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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Well and "Point Defence" fires normally in overwatch as well.

the game is going to really teach how to find and use cover
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Just built all my tanks.

3 Predators, 2 Sicarans and 4 Kratos.

All have Lascannon Sponsons, as they’re the most general purpose option for that slot. Yes infantry get their full save, but I can still blast away all the same.

All have swappable turrets, because the thoughtful kit designers made that an absolute doddle. Predators and Sicarans as noted come with sufficient turrets to let us swap out weapon loads. Genuinely impressed with the Kratos in particular, as it’s a very snug fit. No magnets needed!

Speaking of the Kratos? One probably could do something clever to magnetise the upper hull. But I couldn’t be arsed, and so I went with Autocannon. They’re a nice jack of all trades weapon. Good rate of fire, solid against infantry, can at least tickle tanks, and a decent enough range.

When the time comes I’ll be in the market for waaaaaay more Predators, and I may yet come to rue my lack of Point Defence. But hey, that’s gonna take in-game experience to properly appreciate and consider. And if I need to buy more kits?


Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

lol, I suspect personally having "this unit kills armour and this unit screens it" will be useful

no way I'm bothering with magnets at this size, and its good of GW to give the extra turrets when space permits

from what I saw earlier while, in theory, heavy bolters for anti infantry are good the volume of fire an armoured detachment puts out is more than plenty to murderificate an infantry detachment anyway, or at least make them really sorry the tanks saw them
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I’m planning on going in with at the very least Company Strength infantry, if not a couple of Companies, as infantry is super cheap.

And so I’m seeing loading my tanks for Bear with some flex as the smart option.

Of course. Only play will reveal if I’ve been a tit about it.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I’m planning on going in with at the very least Company Strength infantry, if not a couple of Companies, as infantry is super cheap.

And so I’m seeing loading my tanks for Bear with some flex as the smart option.

Of course. Only play will reveal if I’ve been a tit about it.

same here, and also same here...

besides they are nice models, and the ones with sub optimal for dealing with armour loadouts can always be dropped near the rear as either a mobile reserve or to irritate deep striking stuffs.

need to get a handle on infantry, and I suspect more bodies will work nicely, at the very least going to six stands base for tactical and the like, or four tactical and for tactical support. plus as you say, they are decently cheap in game, and to be honest not that hard to assemble & paint either
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Oh I can always find a use for, and this is a dirty, dirty phrase to me? Sub-optimal loadouts.

I now feel incredibly dirty for typing that. But on the field of battle I shall redeem myself with being All Clever and baiting my foe. And that.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

I find trying to defeat my opponent by the cunning tactic of making them think I must have some amazingly cunning plan that they just have yet to realise, combined with enough casualties they must run out of ammunition at some point could be viable

I mean literally trying to have more bodies than they can kill in the scenario length has to work at some point

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Pacific wrote:
I still can't get my head around multiple load-outs for 8mm scale miniatures. There were so many more graceful ways of handling unit efficacy against different target types (see the process used by Armageddon). And I don't think anyone would have not played the game because they couldn't choose from multiple sponsor loadouts on a Predator.

Instead the community groups are full of people stressing about what options to go with, and whether you can even see what they looking down onto the tabletop. I guess you will just need a "this unit is this, this unit is this" session before the game with your opponent, and hope you haven't had too hard a day at work so you can remember it all.

Yeah, I started building my Kratos and got to the weapon stage and realised it would be a pain in the arse to magnetise the weapons, so now I'm trying to decide what to give them even though I don't really know the rules or how the game plays.

I'd rather they just gave some preset loadouts.

But I find it annoying having weapon options at this scale anyway, unless it's REALLY obvious (like perhaps the turret gun). Even in Aeronautica Imperialis I started to regret making some of my Thunderbolts normal vs fury because every turn we end up having to examine them to remind ourselves which one is the one with the avenger cannons vs quad autocannon.

I've heard complaints in the past about Epic 40k that people didn't like the overly open detachment selection because there wasn't enough guidance on how to construct a detachment. Personally I find the weapon options more off putting because it was always pretty obvious to me how to construct a detachment given how I wanted the detachment to operate and even if I was wrong I'd just reshuffle the units into other detachments after playing a game and realising they wouldn't work. Now I'm worried if I give my Baneblade a useless gun that it'll be $40 of wasted miniature

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/10 08:50:33

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

My option, as always, is to blutac the optional gear until I've played a few games, after which I'll have more intel to act upon.

Coming back to the topic of weapons and their tohit values, I still think 4+ trumps 5+ because I generally want to avoid shooting into those -2 tohit targets. Fishing for sixes is a game for chumps, if I find myself facing -2 to hit all the time, its obvious my unit / loadout selections were flawed to begin with. Enemy infantry garrisoned in buildings? Use weapons that destroy buildings, or spam Support squads with Frag Missile launchers when at range, or charge them with enough units to outnumber at least 2:1

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/12/10 11:50:15

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 tauist wrote:
My option, as always, is to blutac the optional gear until I've played a few games, after which I'll have more intel to act upon.

I think that's fine if you don't want to paint them first, I was hoping to get them painted up. The Kratos hull guns require the top of the hull to be installed, and a lot of the fiddly sponsons would be hard to paint prior to attaching them to their base, and once they're attached to their base they can no longer be swapped.

It would have been cool if they provided extra sponson bases for marine tanks, as I think the bases could be magnetised easily enough.
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Myself starting to think I might just glue things up. For one I don't spam same loadouts in general. I also want multiple detachments(it's epic. Supposed to be big armies). If i magnetize turrets need box for spare weapons or turrets will be flying wildly.

Not generally worried about optimizing few % here or there.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

tneva82 wrote:
(it's epic. Supposed to be big armies)

Personally, I'm not sure this version of Epic is well suited to big armies So I just plan to build 1500pts and see how it goes. I feel like that's probably a 1-2 hour game and I don't really like games that go longer than that anyway.

I know GW recommend 3000pts, but I haven't seen a 3000pts game yet and the smaller games I've seen seem plenty big enough for my typical 4x4 gaming table.

If I want to play big armies, I'll probably revert to my 3D printed armies and Epic 40k 1997 rules.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/10 15:49:44

Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Even 2k it's big amount of models.

And with the lethality you are taking models off by bucketload

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

Do dozer blades have any rules effect, or are they just aesthetic?
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Just for look.

Btw I assume people who magnetise based on wanting to optimize weapon loadouts are also maxing out legion bonuses. After all I can assure it will be bigger impact than what sponson/main gun my armoured company has vs do i stick with mono legion(blood angels) or optimize and go for say salamandei, ultramarine, imperial fist, death guard or emperor's children, all lot better than blood angels for tank company.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Someone on Reddit magnetized a Kratos entirely

caption said "for hobby masochists"

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in no
Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles


Love it. Pinning seems more practical than magnetizing for the smaller weapons & sponsons.

Haven't built my Kratos yet but I read the main gun clips on, so doesn't need a pin like on that pic. Maybe theres different takes to how snugly you want it to stay on.

30k: EC, AL, IW
Epic30k: IH, House Coldshroud, Legio Metalica, IW, Legio Interfector, AL
40k: EC CSM, Orks
WW2 Battlegroup/Bolt Action 6-15-28mm: German 41-44, Soviet 41-43, French 1940

Instagram @grimdarkgrimpast
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

thats way more patience than I have, but nicely done
Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

As soon as I can get a box, I'll make three Predator Annihilators and three Predator Destructors. I'll keep the turrets unglued so they can be swapped, but unfortunately the sponsons are too loose and fiddly, so they need to be glued in.

On a related topic, how are people building Rhinos?

I'm a little confused by the detachment info which says the multi-melta and havock launcher replace the twin-linked bolders yet I see the multi-melta bit always used with the storm-bolter looking hatch and the missile launcher used with the normal bolter hatch. What am I missing here?

Also, how WYSIWYG is this game? It seems like the default for a detachment of ten (based on the box art) is that one gets the multi-melta and one gets the havock launcher, but the card reads that you should be able to give each and every one either a multi-melta or a havock launcher. What is the preferred way to do this and what does a typical Rhino detachment look like in a 2000 poing game?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/15 05:15:21

Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/15 05:14:48

Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

I decided not to bother. A) i don't spam same loadout ever anyway b) trying it noticed i would need to scrape all paint off. Paint caused turrets not fit snuggly. Gap appeared between turret and hull

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
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