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Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


As a reaction to the roll:

The colonel manages to take a hold of himself and asks for a few minutes out to take up his breath.

When he returns, visibly stressed still but apparently in control of himself again, he will proceed to make a detailed presentation of the suspiscious mutations.he believed to have found that would match a Genestealer cult, and how he learnt on Inamorta that Genestealers a'd their cultists come disguised as immigrants, merchant men, refugees, or settler's from their homework to infect others, so that it is almost certain that with their presence in thz sector, they will be their sooner or later - or already.

He also gives his excuses for his lack of decorum, but calls the governor a reckless for not being willing to take the necessary measures, and still ask for the entire population to be subjected to the test.

In his single-minded stubbornness due to paranoia, Loisy doesn't take into account that this is not feasible at the pace he wants, and will need convincing to understand this and accept.another protocol tha' his.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/01 06:00:51

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Administratum business

Friedrich von Gaussenberg receives the report from his fellow clerks with rather... mixed feelings. It might have just been an accident, but if not, this might mean A LOT of trouble. He probes a little deeper to find out if there was a message found on the corps and if so what happened to it. He assumes that Adolphis was just processing it when he died, so it must have been somewhere. If possible he wants to check if a physical copy left Adolphis workplace and if said copy got lost or if there was a longer time where it was unaccounted for, he wants to have the names of everyone present at that time in the building. He pulls whatever strings he can to get behind all that, still doubting that this was merely a coincidence, as the Administratum usually wasn't THAT incompetent.

From what transpired so far, he releases the message he stored to the governors office, but adds a message explaining why it was delayed so long and that he himself is quite suspicious of this "accident" that led to the delay. He warns the Governor that some foul play might be involved and that the secrecy of the contents of the message might have been compromised. If that is at all possible to see, the governor should realize that von Gaussenberg hasn't tampered with or decoded the message.
Friedrich himself doesn't forward the copy to the inquistion... yet, but adds it to a stash of information that gets instantly delivered there should he too have an "unfortunate accident" like Adolphis. He also keeps a copy for himself just in case he gets a bit more experienced with encryption in the future...


Loisys witchhunt

Only grasping the sheer size and logistical problems of Loisys plans after the Governor points them out again, von Gaussenberg rubs his chin and mentions "None the less the Colonell has a point. I don't know about the nature of these "genestealers", whatever that is, but I gather this is some kind of infiltration that can be proven by medical examination?" he sends a questioning look to Loisy
I assume the Existence of Genestealer Cults is not common knowledge to someone like von Gaussenberg

"If so it seems prudent to me and not that much of a stress on our ressources to at least test the higher echelons of bureucracy, military and ecclesiarchy. Just so that everyone can sleep a bit more peacefully. And we could include a mandatory thorough examination before promotion into any rank with true decision power, which should still be a handable scale. Maybe one day this would even be possible as part of the recruitement process and on every arriving refugee and settler, but I assume that would be a gargantuan endeavor."

He turns over to the Techpriest 01 "A question your excellency: do the STCs available to our manufactorums by the grace of the Machine god by chance include designs that would make it possible to run a quick test on someone touching a device or delivering a blood sample? We could - in due time - modify part of the infrastructure to only work if one runs such a test. I imagine for example modifying the ATMs which pay out the worker wages so that a quick blood sample has to be drawn. If that would be possible we could check a significant proportion of the population every month without to much effort on our part. Mind you it would take years to set this up I believe, if such a device exists at all."

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


(Loisy is satisfied to have gained Gaussenberg agreement as he knows who makes the administration turn in here, although he would still have loved an even more thorough stance.

Loisy had long mentionned prior to these events that he fought Genestealers on Inamorta in the last 20 years I assume, so they would have heard that from him at some point, although probably vaguely)

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Investigate roll for Gaussenberg two successes yields the following additional clues: Speaking with other clerks whom Adolphis was around doesn't yield any additional clues. However you spot something curious on the video feed. A small servo spider crawling along the dark corridor toward Adolphis's body shortly after his fall. Such creatures have a variety of uses, mostly identifying areas of the tunnel, cables, or pipes in need of repair, but they could also be used for surveillance, or sabotage. The Adeptus Mechanicus operates these drones for maintenance, but it wasn't uncommon for them to fall into the hands of other elements of society as well.

The Council Meeting: [Adding Some additional NPCs to Make it More Interesting]

The Tech Priest nods her head after a time. "It is not beyond our knowledge. Though it would require some amount of time...and an infusion of resources."

Meanwhile the Bishop finally speaks out, losing his patience.

"These are outrageous and false accusations coming from the Colonel. Some of our Holy Priests are treating the cancerous tumors of the sick and dying. Is that what you meant when you accused us of abetting mutation? I could quote you at length numerous theological texts from the most renowned saints and the works of the Holy Cardinal himself, all of which agree, cancerous tumors are NOT illicit mutation.

"We also find it suspicious how the Mechanicus stand to gain even more resources from this manufactured crisis. We have our own suspicions of some of your practices, don't we Cardinal!" He sneers in response. But unlike the Colonel we won't air them here. No, not without proper evidence.

01 stares back coldly. "I only wish to assist the Lords of this World. I agree though, you should not make accusations without evidence...or imply them."

The Bishop sneers again then turns his attention back to the Colonel as he makes a plea to the Cardinal and the others present.

"Your Excellency, the Cardinal. It was clearly a mistake of you to allow the city enforcers to fall under the control of this imprudent Colonel. I beg of you. Move the Council for a Vote to restore the Enforcer's to the control of the Ministorum!"

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/04 00:34:53

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy shiuts them all shut with his thundering voice, a rocky voice uses to issuing commands, and slamming his fist on the table. He proceeds to show the spy pics again, where, in his mind it is absolutely evident that these are no cancerous tumors, but obvious mutations. Besides, the bishop's priests are not Medicare doctors and they can't say anything about it.

However, Loisy adds : prove me wrong. Let the medical do the checking I demand, and prove me wrong. I'm more than willing to admit I was wrong if that means this world is safe. Unfortunately, as we say already 10 years prior, it most probably isn't.

Loisy obviously voted against, but in his enraged head, come ideas about how he could dispose of such arrogant traitor as the Bishop... Because what else could he be, but a traitor? But one of his body guard exfiltrates him for "counsel" before he loses it again and executed the cardinal on the spot. Hopefully, in 10 years, the enforcers have also become more Kallenes than ever as he applied the same treatment as he did to the PDF, and the loyalty of a fair few is somewhat tied to his person.

Loisy will have to reach for his mecanicus ally, while un-knowing that ironically, he will be consorting with a heretek.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/04 06:32:55

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The Governor takes a moment to survey the situation, keenly looking to placate the various factions.

"I see two proposals before us. One proposal to enhance the inspection of our citizenry for illicit mutation with the help of our friends the Adeptus Mechanicus. And the other, to bring back control of the city enforcers into the hands of the Ministorum...for the sake of a balance of arms so that one man does not have too much power."

"Both seem reasonable proposals. I would consider enacting them both."

He looks to Graussenberg. "What do you think friend?"

Later on That Night

Back at his PDF HQ: The Colonel's advisors brief him of a planned raid on a Ministorum compound deep within the proto hive. "This is where we think they're hiding the mutants. If move quick, we can seize the initiative, get them on their backs, and retake the initiative on the political front as well. We just need your assent my Lord. And, if the answer is yes, will you join the assault in person?"

The Colonel goes through the pict view captures on the data slate, which were provided by undercover PDF operatives on the ground. He can see what appears to be a Medicae facility operaing under the purview of an order of Ministorum clergy on the surface. Paramedics appear to be transporting medical supplies and injured into the building. However, further pictures reveal the building to be teeming with very obviously mutated individuals, many of which appear to be extremely well armed. It's hard to tell whether the mutations are natural, warp spawned, or from a xenos taint, but they are definitely NOT cancer patients.

[OOC: Good stopping point for now. Let's wait for our friend the Cardinal to catch up before we go further!]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/04 18:59:32

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

I only reply Magos 01 and the Governor, I hope that is OK for Easy. Elsewhise I can happily remove this post and put it in later

Von Gaussenberg listens intently to Magos 01 and seems pleased that such a detection technology at least exists. He adresses the high Tech Priest as well as the governor on this question "I have to admit that the Administratum does not have the funding available right now to set this into motion, but as our esteemed Mechanicum representative mentioned, this will take some time anyway. And from my limited knowledge of the threat it won't go away anytime soon. So on the issue of setting up an automatic inspection of the citizenry I would propose that the Enginseers of Magos 01 and my Administrators get together and begin setting everything up and planning the integration of bioscanners into critical infrastructure installations and set this into motion as soon as we have the adequate funding again. So likely in a decade or so.
I will mention though that should any of the other council members be willing to shoulder the task of setting up and improving the space port, this would free the necessary fundings to start the scanner installation now." here he looks over to Cardinal Richemont specifically. This wasn't his prefered way of doing it, as Gaussenberg would favor having a hand in the space port himself, but for the colony as a whole it might be the best that way. And as there was a big potential for wealth and riches in interplanetary trade he suspects the Cardinal would be quite interested to get in, especially if that meant to keep the Administratum out.

"Should another Lord offer his assistence I would happily provide plans how to set the space port up in the most infrastructure effective manner. If he or she agrees to do it that way there would be no reason for the Administratum to further interfere in Starport business in the future." which basically says: do it my way now, setting it up for the good of the colony before your own and I let you have that bone in the future. Do it your way and I might be shouldering my way in there too the next decade. So as much an olive branch as a mild threat.
So just to make sure: what Gaussenberg basically says is: this decade he doesn't have the funding as he invests 1 in Religion, 1 in Space Port 1 in foreign relations. He offers to invest into gene scanners the next decade though.
BUT: if someone else like Richemont does the star port, he will do the security thing now. And if the cardinal does it in a way that benefits the whole colony, at least for now, the Administratum will stay away from the starport in the future basically leaving him this lucrative income source.

On the second motion of the Governor von Gaussenberg looks between Loisy and the Bishop, both enraged and adamant on their positions and replies "I beg excuse me, but security concerns are really not my strongsuite. Whatever council I can provide would merely be the ramblings of an old man. But from a laymans perspective it seems prudent to at least somewhat spread the control of the security forces to make it harder for an enemy to infiltrate it. From Colonel Loisys reports, these "genestealers" seem to usually operate in that way. Maybe we can compromise and build mixed teams of Enforcers under the Colonels Command assisted by Adpetus Ministorum abbots and priests. Both could watch out for each other for the good of the colony."
He checks the faces of the other lords for signs of agreement or defiance and adds "But as mentioned, I'm not the best councelor in this issue and will abstain from the vote, if there should be one."

~6740 build and painted
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Dakka Veteran

The Governor nods his head in approval as a wry smile starts to form.

"So you abstain on the Bishop's motion, but you offer a motion in the alternative. Placing the Ministorum Abbots and Priests placed among the Enforcers. A most reasonable proposal indeed. You may make a wise Imperial Governor someday Gaussenberg, should that tragic fate ever befall you."

He looks around the room, now seeing that the Colonel had departed and the others remaining silent. "Not many votes left, but my vote is still here. So it will be enacted, along with the installation of these mutation detectors, should the funding materialize."

The Bishop nods his head. "I am sure the Cardinal would find this acceptable though I wish it went further. That Colonel is obviously not fit for duty. I certainly won't rest easily while he remains in charge of the PDF."

The Governor shakes his head. "The Colonel is a Lord of this world, granted sovereignty over a third of it by the Rogue Trader, so I would encourage you to tread lightly Bishop. These are delicate matters, better suited for your superior the Cardinal to weigh in on. Also, there is the matter of those allegations. I sincerely hope they are false. Perhaps you should go check on your flock."

The Bishop turns up his nose in annoyance. "It seems the meeting is at an end anyway. I will take my leave now." He bows to the Governor, Gaussenberg and the Cardinal.

The Tech Priest 01 nods as well. "I will begin my research at once....good evening." She also leaves.

After the Meeting

The Governor speaks with Gaussenberg in confidence after the meeting.

"Thank you for delivering that message to my office. That was an important message. A tithe directive from the Departmento Munitorium for a delivery of war material to a supply depot in another stellar system. It seems exactly the sort of thing that would be a target for sabotage. Gaussenberg, can you tell me in confidence. Do you suspect any foul play involved here?"

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

private conversation with the governor
von Gaussenberg nods "honestly I'm pretty sure of it, but I don't know from whom. Checking the security footage I saw a tiny mechanical spider... thing crawling around the dead body. But that could mean anything. Do you have any idea who would profit from the delay of that message? From my limited perspective it might be someone speculating on your failure as a governor, trying to shed a negative light on your loyalty and adherence to imperial orders. Or it might be someone sympathizing with the enemies of the imperium in that system we were ordered to support. Can you tell me the name of that system and who we are fighting there?

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The Governor chuckles as Gaussenberg's request. "The request was for ten refurbished Lemon Russ Battletanks, enginseers and associated spare parts. The enginseers had salvaged them from the ancient ruins a few years back, and that was to be our main tithe for the next decade or so. The intended destination is the fortress world Raxxlon in the Bastior Subsector. From there the tanks could be assigned to any number of Astra Militarum units on any number of deployments."

"Undoubtedly the enemies of the Imperium have benefited from the delay. And...now our enemies may know of the intended destination. That's an additional risk that the transport void ship will have to undertake. I can't delay the shipment any longer. Bad enough that we're a month behind."

He nods. "Your assessment is correct. It could very well be a personal enemy, or an enemy of the Imperium at large. Impossible to know though."

He thinks for a moment. "Have you thought to ask Tech Priest 01 about the spyder servitor? Perhaps she could be of assistance in your enquires?" He pauses. "Either that or turn this over to the Colonel to investigate? Or leave it be and make our enemy think they remain undetected? I'll leave it up to you Gaussenberg. This was your Adept that, "fell down" on his duty after all.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/05 20:23:12

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

private conversation with the governor
Taking up the Governors comment, that von Gaussenberg would make a fine Governor himself, should that ill once befall him, the Administrator replies honestly "Should that burden once befall me I will try my best, but for the best of both of us I sincerely hope it will never be necessary. Emperor willing I will live out my days on this post serving our people and I wish for you to do the same.

Regarding the delayed shipment he offers "I have some contacts in the Imperial bureucracy. I will try to soften the mood a little bit, taking the sting out of a possible reply regarding this delay. I personally would recommend warning the Astra Militarum Sector Command that we suspect foul play and while we tackle it, it might be wise to send such messages twice. But if you recon that would make our live more troublesome than it would do good I will abstain from that."
[So looking at the imperium it might be wise to send this warning, but we might be better off not waking sleeping dogs]

"I haven't talked to neither of them about my inquiries." von Gaussenberg answers truthfully but the way he says it the Governor might suspect that the Administrator could be in contact with other powers about this. "Right now I think it best to not draw to much attention on this case, especially as we can't know for certain whom to trust. But maybe during this whole genescanner endavour I can probe the Magos a little bit about the spider servitors. Until then we will just have to try and stay on our toes..."

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Richemont was content to watch the two heavy-weights battle it out in front of the Governor. The Colonel was obviously unhinged, and him showing it worked to his advantage. The fact that the Administratum supplied the answer that the Cardinal wanted only made things sweeter.

In his mind, of course the lower orders helped the mutants and the unfortunate. That was how you sunk your hooks into their communities. If you always showed them the rod, you would be their oppressors. If you sometimes show them the wheat, you are their savior. The Colonel only seemed to know the rod, allowing the Ministorum to be the savior of the people.

The Colonel made-up the command of the PDF, but was not the PDF made up of the citizens? The citizens that knew that the Ecclesiarchy did more for them than the PDF did? The trick was going to be to stay close to the people, as they were the backbone of power here on St. Bonafactious.

1 Food
1 Spaceport (Edited- From Manufacturing to follow-up on von Gaussenberg's plan)
1 Religion

After the Meeting
As the meeting drew to a close, the Cardinal approached Adept 01 in order to set-up a tour and visit of the Manufacturums that he was sponsoring. This would give himt he cover he needed to meet with the Adept 01, and begin to separate them from the Colonel and to take measure of the Tech-Priest. Traditionally, their two factions were rivals more than friends, but they could serve as a powerful counter-weight of force if needed.

Power extended from the barrel of a gun. Truth. But who controlled the soul that could pull the trigger?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 19:50:46

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


The atmosphere was heavy with strain and impatience to act. The carefully planned raid was unfold right before Loisy's eyes, a plan perfect, every detail covered by his team of veterans, the skills of which in manhunts and raids had been honed by decades of practice.

Loisy trusted his men totally. He knew every fibre of them breathed for the sake of keeping the imperium safe, and he knew that if they had set up such a plan, it is that they too believed in it's rightouness. However, one thing bothered Loisy.

Not military - no, their planning was peerless-, but politically. Loisy was a man sure of his own rightouness as well, and he loathed to attack a ministurum place. But he felt this much: he had no choice before the corrupt priest sieze more forces, and start pushing their advantage further. This was a ploy he had already acknowledged to be in use by Genestealer cult's if nothing else -his very nemesis and trauma.

And Loisy thought for a second: he would be the traitor in this matter if he acted solely on his own. It would not be percieved as safekeeping, but rather as a coup... But Loisy counted his allies. The governor? No, certainly not. He was too mild, and this had probably something to hide, be it personnal interests or even being accompliced with the tainted. The cardinal? He was too eager to protect is bishop. The mecanicus? Yes, of course, but they were already in his pocket of sorts, and everybody would think of a common ploy, a common coup.

Only one remained, the one that didn't infringed, supported his policy. The one he never thought he would judge the least encline to betray - von Gaussenberg.

Loisy was brought back to the room by his sidekick Capitaine Laforêt: What say you, Colonel? Do you authorize this raid?

Loisy shook is head: not yet. Make everything ready, and count me in, but first, send an enforcer summon to Von Gaussenberg, I want to have a word with him on this whole matter...

As for the raid, I want the least casualties possible, only open fire to terminate a threat, but I want pics, captives, and proofs plenty. Remember: our goal is to expose the corrupt, throw them low from their ranks, and raise awareness that mutants - most probably Genestealers - are getting out of hand. We seek neither to coup, nor to wantonly kill. But that justice be shown, and our determination to have it delivered whatever the odds known to all. But we are not in a mutiny, am I clear? I want them all dead as much as you, I'd hang the bishop now if I could, but I have got a feeling that this craven might be smarter than he looks... But if - and I doubt it not- he is found guilty again, then no mercy will be shown and we will cull these planet from the enemies of man as we did earlier. Trust me.

-Crystal clear, Sir.

However, should the resistance be more than we anticipated, especially if the mutants have already banded together or are a Genestealer cult, I want a quick response force readily to depart and all soldiers on warfooting. Aerial and artillery support should be ready to dive in if matters show signs of escalation.

-Roget that, Colonel.

And so everything was made ready, as the Colonel waited for the summon to be received and hoped that Von Gaussenberg would show up. The summon itself was very vague, and asked only for a routine document checks to be carried out at the PDF HQ... But Loisy had much to say.

(So, Pyro, are you coming?)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 18:25:37

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

[Loisys summons]

Von Gaussenberg replies positively to the summon, agreeing to rearrange his busy schedule to make room at the proposed day and time. He does ask though, if it would be possible to pair this meeting with the medical examination he agreed to undergo, as he was a busy man and that would make effective use of his time.
He is at least mildly concerned if going to Loisy was the best of ideas, especially as he himself could not count on an own force or even a real bodyguard and the Colonel seemed pretty tense currently. But on the other hand: if Loisy wanted him dead, he wouldn't be able to escape the man even if he hid in his Administrator office, so what was the point. About 5 minutes before their scheduled meeting, an armored limousine arrives at the PDF headquarters and von Gaussenberg exits, only accompanied by an assistant and two other high Administrators that he also convinced to get their medical checkup on this occassion to get this over with. A show of trust and cooperation that he hoped would not go unnoticed.

He lets himself be escorted to whatever meeting room Colonel Loisy was in to hand him the requested documents, fully expecting this to be about something else entirely.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

One Day After the Council Meeting

PDF Undercover rolls more stealth successes than mutant guard, and remains undetected for now. Activity at the facility has fallen off significantly since the night before. No more men dressed as medicaes, deliveries of new patients or medical supplies, though a few armed mutants continue to be observed walking through the inside of the premises
. Oddly enough, no patients are observed leaving the facility either.

The Cardinal's hidden information:

The Cardinal is vaguely aware that a somewhat overtly merciful order of priests and abbots have been tending to the sick...including some patients with minor mutations. There are other darker rumors surrounding them, namely that they abet more serious mutations, but such is the way of everything in the Imperium. The Order is popular among the dregs of the proto hive, and directly enhances the Cardinal's power, all while being perfectly expendable. Plausible deniability was also ensured.

After the night of the meeting, the tension seems to drain from the air of the proto-hive as life continues on as normal for most of the citizenry.

The Governor follows Gaussenberg's advice and sends an Astro telepathic signal to the Astra Militarum sector command. This results in even more delay of the delivery of Lemon Russ tanks, but at least ensures the shipment will arrive safely.

The Cardinal is able to arrange for a private meeting with Tech Priest 01 in a secluded underground vault deep beneath a sprawling manufactorum. The Cardinal is able to patch things up between the two factions.

"Our alliance remains strong Cardinal as it has for the last 10,000 years. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?" The Tech Prist says.

Meanwhile another meeting is taking place at PDF HQ between the Colonel and Gaussenberg. Will anything come of it?

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/05/07 02:19:01

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


"Greetings, von Gaussenberg!"

Loisy greeted the official with a military salute, and ushered him in. As soon as he had entered, the giant of a Kallenese that served as one of Loisy's bodyguards closed the door, while the others made Von Gaussenberg's own bodyguards wait outside. The Kallenese were serious, but relatively friendly, and started talking lightly with their counterparts.

"Leave the documents in their pocket, I have summoned for way bigger matters." Loisy wouldn't take any detours. He drew the reports, proofs, and pictures he had of the hospital. Were it was obvious that mutants ran rampant, and the members of the clergy were doubtlessly identifiable. There was foul play, it was undeniable.

Loisy waited a second for Von Gaussenberg to take a full glimpse of the most recent evidence.

"Comrade, I will make myself clear. The mutant threat is growing with the participation of the munistorum. I have got my own suspicions, but I can't rule infiltrations into imperial institutions by mutants. That you already know.

We must take immediate action. I am already poised to act. But I want you to now what we are about to commit to, so that none can put my loyalty to the imperium in question, just as our willingness to carry out whatever is.necessary. But this is no coup. And once the evidence has been gathered, I will need your help as well to tell the guilty from the innocent apart. To make sure justice is rendered properly. Vanquishing the munistorum eagerness to cover up itself.

What say you, comrade? I am all ears."

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


von Gaussenberg does not seem surprised at all, as the Colonel mentions that this meeting is about something else entirely and nods, before he listens intently what the Officer has to say. Overall he seems quite composed, but it is also obvious that he is very concerned about this evidence, that he sees for the first time. A faint little wiring sound can be heard as a mechanism in one of his eyes seems to adjust and zoom in while he inspects some of the pics taken more closely. He also asks various questions, about the number of facilities they have uncovered, how much they are spread and the like, but always in a tone that implies he would accept if some of that is on a "needs to know" basis.

Afterwards he leans back in his chair for some moments, contemplating what he has heard and the wider implications of that. Finally he answers: "I fully agree with you, Colonel, that there is something very concerning going on in this facility. And the evidence that some Ministorum personell is involved is rather conclusive and frightening. But I hope you can forgive me if I pray that you are wrong about how high up in the Ecclesiarchy this goes. I can offer you this: if you would agree to give me copies of some of this evidence, I can use my contacts to forward it to the Inquisition. I can't call myself an associate - hell I have no idea if they even know who I am - but I'm pretty sure they will at least have a look at it. It will be to long until they can interfere, but it would be an important measurement to ensure that your actions are not... taken a miss. We could at least proof, that we did not take this threat lightly and informed the institutions in charge.

Now about the crackdown itself: I will support you if you act on this facility, gather more evidence and possibly witnesses, but for the sake of our world, don't outright raid the Ecclesiarchy on your own. They are a powerful force indeed, and we cannot risk gaining their ire, which we, as a planet will, if some of their members get hurt or even just offended unjustly. Wait for some kind of order, be it from the governor, the Astra Militarum HQ, the Inquistion or whatever. Not just for your own sake, but for the sake of our people.

And as far as me helping: The Administratum will act for the benefit of the imperium, this colony and its people, in that order. I doubt, that we have the ressources or ability to really help you pick the righteous from the wicked, but we will serve to the best of our abilities."
Von Gaussenberg scans Loisys face for signs of what this does in his mind and if the Colonel really acts out of concern for the colony and Imperium or for his own gain.

"On a possibly related note... Can I be so frank as to ask for a personell favor? Recently I was made aware of the death of one of my Administrator clerks, named Adolphis. An accident, obviously, yet the circumstances of it make me fear that foul play might be involved. And that is definitly one area where I would sleep more peacefully knowing I proded as hard as I could to see if it was really just an accident."
He shares most of the information he has on it with Loisy, specifically that the clerk was handling a message from the High Astropath, and that its delay might have put Astra Militarum personell at danger on other worlds. But the exact details and that it was meant for the Governor, he would prefer to keep confident. He does mention the spider servitor though.
"Could you do me the favor and have one of your investigators have a look into it? Just to double check?"

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MN (Currently in WY)

The Cardinal nodded at the Tech-Priest. He had ensured all of his Sevitors and Cherubs had been dismissed before continuing. He did not want any record of this verbal contract to exist outside of whatever techno-sorcery the Tech-Priest had replaced his holy body with.

"There are a few small matters I wish to entertain you with besides the output of our luxury goods to the people.

As you know, I have devoted more resources to the building of a Starport. Afterall, if we are to be a spiritual hub for the sector, we must accommodate pilgrims to the Cathedral. Of course, control of the Spaceport and access to it will be of interest. I propose that the facility be under Adeptus Mechanicus protection as an off-set to the power of the PDF. After all, if we control the logistics we can control Colonel Loisy. I will align with you in the Council on matters pertaining to the Spaceport, and I imagine von Gaussenberg will be eager to see it built as well.

Of course, I ask a few small favors in return for such oversight and support. First, I would like you to make sure that certain Ministorum aligned trading houses get a suitable piece of the construction contracts, to verify our arrangement.

Secondly, I need to understand the nature of the threat on this planet after we crushed the Trade Union. I understand your network and agents have provided you with some baubles captured from their ranks. I wish to confirm if their threat is Xenos in origin, and the nature of these Xenos. I am sure one as learned as yourself has more to share.

Lastly, I would like access to the Bio-scans that Loisy and von Gaussenberg are building. I feel that a blunt instrument like Loisy may not see the opportunity that the results could provide. I am sure as the builder, you can provide some interesting results data, specifically names?

Before one can purge an enemy, one must understand that enemy. Do we have an arrangement Tech-Priest?"

The Cardinal smiled from beneath his bushy eyebrows. He was asking a lot in exchange for "control" of the spaceport. Even if the AD-Mech controlled the port and acting as security for it, he ultimately would control access to and from the facility with his own agents if needed.

It was a dangerous game, but all parties had to be in-balance. No one could have a monopoly on force, or someone could get too greedy. Von Gaussenberg controlled the power network and utilities, without which the logistics of the world would be in turmoil. He would control the food supplies and access to the Spaceport for imports/exports. Even if Loisy held the guns, he did not have a way to feed or maintain his troops without von Gaussenberg and his support. With control of the Spaceport, he could also ensure no outside interference could tip the balance.

Imperial control was balancing on a three-legged stool. If one leg got too big, the whole thing would topple. If any leg got too small, the same. Balance was the key.

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Dakka Veteran

Cardinal makes a persuasion roll, 5 successes vs 1 success for the Tech Priest's Willpower. 01 also suffers a complication

Tech Priest 01 doesn't reply immediately. Blinking lights and whirling noises indicate some complex calculations are taking place. One...two...three full seconds later the Tech Priest replies.

"Our Archeo-scriptors theorize that this world was first settled around the time of the Great Crusade. It was subsequently destroyed during the Horus Heresy. However remnants of the earlier civilization...ruins are quite prevalent. Archeo-tech hunters come to us from far and wide, seeking to sell their archeo-tech. Most of it is...non useful. However much of it has proven valuable. For instance...the re-discovered slumbering machine spirits of thousand year Lemon Russ battle tanks...and the knowledge to restore them."

"I remember there was once a trade union here. And I remember after they were broken apart some of their number became treasure hunters and we had dealings with them. However, I can't recall that the dealings were of any consequence."

The Cardinal picks up that the Tech Priest is choosing to conceal information.

"Your requests are reasonable. We will attempt to implement. In exchange, will you bury these rumors you have heard?"


Within another day, the Ministorum compound looks completely abandoned. The PDF operatives search the building and find nothing though they find signs that the mutants (and perhaps the priests that helped them) fled through an access way tunnel.

The PDF Commanders grumble in frustration. "It seems that the mutants and heretics exploited the Colonel's hesitation to make good their escape. Gakkin politics." One Captain is heard muttering as he scrolls through his data slate.

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy considers what Von Gaussenberg tells him and what he asks for. He knows that in the meantime, the strike is actually already about to begin, but he must first secure the deal before they are allowed to dice in at his final command.

To him, Von Gaussenberg and himself could work together on this. While he still resented somewhat that he seemed to shun from confrontation that much, Loisy understood that he would nonetheless try his best to combat the threat that Loisy did percieve... But Loisy would not be afraid to take on the munistorum directly if that proved necessary.

Loisy, sure of his own rightouness, is accepts the offer of contacting an external institution, and in fact, he offers to make a second report to the Imperial Guard as well. However, he asks Von Gaussenberg to maybe not tell the governor as he is not sure yet we're his true loyalty might lay either.

Finally, Loisy sensed that maybe, just maybe, the enemy he chases so viciously could very well be the same who committed treachery against the administratum agents. And he would gladly help find out.

This way, both would get endebted and tied to each other, stained in the matters of one another, unable to cry out to other members of the council for fear the other party could denounce them in turn. Loisy knew he hadn't got the political acumen to get much better position than this, and agreed to get it while he could.

"However... If the munistorum gains access to my enforcers, they may thwart both my searches and my attempt to help you... Better they stayed out of the security business, Von Gaussenberg... But I will do all I can to help you out."

With the deal thus struck, Loisy gave the order, and a screen lit up in a corner of the room for both officials to watch... And be appalled as they realised the target had left...

Loisy looked at Von Gaussenberg and matured: " so we can't know yet what they were doing there. But this has got to be something they don't want uncovered... Can we agree that we at least can rest assured that treachery is indeed at play, comrade?"

The failure of this perfectly planned raid was appalling, but at least, with an eyewitness of the thoroughness of the cleaning up and escape, Loisy knew that in some way, he was still amply justified in his fear, and not just a raving lunatic.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg listens intently to Loisys thoughts and nods agreement, even though a sliver of doubt remains regarding the scale of this kabal. Von Gaussenberg still hopes that the sickness has not yet spread that much and that the Colonel sees ghosts, but for now it seems prudent to err on the careful side.
"One last thing though, as I consider myself an honest man when it comes to forging alliances: you should always be aware that my loyalty to the Imperium and the Administratum is above all else. If I receive orders from higher ups that conflict with our agreement, I will act according to them. And I fully expect the same is true for your loyalty to the Astra Militarum" That is not a threat or anything, but Friedrich wants to set the table straight.

Regarding his control over the enforcers Friedrich nods again and mentions "That's why I tried to block the Bishops motion and threw them the bone to share patrols with your soldiers. They couldn't outright be refused, but they could not reject my proposal without loosing face. And that way control of the enforcers remains in your hands, especially after this crisis is over. I believe it is for the best that way."

As the video feed from the raid appears on the screens, von Gaussenberg watches with anticipation and a certain amount of disappointment and concern, as the facility turns out to be empty. When they find the accesstunnel though he raises his tablet and beginns screening through lots of charts and reports at a mindbogling pace. "Wait a moment colonel, can you patch me into that screen for a moment?" he throws a three dimensional display of an elaborate, complicated tunnel system on the screen. Sewers, drainage canals, subway tunnels, maintenance holes... A green glow marks the position of Loisys enforcers. Gaussenberg moves his fingers above the buttons, manipulating the display, twisting, turning and zooming it to get a better view. While more and more of the 3 dimensional net is removed as "impossible" or marked red as "unlikely, 79%" and the like, he comments absentmindedly
"remove tunnels below 2 feet diameter..."
"remove parts above 120 degrees celsius..."
"mark paths flushed with acidic waste..." and the like.
He taps into camera feeds of maintenance servitors along the way, some of which have recently detected movement and mutters about fluctuations in water pressure of peripherous pipes...

A complicated business but in the end he can narrow their escape route down to only two likely routes, that both lead deep down unto the forming protohive. "Can you link your men into this feed? Maybe they can still catch up with them... or at least get an idea where they hide..."


Another word regading this turns actions: I mentioned that von Gaussenberg "greases the cogs", again investing in interplanetary comms. I thought a bit of what he wants to achieve this way and would like to work on two things:
1. Keep a lid on our planets expected tithe rate. I don't want to cheat the Imperium of anything and Bonifatius Reach will do its part, but I want the Imperium to say "Wow, they delivered 1000 tons of grain! What I nice and loyal colony that outdoes our expectations!" and not "Meh... only 1000 tons of grain. Those dirty traitors are not even doing the bare minimum".
2. Help smooth the live of our Military, PDF as well as Imperial Guard. Take care that when they order tanks and weapons from the Munitorum, they'll get them, try to keep them away from suicide missions, ensure that promotions go through smoothly, maybe even that some of them can retire back home one day etc.
I don't want to wrestly control from Loisy, but I want to achieve that the soldiers and officers know that the Administratum of Bonifatius Reach has their back and is on their side.

~6740 build and painted
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Dakka Veteran

All very admirable goals, should you survive the present crisis!]

The video feeds show a veritable horde of heavily armed mutants, robed figures (Priests perhaps?) and normal every day civilians filing through the access way tunnel. But eventually the video feeds cut out. Gaussenberg is able to deduce that the mutants could have re-emerged onto the surface from any number of access ways. But considering how many mutants there were...it seems unlikely. Re-emerging onto the city surface would attract too much attention.

The only likely explanation was that the mutants went further underground, deeper into the sublevels and sewerways that criss crossed the city. Once underground the mutants and their supporters could re-emerge literally anywhere. Or perhaps they'd just stay undergound?

Confronted with this information, the PDF starts planning to go into the tunnels and clear out any mutants or heretics they find. They inform the colonel that it will take at least one day to put together the plan and get the logistics in place. Raiding a building was one thing, but going into the tunnels without a very clear plan would be suicide. Thankfully no Commissars were around to suggest otherwise.

Meanwhile...A Day Later

The Cardinal receives an encrypted message via a courier servitor it is from the Tech Priest 01.

Message: "An Enforcer...Probator Mackin has made inquiries with one of our forges about the death of an Administratum Clerk. We've given him what he asked for, but he needs to accept the evidence and end his inquiries. Can you persuade him to do so?"

The Cardinal also Meets with the Bishop who Provides some more Information

"The Order of the Emperor's Infinite Mercy. They serve your purpose. But a radical off shoot of them has veered too far and earned the ire of the Colonel. Even these radicals were able to serve your purpose though. They proved to be a useful stumbling block for the Colonel and as a result we now have our spies embedded among the enforcers.

But these radicals have outlived their purpose now. It is time to publicly denounce them as heretics."

And Finally:

[Gaussenberg, please describe how you plan to deliver your message to the Inquisition. This will involve either a person or servitor traveling to the Astro Telepathica. The only viable route are the long winding tunnels and lots of stairs which wind their way up the inside of a mountain to the Astropaths. There might be something interesting that happens next...]

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/05/10 01:03:58

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy meets with his officers, but all the faces of those, including the colonel, are grim. They realise that now, the ecclesiaechy has been doing a mess up of a scale truly threatening, as the creation of an underhive is a ticking time bomb that will inevitably come back to hunt them.

Out of spite and outrage, Loisy's goal has now changed. He knows he hasn't got the ressources.to.tackle.neither that problem, nor chop down the traitors' heads right here and there.

Debates continue, surprisingly cold blooded, as the officer discuss the best course of action throughout the night. At dawn, they have come with the following plan:

1- send the most suspicious enforcers into suicide "probe mission". This will allow to get rid of them and make a point at the council that the threat created by the negligence of the munistorum is indeed dire. With the state of underground communication, setting up this scene is a child play, as they'll dive in and suddenly get cut off, to be either accused of treachery and/or left to rot... With the added benefit that showing the cardinal's enforcers yet again turned their coat is a clear sign that something is amiss in this institution...

2- plan raids only to collect further data on anything that could further prove their dangerousness and accuse the munistorum.

3-give Von Gaussenberg a host of Kallenese operatives to make sure the message he bears to the inquisition will be indeed delivered.

The general gist is to force institutions greater than the munistorum to get involved in surveilling their schemes. Should the plan work at its very best, then Loisy could maybe even hoe to take the head off the shoulders of a fair few traitors, or even try to have new munistorum officials appointed -sole that would actually uphold the faith in the Emperor, for once... Von Gaussenberg being instrumental in this, he will receive next to any help he asks for.

Loisy will also ask for a meeting to consort again with the mecanicus. While he can't know what they're up to, he'll littéraly try to bribe them by sheer fact that should they come under attack or accusations by the munistorum, that generally doesn't like them, their best bet is on Loisy... Better keep me alive and powerful.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Delivering the message

Von Gaussenberg is thankful for the armed escort Colonel Loisy provides, yet thoughtful on how to get this important message delivered the right way. It's still hard to tell who is and who is not involved in this. Meanwhile it is more important that the information does get delivered than it is important that no one else gets it. Therefore he goes for a double approach. One copy of the evidence is packed into a well sealed, armored document case, which is transported by one of his clerk that he trusts to carry out his duty faithfully (but whose loss would not be too great for the functionality of the Administratum). That clerk will deliver the message, protected by the Kallenese soldiers that Colonel Loisy granted him.

But he also makes a second copy of the evidence including instructions where to send it, which is "hidden" in between a gigantic stash of standard reports that he has to file and send to the Imperial bureaucracy. Tons and tons of tax reports, maintenance logs etc. the whole stuff usually just brought to the astropaths in large truckloads full of folders and send one by one on less busy days. This might not be the fast way to deliver it, but he hopes it will get unnoticed, as he doesn't talk about it to anyone.
He takes care that when either version arrives at the Astropaths, he gets a message so he knows if it was delivered. He himself stays at his Administrators office, hoping he will still be a pawn in this great game in the years to come.

~6740 build and painted
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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The Cardinal nods at the Bishop regarding the new information.

"Do not worry my brother. They still serve the purposes of He on Terra, who guides and watches over his flock.

I will bring the information about these potential heretics to Loisy myself. Then, I would like OUR enforcers and agents to lead the hunt for these miscreants. Make sure they have the information they need to be successful.

For the Emperor.

With the Tech-priest's message, the Cardinal's dance card was going to fill up quickly.

First he needed to get an audience with Loisy to share the details about the heretic Priests. Their usefulness was at an end and it was time to look like an avenging reformer.

Secondly, he needed to meet with von Gaussenberg. The Tech-Priest's were hiding something, but he was not sure if it was a threat yet. The Brotherhood of Mars onside would be valuable, but it was unclear if it was worth covering for them yet.

He scanned through the updates on the Cathedral and missions. His geriatric and clawed hands signed off as needed. However, his mind was far from this basic task.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/10 14:42:28

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
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Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg and Cardinal Richemont

As he too is one of the Big Players on Bonifatius, Von Gaussenberg of course schedules a date for the two of them when Cardinal Richemont announces his wish for a private meeting.

Gaussenbergs office looks very organized, just as the man himself, but includes lots and lots folders and paperwork, lining the shelves.
Upon entering the Administrator points the Cardinal (and potentially bis assistants) to a small table with some decanters of expensive fine spirits. "May I offer you something your grace?"

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/11 15:45:51

~6740 build and painted
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Dakka Veteran


The following events occur...

At the Mountain of the Astropaths. The messenger and his escorts make their way through the long winding corridors hollowed out from the mountain and arrive at the chamber of the Astropaths without incident. However when they get there, they discover that the entrance is blocked. They find that numerous maintenance workers are trying to clear the entrance to the Astropathic chamber, which has been blocked by some kind of structural collapse in part of the roof. The maintenance foreman explains that it will take another day to clear the entrance to the chamber but that they've been in contact with the Astropaths and their servants and there are no concerns for thleir safety.

Gaussenberg's Adept sends a vox message to Gaussenberg and asks him if he should wait at the entrance or return to the Administratum building.

In the Tunnels:

The City Enforcer's begin moving into the maintenance tunnels near where the mutants were spotted. After a few minor skirmishes with mutants and criminal gangs, the enforcers secure the main tunnels leading into the underhive. Thankfully, few casualties are reported.

Limited reconaissance finds that there is a large settlement in the underhive that appears to be heavily infested with mutant gangs, and likely the mutant group's base of operations.

The Castellan of the Enforcers recommends that these entry ways be heavily fortified with plasteel gateways before the operation moves forward. Doing so would help to seal off the underhive from the rest of the city. But it would also delay the operation somewhat.

Manufactorum 01:

The Colonel arrives at the entrance to Manufactorum 01, where Tech Priest 01 resides. Unfortunately, the scene is somewhat chaotic as all manner of enginseers, tech adepts, lex mechanics, servitors, and even a few of the elite Skitaari Rangers are blocking the entrance.

Eventually a Skitaari Captain approaches you:

"Colonel. My name is Captain Daedalus of the Skitaari Rangers. Unfortunately, you won't be able to meet with Tech Priest 01 today. She is unfortunately deceased. We are investigating the incident as a potential homicide."

"It will take sometime for the Mechanica to select a new leader. When one is selected I'm sure you will be informed."

Meeting Between Gaussenberg and the Cardinal:

[You all can set that scene and begin discussions]

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


The Colonel opens his eyes wide. Deceased? How come?

However, he couldn't really make a call about what had happened. The intricate politics of the mecanicus could be enough to get her killed. The mutants could be at fault. Or... The traitors' of the munistorum, not liking that they remain close to his side?

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about this. He turned around, saluted respectfully and assured them he was sorry for their loss, then left.

There were far more confortable matters to be taken in hand when he arrived at his HQ.

First, have the news spread and get into contact with the governor, Von Gaussenberg, and even the munistorum to so what they say or if they even are aware right now.

But secondly, and most importantly, his officers were asking for orders in the underhive.

Loisy reminded them that for once, they'd play around a bit themselves. The enforcers had to carry on. Yes, they would die. And that's exactly the point, because all of them were more or less aligned with the munistorum.

But he would gather as much intel as possible doing so, and make an argument that really, the action of the munistorum brought this world to the bring of becoming a mutant infested hellhole.

However, Loisy was not mad. Reinforcements were to be dispatched to precisely go, make there way to these tunnels, and secure them with plaststeel. The whole affair would put the blame on bad communications and an enemy far greater than emanticipated.

But what if they come back? They asked? What if they make it back and successful. Loisy grinned viciously: friendly fire happens.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

[outside of his meeting with the Cardinal]

The moment von Gaussenberg receives the call from his messenger, he checks and doublechecks, if the statement of these "maintenance workers" is true or just a cover of some sinister forces. It is very suspicious that out of all times this could happen, the entrance the the Astropath chamber is blocked just now. Might as well be that these workers blocked it themselves and are waiting for a moment to attack his clerck and the escort. OK, that might be his paranoia speaking, but until he is absolutely sure that the entrance collapsed first and then these workers were dispatched and that they really are who the claimed to be, he advises his messenger to be very careful around them. He should also discretely inform the sergeant of his escort to be vary of an ambush by these workers, until Gaussenberg can signal them to be cleared. He wants them to wait for now, but they might as well wait somewhere, where they can defend themselves easily. Some kind of chokehold with lots of cover or however these military types called it. The Officer of the escort should know how to do this.

von Gaussenberg also makes a mental note, that something still has to be improved about their communications arrangement. It cannot be, that they are so easily cut of from the astropaths. What if some planetary crisis happens and they are unable to send distress signals off world for hours? Maybe a landline can be installed between the most important offices and the Astropaths or maybe even a secondary astropath choir should be established... but this will again cost ressources needed elswhere...

~6740 build and painted
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Dakka Veteran

The Colonel:

The Skitarri Captain provides a bit more information:

"Cause of death appears to be from electric shock delivered to the Tech Priest's electrode connections while connected to the Noosephere communication network. However accidental death would be an extremely unlikely occurance. I can't say much more at this point, but we do have a person of interest though. That;s all I can say your Lordship. I'm sure the new High tech Priest will contact you when we have more information."

Gaussenberg: [Investigation Roll 2 successes]

Gaussenberg is able to confirm that everything is in order as far as the construction crew being legitimate and the structural failure was also something that actually happened. Apparently a tunnel maintenance servitor malfunctioned and started drilling in the wrong part of the wall, which led to the partial collapse of the ceiling.

As far as communication, Gaussenberg remembers that there is a Vox Uplink to the Astropaths, and a crude way to send a message through encryption (the old fashioned way, with radio codes) but doing so would be considered much more risky than the encrypted dataslate message held by your courier.

Back to the Colonel: The Ambush

On his way back to PDF Headquarters, the Colonel's groundcar comes to a stop as it finds itself ensnarled in a bit of a traffic jam while traversing an elevated highway.

Within moments the car becomes embroiled in traffic and is immobilized in all directions. Your driver becomes irritated and starts honking on the horn, but the cars are unable to move.

That's when you hear the loud crack of auto gun fire and the panicked scream and terror of civilians fleeing. Before you have time to do anything else, a round slams into your driver, killing him instantly. Glass shatters all over the vehicle. Your bodyguards are already out of the vehicle and immediately returning fire.

Through the panic and terror the Colonel is able to make out three masked gun men advancing through the crowd, firing bursts of autogun shells in your direction, about 24 meters away.

[You can just decribe the types of actions you'd take and then I'll make the rolls and narrate the result of the battle. Your weapons are las rifle, las pistol, and knife.]

[Example actions: Take cover, pull out las rifle, aim at target, fire]

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
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