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Google search becoming increasingly useless?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

pet hate 1, searching for a component data sheet, using the component part number and ".pdf" and "data sheet"

results: lots of links to sites that want to either sell the data sheet, or "frame" it in a tiny window surrounded by adverts, somewhere on page 2-3 will be the actual manufacturer datasheet, maybe

pet hate 2, search for a thing using three keywords

results: lots of links that related to something else that have at the bottom "must include:" then the keywords, followed by "missing:" and then the keywords

Google is now all about trying to sell you what they thing you really should be looking for, not showing you information on what you actually want

and they have started to override and ignore more advanced searches, e.g. adding "-review" in a search when I don't want spammy reviews of a product, I'm after actual data or files related to it
Made in us
Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot

New York

leopard wrote:
and they have started to override and ignore more advanced searches, e.g. adding "-review" in a search when I don't want spammy reviews of a product, I'm after actual data or files related to it

Ditto for everything you said, but this in particular is maddening. I haven't used advanced search terms in years because they just don't work, as you said. "site:" is the only one that does any work, if you already know the site you're targeting.
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Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

I thought this would be a discussion about how much stuff gets posted to Facebook and Instagram, etc and doesn't get indexed to Google or other search engines

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in au
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Assuming you know a little about what you're trying to access, Google Dorking *can* help sometimes.

Using things like filetype:, intent:, allintext:, URL:, etc, can narrow things down, but require you to know a bit about what you're searching.

Googling "Google Dork Cheatsheet" might be a helpful stepping off point.

My $0.02, which since 1992 has rounded to nothing. Take with salt.
Elysian Drop Troops, Dark Angels, 30K
Mercenaries, Retribution
Ten Thunders, Neverborn
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Terrifying Rhinox Rider

 Fugazi wrote:
leopard wrote:
and they have started to override and ignore more advanced searches, e.g. adding "-review" in a search when I don't want spammy reviews of a product, I'm after actual data or files related to it

Ditto for everything you said, but this in particular is maddening. I haven't used advanced search terms in years because they just don't work, as you said. "site:" is the only one that does any work, if you already know the site you're targeting.

A comorbidity is that this kind of information used to be posted on message boards - someone else asked the same technical question, and a few helpful people post actual files or solutions in response. The problem is that message boards have declined.

Joining specific Facebook groups has been helpful if unwieldy in the past but not as much now, due to the same problems as search engines. Reddit, stack exchange, git hub, even medium quora or substack have been substitutes sometimes

But it’s definitely not as helpful as typing in the full text of a question and finding that someone else has asked and answered that question on a discussion board I’d never heard or thought of before

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