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Gothic Darkness vs. Clean futuristic Sci-Fi in 40k  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Fireknife Shas'el

A bizarre array of focusing mirrors and lenses turning my phrases into even more accurate clones of

Rafi/Stu-Rat: About the orks. I remember when Rafi posted that but forgot to pots a reply. Anyway, the thing that bothers me is that when you look at orks that way, aren't they then a mere copycat of the dark elves? Grotesque hilarity with the macabre? Sure, the difference is that one makes clunky engineering devices while the other is a finesse raiding party, but the backgrounds would essentially be the same when you looked at it that way. That's one of the things that makes 40k look all the same to me. The Tau are heading into a similar direction now: how do you enjoy the background of the Tau if they are just a mirror image of the Imperium except one has sleek ships and the other can barely push a button without chanting for 5 hours?

I happen to enjoy the macabre and gothic and guess I missed out on the RT-era "scary marines" about whom Usiel is speaking. I like Poe and Lovecraft and those odd paintings of the grotesque and odd realities where cubism and interpretive art is the norm. But when everything is the same and the feel is the same and nothing is fresh, or at least distinct.....? I just have to hope Warmachine keeps its races dissimilar. It would suck if everything there turned into CYGNARIAN ENGINEERING GENIUS TM.


2009, Year of the Dog
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Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

Even though the Tau and Eldar provide a counterpoint to the Imperium, the game is Imperio-centric, and in the Imperium the tone is decidedly gothic (and grim).

Because it's a wargame, they need to keep a state of dynamic tension between all the races, with no single race ever really gaining the upper hand for too long - that sounds gothic and dark to me!
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