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Bolt Action 3rd edition by Warlord Games announced (competitive play update)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

That's what I was thinking, if I'm going historical I might as well make it historical.
Although I am tempted to get into Konflik 47', so at that point it might not even matter.
Is Konflik even a thing? Warlord doesn't seem to have that range anymore?

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


Actually Warlord just recently acquired K’47 from the orinigal design team. Many hope that with BA 3rd coming out a revised K’47 with compatible rules will be released. K’47 uses modified BA 1st edition rules, so if both systems moved to a 3rd edition rules set it would be helpful. Of course K’47 needs extra rules to cover all the weird war stuff. I expect to see more K’47 stuff in the future

For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

Oh that's good. I was always interested in K47. I'm a sucker for Weird War and Weird West

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in eu
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Southampton, UK

Bought the Band Of Brothers set for my son - looking forward to him opening it on the 1st... I can easily see myself getting some British commandos to play with too.
Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


Added new post from Warlord Games about 3rd edition Army of books to the first post.

Looks like a kind of slow release schedule. Hopefully there will be a conversion doc or a lot of stuff in the core rulebook.

For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Billicus wrote:
Well, a lot of the army books that are going in the dustbin aren't 8 years old, smartie pants, and besides if it's just minor changes with a new number on it just to sell books then it's churn whether it's eight years or eight months. It's possible to update a game without making people throw books away and get their wallets out.

So it looks like the army books will become obsolete, but lists will be available in the main rule book or PDF downloads so the armies won't be invalidated and will still be playable from the start. New Army books will come in future. Campaign/theatre books are still valid.

So you're looking at, what, £25 for the rulebook and £15 for an army book to bring yourself up to date with 3rd edition? That's assuming you don't just stick with 1st/2nd edition anyway.

I don't think that every 8 years is a deal breaker.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
I've been thinking of getting into bolt action, but I do have one quibble; they all seem to be green.
Like, I look at the German, American and French ranges and they are all green.

Then I look at the Commonwealth and Japanese ranges and they are all yellow.

How much freedom do you have when it comes to painting? I'm assuming that they give you a list of uniform and regimental colors to choose from?

Apparently the Japanese are really fun and I don't think any of the Bolt Action players locally play them, so I'm going more towards them, although the Soviet Snow Vets look nice. Apparently the IJA are old models though? When will they be updated?

Unfortunately WW2 isn't a great era for colorful armies especially at that scale. I think pretty much everything after Napoleon has been a fairly dull variation on being harder to shoot at instead of being easy to identify on a battlefield.

That said, unless you're up against serious picky neckbeards, I doubt anyone will mind if you tweak things a bit or go for something experimental.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/23 10:05:02

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Herzlos wrote:
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
I've been thinking of getting into bolt action, but I do have one quibble; they all seem to be green.
Like, I look at the German, American and French ranges and they are all green.

Then I look at the Commonwealth and Japanese ranges and they are all yellow.

How much freedom do you have when it comes to painting? I'm assuming that they give you a list of uniform and regimental colors to choose from?

Apparently the Japanese are really fun and I don't think any of the Bolt Action players locally play them, so I'm going more towards them, although the Soviet Snow Vets look nice. Apparently the IJA are old models though? When will they be updated?

Unfortunately WW2 isn't a great era for colorful armies especially at that scale. I think pretty much everything after Napoleon has been a fairly dull variation on being harder to shoot at instead of being easy to identify on a battlefield.

That said, unless you're up against serious picky neckbeards, I doubt anyone will mind if you tweak things a bit or go for something experimental.

I find it's not that bad. What immediately comes to mind:

Germans can have a good bit of variety. Next to the standard grey-green, you can have blue navy troops. I'd have to check, but maybe blue air force personnel as well. Also black tank crews sticking out of your tanks that have a fair number of camo patterns. And when it comes to camouflage, you have a bit of variety with SS, especially the orange/brown autumn camo. Then there's Volkssturm in civilian clothing. Winter theme might also be something of interest with regular pants and white jackets.

USMC is kind of nice, too. Olive as the baseline but with a camouflage option as well as some models that show a lot of skin. Also vehicle camo.

Japanese are similar. Drab for navy, tan for army, a neat jungle camo pattern for tanks and a bunch of half starved, half naked guys with pointy sticks.

Not sure if Russians have a partisan unit in their army or if you have to go with the partisan army list, but partisans offer a pretty nice variety of civilian and military clothing. You could easily have Russian army models, infiltrators in German uniforms and civilian models all in the same army. Plus a looted wagon if you're so inclined.

With regard to the Japanese infantry kit, in technical terms it's not really old. Bolt Action started out with somewhat primitive German and American models. The Japanese are already of the next generation. They're nice models in my opinion, and I'm not sure there's much an update would change. The biggest limitation is that it's specifically army. Navy troops have to make do with a few metal add-on bits to look the part.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
Oh that's good. I was always interested in K47. I'm a sucker for Weird War and Weird West

As am I, simply love alt-history settings. Our group primarily plays Konflikt '47, we find the weird war element rally fun and engaging.

Some of us paint with traditional WW II uniforms, and others like myself have envisioned the clothing and gear changing
color over the years that have passed and the shift in the war. Here is my German scheme.

Regarding the rules, we are excited to see them hopefully align with BA 3.0
and have them all consistent. Here is the question -- will BA 3.0 adopt the reactions found within the current K-47 rule book? that would be
fascinating to see, but I'm not sure they are necessary.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


These dudes have got a Clear Sky vibe to them

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
These dudes have got a Clear Sky vibe to them

I can't wait for Bandit models for the Soviets.
Cheeki Breeki iv Damke.

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Oh yes, ooh yes, Cheeki Breeki Levy box set, give it now!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/25 11:47:17

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

They get bonuses to stealth and you must play Hard Bass the whole time they are on the table.

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Actually I would love to find some stalker figures to paint.

But we're going off track here, after all it wasn't a stalker thread until the both of us got started

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

Any recommendations of battle reports on youtube? I've never played Bolt Action but I am interested.

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in us
Brigadier General


vadersson wrote:
Overall I am hopefully and doubt there will be anything earthshaking. I do wonder if this will be a start to trying to bring BA and K47 rules more in line again to simplify transition from one game to the other.

legionaires wrote:Have they hinted at an update to Konflikt 47 to go along with 3rd edition?

CthuluIsSpy wrote:That's what I was thinking, if I'm going historical I might as well make it historical.
Although I am tempted to get into Konflik 47', so at that point it might not even matter.
Is Konflik even a thing? Warlord doesn't seem to have that range anymore?

vadersson wrote:Actually Warlord just recently acquired K’47 from the orinigal design team. Many hope that with BA 3rd coming out a revised K’47 with compatible rules will be released. K’47 uses modified BA 1st edition rules, so if both systems moved to a 3rd edition rules set it would be helpful. Of course K’47 needs extra rules to cover all the weird war stuff. I expect to see more K’47 stuff in the future

Any of you folks heard any more info about K47?

At Adepticon, all the Warlord folks would say to my query about K47 is that..

they hadn't forgotten k47, they all love k47, they wouldn't have bought the property for a bunch of money if they didn't have plans for it, they do have plans for it, and they can't say any more...

Personally, I really hope K47 gets brought into compatibility with 3rd edition, and mostly that it just gets a well-organized rulebook. We tried a brief K47 campaign and we loved the setting and the rules seemed solid, but I've never done so much rulebook flipping in my life, even with just the first rulebook and some pretty-good QRF sheets we were able to find online.

I've got some gas-masked Sikhs on my work desk now and I'd love a reason to add a couple more units to my WWW2 British.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/25 22:45:32

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

Visit the Chicago Valley Railroad!
Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


 Ahtman wrote:
Any recommendations of battle reports on youtube? I've never played Bolt Action but I am interested.

I really enjoy the 8 battle reports at Miniature Game Montage. Mostly a dad and his son with very reasonable length reports. He really gives the battle reports the feel of watching an old baseball game. I highly recommend them.

Other than that just search for bolt action on YouTube. You will find a lot. There is a group called Games Night that does some great narrative mission (one with Indiana Jones even) and Cinematic Tabletop also does a good set, including some K’47 games.

For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

 vadersson wrote:
 Ahtman wrote:
Any recommendations of battle reports on youtube? I've never played Bolt Action but I am interested.

I really enjoy the 8 battle reports at Miniature Game Montage. Mostly a dad and his son with very reasonable length reports.

I know them for Necromunda. Didn't realize they had done Bolt Action games.

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

I hope they don't retire any factions just to hamfistedly put new ones in like some other games do. Brazil has entered the war!

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

 Eilif wrote:
they hadn't forgotten k47, they all love k47, they wouldn't have bought the property for a bunch of money if they didn't have plans for it, they do have plans for it, and they can't say any more...

Personally, I really hope K47 gets brought into compatibility with 3rd edition...

This would really be the scenario that makes the most sense. One system, two (similar) backgrounds. Saves on rules writing.
Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


 warboss wrote:
I hope they don't retire any factions just to hamfistedly put new ones in like some other games do. Brazil has entered the war!

I assume this is a joke about changing historical lore. It can be hard to tell on-line. (But I do think it is funny.)

Regardless I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that Brazil did actually fight in WW2 in Italy. They were equipped with all American equipment and had 25,000 men in the mountains of Italy fighting the Germans. I am not sure if they are covered in the France and Minor Allied nations army book or not. Either way, they would use basic American equipment (much like most of the minor Allies).

One awesome thing about Bolt Action is that the current rules do pretty much cover all the nations that fought, even the little ones. Unfortunately a lot of them are a bit cookie cutter. One hope is that 3rd edition might add better and more flavorful national rules to the minor powers. It is really obvious on the allies side with the minor powers basically all using France’s special rules.

Just wanted to make sure Brazil got her due.

For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

What would be a good nation for a mechanized force? I know that Russians get Trucks and Japanese are more infantry focused, but are there APCs?

I'm going to assume that Armies of ____ is the codex equivalent, but what are theatre books and campaign books? Are they just expansions?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/26 15:40:07

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


The armies of books are basically codexes. The theater and campaign books give specific sce arios, rules, and units for that particular campaign. Some of the theater books greatly expanded the basic armies and others even added new Armies (for example China and specific Austrailian forces). From what I read a lot of those expanded units will be in the new 3rd edition army books.

A typical player would need the core rules and an army of book.

Germany was thr most advanced Mechanized forces with half tracks for APCs. They are a good choice if you want the best mechanized infantry. Most nations in the 40's were still usi g a lot of trucks. America also had good half track units. England ended up developing some I testing APC type vehicles in the Bren Carrier and the Ram Kangaroo. Russia mostly walked,used trucks, or rode tanks. Again you can find options in most armies. But generally trucks are cheap and APCs are more expensive too.

For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 vadersson wrote:
 warboss wrote:
I hope they don't retire any factions just to hamfistedly put new ones in like some other games do. Brazil has entered the war!

I assume this is a joke about changing historical lore. It can be hard to tell on-line. (But I do think it is funny.)

Regardless I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that Brazil did actually fight in WW2 in Italy.


Just wanted to make sure Brazil got her due.

Definitely a joke (hence the smiley face at the end) at GW's expense given their recent escapades. I was joking about doing something like including a new Brazilian front (or even a U-boats on the Amazon expansion!) with a new faction to sell slightly different models all while retiring a known major faction like the British. I was aware they were in the war (mainly at sea) but not admittedly to that extent on land.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

 vadersson wrote:
The armies of books are basically codexes. The theater and campaign books give specific sce arios, rules, and units for that particular campaign. Some of the theater books greatly expanded the basic armies and others even added new Armies (for example China and specific Austrailian forces). From what I read a lot of those expanded units will be in the new 3rd edition army books.

A typical player would need the core rules and an army of book.

Germany was thr most advanced Mechanized forces with half tracks for APCs. They are a good choice if you want the best mechanized infantry. Most nations in the 40's were still usi g a lot of trucks. America also had good half track units. England ended up developing some I testing APC type vehicles in the Bren Carrier and the Ram Kangaroo. Russia mostly walked,used trucks, or rode tanks. Again you can find options in most armies. But generally trucks are cheap and APCs are more expensive too.

Hmm a lot of people in my area already play US, UK and Germany. I guess I'll continue considering IJA. Their Konflikt 47 range is one of the better ones anyway.
When is 3rd edition scheduled to be released, and how does it take for an army book to come out?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/26 18:32:16

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in at
Second Story Man


PS: Brazil is a bad example as they were fighting in Italy along the allied forces

(A full infantry division and 1 fighter squadron)

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

 vadersson wrote:

One awesome thing about Bolt Action is that the current rules do pretty much cover all the nations that fought, even the little ones. Unfortunately a lot of them are a bit cookie cutter. One hope is that 3rd edition might add better and more flavorful national rules to the minor powers. It is really obvious on the allies side with the minor powers basically all using France’s special rules.

Just wanted to make sure Brazil got her due.

She did indeed fight. Battlefront even published a Flames of War list for Brazil at one point (though I don't know if there's an updated list for the most recent version of the game).

However, while there are lists, that doesn't guarantee that those lists are accurate. When the Romanian list was published in the Axis Minors book, I found a number of errors in the list, and brought them up on the forums. I never received a response, and to the best of my knowledge no corrections were ever issued. Something to be aware of.

Germany was thr most advanced Mechanized forces with half tracks for APCs.

From the PoV that the half-track mounted Panzer Grenadiers are pretty good, I have to agree. From the historical availability of transport vehicles for the German infantry, I have to disagree. Only the Panzer Grenadiers got transports, and most of them were mounted in trucks. If you were regular infantry, you marched. As you note, Americans also have excellent mechanized infantry. And unlike the Germans, everyone historically rode. If you were part of a tank division, you rode in a half-track. If you were in an infantry division, you rode in a truck. I think the American Lend-Lease support was also able to bring the rest of the Western Allies up to that standard by Normandy.
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

Yeah, iirc, the whole thing about the Germans being super-mechanized and having a lot of motor vehicles at their disposal is a myth. They actually relied quite a bit on horses for their logistical needs.
Which makes sense, economically speaking; the Germans did not have much oil (unlike the Americans or Russians), so they couldn't deploy armoured forces in such huge numbers as their US and Soviet counterparts.

What they did have they used quite effectively, having adopted the idea of Manuver Warfare, or Bewungskrieg, as part of their doctrine.

Speaking of horses, I really like that they gave the Poles a cav regiment. That's a nice touch.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/26 21:39:44

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


All very good points. Some lists also get good updates in campaign books. I believe fortress Budapest upgraded the Hungarian army list substantially

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very good points about Germany, they did not meet their mechanization goals by a lot. But I do think the PG were probably the best mechanized troops.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/26 21:39:04

For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
Made in ca
Executing Exarch

the Germans did not have much oil

The problem wasn't oil (though that was a concern). The problem was manufacturing capability. They Germans simply didn't have the ability to build trucks and half-tracks in the numbers needed. Conversely, the US had insane amounts of it, which is why it was able to fully motorize its own infantry, and send massive numbers of trucks (and other items) to the UK and USSR.
Made in fr
Trazyn's Museum Curator

on the forum. Obviously

That too, yes. Insisting on building big, complicated tanks and so called "wunderwaffen" didn't help matters either.

What I have

Westwood lives in death!
Peace through power!

A longbeard when it comes to Necrons and WHFB. Grumble Grumble

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