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Made in cn
Blackclad Wayfarer

From England. Living in Shanghai

So after (technically) winning the last mordheim campaign that we held we are starting a new one. This time I have decided to run Possessed to try to challenge myself (last time I was a newbie and ran Skaven...unstoppable). Here's the warband I have in mind:




Mutant w/ daemon soul

Mutant w/ daemon soul




The size is quite small but it should hit quite hard. Any suggestions? Is the warband awful? Or has it got potential to win (haven't played in a while so I'm a bit rusty).

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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

You would be taking route test early. I would try to start off with 9 models if possible.

A fan-based small-scale skirmish game designed to enhance the gaming experience of the never ending wars of the futuristic 41st Millennium

Made in hk
Bounding Assault Marine

Naples, Fl

luke I was going to do possessed.

....Fine, looks like your going to be facing an load of archers during our first game.

.. Black Forest .. Red Sea .. 
Made in cn
Blackclad Wayfarer

From England. Living in Shanghai

Lol. Am about to send you an email (along with the rest of the crew).

I know rout tests are a problem, but with intial high T warriors with multiple wounds I was hoping that might count for something.

So...would it help negate it?

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Made in cn
Bounding Assault Marine

Naples, Fl

Even with multi-wound Models you would have problems with route tests.
If your opponent focuses on just 2 models they could force you to take a route test very early in the game.


While beastmen are beastly in hth, theyre very expensive, and will still die like anything else under a hail of arrows.
Cultists seem more economical, and you can fit more in the list early on.

Great for meat-shield duty, or human wave assaults

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/06/21 02:03:00

.. Black Forest .. Red Sea .. 
Made in cn
Blackclad Wayfarer

From England. Living in Shanghai

Yeah, my plan of action is to hide, advance slowly and then expose myself to only 1 round of shooting before I get the charge. Most units will be hitting on 4's at best and then wounding on 5's. And I have 5 models like that with 2 wounds each. Then once they get into combat they *should* win.

I want to max out the heroes for the purposes of getting gold so the only things to change would be the beastmen, and to be honest I think that would be a bad idea. Anyway, if I lose bad in my first game I can always make another warband.

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