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Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Well that's a lovely sight to warm my festive heart! Papa bless and keep you in this time of seasonal cheer!
Thank you for your well wishes as well as your compliments. Clearly my army still has a long way to go before it is finished, if there truly ever is such a time, but I am enjoying getting back into it.
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
The terminators look fantastic, great job on the cloaks.
I appreciate that Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll, always happy to hear from you.

I hope you both are doing something fun to ring in the new year with.
Today is the first bit of painting I have had the chance for since my last update, but I thought you guys would be pleasantly surprised by the latest creation I have built, a Decimator. I've had this one on the backburner for so long I can't even remember when I got it, other than I think I got a good deal for it on ebay.

He doesn't look nearly as cool without his giant shoulder pads attached yet, but still pretty imposing nonetheless.
I've made a few additions, but most importantly I think he is much improved by my giving him an actual abdomen region. Normally he just has his massive chest directly attached to his pelvis which I always thought was a weird design choice.
I also magnetized his arms. I don't have any alternate weapons so it was really just to make assembly easier, plus it keeps his arms in proportion to his added height and allows to me switch their poses.
Speaking of height, with my modification and the pose I have his legs he stands 12cm or just about 5 inches so not as tall as a knight, but certainly nothing to sneeze at.

Oh, and here are a couple shots of my other newest build. It is the only model I have from I think Artel miniatures.
It's supposed to be a chaplain, but I think he could easily stand in for a dark apostle.
At some point I'm planning to build a unit of chosen from some spare parts that will be armed with a bunch of thunderhammers so he is meant to fit in with them.

As a side note I also finished rebasing my Daemon Prince on a 60mm, plus my Obliterators up to 50mm so that's why they were in disarray in the group shots.
I still have to move a couple of my old units up to 32mm eventually and my havocs up to 40mm, but it's not the most exciting work to show off.
[Thumb - Decimator build 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator build 0.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator build scale.jpg]

[Thumb - Chaplain 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Chaplain 2.jpg]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/01/01 00:31:14

Made in ua
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Yorkshire, England

Hope you have a fantastic new year! Loving your Nurgle stuff!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/01 09:52:15

Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 MetalOxide wrote:
Hope you have a fantastic new year! Loving your Nurgle stuff!
Thanks a bunch MetalOxide! Not sure if you've stopped by before, but if so it's great to see a new face, especially a fellow Nurgle devotee.
Speaking of which, I love your display pic. If you look back at my Death May Die stuff you will have noticed I am a big Cthulhu fan, in fact I recently got a really nice hardcover edition of the complete HP Lovecraft.

I think you'll like this next one a lot.
My first completed mini for 2024 is my take on the Biologus Putrifier. I kind of think he looks like an evil Christmas tree.
He has been on the backburner in my army for years so it feels nice to cross him off the list. He took me 3 days going at it pretty steady, but so far I am liking this new recipe for a more yellow green armor so I guess I'll stick with it.

I would kind of like to get started on my Decimator next, but that's a fairly big project. That goes double for my chaos knight.
Part of me feels I should start doing some actual troops at some point, but I'm not a fan of batch painting.

[Thumb - Biologus Putrifier 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Biologus Putrifier 3.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Biologus Putrifier 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Biologus Putrifier 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Biologus Putrifier 6.jpg]

[Thumb - Biologus Putrifier 7.jpg]

[Thumb - Biologus Putrifier 8.jpg]

Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

I noticed the pictures of my last post came out a lot brighter than I had thought. This was partially because I took them under a different overhead light so I may retake them at some point.

Nevertheless I have a special unveiling ready for you today. After nearly a decade from when I first purchased him, I have completed my Decimator. I'm glad to finally have him crossed off my todo list.
I'm on the fence about which style of green armor I will continue with if I ever get to my troop choices, but for this one I decided to go with the old style, both because the model itself is old and very angular shaped.

How do you guys like how he turned out?
AS usual after taking the pictures I realized I had forgotten to paint his eyes so they are actually reddish orange now, and I had to touch up some of the gold trim on his shin armor.

You can see how he stacks up to my Putrifier in the last included picture.
[Thumb - Decimator 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator 6.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator 7.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator 8.jpg]

[Thumb - Decimator scale.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/18 02:26:18

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Looks ace. Colours really pop. I love the claws!

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Looks ace. Colours really pop. I love the claws!
Much obliged, I'm happy to have someone experienced in the teachings of Nurgle like you since this is one of the few "old school" 40k Chaos projects I had left to accomplish.
Mind you, I previously mentioned the many cool giant Creature Caster demons that have a real primal chaos vibe which I have made no progress on in what seems like forever, but that's because they are big projects and I despise working with super glue.

Case in point, I was trying to work on some other resin stuff after building the decimator, and my bottle of super glue dried shut.
This is after only using it for like 2-3 days so it is still 99% full. The last bottle I have lasted much longer, but was still half full by the time it was completely unusable. I hate not being able to use things I payed for because of faultiness, not to mention the uncountable times I've glued my fingers together while the actual model in question just falls apart like the glue wasn't even there.
So that's why I've stopped buying anything resin.

Anyway, I'm taking a bit of a break from 40k to return to some board games, in this case more Final Girl, so here is Krampus from the special Christmas themed scenario that just came out.
It's a bit late to still be the proper season, but I'm curious to see how it plays. I still have a reindeer and Mrs. Claus to work on, but this guy is ready to whip some naughty lil snots nevertheless.
I kind of like how he ties into the Creature Caster bust I painted of Krampus 5 years ago, almost exactly to the very day.

It was the first bust I ever bought, and I actually went back to him last year to attach him to a proper plinth. I should probably update his pictures to reflect that, but usually minis look better when they're fresh plus I think I didn't get the rod drilled in quite as deep as I should have.
[Thumb - Krampus 1B.jpg]

[Thumb - Krampus 3B.jpg]

[Thumb - Krampus 4B.jpg]

[Thumb - Krampus 5B.jpg]

[Thumb - Krampus 6B.jpg]

[Thumb - Krampus 7B.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/22 14:12:16

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Snazzy. Face especially.

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Snazzy. Face especially.
Thanks, always happy to come back to your consistent replies.

It's taken a bit longer than intended, but I've returned with the aforementioned Mrs Claus and her pet reindeer so I can finally get around to trying it out. There is also a 2nd choice of girls to play as for each scenario, but I still have a couple other episodes to work on before I start doubling up.

I may try to paint up the not Freddy Kreuger next, but I may start work on my Nova Aetas Renaissance instead. We shall see.
[Thumb - Mrs Claus 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Mrs Claus 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Mrs Claus 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Mrs Claus 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Mrs Claus 6.jpg]

[Thumb - Reindeer 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Reindeer 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Reindeer 3.jpg]

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I see Mrs.Klaus has a rolling pin in hand, that cannot bode well...

"Your mumblings are awakening the sleeping Dragon, be wary when meddling the affairs of Dragons, for thou art tasty and go good with either ketchup or chocolate. "
Dragons fear nothing, if it acts up, we breath magic fire that turns them into marshmallow peeps. We leaguers only cry rivets!

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Nova Aetas certainly looks interesting, and I like Ludus Magnus games generally- how do you find it?

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 shasolenzabi wrote:
I see Mrs.Klaus has a rolling pin in hand, that cannot bode well...
I don't know how it's possible to club a demon to death with a rolling pin, but I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the comment btw, always happy to see new faces stop by.
 inmygravenimage wrote:
Nova Aetas certainly looks interesting, and I like Ludus Magnus games generally- how do you find it?
I'm somewhat embarrassed to report that I have had the core game for over a month and all I have managed to do with it is undercoat the stuff for the tutorial mission, punch out the punchboards, and assemble the tracker dials. Putting together the giant one for tracking initiative was a lot more nerve-wracking than expected. I ended up having to use a screwdriver, my kitchen counter, and most of my body weight just to get it snapped together properly so I'm glad I didn't accidentally destroy it in the process.
The minis look very nice, some bent weapons, but that usually happens. They are a slightly bigger scale than 40k, but probably not as big as Oathsworn.
From what I have heard it is a very challenging game (you'll need both a good strategy AND a lot of luck for anything past the first couple missions) and the rules could have been organized better, but other than that it sounds fun.

Hopefully the next kickstarter in line, ISS Vanguard, will be delivered to me successfully very soon, and Tainted Grail Kings of Ruin shouldn't be too far behind that.

Anyway to get back to what little progress I have made lately here is the next Final Girl slasher villain.
This one is a legally distinct version of Freddy called Dr. Fright. Instead of haunting elm street it is... Maple Lane, so maybe it's Canadian Freddy? The yellow sweater is a bit bright, but that is what the game art shows him having, and I figured it would be easier than the stripes Freddy normally wears.

My neck has been acting up yet again so I am trying to take it easy, but I'll be back sooner or later.
[Thumb - Freddy 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Freddy 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Freddy 3.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Freddy 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Freddy 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Freddy 6.jpg]

Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Going back to my Death Guard for now, I have been doing a lot more assembling this past week. I was running pretty low on glue, and I have a habit of buying more than I probably should just so I can meet the almost absurdly high threshold for free shipping my FLGS has in place so as usual I tried to get a little something painted to put a dent in my backlog.

(Nova Aetas continues to get no attention it would seem, but that might be the case for a while since now I also just received my copy of both waves of ISS Vanguard).

With that in mind, here is another project I have had on the backburner for several years.
It's the first member of my Warp Claws squad. I have wings for them all since I like having demonic possession as a motif throughout my army.

I think I'm going to go back and ink the blue on his shoulder pad though because it is looking too matte.
I've also finally settled on abandoning the armor paint scheme I had been trying out with Elysian Green. I still like how my Deathshroud match my Mortarion pretty well since they are specifically assigned to him, but it was a bit too bright which meant it clashed a bit with all the other bright colors.

1 down, 11 more to go, but I highly doubt I'll get many of them done immediately following this one since I have so many other irons in the fire.

Case in point, the units hot off my assembly line include a small unit of Noise Marines with 3rd party sonic blasters, a trio of Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerers, another Havocs squad (heavy bolters this time), a Scout Sentinel for my Traitor Guard detachment, and 2 separate units that are pretty much converted from the ground up which are not quite ready to unveil yet.

The first is a 10 man strong unit of chosen based on the same Dark Angels bodies I used for my Havocs.
The second is the remaining 9 Cold One riders I would use as proxy bikers if I actually had any interest in ever playing the game again, but those days are long since past.
The only one I have finished previously is posted somewhere back in the early pages of this blog which shows just how long this unit has been in the works, probably a decade or more!
Now I feel old, not that I didn't already.

Anyway, I also got all the remaining vehicles for my Final Girl scenarios done. They are insanely tiny. The cop car is probably barely over a centimeter long.
[Thumb - Warp Claw A1.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw A2.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw A3.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw A4.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw A5.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw A6.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw A7.jpg]

[Thumb - FG vehicles 1.jpg]

[Thumb - FG vehicles 2.jpg]

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2024/02/18 21:39:51

Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Great work, mane. Really loved the purple to flesh tone transition on the krampus and it works well on the wings of the Warp Claw fella as well.

Teeny tiny cop car - or giant motorbike? Bring bring...

As for the armour question, I am a huge fan of breaking away from the idea of every-mini-in-my-army-needs-to-be-exactly-the-same, and multiple shades of green are A-OK in my book, especially if there's a bit of "these dudes are aligned with this other dude so that's why they're the same colour" going on.

I feel you on the hobby ADHD. Whatever direction you find yourself being pulled in, though, I'm excited to see the results.

Thanks for sharing!

t z you are k 
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 tzurk wrote:
Great work, mane. Really loved the purple to flesh tone transition on the krampus and it works well on the wings of the Warp Claw fella as well.

Teeny tiny cop car - or giant motorbike? Bring bring...

As for the armour question, I am a huge fan of breaking away from the idea of every-mini-in-my-army-needs-to-be-exactly-the-same, and multiple shades of green are A-OK in my book, especially if there's a bit of "these dudes are aligned with this other dude so that's why they're the same colour" going on.

I feel you on the hobby ADHD. Whatever direction you find yourself being pulled in, though, I'm excited to see the results.

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for your comment, tzurk. I'm happy to have people like you that are looking forward to more.
I have used that purple to flesh tone pretty much since the start of this army, at least since the I made the vindicator, but technically my Krampus was a bit different. He had a blue base, with a bit of the fang. I actually painted him up with all blue flesh at first since I was trying to get a cold feel for him, but it made it impossible to notice the details so I just fixed it by putting my flesh tones over top of that.

I actually would have returned much earlier if it had been up to me.
I was working diligently on the next 2 warp claws, when my roommates and I were all hit with the most miserable cold so it took an entire week to get back to feeling somewhat normal.

Nevertheless I am here now with the finished results, which includes the first of 2 aspiring champions for this pair of squads.
I gave him a different wing conversion which is a lot more fragile, but seems to be working okay thus far.

I like how the unit is shaping up so I may continue them soon, but I was also thinking of finally painting my first Noise Marine, the one with the guitar. I rushed out to my GW store to get him the day he launched thinking he was a limited edition or something, and still have yet to start him all these years later.
Now that I have my kitbashed noise squad to accompany him that may finally give me the needed impetus.
[Thumb - Warp claws group 1A.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw Champ 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claws Champ 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claws Champ 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claws Champ 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claws Champ 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw B1.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw B2.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw B3.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw B4.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw B5.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/04 13:51:23

Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

I'm back already with my aforementioned Noise Marine.

I quite like how he turned out, especially considering he only took a couple days.
I don't normally do freehand stuff, and I can't remember the last time I tried using a transfer.
The latter of which resulted in some glare in the respective photos, but overall it looks pretty good.

Maybe I will return to some more of my warp claws again, but part of me feels like finally starting the Wild Hunt models for my Witcher game.
We shall see.
[Thumb - Noise Marine Blastmaster 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Noise Marine Blastmaster 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Noise Marine Blastmaster 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Noise Marine Blastmaster 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Noise Marine Blastmaster 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Noise Marine Blastmaster 6.jpg]

Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

I actually finished my Warp Claw squad a couple days ago, and I have another whole squad of 6 built that I don't intend to go back to anytime soon, but nevertheless I am proud to have completed this many in a row.
I usually don't like working on batch painting, and there are probably a few bits that could use a touchup, but hopefully you agree that they look good as a group as shown in the last photo.

I have already almost finished my first dino rider, with the exception of the original one years back so that will be coming soon.

In other news I finally dug out my old copy of Dreadfleet which was previously inaccessible. I had only completed a couple ships a very long time ago, but I wasn't painting much at the time so they were pretty basic paintjobs as far as my standards are now.

I am very tempted to work on the ghost ship in the near future since it was always my favorite design of the bunch.
[Thumb - Warp Claw D1.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw D2.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw D3.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw D4.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw D5.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw D6.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw E1.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw E4.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw E6.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw E7.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw F6.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw F3.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw F4.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw F5.0.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claw F5.jpg]

[Thumb - Warp Claws Unit A group 6.jpg]

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Looks proper gnarly. Really cool. Looking forward to tiny ships!

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Looks proper gnarly. Really cool. Looking forward to tiny ships!
Thanks inmygravenimage, I strive to keep earning your praises. I might need a few days to plan how I am going to do the ships since there are only a handful, but nice to know they have your vote.

In the meantime here is the first of those Cold One Riders I mentioned. This unit is one of a few I have built that will include a banner, but I hate doing freehand, and it takes me forever to decide on a design.
You might notice that I forgot to remove a Khorne symbol hanging from his gun, but I will probably green stuff a quick Nurgle triangle on it or something.
[Thumb - Cold One Rider B1.0.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider B2.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider B3.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider B4.0.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider B4.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider B5.jpg]

Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Having the raptors called "cold ones" makes me think the people should be riding beer cans.

Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
Having the raptors called "cold ones" makes me think the people should be riding beer cans.
That is an amusing, but also very true observation ShadowsAndDust. Not sure I will be able to unsee that, but it wouldn't be the first questionably named gw unit.

It has been a little while in between updates, and the weather is already starting to foreshadow that time of year when it is too hot and humid to get anything done. With that in mind, I tried to get down to business over the last week.

First here is the 3rd Cold One Calvary to round out the unit, even though this one is technically the champion for a separate 2nd unit if I ever get that far. There are also a couple group shots for added tabletop presence.

Lastly, at least for now, is one more monster for my Witcher Old World.
I've gotten more 40k done this last spell than anticipated so I figured I should get something board game related finished.

Those who have played Wild Hunt will probably recognize her as one of the trio of swamp witches known as the Crones which were another one of my favorite enemy designs.
[Thumb - Cold One Calvary Group A1 copy.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Calvary Group A3.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider C2.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider C3.0.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider C4.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider C7.jpg]

[Thumb - Cold One Rider C1 copy.jpg]

[Thumb - Crone - Whispess 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Crone - Whispess 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Crone - Whispess 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Crone - Whispess 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Crone - Whispess 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Crone - Whispess 6.jpg]

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Ooh, I love the nasty gnarly flesh.

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

I was and remain obsessed with those three witches. Such great design.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Necron Warriors 
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Ooh, I love the nasty gnarly flesh.
Thanks, the flesh looks a bit dry and spotty in the pictures, but I think it looks slightly better in person. I ended up going back to my usual flesh color scheme for the others.

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
I was and remain obsessed with those three witches. Such great design.
It's great to have a fellow Wild Hunt enthusiast here. I think you'll be pleased to see the complete coven now unveiled.

I have been falling behind on my posting lately, but that just means I have more to show off this time.

I present to you the full coven of Crones. The Whispess from before, along with the Weavess, and lastly the coolest of the bunch by far imo, the Brewess. You can tell she is the muscle of their operation.
I took a bit more time with her to try and make sure I could do her justice, but overall they went smoothly and were a joy to paint.

The last mini I have to show off for today means I have finally started to make headway on the Witcher expansion I am most excited for, but I refuse to play it until I have it all painted.
I am referring to the solo mode, called Wild Hunt, so this is the first of the Hounds of the Wild Hunt.
They are the most daunting part though because there are 6 of them, and they come in 3 variations. This is one of the singles, but they also come in pairs and trios all on the same base so really there are about a dozen in total. It's going to be a pain to keep them relatively consistent.

There are also all the major generals of the hunt, including both a mounted and unmounted version of Eredin, if I ever get that far.

[Thumb - Crones Coven 1.4.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones Coven 1.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Weavess 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Weavess 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Weavess 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Weavess 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Weavess 6.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Brewess 1.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Brewess 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Brewess 11.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Brewess 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Crones - Brewess 6.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound A1.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound A3.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound A4.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound A5.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound A6.jpg]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/04/16 22:49:56

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Gorgeous, well done work.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Necron Warriors 
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Gorgeous, well done work.
Thanks so much for that high praise, Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who is pleased with how they turned out.

While my painting season is now more or less concluded for the time being, I did manage to get a few steps closer to completing my Wild Hunt expansion. I fell behind on posting them again so I'll lead off with the first couple high ranking members of the Hunt, Nithral and Imerlith (The former has the big axe, with the latter using the giant club/mace).
I realized after the first hound that adding a bit of my snow basing material was better and easier than just painting snow manually.

I also finished a couple more of the hounds so that just leaves 3 more of those, a sorcerer which I have already gotten started, and the king of the hunt himself, Eredin. Eredin also came with a much bigger alternate mounted version for being a day 1 backer, but I probably won't start that anytime soon.
[Thumb - Nithral 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Nithral 2.1.jpg]

[Thumb - Nithral 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Nithral 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Nithral 6.jpg]

[Thumb - Nithral 7.jpg]

[Thumb - Imerlith 1.0.jpg]

[Thumb - Imerlith 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Imerlith 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Imerlith 4.0.jpg]

[Thumb - Imerlith 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Imerlith 7.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound B1.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound B2.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound B3.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound B4.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound B5.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound C1.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound C2.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound C3.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound C4.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound C6.6.jpg]

[Thumb - Hound C6.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 13:24:11

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

They're looking great, but particular shout-out for the ace basing.

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in ca
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

 inmygravenimage wrote:
They're looking great, but particular shout-out for the ace basing.
Thanks a lot inmygravenimage. It took a couple tries, but I worked out a decent scheme for ice using a blue contrast and a random kind of aquamarine paint I was given way back. It also helps immensely when games come with good presculpted bases.

I have one more big update for you all before packing it in until the heat dies down.

I am proud to say I managed to complete the whole wild hunt solo expansion for my Witcher game. There is still quite a few minis for it left, in fact I am only exactly halfway done now.
Some of the remaining hounds came out a bit darker than the rest, but they're close enough I guess.

Speaking of hounds, I even squeezed in one extra monster not related to this expansion, a Barghest, which is basically a ghost dog. I didn't get him as bright and vibrant as some of the reference images I was shooting for, but I got tired of fiddling with him so he will have to suffice.

More importantly there are the remaining two generals, Caranthir and the King of the Hunt himself Eredin.
I really like how Caranthir turned out, he is the sorcerer with the staff.
Eredin on the other hand was a bit tricky to get right, but like I said I still have the mounted version to take crack at some point down the line.

Even though I hate not getting much painting done in the summer months since my backlog is so massive with more games on the way, I am looking forward to actually playing more of these board games and going back to some other hobbies for a while. I am almost done reading the entire series of Witcher novels for example.

I hope anyone following me will stick around long enough to see my eventual return and happy painting to you guys in the meantime.
[Thumb - Hounds group 1.1.jpg]

[Thumb - Hounds group 1.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Hounds group 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Caranthir 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Caranthir 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Caranthir 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Caranthir 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Caranthir 5.jpg]

[Thumb - Caranthir 7.jpg]

[Thumb - Eredin 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Eredin 2.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Eredin 3.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Eredin 5.5.jpg]

[Thumb - Eredin 6.jpg]

[Thumb - Eredin 7.1.jpg]

[Thumb - Eredin 9.7.jpg]

[Thumb - Hunt generals 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Barghest 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Barghest 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Barghest 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Barghest 4.jpg]

[Thumb - Barghest 5.jpg]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/18 09:54:06

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