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Why is GW more liberal about equipment customization in HH than it is in 40k?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

The one where the Farseers had near identical loadout, including two Fixed Field Saves, but that had recently been FAQ’d as a no-no, but given both players derived the same advantage, it was allowed for that game?

With the Unicorns painted on the jetbike cowlings?

Made in us
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
The one where the Farseers had near identical loadout, including two Fixed Field Saves, but that had recently been FAQ’d as a no-no, but given both players derived the same advantage, it was allowed for that game?

With the Unicorns painted on the jetbike cowlings?
I dunno, I'd have to find it and check. But I'd believe both assertions.

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Fixture of Dakka

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
The one where the Farseers had near identical loadout, including two Fixed Field Saves, but that had recently been FAQ’d as a no-no, but given both players derived the same advantage, it was allowed for that game?

With the Unicorns painted on the jetbike cowlings?

Wait was that the one where the GT winner with the more powerful army, and who won the game too, claimed to have more fluffy and lore accurate eldar army, because his guardians only had half their squads armed with shurikan catapults, while his GW oppponent, was using zero squads not armed with them? If that is the report then it is legendary, because it is/was told as a story to new players in 8th ed, when I started. Mostly as a guide to "what to expect playing vs eldar players".

If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

In 2nd Ed, only half your Guardian Squads could have Shuriken Catapults, and they came with Lasguns as standard.

However, you could kinda game that system. See, Jetbikes were a squad upgrade to Guardians, and those came with twin linked Shuriken Catapults (which, under 2nd Ed rules, on to hit roll, if successful both hit). And those counted as a Lasgun equipped Guardian squad.

So, if I had four Guardian squads? Two could have Shuriken Catapults, two would have to carry Lasguns.

But, there’s nothing stopping me dipping into another pouch of points to equip the Lasgun Guardians with Jetbikes.

The net result is I’ve completely followed the rules, not even slightly bending them, but all my Guardians have Shuriken Catapults.

Even if I didn’t do that? It’s half the squads, not half the total number of Guardians in my force. So I could have four squads.

Two are ten strong, and I buy them Shuriken Catapults. The other two are five strong, and have Lasguns.

Now was that argued in that battle report? I honestly don’t recall.

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
In 2nd Ed, only half your Guardian Squads could have Shuriken Catapults, and they came with Lasguns as standard.

However, you could kinda game that system. See, Jetbikes were a squad upgrade to Guardians, and those came with twin linked Shuriken Catapults (which, under 2nd Ed rules, on to hit roll, if successful both hit). And those counted as a Lasgun equipped Guardian squad.

So, if I had four Guardian squads? Two could have Shuriken Catapults, two would have to carry Lasguns.

But, there’s nothing stopping me dipping into another pouch of points to equip the Lasgun Guardians with Jetbikes.

The net result is I’ve completely followed the rules, not even slightly bending them, but all my Guardians have Shuriken Catapults.

Even if I didn’t do that? It’s half the squads, not half the total number of Guardians in my force. So I could have four squads.

Two are ten strong, and I buy them Shuriken Catapults. The other two are five strong, and have Lasguns.

Now was that argued in that battle report? I honestly don’t recall.

you my not have bent the rules doc, but you just bent my mind

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
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Made in de
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Different targeted customers/audience & different aims.

40K/AoS is targetet at new, younger/zoomer customers and making it easy (in their view) to pick up. Making units fit the boxes is a big part of that.

Heresy is aimed at existing, older/boomer customers sold on nostalgia and places higher value on existing miniatures / aligning with miniature-collecting habits/sensibilites formed in previous decades.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/07 05:07:47

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