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Made in us
Stubborn Eternal Guard

Houston, Tx

I finally finished painting my Warband and here is my Shadow Warrior list;

Shadow Master;

Shadow Walkers (3);
-(3) Swords
-(3) Bows
-(3) Daggers

Shadow Weaver;

Shadow Warriors (3);
-(3) Bows
- Sword
-(3) Daggers

Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

Northern California

Why don't you put the pictures up?

Casual wargamer, casual painter, casual grad student. I can do formal though, I do own a tuxedo T-shirt.

My wargaming blog: http://headspigot.blogspot.com 
Made in us
Stubborn Eternal Guard

Houston, Tx

Because I forgot :C

And I have no idea how to take pictures of models with out them looking terrible, but I will give it a shot
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Was this your starting warband? Whats the gc cost of it come out to? 500? I'm just starting a Shadow Warriors warband and am pretty much looking to make a list very similar to yours. Don't have a list in front of me since I'm at work so cant total the cost for myself :(

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/04/26 15:31:51

Made in us
Stubborn Eternal Guard

Houston, Tx

Yes this is my Starting Warband, it equals 500 gold on the dot
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


What type of Bow did you give them? I've been rather found of the elf bow in early playtesting of my list. Have you had much success with this warband? I play mine as an extreme shooty band however I've read a lot of tactics online that suggest shadow warriors are best ran as a hand 2 hand warband to take advantage of the high WS and I

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User


I have a very similar list, however the Henchmen only have swords and I have 1 Elven Bow held by a Shadow Walker. This is a very good Assault army due to the high speed and initiative. I played this same army last year in our summer league and by getting 2 skills the Heroes were almost over the top: Sprint, allowing for a 15" Charge or run; and Lightning Reflexes, allowing attacks by Initiative even when charged.
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