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Anvil Industry - August Final days: Medieval Mech Loyalty Reward + Civilian Disaster Response!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I really loved those space ship conversions, I've got a feeling you guys should do something more with that...

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Just a heads up, there's now Starter Sets up on the site, one for each faction. Bunch o' minis, and assorted tokens, dice, and a 'while stocks last' free fluff/art book. I haven't checked the prices, but I'm guessing there's a saving built into the sets too.

Made in us
Terminator with Assault Cannon


I know you guys (AI) are concentrating on your new line and all but will there ever be more support for the Exo-Lords?

SickSix's Silver Skull WIP thread
My Youtube Channel
JSF wrote:... this is really quite an audacious move by GW, throwing out any pretext that this is a game and that its customers exist to do anything other than buy their overpriced products for the sake of it. The naked arrogance, greed and contempt for their audience is shocking.
= Epic First Post.
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


 SickSix wrote:
I know you guys (AI) are concentrating on your new line and all but will there ever be more support for the Exo-Lords?

There has been some new additions recently if you check the site.

Joel I was wondering if there would be any chance of adding the seated legs from the Recon jeep to the conversion section ? I know it's a long shot but I have to ask.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Morning all,

@RiTides - Thanks, glad you like the look of them! Yes a printed version is planned for next year, no exact timeline yet, and there will be at least one more PDF edition first (adding vehicle rules among other things).

@Plessiez - Sorry you are having trouble with the legs. We do actually have some separate torsos we can sell you, but the problem then (and the reason we don't sell them on the store) is that there are no arms which fit perfectly. I originally planned a much wider range of "bits" for making up human scale infantry, but have found the two piece design with legs, and torso/arms/gun, to be much easier to design/manufacture, and also easier for people to build the kits.

Cadian torsos may work ok if you trim the plastic belt off, otherwise other manufactures torsos may fit. They are, ultimately, offered as conversion bits rather than complete kits, so I would expect some modification to be needed, depending on the chosen top half.

@Malika2 - Thanks, they are cool, but sadly no plans to make space ships any time soon! Perhaps when a certain game is re-released Ill look at a small Space ship project, but it would be a sideline hobby project rather than any kind of extensive range.

@Paradigm - Thanks for posting the link, yes indeed there is a built in saving (around £5) on the minaitures, plus the box and all the add ons "free" so really quite a good deal.

@SickSix - There have been a few parts recently, and I will likely release a few new bits here and there next year, but I don't have any plans for major releases or new products. I only have so much time to focus on designing new stuff and the list of possible projects is endless!

@LDD - No, but we could sell you the whole "crew" sprue, email us with exactly what components you need and how many of each and we will see what we can find.



Creative Director at Anvil Industry. Posting on Dakka in a personal capacity, except in the official Anvil Industry N&R thread.
Anvil Industry Webstore
Anvil Industry Facebook Page with regular updates/news.
Anvil Digital Forge on Patreon

Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


Got the not Marine Snipers and Jump troops - very pleased with them

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/12/14 12:41:33


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

@Mr Morden - Thanks very much!


Our last release of 2015 is the return of an old favorite! We sold our Carapace Missile Launcher, one of the first products Anvil ever released, up until earlier this year when the mold wore out and I decided a digital revamp was in order.

I now present the new improved Missile Launcher, suitable for mounting on an armoured carapace/shoulders, or on a wide range of vehicles as an auxiliary launcher. Its approx. 27mm wide, 8mm high and 15mm deep.

The new version is the same basic design as the old one but with a few tweaks and of course, being digital, its a much cleaner sculpt!

Click HERE for product page.

For our UK customers - we are shipping right up until Monday 21st December, so still time for some last minute Christmas shopping!

Creative Director at Anvil Industry. Posting on Dakka in a personal capacity, except in the official Anvil Industry N&R thread.
Anvil Industry Webstore
Anvil Industry Facebook Page with regular updates/news.
Anvil Digital Forge on Patreon

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Looks pretty awesome Waiting for the photos of the resin component.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Well here it is on the Instigator ARV!

The Launcher has two rectangular mounting points on the bottom, which can be easily modified for various mounting angles.

There are lots more photos on the product page HERE


[Thumb - instigatorMissile.jpg]

Creative Director at Anvil Industry. Posting on Dakka in a personal capacity, except in the official Anvil Industry N&R thread.
Anvil Industry Webstore
Anvil Industry Facebook Page with regular updates/news.
Anvil Digital Forge on Patreon

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut


Very cool!!!


Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Damn you Joel now I have to buy another one of these now ......... Or two
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

 Malika2 wrote:
I really loved those space ship conversions, I've got a feeling you guys should do something more with that...

I missed the newsletter about this one and it was clearly my loss. Great conversions! Pretty sure I have all the bits I need to build them as well so I may have to give it a shot.

While on the topic I would also like to point out just how cool Conversion Corner is. What a great little idea!

Do you ever plan to sell the plastic bases separately? I have been hunting for a plain base such as the ones that come with the Afterlife models for ages, especially the larger ones but aside from buying the overpriced GW ones there seems to be no one selling that exact kind for a good price.

I also can't seem to find the mold stuff that was really good for making copies of hard to find bits, has it been discontinued or is it just hiding one the site where I can't find it?

Made in us
Terminator with Assault Cannon


Thanks Joel. Awesome missle launcher.

SickSix's Silver Skull WIP thread
My Youtube Channel
JSF wrote:... this is really quite an audacious move by GW, throwing out any pretext that this is a game and that its customers exist to do anything other than buy their overpriced products for the sake of it. The naked arrogance, greed and contempt for their audience is shocking.
= Epic First Post.
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

It's been a while but my second Instigator now has its driver...
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Just saw this:

A belated Happy New Year to all our customers! We are back in the studio and after a few extremely busy days after the break, we have cleared the backlog of orders and are ready to hit the ground running in 2016!

Here is a WIP render of the Unity Council Taipan, a much larger APC designed to transport Ajax Exo-Mechs into battle.

The Taipan will have a turret with Twin Heavy Autocannons OR a missile system, and as you can see, it features full interior detailing!

As I anticipate lots of people asking - Yes, this vehicle is the perfect size to use as a replacement for That vehicle.

As in, people who don't like the Taurox, get this one instead.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Portsmouth UK

resin or plastic?

Check out my gallery here
Also I've started taking photos to use as reference for weathering which can be found here. Please send me your photos so they can be found all in one place!! 
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Wild stab, but I'd say resin, as plastic may be a little out of the way for this company just yet.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Looks very nice.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Looks good, except for the odd looking wheel rims

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Their armoured car has the same type, some sort of anti-deflate type or the like.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

The exhaust coming out of the cab is just as bizarre as the Tauroxes headers leading into the cab and out the troop area. Run a pipe down the side of the hull forward of the cab door and into the engine compartment or get rid of it completly, IMO.

Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


 the_Armyman wrote:
The exhaust coming out of the cab is just as bizarre as the Tauroxes headers leading into the cab and out the troop area. Run a pipe down the side of the hull forward of the cab door and into the engine compartment or get rid of it completly, IMO.

He said on Facebook that he based its design on existing MRAPs, so I would guess that he got that feature from an actual one. I still need to get the other APC, but this one is pretty badass looking too.

Made in us
Martial Arts Fiday

Nashville, TN

Nice! I like it. I've been looking for a futuristic truck for scenery in Infinity. Price will decide though since it's only terrain.

"Holy Sh*&, you've opened my eyes and changed my mind about this topic, thanks Dakka OT!"

-Nobody Ever

Proverbs 18:2

"CHEESE!" is the battlecry of the ill-prepared.

 warboss wrote:

GW didn't mean to hit your wallet and I know they love you, baby. I'm sure they won't do it again so it's ok to purchase and make up.

Albatross wrote:I think SlaveToDorkness just became my new hero.

EmilCrane wrote:Finecast is the new Matt Ward.

Don't mess with the Blade and Bolter! 
Made in us
Veteran Inquisitor with Xenos Alliances

 Barzam wrote:
 the_Armyman wrote:
The exhaust coming out of the cab is just as bizarre as the Tauroxes headers leading into the cab and out the troop area. Run a pipe down the side of the hull forward of the cab door and into the engine compartment or get rid of it completly, IMO.

He said on Facebook that he based its design on existing MRAPs, so I would guess that he got that feature from an actual one. I still need to get the other APC, but this one is pretty badass looking too.
On the MRAP the main reason is so the bottom of the vehicle can be the distinct "V" shape that make it mine resistant, mounting brackets and the exhaust pipe itself would tend to create concentration points where explosive pressure could build up and lead to "catastrophic penetration." It's not really a necessity just a way of simplifying the design from if they tried to keep it mounted underneath.

That said, on the above vehicle, running the exhaust pipe through the driver cabin is sure to make it get hot in there... so we should all pretend it has some sort of waste heat capturing system bringing it down to ambient and powering all the electronics.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2016/01/07 00:02:51

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 aka_mythos wrote:
That said, on the above vehicle, running the exhaust pipe through the driver cabin is sure to make it get hot in there... so we should all pretend it has some sort of waste heat capturing system bringing it down to ambient and powering all the electronics.
Vehicles in the future don't need an exhaust! ^_^ It is a air filtration, purification system for the people inside the vehicle. Yeah... that's what it is.
Made in us
Veteran Inquisitor with Xenos Alliances

 Dark Severance wrote:
 aka_mythos wrote:
That said, on the above vehicle, running the exhaust pipe through the driver cabin is sure to make it get hot in there... so we should all pretend it has some sort of waste heat capturing system bringing it down to ambient and powering all the electronics.
Vehicles in the future don't need an exhaust! ^_^ It is a air filtration, purification system for the people inside the vehicle. Yeah... that's what it is.
That makes just as much sense. Filter out all that radioactive fallout... you know after the "Franchise wars" of the early 2000's... only Taco Bell survived.
Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I really like the instigators

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

 Barzam wrote:
 the_Armyman wrote:
The exhaust coming out of the cab is just as bizarre as the Tauroxes headers leading into the cab and out the troop area. Run a pipe down the side of the hull forward of the cab door and into the engine compartment or get rid of it completly, IMO.

He said on Facebook that he based its design on existing MRAPs, so I would guess that he got that feature from an actual one. I still need to get the other APC, but this one is pretty badass looking too.

Right, existing MRAPs have an exhaust system that avoids the underside of the vehicle. The exhaust pipe typically runs either along a running board below the crew doors or up along the driver's support pillar and terminates on the roof complete with heat shields to protect crew members who might touch an exposed pipe. However, the pipe doesn't just sprout from the roof of the vehicle's crew compartment.

Made in jp
Fixture of Dakka


 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
Looks good, except for the odd looking wheel rims

This has been a thing lately

I would suggest making the cab and personal area separate pieces so it can become a multi purpose vehicle, with options like flatbed, AA, missile launcher, railgun?

"That sound? That's the sound of me drinking all my paint and stabbing myself in the eyes with my brushes. "
My Doombringer Space Marine Army
Hello Kitty Space Marines project
Buddhist Space marine Project
Other Projects
Imageshack deleted all my Images Thank you! 
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Looks great, though being resin I can't see the price being particularly friendly to buying a few of them.

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