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Made in jp
Battleship Captain

The Land of the Rising Sun

And the KS ends at the $163,753 mark.

I wish they had been less conservative during the campaign, offer big monsters or the like, FOMO is a thing in many KS. But I wish them well. Hopefully this won't be a US only thing, and the game will be available through EU retailers.


Jenkins: You don't have jurisdiction here!
Smith Jamison: We aren't here, which means when we open up on you and shred your bodies with automatic fire then this will never have happened.

About the Clans: "Those brief outbursts of sense can't hold back the wave of sibko bred, over hormoned sociopaths that they crank out though." 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

Given that the first crowdfunding failed and the previous Archon/Prodos one had some issues, isn't being conservative and not overpromising and therefore potentially underdelivering a good thing?

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in no
Fresh-Faced New User

Trondheim Norway

As much as i love seing new miniatures getting made. Some ip's just should stay dead Mutant Chronicles keeps popping up just to be trampled down to the ground again. Let the dead rest.

My armies
4000+++ of orks
2500+ Imperial guard
2500p soon to be thousand sons.
5000p of orcs
3000p of ogres
2500p Chaos dwarfs!!

Trondheim warhammer forum www.wartrond.net

Up for a match on vassal send me a pm! or just message Rune m if im online on vassal  
Made in ca

Eh, Warzone/MC reboots usually aren't faltering because no one wants them (I know we don't tend to notice KS's that do less than a few million these days, but doing over 100k isn't exactly a dud either). They die because the companies that grab the license are usually apt to fumble the whole thing before they even get off the ground.

Mutant Chronicles and Warzone died before their time (as did Chronopia), not because Target Games was not successful (they were actually quite successful in terms of 90's war gaming), but because they had the bad luck of being a subsidiary of a company that went up at a time when Target couldn't afford to do what the Paradoxes (both Interactive and Entertainment) did and buy themselves out. This kind of "cut short before its time" tragedy has given the game a long half-life for a lot of folks which has kept the flame going.

In a lot of ways, the game is a lot like Battletech after the fall of FASA (right down to both having an oft-maligned pre-paint CMG that was out of scale with older offerings), but it's still waiting for the right company that can take the ball and keep running with it. Is ResNova that company? Who knows?

I'm willing to give them a shot, as I have with Excelsior and Prodos before them. To their credit, ResNova both appears to have the rules designed already (so a leg up on Excelsior) and aren't immediately pivoting to a new flavour of the week (the less said about Prodos's trajectory the better), they're even doing it in a popular wargaming scale that is compatible with older releases instead of doing something nobody asked for (hi FFG). Hell, they were even willing to listen to feedback and act on it when they killed the last KS and re-tooled everything for this one (which led to a marked improvement). Time will tell if they can keep not up long enough to stabilize the game and keep things going.

As always, taking this all with a grain of salt, but it isn't like ResNova doing a WZ reboot is preventing a new property from going to market, and if it flops, hopefully it does so after I have my Venusian Rangers.
Made in jp
Battleship Captain

The Land of the Rising Sun

I ended throwing some money at it too due to the improved miniatures. I hope ResNova can manage a steady supply of product outside the US, especially in Poland where the community might be the largest.


Jenkins: You don't have jurisdiction here!
Smith Jamison: We aren't here, which means when we open up on you and shred your bodies with automatic fire then this will never have happened.

About the Clans: "Those brief outbursts of sense can't hold back the wave of sibko bred, over hormoned sociopaths that they crank out though." 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Backer kit closes Dec 15


Made in ca

Time to raise this thread from the vat for a bit.

May as well update as the final public beta rules went up (looks like a public post, so even those who didn't back should be able to see this).


I got a chance to actually play it last night and the experience was actually pretty positive. I had some misgivings about Warzone Resurrection and Ultimate Warzone but I actually quite liked this iteration.

If I had to sum it up in one sentence, it felt like streamlined 1st Edition re-focused as a squad-based skirmish game instead of the platoon-level game it used to be. The army lists are pretty barebones right now of course, but you do get a good feel for the flow of play and how things will expand out when more troops and options are added. Between all the lists, there is a good cross-section of things to play around with.

A few things I was a bit iffy on like the new wounding system actually ended up being pretty good in play. Given that you have less minis on the board, damage is still as deadly as it was before, but it also doesn't feel like a hit on your troopers means automatic death (especially if you can stack cover bonuses and a few other things). The multiple wounds and presence of Pinning was quite impactful turn to turn and provided a lot of room for tension and tough decisions.

Likewise, I wasn't sure if I liked the active/reactive system, but in play it made for a lot of tense decision-making. Going down to two actions and a 'free' reaction every turn (so long as you aren't pinned) is a nice nod to the old wait/overwatch mechanics, but pared down a bit (i.e. you can only return fire if fired upon, which makes 'stealthing' around the battlefield more possible so long as you can make it to cover each turn). Neither of us were playing CC troops, but I can see these mechanics encouraging it more than, say, Infinity (where moving through the open is a complete death sentence).

Either way, if nothing else, the rules felt solid and I kind of want to give it another go. It felt like 1st Edition Warzone and seemed to nail the feel of things. Here's hoping this survives long enough to expand things out a bit as this is the first time in a while I'm not just feeling like grabbing the minis so that I can just play 'em in 1st.

Edit to add - Apparently misread the rules (naturally) and there is a reaction allowing you to target units on the move instead of just returning fire when fired upon. For some reason I though Ambush was melee-only, but it allows you to shoot at a unit on the move in reaction. However, it is quite expensive as you are effectively giving up your whole activation (and so cannot have already activated) and using your reaction to do it. So a neat trade-off that is handy for prepping for a charge or winging something evasive when no other options are present, but not something you want to rely on if you can help it (though Free Marines have a 25% chance of not using their activation up when doing it, so possibly useful for them in some situations with a bit of luck).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/26 16:33:48

Made in us
DCM User

Thank you for the review - much appreciated!

I"m looking forward to this one too, and it is good to hear an overall positive 1st impression.
Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation


I am not realy interested in new ruleset, but I can't wait to chceck new minis.

Please check out my Facebook page. Like it if you would.
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

I played the previous beta rules a bit with my buddy, and had zero issues with them overall.

I was a late backer for two copies of the rulebook, picked up a bunch of the old Kev White sculpts for the game I had always wanted as a kid, and my buddy is waiting for the minis to release before buying anything.

ResNova seems to be doing well enough with their reboot of the game, and have had good communication on their Discord and Facebook page.

Hoping it sticks around this time.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I'm another one who really got in for the models but it never hurts to have another rule set around.
Made in us
DCM User

I generally like Brian's wargame work - I've high hopes for this one!
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