a lasgun with no bullets need an ejector port? I then did a bit of chopping on the sniper rifle cutting it off just in front of the hand but leaving the scope intact, sorry I didn't take many pics of this process but I have one of the rifle barrel and scope ready for glueing Next I just sanded and shaved both pieces to fit as close as possible and glued it on, in the end I needed only the tiniest bit of greenstuff to clean up the join and it came up ok Once the greenstuff is dry I'll give it a lick of paint and post a final pic up. Hope you like my sniper, any comment s or suggestions on improvements/additions are welcome! And thanks again to Archibald Jack for your tutorial and advice, would never have thought of doing this by myself Cheers BLACKHAND Automatically Appended Next Post: Ok i've touched up the paint I rubbed off when I made to barrel swap and painted up the join.
Still unsure if I want to model a cloak on him might just build a different backpack for him and/or greenstuff sections onto the cabling reaching up to gun to represent a sheathed ammo feed, opinions?
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/03/05 06:35:10
BobtheInquisitor wrote:I tend to glue metal models with a combination of BSI cyanoacrylate and my tears of frustration. |
2010/03/05 08:00:14
Subject: Re:BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge
Kia Ora!
It looks good bro.
One issue is where the scope now sits. Where it is at the moment is in front of the mechanism for the lasgun and is consequently obscured from "line of sight".
If you make another though you should cut the mount and scope free from the sniper rifle, then cut off the barrel and silencer/suppressor. Then, on the lasgun cut off the front (as you did originally) and leave the mechanism in tact on the top of the gun, but file down a patch near the bolt on the back of the lasgun to mount the scope on. Once that's mounted bang the barrel and silencer on the front. It should give a better feel for balance.
Also, soak those puppies in acetone and scrub them back to metal before making mods, as paint and glue is bad mojo for green stuff and other puttys.
Keep up the good work!
Note: As for the sniper cloak, there are some simpler solutions - like the gauss bandage ghili suit, which you could build on top of a painted figure. But if you want to build a cloak your best of stripping the paint and starting from point dot.
Archibald Jack
2010/03/05 08:11:27
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker
Blackhand: nice work, and i agree of AJ on the scope, the guardsman could not really see into it, besides that nice work.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/05 08:14:01
Beyond state of being mortal
The Dreadnote wrote:...Ultra mortalitas wins the thread. Cheif Librarian Vaako wrote:...Terminator:I'm goin' in............. Whoa! man down!
Terminator 2:What happened?
Terminator:I tripped over a piece of string concealed in the bushes.
Emperor: |
2010/03/05 08:12:31
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin
Thanks Guys, My thought on the scope (or scopes as I left the original on the side of the lasgun) was to use guitar string to connect it up to the helmet as if it was linked direclty to his targeting display on his visor, after all its not like he can look down the scope with a helmet on anyway! I'm pretty sure I'm gonna GS the cables into an ammo feed I kinda like the idea of a Hand of God that doesn't need to reload and can fire from the hip hehe. cheers, BLACKHAND PS , Ultra Mortalitas your giving google translate conniptions! thanks tho
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2010/03/05 08:18:15
BobtheInquisitor wrote:I tend to glue metal models with a combination of BSI cyanoacrylate and my tears of frustration. |
2010/03/05 08:37:15
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker
Yeah Google translate kinda sucks.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/05 08:38:18
Beyond state of being mortal
The Dreadnote wrote:...Ultra mortalitas wins the thread. Cheif Librarian Vaako wrote:...Terminator:I'm goin' in............. Whoa! man down!
Terminator 2:What happened?
Terminator:I tripped over a piece of string concealed in the bushes.
Emperor: |
2010/03/05 09:32:15
Subject: Re:BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge
I thought the one on the side of the gun was a tact-light. Meh, more scopes the merrier really.
Guitar string could always work too, but even then the scope would be mounted on topmost part of the firearm.
Will we be getting some pictures of the process of the cloaks?
Archibald Jack
2010/03/05 09:39:24
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin
Lol, never even thought of a tac-light! makes a lot more sense that way.
I'm still not sold on a cloak for this guy as I've tried to keep my stormtroopers hightech vs my more basically armed Guard.
Do snipers in 40k have to have a cloak rules wise?
BobtheInquisitor wrote:I tend to glue metal models with a combination of BSI cyanoacrylate and my tears of frustration. |
2010/03/05 10:17:51
Subject: Re:BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge
Ahm, I couldn't tell you boss. I only play Necromunda - so I am as much use as an extra set of balls in regards to 40K rules
Archibald Jack
2010/03/05 19:17:23
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
You should link it up to the helmet
I NEED A DAEMONETTE sexy daemons Mont'yr's fire cast :2000pts
2010/03/06 01:09:04
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin
So I had five minutes and thought I might adjust the scope to a more sensible position.
Easy fix, just sliced off the scope with my sharpest scalpel and flattened off the rest off the top of the lasgun. A small amount of greenstuff to clean up the top of the gun then I glued the scope back on in a better position.
Course now I don't know if I will need to add a cable from the scope to the helmet but the rifle looks more realistic.
BobtheInquisitor wrote:I tend to glue metal models with a combination of BSI cyanoacrylate and my tears of frustration. |
2010/03/06 03:17:36
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker
Vrlo dobro. Sada to izgleda kao pravi snajper.
Beyond state of being mortal
The Dreadnote wrote:...Ultra mortalitas wins the thread. Cheif Librarian Vaako wrote:...Terminator:I'm goin' in............. Whoa! man down!
Terminator 2:What happened?
Terminator:I tripped over a piece of string concealed in the bushes.
Emperor: |
2010/03/06 23:03:44
Subject: Re:BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge
It looks wicked chief. Big ass rifles = pure win.
Archibald Jack
2010/03/07 12:06:46
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker
Nice work
2010/03/18 16:19:04
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Massive Knarloc Rider
pretty decant sniper rifle, but the barrel looks waay to long. not sure what yyou can do to rectify it, if you even wanted to. either way. im gonna nick this idea >.> my GS skills equate to essentially the finesse of a toddler trying to make a dinosaur out of playdo......
2010/03/18 23:22:58
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Courageous Questing Knight
I like it. It's got a nice 'modern' sniper feel to it.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/18 23:23:32
3000 pt space marine 72% painted!
W/L/D 24/6/22
2500 pt Bretons 10% painted
W/L/D 1/0/0 lekkar diorama, aye? |
2010/03/19 03:41:50
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Stalwart Space Marine
It looks MUCH better with the scope in the proper position! If I played guard I would definitely steal the idea you borrowed!
My army is better than a bear- It's like a bear times two. |
2010/03/19 04:21:34
Subject: BLACKHAND's shameless ripoff of Archibald Jack's Kasrkin Sniper conversion
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin
I'm using him in my carapace armoured regiment command group in my IG army, and yeah I like my stormtroopers to look as hi tech and spec ops as possible since I figure the most highly trained troops in the guard would have the best gear.
BobtheInquisitor wrote:I tend to glue metal models with a combination of BSI cyanoacrylate and my tears of frustration. |