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Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Columbus, OH

Also from the SM Codex, it states that Chaplain Cassius of the Ultramarines is nearly 400 years old. I'd have to agree that as SM get older, they get less effective, and eventually give up their organs for new members of the chapter to use, and take up support roles, as vehicle pilots, fleet assistants, trainers, strategic planners, etc 
Made in us
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

Omaha (or West of the Mississippi and just afew miles south of Sanity)

One thing about how old and effective a SM can live is that the Logan Grimnar has been alive for around 700 years, and leading the Space Wolves for about 500 and he still leads his Great Company into battle as well as lead them in battle. I would say that marines can live and fight for thousands of years its just that the inevitability of death in combat over hundreds of years doesn't give them much of a chance to live for too long, but if one of them gets too old to fight physically I would say that they would be entombed inside of a dreadnought and thus continue to serve the chapter and the emperor as best they can. Hope this helps out some.


Made in ca
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


The vast majority of the fluff I've read seems to indicate that Space Marines don't get older so much as they mature. They bulk out more, becoming a little more heavily set, but they also seem to get taller. They become stronger, but a little less agile. However, this aging really doesn't effect their skills too much, as we see in the old Luna Wolves captain in the Horus Heresy books. Look at a scout marine verses a Terminator, you see the scout is pretty gaunt looking compared to the classic image of the bodybuilder form of a veteran Space Marine. Otherwise, they seem to be functionally immortal. I think that what makes the Blood Angels exceptional is not their regular lifespan being longer so much as their continuing youthful appearance.
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Longtime Dakkanaut

If Marines don't have a retirement home, and stay 'in service', it's more likely they are killed in battle as their physical skills erode. This way, they can still die a warrior's death. Marines are basically 'knights in space' and I think most would find it dishonorable to be rebuilt as a servitor and not allowed to die in battle. Of course, the Sons of Russ know that Dark Angels have no honor, so they probably let themselves become servitors. I can also see a number of marines retiring to non-frontline roles - training recruits, serving in the fleet, overseeing the armory, etc.

In the dark future, there are skulls for everyone. But only the bad guys get spikes. And rivets for all, apparently welding was lost in the Dark Age of Technology. -from C.Borer 
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Longtime Dakkanaut

United States of England


Your statement FTW! Thats probably the best possible analysis I've heard so far!

Man down, Man down.... 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I think it would be entirely conditional, honestly.

I can imagine that some who simply grow too old could opt into the same fate as older members of the machine cult, and simply end their own life, and donate their body for servitor wet ware.

Some chapters may have those who are older but still maintain a degree of their combat prowess to live on in dreadnoughts.

Some others who might have a major reverence for the wisdom of elders, would likely opt for the "desk-job" business. Old marines could easily become masterful tacticians and strategists, or turn their armor in and serve their chapters in a religious role.

I dunno... I imagined the sept guarding the Perdus rift would wear the same black armour as Ulthwe eldar. Maybe being in close proximity to the warp makes you emo.

~Cheese Elemental 
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