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Made in gb
Confident Halberdier


 Illumini wrote:
They look great. Did they come with the round shields, or do you have a good source for those? Looking for that style shield for my own army.

They're 3D printed by a seller called Warpigmodels on eBay. Like £3 for 10 (plus postage)
Made in gb
Confident Halberdier


So after a stint of painting archers and crossbowmen created from various rescued state troops and militia parts, I've rewarded myself by painting up two pegasus riders. Likely both going to be used as mundanely-armed Captasus (Captasi) coming in at around 90 points each. Both of these were made from (obviously) Bretonnian pegasus knight mounts for the front legs and wings, with cut up Empire steeds for the armoured hindquarters and heads.

Made in gb
Confident Halberdier


Spent the day doing a test model for my Core Knights. There's a story behind these so indulge me...

I wanted my Core Knights (in TOW with Heavy Armour rather than Full Plate Armour) to look like they had less armour than the Inner Circle. So from my rescued/job lot bits box I collect enough arms and heads to replace the armoured ones from rescued knights lot (they were built as White Wolf). I had the amazing idea of giving them hand weapons and shields to keep them super-cheap and use them as armoured chaff, or a meat-and-metal shield for a wizard, so I built six of them with hand weapons and shield arms.

Cue re-reading the entry and the lances/great weapons option says you have to have one or the other, not an option of either. Bugger. So I needed to either chop them up and start again, or find something suitable for them to have stuck prominently on their backs to indicate either great weapons or lances. About a week later, I found some long-handled hammers in packs of 5. So I bought 10 and upped the unit size, built command models using the last of my arms and the body from the 'general conversion' I'd scored off eBay (his horse is now part-pegasus). I also decided to add some feathers as a 'theme' for the unit. Maybe they specialise in pancaking pegasus knights with their massive hammers, I'm not sure yet!

So here's the test:

Expecting this unit of 10 to take a couple of weeks to paint, which is good because once these guys and the IC knights are done, I'm out of models again...
Made in gb
Confident Halberdier


Another painting marathon over the weekend and the unit is finished: Solland's Knights of Pfieldorf!

Made in us
Sniping Hexa

Great looking stuff!

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
Made in gb
Confident Halberdier


We have a Steam Tank! Completed in 1712 just in time to help defeat the Orc invasion, "Eldred" sadly broke down on the way to Elector Count Eldred's final showdown with Gorbad Ironclaw. Fast forward a few hundred years and this was a barn find, restored by our provincial Engineer and brought into service with the Solland insurgents.

Another auction-snipe from eBay, stripped and painted yellow. The bush at the back is actually hiding a pole to support the back, because both the back wheels were snapped off and have tiny contact points to fix back on.
Made in us
Sniping Hexa

Oh man Empire is the best

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
Made in au
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Very nice army. Very colorful, and I like the knights with the warhammers across their backs

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

This is so nice. Love the feathers.
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