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Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

I have an obsession with old minis.
My other obsession is getting it perfect... Have you ever noticed that if you take a really sharp photo of a mini and zoom in a bit you start to see all sorts of misatkes and blotches that you just didi'nt notice before? that really narks me off so with the aid of camera, magnifying glass and tiny tiny brush I will endevour to improve. I'm not really a great painter or anything, I just really want to be...

Sadly I don't do conversions these days because I hold my vintage lead miniatures in a kind of reverence and will not cut them - Maybe I should get some cheap plastics and experiment though. I see some amazing things on here. Gitsplitta's rebuilding the mantis warriors is my current fav.

Now if anyone starts going on at me about how the old minis were badly sculpted and new plastics are the way forward I will just have to say that I just don't care, its not a rational obsession and anyway I think most old minis can be redeamed with a good paint job - Back in those days all the non-pro's would just slather on the paint in great swathes and obscure all the detail - one of my favourite things about buying second hand is dettoling off the cr*ppy old paint job and seeing the fresh mini beneath.
So lets cut the cr*p and get to the minis.

These are what I currently have stripped, assembled and undercoated. the one with the scanner thingy is a medic (apothecary). I'm going to do a small squad painted in the colors of my made up chapter The Dark Knights (derivative but who cares). They are related to the dark angels and they borrow a lot from the deathwing colour scheme

and heres the color scheme

and here are the work in progress shots for the prototype - This is the first marine I have painted in 10 years so be gentle

And heres the next two I will do - I hope to learn from the first and make these dudes even better

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Coming soon - Chaos squats! Other squats! Eldar! Necromundia! and a really old Inquisitor!

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Seeing as I said extra squats I suppose I better pop a few up for your delectation

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I'm going for a broader colour scheme for the next lot of squats I do. Throw a bit of red and colored metallics in there. Maybe redder beards too[u]

This message was edited 103 times. Last update was at 2017/08/13 20:06:18

Made in au


Hide those Squa-...I mean 'Space Marines', dude! The Inquisition's coming! They'll be here any-

Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

Hehe. Seriously? But I have a whole army of space midgets to paint and post! I think this calls for a sit in and some placards.

here are some other dudes I won on ebay. Old eldar, two necromunda types, a mutant space pirate and an oldschool assassin.

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Any way they are allies of the imperium right? they are in my book (its an old book)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/06 13:25:06

Made in gb


the quote is from Jarhead (or Full metal jacket) and is a Marines homage to his rifle.

I love the older minatures they rock. have just started stipping a load down that i found laying around to repaint.

Made in gb
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

London, England

Lets stick with it being a Full Metal Jacket quote it's an eminently better film.

Always fun to see some older models, especially some of the Eldar ones. As to the Imperial assassin I never could shake the image of sub zero or scorpion from my mind with that one. It may be a cool little pop culture homage if you were to paint him up in some of the old mortal combat colours.

Like what I see, so you have my attention. Subscribed.

No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
Made in gb


I assuem that some of these models have had paint on them at some point. How are you stripping them?

Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

Anthony_D its dettol I use. But anything which contains isopropyl alchohol will do, so cheap poundshop stuff will work but not as well. The dettol softens up the paint and it tears off in sticky threads. I recomend leaving metal models for two days in pure dettol (it corrodes plastic a bit so just over night for plastic) then fill a sink with water and a big splash of dettol, get some rubber gloves on or your hands will stink and use a stiff brush that you don't mind distroying to rub off the acrylic. I often have to finish off the bits of paint in cracks with a needle though...

The quote is most defo from full metal jacket. I felt that jarhead was a depressing letdown (in that of course it perfectly described the first gulf war).

lennysmash I love your idea about the mortal combat dudes!! I would probs go for scorpion cos I like the color green.

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I will have finished some more marines soon - they are going to be an improvement on the first! Im getting better at fine work as I just bought a thinner paint brush.

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Look what came out of the paint stripper!!

there are 2 heavies, one dude with a flamer, champions, a captain or two, 2 apothecaries a chaplain, 3 or four librarians and a lot of standard troops. A couple are duplicated so if anyone wants to make me an offer then I would consider it. I hate painting the same model twice unless its years later.

Does anyone know if the dude with his arms in the air and a hood on his head (there are two of him) is an inquisitor? I bought him on the assumption that he was but all it says on his slotta is 'Marine'.

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And here are the Humans - top left has had his head swapped for a beakie helmet. Two along with the chainsword and gas mask is an imperial captain. Bottom right is a necro delaque ganger, next to him is one of the very first imperial guards - a heavy infantry as he was known and then next to him with the heavy machine gun is a dude from chainsaw warrior - even older than rogue trader I think

And then there is this superb Imperial guardswoman. I picture her as being a bit like Pvt. Vasquez the cocky Hispanic marine chick from 'Aliens', cept she hasn't got such a big gun.

I'm trying out something new with the paint job - I have spread armour wash over the primed model to give a shaded grey, and then drybrushed heavily in white. I'm going to paint the colours over in watery layers and finish with some extra highlights - this blog by Ilfalna inspired me: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/307516.page

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2010/09/06 22:29:46

Made in gb
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

London, England

I personally use nail polish remover for my metal minis leave them in for around 20 mins then scrub, back in for another 20 then scrub and finally wash in warm soapy water. It is very important not to wash the metals before the final stage as this causes the paint to coagulate into a sticky gunk. if the models is a little messy whilst you are scrubing just dip the bruch into the nail polish remover and use the this to clean off the debris.

Hope this helps as two days sounds rather a long time to wait for anything in this hobby

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weetyskemian44 wrote:
Does anyone know if the dude with his arms in the air and a hood on his head (there are two of him) is an inquisitor? I bought him on the assumption that he was but all it says on his slotta is 'Marine'.

He certainly is a marine from 1988, I believe it is only later that he became described as a librarian. If you are doing a project of this type then stuff of legends will help you out immensely, I've included a link to the citadel homepage but remember not all of the early minis were produced by citadel. The site has catalogues for these as well.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/07 09:41:22

No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
Made in ph
Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver

Philipppines/United Kingdom

Hey Lennymarsh!

I love oopertroopers too! Though you have way more than me...which is saying something!

Agree with your sentiments in the first post.

There were 3 chainsaw warrior models. On your group photo, 3rd row down, 4 from left...is that a fabled Rhino Warrior?

Makati Marauders Gaming and Painting Club.
Made in gb
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

London, England

I think you mean weety, .

Sorry mate looks like I stole your thread, lol

No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
Made in ph
Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver

Philipppines/United Kingdom

I love the armour on the 1st ED. Chaplains...(2nd Row 2nd Left)...will you keep him in the Rogue Trader Stylie?

Makati Marauders Gaming and Painting Club.
Made in gb


I went to B'n'Q yesterday and was banned from buying nitro mors by the wife, instead i picked up white spirit, brush cleaner and wall paper stripper as basically the idea i had was how to undo what abuse I'd given the models.

Stuck some test minis in and they scrubbed up clean after 12 hours or so, the bases turned to mush though so plastics need to be watched but do clean without loosing details if you only dip them for about an hour or so.

Made in ph
Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver

Philipppines/United Kingdom

Sorry Dude! I am running on Coffee and instant noodles!

I do mean Weety! But it took me a while to get what you meant! Wait...who am I addressing this too?

Weety! Awesome! Won't alter the post else it get seriously confusing!

Lennymarsh! Er...oops.

Makati Marauders Gaming and Painting Club.
Made in gb
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

London, England

LennySMASH, stop trying to change things manoknok,

No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

This is the wip for private Vasquez. For some reason i cant get my camera to focus today. But you get the idea - normally for a guardsman i would add some metal to the gun, highlight the face and stop. but this ones a bit special so she is getting tons of highlights and washes, and some freehand on he armour. She is gona look cool.

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I will take nail polish remover into account, I think I have some kicking around - but its only a small bottle.

Thats the rhino warrior I think - he was also described as heavy infantryman on solelegends I think.

On the chaplain I'm Going for a black, white and red accessories I think - Don't suppose anyone has a link to how 'Eavy metal painted him way back when?

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I gotta go to work now. Bah!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/09/07 11:26:59

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Everywhere I'm not supposed to be.

All of this is awesome, I love seeing the older mini's get a new paintjob. And your little homage to Full Metal Jacket is the Rifleman's Prayer.

If you need me, I'll be busy wiping the layers of dust off my dice. 
Made in gb


haivng been banned from nitro mors for it's cancer inducing affects. I found that a combination of white spirit and brush cleaner works well.

Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

Nitro Mors? Isn't that like a heavy duty industrial varnish stripper? So It gets the paint off really well but then you have cancer? hehehe the things we do for love.

Heres a couple of dudes I finished off real quick like. Not happy with the delaque though, i love the colors but he is not well executed (thats probably cos I didn't have the extra thin brush when I did his basic colours.

The other dude is a mutant pirate from the space pirate set!! He would make an excellent cultist.

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Oh and thankyou crashUSAR. I dig complements

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/07 17:54:33

Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

And an update on Vasquez
[Thumb - highlights.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/07 19:03:11

Made in gb



Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

Does anyone have any thoughts on what to highlight black hair with that wont make her look like shes going grey

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This is amazing!!! her name actually is Vaskez!! those dudes at GM musta watched aliens when it first came out

http://www.solegends.com/citrt/rto5ig96.html she is halfway down on the left - looking very different

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/07 19:06:53

Made in ca
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation


Jus a though how about a dark purple or blue? that is what gets reflected with black hair, I have not tryed it but i think I would work just fine

In death you shall serve!
Made in gb
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

London, England

Bit late now but you could of left it white and used multiple coats of badab black wash. I've seen black highlighted with scorched brown before, it look aright.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/07 20:53:22

No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

I might go for a bit of both of your suggestions and uses a bluey purpley brown - but we will see. She is def not staying gray, although I'm sure being the only woman in the platoon would turn me gray prematurely

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

New York, Technocratic People's Republic of Vinnland

"The time for talking is over. Now call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard, and we hit it fast, with a major, and I mean major, leaflet campaign."

Subscribed. I support anachronistic figure styles and think this thread is awesome.

You've got some of the same classic metal beakies I've got, I won't even strip mine from their original paint, it's just too sentimental to me.

My blog about old minis, painting, restoring, sculpting: http://gholascale.blogspot.com/ 
Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

polymorph? awsome stuff Mr Ambull. I got these from peeps on ebay and I feel very unsentimental about their paintjobs. I laugh as i drop them in the seething acid bath!

I keep rambling on and on and on and then reading I and deleting it cos its obviously deranged rubbish. I think i need a special blog where I can talk bollox and no one will read it -

A diary?

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U should take some photos and put em in your gallery

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/07 21:36:09

Made in us
Napoleonics Obsesser


Amazing! Where'd you find them?

If only ZUN!bar were here... 
Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

Ebay. I've got about ten unpainted ones coming soon. 99p each. The secret is is to find em when they are first listed and have no bids - and just put a 99p bid on EVERY SINGLE ONE. You wont win most of em, most of em will sell for 4-5 quid (10dollar?) but a few will slip through the net

Made in ca
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation


Although i was never big into the sifi mini's i have a ton of older fantasy mini's and i know just how you feel about them. (I was at work with the last post and didn't get a chance to write much) there has always been a special feel to the older models that you just don't get from the mass produced ones now a days! can't wait to see more and keep up the good work!

In death you shall serve!
Made in ph
Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver

Philipppines/United Kingdom


Knowing how difficult it is to strip and paint these miniatures I think you are doing a awesome job!!

Can I convert your guardsmen to my cause? They seem to have smarter uniforms than mine!! :-p

Have you got any squat heavy weapons/trikes?

Makati Marauders Gaming and Painting Club.
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