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Sgt. Cortez wrote:
Andykp wrote:
Snakebites aren’t feral, they just like the old fashioned ways. They have always had access to all the same equipment as any other clan, they still use energy weapons and force fields, they can do all the things any other ORK clan does.

I prefer the “waargh the ORKS” descriptions of ORK society and never liked the feral ORK army list when it came out because that aspect of ORK life was already covered, this just added another division that wasn’t needed.

It was the same when speed freaks became viewed as a clan or faction of ORKS, when all along the cult of speed was always just a cult that ran through all clans and culture. It was just a description of ORKS who liked going fast, regardless of clan etc. now people see it and feral ORKS as distinct clans like the original 6 clans.

If people see it that way it's a misconception, the actual fluff is very clear in stating "many evil sunz are speed freaks" and "Snakebites usually have more Feral Orks than others".

More accurately, Snakebites have more of what we now know as beast snaggas, who use more of the old techniques that feral Orks rely on. Feral orks that join a more developed tribe stop being feral Orks.

I'm not sure why that misconception appeared either, when GW introduced speed freeks they were very clear that the majority were Evil Sunz, but several other canon examples were given- most notably the Razor speed freeks were Goffs. Kroksniks Deth Traks were noted as Bad Moon speed freeks at the time, although Kroksnik might have been retconned to a Goff.

Some other examples of variant "addiction" warbands are artillery warbands and dredmobs. Artillery warbands have a suggestion of being more likely to be Bad Moons, and dredmobs seem popular with multiple clans.

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Eumerin wrote:
 Haighus wrote:
Have Ork bowman ever been mentioned in 40k? The feral Ork list in 3rd edition didn't have any.

Logically, a bow is quite challenging to produce and I think wildboyz would be more likely to favour javelins, darts, rocks, and maybe slings over bows. I am aware Ork bowman exist in AoS and Fantasy.

Not really. When I was in the Boy Scouts of America, we amused ourselves at the end of one hike by building longbows out of nylon cord and long branches that we found laying on the ground. The arrows were just relatively straight sticks with no fletching. Despite how primitive the bows and arrows were, one of my fellow scouts was still able to punch a hole in my plastic water bottle (I don't mean a bottle of bottled water, I mean a cheap plastic almost canteen) from several yards away.

Were they good bows? Of course not. Range and hitting power would have likely been difficult at anything much further than what we were shooting at, or with a "hide" that was tougher than soft plastic that was a couple of mm thick.. But these were bows and arrows that were built in a matter of minutes using improvised materials, and pocket knives. An actual attempt to search out for better quality branches and sticks, and then spend the time shaping those branches and sticks into bows and arrows, likely would have produced significantly better results even with just a minimum of practice on the part of the crafter. They still wouldn't have been "Mongol compound bows" good, of course. But they'd be fine for use against living targets (prey or other) at range.

Right, but Orks are largely fighting other Orks and Orkoid critters early on. Weak bows are not going to be very useful and proper warbows are difficult to craft. Meanwhile, a good throwing dart or javelin is comparatively easy to make and going to have a lot more hitting power at a low tech level. Such weapons persisted up to the gunpowder age for a reason.

Once Orks have the tech level to make good warbows they almost certainly have the level to make simple shootas if materials are available*, once the knowledge is there a simple gun is easier to make than a powerful bow. Orks have knowledge encoded instinctively.

*There is a niche where a feral Ork tribe becomes more developed without access to metal for shootas- I would think bows make sense in this context.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/23 21:08:07

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
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