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Made in dk
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Out in the country in Denmark. Zealand

hi all.

im going on a playing weekend next week and its mordheim campaign turnament this time. i thought "well i think i should try it and use proxys", but then i downloaded the rules and readed them through i wanted to actually make a warband because the rules is great and i got some idears for convertions .

i already made a list for the turnament and i havent spend the advances yet. im gonna spend them when im there (btw i already loved orks so i use orcs ):

orc boss (gonna make up a name)
as i said, i wait to spend the advances.
wargear: shield, light armour, axe and helmet

orc big 'un (still gonna find a name)
wargear: same as orc boss

3 groups of orc boys with axes

3 goblin groups with axes

3 goblin groups with swords

5 cave squigs

im gonna make a troll and aquire some boys and grots (im used to say grots instead of goblins) until next week.

the troll is gonna be a killa kan like robot thats just wery unhinged and it actually fits with the troll stats. if the leadership fails for stupidity i just say something has gone wrong with it and it just need to recover.

i also made an orc shaman out of a weirdboy i never used (thought i only had to remove the big iron ball and wire on his staff).

any advices would be apreciated (srry for bad spelling).

i just uploaded some pictures of the models i made for mordheim. their made out of models i never use in 40k .

the orc boss:

the orc shaman (simply a 40k weirdboy. he doesnt have any futureistic stuff on him and im gonna make the wheel look like a rock):

one of the grots fell off when i removed him from the round base

without the electricity ball

the orc big 'un:

i simply made the shield out of a spare glyph and a base

2 ogre hired swords (one for a player at the turnament if he needs one and one for myseovf ) :

goblin manned guardpost. i simply couldnt resist

lol i just saw that i forgot the ball and wire at the buttom of the shamans staff.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2010/05/27 13:51:45

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Nice convesion work!

Tell us how the tournament went and or take some pictures.

A fan-based small-scale skirmish game designed to enhance the gaming experience of the never ending wars of the futuristic 41st Millennium

Made in dk
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Out in the country in Denmark. Zealand

i can write it down when the turnament starts cuz as i said, its next week
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

I realise this is a late post but what advances?
Made in dk
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Out in the country in Denmark. Zealand

well it was just a turnament with 3 battles, each with 4-5 players, so i didnt manage to get any advances :(, but the player who got the most warband rating increase won (unfortunately, i got around 20 less rating than when i started (because i lost so many units (includeing my boss)) so i lost :|).
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